Pa go Eight Tuesday,rSept. 8, 1925 A. W. Smith, Queen s Hotel, Barrie n... .. 1'\..-- n..1.. The Royal Bank 9% Canada; coN*UI}rATioN FREE BRANCH MANAGERS- SERVING CANADIANS SINCE 1869 One 1)-a'}I`OI;1y E extend a sincere we]- come with the assur- ance of considerate attention, courtesy and a helpful co- operation. To our Union Bank Customers- Inc u11L1t1':1;_'-.1 up unu tux... .,...v 7 bar 15:. 192.5. namc-1_\'. the No1'tl1-`lat-i Wes. Quarter of Lot Number 13. in ` (1113 the Fifth Conces ion of the Town-`G . ship of lledontra, County of Simcoe, _5h containing` fty acres, more or less.}T51` Tc-rms-10`,"c cash, on acceptance :31? of t.emler_: balzmcc in thf1't,_\' days. No 1 G- tender 11:-cessarily accepted. '51 Dated Aug'u.=~: Tth, 1925. PO Administrator of the Estate of James J. Fitzgerald, i l G. Fitzgerald, Midland, Ont. (133 Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all persons. having claims against the Estate of Olive Agijnes llartin, late of the Township of Oro, nleceasetl, who lie-ml on or about the 10th day of July, 1925, are requested to send par- ticulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 5th clay of September, 1925, after which date the Aclministrator will distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice, and will not be re- sponsible to any others. 1 24-3 Esten & Esten, Barrie, l Solicitors `for the Administrator. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Thomas Teas- dale, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, Gentleman, deceased, are required on or before the Tenth day `of Septenrber, .~\.D., 1925, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned at Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for said Estate, their full names and addresses, a full statement. of their claims, duly veri- ed, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, and that. after`-_ aid date the Administratrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets _of the said Estate among: the parties en~ titled thereto, having` 1`eg'al'd only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. 1\ ; I -1. T1... :- u.:s '1M..H. .).u- (.4? Our facilities for serving you lie in the frr that we have over 900 brancne: uaclied by resources ol over 700 Million Dollars. Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, `Z5-3 Solicitors for Administratrix. ligxht Hon. Arthur .\Ici_9:11c111'c- turnvd last. week from ff most trium- plunnt. L1-ip th1'ou_~:h the wcsrtorn pro- Vinccs, and not 'it,11sta11d.i11g' the _:1'out .~vtr:1in which such :1 trip on- tails. was in the bust of 11oa1t'11 and `spirits. 1C\`e1g\w\`11c1'o he was well 1';- ihis ('.'\]):1cit._\' as :1 gxreat leader. He is a Czumdinn which all can be proud of, 1-0:.-.11']1o.~\< of political af`f`11ia;t.ions. coivml and H101-ou::hl_\' demonstrz1texl~. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS I1'd.\l: uuu uuucc. Dated at Bzu'x'ie, this Tenth day August, .~\.D., 1925. THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1925. COOI{STOWf\'-T. .\Ic.\Iil!un '1'HOI ..\'TOI\'-C. R. W'iL-;le NOTICE TO CREDITORS A nweeiling of Innisl Liberal- Co.nse1'vative .-\ssociat.ion will be held in the Orange Hall, Churchill, on Tuesday e\'en'ing', Sept. 8th, at 81 o clock, for the purpose of appoint-' ing zlelegates to the coming` conven-,t `Lion and otlier business. l_( .-`uldresses will be given by W.'A. It ;'3'_)_\'s, 1{.C., .\I.P.; Earl Rowe, .\I.P.P., _and oi.her.=,. Laslic-s invitcml to at-i Q 4- \ .-, ALV\Jl o'Lher.=. tend. CLERK S NOTICE OF FIRST POST-, ING OF VOTERS LIST (Section 1 3) ` Voters Lists, 1925, Municiaplity of:a lnnisl, County of Simcoe. Notice is hereby given that I have (3 complied with Section 10 of The" Voters Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Stroud, on the 22ml day of Aug`u.~: t, 1925, theit list of all persons entitled to vote in '-` the said Municipality for .\Iembersi of Parliament and at .\Iunicir,'1l Elcc-i `Lions, and that such list remains there A ` for inspection. \..v 1 \.M..L.. ,...H nnnn -:11 \'nfr.1`<-ll LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER LUIV 1Il.Il}'lLL|Ull- I And I hereby call upon all voters to take hmncrliate proceedings to have any c-r2'or=: or omissions cor- rected according to law. 1\ . . .1 - .~.n,1 1.... -4` `~11.-n-5 LOST AND FOUND IVUCLKTH ilL'l.'U1|llIl}; Dated this 22nd 1925. Lu Aunt. d 21 y of August, CLERK S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING OF VOTERS Li'8 -T (Section 13) V oters' Lists, 1925, Municipality of Essa, Countyiof Simcoe. Notice is hereby given that I have! complied with Section 10 of '1`h.- Voters Lists Act zmnl that I `nzivc posted up at my oflicc at. Couk.~::own, on the 24th lay of Au1,1`u.~'t, 1925, the list of all per. entitlc.-I to \'ot<.- in the .~:ai .\Iunicipulit.y for .\Icmb.-r.~: of Parlianmnt and at Municipal lilac- oon:~:, and that such list rcma'm.=, thmre for inspection. \ ,1 1 1., \lI.kIV null nnnn nll vntr-Vt. Losrt--On Sunday, be :-ween Tim St. and St. George s Church, Allamlale, lady's gold xvrisdz wa'tch, wit-11 innitials A U n ,... L.....1. 1.1-- `,.o`..... 1?:mlm~ 1U1' UL\1JL'1:|.lUll. And I hcrc-by call upon all votc-r.=| to take immediate p1'oceedin;:.~: to have any errors or omissions correct- ed according to law, the last appeal being the 24-th `lay of August, 1925. Dated the 2-1-th day of .-\ug`u.~'t, 1925. 1 ur Iu n:..........l.. W. Irwin, Select your Coat now. Cloth or: Fur. Simmons & Co., the Coat! Store. FOR SALE TO LET NOTICE R. M. McConkey, Clerk of lnnisl. W. M. Dinwoody, Clerk of Essa. ..W. I.:ennox Black}; itled to .\Iunicir,'11 t remains ' 3* vote-rs( aw. C ay i Aully D Bull! \V1A.`_'b WuLI.u, wuun xnuutuaa A.H. on back, black "strap. Finder kindly pho-no 929j. - ; ms 1 t RST POST- ; ll oba: xiciaplity of . and iimcoe. 1 I (10- Thci 2 ; (1011 I 3 1 09.1 ?'nr< : to Passe-nzger business on the C.N.R. is very g'o'od at p1'esa~:1-t ad I're~ig'l1t is much better than for some time`, W. E. Wee5'__'a1' informel the Advance `this week. 11,,_ _. 1-1.-.~. ._.. `\.l.....1..n Lllld \VL`CX\. Miss Edna Fr-J._=c.-r left on Monday to teach at Merr-.ton. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. D. Norman are spending a few days in the city. Mr. and Mrs. = 3.5n'is. I)anvcr,s and children are visiting at Niagara Falls. -nr,-,_ r-uI D1-.11.`: \nn ~1'c hnrnn Miss Catherine Poumer `is home {from Toronto for two weeks hot - `days. 112.. r`1n1-rvnno ,T-.1:-Itann nrn] (]nl1.O!h- `clllluren an: Ha:-.m;5 cu .1Au5uLu . ....... (Lays. Hrs. C1a1'en~ce Jackson and (1augvh- -ter of Collingwood is spending a few (lays in town. 1: -1 mr..- T\..1&.`.. \'XIl.:<-. and IHUW `dun tent: Au vu uv 1:; -,v..uu. La.~:t.--On Sund`a_V, bet,we`e=n TifF1n St. and St. Gc~org'<; s church, 1a(l_v s .g~ol \v1'i;~.2t watch, with initiail AH. Ion back, black s t1~z1p. Finder kindly ` phone 9:29j. ` W Tess-ie Miller, daug'hte1- of M1`. and 3 J)Irs. Wm. Miller, Cu1nb01'laml St.,. 'ff1'actu1'ev.1 her right arm on Tuesday Hwhen she tumbled from a fence on :which she had been stalming while fpicking apples. ' '1`II`l\ \11.~.n.)n1n 1-huh : nfnn`\`I-fur] fn LIELSS in Luwu. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton White and children returnecl to-day from holi- daying at Bala. `Il.f.. .-wail nrtvg TI` Q'ko:n- -1n.] 0}!- lcxaylng `cu Dana. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shear -.1n`1 chil- `dren have returned from a six weeks trip to Temagami. ITVL- ..... ".1 Qnnlnw Qnlxnr-x1 uh-rlzrv \\'ccn: till) LU Lcllluwnnnn. The annu~a1 Sunda`; School picnic of Burton Ave. United church was he;-1C. in St. Vinc:3nt";` Park last 1`hu1`sday. TY_..--.. ,..1.:..-..v.L.~ n4` n'\~n;I'\ flu-nnn1 1.'1l.;1':`uzty. Henvy shipments of 5._>:rai'1 through 'the Collingwood elevators have been passing t.hroug h .-\11aml-ale in the last few weeks. rv 1,'-,..4.... ,........u.:+n Dnaf To Let--Unfurnished rooms to rent. central location. 48 Bayeld St. ::|Thc- two Alla-ntl:1'.e 1'31 `Appleton, A. .\I3,:<. iG. Walker, and W. EShea1`, A. Ferg'uson !Poucher. v .LVV \VBL7l\E. See J. G. Keenan, opposite Post Ofcc, about that Victrola. Buy inow and save 25 to 50 per cent. . r\__ C`-n|n.]1\` 1., rmmn J1}1Cl\U|_`,' uyyu.-a. Two .-\11andzL1e rinks attempted to! `bring home the 'l`udhop3.uop'n_v on Friday evening, but after the regu- `1z1t.ion 21 ends were down the re- Hluisite number of shots by 10. A. G .Wa1ker s rink_ was beaten by sixl ;shot:~' and C. W. Poucher s by four. mu An,__,|,_._ ___>_`__ HELEN JANE SPEARN | E A very sad death occurred on Fri- Mlay, Aug. 28, when Helen Jane 5fSpea1'n passed away at her home, 125 Essa St. Deceased, who was the` .dz1ug`h~ter of Mr. and Hrs. Geo-rge} ispearn, was born on June 18, 1908.` ,The funeral took place on Sunday Eaft.cmoon, Auv. 30. I D { dd , I The total e;~tima'ted honey produc- !tion for Canada in 1924 was 15,804,- ;000 pounds, with a value of $2,552,- iooo. l Adam Brown of Hamilton, now inl [his 100th year, was a guest of honor` [at the T0`roni.o Exhibition on Tues- lday, and gave ve rules which he `would like the childvren to learn and {olmy if they would enjoy long` life =an keep young : l 1 ur.`..1. Ln...) :.1 .1-.:.+..xmv unn COUNCIL TO MEET FRIDAY l 3 )l INSTEAD OF MONDAY` ' Instczul of a. regular n1eL~tin.;-; of` council on .VIOmla'_v (_`V'L*ll'll1i.:', :1 mr:ci- ; ` in}: will be held on F1'i nizrht. (to- `inmr:'ow). 'l`l1e connnittr.-r.-s will inrot] `pn.-\'1ou.~r to the opcn council. Flat 1 `- ` tL~i`.~' in connection with any Ll(llll1.l(,`l`i~J ='al pa\'in}_" will be (lv$Cu.'~,'.'~?C(l. : |lLU. ' 2. Don t wory after you have ,(lonc your best. 1 n n,,, 1,. .1, ...L1,.. ....1,\ .1.` um I v 1 'EllUlIL' _\UuL UUJL. I } 3. .-\.pp1_v the golden 1-u1e-do um` "to others as you would that they `should do unto you. ` 4. Be honest in everythim,-'. 5 5. Keep control of your tcmpcr l iunzl c:mo\;io1`.s. ALLANDALEL To Let-Room with board in good home, with all conveniences, in pri- vate family._ 104 Elizabeth St., Bar- rie. Box 59. 'm~:'w vC.N.R. on. ENGINE [ moves A MONEY SAVER| A li(!.~`].IiLi,(:ll from Peterboro says: A .sa\`in;:,' of $6,000 :1 your in fuel alone is 1'e1)1'e.s'el1te(i in the operzntion of `.1 unique train, the first of its kiiirl in the world, tried out over the Czhiatliun Nzitioiizul Rail-\vuy line from Pct:-rboro to Luke-eld. 'l`he fuel cost was 2 cents 21 mile as con1p'.n'e with 20 L0 26 cenuus :1 mile fuel cost of Ll .~1te.u.m (engine pulling; the same load. '|`he train con..<,i;~1tin;.v; of :1 car and a twiler, is driven by 1: four c;'lin 200 horse power oil fuel engine tlirectly con- nected with an electric Lzc-nerubor, which funni.+l1c;~) the motive power. In spite of the fact, that the man an "the control lever had never lizlmllecl a similar engine before to-(I-u.y, the ca1' manic an averap;o ' miles: an hour. Five miles i?,2'avcll<- on one ;:'2Lllon of oil. rl A similar `main ups tviml over the t,A`llanulu!e-Hmnilton line and on otlher short lines in Ontario. speed of 50' were ' HOW TO KEEP YOUNG u;l:1J _\ Uwub . Work hard in whatt.-vcl` `b uuu -v . ;2. u- -_.I-.;, 4-. Ferguson and C. W. rinks were : S. Gar:~'ide', B. Webb, 1 you `I NORTH SIMCOE PROGRESSIVES ` TO HOLD CONVENTION SOON` I At a meeming of he Executive of the North Simcoe Progre-ssives held in he We-llintgvton Hortel, Barrie, on Szuturdury nigh-t last, it was decided to call a coxwention in the near future to nominate a candidzxte to contest the rid`ing in he comrin-g eulcction. !-CADET BAND IS COMPETING ;AT EXHIBITION TO-DAY ` ;I`o Let--Pa1't1y furnished ve room` house, summer kitchen, toilet and garage. Apply 98 WeI1ing't.on St. E. I The Barrie Collresgiate Cadeit Band under the leadership of B. M. Syl- vester, is` in Toronto to-dway t;akin.;; part in the band con1peu1:it*ion. The band. is entered in Class C., in the thinty piece compo`-iton. Last yoa.1' the youthful bamlusmen made am ex- cdllenrt s11owing' and this year with a g'1`ea.t deal of fairtihfuil p1'act~icc' be- hind them should set up a higher vshantllard. `CHILD FALLS IN BARREL \ AND INJURES `ARM AND HEAD Rexing`t.on Nasxh, four _\'ea1' old son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nash, of Toronto, who are s-um1ner'i11:_-j at Slumt._v Bay, haul his yigwl1t zu-In bad- ly cut and S`L1`C1`C(l a slight crack in his skull` \\_'llLY1 he tumbled into a barrel 01.`: day last week. He and another little chap had put :1 frog` in the barrel and in t.1'yin_;` to get it out Rex fell in head 1~st., injLu'in5; himself. He was b1'ou:l1t to town, .\vIhe1'c he was awt.`ccmleA(1 by Dr. Ross. i `CANADIAN fMISSIONARlES V 1 ARE FREED BY BANDITS ` Shan_:'hz1i, Sept. 1.---Bishop H. W. K. Z\'I0w]`l, his wife and six other members of the Church M `Society, captured by bandits near Chongtu, Swechwan Province`, on Augcust 6, have been released. This news was co11at'ai11enl in a tele`g'-vanl |l'CCOJi\'(`(1 to-:1-a_\-' by the local office of [the Church 1\'Iissiona1'y Society. xv , n hr--4`-4> `\.r-___I17- ....1',.L.. uu: \/uumpu uu_ua.uuu._u -..vv....,. News of Bishop M-owll *s safeity will be received with pleasure by his many friends in Barrie, where he has visited o.n several occasions while `1'esidIin_2; in Toronto. FIRE DAMAGES HOME. OF J. McLEAN, `BRADFORD ST. Considerable dvamag'e was done the house owned and occupied by J. Mc- Lean at 119 B1'a(l~fo1'd St., by :1 fire which broke out s11o1'iv1_v `after 11 o o1ock on Tuesday morning. The back kitchen, the shed and the up- stairs were badly guutted before the ames could be brou.g'ht under con- trol. It is believed that a coal oil stove in the kitchen burst and star-t- ed the blaze. Mrs. McLean was in the front of the house when the re broke out. The tlzuiiage is quite heavy and is only pa1'.t1_V covered `by i lI1Sll1`8 I1CE. MIDHURST MAN STRUCK BY i AUTO, DIES IN HOSPITAL Samuel Lyn-n of 1\'Ii died in}; the Royal Victoria Hospital this morning: the 1's;-sult of beixnag` `struck by an auto when he was .s])1`eali11g' _:1-avc-1 on the county road Hn Flo:<. Hg had five ribs broken `on |Lh(: 1'i_-_-`ht side and two on the left, a irlisalocatezl rigxht knee and other in~ ` jU1 i(,`S. \`r.. Y ...`... r-nu/.n:Hnn' nvr-,|vnlr\.I1` _ For Sale or Exchang'e-298 Glen- cairn Ave., Toronto, ten rooms, hot water heating`, ha1'(l~woo(1 floors, tiled] bathroom, 1,4 acre grouml, g'a1'a_g`e and pony stable. One n1o1'tgag'e. For farm or summer reside-nce on Lake Simcoe. E .G. Joy, Mail Building`, Solicitor for Owner. Elgin 3309. _]u1u::. Mr. Lyn-n was sprr;a p,'rzw<.-1 on` t`hu1'o:ul, west of Ilmvale, when thcl cur u)>p1'oach(- him. Ht; stepped toll the riu-`ht to avoial it, and u.' car` also turned out he sxteppc.- hack zuruin. The car aqxavin swe1'v(.-l back, :1-:nock`inrg` him down. He was In-ou_:ht to Barrie hospital, where he succumbul to his inju.ri:s this morn- in:.';. An iX1(1u(:!~`:t is being: h01d'this aft.-rnoon. L {REGRETS THE REMOVAL OF THE W. C. T. U. FOUNTAIN l l l`hr.- removal of the W.C.'l`.U.\ lfounntuin from th(.- 1.-`om at the Five [Points n:cul1`s some in`Lcr(.-.~at`in;;' fz1c'L.< -. c. L t.. unnn I U|HL-` I "Lmlll .`.uA||\, 11:;/\.n\ .u.aa-y` nlnvvn concerning` it. It xvws SUI; up in 1090, the late Mr. Rz1lt.1v11Lm.~:1s l)<.-Vlnwgx l\ Iu_\'()~1' of `uhu town at that time. M1`s._S. G. H. ;'\Ic|\'<-,1,-, no wot` No1't.l1 Bay, was prmllt.-xllt of the W.C.'l`.U., am! am- snciutml with her in the 1'z;isirn;.v,' of 1'u`mI`.4 xvmve I\`Ir.-:. 1\ I:.'m's, Mrs. Scout, Mrs. J. K. loss, My-.~'. Ilwttiu Smith and Mrs. l{0;;'(:r.~;u11. 'Dhu 1'0u`n=tvain was puitl four by v()luwt`ary .~>ubscrip- tions uml cost time lmnxln- lo1l-urs. lwbs rvmovull to :1 side St.l`(.`L'It has calm-I p;(.-nuim- 1'-1.-:11.-t, in hhc mrimlxs of some citi'/.un`.<, and :\.1bhoug'.|1 tlvu 1.-am: may bl.` in1pmv_-l for lm.~:in-.'-.s` trzxmc it c<:vt:1in~ly looks bun; with- , out the old fa`n1il`im' founvmin. H; is l the since-rc wish of Uhu W.C.'I.`.U., : now :1 12u`p,'c uml iIour:is`hin;.-; body, ` that the founLu'in may con'tAin`u(: to be .. I. . .. . GA A .. A I. .. ....l Ll...A. ..I Ivlluu Luv nun--mun. u-u._y \.uA|vAII\A\. vv u\. `u lic-nc-t to the public and that al- thouwh Ir.-posml from its comapicuous position the principlc.-s which it re- pim.= may be daily kept bciforc our citizens. ..s. . The Northern Advance New prices on Vict1*0la.s at J. Kec~n~an s. Reduction of 25% 50%. Richard Peeurce of .VIidl1-u1'st ap- peared in police court on Momlay mo-1~.nvin:g' chzusged witih hnaving liquor in :3. place other than :1 p1'iv-azte d\ve1I1ing'. He was remanded until F11i(l:-,l.y and allowcd to go on 1'u`rn- ishrinrg bail. . . '1 The Ex-Wardens Association ofl | the Coumty of Simcoc is meebinwg in` i P0`I1C'O|.`11,`;' t.o-day, where- the mem- bers will be the guests of C. E. W1'ig;ht, M.P., the chairmzm of the oirgunizatioin. A shmwt. business ses- sion wiil be held, after wrhioh an out- ing; is pl-a11n~e for and :1 banquet in the evening`. "W. A. Boys, I{.C., M.P., lezzwes Fridzly morning` for Guelph to ad- dress the Conserva.tive convemxtion for South Wellington, which is being` held in the Opeora I-louse there in theg evening. It is expected that the sit- ting member, the Hon. Hu.,~'h Gu#uh- rie, will be the unmnimous choice of the convenrtion. COLLIER ST. UNITED CHURCH]; I On Mond.va_\' Mr. J. Scotit accom- pzmied :1 number of the me-mber.~: of the Ivy band on a trip up the Severn to Gloucester Pool, the summer home of Rev. W. G. Dre_vc.r, 21 former minister at. Ivy. A most enjoyable day was spenrt hingr, etc. On the return trip the band stopped at Coldwuter, where the boys were the guests of the Goldwater baml and village council zut a banquet, and in the evening` deli_g'hted the Cold- 'znter citizens with a band concert. CHARLES MATTHEWS MAY BE RELEASED FROM PEN` If the Government at Otttawa secs! t to exercise clemency in the case` of Chu1'ic.= Ma*utl1cws, former leputy p)`OVii1CiL11 t1'easu~r_\', it wvill mcot wivh the ZL])})1`O\`il1 of the Omtario Govern- ment, it is umlcrsftood. Premier Fe-1':4'u.~`.on said tlmt it had been the view of the Auttorney-Gelioral and the Government thafc 1\Ia}c.t11c\vs sen-1 tcnce was unduly severe, as com-, pared with ohhers. He "has now` served 21 year, or half his time, and justice has been vindicated. The Roseclair House, on Lake` Muakoka, about twelve miles -Afrom Bala, was burned to the g'rouml on ; Mondnay afternoon. Fo1't.unartely ~ there were few guests in the hotel at the `mime and all eseazped. The re . is belaieved to have Sunvted from an overheated stove pipe and was first noticed from the Stezmner Cherokee,5 but before z1ssis1t.a11ce could be Sn` cured tihc house was a smou1 HOTEL IN MUSKOKA BURNED; l ALL GUESTS ESCAPE SAFELY`l I Auaun. 1 LESS RESTRICTIONS TO BE | PUT ON SALE OF i4 BEERi P1`:-in-ier Fe1'g'uson has an~nouncc(l that many of the 1'e's`c.rictions 1'e_:=aml- iing.-` hhg sale illlll licenses of 4.4 l)m:1` will be 1-(moved by the Govtmninent. I-Icrozmfter, zLCC0l`(illl}I`,` to the P1'cmier`.< uninlounccinunti, the issuance of 4.4 l)(.*4:l' pt-1'1nit,s will be limited only by the ]`(,'])Ll12Ll,li0I1 of tlht; appliczmtls z1:ml `thg public need to bu sei`\'e(l in the community from which the applica- tion coinus. Wnhun the G0\'0l`l1- n_mnt In.-cixlwl to ll]Cl`(.`21St.` the .~`|7.'1`Q1l`lj:'H1 0| lmu)`, wv rsvt Ll101'0u:_-ill-l_\' .-':1.`ti. 0lll`.<('il\'("..< tllurt it was not in-toxichvt-i I I | in5_v`," Fillll Uhu Pr<:mim'. 'l\hc Avt~ torm-y-(.11-i1(~rul .'l;z1\t.-(I c1m)l1uLicwlly, and \\'u.~`. suppont.ol by the Govern- ma.-nut. in his .~1t tlhnl the rea- son why it. was not ))(:l'n\ll.l('(l :1 wide-l ispn-.:ul sulu \V11`:w' L0 ])mLcct. tlu (Govt.-ri.1m.-nt from tine tlz1I1_1:(-1' of i.l- licit. .~uiu under cover of U110 new lH'l'l`, and to l{u(~.}) L'(Mlll`0l :1l).~'ol11<`.,u-l_\ 1 .-,,, .4 Ullv run: u||\I\.A \.\Iv\.n ..._ ..... ..`.. and :l.l)>'()lll<`l']_\': in its h:1ml>: unxtzil such as M. \\'21I.U_ pl'()\'(:(l l)L:_vonl (lluwnionx to tlhnz :41 -11-i cm] publxic. Ulmut the new l)c\'(-r:1_L-:9` was |1z1r1nlu.~x:<. '|`h(,-. .\`t,'\'(_'l`ill munt.h..~"i 1.!1'1;ul it has luul has p1~ovu~ Lho cor-* r 0|` the G<)\'e1'1m1m1.t .<. con- tvntimx. ll.m:1l't(-1`, pcrIn1m.< wild he i.-2.-nuwl nmru frm.-ly, but t1hc~,v will be` g-'ivm1 onnly to'pu0pl(- of r(.~1)1ltc unul in pbucvza \vhuI'<! :1 public .~7cl'\'ico is to he pu`formc|. - -~ ~ - 1 . 1417!-.. .. ,.~.,____.,_, l{<-v. Ben. Spence Silltli Four! point four will not lmrlw E1l'l0lll Lt)-|ml' clrunk, hu~t it. will intoxlczuto :1 _vuung<-1- pt-won} of o1' su\sco lll`ll'l,lL`.:, an-I its free usu will Lulu: the m`-r r_|4.-gt} on` tlw pl'()))l'l,(nl.lCS zmd moral (lli`>~s't.lllctli0l1lq 31141 courscn mull u11`im~:.l3'/.u tlhc people cl` the l'ultu1'(.-I whom it hl0ul`(l be on)` objcat bol unable and rene. I V I- 111: - 9., _ A` ll `u,.e,,, UIIUUIU ?Hl|| I'L'HllL`. It is simply tlhc foualvntion for the open bar up,`-a:in avml tshu 5`.21'l' of s11'on:g'c1' alcoholic Liquor, was the commcmt of R. J. Fleming`. x,` Jlinisters : Rev. S. H. G.a`een5.lade and Rev. A. D. Cornett. Sunday, Sept. 6th. 11 a.n1.--Rc-V. A. D. Cornet. 3 p.m.~--Sunday School. 7 p.m.-Rev. S. H. G1'eeuslale. This is Rally Month in the ac-% tivities of the Cl1u1'cl1. We extend a; heart_\' im'i:z1tio11 to all who lc-sire to` enlist in the sc-rvicc of the 1{ing'lom.g TREASURER S SALE OF LANDS 1N ARREARS FOR TAXES IN TOWN OF BARRIE. Notiicc is hereby g"-iven by virtue of a \\ 2ll'l'21l]ii . from the Mayor of the Town of Barrie, in the Province of Onntario, under his hand, with the seal of the Corporatioii of the said town afxcnl thereto, bearing` (late the 25th day of Auguest, A.D., 1925, and to me directed, for the collection of arrears of taxes due on certain `lands, in the Town of Barrie, that unless the said taxes, together with ' lawful costs and cha.rg'es, be sooner paid, I shall, on the ninth day of December, A.D., 1925, at the hour of ten o clock in the forenuoon, in 3 the Council Chamber, Municipal I Buming, in the said Town of Bar- 'i`rie, in the County of Simcoe and 'nPro\'ince of Onltario, proceed to sell "lby pu`b`luic auction, the said lands or 1 so much thereoflas may be suicieiit to discharg'e such arrears of taxes and charges thereoii. ._ . .. .. .. .1 . IIA .- Iv... -..-._o-_ ., Take notice fu1't.he1' that a list of` `said lands is being published in the` vOnta1'-io Gazette in its issues of September 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, 1925, and that said list i: posted up in my oce, copies of which may [be Had on application. i Dated at Barliie, this 2nd day of 'Sept(:vmbe1', 1925. 3 1 1023, m:L1'k you, not 1924, marko1':~` vguily (lecora-tin:g' the cast and west `ends, 21 Gray Dort touring: car made lLSClf])lC1L$11]lvt-l_\ cona. on a couple of 0CCilSlO11s this week. In `(.139 light of offences this would seem 21 _g'l;L1'" slip on the pzwt of lm ,l1-iver, but all :35 sercnc when he explained that he haul but roccnt.l_\' `rc~tu1'ne:l from out West-anal hzul just. the auto from a `long.-' rest. X1`-w n1:11'l l'(`1)l`:LCL'(l the olcl onus on 'l`m:-.~: 111on1i11~5: and the cur jlggml ofl` quiltc protululy, wow so- curc in tho :1. that it had llwvll l)1`nug'l1ut strict-l,\' up~to-(lultc zrnnl .tlm.vt; no suspicuou.~: zmn of the law could poim: \vi1l1 an inc1'' ll}_','(`l` 19 tuhc tol1-t21l0 _x;'L11`o;< bonw on front uml b:1c_k. Rolling` down the front stfcetv um` . I BARRIE-J. E. J. Aston ORILLIA-G. Rztplcy :- HERBALIST HERE! Are You Suffering from any Disease? NO1`\ <)1lS])iS(_`:1S(*>`, R11e111nn ris1n, B121d(le1' Troubles, ])i:11)otos, Brig'11t s Disease, S1'mna(*11, Lwer, Kidney, N0111-imtis, N0111'a1g'iu, Blood Pressllro, Hea1't. 'J`rm1b]os, Cn11s1`i}>atim1, and all DISCHSOS. There is an Herb for Every Disease Remember the Date; Tuesday, September 8th, 1925. NR. ;\lEl{FIN, 111:,` pm1n'io1m' of the C`mmdim1 Vllv) (`};11'd011s,:111 export` in II01'1)-:4, will be at the rm. vv . vuusu, . i Treasurer, Town of Barrie.` -, Z Tenders for the purchase of the following` lands will be received by the umlersigucxl up and until Octo-N 1 1 __ < nnr .....-..\.- u-Ian \'nv1~l\_`