Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Nov 1925, p. 8

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TO LE_'I`-`--Seven roovmed ]1o_11se,, all I conveniences, apply 20 Smali St. .\DDL`1J.D Cash on Hand and in Banks Deposit in Central Gold Reserves Government and Municipal Securities Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stork Call Loans on Stocks and Bonds Call Loans elsewhere than in Canada Irene Collins offers: Wonderful Values for November Sale FROM 14th TO DEC. 2nd g... -o1o;n;o1a1o1o:o1o:o:o1o1o:cjuio;u:u:uu-.-j. --., `Whirlwind Sale` Hats--Reg111m- valtlc $13.00, for $2.50 to $6.95 Dresses-Rcg. value to $20, for $6.95 and $10.00 Chi1dren s Dresses for ....$2.50 to $4.95 each Coats-.-\0 few real slnart styles at 1'ou1 sn21p])_\' prices. __ .. ..A . AA AA Irene Collins, 27 Essa St. 9!3 BRANCH-ES IN CANADA, `NEWFOUNDLAND, `WEST INDIES, CENVDRAL and SOUTH AMERICA, also LONDON, NEW YORK and BARCELONA. . ' Auxiliary : THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (Fmnce) Bun-in Bunch - - J. E. 1. Anton. Mungvr Thornton Brunch - - -M- C; with Munici- The" Union Bank of Canada Statement of Liabilities and Assets September 30. 1925 Head Ofc0--MONTREAL 1 1 I TITY 1V1'\Y`l'.`C| Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund . Undivided Prots ........ .. Notes in Circulation Deposits Due to orbher Banks Bills Payable (Acceptance-s by London Branch)... Lciters of Credit Outstannling ............. .. . ..................... .. r Loans and Discounts ............................... ... ....................... 47 c Liabilities of Custoxners `under Letters of Credit . _ __.;___ The Roya!%=LL|3ag1=el;`;.(_)Af Canada NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of 0: John Dolby Smith, late of the Town- ` H ship of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, )who on or about the 24th (lay of October, 1925,11} are requested to send particulars of 1` their claims to the undersigned onls or before the -twenty-eighth (lay of L \ November, 1925, after which date`; the Executors will distribute the as- l 4 sets of the estate among those entitl- l t ed thereto, having` regard only to the l 3 claims of which they shall then have at notice, and that they will not be re-l sponsible to any person for the assets I 1 of said estate whose claims shall notl 2 then have been received. DONALD ROSS ` lsl i 5 J.l]8.DlllTlxS UL \4USLUI_llL`1`5 `LLIIUUF Lal`.'UlvBI'5 UJ. preun as per contra ................................. .......... .. . ........... .. 231436.728-91 Bank Premises .................................................................. .. 10:074:461-19 Real Estate other than Bank Premises ....... .. 2.544.812-27' Mortgages on Real Estate sald by the Bank ....... .. 1032.177-05 Deposit with Dominiom Government for Seeurifd of Note Circulation .......................................... .. 1,440,000.00 Coats A Snap in HosiJry from 59c to $2.00 For both men and boys selling` at a cut in price STORE UNDERWEAR with which is united LIABILITIES 137 6'1 . U21: V? ' . we m'1oc1:r<' A .~.g.I.j.iR$ `E3-::N-0VEMBER,.19;' 1925 * 3" var: 01, CV ~ ':zv1r.\(~.1`rv" . .4......\. Dated .\'ovombe1` 4th, 1925, ASSETS 1: :- If you want a hat, trixmned or untrilmnetl, come s t.raig`ht to this store, save your money and get the most up-to-date 1~.1`i11`in- cry at away below its worth. Our table of Special Huts, all new, z1t_$1.75 will appeal to _vou Millinery \/V`o1'k Shirts and Dress Shirts all new and up to-date, offered for less - vs ---nun. nu-u--Cr '-.M.'C. Wiflo, ;3,:*.*` -*.","..""*-..:""`.\4`:*"`? .~~ " ` --17. SHIRTS $ 24,400,000.00 24,400,000.00 1,143,806.90 38,352,654.74 ` so3,044,755.o7` 17,232,362.24` 6,214,903.90` ?.8,436,728.91 _?:.j:____ 743,225,211.76 l25,278,506.94 14,500,000.00 123,127,994.34 19,292,076.20 21,282,218.13- 50,294,486.57 TREASURER S SALE OF LANDS` IN ARREARS_ FOR TAXES IN 3 TOWN or BARRIE. 353,'775,282.18 339,921,750.15 t 74'3,225,2'11.76 . ;r _\ / Notice is hereby yriven by virtuei` of a warrant from the Mayor of the i `_ Town of Barrie, in the Province of 5 Ontario, under his hand, with the` seal of the Corporation of the said town afxt.-(1 thereto, hearing` date} the 25th day of Augzuest, .-\.D., 1925, ii and to me directed, for the collection. of arrears of taxes due on certain lands, in the Town of Barrie, that 1 unless the said taxes, together with ' lawful costs and c11a.rg`es, be soonc-r;_| paid, I shall, on the ninth day of` December, A.D., 1925, at the hourf` of ten o clock in the forenoon, ini` the Council Chamber, Municipal: Building. in we said Town of Bari rie, in the County of Simcoe and; Province of Onrbario, proceed to seii'1 by public auction, the said lands or; so much thereof as may be sufficient i` to discharge such arreans of taxesi` and charges thereon. Take notice fumtiiier that a list of said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette in its issues of 1 September Shh, 12th, 19th and 261111, 1925, and that said list is posted up V` LOST AND FOUND 27-13 "NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE To `I.`-E'.1' To-letr-Two rooms, over the Stan-f dard Bank, Barrie. _____ I ll. 77-` lnlung I Treasurer, Town -9} Barrio. \ . uv-w..uu AI4\1\.I\J Solicitor for Exccutors, Barrie, Ontario. .. At`. 1nn: *1`; s & Boys, Barrie, K`, for the Executors. ` 1 > CREDITORS -nhv o-ivnn mn~su:mt 1 \ ' U1. ll`il_\b lll .LULUllbU- U '! Rev. J. J. comer of Danforth; 3iUnited church, Toronto, made a y- xing visit to the Burton Ave. parson- gzige on Tuesday, rctux-11ing on Wed- nesday accompanied by his fathr:1', '.VIr. Goo. Coulter, of Thorn-bu1'_v. Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson spent Sunday in Orillda at the home ofs [M1-s. D. McLeish. "`I,,,,,.L___ ._.___..L ALA 1 Mrs. John Frame, a. former Allan-.' `dale resident, is vi'siti11g Mrs. Peck and other old acquaintances ini `town this week. i.l`i.u11' Jll J.uL\u|hu vu vv uuxnuguug. I 1 Ullha .1). A\1\L.LlClD]l- % Miss Florence Brun`~ton spent the` ;week end with friends in Toronto. `I /11 ,, 'n__.,l__., ..__.1 13.... 1. E -Messrs. Chas. Poucher and Frank :Dobson attended the Royal Winter; Fadr in Toronto on Wednesday. ` A up 1 1 T'.V,,____, _ .t.`-..._-.... AU... | `WUUK emu WJLJ1 J.1u:uua All .I.ULUAl\v- t 0 I On Sunday evenmg the Brother- Ilxoonl of Railway 'l`ra'i11men nwt in` the Trainmen s Hall and held thoirl annual election of ofcers. Thoi lofcers for the coming; year are :1 l`Past Prse.i(lent, A. G. Fraser; Pres.,l `Norris Webb; Vice-Pres, A. H. Hun-l Eter; Sec., L. E. Miles; Treas., J. H.. [ Wilton. 1` -- ...._ .. ` For Sa1e--Six second-hand Singer Sewing; Machines, in good repair, very reasonable. Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Barrie. 'I`he Service Bible Society, along!` with the teachers and officers of Bur-tr ton Ave. United church, held a very. `enjoyabl esocial evening at the par-I sonugv last Thursday evening. [ --... . .- ,, I Rev, D. Hill is spending` a couple` of (lays in Toronto. -n 7 1- r1 ,1; _ 0 r\__...L'....n.1_ 1 ` his pigeons, `States among` the competitors. "`:` I All of the Barrie p'oultrymen who H exhibited at the Royal Winter Fair,S `this year were attended by excellentl `success. `As usual A. F. A. Malcom-` son won a great many prizes with`. even with four of they of -the United; `.\`Ia1comso-n entered 28 Magpies and` won 4 firsts, 6 seconds, 7 thirds and 34 fourths. Of the specials offered.] by the Canadian lVIag'pie Club, Mr. _ .Ma1co-mson won the prizes for the: best Canadian bred in show, best `young black, blue, yellow and red, birds, best adult yellow, and bestl leading breeders I ,adult, any other color. , ! `X7... l'l`...\lL .u:4-L I-sin Qilun. u I "j 'FIVE BARRIE POULTRYMEN l WIN AT ROYAL WINTER FA ,auu1u, any uwun \.v1\IL. I Wm. Tooth with his Silver {Spangled Hamburgs was competing; {in one of the nesxt classes in the` 'ishow. He won first and second hen | and second and third pullet with his` -%birds. ` `I11 In! 7", , ,___, _:..u, ._..IIAL - vV_yan\Iuuu:a. I J 1 W. H. Wright of Penetang St. al- `so won a large measure of success `first and third cockerel, first and ,,1 ,,,u ; _,, I 1:.__L ._. wth his Houdans, securing third hen,; Aux us. i Mr. Ed. Thomas won sixth pullet [in a. large class of Anconas and Mr. `, `;Ed. Shuter secured third cock and. ithird pullet with his, P:11`t1"1(l::;ci 5 Wyandottes. } k X17 U \Xf..2.-..L5- Al? D,.u.4nn..- Q4- "1 J unou nun. uuuu uvullunvn .. `second pullet and rst pen. I TIVLA n+`n:v1v\A.\vu+n n4-` 4\ `ocpuuu yuuuu uuu nuuu yum- } The attainments of these local I ` breeders at the Royal augurs well for `_ Lthe quality of the local poultry show: I'm January. | %COLLlER ST. UNITED CHURCH{ - TT 777 77 1 FOR SALE--Pure bred Durham bull, four years old, quiet and 1'eIiab1e,i Geo. L`. Davis, Thornton. ALLANDALE 1 jRev. S. H. :G.1'ecns1ade, B. A.; and! Rev. A. D. Cornett. M. A., B. D. : I J n E 11 a.m.-A service of unusual in-I cerest to every member of the ilcongregation. Mr. H. N. Forbes, a `prominent Toronto Layman, Superin- tendent of Deer Park United church Sunday -School, will give an address. Dr. W. A. Lewis and Mr. A. G. Mac- Lellan will each give a message of ` timey interest. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 `p.m.-nRev. A. D. Cornett, M.A. .1-Iorace Wilson, A.R.C.O., Organist and Chair Leader. Let the mernbe:-ship of the church! rally to these services. c ` _..... ._ Sunday, Nov. 22nd ' Ministers : JLTRYMEN ; B.-\ZAAR-Trinity Parish Hall, _ FAIRgT11ursday, Nov. 26, 3 to 5.30 p.m. __ `;Gifts suitable for Christmas. After-7| . I. ,. Doultrymen no`on tea and homemade damtles ; . t I I 1 I I The fall session of the County` :Council will open on Monday next,, `Nov. 23rd, at 2 p.m. i ----`-*-- :-v ii THE ART SHOPPE (opposite G.:t 1 G. Smith s Furniture Store) special-`I Lizes in Stamped Gioods, Wools, Kid- c ; flies Clothi-ng' and Toys. Splendidg e r values now in Chrstmas Novelties, ; ( t'Towc1 Se-ts. Towc-Hing` and Turtle-It J ` Neck Sweaters. ; : ; THE ART SHOPPE is the log-ica1';1 Iplace to buy Incfants Goods, Fa`ncy`'] i Linens, `Handkerchiefs, Linen Towelsi ' and Hosiery. Just across from Gui LG. Smith's Furniture Store. `ll .4 1' ' ' ' ' ' '_ ' Notice is hereby given pursuant to The Trustee Act that all persons! having claims against the Estate ofj Frank Penstone, late of the Town of Barrie, gentleman, deceased, who! died on or about the Twentieth day] of September, 1925, are requested; to send particulars of their claims to . the undersigned on or before the: 31`(l (lay of December, 1925, after!` which date the Executors will distri-` bute the assets of the Estate, having` rega.rd only to the claims of which, they shall then have notice, and will] not be responsible to any others. n..4.~1 ..a. n.._...:.. n.:.. 1m-1. Ann n4-" Alvvnn V sale. ` . . I E The Mlsses Sw1tze1' have moved` ` from their place of business on High` '_S c. to 51 Collier St., opposite D12; :. Lewis. i The Kiwanis euchre and bridge on: "I'hu1's(lu_v (!\'CI1infJ,` last was a successl in every way. About $75 was real- :izcd, which will be" used for the` schemes of the club. } i ,, , O , already in full swing . A large number of names are alreatly on the list, new ones bong` added danly as the news of this contest spreads. "N10 vnntr nn tn T`11n,:r]nv n?-rhf The W.A. of S-t. Ai(lan s, Hawke-2 ` stone, met last Thursday at the home! `of Mrs. Leonard Shaw. Mrs. Cres-i iwickc of Barnie and Miss C. Raikes`-' of Shanty Bay ad(h`0sSed the meet-'. 5 1.... I [H0 HC\VS OI U115 COTIBCSC Spl'C8(lS. The voting up to Tuesday ni,-._1'l1t favored W-innifred McVetgh for rst, followed closely by Lavvina Moffat and Betty Bonney for second and third places. 'l`hr- cfnndinurv nf w 1'_:`r. 25 rm to Imm places. The standing of the rs`: 25 up to Tuesday n=ig'ht : 1. Winnifred McVeigh, Bax-rie.~ 2. Lavina Moffat, Barrie. 3. Betty Bonney, Barrie. 4. Ethel Johnston, Minesing. , 5. Myrtle Whan, Barrie. 6. Mary A. Johnson, Barrie. 7. Gwynneth Brown, Barrie. 8. Isabel Coulter, Allanclale. 9. Barbara Srygley, Allandale. 10. Doris Strath, Crossland. 11. Barbara Whitby, Barrie. 12. Kathleen Singer, Ba.rrie. 13. Myrtle Stoclclart, Guthrie. 14. Margaret Sampson, Oro Station. 15. Vera Lyons, Barrie. 16. Florence Graham, Guthrie. 17. Mary McClelland, Barrie. 18. Jean McCuaig, Shanty Bay. 19. Marjory Huxtable, Barrie. 20. Hklen Sutherland, Barrie. 21.` Velma Chapman, Barrie. 22. Baby Crawford, Oro Station. 23. Beverley Simmons, Barrie. 24. Ruth Fitzel, Ba.rrie. 25. Dorothy Wiles, Barrie. This contest is open to ovc1'_v little _e;i1'l z1n_\'\\'licrc, 13 years of z1_4'e zmil ui1 Any man, woman or child may vote for their favorite. Ono votc for (`\`Cl`)' fty cent pui'ch;1se. Voting closres December 23i'.'l. The ; przos are 1-1 hz1n Dollies '-.o be given to the 14 little girls polling the i most votes. A . "mm ...,m,.;. mt` Hm l'l\`L'+ `)2: Hui. ing. ? 'rm.~: ART SHOPPE (corner Col-E `lit,-r and Bay-eld Sts.) for Pure} `Irish Linen Damask Cloths, Hem-i istitclmegl Afternoon Tea Cloths, Table` Runners, Buffet Sets and Maderiu I Linens. . ithe B.C.I._ for another Christmas fes- `tival similar to the one which was| h('v1(i last year. Convenor s have beenl appointed for the _various booths and `:1 cast is being trained for a piaylet, NP1'of. Pep. I I 1-cpara-tions are beinp: made ati -----~-------------- 1 Lo.=.t--A.round town, on Wednesday,` Nov. 11, pair of buckskin gloves.` Finder please leave ax: Advance Oice. E On Saturday afternoon the Girl lGuides of the town and Trinity S.S. Companies held a very successful tea and sale of baking in Tvinity Parish Hall. About $50 was realzed from the aair and the money will be divided between the two groups. {Now I,m -not going to huit. New patient--You can cut ourt the back ' chat, old ma.n-I ~m a dentist myse],:. The by-election in Bagot, P.Q., will be held on Dec. 7, and Parlia- ment will meet on Dec. 10th 62- the" 17th. Premier King will not seek a .seat until the strength of his pasty , A._A_J most votes. The names of the first 25 l`1tt!~3 f4'll'1S w111 be printed on a bulletin In our show window f:V01'_\ mornings. vn-rt: cnp vnnp t=AvnmTw Vickers Voting Contest ` ..1.......I.. 1.4 A.`..II ......'.... 1-..... ll .Sl1U\V \\'lI1(lU\V l.'\'L`l'_\ JllU1Hlll;.'. VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE LOCALS Tho new law in Turkey declares `that a man shall have only one wife. 15Therc are no motion picture stars in Y Turkey. CARD OF THANKS 1 Mr. G. R. Warnica. and family } wsh to thank their many friends and neighbors for their sincere expres-it sions of sympathy in their recent sad 1 I bereavement. 3 ` ` I I 4 i I >.I* Y l Dated at Barrie this 17th day off November, 1925. l ` Boys Solicitors Executorsf` . NOTICE TO CREDITOR NOTICE is hereby given pursuanti t.o the Trustee Act that all persons` having claims against the Estate of William Wilson, late of the Town-- ship of Essa, in the County- of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the Second day of October, 1925, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned oni or before the twenty--first day of= November, 1925, after which date the Executors will distribute the as- sets of the estate among those entitl- ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be re- sponsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims_sha.ll not then have been received. DONALD ROSS ' Solicitor for Executors, Barrie, Ontario. Dated November 4th, 1925 )'Iaster.< : `lled by the regular ling. Past Master s night was held in L.O.L. No. 432 last Thursday 11ight,~ but because of the very disagreeable wea-ther all the chairs were not lled by P.M. s. The meeting was open- ed in the regular way by the Master, G. Soules, following which the chairs were occupied by the following Past -G.eo. Wilson, P.M.; J. S. Brunton, .\I.; G06. Leslie, D.M.; A. Paddison, Chap.; Clarence Srigley, Marshall. All the other chairs were ofcers. Dis- trict Master Banting of Ivy, D..\I. of South Simcoe, paid his official visit to the lodge. S. N. Hurst, Past. County Master of West Simcoe Dis-l trict, was also present at the meet- Spoeches were given by Messrs. '` Banting, Hurst, Geo. Leslie, A. Pad- dison and Geo. Wilson. A supper` was served after the meeting and speeches were given by D.M. A. Fer-` guson, C. Poucher and D. White. H. `( Kirby moved seconded a vote of committee for the gramme. D. Wilson moved and seconded a votei of thanks to the ladies who furnish-I thanks evening s to the , pro- l `ed the banquet. ml 4 1 \ and W. D. Minnikini` McLaughlin and Geo. '1 1 z I lln the Estate of George S. Brooks,l | late of Shanty Bay, in the County' of Simcoe, deceased. 1 Notice is hereby given pursuant to } -lIthe Trustee Act, that all creditorsii 7 2 and others having claims against the} ilistate of the above named Georgel IS. Brooks, deceased, who died on or` lxabout the 26th day of August, A.D.,; 1` 1925, are required to deliver or send l '. {by post prepaid on or before the 7th; ;day of December, 1925, to the under- lsigiietl, solicitor for the Executors of; `r. ` the estate of the said late George S} i l- Brooks, full particulars in writing% i 1 i l-` of their claims or accounts. 1 , _r:,_ n,_;. ._L.... 41... ...:,I - UL LHUJ1` \;1i:I.uua U1 a\.\.uuuwa. 1 lg And take notice that after the said ! ,;date the said E:-zecutors will proceecli -``to distribute the assets of the de- ;ceased among those entitled thereto, ghaving regard only to the claims of 1i\VhlCl1 they shall then have notice,i siland will not be liable to any person - of whose claims notice has not then; :2 ` been received. ] -r\ . 1 L r\,,,-n:_ 1.1.2.. 14;]. .1-.. .-C UCUII 1 UUUlVULl- ! Dated at Orillia this 14th day uf! `November, A.D., 1925. 3 F. G. Evans, | 1 Orillia, Ont. i I Solicitor for the Executors. E Veterinary Surgeon I Da1,-and night calls promptly at- ltended to. I A11 L_.-_L-.] .....1.... LL. 1o.Lnn} {tended X All cases treated under the latest . {veterinary scientific methods. I _. ..__ .. .u .1 1-. Children at play oftimes wrench themselves causing pressure on nerves which in tum causes disease, D00:-In vuuuvavv Uvvvvvvv ' Adjustments wi ll un- doubaedly help them. Electricity used at times. DR. BURNS. Phone 81 1 NOTICE TO CREDiTORS ?ickei~s November Sale second W eek pursuant l to pm-so11~s':I ] Town- 7'] County`;} (Ieceasc thefl 1925,l.` -.__ ._,.i..-~;M.1 .. ,.,....,1 ......o-:.m1-ave M-` - Many lines advertised last Week are sold out and new bargain offerings added to to take their place. No dress `in the store escapes the mark down. Silks, Ninons, Poiret. Twills, Serges, Flannels and Crepes (le Chenes, all at 21 price that spell Barg'ain, no two alike. For men and boys all o`o1'e at :1 cut rate. George Vickers, Limited Do your sllopping where Values are Best. DR. A. S. BLACK Everyhing in the Store Reduced _in Price The Features This Week Are: I)resses Page VEig'h., 7 SUITS - - Bayfield St. Chirogactor ` unnvi School children to-day are hardier TO MAKE PUTTY ; amid ;than those of a few years ago; thanks. Putty for odd jobs is made by :p1.eS_ i to the care of the school doctors most crushing a handful of whitening in t 'pupils leave eschool with sound teeth a. small bowl and mixing` to the de- 1 and good vision. sired consistency with linseed oil. \I v unuumn .1 For men and boys the adv-2rt1sement. 1s ]arp;e and all are reduced. OVERCOATS MEN S In addition to a special cut price on all coats in the store, we offer you choice of 21 coats made up from servicnzable cloths that were price-1 last ,_,___ ,.L 13.. - 6-1: An A... U`): nn Lluldla yuan \VL.Lla 111 u,\.-n Juuv year at from $15.00 to $25.00, for $8.00. It's a snap. A490 15.2;

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