A meeting of Essa Council was held at Thornton on Tuesday, Nov. 17. All members present. Minutes of last meeting read and conrmed. The foilorwing accounts were pass- ed for payment : XII `I um-.. _.._1. BALL ._-3--.: Are you wide awake to your own interests? Are you determined to get ahead in the world? if so-enter this great puzzle competition. The Mail and Empire will give away 100 CASH PRIZES totalling over $8,000.00, to men, women and children who send in the best answers to the C-Word Picture Puzzle. The Mail and Empire has already paid Thousands of Dollars to successful prize winners in recent Puzzle Games. The cash prizes offered in connection with this new Puzzle Game will be forwarded to the lucky winners on December 23rd, and reach them before Christmas. "awM?11x9!?i9'_$m!99i!1!!i!19_.!Yi1!3J_!I9L_le"er%J $8,000 In Cash S Choose Your ESSA COUNCIL IIIIOIIHE OK 3 partkzlpant. Subucription Rates--Payable in Advance The Mall and Empire anywhere In Canada by mail, 85.00 per year. Delivered by carrier-boy In Hunllton, 38.00 per year. ---..a vq;\.a,vvv A l\lLJ.I..J IJILJI Winning Answers will receive the One Hundred Cash Prizes according to the table below: 1 I u..I-_ II I n_.-, u . ..,,., lst Prize . 2nd Prize. 2.-A D.-I... .;I,. ;`E $8 000'..P%Il'.El .l..E!..4lS'l"I.`.l. E Anawnru will Innnnuuy 9 \L &%l yllltllh - W. J. Miller, work 30th sideorad, $198.02; F. R. Coulsom, dragging and gravellmg 6th Con., 25%.}: and 30th sderoads, $34.50; I. F. Dennox, 32 rods wire fence, 88.00; F`. Ruth- ven, 9!! rod: wire fence, 323.25; S. Richmond, 60_ rods wire fence, $15.00; .1. Chtntler. 80 rods wire fence, 820.l!; lou@"KII!`Ph!. 71 rods wire ienee, $17.75; Chan. Hyde, 48 rods wine tame. 812.00; YOUR ANSWER TO THE C-WORD PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT LATER THAN WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 91h are Dent. $30.00 25.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 nnn do for any prize offered. the full rewlubepnldtoeachued` BGIII. ssooftf)" 400.00 300.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 80.00 20.00 1 5.00 10.00 Prlzo ll Ono Subscrip- tjon_ II Prise it Two Subscrip- oen . 1'1-he ll Three Sn bandp- ogs Are Thompson Banting, plank, bnidge, Con. 5, $8.40; Geo. Davis, work on Hz1tton s bridge, $40.80; J. Jennett, dragging Con. 10, lots 15-20, $3.90; E. Davis, 85 rods wire fence, $8.75; Geo. Davis, Sr., 70 rods wire fence, $17.50; John Gain, work at Fisher's Hill, $8.38; W. J. McLean, dragging and gravelling 201111 sideroad, Can. 9, $13.92; W. H. Hatbon, lumber for culvert, lot 18, Con. 7, $2.82; E. Wm-mop, undenbruahing, lot 32, Can. 10, 864.88; David Gauey, Cr.-F fnn '7 -..A am. .._-.|__.._\ 4: vuu. I and xum SIGEIOOO, $65.90; -Eobt. Gaims, dragging and napalm to culvert. 6&1:-Oon., $8.75; Joe. Irwin, mptlrsto road, 5th 00:11., $4.80; John Wilson. gnvoing 2-ad Cox, $62.17; W. '1`. Ken-, repairs to .__,_.__r. .wu_.. $l.000.06 ` 800.00 Ann nn zuu.uu 100.00 00.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 14.00 THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1925. 3" El`; 1 32,000.00 1,500.00 r 1,250.00 800.00 1,zou.uu 600.00 400.00 200.00 1 an nn xooioo oo.oo 50.00 80.00 29.00 Lurtn. (nee roux-tn column oi gures in prize list.) Isn't this the most remarkable and liberal offer you have ever had presented to you? And that's not nil. We will give extra amounts on all prizee in the same manner. If your answer is qualied by 'l`HRF.F: yearly subscriptions and you win fourth prize. you will receive $600.00, and so forth down the prize list. You are given an opportunity to participate in 100 Prizes totalling over $8,000, where the 100th prize with THREE subscriptions wins $15.00, no that you would get your own subscription money back, ulso the $10.00 you sent in for your two additional subscribers should you only win the 100th prize. .n,u..u uuluiuu or ugures 1n prxze Hat.) instead of $30 will be awarded to the answer winning First Prize If TWO (new or renewal) yearly subscriptions to The Mall and Empire are sent in. Second Prize, $800.00; Third Prize, 8800.00, and so forth. (See third column of figures in prize list.) CP`)[\l\l\ [\l\ lnutAm-I n! can men 1.... .........A-.= A. AL uulu uuiulun OI ngurea in prize list.) instead of $89 will be awarded to the answer winning First Prize provided THREE (new or renewal) yearly subscriptions to The Mail and Empire are sent in. Second Prize, 81,600.00; Third Prize, $1,250.00, and so forth. (See fourth column of figures manner. 1 ! vol"- ...... .....,....c. I{ERE'S HOW TIIE 6`IG PRIZES VVILL BE A\V.\RI)ED instead of $30 will be awarded to the answer ' winning First Prize if ONE yearly subscription to The Mail 1nd Empire at $6.00 by mail has been sent in. Second Prize, $400.00; Third Prize, 8800.00, and so forth. (See second column of gures in prize list.) You may never in your lifetime be given another opportunity such as we are offering you in our Puzzle "play and learn" while earning a big cush prize, You can't help en_1oy`ng the hunt for C`-Wordsz" in this Plctup All you need is an observing eye. Let's all join in and have a jolly good time. No matter what your age, like to solve puzzles. try your hand at this one. It really is not a. puzzle at n.ll, for all the objects in the big pict been made perfectly plain, with no attempt to disguise or hide them. Get 3. Pencil and l'>&Der and see how many "C you can find. Ethan unn kn"- w....:.. . . _ . . . .___ u... _. u/V rn-_,, --.,.... - . .-.... -u nu. A49 rnuuulucu The "C-\\'Ul{ll" Picture Puzzle Game is u campaign to increase the popularity of The Mail and Empire. It costs nothing to take part, and you do not have to send in a. sub- scription to win a. prize. If your list of "C-VVords" is awarded First. Prize by the Judges you will win $30.00: but if you would like to win more than 530, we are making the following special offer whereby you can win greater cash prizes by sending in ONE. or TWO, or THREE yearly subscriptions to The Mail and `|<`ynni-n uucl wuereuy you can Wm greater cash prizes and Empire. Y1'I.`I.)l.`1e xrnuwy nwvuw _~.v,. ...n-....,. __._-- -.__ 100 ---- CASH PRIZES ---- 100 __ IIIJII I ) A ... .. u. mung wun one, Lwo or rnree yearly subscriptions to your answer for the B'g (`ash Prizes to be awarded on YOU CAN \VIN ;\ H.v\.\'I)SOM]C (`ASH PRIZE FOR XMAS. bridge, 3rd Con., $7.20; Truman Kerr, grave-Iling 3rd Com, $42.00; Frank Hsayden, cedar for 5th Con. bridge, $30.00; Jos. F. Hand, putting in pipe W. Townline, $4.00; A. R. Adams, repairs to 15th sideroad and 5th Corn., $25.65; Eli Worsnop, 40 rods wre fence, $10.00; S. McLean,, 40 rods wire fence, $10.00; .G;eo. E1- lI.InH> 1!!!! uni. AM 0...... too n::. `:1 - -Iv a.vuo nut: J.1:uUV:, q>J.U.UVj Itxjlh TAI- liott, 138 rods wire fence, $33.25; F. Rawley, 100 rods wire fence, $25.00; Thos. Wiley, 21 rods wire fence, 85.25; A. Om-ock, 92 rods wire fence, 828.00; S. Coehrane, 20 rode wire fence, 35.00: Alfred Thompson, 40 rods wire fence, 810.00; `rims. Hur- phy, 40 rods wire fence, $10.00; Robt. Baden, 80 rods wire ienia, on: An. up up - ... - [$20.00; Wm. Jlckm. 56 rode wnl Ho:)-l- -r-';:::_B:e Awarded um. . .-v n.,........ u.. uenng you In Puzzle Game to r Picture Puzzle. o If you . picture have paper C-Words" in answer to this Puzzle. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects and articles in the picture that start with the letter "C" will In awarded First Prize; second best, Second Prize, etc. IUU can nnu. When you have made up your list of C-Words" send It in along with one, two The Mail and Empire at $5.00 per year, which will qualify ( December 23rd to those sending In the 100 best answers. '13! H.\.\'I)SO Start your list of (`,-V/Vords" To-d:1y! . or three yearly subscriptions he nvvnrdr-r1 nn The Northern Advance One Hundred Cash Prizes will be given for the 100 best lists 0: words submitted C99 fence, $15.00; Walter Wright, 44' rods wire fence, $11.00; Samuel Cole, 44 rods wire fence, $11.00; Thos. Flatt, 25 rods wire. fence, $6.25; Truman Flatt, repairs to road lot 3 ,.Con. 8, $4.50; Ingot Iron Co., pipes, $249.70; Muskolm Hospita, .main1:ena'nce Finch and Wilson, $97.00; Wm. Mcciain, vauing sheep, $2.00; Jos. C. Amnold, 1 lamb killed, $10.00; Geo. L. Davis, 1 lamb Idli- ed-, $13.00; 11:-ank Arnold, valuing sheep, $2.00. l'\n..-.--:1 ...l.!-..._.-.'| L- ...-_-A -; uuvuy, qynuvvn adjourned to. meet at Cookatrwm on Tuesday Dec. 15, at 10 a.m.- - - Can Yea Find in This Pimufe? READ `THE 'AD'v'ER'I'I8EEN l'B.l ma D11 :-rla Your own subscription will count, or subscrip- tions to start at some future date. Just write on the order when you want the paper started, and it will start promptly on that date. You will find it easy to set subscriptions to The Mail and Empire to qualify your answer for the Big Cash Prizes. It is by far the best daily newspaper published in Ontnrio. a YOUR GREATEST 0 DURING SPARE TIME--START YOUR LIST or C-WORDS TO-DQAY `N 'i3,`_`_Y. %`f'.*H.F'T-.F`?$ - 77 . . I U 1 An .. togamer. 9. In the event of a do for n prlzo offend the full 1 umn`|.mt of such pl-in will be 9 ed to pack ea particl- pant. 1o. Subscriptions (both new and renevul). Dayan)!- In advance of 85.90 per year by mall, or $6.00 per your :`e!V'ored by carrier boy In Hamilton, will be accepted. 11. All Answers will receive the Inme connldernunn in not a reuldent of Toronto, and who is nfl. Virn Vther 4 ploy of The Mall & Empire, may submit an nnawer. >2._ l_ ri17_\\'lr_Ig1aAr-5 In former Plcture Puzzle Games < 2. Prite \\'lnnarn con- ducted by The Mall & Empire, winning $200.00 or more. are not eligible to` partlclpaxo In thin Puzzle. 3. All answers must be mailed by \\'eduesday, De- cember 9th, 1935, and addressed to C. A. Monlxoxnery. Puzzle Manager. Tho Maul & Empire, 1. Any man. woman or chlld who lives In Cal nolVa_reuldent not in The domestic market has changed little duning the past two weeks. A1- sike is stzll in good demand at prices I ranging from $7.50 to $10 per bushel in the rough, while an oc- casiotnal lot fetches a. slightly higher price. ,Movememt of red clover, which i.s.an indierem crop, so small. nlv A fntur 1:n+a'a-v 4~.'h{.a`--u....! 1.....- ..-; wuuuu :a.u.u unuuwrenm mop, 5 smau. $8.50 per bushel "in the dirt." Sweet cIo'veranoi.nmuchdemandeven- an $2 to $3.60. ` . , . I limlth in the early `Hrs. Durwvm; Bowls your Sllbacrivhon $0 the himuebinwidawandtwoniulla. THE SEED MARKET | Mail Your Puzzle Answers and Qualifying Snbacripona to O. A. MON I`("`.0MERY. PUZZLE MANAGER THE MAIL AND EMPIRE Dept. 1 1Vo:-onto, Cnnula wuss and Win D for Xmas Cash Prize Then Start I The United Church of Canada is being tested this week when the great drive is on to arise $4,000,000 for the Maintenance and Extension Fund, and from reports the people constituting that body will measure up to their responsibilities. The amount required by the United Church of Czmada by March, 1926, to enable the various departments of the work to operate efficiently is $4,000,000, which is seventy per cent more than that contributed by the rank and file of the membership of the uniting churches during the` last twelve months. ! As a result of the decision of Judge Lewis on the recount in North Huron Federal election, George W. Spotton, the Conserva- tive candidate, has been conceded the election by a majority of eleven, the gures being` 5088 for Spotton and 5077 for King, the Progressive. King` had been declared elected by a majority of 169, but Mr. Spotton asked for the recount; because in three polling.-: divisions the counterv foils had been left attached to the ballots. In giving his decision Judge Lewis said that if a D.R.`O. unwitti_ng;ly, by mistake, forgets to remove` a coun- terfoil in the same manner that a bank teller makes a mistake in count- ing` 21 large parcel of bank bills, the D.R.O. or.the judge taking the re- count may remedy this omission, but this cannot possibly include the fault of a deputy returning officer who either through wilfully mistakin=p; the law or through carelessness or ignor- ance, leaves a whole poll of ballots with counterfoils -on. "I, accord.i.ng'- ly, do not count the ballots for the said three polls, and I leave then`! scaled up. Ru. ;1..\ -1..._;:.... -1 IL. a.__u.___ ...... .. ..,.. With the election of Mr. Spotton in North Huron the Conservatives will have 118 seats in the new Par- liament. The Liberals will have 100; Progmssves, 23; Labor, 2; In-- dependent, 1. m1.. 1:1.,.....1.. _..- -...-_..-__. _._ __ \|\/I ....... nu, .;. The Liberals are entering` an ap- peal against the decision of Judge Lewis, t'hough J. W. King, the de- feated candidate, ran as a Progres- sive. Under section 71 of the Elec- tion Act it is provided that an ap- peal can be taken to the Supreme Court of Ontario to issue instruc-- tions that the County Judge shall" I1-emove the counterfoils and count the ballots in question. This is un-- derstood to apply only in case there has been no opportunity afforded for the identication of the voters ha]-- lots in dispute. So far in this; elec- tion there has been one judicial de- cision in a simliar case in Montreal. In this case Chief Justice Martin of LL- l\`.,L . , (1.... A Wonderful Opportunity for Every Wide-Awake Mamwoman and Child -ANSWER THIS PUZZLE----WIN A BIG CASH PRIZE FOR CHRISTMAS--- ALL uu-o uuou \JJlAUL ouovlyu Aualmu UJ. the Quebec Superior Court threw out a whole poll where` the counterfoils had not been removed from the -baI- lots. This difference of $1,650,000, which needs to be taken care of by increased _9;enerosit_v on the part of the members, is made up thus : $300,000, the amount formerly con`-I tributed by Presbyterian non-con`cur'- rents for work which the United? Church has taken over; $325,000, being the cost of putting through church union and meeting obligations linked therewith; $300,000, due to a change in the Presbyterian fiscal year, enlaming the period to be pro- vidcd for; $470,000, the sum denived last year from special sources that cannot be counted on this year; $225,000 for expanding the work suiciently to put it back to Where it was before most harmful curtail- mc-nt had to be made. Mr. Neil Ferguson. who spent lift Life in Ora bovmshipn P339` 'a't'wuy at In-quette. Mich-. 09 N00 9th. Mr, Ee3~g-uson le-it Ono fo1"lO' semi: in the early 70'B- 1_.'_. __, Ls- _.:.!.-r and Iuu-| album- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA IN DRIVE FOR $4,000,000 How Fund Will Be Spent Homv and Forcig'n Uissions 4\\.AA3..nvun A4\uu.uwvu, no.)- and Y.P. .............................. .. Pointe-aux-Trembles School Benevolent Fund ................ .. Union Conference and As- P~r\\AAL`<. ._ uulull \JU`llJ.Cll'IllL'C dllll I13` semblies ............................ .. Emergency and Church Union Expense ................ .. TWO ELMVALE HOTELS RECENTLY CHANGE HANDS Mr. W. Telfer has sold the Queens Hotel to Mr. Izmson of aBrechin, and has pumhased the Central Hotel from Mr. Thos. McCa:w, who reoenb-' Iy bought the building from Jam_5S Pearson. Mr. Telfccr will the house and will shortly ope"; 3" under the name of The Palace. and Social Service Education and Colleges .... .. Religious Education, S.S. and V D 6 V J I. up The picture below contains a number of objects and articles beginning with the letter C". You will find all sorts of things that begin with the letter "C"-- like "Cow". "Camera", "Cabbage", Cait", Cross", etc. See how many you cu-A nd. This is not a. trick puzzle; nothing is hidden, and you don't have to turn the picture upside down or sideways. VVe are giving you this large picture so that all objects and articles starting with the letter "C" will be easy for you to see. CONSERVATIVES WIN SEAT IN NORTH HURON BY RECOUNT Total Page Seven ...62,799,111 274,720 I` ...$4.000,000 3228,8925 78,600 25,000 325,983 169,69-1 Prize from t!`e Lzst To Be 1 Given Away $,009 9