Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Sep 1925, p. 4

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RUSH AT OTTAWA HERALDS 1| ADVENT or AN ELECTION; . -........-n. clasnse 5 the. Luuvx. gun ; vxvnuvvu Miss N. Chaappell is en_:.:':1.:.>`eml to` teach in the Emo public school and is away to take up her duties as tezmher in new su1~roundwin{.,-`s. Miss Blyt-h, principal of the public school, arosumed her position on Sept. lst. Mrs. L. Avnold of Barrie is spend- ing` a. few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shztrpe. I un.v_\ . Mrs. A. Romakl and daughrter Grace and Mrs. D. Campbell and son Gordon are home from Wasaga Beach. up u 1: `iv v-. A . . . aJ\.u\u. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Orchard of Hamilton have retturnecl home` after a bvi-ef visit to old acquaimaan-ces in this berg. REE-` T\/f..T.'!..I-.- at "I'\.........A.. __ ,1 wuo ULL5. Miss McK:inley of Toronto and Miss Norma Mcliirnley of Midlaml are spemling their holidxays under the parental roof. Rlnu T.` D nnnn -w I\v\:] ,l.......l........ 1:. L.-IuvuA . \.r\.rL Mrs. F. Rogc-.1`s and d`au`g`hters Wa1'gva1'ct and Katherine of Cztlgary motored to Stayner on Saturday, on- route for Toron/t1o. Ir: \r nu u . Miss Hilda Fernis is the new teach- er in the prin_1ary (l`epa2`tn1e11t in the public sclhool. Mr. and Mrs. M. O1'chzu'(l of Buffalo are enjoying a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. A. O1'cha1'(l. Miss Kinnell of London is back to A NEW VICTROLA | Miss Ag:nc~s Campbell of Santa Ana, Cal., lei"-t Mdnesinsg on Mond-ay for Toronto to visit friends in that I city. `I A vs .. s READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. H |'l.v I : l'}1mlwmi:u 'I'rn'4m<|,u. lmllzllul H: Hilulu ; 2 her work in the continuation in Minesing; educational cen- STROUJ) MINESING Iumlwl Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! Huu~1.- vu unnu- `:..it.1n;r_ I\Ih!(7nlIkI;\' hu,-, 'i.~'il. with Mr. (ll RUM of 'I`01-`onto luzzs` ho1i with xmril h'I um. um . UH: .'u'riw1l Brown and `at Orillia for Mr.s. C. M. G. Srriith I'.::.,; rl.-*.ur.'i!.-ll u17t,<.-1' apt.-1'iding u. wr.r.-k in 'l'uror.`,o. Mr. W. 'I`homp:=un of Calgary ix vi.~;ibing his brother. C. T. 'I'hr;rnp.-nn. A. W. Laidman IL-ft last Friday on 21. two moniths trip to Wuir1wz'ig`nt, Alta. ' ' e I Frc(lBi11ings1cy .=:pcnt end with Ralph O;~:bornr.- `L-an CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Mrs. C. E. Dutcher of Elmvale is .s])c`n(.lin.g a couple of (lays with her mother, l`vI1'.a. F. Gray. Mr. J. W. Sibbald of Connzmt, Ohio, is renewing` acquaintances in town. Miss Alberta Nexvton has return- ed from visiting Miss M. McLeod, lstayner. 1\I1's.W. J. Simpson, Elizabeth St., is visiting at Brampton and other poin-`cs. Dr. J. W. Wzillmot of Toronto is visiting his daug`hte1', Hrs. G.eo. Wil- son, Eugenia St. `J. H. Bennett and J. Hare were in *|To1'on~to on ;\`Ionda_v in connection `with Hydro matters. Mr. R. Osborne has returned to town after spa-nding :1 week with his ;pu1'c-nots 111 Pen:-tang`. Ra_vmon(l Champion, of the Bank of Toronto staff, Allandalc, has been t1'ansferred to Elmvalc. i Constable Jas. Case is taking his ho1ida_\'s t.hi.= \\'O:',*k and next and will \`i. TOI`0H|t0, .\'iag'arz1 and other points. i __ l\'Iagistra-te- Jeffs is attending a convention of the Police Magistrates of O.ntario, which is being` held this week in Toronto. While we do not guarantee that we will be able to supply Victrolas at the reduced prices for any length of ;time, we are fortunate in having a wide selection of models, all of which we offer at reduc- tion of Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bynnes and family have 1'cturnc(l after spending the holi-(lays at their summer home in Muskoka. Mrs. C. P. Ma1's'halI, Ruth and Shirley, of Montreal, are \ isi:t.ing this week vv-it.l1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wee- gvar, Toronto St. Miss Wanda Bowman ret.urne(l this week from Elgin House, where she has been spending` the summer. T\/hue r` T DI.~..1-...,m.11..._ ...L....__ 'l\`Iiss Birdie Wamica and Miss Mabel Warnica left this week for King, where they will teach on the public school staff. Mary St. aux. uuo uucu. a1.ICu.Lun5 Ullt bulllllltil`. Mrs. C. J. Blackwood has re-turn- ed to Toronto after spend'in:._:' a month with her mother, Mrs. White, .u..; 3 vs.- Mr. and Mrs. D. Lonsberry of Cobourg' spent over the week with their Mrs. E. Chown, Wvorsley St. KY3..- LY:I.I..-u. 1 .._.._._ A m r4 -- v..>;_v uh. Miss Hildrcrth Loxmox, A.T.C.M., will resume her awtumn tern1 of tc-achin_-2' on Sept. 5th at her home, 2 North St. `ITIYY I A -- ----- A very pretty weddi11g' was sol- emnized at the home of the bride s parenwts, 205 Ba_\'ehl St., on Wed- 11es(l1ay afternoon, Sept. 2, w-l1e`n 1\Ia;1'g'uerite, youngest 1laug'11ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Banting`, became the b'l'i`(iO of Delbert W. Emms, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Emms, of Barrie. Rev. A. R. Beverley ofcizL`c- ed. The bride, who was given away by her faxther, entered the (I1-awing room, which was tastefully (iOC0l`1'LtC(i, and was married under an arch of g'l-adioli and ferns. The bride's _2`own was o-f grohle-11 11i11on with cut velvet t1`i.111111i11g's, with picture hat. of hlnek uml mold, and shoes to 111:1i.cl1. Her boquet wu:~t of Opheli:1 1*o. and _1iIies-of~t;I1e-viilley. l111111o:li:1lv1_\' fol- Iowi11_q the 11ulTvt illll(`ill`Ull H11` lmppy couple left on :1 trip up tin S:1_1:1u-11:1y the h1'i wi-u1`i11_u' :1 blue s|u11~t suit, with g`l`.'\)' hut and Al1m~.<. On their return Mr. and Mrs. 161111115 will re- side at 223 Elizabeth St. .. .u.u.-u.u up F. Hammond mo-tored to Paisley on Salturrlay last, t.z1ki`ng' S. S. Mc- lionzie, who is suf !`ering' from a (lis- located shoulder, to his home. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Burton, (53 McDonald St., will be at home to |>'..n3.. ...,\....!.. .... D...'|._.. nl << Opposite Post Office, Barrie ,.uu.uLu onuuuwx, LU um uuxuc. their friends on Friday`, Sept. 11, fnom four to six and from eight to ten Ul1ll`t_\'. Miss Guida Buvton will be at home to her friends at the same time. PERSONALS 'l HUlS'DAY, SF.P'I . 3, 1925. EMMS-BANTlNG M rz. of part: nus the week in Pene- We advise an Early Choice 25 to 50 per cent Terms to Suit Purchaser J. G. KEENAN EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT HIS MASTER'S VOICE PHONOGRAPHS ARE UNSURPASSED. PRICES HAVE BEEN STANDARD AND A VICTOR MACHINE HAS AL- `WAYS REPRESENTED GENUINE VALUE. WE OFFER YOU THE DPPORTUNITY TO GET `IA [BRAND NEW VIC- TROLA FOR LESS THAN THE PRICE OF A USED IN- STRUMENT. FOR INSTANCE, THIS LEADING UPRIGHT, , -..- 5% Cabinet council is in Session ilailylabout one" at in Orbtawa this week, but it i notiof Dumtroon expected tliat. any announcement re-;Loug'hee(l, vs` ganling an election will be mzule l)e- re on`WeLl fore the end of the week. Thei4 o clock. E Premier, with Hon. Geo. P. Graham I is thougiht to and Hon. Ch;u'le:~: ;\Iu1'ph_\`, will speak i the fire stai at Richmond Hill in .\.'prth York onlhay mow, an SZl:i )U1'(lJ._\ , and there ii: little tloubtiwas pm: in but the Premier will make it clearihatl g`a.ine(l ( that the campaign is on. The it \\'zlS1 of the polling may not be announced 5 men \\'e1'(- D1 but from pre.~:enL indications October matle brave - 26th will be'cho;~:en. So_me are will- blaze. Unfc in_-.;' to bet their ;_'_'0Ofl money on that l D1)` W213 (N30 d.a.t.g_ im all l,ll{lll1( l . rt 1 - . ,, l,,,,,-:,,, ,,,:n ..,1., 'lv.u.~r. lunn .- VVas $135/~Now $97.50 And Our Usual Easy Terms of Payment I The large barn on Ta1l_\'ho Farm x I about and a quarter miles soutli tiof Durntroon, owned` by Mr. Russell -;Loug'hee(l, was totally destro_\-`ed bi -ire 0I1\VVC(liI10S(la)' afternoon about -i4 Spontaneous combustion Iis have been the cause, as -!the started in a corner of the [hay and it is supposed the hay Ewas a little (lamp. The re }hatl considerable headway be- ifore was noticed, but a nmnber of `men promptly on the scene and Em-acle efforts to check the `- Unfortunautely the Wvater sup-- 3; quickly exhausted, otherwise, lin liklihoocl, the building would ,, have been saved. A number of live ;- stock, implements and harness were ,_ 1 in the barn and were saved, but 40 tons of hay, which l13,(l just been h ' r".01`(:(l, was completely (le;<`troyc(l. `\1.. Y ......al-.. r-1| l....l '. (-3.17 .l-\,..l \ "1 T. 1. C` ll 1. o - This Genuine Victor Reduced by $37.50 . ..u;\,u, nu.) -.uu.,_;u.u...v \n\.uvLv_y \.\I~ ,muL`.in,g` a new gulvanizetl roof on Mr. LOL1_L`i1(:(.'(ii1l(l just nished ' I the buillin,':, which is 30x50 feet, about two weeks ago. VVhiie thel buii'l:ing` is partly covered by insur- iEJ.IlC(; Mr. Lou;:hectl s loss will be a ' heavy one. BARN BURNED p.T DUNTROON M Whi'Ie repairing the roof of a barn on I"rila_v, Aug`. 28, John Wesley Conklin, of Hillsd-ale, fell to the ground, .st-verely inju1'in:.r him- ase-If and as a result died in the R.V. Hospiatzxl on Saturday, August: 29. He .sufl'ere(l :1 fracture of the ri;_.rhz. t.hi_-,'h and of the pubic arch. Two ribs were also broken. He was brought to the ILV. Hospital, but succumberl the following (lay. VIVLN I..4, 7\;Y.. f`....|.H.,` ......,. Inn `about this pmotice Awto drivers who park their cars at night on the Provincial Highway leading` through the town must leave their lights switched on, statecl Chief Stewart to the Advance this week. This includes Burton Avc., Bradford and Blake Sts. Of late a number of autoists have gotten into the habit of parking their cars with the ligrhts off. Nothing is sairl on Dunlop and Elizabeth Stan, between Mulcalster and Bradford, because these streets are I)Zll't-lCLll34l`l_V well lighted, but on the.other sections of the hig'hwa_v it is unsafe. For his own safety and for the safety of others every driverl should see that his liglits are left on! when he leaves his car on the abovel nzuned tlioroiighfures. I FALLS FROM ROOF .OF BARN, DIES LATER IN R.V. HOSPITAL` u-...,......,... .,.... ...,.........b \..._,. The late Mr. Conklin wa.s born in, Reach on February 18, 1854. The funeral took place at Hiullsdalc on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. I 1 |'bL'l,' . C-abinet 1'e-c0n.'~7truc.Lioi1 will Lake? place before an election, but the ex-' tent of it somewhat indenite. From Qnmario reports have it that Janie-5 Malcolm, member for North Bruce, m1l.Georg- .\'. Gorvlon, De- puty Speaker, will come into the CzLbinet-~a;t Lhe :~1t,;1i-it; without port- folios. It stzutecl that while Hon. Jacques Pureau will leave the (jov- ernmmennt he will run uzrain as, a. pri- vate member in Three iivers. Fer- (linvaml Rinfret, 11.1 . for St. Jznne.-i Division of Montreal, seems likely to be inclutlerl in the mini.2t,r_v. Form- er Premier Fo:~.It(.-r of New Brunswick is mo.:1t commonly murutionetl us suc- ces.~:or to Hon. A. B. Copp. Obscur- ity surroumli.-: the situation as rezrzmls Premier Duimimr of Sn.-vkwtchewzui and two others in the east wyho.-;e nz1mc..= have frequently been men- L!..... .l 1 ,, ,, , ' DRIVERS MUST LEAVE LIGHTS i SHOWING ON PROV. HIGHWAY READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. 838 coal mines were shut down on Tuesday morning and 158,000 miners i11 the antliracitc mines are om: on strike. 158,000 COAL MINERS ARE NOW OUT ON STRlKE| A population of 500,000 depend- ing; duirectly on mining` will be effect- ed by the strike. About 10,000 rail- road men handling.-' coal and employed in repair shops are included in this number. Their losses will be more than $1,000,000 21 day in wages. The operaitors estimate the overhead cost of ma.in:tvain-itig` the mines in condi- tion Llurin-_L_,' the suspension will be about $200,000 a day. This may be handed on to the consumer to pay, which will mean increased coal prices. The total pu-blic loss, if pro- ducbion were suspended one year, would be about $70,000,000. BARRIE TRAP SHOOTERS '1 SCORE HIGH IN ITORONTO J. R. Boys, Dr. W. C. Little and Miss C1'c.~swicke are taking part in the Eastern Ca1w.d-ian tennis tourna- ment in Toronto this week. Jack Boys was going` strong`, winning in the first, second and third rounds, but on Wednesday was defeated by |Mercc-r (U.S.) Dr. W. C. Litrtle won his rst round, but was defeated in the second by Nunns. Miss Cres- wicke was also dovn in the second round against Miss H. Wright. I The new Election Act has some lintorcsting foztturc-s. The old-time n-on1ination lay is (liscamlecl. As soon as the writ is issued a cantliilate can be nominatetl on the request of ten persons and he can begin his canlpaiirn. The ro`turning,' officer will issue to him the list of voters and his org;anizatio11 can start to worc. The rL-turnin{._r ofcc-1' and his clerk lhave to spcnnl the last two hours [of the nomination period in a chosen place to record the nal nomimutions. This, h-owever, will be a more per- functory act in most riding. Several members of the Barrie Gun Club are in Toronto this week taknig part in the Eastern Canada t~1`ap :ahooting'championship competi- tion. run . 1. ... NOMINATION DAY ABANDONED! Page Four BARRIE `PLAYERS -IN EASTERN CANADA TENNIS TOURNEY One Store Only The scores made \ on \NC(1! lOS(l2l_V . W. Rogers J. Wolfendern Campbe~11 .......... .. Rogc-1'5 ................ .. . Goodwin ....... .. Another Popular Victrola- Console Style-- Reduced from `$135.00 `to $97.50 The Northern Advance ......u,. tionod. Broke AUTO SMASH ON DUNLOP !ST. TWO LADIES CUT BY GLASS When the Chevrolet sedan in which they were riding on Dunlap St. crashed into the rear of u Packard sedan, owned by M. 13. 'l`ul~ hope of Orihlia, on 'l`ues :'.f'h-r- noon, Miss E. L. Drin-k\\'u1er and Mrs. S11f_`l`\V00(i were cut severely |_\ the ying" gihass. '1`he accident took place in front of the Itoyul Bank. The Olievrolet Sttlilll, which was tra\'eI`ling' \\'e.st, with Miss Drink- water tlrivin-_e', struck the l`uek:ml and the force of the impact tlx'o\'<- it up 0\ e1' M10 curb. Mrs. Sherwoml was t'n1'own zigzniiiist the winvl::`|i3hl, su`e1'in;: 1 Severe out about six inches long on the back of tha: hem! an-(I Miss Dl`il1k\\'LtL`l` u nz1.~:`,_\' cut over the eye. S. L. Drinkwuter of Detroit and Miss Gwen Sherwood were in the car at the time, but they were not hurt. 1`/I1". Sherwood and Miss D1~inkwate1' were taken to the h0Spi`t U1, where their wounds were (h'eSSCt1 by Dr. Turnbull. -.-.....4 ........n....-. u...\. .....u\,.. iv }10Spi't`U1, The Chevrolet car was badly smashed, the axle and fenders bcing bent and most of the glass broken. Two tires on the rear of the Pack- ard absorbed the most of bhe shock and it was not danlztged. ' ` A few moments later anot-h(-.1` jam occurred on Elizabeth St., but. it was fixed without any harm `taking place. Dr. H-olrly" D_\'er spent the week end at home. :1 v 1 2 m . ny- lav ..u..u.. School re-opcned on Tuesday, Miss Gladys Sr1g1c_v being` the new teach- Miss Mabel Herrel of A>I1anda1e spent the week end with Miss Bessie Hunrtex`. xv u .v n v\ Mr. and Mrs. George Purchase andi family of Egbert were Sunday visi- tors at Wm. Hunter s. Mr. and Mrs. James Hawthorne` and (laug'hi1;er Helen are speimling a few in Toronto at the Exhibi- tio-n. qr av v-. nun. Mr. James Brown and (laughter Clara have 1'etu'1!ne(l home after spr:n(ling'aweek with frionrls in! Grimsby and Toronto. `Y- .. T3,.`-.4. \XY.'...l-.... -1.` I T._...TIL..._ I The Ditchburn Boatbuilrlers, Oril-! lia, who last. winter and spring; built the launch Gannett for Commander J. K. L. Ross of Montreal, have se- cured the contract to build another large boat at their Orillia factory. It will soon be commenced. Mr.` Ditchburn expects that the prospects he now has in View will necessitatel the extension of the factory. I Master Robt. Windsor of Hamilton spent 21 few days \\'ibh his illllivt, Mrs. F. G`lande1(l, his brother, 1\Ias.ter Ed-'a1'(l, returning home with him af~ ter spending the summer h,o1ida_\'s with his aunt. 1 I E i | I Miss Leila Davis has rc~tu1-nod her school at Monwo Mills. 17- xx - A vs 1 In any nun. .:\.u~u\.u cu. AvA.`\1xI.`\l uuuus. Miss Marion Arnoltl left on Mon- Llay for Dixie, where she has been accepted on the sta of the public school. qr . xx 11. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Irwin Detroit, 1\Iich., are visiting` with T. l2L`Ut.or s parenvts, Mr. and Mrs. S. Elliott. 1191 n .- A_lAA|\.rUvo The W.A. of the Anglican church] held a very s'i1ccc~.ssfu1 mc-oting` ant the` home of Mrs. Fred R. Arnold last 'Dhu1~sL1ay afternoon. 31... \xL.- rv_.__,..LL ,,,, 1 .L'uu.L ouu._y u;.u.A uvuu. Mvs. Wm. Carrutl1e1's and sons Bert and Clarence have returned to Toronto ater spemlilug a `two weeks holiday with friends here. I I nm 1 n.| nu/uuu_v vvnsun LLl\.ll\.|| JlCLU- A number of the members of `1 band went to Glouc0st,er Pool spend the week end as the guests 4 the Rev. W. G.. G. Dreyer. The rie was the property of Iron- I sides himself, and was stolen from his room by the assassin and after- wards tihrown inrto the river below the dam, from whence it was carrieo by the action of nhe` water farther down the river and deposited in a shallow near the shore. The faztal rearm `is well preserved from its long immersion, with the exception of the niagazine, which is badly rust- ed. One empty shell remained in the breech. Fred Gilbert, another employee at the power plant, was arresteil and charg'ed with the crime, as Ironsidr; before his death had claimed to re- cognize him as his assailant. Not- \vi.thst.amLing' strong ch-cumstumial evidence against: him Gilbert was ac- quitted in February, 1921, after languislidng for nearly a year in the county jail at B-a1~vie.-News-Lemel-. I/l|\. ..... ..... u. .,.c_.c.. The Knock and Ivy girls played game of sofbbanll in the local park 0 Friday evening`, which resulted in nal victory for the visitors. In one minute your clogged nostrils! will open, the uir passagu of your head ` will clear and you can breathe freely.! No more hawking, snuflling, hlmving,! headache, dryness. No struggling for` breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. ' Get a small bottle of El-v n Grnnm FINDING OF RIFLE RECALLS MURDER SOME YEARS AGO The finding` of a rie at the bot- tom of the Severn River by I\'orman Stroud, an employee of the Orillia Power Connission, while in swim- ming: on Monday morning`, recalls one of the most cowardly murders known to the people of this paint of the province, when on March 5th, 1920, Robert Il`0!1SlLlOvS was shot to (.lOZ1:lJl1 as he lay sleeping` in a rest room in the power house at the munioipa.1 power pl-amt at Swift Rapids. HOLLY IVY U4. the ` the 'I`|)v' U.l.(). lrnulc Hli.-z \v:~<-k. Mi:-.3; (':1rnl HlI'\` Ln Ilmnilvlmu '1\]i:~'.:: M.in. cl1:M';_v;- . Mi.-`.: Imma- <-i1,,\'. 9. HDILG OI IJHS Ifllgfllllb, anusepuc, D9111` : ing cream in your nostrils. It ene- tratcs through every air passage the; head, soothes the mamed or awo!len' mucous membrane and relief comes in- ` atantly. It's iust ne. Don't etav stuod-up: 'm-Ln w1-vu. I 0| Mr. A. I`). Munl::_\'. an Ln UI'iHi.'1 1,4) vi.~;il, M McCnnk-_v. (Ionu'mmluLiun.-: to Mr. J. W. lI;Ltil]](`,` on U|[- zu 1):.1h_v yrirl. 11.. lnl... l,l....4.... ..l' I`.` ,v uu-:_v `gull: Mr. John Ilunurr of (Jmnph:-ll is visihms; with his ;~1i.'4tux`-in-lzu.v, . G. H1J.nLc1'. :v- u - n 'l 1- rn,, A, l Mi.'~'s Marion rcnturned atcx` pa1'crnt.s here. RT,--. T:"n.l Ch pulliluua nu]. 1:. 1\Iss Enid Stevenson of Hamilton is ho1idayi11g` with her pan.-n:'t,;a` at Awlcona Beach. 1|: . It nu . -- r1 1 1n;L\; vvu .nu\.:ruu._v. l_\Irs. H. G. Balliston and Mrs. All E. Page of Barrie spent Iv1'id`a_v at- their home here. 1\'Irs. R. M. McCvonkey has reutu1'n- ed after visiting at Mr. Ch.a;s. Mc- Conka-_\"s at, Barrie. 1\ v vur 1 , T\,,_ ,,,,1 . mmuullsh n.:vu\.u. Mn-. and Mrs. Chester McConkc_v and baby of O1'il11iz_1 called on fric-mls here on Tu0stla_v. Ir vv 1`: an n- . I 1: I .. w_,,.. \JJ. ..--...... The schoo-111213 re-opened again with Miss Hilda Hoover and Mr. Lzntimer tc`achc1';<. .-- 17- u r1II- .. v . u . \/\1I:L\\__y .- um, uu;;.\.. Kev. and Mrs. Jams. family are ho1i(la_ving' 2: couple of weeks. NIL . ,...L-,d Ln . u. ;.4r.uuun,-1. .4 u.u\.u\.; ..-. Miss Viola Elliott has ret.u1'nc- to the cit_\' to resume her duties as t.L~aclier at Birchclif I .. ,..,,. . 7 atanuy. ; It's just stay stuod-up; with 2 cold or nasty cutm-rb-Relief5 comes so quickly. _ 1 |.'k.Ll\lI\.L an. 1.1 - A u . z y . . . .. Mrs. J. W. Sproule and Miss Laura `went to Elmvale this week to attend [the funeral of M1`. John Dyer. `an 1-4: 1 mu. .L\.A.AA\.Al.AI VA. AVLAI uvuu ./_v\... I Misses Edith and Amelia Nee-laml.~.| and Master E(ld`ie Net-`lands have 1'0- turncd home after 11oli in the city. ' nu x:- n -.u u . u . In/xv; . I The Misses Smi oh have 1'c~turne(l to ; ` their home in Barrie after holidaying with their _:_r1`andmo+.he1`, Mrs. John Pratt. u an: nu run 1: . 1 (l`au_2jhtcr Ma1'.g'or_\' and Miss S. Cook of Toronto called on Mrs. Huntcr on I i I Sund~a_\`. * 31".. r\\\ I T\`T..-. T TLTAT .-...'I.I.`.-. n...I 0 I -uuuuu_v. ` Mr. and Mrs. I. McLach1an and? daug'ht.L-r of To1len(l~a.1e spent Sunday with the lzxtutc-1"s pa1'e11`ts, M1`. and 311's. Wm. W2'i:'ht. -rv vv M r. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunvter and son Gc-o1'g'o am] Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leonard motored to Toronto on Wed- nesday and afbtended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown and fzxmily of Orillria, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sxvintoii and family of Orillia and M1`. Robt. Hamilton of Horn:ing"s Mills were SL1n(l`Z1*_\" visitors at the u\..~uu_v uuu cuuuu :nu,u and parsonage. V1. .. \r`[..N....2.. L....LL. v 11144 auxluun The Masonic brethren of Minerva iLo(l_2`o will at.te~n(l divine service in St. James United church here on Sun Sept. 6. Rev. Mr. Mc- Ewan of Churchill will have charge lof the service. Miss Be1`n`ice Young` is home from a most enjoyable 11,o1id~a.y in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. R. P1ow2'ig'ht and r.la:u,2'hter Elsie are taking` in the ax- hibition. Wm De gone. ` Get a of El-y e Cream Balm from vour druggist now. Appally` little of this fragrant, antiseptic, he - : imv nrenm in vour nena-1

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