Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Dec 1925, p. 2

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Page Two .n;.nJ A. -LIA-ELI-V Phone 277 W. FIRTH Suppose this year you give them each a Bank Book containing an initial deposit, and urge them to add to it regularly. Could anything be more suitable? The Royal Bank of Canada WHAT DID YOU GIVE LAST CHRISTMAS? Toys for the kiddies-most of them broken by now. Something useful" for the grown-ups-now worn out or forgotten. Cash to your employees- appreciated but soon spent. Other presents-hurriedly bought and perhaps ill-chosen. Are they remembered nnur ? Five Points Phone 218 [ Add "Royal Bank Pass Books" to your list of Christmaa Gills. ' Cmnrislmas (Gm: N Qook ` 1 Two weeks more ti-11 Chris omas. Shop early and often. 3 Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments Canadian 85 Scotch Granite PRICES REDUCED JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. 7'l1..'I.....'I......... HOA V _._v_.-___, -.`,r- _"]:e'1ephone 734 79 Bayeld St. -. Barrie: {Barrie} Matbie%- wmgs t '_m___"' Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and` Chapel in connection. Established 1869 mm... no =2- ..._! _ f\ . lg: .G'.S.M1T.H.& C0 1: Phone 82 THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1925. ;. at. gun, uAnu5I:l M. C. Wigle, Manager 355 I. R. Dier, Manager `II f` 1l7:_1- 11-..--- A Gz.` Mat `x R. G. (MANU}-E:i. Mgr. Phone 721 Repairing phn11n 000 ` . . . . . . ..12c ..14c1b. ..11c to 12c Increases .11c1b. Phone 229. in Value CU? Barrie. Ont ( :,`.*/ Notes and Comments TOYS! THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1925 /\ `iv 5 -` )3 i5 ima.5 /' mam; :?: *-r E 3 W 'r ?_5;/ 5 1 iheNnrth2rnAhnann>! before Finishing your Xmas Shopping: A large assortment of beautiful presents to choose from. :25-'~: :4` : :. - : ' .e<*.:.e~.=.a .`. a.s.e<'a.<$m::ae ~`.?e<*.3.7<`-'T7 20 Mulcaster St. A. E. SMITH Dom fail to visit A. E. Smith's Furniture Store Large Size Mama Dolls . . . . . . . . . ..$2.75 Smaller Mama Dolls . . . . . . . . . . ..85c up Doll Carriages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 up Large Assortment of Floor Lamps $15.00 up Smoking Stands from $1.75 up The leadership of the Conse1'va- tive-s in the Seinate is likely to go to Dr. Gideon Robentson. He is -the most energetic and at the same time one of the most able of the Tory Senators, and (luriing; the absence of Sir James Lougheed last session oc- cupied the post temporaril_v wintlh satisfaction to eve1'yil)o Panty le-adevrship in the Upper House is not what it is in the Commons. The elder statesnien arttend to their duties in a much -more agreeable manner than do the more earnest common- ers. Never was there any real bit- terness between Senator Dandu-rand, guidiwn-_e' the Government side, and Sir James Lou_e;heed, who was Sen- ate Leader of his panty for twenty _\'ears, and seldom was there even supercial acrimony. Neither of these leaders was ever in the House of Connnons. and Senator Robertson enjoys the same advanta.g'e. Par- tizan debate in the Red Chamber is 'indul_e'ed in mostly by the g'-ra(luaites of the Lower House. The town council may be justied in dispensing` wiith .the services of the present -town foreman, but it would have been more in order if tihe matrter had been properly dis- cusevsd beore that motion was! sprung on Monday night. In his humbler moments, when the deeds of angels and a1'chan,Q'e1s are brought to his attention, man has been won t to call h-imseilvf but a worm of the dust ; but now a `French scientist, Lucien Ciuentot, dc- ciares man is but an imitator of the llower forms of animal life, and that many of his most boasted inventions ihave been used by the bugs for ages. To make the humiiliation of man complete, the scientist says he is but a poor imitator at that, and the in- ventions of insects and animais are always more perfect and worked out with more detail than those of man. i T.1_._,__ 41,, ._.__,,,n,,, n .1 ,....-u unux, uuvuu yuan ouuoc UJ. luau. Even the camouage of the war is as old as the hills among` the low- er animals, he says, and the grass- hopper has used a torpedo tube from time immerorial to plant its egrs low in the ground. Even the patented fastener, only invented by man about forty years ago, has been used by the cuttlesh to button its outer skin on ever since there has been a Cuttlesh, while the le, the anchor. the rail, the groove, and the art of dove-tailngf have always been used by the lower animals. The in- ventlon of musical instruments is stolen from the insects. the Board of Control meeting by a deputation of merchants from 01:- barwa street and Kernilrworth avenue, headed by H. E. Savage, and a peti- tion signed by many who also .~:4ub- mitted. It was argueti that these sales were gathering in more 1' - cedpts than the merchants and that no taxes were paid by them. It was stated that some of these sales -lid more business in a single day than a storekeeper did in one week. A biscuit manufacturing` firm is ne;2'ot.ia'c-irng,-' with the town of Mid- lizmd to start a factory there. I MAN THE IMITATOR Barrie. .......u, .. vvuta uuunu Avxvlluv oyu`1.'ua' man, is a credirt to the game and its pub1i~sh'eu'. h` I Some members of the town coun-l cil seem to be under a delusion as to the collection of birds recently acquired. The commitxtee that un- dertook to purchase the collection had only the interests of the town at heart, and most people will agree that the said committee made an excellent deal. The collection is for the town and some organization will be formed to take proper care of this rare collection. The council was only acting` for the citizens of Barrie when they gave a grant. Mr. Hxarold Allen Olf the 5th Con- cession orf In.n.isl-- had his right hand out o in a. emitting box a ,wcc-k ago. He is recovering ndcely.` AnA\/LL l\.\/lull-`U VVIIIIMUI-`o Ilu.- book is not only lav'sh1_v il- lustrzvtctl, but, is liitr.-1'v.lly crzunmed with much i,n1t(21'ce~.~Li111;.-; in:fo1'.n1wtion 1-cy.-;zml.x'm: ind1ivi(lzuals, clubs and 1c.zu:'u.~~s dmrougvhowt; the counrtry. Im-nl hn/olrnu rnunn ...:n ..1..- 1.-...x .. ...,.. \,........,....,...a, practically mzule up of R known Gwmuhim1 players. 'I`11n Ixnnb ...!-..'...l. L. .,... nuuwu \.n.uwuunun p|a_yl:L'b. Tho book, which is published by Goory;c Kinrg, 84 Vtictomia S`t.., 'I`o- ronlto, :1 well] known Toronto sports- Ylnnn up n nu-nflvhf +n +1-un nnnnnn .....l :A._ n.-uh...... -wuuuhnuwv uni \.Uull'bl _) . Local h0(:k(.`_V fams will also find v<-1'_v il1t('l'LSUI`I{.`.` p;1'0-up pi.0tu1'es of the Unliitertl States Amu.tcun' Hockey Assaociutioll Olulmpxions, who are mm. '....H.. ......I,. .... -1` 1:-...._ n vux x.-.2. Ohl-'Llmm's will be intereslsml in the llli1(l`.~`Omc lmlftones of the teams who were promimenrt :1 generation zLp;o, while the youmxer OllIt|l1uS|l1ll<.ltS will enjoy Mm reqn~o(luctions of the more r(.-cent wiimers. nu 1 u Never zLg'a.in expresses the senti- ment felt by most, or all, of those who pass>e(l t.hroug'h this experience. T.he result is that to-duly we are moving` wfh g'reat c2111i`IiOT1, avoiding all tendemcies toward inllativon and consolvidzut-inng` our pos as we proceed. It is a healthful comltixttion, we believe, even though at times it seems as though we were almost at a standstill. We could pro`ba.`b1y move at much :.1'reater speed, wiIt:hvou.t any risk, but it is better to go too so-w than too,fa.~st. There is plenty of evidence that we are makIin:g' real progiress thou-g'h, to the individu'a.l business man id: may sometimes be imperceptible`. The crop esbi1nates this year have proved to be on the conservative side, and as the weeks go by tshe g;-ures for the total yield have increased. The wheat prices, too, are the best that has been ob- tained by the fzxrmeirs for many seasons. The effect on the West cannot fail to be marked, and out of the West will flow the weua-ltl1 that will mean prosperit_v for the whole Dominion. 17 - - -.,.......u... Yes, we are moving` slowly, but we are mo\=ing' in the right direc- tion, and here is no apparent rea- son why our prog'1`e. should not be continued t'hroug`lLout 1926, which is far ahead as one cares to vernrbure to proph`esy.-Cont2-act Record. ARE YOU A BOOK BORROWER ? Have you borrowed a book ? Read and return it. If you cannot read it soon return it and trust to your being` able to borrow it again. In keeping` it an unreasonable time you may be keeping` some one else from the pleasure readin.g' it may afford. Look over your shelves and see what you have there that should be returned. The man who should bor- row so little as a quarter of :1 dol- lar from a nei-g'hbor and fail to re- turn it would not invite respect. Yet it is quite as bad not to return a book or magazine. Who has not had amxuisli of heart to have some choice, dearly prized volume return- ed soiled or torn, with })ag:es lack- ing`? That Tom upset his ink- stand or `th`e baby got hold of it" or similar excuse does not mend the matter. The borrowed book should be protected from such 1LCCi(l0Y`.[s`. What was worth borrowinp; is cer- tainly worth returniniga Certainly it should be clear in your mind that it is not yours, but the property of another. The Orivllia Board of Trade is to be commended on the action taken to bring Alsberba coal to Onltaro. If every town in Ontamiio would take similar action we would not be de- pendent on the American coal barons for our fuel. `u. uu_y .1nu,_.~,vu; npuru. The book 1'(.'])vl`OSL'WlS years of cffoivt, tyiic-,'1'upIiic21l]y zmd picto2*ia;1- ly, it is 3. r'ria.;~11,m\piccc. From cover to cover it is uInb()]`l'irshcd winh group nic'Lu1'e.~i of cl1u.mpii'o.nisfhip Lt.-zuns from 1888 to 1925, in mat, the history of Canwlzs Great Na- tional Win1..~v1' Sport is told in pic- tu1`e..s'. r\I- .. --- ~ Business is getting better ! True-, it is a slow processs-d4iscourag1in|g1'y slow it may seem at time-s-- bult the improvement actually is taking place. One is inclrined to ask-W-hy do we not go forrwarcl faster ? There are at least two reasons : One is tilmt the hole we are pulling our- selves oult of is 2:. deep one; the other is that we are bloom-aslhy. A great many Canradian business con- cerns get stung as a result of the ind-u.stnia~1 ination of the war ner- iod. They were caught by a sud- den slump, wh-ich lefrt plant, equip- ment and org'anizaIbion idle on their han(ls-to all imsenms and punposeus frozen assets, iincap-aible of being" turned into cash to meet ])1`0'SS`ll1_'_},` liwbilities. I`hr.- editor lms received a copy of the Hockey Pa'c'toriul, 1926 edition, which is now on sale at all news- stzu1 and which is at once the ham|.~:on1e:-1`. and most C01T1])lC`t-(J pub- lication ever produced in the world for any single sport. I`ln `\t\I\`r .... .. HOCKEY PICTORIAL BOOK OF CHAMPIONS ON THE `UP-GRADE .....`.`.u...;, vvuu dal.U formc-1` well 9.1.. ..,....- The Northern Advance t1'ack~s to the Fire H311, to the Brennan Paving` Co. at :1 cost of $33,419. There were six tenders 1'ece'ive`d and bhe (lierence between the highest and lowest tender was $4,956. The tender of the Brennan Pavnivng Co. was $101 below the high- est and $4,855 higher than the low- est tender. There was consitlerauble discussion over the aawzu'd'Lng of the contract and some membezts of the coumcil feel that the lowest tender, hat of Cumran & Briggs, Orilia, at 9:99 mu ..1.....1.: 1..-..- 1.--- ......-.._...-.: uunu u.; uuuuau uy Lu-5.55:, vuunwa, an. $28,564, should have been accapted. The town council of Midland has let the conltract; of paving` a portion of King street, from the C.N.R. Some of the officials of the Pro- hibition Union of Ontario are ou to put what they call prohi-birtion candi- dates in every riding" before the next election. This will mean that pro- hibition is going to get :1 jolt `oh-at it will not recover from for _\'ears to nnv11r\ BRENNAN PAVING CO. GETS MIDLAND PAVING CONTRACT A gold medal has been awarded to the Canadian Pacific Railway for the Company's exhibit at the Cana- dian National Exhibition this year. On one side of the medal is a por- trait of the Hon. Howard Fe1'g`us0n, Prcniier of Ontario, while on the other is a scene on the exhibition nu-..nn.l.. ,, l The sea fish catch on both coasts in Canada for the nine months end- ing September, 1925, was worth $19,- 997,076, as compared with $18,118,- 456 for the same of 1924, an increase of $1,883,620. . - \.A1II\;l. grounds. E. W. Bcutty, chairman of the Cmiaclian Pacific Steumships, stated recently that more liners of the M type would be built to replace older liners, such as the Marloch, Mar- burn and Montreal. The new ships will be similar in all respects to the ` S.S. l\'IontcIare and Montrose. The Murloch, Marburn and Montreal will ` be sold. A fish caught in Shuswap Lake, British Columbia, after a forty- minute fight turned out to be a monster rainbow speckled trout,~ weighing 17-74 pounds, with a length of 361,9 inches and a girth of 24321 inches. It was mounted and ex- hibited in the windows of the Do- minion Express Company, Montreal, before bcing shipped to the owner in England. Live stock exchanges are to be formed in Montreal to prevent the sharp decrease in the number of cat- ; tle. In the period 1920-1924, there was a reduction oi` 331,000 head of cattle in the province of Quebec. Because of the low prices for live stock, the Quebec farmer has re- fused to face the long period of feed- ing and tending, and kills the calves. A seven passenger twin-engine flying boat, which it is said will revolutionize the aerial fire-fighting methods employed by the Govern- ment protective patrols, is being tested at the Dominion Governnient Airdrome at South Marsh, near Ot- tawa. If satisfactory it will be` flown to I-laziituba where it will take ` on fire pre'`ei1tive duties in one of the most important forest areas. . The 1925 total of dividends paid and cleclared by gold and silver min- : ing` companies in Northern Ontario 3 is $10,-`02,174, representing a g-,'ain of $2,013,131 over the diviu'und re.,-ord 1 of 1924 and constittltes the ;I1'0:1tc.~. rec-01'-.1 for C:m-amiiun ppm.-iou.s 1m-tn! 1nin`.n_'; i From 1:)-1)-1 to 1925, since : was (lit-:c':'.'c-1'ec1 in Cobalt. in 15?.-4 zmzl g';;l(l found in P01`L'L`.;`:l!7{* aml Kiziclzxrxd Lake in 1 .~u;` and 1'.)`.(3, mcoxtls elm`-.v tonal dwi- .1. . _I.. nu-n---1... . .- .- a. u.-...`.:.:. c..;a\l ;u (LIALJ LJ_|l \' III lu donds of .'_-L1-3{),TTA1,l'./J from tI;c_~L fields. The ugg`1'eg'-ate p;'o1"i'.s are now .'-lveraging $l,()0(,G'u0 a month. Buy your Christmas gifts in B-ar- rie. Our merchanfts are well stock- ed with just what you wanlt. Buttering the worlcl record of 3,- 447,133 ! bus'l'.';ls of all grains muc- keted on C.l".R. \'.'e:;tern lines Thurs- dzty, November 19, A. Hutton, gen- eral superintendent tr:J.11spo1`tzition of the system, has reported that 3,559,000 bushels were marketed on Friday, November 20. From August 1 to November 20 inclusive, 148,078,- 445 bushels of all grains have been marketed at stations adjacent to Canadian Pacific Railway lines as compared to 109,651,136 bushels for the same period last year, an in- crease of about 35 per cent. Sponsor of what is confidently ex- pected to be the most brilliant win- ter season in Quebec, the Winter Sports Club has been launched under the patronage of the Lieutenant- Guvernor of the Province, Hon. N. Perodeau; Hon. L. A. 1`z:sc-hereau, Premier of Quebec; I\Iv._v0r J. Sum- son of Quebec, and Mayor Demo'" of Levis. The major events of t . sr-ason are the International ("o11e:.1~- Ski competition on I)ev.-ember 30; the Internationzil Snow Shoe CO.'1~ vention, Fo.bruary G-7; and the Que- bec. Dog Derby, the date for which has not yet been fixed. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. :IEE,:andT}1ere es. to e 1E?. .'--1 and 1150;; $1-30,TT-1,l'.)3 `he cq nut - IIBARRIEPS BEST LAUNDRY! [LEM 3905.! Phone 616. Boot11'eg`g'eu`s are beginning to reahize hhat the way of the t1'a.ns- gressor is hard. It always Has been and always will be. l FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Open Day and Night 17 Elizabeth St. 21 V 6 000000000000000000000000000000 000000006000 00000000000 Lmmdry called for and delivered Prices reasonable Workmanship guaranteed on all family xvnshlng P. C. LLOYD on all Gtanite Monuments towclear off this fall. 7:. Large, fully as- sorted stock to choose from. All Best material and. latest de- signs. See the one you will get. '_e_Simc_q Marble Wgrks -pn;~--- i3}oi0- . `r. JTEASTMA1? 15...-.. 1` - """' 20 Owen Street BARRIE ---=CLOTHES == 3 Dry-Cleaned and Pressed Some of the merchants of Hamil- ton, we observe, have taken excep- tion to the custom of holding` rum- mage sales that have been increas~ ing throughout the country during the past few years undoubtedly to the dis.ad\'antag`e of business men. Rummage sales, says the despatch, may be a very good means for the churches and societies to realize funds, but they are hurting` the mer- chants of the city, who contribute a large share of taxes. This was a claim put forward recently at} . THIS IS ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Dyeing HIDES WANTED! 109 Dunlop Street. We will pay the following prices- Green Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cured Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Calf Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kip Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 BARRIE TANNING CO. Presentation Covers are provided for Christmas Gift Books Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention BARRIE BRANCH THORNTON BRANCH _s_P1_:c1AL _1ED:T1oNs Parliament will not meet till Jan. 7th, so all the members can at least enjoy the Ch'1'is'bmas festivities.

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