iwo P01NIs 0P%LAw{; PASSED 0N BY JUDGE} KISER SISTERS DUO SEASON TICKETS, $2.00 15IETR0 LA VERDI ...$47,032.00 72,580.00 3. 63,322.00 67,893.00 54,873.00 . 57,328.00 45,701.00 '. 65,077.90 52,534.00 not iu<:ludc .\m11se1n011{' Tu . i D G E I-I-OuIOwO'OI0O`\O--O0-O0OuI`O'-Ol-0O~I~O~OOInIuIMIII.I SULPHUR IS BEST TO CLEAR UP UGLY. BROKEN OUT SKIN THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925 MISS CLAXTON S PUPILS` TAKE HIGH STANDING 1 Any breaking out or sK1n n'11Lauuu on face, neck or body is overcome quickest by applying Mentlio-Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, noth- ing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation that instantly brings case from the itching, burning and irritation. M.-ntho-Sulphur heals eczema right At the June examinations held in Toronto Conservatory of Music in A.T'.C.M. piano, Reginald Gmlilen headed the list, he being the only one this year attaining` rst-class honors. In A.T.C.M. singting Miss Regina Milligjan passed with high atamling`. being third on the list with honors. nu,-,, nI....L._.. L. LA `LA nanny-unhul-nzl l1DI'l0l'5. Mss Clax-ton is to be congratulatml . on the success attained by these two pupils aj: bhe head centre in '1`o1'onto.~ Local Centre, Barrie Miss Ellen Dqbson, pupil of Dick Slater and Miss Claxton, passed the A.C.C.M. singing` with honors. n.v:_,.l YH ._.... 01,... uno;-nrl +l1o and irritatxon. Mentho-Sulphur up, leaving the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment or disgurement. A little jar of n-...I..- 1\.I -.1.1nn_Qn1nlnn- mnv he rah- seldom mus to relieve me I ` Rowles Mentho-Sulphur may tained at any drug store. It ` like cold cream. I-LL;.L:.LV1. auxgtug vvtuu u\.IuuLc- Miss Mary Sloan passed the A.T.C.M. piano, subject. to interpre- tation of pieces. r\u.A.. ........:1~. .-.4-` 1\r is: Flnvfnn cnn- LrwLAUl{ UL yA\:L.t::.. Other pupils of Miss Claxton suc- cessful this year are : Junior Piano-A1ice Meekums. Primary School Piano-L1oyd `\ Ior- l'1:'0Il- Elc-me11tary Piano-Jimmy B:1ko- g'.o1'g:e, Daisy Bleekums. 1.-.....I....a.,....v D:nI1n ,,_1\/fnv:n1 Wan-an-Q =-.Lu1.g.',;, Int1'o Piano---Murie1 Rogers ('I5Ji'o1`_V' Dc:>`pt;) hm..-.+n.m.-<:%s+__Dnnnn1:1 flnrhlnn, yum; AVL\;\.l\uA|Au. ("J1eor_v uc;1)t;) Counter.po`i'nt--Reg`ina1(l Godden, first class hnors. Primary Theory Norma Guthrie. Elementary Theory-Francis Hurl- burt, rst class honors. |DATES OF SCHOOL FAIRS IN NORTH SIMCOE, 1925 I`owns.1ips Place Tay ....... ..' .......... ..Va~se_v .. Vespra'. ..Minesing Medonte....;;...Moonst-o Sunni(1a1e.,_..SU.'nnida '.\Iorrison .... .. ] Orillia. ..... .. ...Uhthotf Tiny... .. Wyevalu Flos....................Elmv:1lc lOro .................. ..Oro Fai .|. Hi-H .`l|~ -.IA 'I`' an .111`. and xn-.z'..,` Linv:-x` l presented by a ;m,-ie.~.. Any breaking out or sk_in irritation m face. 13 overcpme ....Minesing ....... .. ;...Moonst-one .... .. _ ,..Sunni(la1e Cor. B1'iu, .r_.,re . .....UMho' Wyevale ......... .. .... ..E1mv:1le .....Oro Fair G1'o d ' v.ls I l`z1_X _ne ou- 1s used ...Sept. ...Se~pt. .....Se.pt. ...Sept. .....Sopt. .....Sept. . Sept. Sept. `s Sept. A Chautauqua Feature ': YOUNG:-V MAN`13RV6"v}NED' gm KEMPENFELDT BAY .(continued from page mm) A `beautiful silvey. cup was pre. came worse and a heavy wave upset 5."` to the Barrie. W.men S .In_ i'i:he1n. He-arl stated that he believed Stltute at the annual District meeting ' held at Bradford on July 10, for the of waves. Tliey were thrown into the the South Simcoe .W'I' were rep)?` water and Ginfano struck out for Sented at the meeting to BmT.le shore tel`lin.0' Hearl to stick with the came the honor of Yecewmg the S11- 5 . . . ver cup donated by Miss Chapman canoe and leaving h1`m`a life pre- of the Department of Ag1_icu1tu1_e server. Just as he drew away from Mrs. T. R. Huxtable Mrs. T_ the canoe Ganfano said, I ll tell you Burton and Miss A. Shoumice at_ 1, _ ' - . 7: .. . hm` (Rep it 1 He bank to .the tended in the interests of the Barrie bottom and then swam on. W`nen Hearl last saw him he was swimming fairly strong about '20 yards from land. The canoe, which was drift- in_'_:, carried him out of sight and drifted as-hore. He went around ex- pecting` to nd Ginfano. Failing` to do so, he went. to the camp and ask- ed if Ginfano had returned, telling what had happened. Wilbur Franks and W. Gunn hurried to the shore to and securing` a boat from Mr. Mit- ra chell rowed up and down and in he about fteen minutes located the body about 40 yards from shore, branch. During the course of the day short | addresses were given by Mr. Webster, of the Dept. of Agriculture; Mr. Coombs, Reeve of Bradford, and Earl Rowe, M.P.P. Dr. Bell, of the Provincial Board of Health, gave a very ne address on Communicable Diseases. The following` is a synopsis of the work done by the Barrie branch dur- ing` the year : . September--Ten benches were pui in a shady spot by the road side am yo ([5 where the water was only ve feet 0V'01`100kl11`s" the bay f0l' the 1159 Oi ed ([eep_ Timy U-1&1 to 1-mi`.-C. him by the public. A booth was held at th< he anticial respiration in the boat and Fall` and W313 (WW0 511CC9S5f ~11- October-Quite a generous supplj W- on shore, but there was no response. of fruit and candies was donated b c.;._ Dr. Turnbull arrived about 6 p.m. t1_ and found life extinct The post the members and distributed amongs 3 mortem revealed that death was the l11mat05 Oflihe HOUSE Of Refllg caused by shock from exposure in all B0t0n- the water. Ginfano had under_g'one N0"0mb01`--ESSa.VS WGYC V\'1`lt-$0 an operation about three months 1_Q`0, "W1 501? to C011V'C`nti011- ad. but had fully recovered. A verdict" D0C0mbe1'--A 5310 Of Ch1'l5t-111% ate 1 of accidental death was brought in by gifts was held and the sum of $93 ea, the jury. realized. Ten dollars was given ` nM,...-A,i 4-1... .-.~.n of l\lr um] Capt. S11:u`ks of the Salvation Arn was ate that Ginfano, who \vas a left-hand . . . best community work done during the Jury. Deceased was the $011 of Mr. and Hrs. D. Ginfzmo, 125 Mzmning .-\ve., Toronto. He was 20 years of age and had zu'1'ive(l at the Gables only three b::fo1'0, where he was ac- - .1 `1::- lanlhl.-zxvq 11:- -A._,,I L, 4I\: cnree u;x_\.~ U.:Lun:, V\nv.:L\, .u. n... ..- cu: to spcml hi.< ho1i(la_\'s as- sisting` the boys. The remains were taken to Toronto on Tuesd-a_\' and the fun<:ml takes place to-(lay, ` Thursday. Ufa`, IV1HHllL' 1Lauu:_\. ` Sr. III. to Jr. IV.-1st class hon- ;.or.<, Orvillie Smith, Herman Rainey, ` ,|Carman Himlle. Pass-Irene M5:- ` 5 Master, Irene Fisher. 1 ,- Jr. 111. to Sr. III.--1:~:t class hon-| Elors, Marjorie Eldridge, Wesleyl 1':Hin(l1e. 2nd class honors-John Mor- -11-ie. Pass-Wi1bert Trotter. 1 II. to Jr. III.-1st class honors, :,George Moir, Clarence Copelaml. 2nd class honors-Jean Trotter. 0 Pass---Vio1a Fisher, Mae Trotter. 9; Sr. 1. to Jr. II.-2n I-Iazs honors, ;- Jack Webster, Mary Mill-wk. [1 Jr. 1. to Sr. I.--Pass, Jean Raino_\_'. D. G. Scott, Teacher. IPRQMOTION EXAMINATIONS ` OF s. s. NO. 2, INNISFIL Page Four ux. 115 01-3, Minnie Rainey. YTT T.. T\f vv 0.. LA * of an sun-* ~ is 11:23`. so mlrrpt at hM'm:il'. The pin)` I um Hnna . C. I MRS. WHlTEBREAD S PUPILS ` SUCCESSFUL IN MUSIC EXAMS. ` The following` pupils of Mrs. Whitebreatl were successful at the recent Toronto Conserva-`.ory of Music Exams. : A - 1\,,,2 /L-.. uA:.; Primary Piano-~Elma Henson (honors), Helen McBride. II"Ir..-u,-...t....n D:r\Inr\ LT.-.1nn T.f..:)n-nv \uuu\.-1.1;, ;u.u;u Av1.\.A.I|.Al.|\.- Elementary Piano--I-Ielen Ihdger (honors), Bessie AVIatthews, Trueman Anderson. -r . u,,.,,,. -n:_A__ *n-., |`- In`t.ro(luctory Piano-Rosebu(1 Ar- zlell (honors), Edith Shepheml, To]- `lendale; Jim Terry (honors). J. D. Flavelle, the veteran curler ;9.ml sportsman, of Lindsay, passed [away on Sa.tvurda.y last. THZXL. J.Ilt.' pAu._\ L-3 HALKTII \IALH Ilun ` Hm-s. :.~.siou-.11 cast of Chicago Players. J. ucn. A4n\.0bAllJ- . Junior Piano---Annie Davis (hon- \ I11tm'es`(111g Cases Before Surrogate Court 'J."h'1. \Veek. to Sr. IV.--2nd class hon- 5: DRoxINE 15*"v FFELDT rom 1 ed `ho hm} hmm nml(Hin"_ | wirn who is called a L making everyone do ' is mix:-I with humor- 'woM1-:N s INSTITUTE or I BARRIE wms cup` ' Diseases. E dur- 1 < were pm: l and of the successful. supply by ; amongst : Refuge` ` \'-----LN. 1;x.;...m- urnvn .,.;-HA... `db uucuunn. written ` sent to I Ch1'ist.mas of $9.30 was to Army to buy shoes and other needed things for a poor 1'-.unil_\', children being` un-ll able -to go to school for lack efi I - r nlnmv '51: lrlnll`.-`lit: lfor 1-.Vum1_\', Cl1l1u1'L'u up-m5 ....-l .-..o-.-__ to L-f'other> counter in shoes. Ch1'ist1na.< cheer was bouf,-'ht.Bon.th-ton and H. mail gzivcn to eleven inmates 0fip0SC(i of, Robbins Ar Memorial Home. i_svecon(l s error. .' 1... vmm unrn M` $4.00 was`t.hir sin of co) Amagxn iueiliuuui 11u1u\,. ,.,\_-- Januai'y-T'he sum of $4.00 voted to buy warm umierwear for an i, drove in Robbins with He was caught at second commission and Reid` a lift over, . | I chi izuly in same home. $2.00 \Vasisecon ! Lioimted to Save the Chi1 n fund. i for the third out. -- I A `lb3` i"* 1`91`i- Tm-" "3-`3 to `i9 in the seveiith Oriliin won the balli eide which was the better lioineig-ame with a gimme and a homer_ lllili-i(.`1', u Ci'."c1l1, ti(l_\' women or a'Bom.h1.on whjffediito Stm,t_ H. Pug.S_ I :1i1'ty, 5.-`ooii-natured one. The latterillgy `Slammed a Single to left and ``'O- Robbins poled the sphere high and February--The pi`e. intel`-idry for a circuit. jaunt. He was neai'1_\' cut. off at the plate on the re- I turn, but negotiated the trip safely.` A K viewed the town council on behalf of the Institute and of fere_d to buy 200 -- Lnm. ...-..1.1 ....+ V\'Ull. inter- strcct. markers if town would put them up, but t.he_\' t`houg'h:t it could `be done without. our help. A button- holc contest and spelling match were held. ",1, 1.`,.1L..L,. .In..I.l.-.,l vr. rnvn- lllflil. 1\ Iarch---Institute decided Lo pro- vide tea, cream and sugar for picnic to be held Aug. 5th in St. Vincent s Park. Committee was atppointed to make arrangements for concert and play to be put on in Darning compe-ti-tion held. Complete baby layette wzts provided by the mem- bers for :1 very poor women, who was unable to buy. One of the members made marmalade and sold it, the proceeds of $3.15 going` to the. . Institute. ...-..-LA.... A.,.,.1- .-.....+- h\ If Two very interesting points of law have been passed on by His Honor Jutl-ge Vance in the Surrogaite Court this week. One deals with the dis- position of a widow's will by which she _2jave her property to her two daughters. Upon marrying a second time the will was automatically can- celled and no further will was made. The result is that the wit'e s second husband gets a portion of the estate because of the failure to make an- other will after her second marriage. The facts of the case are these. l\/lrs. Elizabeth Newbuiry, who before her second marriage was Mrs. Foster, of Midland, made a will while still a widow, leaving all her property Myrtle Rena Masters and Lois Vera . Foster, the latter an infant in the eyes of the law. In a year or two she married and shortly aterwards died. Probate could not be granted because the marria5._~'e cancelled the will, al-though the woman died believ- ing` that the will was still in force. The judvg`n1ent is that she died with- out a will and the husband gets share of the estate. 'Dhe estate was valued at $3,379, $2,700 real estate and $679 personal. 'Y`.L.. ...H.,\~.- nnsn zlnnlu`, xvitlw i.l1(`3 lllbvll/l.H:l.'. April--'I`vhe members took part in an amusing` dialogue entitled A -.\'Iother s Meet?n;;. - Ma_\'-In a house to house canvass of certain sections of the town we collected $80.55 for Salvation Army Self-Denial. Concert and play was put on in Trniity Parish Hall. This was not a huge success, owing; to our not having` advertised it widely enough. Nevertheless, enough money was made to pay -expenses. Charade competition was entered into at Cookstown. 1 n,,,,,..,,A_ ___ KJUUIXSLUVVXL June--Summer meeting and pic- nic held in St. Vincent's Park. Crown Hill Institute were our guests. A beautiful steamer rug was present- ed to one of our members, Mrs. Sparks, about to leave for India. The cup is now on view in the an. . -n 1 rv. vuwu-.1, movvnatv u. ......... -v- -. ir window of Scott s Book Store. ANDREW PEPALL SENT UP FOR TRIAL ON BRIBERY CHARGE Andrew H. Pepall by iilagistmte Jones taml trial on charges theft arising from 1 scandals revealed bef Accounts Committee ture early last year. leged `to have been th for Peter Smith, for Treasurer, now ser Kingston. A new ci` been laid, that of giv man I-AA L, .....5....... .. ..-.. .......,,- ....- ,,..c. giving` or agreeing to give $12,500 to Peter Smith as a consideration for his favor in con- nection with the bond deals. The previous charges are: _(1) Theft of money or valuable securities to the amount of $368,000; (2) Theft of money or valuable securities to the amount of $381,000, and (3) Giving ................. `A .... II\ t. `I3,-.4-nu On-`Nix or agreeing to give to Peter Smith $150,000 as 21 consirlcmtion for his favor or forbearance from (lisfavor in connection with Provincial bond deals. Men's Straw Hat Sade. All Boat-| ers, Panamas, Leghorns, etc., at less` than wholesale. Simmons 8: Co. . was committed 0 of Toronto to 1 of bribery and Prgvincial bond zaled before the Public The Northern Advance 1_,v\/V, anu \u; \JAIAub' zarance V-\ '1! u bu-Jnnu Le.g'i sla- IBLRILLIA 0.B.A. TEAM ' F HUMBLE LOCAL NINE .| 1 (Continued from page one) i scored him with a single to ccnatrefi Hammond ied to left. Bates struck out, but Carson dropped the ball and a low return from first to the plate let Pugsley in. Bo11~thron' nisheil` _ the innings, going` out short to first.. .1,,:,_ 1,__,1 K `At ten cluu \.,cu.;v.. .......-.. .- -___V , _ Orilllia crept a run closer in the nag fourth. Jolinston reached rs`: on .30 sho1- s error. Collins fanned andl Lamb went out third to rst. T.I my Pugslcy and Hammond came t.li1`oug"n'; ngs with singles, scorin~;.3; John-ston. Orillia knotted tliings up with an- . couxiter the th. With` 15.-'ht.Bon~th-ron and Pugsley safely dis- got on throu_2'h error. Johnston lived on Reid 1' an;drove wasi_secon second` - in L1,. u.:...! And i Orillia pushed their lead up to four with another brace in the third. Collins slashed a single to 1'ig'ht and continue to third on Small s error. Lamb went out shout to rst, but T. Pugsley scored Collins with :1 single _ to right. Hammond doubled to left and Bates fanned. Bonthron walked, `l'lin-g` the bases. T. Pugsley was forced in when H. Pugsley was given` ,n_:._,.. s:..1-,\+ 0.. Han inil-inl Q2101: ` IOTCEU 111 WHUI1 L1. J. u5eu:_) `Vote 5.... a walking ticket to the initial sack. Davidson obliged by swinging at th re 0 . mu 2.. Carson stanted Barrie off on a six run journey with a single to centre.` Emms followed with one to right and} Dobson scored Carson with a dupli- caxte of Emms. Small s one sacker to left let Ennns over the plate and Dobson came in when third threw wide to rst on A1`ms'trong"s poke. Dyer brought Small and Armstrong in with a rap to centre. With none down and Dyer perched on second, auspicious start by 1`eti;'ing Hand, second to first. Bert Jennet-t poked la single to right scoring Dyer. Burns and Carson fanned to end the rally. I , , 1.. LL.` ll Reid relieved Collins. He made ant` Lufll, ULLL xn;5vs.uu.x.u -,._..` Barrie th1;'2LiL'I1ed to tie inatt:-rs up` in the nimh for a moment. With one down Carson rammed out his second hit and Emms reached first when the A11 the pupus of Miss Bryson who Pi't-he!` W1'`\V t00 111911 130 SCCOW1 f01`!tried Uhe recent examinations of the 1` force Out The 1`311.V ended 110113: Toronto Conservzrtory of Music were D0550 .`%'1`0`-lmlim ; to 513$, Whilc successful. In the '[`hec-ry de;p.'.u-t- SW3 P0104 8 y to left 01d- ment Miss Muriel Bryson has obtain __Box score... ` ed the Senior Harmony Exam. with AB R H A honors. This completes two out of 1 7 1 the three exams. necessary for the rw 7-4. rm.--.... ..,,..4:A.m+.-. \/Tic: 'Mnv- v||\. .u.,_, -... SUCCESSFUL IN MUSIC EXAMS. 1 1 Orillizi : PO E Lamb ss ................ ..5 0 I) MISS BRYSON S PUPILS ALL I` i W and 3501:) pe1`sou2u. The other case dealt with the ad-lb` ministration of the estate of the late )1 Wm. John Muirhead, who lived near Hi 1\ I'idland in 191-'1. He was very eccentric, a combination of hermit, J miser and "recluse. He was a 1 bachelor and the owner of a valuable 3' wood lot near Midland, which has ll since sold for $15,000. He wouldnit 9` pay the taxes on his property or for an_wtl1ing;. He was taking: care of his z t` sister, both living` on the lot in a t small house. Finally the house was '1 burned and instead of buigding a new one he moved with his .' in- i to the stable, which was witnout a oor. There they lived in utter po\'er~ty. The aut.horities found them. living: under horrible conditions, the'1 man sleepin_ ' in a duszout in the side` of the cellar wall. The_\' insisted that i 1 the man and his sister should bei` taken away and an agreement was i made with the sons of the deceased s sister that they should take care of:` them. The nephews, Wallace annt Arthur Grafton, took them to Mid-l land and cared for them. In 1914 the sister died and the nephews kepti the old man until he died in 1924. After his death a bill amounting` to $4831.76 for care, for taxes that the ; nephews had paid, for funeral ex- penses and for board, was put in against the estate. 'l`l.. .]r...;.n,~n.| uvnnlrl nnf vnnlzn nl ` Orilliziz .......... .. T. Pug's~loy lb Hammond rf Bates c ............. D4 lBon-thron 2b .... .. iH. Pugsley If .. ' Davidson cf Johnston 3b Collins 1) .......... .. Robbins cf ...... .. _'i>.em p .. 'tJ. U 1.; ;... Ann xDobson out, hit by ba.bted'ball. - .. vv rm. Barrie : D. Emms 2b Dobson lb .... .. Small rf .......... .. Armstron-g 3b Dyer ss .. Hand If .......... .. B. Pennett cf .. Burns p ......... .. Carson c ......... .. Score by innings: Orillia .......... ..2 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0-8 Barrie .......... ..0 O 6 0 0 0 0 0 O-6 Summary-Home run, Robbins; double, Hammond; struck out, by Collins 1, by Reid 3, by Burns 11; bases on balls, off Collins 1, off Reid 0, off Burns 2; le.t on bases, Orillia 8, Barrie 6. -n..-.....,. `D Q4-m.mn( EAST SIMCOE CONSERVATXVES TO HOLD CONVENTION SEPT. 25 A mec~ting' of the Executive of the East Simcoe Liboral-Conse1'\'ative Association was held at Coldwater on Tuesday, 1\h'. Di-gby Horrell of Mid- land p1'esidi11g'. Among thosewho ar.1d1'e:~sed the g'a'c.hering' were W. A. Boys, M.P.; W. Finlayson, M.P.P.; J. B. Tudhope, Orillia; Dr. Raikes, Mitlland; F. G. Evans, B1`a(lfo1'(l, and C. E. Wright, M.P.P. .1. AL` mu , -. .:-.. .~mm...-.1 nf Han L}. 1:. VVl`lguL, xu.1.'.r. The opinion of several of the speakers was that the recent Con- servative lnnulslide in Nova Scotia, where only three Liberals were left, was the hand writing` on the wall. foretelling` the (loom of the King Government at Ottawa. 7- ",4- .`;-A:.]n;I Av.` an n nnnvnnkinn L1OVL'znnu:|u. cw \J'uLun n. It was decided to can a convenxtion Lxt Coldwater on Sc.-ptc-mbe~r 25, when .,_._x...L1,. u...a. .. .....1.H.|n+n rill LXI \.0l(lWiu.L`1 uu uuyu.-nu.uc:. ...u, Ivnnuns it is probable that a can will be selected for the next Dominion election. uuuu u, u..u..u, V0 Umpire--R. Stewart. i`.:_ ,illll`b I/UL` L7.`_`br.l\A.'. ` The deceased would not make at will and after his tleath a b1~otl1er, `Albert J. Muirhead, took out letters of a and refused to pay the bill. In the Court Judge Vance gave judgmenm for the full amount to the nephews and or(le1'e(l that the costs be paid out of the estate. znatre. iruck ` I1 , v 1 ` 4 shed rst. . to J wt and` ` . error. | `_ to left valked, n centre. ght and } ' 1 acker axe :1 threw mstrong` ith mule an\ 9; t-t 1'. he rally. 1' rst mml anal `.' >11 me U'dl1I was. U rip safely. 1 1\ t for It the three exams. Hl:L2l:'.3:cU._\ nu Lux. Senior Theory certicate. Miss Mur- iel Bryson has also been successful in Intermecliate Counterpoint, this giving` her the. Inte1'merlia'te T`heo1`_v lcerticate with honor stamlinrr. 1 LL. Y..a.,....--..-Hlinbn T-T:+rn-V n~:gn'nA l:e1'Luu:z1.u: ,. In the Intermediate History e: l\Ivis~. Victoria Strung:-3 has obtained exceptional high rs`. class hono: stamlin". Miss Elsie Clou;.t'nley has also obtained high lint class honors, and Miss Mabel ! u2enan high honor staneling. 11 wtvu uuuu- ,_,n.i_;. vuvnr` ' clunuvn in i l`If1 .......1. | staneemg. Excelient work w:1s'shown in the Primary Theory exam. as the pupils had completed tlm-.r work in much shorter time than usual. __... rn.1.,......- ,T_I.mm-: H'nrn1rl Sh01`[`e!. 1311118 Luau uaucu. Primary T'heo1`_\'-Honor5, Harold Bryson. Pass, Miltlretl Walls, Neil McKenzie. Y -I 7 .1... ........-.~ mnnrl uynwk Mcnenzm. In the piano exam;., good work was shown. The results are as fol- lows : v - ,,,, ,u:_L_ `[12...-.n `D-2:: I-31:5,.) lows: Intermediate Piano-Pass, Elsie Clodg'111e)', I\'Ia1)c". Keenan, -r......:.... D:.-.7-.n_1-Tnnm~.~, Audra`, L`loug'n1e_V, L\'1:1I)l.'. l.\u\:uau, Junvior Piano-Hono1's, Audrey Clifton. Pass, Mildred Walls. ... c..I.....I 1):.-.n4T-Innn|`: Mar- LIIIIEOII. 17213:, Auuxuuu us.-.;-. Junior School Piano-Honors, ..`ar- l [old Bryson. ....... D:n.1n4T-Tnnrn-: Hphyn K in n `V Sun Never Sets" Lon(lon.-The time is not far dis- tant when the King of England will "be able to speak to all the lands un- (ler the Bri-tish ag t.`-ln'oug'h a radio broadcasting station, Marconi, the` wireless expert, predicts. | old tsryson. Primary Piano-Hono1-s, Helen Fisher. `n 27.-.... c<..I...-1 `D:nnn__`Dnc: \7:\n(-p b`1sne1'. Primary School Piano--Pass, Vance Rintoul. v*H...._..L...... Qnknnl Pin11n_..Pn;_:_ mntoul. Elementary School Piano-Pass, Maxjorie Hurst. 7--`--n-1nn+n\-U pinnn---H f)Y1()1 S. Ilene Ma.r_)or1e nurst. Introductory Piano-Honors, Fell, Velma Chapman, Bartlett Sim- mons. Pass, Helen Arnott. cumyxw & BRIGGS GET THE NARROWS BRIDGE CONTRACT The tenders for the new bridge over the Narrows at Atherley were opened in the office of Eng:ineer Bars. ber, Toronto, on Tuesday. There were nine tenders and ater due con- v3'i(1l`21:ti0l1 the tender of Curran & B1'ig'g'~s of Orillia for $52,584.00 was accepted. The highest tender was for $72,580.00. Tenders received were as follows: F. R. Wilford ............. ..$47,032.00 '1`. A. Brown ...................... .. Russell Construction Co. Ranclolph-McDonald ....... .. V. '1'. Bartman ................... .. McDonald Eng. Co. Stewart & Sinclair .......... .. A. C. Stmvart & Co. Curran & Briggs .......... .. READ THE ADVER'I`ISEME\'TS.` CROATIAN TAMBURICA ORCHESTRA .\bm'(: ])l`i(`() docs IN BARRIE August 15, 17, 18 & 19 Dismisse Clerk: Will you give me a character? Employer writes -. The bearer of this letter has work- ed for me for one week, and I am; 'sa.tise(l. I MARIONETTES IN` SNOW WHITE Her Temporary Husband DOMINION .HAUTAUQUA SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS THE MOLLUSC CI-IAUTAUQUA ENTERTAINERS DOMINION CI-IAUTAUQUA Popular Broadway Success Notable Lectures on Timely Subjects ATTRACTIONS Including English Comedy Drama The English` Drama THE MOLLUSC