Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Nov 1925, p. 6

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13izoFEssIoNAL cARi)s' I-1 jt7-IIlI$ ::-- (MATURING DECEMBER 1ST. 1925) 3 COMMISSION ON CHURCH PROPERTY AT OWEN SOUND I ,,,, ,,,,_ The KniL1.i.n_L,-' Mill at Co1lin<,-:.wood, owned by D. Graham & Sons of I-m.','lc- wutnl and A. J. Brown & CO., was to- tally ulestroyed by fire, on Sumlay lmornin_I:`. The cause of the fire iis unknowun but it; is though: to huvv ori;:in:1t(-I in tho shippin1.: room. 'l`hex'c hzul burn no `fin- in `(.110 mom since last spring.-'. The loss `..< estimated at $50,000. The lplzmt mnployml 25 hunuls and was op- urzxtimr at c:1pz1`ci.t.y, many orders be- ing unfihllvd. i Continuing Presbyterians of Men- Eford failed in their efforts to be al- ` lowed to use the Presbyterian Church, [evidence being given that there was inot sufficient room in the Methodist ; Church to house the two Union con- igregations. No recommendzvtion was 1 made. I 7 .. n. . .. -. I ..--uu\.. I ' In the Chatsworth case, it was a_g'reed to rcommend that the former iMetho(list Church `be sold to the con- Etinuing Presbyterizms for the sum of $2,500, the details to `be reported up- lon later. At Heathcote, continuing iPresbyteria.ns were refused their ap-i plicaton to be given the vacant church ithere, but they will be g'1`z1nted the c ...... -1.` IL C`.....).... ..1`L...... I I It is not known when the argu- ment will be heard In the Owen Sound `case, `but it is not zmticipatetl there will be much delay as both pm't.ies lure anxious to have the matter set- ] t1c(l. luv.-\,, uuu v-u.,v nu. us. hug--upu mu. `use of it Sunday afternoons and cer- !tain days. I u :,. ..._ 1.......... ..-\.-.4 Q COLLINGWOOD MILL nan-Aura 3 -nT INCORPORATED 1855 (IJV/Iy lulu: a wrr/c to 5:`/l rustonwrs Z0/IO can or .m1l1'n a morru'n.g ~-by Ion g I)I'.vimz.ce 3 DR. MORTIMER LYON. 122 BLOOF ' St. West, Toronto, will be at 91} Owen St., Barrie, 151: Saturday 0! each month. Disreases--Eyc-, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation. imur.~'. 11 am. to 5 p.rn.. and bi appointment. I sell by Long Dista_nce to points 200 miles away, and never see the 9s_!9!"'= 1...... Rf.-yrluml {:1 DESTROYED BY FIREI \$?# it \\\\ \ \ \\ Iv CUBS but--u-v- - --'wrI'!'.\` 4: Uunluuzw Iihvclmnt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19; 1925 ;OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO6 C \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC )E. J. BYnN1:~: 9 `iThe Harness Man ID OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 {Smith Ka DR. H. T. ARN.-XLL, OFFICE AND rPidr:nr'r> r-m-m.r n4 'r`m..-...+,. ...,: ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT HARNESS Blankets and Robes I All Kinds of Repairing i Done 1 Full Line of 'I.`1-21vc11i11g 1 Goods ! BARRlE S BEST LAUNDRY 129 Dunlop St. 1 L EM B6. lF0r Sore Throat `Phone 616. - Five Points . Laundry called for and delivered Prices reasonable W01-kmansh'1p guaranteed on all fnmilv washing .1, Specialist in Embalm-`I ing. 1 Owen St. Barrie, 0nt.1 Phone 268. ` ,:___. _`:w The quest for a strong body often continues from childhood to old age. Nature builds health and a sound body best through nourishment. Scott's Emu.IsinI1_ .*"5..`L`,'-.T!'._`?".E5". J _ wv.-- w j-nit--Zifi of invigorating cod-liver oil is a dependable ally to those of any age in the quest for health and a sound body. Take Scott's Emulsion! __.. g .._,,.. - . -- --- DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE` Of TYiY!if\' T'nivnv-zhrv on ! uh.- FUNERAL DIRECTOR double direct action (Inhaled and nluorbadl brings welcome relief. ICKS VAPORUI @ $.11. Barrie. Eye: Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College. Toronto. 43 Elizabeth 51., Barrie. Phone 80 EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Or- gran, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew s Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conscr- vatory of Music and of the Uni versity of Toronto. 113 Worsleg street. Phone 663. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC-l ians, Surgeons. Office and Resi- dance, 47 Maple Ave. Ofce hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m.. L A IN Ar kw ..n...n:..L...A.. Y:Lu- - Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone C1. Ofcr:--58 Collier St. Ofce Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m un. u. I \JI\lVlJ\JlaI4 Graduate Bf McGill University, Montreal. Ofca, 4nd Resi Eliza-N beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office Hours-9-10 a.m., 7-8 mm. 1-3 p m., VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES, Barrie Branch. Miss Irene Munro, 86 Worsley St. Telephone 751w. DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS tor, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. . I B. w. SYLVESTER, TEACHER 0F| Diann Vinlin and 'CnIIn, 191: Page Six 'r 7 '-'_" I PROF`. D. WEIR. TEACHER OI` I Piano and Vinlin mam. m.......... L,t').lJI`4L\l'] IJ ILD L OI. KIIXDIAVJ ;Bar1'ist01`s, Solicitors, etc. 1st oor Masonic Temple 511". Money to loan at rates. SURGERY A.\'D DISEASES OF WOMEN .a'1mV oz LDLLLV, D1-XLVIVLDLDLVD Solicitors in High Court of Jus ticc, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofce, 1st floor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G H. Esten and M. H. Estcn. LLIIJAALVUIDIV UUVVIXLV, DUK/MEAD so!` to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship am. administration, and General Solici tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. 1n. n. 1. .-' UrL".lU.b A_'\.U residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. 111. v lb 1 UK A. :1.-XKL`, GRADUATE of Trinity Univr:rsity and also; graduate of Edinburgh and Glas-1 gow. Specialty , stomach di.=.t.-ase.=.. Oice. corner Bayr.-id and War-: sley Sts. Entrance off Wors]ey.; Office open until 8 p.m. ` D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicltor, Etc. Money to Loan B.A.DENHURS'1` .Y4m~.-c+m~.: Qnl ll1.]J., 213. I. W. SILV r._ou.un, najauun Piano, Viohn and `Cello. Buyeld St. Phone 974w. 'uur. u. r.. wg.1}c, `1'I'.'ACHER 01' | Piano and Vnolm. Piano Tuner. 21 Collier St. Phone 513. l Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. Examined 0. R. RUSK, OPH.D. DR. E. G. TURNBULL -.1....L. -1 unmrv,-n TY - - GORDON LONGMAN H. H. CRESWICKE. DR. W. A. LEWIS STEWART & STEWART, BAR risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Office, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. J. LU 0 [).HI., I (.0 U p.m I '.appointment. A. T. Littlc-Q` w. 0. Little, M.B. Phone! MUSIC LESSONS LEGAL MEDICAL OPTICAL & HAMMOND. I 1:O~o\I-n "+1. f\l7%nn Glnue: Fitted I LUU LV 1.}. I Ofce Build lowesi | Barrie. LUI`| 120 ESTEN & ESTEN, BARRISTERSI .Qnlir-Hnrq H1 Hick (`Emu-f. nf JIIR 1 old school house in the rambling little 1., -----.2: ing` just after she had made some slighting remarks about her teacher who was so cross and strict. How different school days are now to what they were when I was a boy in the village of Sholing, in Hampshire County near Southampton which as you should know is one of the `larg- est and busiest seaports on the south- coast of England. How well I re-- member our tyrannical school master, Mr. Arthur Oliver as the villagers called him but -to us he was always Cocky Oliver and every boy and girl in the village was familiar -with his little ways for they had often ex- perienced his harsh and cruel treat- ment and `I ve no doubt many of them carry still in after years memories not of the fondest nature. To the, unruly pupil who needed particular- ly kindness and forbearance ho wasl especially hard and his cane was of- ten busy. Very much unlike the boys and girls of this dear Canada where school days are fraught with pleasure, to every one, we always dreaded`, school so much that we would often`; feign sickness and, of course our good ` mothers just as good then as now, would not send a sick boy or girl to school but -how quickly we recovered: after school was in. We seemed to; get better so soon without the aid or; a doctor and mother -was always so` glad that Harry or Willie was well again and would cheer us up with the i hope that we would be able to go back tomorrow. Oh, ,my, how very cheering. Yes, it may have cheered` some but it had no charm for us forl there could be no magnetic attraction in the rattle and sting` of the oldi cane and we wished that tomorrow" would always be today. You say that in the school here they use 211 strap. Well. just let any boy try the, Tickle Toby Cane and I m sure heii would take the strap with relish. We' never had your glorious recossesw either for although we were allowed` out for a while we had -no gay dances or drills but must amuse ourselves" as best we could and when the ;bell rang rush pellmell to our seats lest, Cocky should find some cause for, canine" for there was always some-l thing to see and hear when he was at his post. i Poor old chap, now gone foreveri and along -with him those unpleasant: memories of miserable ` `The minutes of Nov. 14th, pursuant to adjournment. last meeting were read and conrmed. ' The following accounts were pass- ed for payment: S. E. Campbell, culvert pipes, $150.90; J. D. Wright, work on side- road 70, Co-n. 1, $3.00; A. Kirton, repairing; road on 7th line, $22.00; Amos Bell, gravel, $3.60; Robt. Barnes, posting notices Board of Health, $13.25; Robt. Barnes, get- ting supplies for persons quarantined, $15.00; Canada Ing`-ot Iron Co., 12 72 in. culvert pipes, $242.40; C. E. Cope-land, wood supplied to Miss Gray, indigent, $9.00; J. T. Simpson, grant for caretaking _ monument, Waverley, $50.00; Alex. Tarrant, re- pairs to grader, $6.20; Brock Dean, work on road, $4.00, rent of right of way to roadway, $500, $9.00; Arthur Langman, 7 sheep. killed by dogs, $105.00. Order passed to strike off the col- lector s roll the sum of $2.00 charged to D. H. Ritchie for dog`, being` error in assessment. On motion of Mr. Trace, seconded by Mr. Drysdale, ordered that taxes charged against the property of Miss McG~innis be struck off the collector s roll, she being` in indigent circum- stances. Drysdale-Langman-That as evi- dence has been received that A. Tar- rant, who was assessed for a dog", had no dog` in, his possession at the time of assessment nort since, that therefore the charge for a dog` be struck off the collector s roll. Lang`man-Trace-That the Reeve and 'l`reasurer be appointed to accept the collector s roll of 1924 and reg port at next meetin,-4' of this council. ML-etin_e` adjourned to meet at Elm- vale on Dec. 15 at ten o clock a.m. C. S. Burton, Clerk. THE MUNICIPAL CANDIDATE There is a growing.-` reverbration in the air of elections--Dominion elec- tons. feeling` perhaps, much absorption. But, with the l)ig'g'er thin:_:s, let no citizens for_L-"et his own municipal elec- ton which will soon be with us. We should be taking` time of year to who will look after our interests on the council board during` 1926. Some '. ,, , ,, _ I . . . :SCh001 _H0 3313030 that mCm- , with whom they are satisfied and who a'ior1es cling` even after we have grown are willing to serve again and ,p(_11`. to manhood and how the world hasjhaps again. Others may be lucky -in Cl11`s"`(l W5 M033 0f discipline in Ctl-itlieir reeve and councillors but not as} 110at0Y1- T.V1` and C1`1131tY are not E lucky in ther ratepayers-good men V` t0l01`ateLl and how much better the and true, hard-working, unselfish, ac-. F04 0f klmlnes in the hand Of One 2 complishingr, have been known before, whose motto patience. The pupil: I Who D1`i`~'ll`'fi 10 have Such a again may have chosen not wisely and 5 teacher should treasure in his mem-`will be eager to be rid of their last, cry what he has been taught and! should honor and respect the man]bility, thwelected man may still be. this to suffer rejection. And others choice. There is still another possi- There will be` much talk, much. thou_L'ht at this lucky- unhappy` municipalities will have in office men: 3 W330 has Caughi him, I -'3-5 .'ll1St tl'.V'- 3 acceptable to the community, but may.` zng to recall a little verse that I made` feel he has done his share in the com-i -ar:-' ago, something like this: 1- but not with spite, i - bend from wrong to right` proper place to bring :.lis;_rrace. 1 2"-"xi a.-}.arnr.-l of my grouch, just? `J-`a'c.'. '* ' '-rr;o'r:~:- today for I ll be a r-wiar ar:2_~:-3. and with a light little) .. .- : 1'2}; Of F135 bald spot ghg L..... i .~'w If .'., ...... .. _._. AV the in(lifIe1'enc of the general citizen. ` For whatever reasons, it is inevit-` `l2).l )I(.` that there will be nominationsi and election.-: in most municipalities. man, if attainable, is best for the of- flee. He should be capable, reason- ably popular, aiming to please but firm in the right, forward-looking, u . ,- imunity s behalf or may be weary of` I .., ` ' . ' i . V 7?-'1 3*"-`l1.\. You make-,And ratepayers should consider what: ' ucaton. Tyranny and cruelty us nu. l.l\4.1\.o forever unpleasant` lschool 'How mem-r ories grown` and how has it s discipline ed- `better in motto is pupil is to treasure in mem- andl {should and the man`: `who was try-E a ing a I made ' up years the cane `but not l Cane will benrl right Y iL':sv: E- ` ` ` Shun 11:`: to ! Gre.mp," sad make; `me justf _ ..mol~:e be a` ` regular little` pa`. 0. ; -.:w.- top she` `v.'>.'-. off on '..'n:.- run to beat out the: 11. . `.14 r__-,L,,. I 1 n 11:- '}."a'. .. iLydia. E. Pinkham`s Vege- ' table Compound Helped Where Other Medi- cines Failed GRANDPA S SCHOOLMASTER Vancouver, 13. C.-"I took Lydia E. Pinkha.m's Vegelmiie Compound be- cause I was tired and run down. I had headaches and no appetite and was troubled for two years with sleeploasness. I tried many medi- cines but nothing did me any real good. While I was living in Wash- ington I was recommended by a friend to mkb the Vegetable Com pound. I am stronger and feel ne since then and am able to do my housework. I am willing for you to use these facts as a. testimonial."- Mns. J. C. Gm-:.\vr.s. 771 Hornby St., Vancouver, British Columbia. ,,___ , _____,__, gAA_, _L__.L ;u.,n., , u don TIREHW v uuuuuvun , un nuuu vu: uuuun. Many women keep about their work when it is a great effort because the work must be done. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has brought relief to thousands of tired housewives by removing the troubles which cause annoying symptoms. If vou are sufferlnrz fr-nm nm-unuu. wmcn cause annoymg symmonm. If you are stuttering from nervous- ness, headache and baclcache. pains in right or left side, tired and run- down feellngs. take Lydia E. Pink- ] ha.m s Vegetable Compound. 1 Jun! hnnr in mind fhlq nmdinrlna `hm: Nc11y," XLEXANDER CO WAN, SUCCES cnr fn Lpnnnv (`.nw2n Xx Rrnwn [M11113 \r'(3.{CliL[J_J0 LOIIIDOIIDU. Just bear in mind this medicine has been used by women for nearly fty years. That Is 8. long record of serv- ice, and nmnds upon the foundsuon of merit. '44:. V.` ..n. Auu. LU uvzcu. Uh `mt.-I1.--ConLri buted by W. 7 v : ; ; teacher; The 5 tschool sre I\1 1-\nn.~,. 3 411a .u.u-ailxlinm H4-#1.. G `D nnm1hkn1` nI`I,\YnI" ninne said Grandpa one morn- Flos Council met`. at Piwlpston on- ;- thing about bathing in!` >caI man says, is that you` to v.'a.:~:'n out the tub your-i gun nuwu E I lviAl` .w..u.... uu mu. yuuus...-.1; u ;uu \ l`I 1_zmd lithe collc-cto1"s V ' lnoeting council.\_ ,5` 1 3 V 03 nu LUA pa_yuu.uu. culvert road vBarnes, get- persons caretaking` Brock .work road, 'Lang'man, sheep. killed I.,u.uu.uu. I to 1ector Eto being :in 1 \ .. ..... .. . . un uoauac:-nns,u. 1 `lby `charged `McG~innis iroll, `I 1\ :1 v rnl 1 BOYS & BOYS, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- iveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen Street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M-.P., J. R. Boys. luvsnlluuun ; ovi-1 'I`a1'-` `rant, ;_`for no nort `struck collector's : 1 m m. . .. n I .... nu`... u... n-. ..u. .... .- an, nun. nu... Civic virtue is for the elector us well as for the elt.-ct,ml. `IC1ecL0r." may choose the candidate, but the cuml-i- date may reject the electors. .Anl no man Iiveth to -himseIf.--WesLer.n Muncipal News. Late last Thursday afternoon at the Five `Pionts an automobile col- lision occurred between ears driven by Mr. Fred Otton and Mr. -Art. Thomas . Otton in a Reo Sedan was making the turn from Dunlop St. up Bayfield St. and Thomas was travel- ling south o_n Clapperton in a Ford Coupe. The pavement was wet and darkness was falling`. The two cars collided heavily directly in front of Hotel Simcoe. Considerable external damage was done to both cars. Mr. Otton s `bumper was broken and his fender was stove in. The fender and wheel of Mr. Thomas car were smashed. Two tnavellers on the ver- andah of the Hotel were the only eye witnesses. ..,,, ...u........, ...... ,,........ .. .-. he has (lone well. He tl0esn L alwaysi receive these things, of course; often, | ithe very opposite. If he can retirel from oice with a. sense of somethinp; done for the good of the municipality to the best of his ability, that is often as much as he takes`. away with him. f`I..... ...._A... 2.. 1`..- tL.. ..I....t.... .... 1111411 u um.-uuun., ...v u-....~u ;v nun, u; `ificr,-. to please but` [firm right, capable of co-operation, patient where l - . . IHI:C(. ary, but not too patient, Wltili belief in his knowle(lp;e of municipal law a fair judge of men and work, a 'min open towarrls information and` "instruction, anrl the newer move-. ments in the municipal world. Ancl such a man xhoulrl he alilr: to expect' . from his electors support, uml<:rstan | in;_5, int(:re. ~3t, and even praise where 1.. L... _I.... ....II II, .l-.....H ..I AUTOMOBILE COLLISION ON WET PAVEMENT, FIVE POINTS FLOS COUNCIL The Northern Advance Very few people attended the mar-I ket on Saturday because of the in- clement weather. Only one -basket of ( potatoes appeared for sale and 50 cents was demanded for it. None of J `the usual democrats with bags of po-i ltatoes or apples, pork or lamb, ap-` 1 peare-d at all. Eg`g's sold for 60 cents I 1 21 dozen, a sligllt reduction from the 1 1 ( ( 1)l'0V10llS week, and butter brought` 48 cents a pound. Fowl did not change in price. 1 x ` Pumpkins .. Butter ........................ .. Eggs -: ........................... .. .; Geese ...................... .. _Ducks ................... .._ 1Spring Chickens . Fowl ............. .. Potatoes nPo catoes ,Turnips Parsnips ............... .. Butter Beans ..... .. Apples .......... ..- `Crab Apples ........ .. Cabbage .. , Beans ...... .. ` Cauliflower ` ' Celery .................. .. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. EURDAY s MARKET So many Lznimportunt wars are go- im: on all over the world that until a big one is startml mhesr: little ones might. be `symlicatcd. I 1).. 4|... 4.:`..,... H. ...:..H,. l...:.. .....m.m D We need a tariff which protects. - [The prmary purpose of denitely and l ifrankly protective customs duties {should be protection of home` indus- ;tries and employment and develop- Lment of domestic resources. Cons-id-l !erations of revenue, while importantl ` ought to -be secondary. It is however ;one of the merits of a protective tar-- i iff that it provides increasi-ng' receipts, ,while a. tarifffor revenue, if it fails, (`to protect domestic industries, resultsl ; in diminishing; returns to the treasury, `Ths assertion is contrary to the not iuncommon belief that we dare noti raise the tariff because we must main- tain the revenue, but tariff history af- fords abundant evidence that, under tariff which is truly protective, a3 [country is prosperous and can afford Ito buy imported luxuries and novel- `ties and that labor is well employed I and purchasing power is higli. . 1l'...l_... .. .AIC...p D`: L.!...L .......4-Antinn uuu l:u;\.uu.uu,, llvvvux no unhu. ethe customs revenue of the United `toms revenue of Canada, which has] `made successive reductions -in tarifl`, Under a policy of hi.e'l1 protection,| I States increased from 192.1 to 1925 by nearly 80 .per cent., while the cus- has declined by 34 per cent. in the `same period. If our legislators will: seek first to provide real protection: for Cunzulian industries, there cam be! little doubt that the revenue from customs duties wil-l Ibe satisfuctolgv. `The present tariff is defective `be- cause it does not protect adequately some basic and other -industries and l):-cause it fails to provide sullicient l`CV(.'llll(' and has made necessary :1 re- sort to lmmperimc, ii)lll`(iO-l1S0l11(' inter- nal levies to meet the requirements of the treasury.-- Wilson's Month.l_v.l ....5.... .... _,,.....~...,.... By the time the girl's llalr xrrowsz out they .will look so much like women tlmt -we will have to learn them all over again. Prices : AUTO LICENSES Debentures of the Town of Barrie. 5; Per ("onl.. Issue. Good lnvesmnent. Ofce, Ross Block. THE BAN K OF TORONTO I N C O R P O R A T E D 1 8 55 7 OWEN S I`lbl~JIvJ l` I\1n.3gm1c~ Tmnple llullulug Ev-r -rs-I-I-r 1- -u-nun:-I--I--I-|-Us OUR PRIMARY NEED Successor to J. Arnold lnsunuloe Redeem Your 1|AI\'r`Il|:nnvr~ r-\r*r~|-Ants:-I-3 qr--r 1r\n=\ FOB SA LE cause my The Owen Sound sitting` of the i Church Property Commission was I it of. concluded on `Saturday, and while _ ' lrecommendations were made in some P0` E cases the situation as it is at present, ork lamb a`p' was left in others. The inon-concur- sm_fr ` ring co11g'1'egation at Conn applied to )1(lu1f:1t:l31`f)(:_I:u:11` have the vote taken there Fowl Rot on the ground of irregularites. The `decision in this case was reserved for jargument, `but in the meantime the lcontinuing Presbyteria-ns have been ..................... .. 47c. lb-!g'1`ante(l the use of the Presbyterian . 050. (102.1 Church on Sunday afternoons and on 25c. lb. : Thursday evenings. Ac Priceville, lb.ithe vote turned out to lb0 a tie, 60 wlfor each side. Under the United ..Church Act this was a victory for . .. 50s bask. the Unionists, but the non-concurring ............. $3.00 a bag portion allege -there were irre;;ularit- 5c each`ies. They claim a woman member aninulled ` . 20c bask. 10c pint: '2 for 25c, ................. .. 35c ba:<.k.. $3.00 bbl. . .... .. 35c bask. .................. .. 10c each; 10c pint ......... .. 10-20 eachi ...... .. 10-15c each` 2 for 15c. bunch} _._g__. XRY fl e m of the congregation applied for her certificate, but it was never issue and her name remains on the originail roll. Mr. Mason, on behalf of the United Church made the offer of leas- ing to the continuing Presbyterians the Methodist Church, which is not hens; used at the present time. The rental was fixed at one dollar per year, and for as long as the comin- uing` Presbyterians wished, provided they take proper care of it. This 'is probably what will happen. The vote in the Priceville case was confirmed -by the Commission, and the recom-_ mendaton, that the arrangemenit as outlined, be carried out, was made by the Commission. A -n u n-Ar ........... ..25c. 1b.: ...... bask.` `$3.00 bag} ......... .. each` ..... .. baski WITHOUT CHARGE AT ANY BRANCH OF `PAYMENT WILL BE MADE IN CASH OR `PLACED TO YOUR CREDIT AS DESIREU I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. `

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