THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1925. Last - minute Suggestions that may meet with your approval. - Never before have we had such a variety of Beautiful Turkish Towels to show you. Towels suc-11 as these are always acceptable. Colors, Mauve, Gold, Blue and Rose. Prices 750, $1.00, ,$1.25, $1.50, $2.00 AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF LOVELY SCARFS Acceptable for l\Iothgr; Sister or Friend. Silknit Scarfs, ' Crepe `Scarfs, W001 Scarfs, Brm-adod Scarfs. Six more And the Bright Colors are so Attractive HANDKERCHIEFS WERE NEVER PRETTIER Give I-Ia11(11{e1'(-lxiofs and you can t go wrong, bcoause they must be worn with that silk dress or new coat A host of styles and patterns in Linen, Lawn, Silk, Crepe. All prices. GIVE HER A TOWEL - ---Only-" A Suitable Christmas Gift `Prices 98c up to $4.50 gem Advance i The British .'9ysten\ by which the ipeople choose between two parties lhase produced the best results, and `whatever changes time may birng about, it is not likely that the mul- tiplication of parties, which is the has produced the best result=:, and sentation, wil-1 nd favor with the steady-going intelligent electorate of this Dominion. (Fhose citizens of Canada who be- -lieve in group government might, with benet consider France. There they have it in the hip:he. istate of cultivation. And the result !just now is that n0lb0(l_V can form am zuhnini.st1-at.ion. The 582 mem- |bers of the French Parliament are divided into ten (lifi`e1'L-11-t parties. `They all split into Lefts and Rigrhts until no group h21.~'. more than 21 frac- tion of the total membership of the House. I run .- 1 . n |..uu..u. | That is what comes of m'opo1`ti0n~ ial representation. That s_vs1.em of electini,-.' rep1'esentat;iVe.< has been brou~g'l1t to perfection in Franr:e:. Look at its fruits. Jan,e:ling' and` tdissension ch~aracte1'ize. the French` Chamber. Party loyalty on broad `lines doe: not exist, and the country His constantly in a turmoil. Game Warden McGregor states that transient fur buyers all over the county are buying up furs fmrn trusting farmers at one-quarter whe prorper price by making misleading` statements to the effect that farm- ers need a. license to sell furs trap- petl on their own land. No Such license is needed, but many, fearing to bring the furs to established deal- ers in ;`.own,. sell to the transient buyers for $2 or $3, when they v:}1n1]V n-nf $11 2 'nn14`_ GROUP GOVERNMENT WARNING TO FARMERS PHONE 53 Do you think they approved of my sermon '3 asked the ne\v1y-zLp- pointed V'iC.'.1l', hopeful that he had made 21 gfood in1p1'es.=ion. t`7,.-. T A-I..'..1. .. H .....I:_ I L. uuuu. u .\l\J\| un.1IL\.nn1\.I|I Yes, I think so, replied wife, they were all nodtling. his u Frank Morley attended church on :1 recent Sunday unaccompanied. On his return his better half asked him? wht.-Lher the sermon was good, to` which he 1'c-plied Yes. VVh:1t vv nun. Sin. \\'hut I nu He was: apsaillst it. k --_-.. ..-_ --- -- ------- v-_, v-- LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR SELECTIONS FROM THE FOLLOWING: 1s Cunning` new styles in Ved- vet, Satin and Metal-lic Cloths, lovely with the fur or fur -trimzmed coats, for ............................ ..$5.09 to $6.95 E119 Nnrthrrn Ahuattrv Silk and Wool and All Wool, in all colors, 98:: pair Special--Checked and Wool Hose, reg. $2.95 for $2 pr. uu-1` Handkerchiefs, 3 in box 35: to $2.00 Odds ........... ..-. up Coat Hangers . ...... ..50c Shoe Trees ........................ ..50c mzutch ......... ..$1.95 to $5.00 Nqzhrt Gownrs and Pyjamas, all pricm. Dal Dre % 31h!e Gifts for Christmas Buyers IlI",`Il`D vr\II IlYI"l`II vnlln CL`! l.`("I`lf\'kI IS!-urun. angnlt. uownvs pricm. ..., \. ..v.. Ivu-7 2 1'e1)iie(l Yc;<.' 3 was it z1bouL '3 . did the p1`eac11c1' A Good Sermon IRENE COLLINS, ,0; SA ST., ALLANDALE. PHQ;.____' Hosiery YOUR FR].EN])S . \\V.\.Y FROM HOME TILL APPRECIATE RECEIVING THE HOME NE\V.S' EVERY VVEEK DURING 1926. Hats born at Ux- say about GIFT xnv SPECIAL ,,,I1-anvw SECTION I `D ..... .1- It is essential that there should be suicient moisture present in fodder at the time it is being placed in the silo to provide the water>require- ment for the ensiling process and leave the surplus necessary to have amply moi:,-, well made silage after the fermentative and cooling pro- ;cesses have taken place. With sum- cient moisture present in the onsiled mass there is little danger of the lermentation temperatures running too high. Corn in the glazed stage. or dried out through freezing, or long delays in harvesting will require lib- eral wetting. The shortage in plant uices can be made up by the a.pp1ica.-. , ion of water in quantity suicient to thoroughly wet the cut fodder. Water is best applied by running a. small - stream directly into the fodder cutter while the fodder is being passed through and blown up into the silo. Nth urafar Ilnnr nrnsnnrn 1: vnlva LIIYUUIXI. uuu UIUWU up IULU LL13 HIIU. With water under pressure, a vulva `Igarden nose the process of wetting the cut fodder is Steven- Ion, 0. A. 0., Guelph. to control the ow, and a. section or. Keep weeds of! the farm by\plough- lng all the land that you intend to plough immediately after harvest. Cultivate as frequently as possible with the epringtooth up to the end of "October. In early November rih up the land that the weed roots may be exposed to the weather. Ribbing attachments can be placed on the aprlugtooth cultivator which makes it .possible to cover a. large area. in a day. lnui-:t nn rnrnfull nlpaning nf the I IUBBCU UCUIBIULIUU uy WCEUB. l I Weeds. The crop producing capacity of many an acre in Ontario has during the. past season been reduced by twenty-ve per cent. This is too heavy a. charge against the land and only the rich fellows can stand the losses occasioned by weeds. Ks-an um:-dn nff the farm hv nlnnrh- LET YOUR CI-IRISTMAS GIFT BE A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO THE E An old Alabama coo imnployer : Law, missie, ;yo pay money to send the _school ? I got one smart boy Moses an I larns him mysel-f. it But. Anni Marin '7 m..`.) 1...... . How I teach him ? I `jest make hm `cake de book an set down on '\de o , an den I say, `Moses, you take _yo eye from dat book, much less 1nn\n`n `1;rv\ ....: T -1.:..- .-.... K121) . Insist on careful cleaning of the threshing machine before It comes to your farm. See that all farm ma.- !chinex'y is free from the roots of pa- lrennial weeds before going to an- ! other eld. I in." nu!" nlnun nnn A fan: fhlnfln V....,mm an 1 1211-113 mm mysel-1'." ` T Ev But, Aunt Maria, said her mis- Etress,-how can you teach your child when you don't know one letter I from another ? vane _yu eye Irom (Ian nook, much 1eg_\g`o him, an I skins you I alive. 1' - I I UI.el' uelu. I Use only clean seed. A few thistle `seed balls or coucl1 grass seeds will I add to and multiply your troubles in future years, so be sure that you now 6 wheat and nothing but wheat.-Dept. _ I of Extension, 0. A. C.. Guelph. See special announccnnem-, {sauna Corn. The unusual weather conditions that have been experienced In south- western Ontario this year emphasize the value of the corn plant as a. fod- der crop to a greater extent than in recent years. Corn will till the 5110: as in past. years even if the hay crops .have failed to (111 the barns. If it WC`l'G l]0t. f0!` COI`l l DIZIIIY farms would. be short of cattle feed for the coming `winter. Corn is certainly worth re- 'tainlng as a crop for Ontario stock farms. There is no real substitute. Do your duty in creating conditions tlnntvornble to the corn borer, and` so drlve the to corn from On- tario. Ensilo the crop. Plough the stubble under and keep it under. .ll|\.J A . . . . . . . . Ill\4 ..-..\.. It is not always the hen that lays the mxost eggs that is most protable. It is the hen that lays the most eggs; when prices are highest that shows the highest prot. In one of the lay. mg competition a. hen that stood fifth in the number of eggs she laid Stood first in the value 0L` her eggs. Moisture In Fodder for 5110. WE TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE MAIL AND EMPIRE AND HAVE SPECIAL CLUBBING RATES. Coats Winter Coats, Mink, dyed Oppossum, Seal and Sable trimmed, etc. 10 per cent. o` all models for balance of year. IJLCOGCO Smart new 2-piece models in Velvet, Kasha and Bal- brig,'ga:n, for $10.00 and up Other -lovely models in crepe Szntins, uG.eonget:tes and Out Vexlvets, from ....... ..$l7.00 up K` I |.V|V Be-ads, Neclcleta .......... .50: up Boudoir Capa.....35c and 50 Vests, Silk Knit and Saan $1.00 up Strmins and Rlnhmcma .4-.n Dnepms EHO DIDDIHBTS `I30 match ............$l.95 to $5.00 4 Arm Bugs .... ..$1.95 to $5.00 Bouquwts, boxed, 25c to]: T-1-gjnjujnjd _ m.UU I- Stepms and Bloomers to mafnh , $195 on _&_=: r Compulsory E3 The Pro {Mable Hens. -u.__...... r\ u_._._ H, Dresses 1935. Northern Advance evening. t in +\.:... Nothing More Appropriate P.O. BOX 751