Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1926, p. 2

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Page Two Repairing unucrrul nu \,vuu\.\.muA Established 1869 ) D- ,,, 0 000000000: Phone 229. DU-'1 Barrie. Ont Barrie. The runmzmt of the Kng (}.ovv-rn- menxt in1.(:n(I.s no holvl on U: <'u:x- :;.:- long as possible. This Mui;:h4;n amentbnenst was It:-f<-all-I by 11 mar- ..`l' 6 I... oL.. ll........_. .. ...., . u..u~.u-uu-.u-u -gun ..-....~.-v- u_v u. unu- -;.:'fI1 OT th1'(.-0 by thv I`m1:;rv-.~;.-`.ivc-.4, who have been pmmi.+-cl :uxyLh.Im: and everyt.hi.nr;: tht-y Ila.-: l`h- Prog'mss'wcs Hwznllowc.-I Lha: bait and all but ve of them recorded Llu.-ir votes to save the sinloirng ship. It is very evident, howt.-vcr, that. tzhu Liberal G.oIverrnrment is doomed and AI, 4 A4u.n.;uu \4I\1'I\,A-A|\A1|\/nun nu Ibllvunpxl uuu camrnot survive. In the meantime the country is suffcriaw; and widl bake 2131'] the longer to recover. 'Dhc Inilbeira.-1 pamty wtill also suffer. Had Premier Kimg axncepxted the verdict of Oct. 29th last: amd resigned ait -_.._- L.'... ..A.4.. _...JI,) _nL 'I.......l- I....-... vnuuc, uua you-v_y vvvuwu, (av uauam, * e respect. of the elections of _.l.. still will his proper chooses. The arrtioles appoarivng in the Ad- ..._..- 3..-... kt... 4,. MW. 1: 1 no (Inn Notes and Comments THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 1926 W \ The tourist trade now ranks third: mong the iz:du:1rie-_= in Canada in. he value of the mone';: spe-..4.:_. ac- y _ _. ,~___ :1 bit, ` Lu-'L: fly "' r.` G1l12Nurth2rnAhnanr2 sun can ` have f::.'i1,h As a rmut of an inlbensive cann- ` -wmitgvn stautul in 1921 no make a ` clown-up of t.l1vc'bs from Mhc OamIad.i:am mails, there luwe been made in the four ycwrs 30-1 anmcstzs on a. chmmge of stoznling fmm the n1a.i.1s-- yeanby .'x\'N`n_.~'- M` 7G..:1ml QLI'l1l'0:~lL' am! of nlmsc ar1'0..~.t.s rcsulftczl -iln convictsivon .. ,1, u..:.) .... ..I .. ..,...ur.-mun A4` TJH(`.S(3 Ell`l'L'.S-UH l`U.\uuu:u I'll uuu-vu,uuu.. on the cl1~:u`g`(3 laid mm! :1 scnltcnce -of wt lmmt. M1l'(`L` _vu:u`s in -pnisotn, the mi'ni.murm scmtencc w.h~i'cl1 can be inn- posod. In z1ddxit.im1, investigpaltion nmde provided gxrovumls for c1i~ghrt em- pt1o_vees~bc'mg driysmissecl for cause and nine were forccnl 1:0 hand in their msixg:mut.i`om. Txhcsc suwccessu-1 efforts are pointed to by the de=pzmt- mum , as :1 notice thcut: it will spam no efforts to ensure the safeltry ozf the nmils. The departmem; says it c.'mn-at prevenvt an occasziuonal t.h`e:ft f.1`om the mails, -but it. be~L'ieves it has made mail roubbery :1 pwreczn'i~ous way of _g*zui.nin;: 21 livclvilwod. Wouldn t it be :1 good tliimg Boa` Barrie if every citizen in the town and district would refrain from buy- ing from the mail order houses dur- ing` 1926. The increased business which would come to the -home mer- chants would mean comsi-dera.~bl-e. We would have better stores and the money would circulate in the town, thus brin-g'in`g' increased prosperity to every one. This is a time of co- operzvtion and the comniunity spirit is be'in~g; fostered and making iitself felt in mzmy ways. A buy at home ls1l0`,Va-11 at this time would hel-p Barrie, and help every citizen. Business begets business. It is the bu. t ow.11 that afJ*.racts new in(l`u.~.'- tries, new busrinesxs, new citizens and new buiLLl~in Put the clamp on the mail order catztlogue for 1926 and buy in Barrie. You will nd you will be further ahecul art the end of the year and you will have helped V the home `town. It is e.\:pected that there will be a l`.:a\`_\' cut of pulpwood this winter. In the Quebec woods alone there are 30.000 men and the Quebec cut will reach 1,500,000,000 feet of timber, rep-re. an increase of some ltwveiity per cent. over last _\ ear"s operations, according to the chief forester of the ,pro'n'nces. The greater par: of the timber cut will be scheduled for pulp purposes. "Man is only just beginning to be man."- : an English writer. Civ- ilization is only now beginning. Be- hind us, on the estimate of time '"~`ch to-day generally accepted lie v:~.v.'e:::_v iilon years of prehistoric We have to eliminate ..eri:arze from our blood, and 1'. I"; ' Lo e:-Lpects science to do .2. ;.-. a c-:-r:.ur;.' is a fool. But we ?.a'.`e-or: II".- : same new e:~.'tima`te of -2'cr.c-lr.';_.'--:v.'o hundred million or. '.`r;;'s plane: before We -':ir:: out of infancy. ..,. lll|l nun, \Jll|u, wno LS 111. When the reswlt was am`no`unced the House -bnokc inrto an uproar. The Conservatiwes rose 110 their feet and cheered. The Lisberalis seemed less elated at the resuil VH1..- _._.L_ . 1 . . - - I ()1,t,:uw::, Jun. l5.-~ l`hu King (2yv- ,lI-rmm-nt. W11. -I ::u:~7bu.inml by u m:Lj0r- 114;. 01' Lhrm-, on Hw livi:Him1 Uhi murningt, Mus VMA! brim: 123 to 120. `Only liv.- l'rmrrv.-:~;:+i v~:4 voL-I wiubh Lhv 17mm-rv:m.i.vt-. fur non-c()I1:tl(2rx-(:0. 'l'hvy wr-rv (}:urn`ph4-ll, I.ucn..<:, (lur- rnirh:wl, liuutv-llic-r :uul l*`.'m(:lu-r. Agm-.5 .'Vl(:I'Jr:1il, who r::1i! in alv- }mLv- ghv (tunic! not volv crmf'|lt~mrn . . . ... .,, . . . . .. .....-. .1. -n~ . ~ V ~ I vulv ('tml'ulu-nan. in .\l:u:lu-nzio King or his (lrwr-rn- mvnl, vul.m| :L;:':1l!lHl. blue M-i;:wln,-n nmtirnn and for Llu-. (luv:-mumrnzt. 'l`lu- two lmlmr mt-mlu-r.' uml Lhu Lwu lrlllH[H'lllll.'ll'L.S`, lloL1r:L.~a.~::L zuul Neill, .~:upporLml the (}ovm'n'n1(~nl. l`lu- only :ubs(mt..n in the House was Alex. Chu`pli.n, Conservzttlve mom- bcr for Kent, Ont... who is ill. II... 51.... .........u. ...,,- - The H0!'l1:Se adjaumed tinll Moun!d|a4y, v:`:.cn t.`:.-2 adxzlrcss will be considered. The Nati.omad Bank of Commerce repqns blunt Canmlza pmomisexs `to be the major source of the \V 0!1`]1d'!S gold supply in the near future. She has douJb1e(l'he1' pro(Luc'ti'on since 1920 and may surpass the Urri|ted States within a few years. .....w\.u aw mu: Lubuuv. I The vote was takzen just before one o c11 ock. 15- ml 4:! 1:700 mil:-3 of .'-;now ft,-Iu:im,:, r:::.Lt:d :11. v:u'iou:; .-fLl':LL'j1'1.i(: pnimlus, r mu: purpo:-;r: will :n.l:;0 lw uLili'/.-ll. numbt-r of othrer rozulwuysl will kvm. in l".'IL-'(.'l.'l.. *';3 <:rmrli'Liou for .iul.I.... prov} In an, om: {ichrnunvl Hi-ll, 11:, 2LlH)1.hl:I' on r.-n.1ir: pmvincr: Mar to hr: able.- snow cl:-,:u'in,'4 :n _ of $100,000 This f:l]Ui])mlfYl`L ;~;t,:m'mL:~; to be 'ir;u:i clizatricts vqlliprln-n.1, ch.-~ Lhv mci).','h|m)'~ r 01:; of the On~ 1.! Public High- .. ...,... if: made travel- :lLawn;; Their Con- % :3` struction and Care LII: u.l1LalC`u:|:5 `wppuallvxtg, Au vuv. `u. vmnce from time .to time by Mr. Geo. Mizen on h`ont;icu~.1rtu1'c should be read (.`3.'l`(3`fI11|1'y. Mr. M.izcn has made a close study of :ho1*ticu1:t-ure and has had wide experience. He is 'Ln1te1`L~st- ed in Bawrie and wishes to help az1`l those who are emleuvoning to make our town more attractive. :Every house'l1oll~(ler has a feeling` vtluvt his home is not complete with- out a lawn. The house may be a model of perfee'tion., but it looks a very uni.nvitirng' -place until the .1a.w!n, wiail-ks and shrubbery `are placed around it, and as it is a perm- anent thing` we should give it extra conusidemtion and labor to ensure success. In fact, novhhinig will give you g'rea.ter satisfaetiron than to see your lawn ten or twenty years after looaki-ng; like a good vheavy picle car- pet, with two inches of thick, even grass, and if you get this it will help to keep out the weeds. It may be only a few yards, it may be acres, but when you have decided on your limits it is advis- able to get near a level surfzmce as posxsible. In Barrie we have mmny places where we have to re- sort to terracin-g` and when this is necessary give -21 good long slope to your -terrznce and mwke your next level -twice the width of slope. You will appr-ecizite this when mowing`. To get your levels put down pey;.< and use a. strzligvlit e(lge and spirit level, le:z1vin_e' them exposed at least 3 inches (:1 is better) above `the level of your rou-g;h materiazl nish. I am presxumin._e' you are using.-' the soil takern out for cellular. A word of warn:i~ng' l1ere----(l0 not inm_e:ine you can have a fine lawn on such ll1Zl`tC1'lil.l. Mz1.ny `have womlererl why t.he~i1' lzrwns become bare and dry out quickly. It is the result of see on this soil and nobhng will give you :.':reater s:1ti.sI':1ctio~n .`ll1lZl put,tin_~: 3 or -1 inches, as the <'.zi..;e .-..... L,. A: 14-..-.. __.I A`,_, .- `, . u\Ivv nu nuauu am] will hv :L\ :LH.'l.l)l(' shortly on up- plimlzio-n to Mr. Muntin l(m'r, I ri.n- cipul of I'}:1rI |\'it`('.hunm' School, 4 lit-uluh Aw-., ll:un1i`Iitoa1, and Mr. A. 'I'I. lirysml, l rin.cip.-Ll 0.!` Si-lvurthorn School, -III .\'i`lvn-rt.l1orn AV/0., l`n- rmvto. 1.11 View of Llw wry h(:&LV _V tmic to AlzLs'k'u during.-: rt.ht,- `short NO , on :lV'iLll.l.)]:(! it would be well to make m-u'l_v I`0.\'m'V:tt.i():l1, us tlcmzumlws for zlcconmmtlzutions are sure to be heavy. -l-u. A newspaper publisher offered a prize to the best answer to the con- undrum : Why is a newssrpatper hike la woman ? 'l'h~e prize was won by n `ARV urhn can-1+ 911:: nvmcwruvnsn . U1 ). vvvuluuul. . ;.u'c yxuau Wax! WIUIIJ uy a. lady who sent this answer: Be- cause evevry mam Should have one of his own and out run after his neLg21- b'or's " (By Geo. E. Mi-ze.I`1, Barrie) DESERVED THE PRIZE I 1926 TOUR TO ALASKA `(}l'l(): 1'): MIZICN. Accorrlinyg to the Dominion Water P_o.we1~s Branch, hyd.r.o power instal- IIaati.O1 at the end of 1925 t.om1`l`c(l 4,100,000 horse power. This is four times the amounct imshallc-(1 in 1910 and twenrby-ve times the to/cal in 1900. The Atotzul irwesmlnent at the end of 1925 is csA:'Ln1-axted at $800,- 000,000. The Northern Advance According to official figures is- sued by the Redemptorist Fathers about 300,000 pilgrims visited the famous Ste. Anne de Beaupre shrine during the season of 1925. Thirty- nine countries were represented. Of the number mentioned, 145,000 came by car and the remainder by train. Seven Americans, touring the world on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of \Scotland, welcomed the New Year from the top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Four young ladies and three men left their party camped on the sands of the Sahara and climbed the pyramid, for a little excitement. H Hare ;naThere Two new steamship lines have made Halifax a port of call this year, and during the first six months of the year the increase in ship ton- nage was over one million tons. For the ten __months of 1925 the increase in ship Ionnage, compared with the same period last year was over 1,500,000. Canz1d:1`s exports to Soviet Russia hrwr-. increased three hundred fold (lUl'lI1;.',` the past twelve months. 'l`1':5.I.le figures available show that in the twelve months ending Octo- ber 31, Canada exported goods valued at $14,000,000 to Russia, as compared to $48,000 for the preced- in:: twelve months. Fglr international sporting events are 0 be held at Quebec in Febru- ary. There will be the snow-shoe races, in which 3,000 will take part, including: 1,000 men coming from the State of Maine; a hockey match be- tween the Sons of Ireland and the Ilurtrnotltli College team; the Hu- hart Cu1'lingBonspei1; and the In- ternational Dog Sled Derby. Mr. S. L. Squires, Deputy Minis- ter of Public Hl`}.`,'.llM"iL_V=S for the '. ro- vinlce of Onvlsario, in an zul(lrc.a~: nul- `li'nv~ the new Iv_L:islu'ti0n which will $1101-My comm into e'oct. ro,Q':mlin;: hhc is:suin;: of permits to all (lrivors. of motor curs. A 1.-:rc:Lt ([021] of monvy is 3),-E ; spent on good roads, and :1. d-.\.tur- mined effort is also being; made to make the roads safe for those who use them. About July 1st legislation will have been passed in Onrtario compelilii-ng all drivers ocf cars to take out a. driv-em- *s permit; a penrnit show- ing their tmem to drive a. car, their mechanical a:bi.lirt.y as well as their moral responsibility. A man mig-"mt be physically fit to drive a. car an.d ,.,.. ...... 1.`.'.i.- ah. 1no;':.1.'.t.'z.:.17...:.. George Rollin, yard agent at Place Vigor Station, Montreal, retired under pension a1'1`ange1nents on January 1, 1926, after forty-six years of service with the C.P.R. He entered the employ of the Company as n1esseng'e1' at Hochelaga, now called Place Viger Station, on April 24, 1875). J. A. S. Racicot has been appointed to fill Mr. Ro11in s posi- tion. Acc 0vr to the Fin-zmcizml Post, i .fai1u.res in 1925 have been the 1 .xn1a.1`1est since 1920. In 1925 they I rnumbered 1850 ztppvoxinlately, while I in 1924 they were 2500. Faxiluresil rc-a.c.hc EL 11.i`gwh point in 1922 and 1 since then there -has been 21 steady t decline in number and also in the I amounrt o-f 1iabi`1'i,ties. ` I Four students from British Uni- versities, comprising the British Im- perial Debating Team, are now in Canada meeting: a number of Cana- dian university and college debating teams in a wordy battle on the merits of The Geneva Protocol and The League of Nations; The De- generacy of Western Civilization, and The Singapore Base. From 40,000 to 50,000 British emi- grants will come to Canada under the new cheap passage arrange- ments mmlc by the Canzulian and British Governments and transporta- tion compzmies. Ilunrlreds of in- quiries have alromly been received from those :1n.\:inus to benefit by the new plan and among them are many from domestic servants. EVERY CAR DRIVER MUST HAVE PERMIT THIS YEAR From Aumlst 1 to December 31. 1925 inclusive, :1 total of 201.970,- 804 bushels of grain wore nmrkotod along Canadian Pacific western lines. Of this amount there \\'(`l`u 164.191,- 936 bushels of wheat; and 37,778,868 bushels of other grains. Lnndimzs for the same period \\'cro 12-1,1169 cars of grain containing: 1h`2,()74,S50 bushels as compared to 83.888 curs, for the sumo period of 1924, contain- ing 121,618,651 bushels. pxck LL... uu unu nuhunvu; a. Hu1~e.toifo1'e, when :1 driver had an accdent on the road the number of M10 license was roporrted to the police. Un-d-er the .-proposed new 1~egisL'ution permits will be easy to lose, and under -this new law the dlrirver of the car wii be held prim- ariily responsible, not the owner of the car. Drivers of cars must al- ways have their penmirhs with them. :OOO')OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO66 ? . which would t him on the h'L_L':h.\vz1ys. Open I 47 Elizabeth Specialist in Emba1m- ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. 0000000000 0000000000000000 The past years has been a statis- faetory one, with the m-ajonity of our basic indus.t1'ic-~s showing` sub~ . srtzmti-3.1 _;'ai=ns over the previous yr 21:1`. ;VIone_\` was more plentiful for greneral b11SiY1I'-S3 purposes and there was a feeling` of optimism for Can- :u1a s future: which was morz appar- mzt in 1925 than in 192-1. says the monthly 1c-zt.-3 of the Bell Toleph me V 0 0000000000000000000000 00000000000000 00000000000000000 P. C. LLOYD `Love and sausages are and-nmun O.L. ..l-_ 4.1. - ..... AUTO LICENSES Good lnvastnmnt. l)cl)-ntures of the Town 01 Barrio. 5} Per Cent. Issue. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EM BALMER vi%f`i'm;iL;'fs'iii:`ic 7 0\\"l-IN` S'l`lEl1." .\[;L9nnln 'l`emple Buil .-- --u-u-- -- --nan:-u-1-1-I-is Successor to J. Arnold Insuraunoe FUNERAL DIRECTOR FOR SALE 4Iv|n.ar`n`nln`|\ Day and Night to drive kl cm- Phone 218 Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments Canadian 8; scotch Granite` PRICES REDUCED JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop: VI".-.1 f\C\1P| A... .. H01 19, G.TS%MITI-I &/(E `Barrie - Marble - Works wv.:-- -va.--, 11:2`! ;;).`t:one 734 79 I-3&_'y']1.Au on. ... law, largelj.` Birkenheazi, India, and fem ...'ll;... ".11! The Harness Man BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY ILEM BROS. ll ` Phone 82 Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. I`."...A...L1.'_1___l 1n/In ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT HARNESS I 1 Blankets and Robes 1 All Kinds of Repairing 1 Done Full Line of Travelling Goods -Ir\I\ 'I'\,,,,1 - Phone 616. - Five Points Laundry called for and delivered Prices reasonable W01-kmansh'1p guaranteed on all fmnilv washing: 129 Dunlopu Smith Kain THURSDAY, JAN. 21', 1'92b`.. .....-. -.,=..~..; ....,...,,...,..; V`I`/'.`A the King Go'.'::x'mnr:.n`., bu`. am other things :s.`r.r.- ;~z:.id : If E [:er.`.lr.-mtzn In '(.h.~: Houst: c:x!:.um. :1; as to the cums .iLutiIrr;::.13*.;.' of Govcrmncnzs action, I b:1i:w: can a.;z;rr:c that Lint: KEn;I_ Go'.'r:rn'rr played a.1rociouz~;l;.' pour pol} when it continued V; hold off"u:: ter the vr.-rdlct of Um: pvmplr: been given. The t.-'I:<:*. of ,`ni.'s diet, as I am ;-,ur: all I.1h:r::.l.4 in their heart:-;, but no. with 1 lips, zufmit, 1;-.1 thv: inr:rc::1:;.'n;r rt-,1; Inc-mt of the 'pr:opI- of (Jun a;g`ain~.s*t. thrsrn . . . . I '.-um`. Lo quirte p1zLin1y that I huvr: .bbl)l I1' n-0 condt.-nctr in thr: K`l'n',' Govt mem. I am not pl4:a.:sr:rl with Li past pcronnanccs, nor have I f; in their promis<-.3 of future :xc`.i<.

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