Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Jul 1925, p. 5

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. . | Dr. C. H. Bosanko, one of the '5: `olclest professional men of Bzxpie, Ppassed a\\'a_\' on Friday, July 10, at his late 1'esidence, ;\Iulca:<.te1` St. He had been in feeble health for some time and a fall down the stairs of. fnis home about two weeks ago, t0"l get.her with the dt,-ath of his wife 1` >0lTlC` weeks ago, no doubt ha;~:tened t the end. Dr. Bosanko was born In ( Toronto on December 1st, 1842, but spent. most of his bo_\'hood days ati Aurora, where he rect-i\ ed his early 5.-ducation. In July, 1869,..he~;g_'ra(l-l] uated from the Royal Dental Col-'1 leg.-"e, Toronto, and in September of ( the same year he came to Barrie and 3 i'llt(.`l'G(l into partnrship with the 1 late Dr. J. A. )IcCau; In 1873 he took a post. fzraduate course in Philadelphia Royal Dental College and recei\'0d his D.D.S. in February, 1874. Since that time he had been practicing in Barrie tillihis retirc; ment about five years ago. In 1871 he married Isabella Laird, dausxhter of the late John Laird, 13511., Barrie, who ])1`C(lC\`21SO(l him by a month. Ogle brother survives, Richard G.l Bosanko, of Atchi.~:on, Kan., U.S.A.,l also a niece, Mrs. Frances Webb, of Hartford, U.S..-X. nn., 1..;- r\.. DA5hV\L'I\ umc nrnnnur I ll 1 l ( KNOCK ETFROY s'1'i2oUD Have Them Now to ill l report that 311-5.: at her mothe1"s, KEEN COMPETITION IN TURNIP HOEING CONTEST Keen` competition in the open (:1: t'eat.ure the turnip hoeinj: competi- tion s.tag'e(l at Robert C.rawfo1` s fzmn, 01-0 Station, on 1\Ionda_\' even- ix1:_:, July 13. The scovsingg` was ex- treme1_\' close in this class, but ve points separating` the first ve men. In neither the open c-lass nor the class for men oven 65 years dirl the rs`: man to nish score a vict.o1'_\'. n. 1 ...1 EA`. .~.-.nn:nn- luau LU uumu c\.vL\/ u ...,....... Points were awarded for spacing`, cleanliness. and nished appearance of the work and the manner in which the contestants handled them- selves and the hoe. Thirteen com- ])CtC(l in the open contest, and the first five to nish were : Herb. Cram, - ford, Alex. Graham, Bert Crawford, Albert Crawford and Ernest Coates. In the race for men over 60 Jones "` "`- L 73-A- 11.... 5-11 /~I\IIr\I`\l] LHL` l"dl:t: 1U1' ll|L'll uvcx uu uuugn Emms was rst, Ben. Pearsall second `and G~em'g'c Crawford third. ' - -1` T... .. CV4-ALL A4` momnmne unu l\.'lI\'l \.`\IuIL'a ....... It's just fine. Don't, stay 51 with a; cold or nasty cnturrh. ?ln(l U-CUl'{.."(: uL'u\\1u1u unuu. In the absence of James Strath of C1-osslzmd, John VVig'gi11s, Thos. C1':1wfo1`d and W. M. Cockburn judged the work and picked the win- IIULJ: Fully one hundred spect,a.tors were in attendance during the stru_L'_e for supremaw. After the competition a bonre was built. and refreshments were serx-'c NO CABINET DECISION ON ELECTION DATE AS YET Ottawa, July 15.-Premier Mac- kenzie King said this evening flhat there would be no in reganl to an election for some time to come. The Prime Minister made this `state- ment at the conclusion of a Cabinet ineet.in;` whic`h was zuttemletl by but ve members of `the Government. Those pr -; in zuldition to the Premier, were: Rt. Hon. Geo1`ge P. Gralmm, Mwinster of Railways and Canals; Hon. Ernezet Lapointe, Min- ister of Justice; Hon. James Mur- dock, Minister of Labor, and Hon. A. B. Copp, Sec1'eta1;v of State. Mr. King said that the meet.in_e' had been callerl for `the purpose of :li.<- posin_r.j' of a number of routine mat- ter'.< which lmve accumulaterl (luring the ten (la_\'.< re: of the Cabinet. When will the next meeting" of the Cabinet be held ? he was a; Not for :1 couple of weeks, he replic.-L urnm. u'i1nfi1rA1' +hm'r- hm] 1'cpm:u. When asked \\`het,he1' there been any decision in 1`C,`_"}l1`t1 to calling of a general c-Icction, Prime Minister 1au_L'hed. nx7,,, .. _. L, ,....'4,. an...` A4` 1 l`l'lI|lU .uuH:LI;1 luu_`4lI\.'u. You may be quite sure of one` thing`. There won t. be any (lecision_ in reg'a1'd to an c-l(.-ction for a giood time to come, he replied. v- _,.__L`-L1.. .1... +1.. nn\ +` nanni-_ Llluu LU LUun:, Al\. .\.lu.-.u. It is proliable that the next meet.- ing of the Cabinet will be attendetl by a number of the i\`Ii11ist.c-1'5 who are now out of town. CONVICTED FIREBUG GETS SECOND CHANCE 2 L. John Albert Dench, i`ormerl_\-' of Barrie, was convicted of setting` re to -.1 building in Smibhsville, where he has been a electrician. He is 211- so suspected of other incendiar_v res. Judge Campbell of St. Cath- ':ll'lllCS showed leniency on account of letters received from Sheriff Mac- Laren and several ministers whose churches Dench had attended, giving him a good name. The Judge took into considera.tion these letters and also the utter lack of motive for the ; acts and prot to Denc'h. He was let go on suspended sentence, but had to sign a pledge not to drink liquor for five years, .to keep out of Lincoln and Welland Counties for two years, and to report monthly by letters to the Crown Attorney, his wife also to report quarterly on his conduct. Denc`h has not been liv- ing` with his wife for some time. MARRIAGES HILL---HOBSON-On Weclnc-: July 15, 1925, by the Rev. W. Hipkin, Ba.y-.1rl James Hill to Helen Victoria Hobson, both of Barrie. DEATHS BOS.-\Xl\'O--In Barrie, _on Fri July 10, 1925, Dr. C. H. Bos:\nl in his 83111 year. Funeral umler Masonic auspices on Sunday, July 412, to Barrie Union cemetery. nr.wnr 1.. Plan RV I-In:nirnl JULY CLEARANCE SALE LG, LU LJLILLH: blltun V...-......_. lFERGL'SON--In the R.V. Hos] 1,.__1.... 1..1.. 1K 1 I.` l)1\r\JKa\7\l.\ on Wedne:< July 15, 1925. M_v1't1L:- P:11'tri(1y;e 17`01'::u.=o11, be- loved wife of W. D. FCl`_`_"Ll':'0!l. Funeral on Friday, July 17, at 2 p.m., from 10 Donald St. Inter- ment at Bzlrrie Union cemc-*;:-r_\'. TEASD.-\LE--In Barrie. on Sumlay, Jui_\' 12, 1925, Thomas Tezmlale. in his 67th year. Interment a: I\Iinosin:: conic-ter_\' on TL1}S(ia_\'. July 14. Lu vlu. u... . -.\,.,1...-.., VVhr>at is `now Prahie Provinces and crop cond Hons generay are favorabhL Ex- tremely hot \V`fl1thC7.' has prevztiled in Alberta. and Southern Saskatchewan and some districts have suffered. In Ontario, Quebec and the eastern pro- vinces all crops are prog'ressin3.` most favorably. headc;-(1 in the I 11 21 L1 r the the Jspital, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Billingsley have returned after spending a vacation at Lake of Buys and Fair_\' Lake, Muskoka. I --- - -. -7 . 1 n. Wm. Crosslaml was elect-e.l a Dis- trict. Rep1'osentati\`e at the Retail D1'ug`g'ists Associaon held in Ot- tawa last week. A. G. McLo11a11, of the Bank of \'o\'u Scntiu, wimlm Mrs. L\IcLe11an and chi1 spending` two weeks holialzxys at Bu1'1ing`t0n. __ .. I`! h. . . .-A ucnlvn-Lo: 1\Ii.~tsos Edna and Jean Harris left on S-.1tu1'da_\' last on :1 two weeks vacation in Toronto, Port Colborne m(1 C-hicugo. uu Mr. and Mrs. H. .G. Robertson and Miss Robertson were in Ottawa last week, where Mr. Robertson attend- ed the Retail Druggists . ssociution. Mr. and Mrs. H. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ross and son Jack, All of 'St.ayner,. spent Sunday with 111'. and Mrs. W. J. Craven, Brad- ford St. Miss Edith Jamieson, pupil of Miss `-.:..,.-1 neonan, has obtained rst- :l:iss honors in Introductory School Pizmo exam. of the Toronto Conser- vatory of Music. Miss Camilla, pupil of Miss Hildreth Lennox, passed wibh rst- class honors the E1e1nent.ar_v Theory examination of the Toronto Conser- vato1'_V of Music. Hrs. Morley Du of Belleville \'i.'\'it .`(l her sister, Mrs. A. W. Laid- mun, over the week eml, and sang most acceptiably at Collier St. church ton Sun morning. _, _. .. . .. .. I Children's Rubber Soled Canvas Sandals, in Brown and White, with rubber or crepe 1`ubb:,1' soles. Sizes 4 to 10-- 'D..:~ ():n. on- ....!.. uu uuuu.._. ...v... Rev. J. S. Shorbt and family are` i: :1 month's holidays at Kin- czmliiie. Rev. Neil Campbell will have clia1'g`c- of the services in St. :-\ml1'e\\"s on Sumla_V.. Miss Jean Kearns, pupil of Miss Ellen Dobson, was successful in pass- ing` her p1'imar_\~' vocal examination in connection with the Toronto Con- |. of Mixsic. lS'E.CURE WINTER FUEL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE I `1no Canadian consumer will be wcll zulvi>:e(l to get in a sufcient `supply of \\ l1ate\'er fuel he proposes 4.. ....,. um-+ uvind>m- uvifhnnf ln:.= nf 1Su1)])1_\' U]. \\ll'dILL`\L:1 LLILZI In. 1uuy....,.... to use next wi1i ter without loss of time. This is the advice given by C. A. 1\I`ag'ra`t,h, who was fuel con- itroller during` the war, and, as a 'member of the Federal Advisory Fuel Commiititee, had much to do with a1'1'211ig'e1ne1its 100i{ing"C0 the pro- tection of Canada's interests in the big United States hard coal strike of 1n~`M`) Lt/in-'4- Seldom has the fuel outlook seemed so threatening as at the present time, says Mr. 1\'Iag`rath in 2. statement issued to-day. He points out fchat coal miners are on strike in Eastern and Western Canada, that there is a pos-sibili-ty of trouble in the British coal eld and that there is ever_\' possibility of a bitter fight in the Peinnsylvania coal region at the end of next month. a . -n 1 ,__ Cllll U1. Anyavu an-u. . No one knows just what will hap- pen should the opemtors and miners come to gzrips, states Mr. lvlagraxh. Every ton of coal placed in the cel- lar between now and August 31st is ...-Ln.-an ;~.~rnnn+- l'd1' |)L':bwl:cu nun uuu ..\..b...... .....,.. ... `urance afxains-t embarrassment" (luring the critical winter period, and- will help to avoid a recurrence of` the critical conditions which have prevailed in the past, of which the Canadian public have a vivid recol- lection. `SCYTHES-BANTING FAMILIES ` HOLD REUNION PICNIC : dates back to 18711, I W. D. SC_\"L.llE`:I of Hondrie wen` 'l0<:tl`(l president cml Nelson Bzuning; of Alliston s:c1'eL:11y-tlnensurer. Olluex members of the executive xv ll be appointed by the pre:si:ln:-nt at :1 lLte1' date. It was decided to hold the next reunion at Lhe same plac-2 on the second We-(lm:-sday of July, 1926. Regrets were expressed over the absence of Mrs. W. M-:i{11ig'ht cf 'I`oronmo. The history of the Scy-thes family when members came to-"` -nd Head and district from 1 'Ireland.1 ` 0111.05 4 no 1u-- {e_Q`. 95c; ..... ..80c pair Sizes 11 to 2--- Re{.,j-`. $1.10...90c pair In Brown with White Solo : Sizes` 4 to 10- RC`_. 85 .... ..70c pair Sizos 11 to 2--- T)nm Q1 nn an. ....i.. PERSONALS ` Among` the many Inexnlfers of the Bzmting` family pz-cscnt were the mother and father of D1`. F. G. Bant- ing, discoverer of insulin. .a.unna-p.r-n` , .- . *.x : Page Five A . , - Another Large Rack | of Children's, Girls ! and Misses Patent Slippers and Kid Ox- fords. Odd sizes and only a pair or two of a line. These are all in the rack at $1.00 pair One Door West of Wellington OBITUARY DR. C. H. BOSANKO uzcs 11 10 z- 30g`. $1.00..80c pair THE B. B. SHOE STORE THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925 Tables and Racks Loaded with Bargains YOU DON T SEE WHAT YOU WANT [N THE W1NDOW, COME INSIDE Eight of the Many Ba-rgains Bargains and More Bargains A Table Full of Wo- men's" Patent Strap, Sandal Effects. 1G.YC_\` Shoes, Brown Oxfords, and Calf Leather Strap Slio;-s.'I\'earl_\' all sizes in` every line. These FllO'S are below fac- tory prices and are not ill tting, out of (late slices. Ari l\II Men s Oxfords are re- duced, also all our $5.75, $6.00 and $6.50 line of Men s Oxfords, in Patent Lea`ohe1', Tan Calf and Black Calf. July Clearance Sale $5 45 nnir l,She answered by return post The invitation of her host, She caught the train she said she ex" would, l`a|;-\n(l changed at stations as she M ' should. ` I _St'lShe brougfht 21 small and ligrlmisli amid box `awed And keys bel0ng;ing to the locks. ea. Food rich and rare she did not beg :"alBut ate the boiled and scramlyled i 0- _ =uperanm1a.t.ion a vgar ago 1 to live in Barrie. Dccc-as< member of the S.O.E. 1-1 I L,_ NI ..- 1 He is SU.l'\'lV'(.`(l by Hrs. Tezwlalc-,l Ilhree sons, Fred and Albert of Bar- lric and John of Albe1`ta_. and ve I5r1aug'l1`..c1`s, Mrs. A. Cornell, Toronto; Mrs. Alex. Wattle, Alta.; Mrs. Fred Joyce, Star City, Sz1; Mrs. Murray] Reynolds, B2u'1'ie, and 1\`I1's.F1'zu1l<` Chaplin, Z\Iinesing. rm. r...m....I +n..l.- I\lnnn nn 'I`un;-.l \.|lLl,_.HHl, u1uu::uI5. The i'une1'z1l took place on Tu0s~ day, July 14, at 2.30, from his late residence to 1\'Ii11esi11g` Union come- tary. The fune1'a1 services xvero con | ducted by Rev. A. J. G. Ca1'scaddcn. I 1211`L1ULu, x..u.:x. 'I`he late Dr. Bosanko was among the oldest Free Masons lin Barrie.| In September, 1865, he joined Rising Sun Lodg'e, No. 129, Aurora, and in 1873 he was made a Royal Arch! Mason in Signet Chapter, No. 3-1, Orillia. He was a charter m_em_be1', of Ken` Lodge, No. 230, and had `the honor of being a Past Master. mt. r.._.-....1 ....... 1..-CIA nn Qnndnv I _, l MRS. w. D. FERGUSON I Myrtle Partri wife of William iD. Ferj_>'uson, pzlsserl awa_v at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Wellnes- i(iE1_\', July 15. Deceased was taken ill about three weeks 21:10 with ityphoill and in spite of all that medi- cal skill could do, g'ralluall_\' sank. She was born in Barrie twent_\'-eifrht years ago, the (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pa`1't1'i'.`:`s.,-;'e. Besides her husbaml and little one sis- ter and ve brothers survive. i run A,_...___I ___:I1 ..1.,.. Inna an 'L\.'1 nun u\C Lrxuwnuna QuLIAI\, "Phe funeral will take place on F1'i at 2 13.111. from the 1`e:~:i,1ence of C. E. Pamt1'i(l-_2'e, 10 Donald St. |Inte1-ment at the Barrie Union ceme- ; tery. l MRS. HOWARD MARTIN Olive McDr.-rmott, wife of Mr. Howard M-artin, Shanty Bay, pa:~7se(l laway at the Royal Victoria Hospital on F1'l(li1_\'_. July 10. She was the ':lau{._rl1rter of Mr. and l\ Irs. Jas. Mc-'l ' Dermobt, Elmvale, and for a number -t` _\'r.-ars taught school: in various `centres in the, county. Besides her husband and parents, she leaves an infant :1 few (lays olxl. Interment Look place at Shanty Bay on Sumlay. I 1` When in \~Q`l I S1]: I She 1 Anti 'Shc 1 I But 5 .-\l1i. Beeton ........... .. Bunie Brav.Ifor .... l Coldwater Co11ing'woo Cookstown Elmvale ........ _. .`Iiull:1rul ....... .. \'c-wmarket . Orillia ....... .. `Om .... H $2.95 pair JIXCE ozuz: $5.45 pair -.un;_y uu vvu-nu.-.uu_y, duty 1-) READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. an illness of several months. I am. uLa.au:;. M01101` ()1 uculg `cl The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, under Masonic auspices. Interment took place at the Union cemetery. I :\.\.uu.u .-u Antsy VIA yr... -.,..... bed. brougvht her own self-lling` pen l always went to bed at ten, ~ left no little things behind, ; ories new and gossip kind. -Public Opinion. was: :11 ofI erc- lukewarm tea she! drank it, did not crave another blanket, extra pillow for her head. seemed to like the spare room 1.-.] THE PERFECT GUEST * FALL FAIR DATES Three Large Racks of V`/hite Shoes. VV"nite' Canvass O.\:f01`ls, with leather solos, sonic with low lczut-her white enanueed heel; others with white canvas cov- ered Cuban heds,and uto canvas strap shoes. lulu :a`a snot-:1. July Sale 75c $1.35 $1.95 Men's and Boys' Brown Leather Sport Shoes, with heavy sti-t.ch-down ` soles and rubber heels. These are wide tting blucher cut shoes and very easy on the feet. $2.95 pair Sept. 23-25i'.ln`ou_2'i1 to Pl1Ct1l1fl'. ......... .. Oct. 13-11 It is p1'o....0le that the A(l\'i.=o1',\` ........ .. Sept. 21-23 1 Commitftr-c of the Dept. will meet the Sept. 29-Oct. 2 I County Council here at an e2u'l,\' (late. .... Sept. 29-30` Fho committ_,=e consistetl of Warilen ....... .. Sept. 28-30 .\Icl\'inl:1_V', Reeves Da\'i.=, Coombs, ...... >Ab Sept. 17-19 l I\'Icl{ni:1'ht and En_2`in0c-1` Campbell. ...... .. Sept. 24-26| . Sept. 29-Oct. 1 ............ .. Sept. 15 T. F. l\lcMahon,V c-(liter of the Richmoml Hill Libeval," 1):1.~:.=:-,l nwu3f_ on Wc-4lne.= July 15, after :~1:umqr:wr1:~Mrr~ql.... :n.....,... ,.r ...... . :1` ...,...u.- he retirotl 15911 was al Hotel, Barrie, Ontario THOMAS TEASDALE l Following a period of illness tending` oven seven weeks, Thomas Teasdale passed away on Sunday,! July 12, at his home, 99 Sophia St.` west. Born in Yorkshire, Engla'nl.1 sixty-seven years ago, deceased came to Canada when he was twenty years - . 1:"... ,._.u:..,.. :n Innicl Fnrn n. Oct. Oct. 1-5 n ` STROUD ll Umler ideal weather condition.< the annual Stroud field day was run off l_\'esterLlay afternoon. Sports of ever_\' klntl, inclu(ling' hard ball, soft- ball, races aml a horse shoe pitching contest, were on the program. Holly lriumphe<.l over troud in a snappy lhurnl ball ,;'ame, but St-1`OLl(l return- |e:(l the compliment with a 2-1 Victory over Holly in the softball nals. In {he r:~.'t round gmnes Stroud put Big C(.`(l2ll` out by :1 5-2 score and Holly ilvl1)]JC(l one over Lefroy to the tune |3[' 9-3. S`.-routl and Holly hooked up in the g'ran(l nale and in a hurl- `n_u` tlucl St)`0Llll nosed out a win. Bert Robentson and Johnson formed the battery for Stroud, while J. Rieve and Hunter were on the heav- '.n(:; and receiving ends for Holly. Jack Net.-lamls of Shroud had the vnisfortune to break his wnist while competing in the pole vault. George .m Wm. Hunter of Stroud won the horse shoe pitching.-` contest. lLlTTLE GIRL FALLS LFROM I AUTO, HAD NARROW ESCAPE \ ll Little 1\'Iar_v Stephc-n:~:, `t.hree-_vear- old dang.-`h-ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stephens, suffered a severe injury last F1i(l213' ztternoon, July 10, when she fell out of the auto. The acci- dent happened about 5.30 Friday evening`. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stephens had driven to Mrs. Albert Turner's on the second line of Flos, where the children were accustomed to spending part of their summer holidays. With Mrs. Turner the party had turned to drive to Lloyd `I`u1`ner s farm about 21 mile away. Iust the car was turning in the rate one of the rear wheels went down in a hollow, the door snapped open, and the child, who had been thrown ag'ainst the door by the lurch, fell out. She suffered a severe bump on the back of the head. She was zhrown very close to the wheels, as the hat she was wearing` was broken by the wheel passing` over it. Dr. T`.-..`.. .....- ....Il...l ,.....l LL- ..I.!I.l .... ~. .u.v-vu unw.-new u|I\. \|\1vA. u_v |.A|\. .u.\.. -v 'I`_\'1'er was called and the child was taken to the R.V. Hospital. On Mondzxy she was taken home and at present is prog'ressing' favorably. It was feared at x-st that the skull had been fractured, but such was found [not to be the case. D . 3 I -\to the Hig'lm'a,\', and . !COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM '15 NOT YET SETTLED The committee appointed at the June session of the County Council to interview the Department of Hi_r_>'11w:1_\ s in rerzarzl to the proposed chanyre in the County Road System, was in Toronto la: week, but were not very :~'ucce.<.=.ful in 'g'etti11g' all that was 2'eqL1e. The Dept. wa:~: willing: to znhl to the County . the townI .n~ betwen Innisl and West Gwi11imhur_\ , from Cook=t.own the continu:1- `tion of rthe Mill Road from I-`Jmvale .'.hrouLn 1+ : u.-L LL, will Find another lot of Odd Lines of Wo- men's Shoes. In Pat- ent and Calf Oxfords, On the front case you som e strap shoes. Some of these shoes sold for $6.75. Out they go ning Shoes. VVC sell or:l_\' the best quality and at the lowest prices in town. to Uanaua wnen nu \'\/an mam, _.~.... old, rst settling" in Innisl forna short time and then moving to Mine- sing, where he lived for 43 years be- fore coming to Barrie a year ago last December. At inc-sing` the late` Mr. Teasdale was foreman of the: work in connection with the Can-` =_1:lian National Railway. Upon his u 1 '1 Tennis or Ru n- to us when you $1.95 pair Tlie No1'th.-r11 Advance Miss Grace Elson is visiting` inTo- ronto this week. Miss Eva Brandon is spending` the Miss Winnie Barnes of Tcmnto is |10li at her home here. 3.1.. ....l 7\`T..~. T `I? Y_I...`-..\. A-C` VT`.-R I `week zit Midland. I |uu\|u.\Iu`:`. nu nut. uuun_ xI\.5\.- M1`. and Mrs. J. VV. Hudson of T0- ronto spent Suncl~a_\' with Mrs. M. El~ sun. A number of summer :.:`ues`t..'< have arrived at Mrs. S. J. Jones, Ba_\'o1d F`a1'n`1. Mr. D. McCuaig' has 5,-'1'ez1t1_\` im- .1 uu-.- n proved his verandah. A u \ L,Lu|Au1.t|h A number from here attemlr- the Oran_2'e ce1cbra1;ion at Collinfxwvod | on Satu1`(la_\`. my u xr ru ,,,, n ,1` rn-,_ .,.. Mr. and Mrs. Chappell of '1`oront.o are now at their summer home at Barrilla Park. " M:-x~4-+xo-x-b:~:~~x4o~x-z~xo~:-z-4-:-I-ox-4-rd-Q 44 ......- A...-...-.-a-n I-nnll 1' I I Mr. Allan Wice of Toronto spent Sunday at Eldon Wice s. T\/['.. Y -...H.... -4-' 'I`nunn4vn vnnnlr +1111 >JLlxIua_\' cu. Luuuu vv Ann. .3. Mr. Leadley of Toronto spent the week end at T. Conne1 s. `I u `.1 11 1' `n.1,, _ nucnx cnu nu .L. \I\l|IllL| Vl Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Robentson and family of Allandalc visited at Wm. Cowan's recently. f\..1L,. .. ........`L,.u 4`...-u-u 1-\r\\Ir n""nv\Il \.v\\cu1:a 1L:\.cuu_y. Qujte a number from here attend (Ed the Orange celebration in Covlling- wood on Satu1'(l-ay. Mr. Robt. Rotlf.-'er;<, S12, of Kill) - leagrh, spent last week with his (laughter, M1. Harry Kelsey. nr n 1: 1 _L ,,__ y__`,,.1_;__ \1 nus. 1111113 Lx-...n_v. Mrs. Geo. Robertson and Ma1'g a1`et of Ivy and Miss Ward spent a day last week with Mrs. H. Kelsey. 'n;r u 1|! 1ty:I,_.. 1*1..`.NL ...-.I l\.C|DC)a Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hurst and Rztlpll of Toronto have 1`otu1'ned home after spending` a week with the form:-1"s mo-tthcr and sister here. ..- `\yT.. . ` I1 xx 1 xx \1,._ IULHICI. D lI|UL'l|L'l (lIl\| -`ACLLJ. Jl\4L\.o M1`. and Mrs. Alex. Ness, 1'11`. and ';\I1's. W'ill Robertson and niece, Miss Marion McBride, of .'-\1lz1-mlale, visit.- ed at VVm. Co\\'an .~: one evcnin:_'1a: week. LVI"1.`sRuby Adams is visiting` _['1'i.:`.u1s in Barrie. Mis's Lucy Jixck of Toronto is ':`pendinf_>' her h01i(l21_\ :' with her pur- ants. 1| 7\.1.L -..l .1..nn-'.a+nv CIILE. Mr. Robt. Saw_\'e1` and daug"nf.e1', from the VV(-st, are visit.in: 1`e1a t:d\'Cs here. ny .'. JI...L N1. Corbett. is \'e1'_;' M1'.<. Sheldon. u ~.\~r,,, 2;`: Says Cream Applied in Nostrils 1 jg Opens Air Passages Right Up. ` JLIVS. OHUIUUH. ` M1`. and Mrs. Ga1'(lhou: and .Vl1`s. Ruskin and (laug'htc1' are \'i. at Noah G1'ose s. Miss Elsie Webb is \'i:~:it.i11g' i'rieml.< at VVz1; Beach. ML. ,1 RN-. {'1 D LTn-nnv .-nan!` ill. v\'u>u;.'a LJCLILAI. Mr. and 'lWl`.`~`: G. R. H2u'pcr spent the week end in Toronto. Master Willie Je 1't.-_\' oi` i\`Ii(1larul is holidziying` with the Misses Nelanris. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt of To- ronto called on friomls hC1u on Sun- Llay. \v.. ....,1 \1.._~ (`has M :-(`nnknv nf ` here. may. Mr. aml )I1'.=. Chas. McConkey of .-\11an(l`ale spent Sunday with fric-mL= 11- n L,, A I......- -4` VI`,...nn+n 3: HUICU. 1\`Ii; Ruby Amlrc-w.= of Toronto is holidaying: with her aunt, Miss Jennie Elliott. A H -\i~h .....1 \.`r..,. L! (`1 mmour. Mr.~:. A. E. Page and Mrs. H. G. Balliston spent Tue.<(la_\' at their Home here. 11- A I... 17\._,...... -4` '1`;-\1InI'I+`!\ uc lU'lIlLf HUJL . Miss Auu11'e_\' Fagun of Toronto is '1o1ida_\'ing; with In.` motiher, Mrs. Robt. Fagan. 1u'.. .....l 1\rT..~ TM .-n-lnv Rhu-1: and ICODE. ragarl. Mr. and Mrs. Moc-_\' Black and l:~1ug'hto1's of Elmvale spent Sundagu am 0. R. Black s. - n1..... h.-..-m?nn- nf tCl"S IEITJHCF, ll`. .*\. L,. vvauauc. A number from here went to C01- lingwoocl on Sztturday to celebrzvte the 12-th. All reported a good time. I 7 \r-.... n.r,.I,..-.1.-luv nf` AH-sanrlnlrz `I: U. 11. Dlucr. :. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dc-ering of Huntsville is visiting` with the lat- ter s father, Mr. A. C. Wallace. ,, 13..-.-- l.....A nu-.n# fn n]- or cntnrrh disnppvnrs. Get a small bottle of Ely s Cream I Bnhn from your drnggit now. Apply l 9. little of this fragrant. antiseptic, heo.l- 1 ing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates ilu-ough every air passage of the head, soothes the innmnd or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes insmn-tly. _ just D0n t stuffed-up ' ...:u. .' Mia nr nnutv mturrh. | U10 1:./.-tn. All l'\,'pU1Ll:u u _~_:uuu u .... .,. Miss Mary McConke_\' of Allantlale is spending her holidays with her r;`1'am1mothe1', Mrs. E. T. MeConke_v. Mr. Ohcster McConke_\' and (laugh- ters Helen and 1\'Iargm'et of Orillia spent the week end with Hrs. E. T. McC0nke_\`. '4A>u T D 1\ln: nhrl Lucuonxey. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Musselman and .:on'1eft on Tuesday for their holi- lays. Mr. L. Gilliet is releavinfg: Mr. I Nlusselman. an ,.. 1 mt..- In.-: D1-nH nrnl `Mic: Musselman. Mr. and 1\Irs. Levi Pratt and Miss Irene of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Harris and M11`. Addie W'ebb of A1- lamlalc spent Sunday with Russell Webb. lnlnqvw - .._... An Old Scoltsmzm, who was lying` writ-\'ous1_\' iii, and haul been prohibit- cd from partaking` of any liquid re- t'rL-.<.l1mr:nt, called his wife to his bed- ~'idc-. To his earnest 1'e(1v.1os* to her `.0 carry out certain posvthumous zicts, she rea assc-n~te and in- ..2....l . \... o~i..-.u uvmm \Vpn1_ eniql acts, She 1`e2ulu_\ 213:;-mun uuu `guirc-d what they were. Wee1, said Sun-_1_\', I thocht it would be nice if 1121 f1'een s had a drink afore the A 1 n 11... ...,...H...v c-vxnnco an-ram} I1'C`Cl"l'S 1121.11 11 ll`lIul\ nun. nu. funeral. worthy spouse agjreetl that it would be. An after they votLu'm-d. A_'::1in she agreed. ``I suppose," he added with 9. sly grin, H... Y uvinnn r-nn1n hm-k I rnicht get CRO STATION READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. D050, nu uuuuu wnu .-.._y _,...., I winna come back I get ,_-) .= home by the addition of 21 *'l?** T5fTTTTTTT1' 1' '5` '0` Instant relicf-~-no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your hexul clear and youi can breathe freely. No more hawkin ,1 snuming, blowing, headache, dryness. 0 : struggling for breath at night; your cold 3 ` Got. a small Ely Cream,

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