Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hannah andg family of Toronto spent Thanksgiving Day at F. A. Arnolds. ! mu. ....,1 *.w..~ r....v..,m..n TmmnH r.F 1,_..-... Among` the University of Toronto 1stu(lents and Normal School students ` who spent the week-end at their home here were Misss Jan Cowan, Ma1'p:a1`et Malcomson, Helen Ross, Helen Smith. Alberta Newton, Olive Lall_v, Doris Fred Billingsley; Harold Smith, P. 'I`urne1', Gwen. Hurlburt and Messrs. `|Vlvian, and H. Carson. The death occurred -on Wednes- iday, Oct. 28, -in the Private Patients `Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, of Eva Burwash, wife of H. E.. Ism-(1, formerly of Barrie, and niece of Mrs. John Claxton. Mrs. Isard `will be remembered by a number of Barrie people, her husband having had a store here for some years about the of the century. Mrs. Cockburn of Aurora is visit-l 1:: her (1z111;'ht(:1', Mrs. Freeman; 1 __,L_II l PERSONALS RElD-BLOOMFlELD ..v..uu_. . Norman Walls of l town over T]1:1n}:s- 1\'I`i11an spent the 1* sister, .\I1'.<,. W. J.l um. |.__..._._._: In me last fiscal year 3,843 home- stead entries were granted in the Prairie I-`rovincos, a_:';_n;1`e3::1ti119: an approrzinzatc area of 614.830 acres, while, in addition, 710 snIdiel' grants of 113,li0[) acres, m:.~.1 up a grand total of T2S.1.\`,1J 11:1`:-5 an :,ot`.I:2d. The Grand Challenge Cup, emble- matic of the First Aid Championship of the entire system of the Canadian Pacific Railway, will be competed for at the Place Viger Hotel, Montreal. November 15. The champions in a. knock-out competition among` East- ern and Western teams respectively, will fight it out for the trophy. Fire Prevention Week, October 4-10, was observed throughout the Dominion, and to mark the sense of gthe importance of the occasion Mr. `Grant Hall, vice-president of the` Canadian Pacific Railway, broadcast an appeal by wire to every officer and employee of the system to co- operate as in the past and set a good example by thoroughly cleaning` up all premises." VVIIILUJ, Wlvu A741. unnu .u;.;. :/u\.us,-nu... Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Price spent` Thanksgiving with friends in Wye-: vale. 1 mr- n n rn,,,_,,L, _,,,-I , 1-I,_. In 11115 Cnmxriu 0.`{]:I::l'tc(i no wheat tn China. In 1918 she sent only eight`.`m1s to J-.>.p.-m. In 19:24 China. imported over 5,000,000 bushels of Czmadiztn wheat and` over 1,500,000 ban`:-ls of flour, while Japan took 7,0U0,(`0O bushels of wheat and 110,- 000 bai'rels of flour. It is predicted those fig'ux'cs will be well beaten for the current year. Plans are already being laid to make the 1925 Eastern International Dogsled Derby an even greater suc- cess than in any previous year, and it is reported that the prize money will be considerably increased next winter, with the object of attracting more teams and mushers from the West and the United States. Canada's great outlook, says a re- cent issue of the London Outlook, is that she wants more people, but of the right type, namely, steady agri- cultural workers with enterprise, initiative and endurance. Enthusias- tic letters from emigrants under the joint scheme of settling 3,000 famil- ies in Canada are bound to have their healthy effect on relatives and friends dissatisfied with their lot in England. Exiled from Hungary of which he had been president, after the Com- munist revolution of 1919, Count Michael Karolyi toured the United States in March and April but was forbidden to address meetings or ex- plain his political views in that coun- try. He returned to London where he now lives, with Countess Karolyl, passing through Montreal and sail- ing on the Canadian Pacific S.S. Montclare from St. John. Inter- viewed in Montreal he expressed a great admiration for Canada and said he had once been on the point of settling either in lllontreal 01 Toronto. 3' E. F. L., Sturdee, general Pas- senger Agent for the Orient of the C.P.R., with headquarters at Hong Kong, has been appointed Aiistant General Passenger Agent of the sys- tem at Montreal. His duties com- menced here in October. He was re- lieved of his other work owing to ill-health, but the climate of Canada soon restored him to physical well- being. He has a long record of ser- "ice with the C.P.R., dating back to `is first appointment at Saint John in 1894. Victor 4 Notzern _Electr1'e provides a greater enjoy- ment in Radio reception, and their beautiful cabi- nets a source of utmost pride in any home. J. G. KEEN AN Pignos and Victrolas F. Morten in charge of Radio Dept Opposite P.'u. square THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 A Vkftor-Northern Fietrio radio set can be inalled in your Vicftroln." RADIO [ere anc1T}1ere( Sold on easy payments Superheterodyne and other types from $42.00 to $260.00 Page Five Wenc- Miss Russell, Toronto paid a fly- ing visit to friends in Hinesing, on her way to the Soo. \/I .... T) \ 7\r|'..1' ,.;..l ...L. 1 kahu- l I I 1 9 nu: vvu; uv nu, uuv. I Mrs. H. A. McLeod, who has been! renewing` old acquaintances in this? burg went to Grenfel last week for a short visit with relatives there. Mrs. ! MzwLeo will be home in Foote s Bay for Thanksgiving Day. ! \r:._.. In \I.......,- rIV.........L.. ,.......t Ll... JJJA ...u.....,b.....,, .,..,.. . I Mxss W. Young, Toronto spent the; week-end with her parents . The following have accepted posi- tions; Marion Reed with London Life` Ins. Co., Ruth Fisher, Sarjeants Coal office. H1 ., rw.._._v._..__.._;. A-.,._-_. uun.c. Qur Toronto Employment Agency` reports having` placed Lillian Adams in a (lesimble position. \II-IIZ.....+A.. 'LYnn.aLn-- .1 r-l>u,]nn6- AC an a xnuouuuu, 1:v.:..-uu. Wellington Hughes, 9. student of`? 1914 class, was a holiday caller. He it has made rapid strides in the com-ii mercial world being now generali manager over Western Ontario for 21 Montreal firm, with head guarters at Lonodon Ont. ` ,L._I.._L_ ____ _,,____,:,_:__,_ p,__ L.n.IuUuuu vnnv. The students are organizinf.-: for a series of monthly At Homes" during the winter season. 1: m..,. \I7,.__L_.._ A_.....,.. ._..- uu: vVAuu;L Jktbauu. 1VIr. Tom Wauchopc, former pro- prietor of Barrie Business Co11eg'e_ called this week. He is jreneral sup- erintcmlcnt for an insurance com pany. Uily db L`. n. :xLuuLu.:. Mr. and Mr`. Lawrence Jen-net : of Toronto visited with the fo1'me1's s parents during the holiday. mr:-,. Y ,.:1.. hmvh -C1-r\n1 \4.-mn WNW`: BUSINESS COLLEGE NEWS Eii 3omprising Everything In Wearables F 01* Men and Women, Boys and Girls and Needfuls for the Home First Dayvsaturday, Nov. 14, 1925 IVY Everythzng in the Store at a Cut Price GEO. VICKERS, LIMITED Ha... vvupn ......W .._,. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spring` and vMr.l and Mrs. Alvey Martin were in Tor-`_ nonto on Thursday a.tten(ling,' the wed-_ l ding` of the latter s son. Mr. Harold Wallace has gone to the i city for a while. i Mr. Will Boake of Thornton called on Mr. A. C. Wallace on Monday. I We are sorry to report that Mrs. ell-J. Powers and Mrs. J. W. Black are `on the sick list, but hope that they will soon be around again. I \I..,. \l7!II f`....-.A... n 'D..uu:n In ..:..:L '1 '1 I Miss Maude Wellbanks has return- `_ed to her home at Newbrook after 1 Visiting her sister here. I I 7|/L... l'\ 1') `D1.....1. .........a. .. 45.... ,1...- youuxum uuLAu_5 un; A|UALuu._v. ' Miss Leila Davis from Mono Millls spent the holiday at her home here. 11:..- mt A.....\1.l A4` hi`.-in :mm~.+ +110. VADIUIAIS AICL aAoucL u\.;p. 1 ! Mrs. 0. R. Black spent a few days ;last week with friends in Ivy. I 'n1._ ___,1 1.1 ..- 75-4.-.. 0-...-. ......1 `M2. t For Extra Specials See Posters nus ouuu uu nuuuuu usulnlu ` ;VIrs. Will Cowan of Barrie is visit-l ling with her parents M1`. and Mrs. William Beelby. 1\l.._ T O T ,\.........l 2. ..!..2t-:...... .351. Iv uuuun. A.I\.\.A.u_y~ . Mrs. J. S. Leonard is visiting with friends in Toronto. `I: :1...` `r I` u 1 n v :- 3 Miss Edith McCullough of Lefroy: ` is spending a few days with her unc_Ie i Mr. A. C. Wallace. { Mrs. (D12) N. W. Rom.-rs and somi` `and Mrs. Quibbell are the guests of gthe Iatter's daughter Mrs. MacDonald : in Toronto. I 1 Among those who were here over: Thanksgiving were Mr. Max Wallace! of Toronto at Herb. Wa1lace s, Mr.| `and Mrs. Clifford Robinson, Fred` Leonard of Toronto at Mrs. J. S! Leonard's, Mr. Charles Marquis of} vToronto at H. J. Ma.1`quis', Miss Hilda' `Ferris of Mincsing at Albert Ferris,i _Mr. and Mrs. Levi Pratt and Miss` Irene of Barrie at Russell Webb's; _\Ir. Bert Pratt of Toronto at Henry; ilPr:1`:'s; Miss Ina Block and friend ofj and l4 Little Girls will be the happy possessors of 14 Handsome Dollies For every fifty cents received from our customers a ballot will be given. On it may be written the name of your Favorite little girl, or one to whom you would like to send one of the l4 beautiful dollies~~and on the day before Christmas Day one of the dollies will be sent to each of the l4 girls receiving the most votes~l4 prizes in all \IAI IlI_` /'\l* "1-l If-' r\'ITI'-C` /`ALu"E"c5F THE PRIZES1 `The two little girls polling the most votes will receive 1 Handsome Dolly, value $13.00 '1 he next four will receive 4 Lovely Dollies. Value $10.00 The next four will receive 4 Beautiful Dollies, Value 38.00 The next four will receive 4 Pretty Dollies, Value 37.00 DIJUIIU LUIU l|\lll\Icly (lb ;l:.L ux/Aux, u\.;.\. Miss M. Arnold of Dixie spent. the week-end with her parents. -4 r: 111...... -4` r`*,...I-~b.\...n H.-`.1 Contcst open to any little girl 13 or under. There will be no czlnwtssing` by employees of the store. Cash pur- chases and monies paid on account may secure votes. Come in and see the Prizes---On View, Main Floor --pun:-w u< A 1-xv C! A urn I\'I'I!III'lI\I Every customer has the priviledge of voting fo any little girl 13 years of age or under. A BALLOT WITH EVERY 500. SALE GEO. VICKERS LIMITED There is going to be a Voting Contest at This store At Vickersj ANNOUNCEMENT STROUD Kr'oii3' E}{1i1}?KNn' 615%}-xiii % 5Ma.1ana, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert of! Toronto at Robt. Black's; Mr. and ' Mrs. Jack Hewson and family of To- Vlronto at Thos. Hewson s; Mr. Robt. |Hamilton of Ho1'ning; s Mills at Rem]; 5 Mr. Brown s; Mr. Leonard Martin of: {Aurora at Mr. Smyhe s; Misses Ken-l '- ` well and Goldie Givens of Toronto at " _ Mrs. Givens;-Miss Dorotldy Harmer of ' `.Toronto at Mrs. I. Sprin_e; s. ' l r`,.n~....5..l..o:...... L- 1M.. rm..." 3,1,... l l -nun. A number of the members of Min-2; ~ , e1'va'Lodg;e attended a mcotng heldv lin Elmvale last Friday. % 3 .1 1\/1.. .....x MM 1* n hum-.. -----L V'\UUf\`\.'XllI \\lLrll IXUJ. 1l(.LL'.;A|LQ- Mr. C. Flynn of Cookstown visited at G. L. Davis on Sunday. 1'.._._. 1__.._ -LL...1,`.l LL-` Congrmtulations to Mr. Chas. Mar- ltin aml Miss Violet Wilson of To-V 1 ronto, who were married on Thu1-sdayl last. I . iA.llA\Ill|-\J uu A'L'l-7; L. Llklllllg a. ` I w I I... u.--uvunu Luau xuuay. } M1`. and Mrs. G. R. Harper spent Tuesday in Toronto. ` 1\.r.. .....I 1u..~ r~ rr-..A..-A. I ----' Aux.-:uu_y All LULUllUUo Mr. and Mrs. C. Harmer and son: ;C1ement of Toronto spent Monday lwith their daughter, Mrs. I. Spring". 1 `AL. ,_._: `It A 11 n - l Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Page and Mrs. .H. G. Ballis-ton of Ba.-rirc were week' ` end visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Harper's. \ . . .. `II',, n u I -n Ix Mrs. Lloyd Booth and baby arcl visiting with friends in Toronto. - I ?`WA'I`SON-DEMPSTER- ON Satur-I i I I 1 day, Nov. 7th, 1925, by Rev. G. Carscadden at the Central Par-g sonage, Isabella Elsie J. Dempsteri of Angus to Chas. Gordon Wz1tson' also of Angus. ._ .__,. _-...,_,... ...` Mr. Donald Banting` spent the' week end with his parents in Lucan.- 1;: V1 . .-. .. l JOHNSO`.\'~\'ICHOLSON- At the: f`,...4....,1 Y'..:_._ N r- n n 5 I v;.uuv.v-nL\z;1.\.IL.naUA\-- AL LIIL Central Union Church Parsonage; on Saturday, Nov. 7th, by Rev. A.; J. G. Carscadden, Edith May Nich-`, olson to Vernon Johnson, both of Midland. The Northern Advance cw u. 1.4. uuua uu uuuu..._,. , A number from here attended the-i annual fowl supper and concert held` in Thornton on Monday evening un- cler the auspices of St. Jude s Anglic- an Church. rnv n_, ,1 ,____._ 3 Just three years and ten days after ! !the death of her husband, Mrs. Jos.i Caldwell passed away at the home of; her daughter, Mrs. Egerton McLean,` !Penetang' Road, on Friday, Oct. 30,} - in her 74th year. Death followed a` stroke of paralysis on Wednesday. The funeral was held on Sunday7 afternoon at the United Cvhurch,i Crown Hill, and was attended by a very lar_:e number of friends and ' relatives who wished thus to show re- ` ispeet for the memory of one who - t-hrou;_:'hout her life had been so high- . c 1 . l ! iy esteemed by the circle in Wl`rlCh she ` !moved. >4;-v .J. W. Paley was in [charge of the service and the sermon gxvas preacher}. by the Rev. Mr. Snider` ' of Uxbridge, an old friend of the fam- Ely. The pall bearers were Chas. 11%?` `win, Edward, George and William} = Luck and H. E. Jory. fV......II..n T......._.. I`..1.L...J\ ....... I\IIf\ l I Mr. Charles Lennox of Toronto mo- jtored here on Sunday calling: for his` 1 ` mother and spent Sunday in Oriiiia. ' St. Jude's church held their Fowl` Supper on Nov. 9th, which was a suc- ; cess. The pro;2:ramme consisted of `several seiections from a good or-E lchestra. Solos by Miss Regina Mul- ligan and reading `by Miss Genevieve! Jamieson and the entertainers were_ " i Messrs. Wibberley, Edwards, Vince,`: k Camp Borden and Misses Noland and n V 5' Prindell of Bradford. PK 11: `It . .. u .- iuuyn. uuu ;A. .;4. uu;_u. Carolina Jemima Caldwell was one Hot` fifteen children who composed the 1` family of Edward Luck, pioneer j tLuCh'Cr, who for 22 years tauglit at` Crown Hill. In 1880 she was married. All her life was spent in the immedi-E late vicinity of Crown Hill, part of the time in Vespra and part in Oro. Af-: ter the (loath of her husband she . made her home with members of her` family. She was a faithful member of Crown Hill Methodist church. .... \/AUIVAI ;mu .vA\.vu\1\IAcv \.1|vILwnI- . Su1'vivin_r.r her are two sons, Vern-5 on A., and Melville, and two xlauglit-` ers, l\ Irs. Eg'e1'toi1 McLean and 311".` Geo. Atkinson, Barrie, three bro- thers, Clia. Luck of Barrie, Henry Luck of Calg:a1'_v and Thomas of Hillsdale; three sisters, Misses Emily and l\'Iag;g'ie on the homestead and` Mrs. Alfred Caldwell of Barrie; :11- so ve }Il`1ll(lCl1ll(ll'(.`l1. i ' I J Miss Annie McLea1 of 'l`oronto` spent the week-end at W. Maw s. 1 x "\I.. 1)-......I.... C`._n..I:..... Al.` '1'`.\...\.. .19.... Ullb .....\-y..\. `LII ....... Q. L | Mr. Beverley Sparling, of Toron- ,to spent the holixlay with his uuntl 1l\`Irs. O'Del1. t I I Y . ,n n ,- ,, ,1` 1;unc. v .I.l\..'ln ] Miss A. West of Barrie spent "I`h:.nksg'ivinp: at R. `vVe;t .1. 1 NIH... \IYfI...... ..L' 11...... C`._.... I 1.. '....I V ; u..uu.;b--nub Mu .\. n \- !\J1C I Mrs. Wilson of Pa1':',v Sound is 3101-; 1 i-laying` with her mothcr Mrs. J.: Sylroulo. ' 1.. ........ ,. &l"& as-n.. M1. Sherlock Bm")w of Bu1'l:s. ;Fa1ls spent. the weelc-eml with his par- E ents. I II A: I 7 n rn | u \u. A.a;uu;\.uu. -......- , i The W. M. S. met at the home of` -Mrs. M. Wigle on Wednesday after` V\Al\I\ an Unu1\,n. The fowl supper and entertainment` held in the hall last Tuesday evening under the auspices of the cong'reg`z1-E tion of the Presbyterian Church was` a decided success. cluded e\'e1'_\'t.hing' that could be (lesir- - ed, and the large crowd present didi 3 r-q - lie supper m- ample justice to the good tli"1ig:s provided. This was followed by a splendid programme. Vocal solos :~ I1-arznl `:\v'Tnr_~~lx-a'l .... ..,. ,..fur.n kn N ` uvuu. I St. Jucle s Church will have their` 5 Anniversary Services on Sunday, Nov. ` l15th. Rev. A. C. MacCollum, B. D.,` iAlliston will preach at 11 a. m., Rov.`_ ;Dr. L. E. Skey of St. Anne's Churchl iToronto at 7 p. m. \I\al\.II.Jl-I\ Iv Lu-\:IIA..l\ V i The mean temperature was 8. (le- `xzrees colder than normal. The high- ;est temperature was 63 on the 2nd, vhile the lowest was 17 on the 29th. ` `.1-`min fell on 13 days, amounting to 2'-`_ inches, while snow fell on 10 days amounting to 11% inches. I M RS. JOSEPH CALDWELL OCTOBER WEATHER THORNTON ) Campbell. } '; Mi; Rebocca McRa<,- of Toronto`; 3 l spent the holiday at the home of Mrs. ` ymcphee of High St. 1} T. H. Beath, of Toronto spent the`! F ho1ida_v:~: in town and at Edg'a1'.. Yv rd u n In . rv - 1 {lllb LIL IIIJ llUll|\/ VII LJIIIAMUDUII LIL: [ Mr. and Hrs. Chas. Carr of Tor-I 'onto are spendng the week-end with "the formcr s mother, Mrs. J. P. Carr ' . of Toronto St. ', Miss Mary McCa11um formerly of `V the B. C. I. staff was the guest of f Miss Helen Ross last week-end. J \I- 17 - ac n - 1 . n m I ! Dr. H. Dyer visited friends in Ham- `iltovn over the week-end. i Mr. A. G. McLe11an spent the week- ! end with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Louis IG.arvin of Rochester vis- ited his parents in Barrie last week. 11.. TI.l........l Tn1\\:r\!`r\V\ nP 'I"ru.nnln (nun Ana ycuuuuc Au ;.uu;u. Luau vvpuu. Mr. Edwzml Jamieson of Toronto ,`spent the week-end at his home on ` Collier St. 1 p `xv 1- 1 A mu 1 , \/UIIILZL wu. Mr. Wm. Jackson spent Thanks- giving` with friends in Elmvale. Mr. Gerald Braden of Toronto visited friovnds in Toronto last week- end. `: r~nv1\I' nxv 1; 9}J1L'lI\llV.| 111 \I5A . I 1.: gun in. were given by 1 155.95 Hazel Marsliall and Helen Ross. Vocal duets by. Misses Luck and solos by Mr. Shan-` nun, all of Barrie. A Folk dance b;*= Misses Myrtle Rankin and Jean Ar-! nolnl and Mr. Bell of Toronto and sev-! eral numbers by Misses Nolan and; Priingle of Branlford. The Orchestral was much appreciated and was gen-3 trous in selections and Rev. Mr. Rin-i toul proved a very efficient chai1'man.i FIVLA -L`.~I1,..uInn- r\1vAI`:v<\nv u wnnvn` xtvns, Luu. Mr. Ted Robinson of Newmarkot spent the week-end with his cousin, Eugene Doyle. _ T\:T.... `N17,... 1,. 'C`..II3....1....\ .....'l TLT Mrs. Morris Follinsbee anhd Mr. Frank Creswicke spenjc the week-end with Mrs. A. E. Creswicke, Bayfield CU- |.Iu5\,u\; uv_v;x.. ..u...._, \lA. .........v_, ....._. Au-Jv ..W.,-...\.. Misses C. 'M., 1., and R. Bird spent Thanksgiving` with Capt. and Mrs. Bird. may .Miss Elsie Raikos visited Miss C. Raikes of Shanty Bay last week-end. 1|/[2,._... f` -'|\:f T ......I T) 132...! ........L IJIAKIO Mrs. J. F. Palling and Miss Helen Pallingz: were the guests df Mrs. Craig Wright of Hamilton over Thanksgiv- ing. 1\1I'..,.. IV `l\/I'..f`....L1.... .....! 1\If!....-._ 15.... Mrs. G. McCarthy and Misses Bry- dovn and Vera McCarthy left Barrie today to spend the winter in Toronto. TUTS,-.,. 7I`L..1..... `7-........ ...-....L LL- .......'l. uuuu_y nu ..w`n.uu vuL nun./\.; Lu suxuuuu. Miss Thelma Young spent the week- end with friends in London. l `Miss Winnifred Clarke spent the lholiday in Woodstock. 4 Miss Gladys Ardagrh is spending; 3' couple of week in Toronto. | Mr. J. Fox visited his parents in iTo1'onto over the holiday. n av . `c \v `cu .. .-x |-.,.-..W \JI\4A ...- I Mr. and Mrs. 1To1`onto visited in 1 1 : griving. T\r1 ..-. } I\*I1::<. Elliott of n ,week-end with her ` Simpson, Elizabeth I T\.I .. ......l mu... T Ulll lJl.\}VK.'\| Qt v\.;.v L,llAL.A\,AAy \,l|u.AAA||uA|a The following` evening` a social was! held and lantern slides of Black! Beauty and Mrs. Case_v s Billy- Goat were very interesting and amusing to the audience. The entire proceeds were quite gratifying` to those in charge of the event. vuuupauu, 14|AI.4uu\.vAI butt. I 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hobley and Miss ,I. spent T11z111k. in Toron- `L... F uvuuu_v._~ nu uvvvnn u.-u u. ;_4u,,u;.. i Harold Smith, of Toronto Univer- I w ,sit_\' spent the holiday under the par- ] cntal roof. -n n-rt:-4 1: I f 1. 7 -v 7. - the : ` onto. ~ A quiet wedding` was solemnized at home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry _Na_vlor, Tranby ave., Toronto when 'the-ir sister, Miss Helen Bloomfield, `daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. `James Bloomfield, Jarratt, Ont., be- `N came the bride of James Reid, of Tor- ` The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. McD. Haigz The bride was attired in a dress of dark brown satin and Oriental cut velvet, with hat and shoes to match, and wore a diamond bar pin, the gift of `the groom. After the ceremony, Mr. [and Mrs. Reid left for a short trip ` to the States, and on their return ;they will make their home in Toronto 1-.` u ;u-x.uu. : { ! Messrs. Alfred and Stanley Castonl 5 of Toronto spent the holiday at home :in Barrie. 1' -r 7: - n mu 1 1 Miss Marie McKnight of Toronto `spent the w'ek-em! with her parents gon Small St. no u n . av-. ...... :uu I.1uIuAA u 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rayner of Donald St. `,cc1eb1`ated their Diamond wedding: on iA1-mistice Day. All their friends join in congratulating: them. ` u.'.'..,-. I D IJ..n..n A4` 'T`n..A..L... ........L Rev. S. H. Greonsl-ad.~., occup`;--1 the pufpit of the -Xllizton United Church` ` on Sunday evr.-nin_L3', when the warl veterans attended service. 1 up In A 1: ll m v x.s.x ; uua c~w.\.u-u.u .:\..A Mr. Clarencn. Ambler of Toronto Visited at his home on Peel St. last we-k-end. `ll Aln u u vA\r\n i Mr. J. Harris of Chapleau is visit- ;ing' at his home on E1i7.abe ch St. \ mr.. .....) nr..- ht.-- run... -1: m-.. ..... ..a.u..........b Mrs. G. B. Henry of Toronto spent the holiday with friends in town. l Mr. Wallace Parr loft last week for I Detroit. Miss S. E. Tracey motored to Tor- onto, Nov. 8 with Mr. and Hrs. Char-I les Duchemin. She will spend the! winter with Mr. and Mrs. Duchemin.1 `v\ \r ,,u 11, ,L