th 0 P1'e: Chris. Padmiison. Vice-Pres.---Mr. W. J. Paddison. Tre-asure1'--M1-. A. Pa Sec1'etzu'_v-Mr. H. A. Jar\~'i.<. A committee to a1'1\am;e for the next: reunion was appointed, com- posed of Ed. Paddison, J. Bowman, Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. A. Parldison and Mrs. H. A. Jarvis. n'II,, ._.,__. L, LI, 1: 1 ;....u...vuu uuu 4u.;.. LL; -1. uouvna. The prize to the oldest member present went to Mr. Ch1'i.=. Paddison, and Uhe _VOLII`l,`;`(3'St to Baby Lambert, Barrie. mu 1. 1- .1 ;_au;;u.. The results of the various races, etc., were as follows : Boys Race--D(>.lbert Hickling. Girls Rac0--Vio1a Da_u'enais, Reta Soules. . no v 1-` -. van... ,. I ~zvuu..,~. Boys Sack Race-D. Hicklingr, C. Abbott. n I 1-. 1-. as vv . -..._vu`:. Latlios Race-Mrs. Dzxgenais. VH3... .. 17.. .. TI A .,.......,, ...... .,.._....u._. Every one enjoyed the outing` and it was decided to hold the next re- union on the last Wednc-sday in June, 1926. .... lILI~ vn Su_n;)e1' was sewed by the Iaulirzs, after which Mr. A. Pzu'u'Iison, as chairman, called upon the f0IIo.'x'n5_~' for spoecllesz Mr. Chris. Parhllsonu S oa_\'nc1'; W. J. Pa Banwe; Ed. Paddison. New Lowell; V. -crt, Millbrook, Ont.; Z. Dru.-'e.1z1is, Lun- don, Ont., and Hcrbr,-rt .-'\. Ja1'\'i;<,R Barrie. Am .. . Officers were then elected as fol- lows : ~ Mcn s Sack Race-R. Dag'en-ais, W. Allsop. T...lC,-l T)..,.,. `ll/I'..,.. All-.. I/7.... ISTEIPHHEUMAIISM 1 WIIHHEIIPEPPEH 1"eanut Race-VioIa Dagenais, Mrs. VVoods. vwu--u~n-- n .. 1.; u \1v\Iuo I Ladies Nail Driving` Cor1"test-Mrs. James, Mrs. Dagenais. 11`.-,`...y A..- ,..... .,.l LL. .. T09 MUCH LOVE-LETTER WRITING Brampton Public School Board met on Tuesday night. It was re- vealed that the school attendance has shrunken so that a teacher could be dispensed with if considered advis- able. Next term it is understood the boys and girls of the entrance class- es will be separate-d-bo_Vs to one room. girls to another. It seems that there is too much love-letter writing during: the school hours and by sep- arating the sexes it is hoped more learning will be acquired.-Brampton Banner. PADDISONV VREUNION 'I`he annual reunion of the Paddi- son family was held in St. Vincent s Park, Barrie, on Wednesduay, July 22. ~Al c-hou,2'h the weather was un- favorable, there were 85 members present, some coming` from such (llS- tant points as Regina, Akron, Ohio., and London, Ont. During` the after- noon the _\*0un_2' people enjoyel them- selves by sports of various kinds, in-l elu11(ling a ball _;`z1me, while the older people chatted and recalled the (lays of the past. C...\..,... "n... ....e.....;,. Follwowinwg this picnic a monster basket picnic will be held at St. Vin- ce:i>t`s Park, connnencing at 5 11.111. A splendid p1'og'1am1ne is being` ar- l`-a.11f.,e(l, consisting of games of var- ious kinds and an old-fashioned spelling match, one member from each Innstitute taking; part. This should prove most interesting`. Every one is heartily invited to come and enjoy this basket picnic with the Women s Institutes of Simcoe Coun- ty. MARRITT-At Toronto General Hospital, on July 21, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Man'it.t, Midr11u1`st, Ont., 3. daughter, 1\/Izu'tha Elizabeth ( \,u...1u\.w.. luuuu. At 2.30 a public meetingg` will be iieid in the Lib1'ar_v Hall,` when ad- dresses will be given by Hon. J. S. i\'Ia1'tin, Minister of A1.-'1'icu].urc, and other z1g`i`icu1t1u'a1 representatives. The public are cordially invited to this meeting`. Dull rxuu .. . L1.!_ ..2...`!.. - _.._._._L_.. As int.i1m=.t.eml some weeks ago tlzc .=c-veral branclies of the Women's In- stitutes in the County of Simcoe are plamring` for :1 Count_\' Fo(le1'atiou. On Wednesllay next, Aug`. 5, there will be a meeting in the Library Hall, Barrie, when the first steps will be taken. At 1.30 Mr. Putnam, Provincial Head of Institutes, will meet with rc-present.t.i\`es from each local brzmcli, and :1 provisional execu- tive to discuss the o1'g'anization and complete plans. .\4 090 n "1-.l.'.. |\`\r\.w Doctor, said he, if there is any- thing" the matter with me don : frighten me half to death by giving it a scientic name. Just tell what it is in plain English. Well, said the doctor, to be frank with you, you are merely lazy. l(Fl\l..-....1- "Au Anni.-nv 5-n:(] Glam Lang . Thank you, doctor, patient. Now give me a name for it so that I can 3 and tell the wife." WILLIAM WILLIAMS lWOMEN S INSTITUTES I INCOUNTY FEDERATE vubv.,..u.~. Time Race-H. A. Jarvis, Ina Jar-1 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS BIRTHS said the , scientic go home gun -..n- \. uu_v q. 1\'Ir.=. J. W. Wilmobt, Miss Drysdale, Miss Prior, Miss Wilmott and Mr. H. C. M. Wilmott, of Toronto, and Mr. Howard Wilmott of Detroit were re- cent guests of M1`. and Mrs. G100. Wilson, Eugenia St. A.\IL ...n. L\..)v U4. mu; nuununcn. Rev. S. H. Greenslade of Collier .St. United church, with Mrs. Greens- lado and family, are spe11 a four weeks holiday at their summer cot-'o at liawartha Lakes, near Peter- Eboro. T\ `w Iv! A . - . L1\JL\Ja D. H. Coleman, County Treasure)`, left on Saturday night last by C.P.R. for the West, to see his mother, who is criticall_v ill at Limerick, Sask. Mr. Coleman will be zxway ten or .twelve days. I 37 `I . x V . . . .. 1| --. .. The revised plan of Government grants to counties for road purposes whereby subsidies of 40 and 60 per cent. are replaced by a unifomn sub- .=id_\' of 50 per cent., has been adopt- ed by twent_v-one counties at their June sessions. Prior to this plan, two classes of roads existed, county provincial and county, which were g'i\'en grzmts of 60 per cent. and 40 per cent., respectively. These two subsidies worked out to an average one of 47`/_ per cent., so that in mergzing` the two classes of roads in- to one and giving a subsidy of 50 per cent. the Government claims to be facing` increased payment on sub- sidy accounts. rrn 1-.` ... .- -.- NEW SCHEDULE OF ROAD GRANTS FOR COUNTIES OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, BARRIE ..-.u_ Lnuuvulltdn The aim of the consolidation of the county provincial and county roads is the development of a system of con- necting` county roads which will cover the province. The Advisory Com- mittee has made a careful survey of the province with this end in view, and has furnished designations to the various counties concerned, whereby a network of connecting and useful liigliivays will be linked up. qirnnnn (`ln+`V \I\:v nut "AL .-.,l..-.L .uk.,u-`ago nu. uc uuncu up. Simeoe County has not yet adopt- (`(l the plan, as in the opinion of members of the County Council, sev- eral roads have been cut off that should be county roads. It is ex- pected that the matter will be se};$:le(l to the satisfaction of all concerned at an early (late. , PHI... 01 ._-....L:,_ _,_L:.|, L_,,, lutnu uun.u5U. Miss Effie Cooper has returned to her home in Buffalo after spending 1:-1 couple of weeks with her sister, |I\`I1`s. P. Hart. Misses 1\`Ia1'y and Ray Nixon left this week on a trip to Put-in-Bay, Cleveland, where they will holiday for the rest of the summer. 11... n Y1 n 1 n A n- Miss Guid-a Burton of the Sick Children s Hospital was home for a shorrt time last week. 1\Irt,,, n .. mr n --v :...uuluu.-.,un.o :.uL a :.n:n \\L:\:I\.`.. Sydney Skinner is home again af- ter visiting for a week with his aunt, Mrs. C. Cameron, Shanty Bay. My-a A U `KYn:-:~ .....1M.. r~1,...,:-.. -VJ.LJ- B./o VJGIIIULUII, kJllcllllJ_\' 1JH.\' Mrs. A. H. Ness and Mr. Glenden Ness and Miss Dorot,h_v Smith of Hamilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wallace. 11: .~ -- u unnuyu. The Misses Edna and Jean Harris ret.u1'ned this week from a two weeks ho1i(la_v at Port Colborne, I\'iag:a1'a and Chicago. \ 1|/1:. Dm- n .... .. 1.-.. ..-L...4. H 1-av uu \.uLI_y uuvv. The 21 counties which have con- sidered the 50 per cent. subsidy plan and a.g;reed to it by resolutions of their county councils are : Leed-s and Grenville, Prescott, Russell, Lanark, Victoria, Ontario, York, Peel, Halton, Dufferin, Grey, Bruce, Norfolk, Perth, Waterloo, Wentwortli, Wel- land, Elgzin, Prince Edward, Oxford and Frontenac. ULAVMV ullllk. AIMDD \VCC\I\- Miss Betty Mu1~p11_\', from West Montrose, is holid-a_ving' with her g'1'andparents for a few weeks. Q..,1..,_. m.:...-.... :_ 1.... __ \V(~ o.\'t c11d to you and your ft.-i11ds a 11cz11'f_V i11vitz1 rio11 to 110211 t11(:-so new 1'(`(.'()l`dS. You \\'1ll be more tllan pleased, .u..:.: ;au Miss * visiting` L)\.l|\4IIn Mrs. J. Spears of Sault. Ste. Marie is \'isitin_9: Mrs. A. Cunningham, Small St. Mrs. Clarence Simpson of Toronto is visiting` her pa1'cnt.s, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Scott. Harold 1\IcConke_\' of Midland is staying with his ~1'andpa1'ents for a few holidays. 11,-, -r nu u .. n. 5;. vv nvAA\.|u.\ .7. Miss Jean Standen of Toronto, is visiting` her sister, Mrs. J. A. Len- nox, North St. 1\y'f:..... I`*..:J.. T)....L.... ,1` u as,` Reg`. Furlong; is 11o1idaying' at the Beach. ;.n.u\.u. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. f eLI\\'el1 of To- ronzo are visiting Mrs. J. P. Carr. `l\/| =~:- Vrn`\/\` r~\.n--..--.. :- ..:-:L:_._ .uuu sun, uauuus AVLLD- u. 1.. unit. Miss Mabel Cheesman is visiting Miss Isabel Walker at Cawaja Beach. M; nn.-A ..+- m .........-L- i-u Mrs. P. Loth and 1\Iiss Dorothy Lath are visiting` friomls at Cawaja Beach. at -.-n. ..... _,... __ These pests quickly disappear if whole cloves are sprinkled on the pantry shelves or any place that the ants frequent. This remedy is quick. clean and certain. No man deserves to be praised for his goodness unless he has the st1'eng't.11 of character to be wicked. All other goodness is g`ene2'a1ly no- thin}; but imlolence or imxiotzmce of wi11.-`--La Rochcfoucztuld. PERSONALS The old rec-01-(ls, wl1ic-h p1'c\'i0usl_\;' sold for `7.:3(:, are 110w on sale for 550.. `V0 still }1z1\'0 a few of the popular 11umbc1rs left. Come in and got _\,'0u1`s before t11oy are all gone. (.tUL.l IV (.|lK\UL db \./cl\\ lJL`blUH- Olive Bryson of Toronto is .` her cousin, Miss Muriel Bry- "Getting Rid of Ants Page Five Victroias and Victor Records 75c Records for 55: J. G. KEENAN Ba1'1'ic and Orillia Golf Clubs met in 21 schezluled match on the Couchich- inf: C0unt1g\' Club links. Orillia won by 6 to 4. The score : Barrie Orilllia N l\Irs. Leslie ............. ..0 Mrs. Thompson 1\I1-s.Rees..l. Miss Tuilhope .... .0! l\Irs. Fo.\'..... Miss Downey ....... ..1 Mrs. Walker Mrs. Evans Miss McCarthy ...0 l\'Iiss Armsti-ong' ...1 l l GOLF } Last Tl1lll.`S(l2l_\' the ladies of the IN.[issAr(l:ag'l1 ....... ..1 Miss Mulcahy .... ..0 |MissLain1law ....... ..1 Miss A1' ....... ..0 Miss Lawson ....... ..0 lVIrs. Wainwrigrlit 1 Miss Elgootl .......... ..0 Mrs. Gilchrist .... ..1 Mrs. Laiilman .... ..1 Mrs. Wzilmsley ...0 The following` pupils, of lower form l1i5._:=l1 school passoll test examinat.ions in literature_. composition, 1-c-a writing`, spcllin5.),', latin and algebra: Ernest. Ash, Wallace Cockburn, Helen Cockburn, Mary Ferguson, Netta Lees, Donalll McLean and Hz11*1'_\" Slcsser. I l'\ Following` an illness of several months, Mr. William Williams, First Deputy-Reeve of Collingwood, and a valued member of the County Coun- cil for many years, passed away at liams. Born in Fullerton losp I his home in Collingwood on Tuesday evening. Few men were better known or more highly respected throughout the county than Mr. Wil- near the town of ;\`Iitchell, `78 years ago, he attended the public schools there and after passing through the Stratford High School, attended the University of Toronto, .g`rad11ating in 1872. After teaching a short. time at Port Rowan Mr. Williams came to Collingwood in 1873 as principal of the High School. This position he held for nearly thirty years, during which time the school became :1 Col- legiate Institute and an o11tstamlin_e; educational institution. Since retir- ing; from teachin_e; over twenty years ago Mr. Williams had been active in the management of the Col1ing\\'oo Bulletin Press, Limited, of which he was president. He also took an ac- tive interest in public affairs and had served on the Council Board for many years. As a member of the County Council he was chairman of the Committee on Education and his intimate knowledge with matters qnretaining` to County affairs made him a valuable member. He sought the Warden s chair twice and was defeated by a very narrow margin on both occasions. rv u . vs -. s:AL.~.`JI.L. On the departmental examination tvl1e_v passed in the following` sub- jects: Ernest Ash, Geo.; Wallace Cockburn, Geo. and G1'am.; Helen: Cockburn, Geo.; Mary Fe1'g'uson,I Gram. and Geo.; Netta Lees, Hist.,` Geo. and G1`am.; recommemlcnl, Don- old McLean, Geo.; Hz11`1'_\' Slesser, I Geo. BARRIE GUN 1 Shooting` at 50 clay I 29, the following: were 1 R. Wolfenden ............... .. T. Rogers ....... .. W. Crosslaml E. Williams F. Haiglxt 1'\.. DAN... Orillia lost a respected citizen in . the person of Thomas B. Jebb, who I passed away on Saturday last. Mr. Jebb was born at Bradford nearly .=e\`ent_\' years ago, and spent his early life there and at Cookstowml later living in Buffalo and New York, where he,-took up watchmaking and optical work. He was of an inven- tive turn of mind and perfected many 'l0\'fce.~` for use in both vocations. He had the leatlinig patent for a micro- meter rep:ul:1tor for watches. Mr. Jebb moved to Orillia thirty-three years ago and had built up a splen- did business. For the past two years he had been in poor health, but was conned to his bed for only a few days. The funeral on l`uesdn._v underl Mzuonic au.=pices was largely attend- ed. ` A full grown oys-tel` will produce about nine million eggs. -....-buy Campbell .... .. R. Lortie A. Gerrard Ono, ]isto11i11g' to those new 1'o(.-ords, has :1 t'e0li11g' that the artists are with tllem in per- son. The Voi<-cs, the i11st1-1111'1e11ts, in truth the \'01-_\;' pe1's011alit_\f of the artists t11emse1\'0s, are so real that z1t'te1.' you have listened you feel that the zenith of p01'fe(-.tio11 has been 1'e21cl1cd, and that nothing is `impossible. Such world. famous artists as the Victor Salon Orchestra, Paul Whiteman and his Or- chestra, Vernon Dalhart, Frank Crummit, and many others, all help to make this month s re- cords the best ever. I\'E\ ]3iR IN THE I>ITI.S'_`(f).IT-{Y of the 'Vic1`1'o1a has The i111'cros`r in the t211ki11g` mac-hiue been so grout as :11 `[110 present time, t11a11ks to the 110w Victor \'.]`J. prot-css 01' 1'0c01'ding. THOMAS R. JEBB EDGE; . u n u . . - x.. The funvral is being" held this af- ternoon \-[(hu1'sdz1_v). Interment at .Co1lin`gwvood. D ' . 1 1 .` . ' birds on July - the scores : N . s ..0 : ! : ` . . CLUB ;\Ii.'~.=s Binlie Wamica renewed ac- qu;1'I11t:1nccs here last \V(:l,']\'. Ma.~2te1' Kenneth Mann of Allan- ([2110 is ho1ida_\'ing' at Peter Bain s. Mr. and Mrs. T1105. 3owm'.u1 and t'zumil_\' spent Sund`a_\' in Gwi1`Iimbu1`_\'. I Mr. and Mrs. Franvk Brewster of `the 8th line spent Sunday at Petal` Bain s. 1 IV AJLAAIA .7. Misses Geraldine and Ilc.-no Reyn- olds of Stroutl are hofiding: with S. I H. Re_\'nol I Miss l\'anc_v Reynolds spent the Xx-.'ee1( end with M1`. and Mrs. Allan Walt, Allandale. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Coutts of Bar- ric and Mr. Howard Beath of Toron- Ito spent Sunday at Thos. W'a1t s. \T.. .....1 31... hi 3 ...u gin... uun.uu_v cu. LIIUD. nun. b. Mr. zlml Mrs. Blair of Allamlulc -.1n(l Mrs. Mills 01' I`lamilt.on visited at Mrs. Robt. Re_\=n~ol(ls last: week. \I..-.,\.. 1'.._1. t1_,___::_, - rn ..u .u..:. uvuu. ;u:_\'u`u1u`a Iklbb WUUA. | .\I-aster Jack Hamilton of To1'0nto has return:-(I home after spemling a Imonnh with his cousin, Tom Bowman, 1.. Mr. and I\I1'.<. Maurice Martin of 'I`o1'on:to and Mrs. Waite and Grace of Aurora spent Sunday at \V. H. Mzmtin s. `U . -- .. _ ,.. u\/LL: vwvLucAvAA.:. He is SU1`\'l\'C`Ll b_v two sons, David 'WillizLrns, editor of the Bulletin, and '1`l1omas of Hoe)`, Sz1.=k., and two r`.:1u.,r.-*l11;c1's, Mrs. J. H. Irwin, Collin:.,'- 'W00(l, and Miss Jessie Williams at .home. rnv n 1- u- ucu.u- n b`AlA.L'UlIl .1. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Purchase and family and Mr. Wm. Purchase of l:]_9:bert and Miss Marg'a1`ct and Mas- `U1 Fred Purchase of Toronto visited Sylve Re_Vno] one evening` la. week. I -Mr. and Mrs. Baxter of Lefroy and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reynolds of Grcnfcl spent Sunday at Har1'_V Kel- r-n\v';< M-aster Jim Belsey is spending` his lho1izLa_\'~s with Miss Lizzie Gibson. nl ._., XIV... yr uvAA'~I.ur_\J IVIL-H H1133 IJILIAIU \J|UDUll. Mrs. W-m. Hunter is spemling a few days with Mrs. Robt. Ro_\'nolLs at` Gmnfel. ru-nv 1 r 11 ` . n. . uu..u;x,n. Clifford Lockhart and Sanford Tyndale visited friends in Orillia on Sunday. n..:. - .......1._.. L-.._..- L... "nun uuuuu; . Quite a number from here attoml- :-(l the Knock g'z1r(len party on Wed- nes(lay, July 22. YM .. n....l N7. 'r._..-_.. vY__._Lv,,._,,, u\..>uu_y, u uA_) nu. Mr. and Mrs. James Hawthorne and daughter Helen aml Jos. Haw- thorne motored Lo O1'ang'evi1lc-. (`nun-n....1..+:....r. ,. um r..n.... vuvL.x\: Iu\JuUll:\| DU \JlOlH4[-',L'\|llL'. Con;:'m1ltulat.ion`s to the following pupils who succc-:'sfully passed their entrance from Holly school, ,;`o. 12, lnni`<.f'1l: Glomlon Johns, Rowland Gl:1n Do1't.l1ea King`. Dorotl1_\' Little, Helen Roush, Jolm Glamlolml, Marion C1~-avn.-3, Jean McA1'tl1ur and Evelyn l\IcArtl~.u1'. LITTLE BUSINESS DONE AT BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING Little business was before the Boa 1~ of Health at its meeting on Tuesday afternoon. The passing` of :1 number of accounts chiey occu- `pied the Board s attention. Curran and Brig'_:'s, who have the contract for the cement work of the new N:u'row.s briLlg,'e, expect to start ope -ations next week on an extensive scale. The Girl's Fat.her---You`ng man, the lights in -this house {:0 out at 11 o'clock. I? :1 urn: . ,,u, __.. n come in and we are sure. HOLLY PHONE 243 KNOCK Z The North.-rn Advance . u v . : x 4u\vv\A u uu..u,. Mr. \V. L. Black and Mr. and Mrs. Wicklum and rlau_{;]1tor Francis motor- ed to Phelwpston on Sun Y).... T-.. D . . n . . - . . . . . ....A- L- f`..n..-A...- Lu. uv ;.u\.n1/ovvu uu uuuuu._v. Rev. Jas. Brown went to Creemore on \Vednes to attend the funeral of the late M1's. Ed. Dunseaxth. u xv vv Pmnn G Sunday. T... `. In spite of the wea- ther en Saturrlay a large number at- tended the Black picnic hold at Al- cona Beach. `.\Irs. `Hug-h McLach1an and chil- dren left on Nlonday for their home at Herschel, Sask. xv n. THURSDAY, JULY 30, .1925 uu `nu. ouux. 4, M1`. Toolc, Mrs. Sto aml son of Nexvmarkc called on Mrs. Mc- Con-koy on Sumlay. an . `r 1 1 n .. n. \./vAA'L\\.3 uu uuuuu-_v. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewson of '] romt-o spent the week end at t fo1'.mer s home here. '" Mr. anal Mrs. u. McLach1an :1 xl-nu;-.`:1tr-1 of T011-?`.',l.".u :,1;unt Su: at the lattcr s home. \r 111 -r nu 1 1 11 u It u; mu. Mr. z ad to ` where 1 M1';~:. Robt. Mrs. Brown of Belleville is V her brother, Dr. Horton. n \,-.u. Mrs. R. J. Elliott of Toronto has rc~t.u1'nc-(I to l*.er home here for the :........g.. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson Spring` of Tm-onto called on friends here last 'I`l1u1`sd::'_.'. Mi;~?s Do1'se_\' of BL-eton is her aunt, Mrs`. id. Gibson. -1 11 1 "- Mrs. Fred King of Toronuto is visit- ing` her mother, Mrs. A_\'e1`st. Miss M. Oaks of Guelph is visit- ing" Mrs. Lucas and Scott Sharpe. 1\/fu~ N/fHIm.n~. ...~,I. .l.~..mL4.-.... 1\\Ar\ AVLL>V ;_u.u.u.: uuu uuvvu kJAlL4vA4ll\4n Mrs. MiI]ig'a11 and (laughter are \'isitin.g' the formc-r s parents, Mr. `and Mrs. J. Crossley. I VVhen you are suffering with rheu- matism so you can hardly get around just try Red Pepper Rub and you will have the quickest relief known. Nnthintr has such concentrated. Dene- D Miss Helen Boake of Thornton was ho1i with her .g'1'a11(l`fat]1e1' last week. u.- 1|! - 1~. .. am nx.-.... Miss Mm-irm Rom of Toronmo spent 1 few days with her parents here last week. n.r n -r ~nn- .. .- rvi Miss Lena Orchard of Toronto is l1o1ida_\'in5: with her parennts. Miss Doyle and Miss Howard of To-ronto are holidayin-g` with M1`. and Mrs. F. S. Priest. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole of Utopia oallecl on Miss Sarah E. Tracy on Sunday afternoon. Mi; Bc-tby Orchartl of Buffalo is visiting` her gwamlparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orchard. I lint VVALAA AVLLLJI L L\.\l U\lUUlUl:u Miss Roslyn Van-No1'm~an is the guest of Miss Marj-orie Black. Mr. Wm. Wilson was renewing old acquaintances here this week. Miss Ina Black of Midland spent the week end with her parents. Don t forget the bazaar to be held in the township park on Saiturday. i\Tu~ `LT "I" I<..`L..v... .....1 ..1.1I.l..-.. Inn nu, \.vVvA|uA|AlI Punxx vu bqcul/u1uu_v. Mrs. H. T. Graham and children have returned to their home in Wes- I ton. up. `Mr . 1-. . - .... Mrs. Eliza Jacobs of Toronto is re- ncwinrq old acquaintances in this burg. Mr. Max Wallace of Toronto is apendinng; his holidays here. T\/fun Tnm...H-A- l\ 'l'1........A... J1n,uunu-5, 111-3 uuuuaqa u\:1r.'. Mrs. Legagitt of Toronto is visit- ing with Mrs. Fred Jobbibt. I 1|/r:,,, n_,v,, 1. .4. ..;.~.; L51. -uuuuou u nun. vu- currcnce. Even as far west as Mount Forest they appreciate the beauty of the sparkling` waters of Lake Simcoe. have the quickest rcnex Known. Nothing has such concentrated. pene- trating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the biood circulation, breaks up the congestion- and the old rheumatism torture |S gone. Dnmlnc Rad ponnnr Rah mad frnm IA-`b lll. lI\/L \4\J|-ICALK VILIICV J.JLC\V M1`. and Mr`. Jack 1\'Iu1-ra,\' 'with the 1at`ccr s brother, R. |Thompson, for a few days. `.\vI ......1...-\,.., W. .. L`s\V Miss Hazel Robinson has 1':-tu1'ncd home from visiting in Allanduale, Miss Dorothy Webb retu1`ning` with her. :1. v-... -.\.. .._ Miss Elsie visited at the Mr. and Mrs. the week end. IL, u 1` ~.\.I\ |.ll\|a M1`. and D Gladys and M Boyd spent t.l' ronto friends. a 1 .vu..u ;.:.u,uu.1. A (lebaileil report of the boys un- der the care of the Toronto Kiwanis fO1ub who are camping at the park, will go to press next week. "Fla.-. .-.1... .. . ......-.'l..... .4.` -._.... _,.. V\l ,,.-.... ......, ...-..x. The i11c1'easin.g number of cars seen passin_<.; to the lake indicates the g,'rowin:i_: favor of the park as a picnic resort. Family reunions and private or S.S. picn-ics are .21-lmost a rl-ail oc- nu` `nun-..-.,\ t`19r\I'\ .. ~ .`.\.. ...- ,..L .. .. Mrs. H. Coles and Mr. Murray Coles of Wodzlbrictge visited Mr. and `.\I1's. Jas. Colos last week. I Miss Mary Tate of Hawkestone is vi.=it.in_g` her cousin, Violet Brewster. `Tu. A...) `|.`I'..` T..4I. 1\1.._. ,,_, M1`. John Campbell and Mrs. Annie` Carter of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell. The Baptist church will hold the annual picnic on Mr. Hutchinson's lawns on Wednesday afternoon next, August 5th. Sponts of various kinds will stat: at 2.30 and supper will be 5x3`.`V'<'.`Ll from 5 to 7. and the old rneumattsm torture \ Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. (`not a jar at once. Use it for lumbago, neuritis. backache. sti neck. sore muscles. colds in chest. Almost instant relief awaits you. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles - on each package. 8'I'I-I LINE. INNISFIL . nus, A'AA.`- uu. AJuuu\.cuvu. . and Mrs. G. R. Harper motor- VV2Lsa_L'a Beach on Saturday, 2 they are camping` for a week. E. Ncss, Miss Wilda, M1`. and Ba1`c1~a_\', of Big` Cedar , called on R. M. McCon~key on THORNTON MIN ESING WEST ORO STROUD Hrs. A. Martin and M1`. and Mrs. Calvin the week end with To- 1, Robinson of Barrie home of her parents, F. C. Robinson, overl ; visiting visiting` Young Man---'I`hat suits me.