Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1925, p. 8

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Page Eight Z T `S51-1 ;\f[a1.11.V'.c-, .].3i11o. Silknit Princess Slips . . . . ..$3. S112`:d0\\'-]_n'0o`F, in v;11'ie1`_\_' of C( >1m's. Silknit Princess Slips . . . . . .$2.50 Ladies Silknit Bloomers ...$2.50 Ladies Silknit Bloomers . . .$1.75 Satinette Bloomers . . . . . . . .$1.00 Co1o'1's Sand, Tm`q11oi.so, \Vhit(-, R<.s'o, 1 e]i<-em, B1110, OI`i).1l. ,`(.`.. Knitted Cotton B?oomers, with Sills Stripe . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 In \Vhit0, M:111-jm1g, M-m1\'<*. Knitted Cotton Vests, with silk stripe, wllito only . . . . . . . . ..50C Misses Pink Combinations, ('r>1r0n xyith silk top, :1-cg. $2.25 ....$1.89 Where Most People Trade We Carry a Full Range of Sizes and Colors Headlight Overalls It is worthy of note the tremen- dous progress made in the di"erent lines of healing, particularly that of chiropractic. Chiropractic was dis- covered tl1irt_\'-two years ago and the discoverer first kept it secret. It was not long, however, until he found it principal, so he formed his first class for study in 21 single room. From then on it went zrhc-ad by leaps and] bounds, until to-day it is beingu l1llf."l`lt in some of the best inst.it.u-I n,-ions, one of which, Davenport., in Iowa, U.S.A., is said to be the 1:11-5:- =.-<.t school in the world teacliiug` one subject, and has had :1 studen-t. body of as mzm_\' as 3,000 at one Lime. G1-aduzites from the difl'erent col- le_L'.'es are przu-ticin:.*; in all parts of :he world, including lC11g:lan Japan and Gerinzmy. The Davenport has one of the l?211`.{.`.`L`St radio .~:e1uling sta- tlionas in the world `was due the world to "know of its I 'I`he \vorl (1h'cL])C1'0l1 is not fmninninc-, 21-lt]1oup:h it is generally applied to a woman. lit means :1 hood, and when used mctu.ph01'ica1Iy signies that the )Tii1'l'1`i0(l woman shvields her youoh- iful 1)1'otcg'ee as the hood slhiclds the j face. ' _...V ..V..\. I The science is now rccogmized in` przxcit-iczLll_\' cV01'}' stiatto in .-\.mc1'vic;1, .1n in the Wostcr11 Proviliccs of Czliimlvzx, and 1'ocontL\' 1'(-co-i\'od Bills 31' :'ecog'n-it,i0n in On`t11'io. The lowl- =.n_L," .~\s.~1oci2Ltion in this Province, ` The Ohiropract.ic'A1s- nf Onmm-in 3-or-n.i\'mI it: I :ill`U\\'I1 IIS '1l1U Ul1l1'0])l'2lCL1C ' lis` .'o`ci:1.tio11 of Onztmio, 1'cce4i\'c(l its lzhxmtor some few _vL-2u's 115:0 and re- ;-c1ntl,\' :1 c11zu'tea` \\'as 5::'1'2111vLe(I the 'I`o- romto Co11`e;:e of Chir0pv1~ac cic. The science is well beloved by those who paoticc it and Lh'0u.~`r.mds 0-f sat.isu lpanticnivs are gzlzul to to. in its t'zu'o1'. Cont1':11'_v to the opinioal of it is` uni. r-nnnml fun xH\`l`I'I-\'l|< lil\'Ul'. \_UllLl"ll'_\' LU l-IN.` 0p]H`lU`H 0| some, it is not conned to liscztscs of this and that sort, but has been s`uc`cos:.~11'u1 in all. It 11115 1'ccei\`ed numy knocks, but the old z1(la:;`c has 1)l'()\`L'n t.1'm.\, t'l1a.t :1 knock is as good us a boo. and cl1irop1'aobo1`s have g.-:o:m-. .~2tor:u}'11_\' -on.wzu' unmil n-ow Lhou.~v:1mls are (2nj0_\'in:.:` 21 &tczulil_\' I ilwrn-u:|~:hw' m':m.f.ir-n `..,-\.. R. A. Stephens, Chairman Property and Supply Com- mittee, Barric Board of Education. lll`L'l'l"El.V'llI_`\" ]H'?.lUL-JUL`. i One of the most 1'cC<`11t accom- pli.~1l11nc11~t,s is the (lk`V(`1()])l11t`Xl.t of in- i>`tl'ulnL`llvt.s` for thu purpose oi` measur- lin:.:' the luck of comluoLi\'i1;_\` in the m~1~vc.<, also one for inc2L: min- ute (lill'(~1'L-nccs in toxm)e'1'utu1'es-of tvht` |ill'oi-out nvrvos, thus al'l'onl.~im: a L'i1(`(!i{llLL" s_\'stcln of spinal :1nal_vsis. Do not lt-It 0:1-lwrs tell you it is w.it.h- owt. \'i1'1u(-: invo. .ig-gm. for _vou1'sclf; prove what is 1'vi::1vt, than go z1lhezul. ll` _\'o:u urv ailin_;' you owe it to your- s<.-=ll', not 111:1, but n.<'t, to take ml- \'zmnua_u'u of cl1ix'op1':1ot;ic. ` l-Ls principles :1-re d.ifl'crL-mt. The m1'0.=t and sz1l'0.-`IL health l!lC'uSLll`(.`. We do not claim ervmgv case is curable, but WU say all (iiiSCvz1S0'S have respondt.-(l. We have pmnphlets on E1 the lifl`o1'evn:t ziilmonts and will u`lzull_v flu`-11is.h smne free of cvlmrgze. We make no (!il21l'_L,"(.` for cotinultabi-0115 and will not try to pomumle you to lake z1 unless you are [`0ll\"i`llCC(i. Punt [)1'(:jl1(iiCC aside and lort your boat julg'mcnt prevail. Yours for health, .r:.mn n nnnwq .L','U3ll(`. .`7LL"il` I incn-n:1.~':in_::' nun Inf 1 -~.-\ PROOF OF THE PUDDING? . $3.50 . $2.50 . $2.50 . $1.75 7._$_1.oo 2111: 1.-nJu_\1H;.: El .~4LL'zuln_\ ' pr:1ct.ic0. : llL'V0l()])l`I1t`n.' zu-L nf r-nlnllu-.h'\'i+\' 1'11 Hun `UILUU. Ii. DU JELV D. ` C h 1 voAp1actu c Spe cmal tst. S 101' H(. *dlDl1, `GEO. R. BURNS. 11:III\.I'\\1n akin qI\r\I|.:n11'v Me11 s Khaki Trousers, with cuff, sizes 32 to 42 . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 Youths Khaki Trousers, sizes 24 10 I32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 Boys Scout Shirts, sizvs 12.} 1'0 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25 .4 Dated June 2-1, 1925. Boys White Shirts, with turn? d(>\\'11 <-nllzrr, sizes 12 to .14 ..$1.25 Boys Striped Shirt Waists, \\'l1i1v grotlnd \\`i1'h blue, Jnuuw-, bl:u-k .\`1l'i]J('S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 \\'<*. jl1;1\'(- 21 goat] st-l(3<-tlrm in ('1I()(`). x`(' 1"m1n in .\I(-n`s, L;1di('.s" and Chi]- dw.-1 1'.s' `V001 TI5z11l1i11,g' .Qui1s,a]:\to all Si /.05 in (-011m}. Men s Bow Ties at . . . . . . . . 50c Four-in-Hand Ties, 11(.-\\' .\',hi])H](.`ll1" j11.~:1 rm-(>i\'<-(1, at ...50c, 750, $1.00 Successors to J._Sutcliffe 5 Sons BATHING SUITS W`ild strwwbc41'1'ic~.s are very p1en:ti- ful this _Ve~a1' and are bcing'g`2uth,ered in lamre qu'.mut:ities in some sections- The fruit is lame and wel-1 1`m'med.. The ;:'a1' be1'1'i(-`s are also fairly" plentiful and e.\:ception.a:1'Iy large a:ml'_ well flavored. Widihin the last few days prices are higher as lzmrc quan- tities are 'bein\2' shipped to other pzmt:<, whore hhe 'crop is a failure. `COLLIER STREET S.S. WORKERS `ELECT EXECUTIVE, TEACHERS At :1 meeting` of the Sunday School \vo1`ke1`s in Colllier St. United Church on 1"1~iday evening, June 19, Walter Szu'jczu1:t was u11:1nimou;~:u1y chosen as . Other ofcers ap- pointed were : Grading` Oice1's--Fo1' B0g'in11e1`.=., Primary, Jtmior and In`te1'mcdi21te Depts., Mrs. H. G. Robertson; for Senior and Young` People s Dcpt., A. I G. McI..ollzLn. ..;\..,_..- uuuu \.n\1u\nALllU\Vo Supt. of Home Dc-pt,.-T. T. Young. . Supt. of Cradle R01-1 Dupt.-M1's. W. Dmnis. .'-Xsstt. Supt. Cradle Roll Dept.--~ Mrs. Stave-ly. I.`rcasurre-J. E. Carson. Scc1'ertary--F. H. Hurlburt. Asst. Scc1'etar_V-W. F. Stone. Tompemnco Scc1'ct`a1'y-'-.-K. F. A.;; Malcomszon. '9 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS low. Supt. Young: People's Dept.-Wi1i Howe. I` ' Supt. Boys VVo1'k-\V. J. Walker. Supt. G~ir1s Work--311-5. Thos. Sinclair. Supt. Chi1drcn .< Dcpt.----A. W. I Smitlh. n. n n HENRY & COWAN STRAWBERRIES PLENTIFUL Instructions to refuse no rea- sonable offer. All MULCASTER AND DUNLOP. Associzntc Supt.--A. W. Goodfe1- THURSD.-\Y,`1JULY 2, 1925 A MODERN COTTAGE Jubi Sale 14 .D.a Sec_v.--Jc~an Gnoodfollow. Phone 3 l. Barrie. Summer Properties and prices. A few for rent. SEE US LOTS Sat. `July 4 to Stat. July 20 Dresses Reduced to .. 25 Dresses Reduced to ..... .. 20 Dresses Reduced to All 517.1-.4, 14--51. `Sport Skirts, c1(.-a1'Em:,' at .... .. Children's Dresses, c1(-zwim.-: Ladies` Handbags, c1<~u1'in_g' n -u-|u :- Porch Dresses Red Rec Red _\ H 25 Hats to clear 25 Hats to clear at 27 ESSA STREE-1? NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS II. n Donald Ross, Solicitor for Executor, Barrie, Ont. 1 1nd: 1Q Q '1 E I _[_R__l_NE COLLINS` ..__, _ gut ....................................... 4. . at . ...... .. .............. .. Table of Bargains $1.00 and below. 1ze g'?iI1';ii? '\'/ii{ii""t.o'I$` moo " DRESSES .18-3]: 1:{.-'g-,3i3iii 1-"`V ;{ih}.L-' 1 Lf6'6'"A HATS 5. 18-20* A. W. SMITH, Clerk. NOTICE OR REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW By-law No. 1 1 56 Notice is hereby given that a by-I law; was passed by the Council ofl the Town of B=a1'r-ie on the 15th day of Jwne, 1925, providing` for the is- sue bf (leibenturcs to the amount of $3,500.00 for the purpose of install- ing new boilers in the Prince of] Wales Public School, and that suchl b_v-liaw was 1`eg'iste1`e in the Regist- try Oice of the County of Simcoel on the 2nd (lay of July, 1925. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be! mzule`Wit:h.in three months after the first pusblicatiom of this notice, and cannot be made the1'eafrte.1'. Dzuted the 2nd (lay of July, 192 l I I I I Rev. Douglas Hill spam the holi- `day in Toronto. : H.I'.. ,.._,l 11... 117:1.-,,, 1 vn ,, I,..,,, us. an .uun vnluua J Mr; and Mrs. Wilfred Wasrdman spcmt the week end in Ori1`lia. I I13`. 'I').,...`:. 13.3.! 1.. ..2 I I ...,,.,... uln. VVl.Ll\ ... um... I Miss Bessie Reid is visiting` this [week with fl`il`.)`l\lS in B1'accb1'(lg'c. 11 '11` 1-. 0. .. m . n-..u nun ;.u.uu.: nu ;.-n.su.\.u:~u~-.~.. Mr. Allan Bl`111.Lt()]`l of T0v1`O1`lIt20[ lvisited in tdwi/n o\?eyr the week end. an . `I n nu .-Au ` unwu, >..u . Mrs. Clamnce Jackson of wood is visiting` her pare11Ats, 1 ;\Ir.~:. J. Bmnton. I `V ,,I |`f,, 7|.I _, 1,, ,1` l vJuAv\.\.| un vvvvu vv\.'L mu. vvyvnl \.uu. { 1\'Iaste_1' Mrurray Campbell of Oak- ivlle is visivtin_g` his aunt, Mrs. Ward- ... .. .. 0.. .11; un...un. and Mrs. M-osely vi.=.i-ted wi:t1h the latate-1"s Brown, on Sunday. 'il __ 73 In TY...1_ -1: Mrs. J. Da.vidson of Toronto visit- ecf her motheor, Mrs. M. A. Collins, Cumberlaml St., on the holiday. A group of All-an-da`1e -.;ir1s left ye.sterda_\' on a camping` trip to An- cona Beach. They were accom- panied by Mrs. E. Shear. \I.._ T NY....a1-".11 .~.n.l .`.T2... 'l.T.1,].'H ll1(A1AA\.\| U) AlAIACa 1.4. nauuun. Mrs. J. Marshall and Miss Madill of zkllandzalc were in 'I`oru'n-to on Tuesdzly to see -their sister, Miss Edidzh Hickling, of Winnipeg, who is 1eavin_g on a trip to Europe. 1')... f`..........-. fV....1JA.. ,..J.` C`|L.....L'_`..ZI1.. n.uvu;b vu u. vnrlz LU ;_4uLu)_J-... Rev. G;eor_g'e C-oulter of Stou."fvi1le moves to A-1-lrztndale to-(Lay to take over his new duties as pastor of Bur- lton Ave. United church. Mr. Coul- 'ter will preach his iwaug'111'a1 a:hlress- I05 on Sunday next. I A I` \!r.`11.A`.;N An_._ 1,), W,- Notice is hereby given pursuant {oi the Trustee Act tllfbt all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Charles Henry Brock, late of the Township of Innisl, in the County of Simcoe, Fa1'me1', deceased, who died on or about the Twentieth day of May, .~\.D., 1925, are requested to send pal`-ticulars of their claims -to' the undersigned on or before the} 32nd (lay of July, 1925, after which (late the ALlmini:~tt1'at1'ix will distri- bute the assets of tho Estate, having 'i`eg'a1' only to the claims of which, she shall then have notice, aml will not be responsible to any others. 1`\ A u . V. uh} \lAl ..;uuuuJ u\..\.. A. G. Wa1ke1"s Allamlale rink `competing in the open t.ournamc:\: at 'Osha\\'a yest.01'(lz1_\' 1'0ac.h0Ll the .~:cmi- nals, but wc.-re put out by D. Gould of Osh-mira in a close exciting` game. The score was 12-7. The bowlers are `n!t1hLlSiaStiC about the tourne_\', which lproved very succe:s.sfu~l. Forty-ve rinks were entered. The Allandale ,rink consisted of S. Garside, J. !Litt1e, C. W. Poucher and A. G. Walkr. . I `BARBIE WINNERS IN i SOFTBALL TOURNEY l...u...., .... ..,....u..,.. Mr. P. T. Holman of Tillsoluburg lis holidaying` at the home of Mr. and `Hrs. C. W. Poucher. If 1- 7'1 i Be-it Robentson led his crew of isoftballers. to victory in the tourna- ment staged at the U.F.O. picnic at Iiillarney Beach yesterday afternoon. The Barrie avtists had to turn in nifty exhibitions to cop first place. Given invincible hurling` and backed by sterling elding`, the team turned back its opposition without great ,cLifculJt_v, though -they had a narrow squeak in the third round, when they [nosed out Churchill by an 8-7 score.` ..~ . Os a vv. ||vs'\,\|. W. \fAlVIA\/AIAAA .._, ._... ., . aw... Ten teams tool; part, Barrie, U30} bridge, Toronto All Stars, Sl1a.nt_v' Bay, Churchill, Cookstown, Camp Borden, Stroud, Lefroy and Cot- tage-1-s. Six teams were given 21 bye in the prelniminary round. In the I jopeninig contests Barrie downed To- ` Iromo All Stars 12-3 and Camp Bor- den put Cookstown out of `sin: run- ning`. Barrie trounced Shant_v Bay in the second round 2-0, Cih:,\rchill beat Stroud, Camp Borden but out `the Cot.ta,e'e1's and Lefroy fell before `the Uxbridge aggg-'1'e_r,>'avti3)ii. Barrie put Churchill away i-1'1 the third by 8 to 7 and l;xbrid.g'-e defeated Camp 1 Borden. i.'a'r1'ie ripped up U.\'.brid;z.: to Uhe tune of 6-4 in nhe nal-. Five in- nintqs only could be played on ac- count of (lamkness. A rumpus arose in the Churchill gzune over a hail hit into the crowd. A Churchill run lthat would have tied the tally xv-a.;-: lnipped in the bud at the plate by a `relay from the third basema.n, who ilocait-d the .~iphr,-re in the th.ron,e'. A dispute as to \vhLsther the run,ne1" should be counted out or `.Vl1("l.l`I(")' he r-thould 5.,-'0 back to third fu.rnii.-hr.-d 21 little entertainmtmt, but the commit- ltee ironed out the 'lilTiculiL_v by awardinje-' the decision to Barri:-. . i v .1 x-_ ... , I. 1.i...i.i hey. I i(L\Na1IIAI1g mu; -u.'w..n.:-up LU uuunn. In the four ;r:nnc.< ho hurlr.-I Rob-1 -':1'tr.~"on:111rJw(-,- 1:1 runs, Lhcr I ALLANDALE ALLANDALE. .. $3.95 $1.19 .$1.95 of Toronto fathr.~1', Mr. Notice is hererby grivern pursuanti to the T1'u.7tee Act that all pe1`son_~.s having` claims a_o;ainst the Estate of John M. Dickie, late 01 the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe,` Ciaretaker, deceased, who died on or -iliout the 16th day of Jone, 192:3. are 1`equested to send pa1'%,icnlL\`rsa 01 their "claims to the \'inde1'signed on or before the 18th day of July, 1925, -.1fts:-r which date the Executor will 1`!i.1$l`ll)UtC the of the estate among" those entitled thereto, liavimzi re_g'a1'(l only to the claims of which; I he shall then have notice, and that he will not be 1`c-~sponx<'ible to any per- =on for the assets of staicl estate \vho:~;e claims .~:hall not then have been received. vs I I is , _, I .. .. $1.95 $4.95 .. $7.50 $10.00 3 Calling`- , Mr. amll ...$1.95 ..$4.95 each way each House to Let-Corner Peel andl Sopihia Sts. Apply to Miss Bird, 88 Sophia St. 18-3 Wilfred Fosltccr, brother of George and Thomas Foster, has been cha1'g;e(l o1`!'the same counts zvs his brow che*rs. He will appear on Saturday. At :1 n1eeating' of the Mocthers Al- lowance Boznrd last week six appli- cations wene considered. NOTICE TO HEATING CON- TRACTORS Teindc-1's will be 1'e`coiivc by the un up till 6 pan. on Fri- day, Juvly 10, 1925, for disconnecting presenrt boiler in the Pvnince of Wales School, Barrie, and connecting` up two new Spencer boilers as per speci- cations wihich inay been seen at the oice of the umlc1'.=,ig.fne(l. The low- cits or any temler not necc~ssa1'ily ac- ccpted. n A (I. u Services at. Collier St. United church on Sunday will be in ch-arge of Revs. Greenslzule and C01`-nubt, the two new minis-tolws. 1\ Ia.;2iszt1'z1te Je's has recevied in- timataiowtlxat a of Innisl 1'es*i(le1mt.s will appear on behalf of Geov1'ge and Thomas Foster -011 Sat- u1'da_\' mom1in~g' when they are to re- ceive sentence. Orillia beaxt Oro in a fast football` [mine at Edg`avr on Sazurd-ay ruigtht. |The score was 3 to 2. ' On Friday evening a receprtfon for the two new ministers ad: Co1~1ier St. church will be holtl on the lawn at [tho c1um`ch. Genuine new ` V ictor Rc.>co.1'ds week only at J. ( the Pogt Ofce. Rev. H. E. W01I\w'o0l and fam-i.1~_v leave to-(lay for Toronmo, \\'110re Mr. Wellwood ta!-zes up 1.i.= as pas tor at Beech Ave. Unit-ed chu`1'ch. 1 The Executive of the Co_1;se.rva.tive Association of South Simcoe zmtl Dufferin will hold :1 meeting- next Monday at Alliston, when the date of the convention and other matters of interest to the ridihg will be dis-' cussed. Rev. W. N. Chanatler of Ba'th-urst St. church, TO1'0Il~tO, who spent the week end wit.h his brother, N. Chai1 c- I(~1', occupied the pul-piit of Cent1'a'I United church on Sunday evening and dc1Ii5:hted the co11vg`1'cg'atioi1 with an i1`.;~.pi1`in{_,-' message. Strollers walked 1`oug`h~shod over. the Y.M.C.A. outt last Friday even- ing to a 34-2 victory. Barrie came home on the large end of a 4-3 score against Camp Borden on `Thursday, and on Monday. evefling `}va11'}.3pgrI Minesilm to the tune of i15-8. ' " Art Tottenuham on Monday`, June 29, two cases came before Ma_e;is tm1;e Je`s. The one was Rob`in~.son vs Zalkin on an O.'I`.A. charge, and the other, ;VIi.=::~: Law vs. Fred Ra~ne_\` `on a. charge of assault. `The 1-st was not settled on account of the absence of one 01' the xvitnersses and judgmenrt was reserved in the latter. Tenders will be received by the! umle1'sig`n0Ll up till (5 pm. on Friday, July 10, 1925, for removing` present boiler in the Prince of Wales School, Barrie, from the basemem: to the : also lling up present boiler pit to the desired lieiglii. Specicaitionis may be seen at the! ofce of the umle1'sig'ne The low-} est. or any tender not necesszirily ac-I cepted. , - _,_. if i , ~ : A _ }MlDHURST 19, CAMP BORDEN 16 Mi(lhu1'.'~:.t Camp Borden on the home diamond on Tuesday nve:nin: in :1 slufmfest `that nally (:11(1C1l up 19 to 16. Heavy hitstinsa; fea.tu1'cd the entire contest, Ma1'1~i0tt for Midh-u1'st and Boone for the Camp c1'a;~vl1ix1:4' out ci1`cui~t blows. Mi(1hu1-.~wt led a1~1 the way, but the Camp wc-1-c at all tnimcs. Score by M id`nu1's~1 B 0113 ch ....... _ .1 Mitlh u 1'.=xt-Wz1u`.tic, G 21 win , B rown, xVI:u:iot.t, Sp<,~ncu, Schdun|1c1', l`o1-pay, 7.\'IcL(-em, Pat.t,c1`son. Camp BO]`tIt.'1I1--.-\1`L`,'l.IiJ`L', Grcyxson, I\'irkc:1]ly, J0-hn.~'.on, Ran1;~: Ed- \vzml.~`, Leach, Boone, Gv1'ilY'1tl1.s'. 0 . . (`V . ]'r1rl:1_V -:~v-n-1n_L,~' last the CIz1::s1c.' !took the hl(.'i1.~`-Ul'(.` of the Firmnuxl In `:1 l0--! tillt. C12L.~`sic.< ;.','l'1lbl)(.`1l :1 lrrzul ;ri:_-`ht wt tlw start uml inwc)'0:1.<(-(I it as `Lin-y went along. 'l`hr.- Fimn1en n- 7..L I ; v . I I ` rij_,-'ht : Lhvy \ ishml 1 pu;~'.h r. w.-_y u-`nu unu--,,. -nu. ; A\.'Iu\.xl un- H11`Ol1`,'.', but were unmblo to ow-r q-no`u_;:h 1.0 do any S(:0)'<- by` il1HilIf.','.`i : |(,`]u..~',. .. 3 0 0 0 '3 0 2 0 x--]0 x rm .. I , , _ _ i (J1-L1.~*.\~1c.~:--lz1.1x1fowl, Brxckor, Van`, . ., A . W1l<-.<, Muplu-11w.~', Coxwonth, l r1LcI1u1' l R01):-)'1.s'0n, Whi.tm-_v. A I"..|._ 'It.,..u, 1x 1. I\I`a`u'i.~t,1':1`tu Jr'.< is taking: over the work of IVIag`i.~xb'zuto H0;:;: of C0l1in_-,-`- wood while hv is in Wixmipc.-;:. : 'l`h<- p1'i'/.0 \vixmm`9 wore: Black- }:-ztock 31), Morron c, Wiles 1'1`, Cum- geron lb, Wurnica 21), Moore ss, Mc- il{vv(-r cf, '|`ruvi.< H`, Robevtson p. 7In the sucoml 5.-':unn C. Carson Mayan] 1 . . . l:~:c-com! and Wm'm_cn 1-1;.-'ht held. -c-` ' Stephens, Chairman Propc~1't.y and Supply Com- mittee, Barrie Board of Education. n u v I A 1 \ I L . I U ll IV'Illsl4l|l .\ I-`irmm.-.n--.-'\. C0105, H:u'Lt, sznn, Grm-n, G. Colt.-.-, I-look, Mc.\Iu1kin, Lowt-1'. second Lu.~:.~1lo In-ingg u _:~.hug out_- He wzts 3.-;iv.-n excellent .~'upp01'L by hi; Lenm n1atc:<. CLASSICS 10, FIREMEN ~4 LOCALS `.`n`ning,'s : .0.-`n ' His Mz1est01"s VoIice 7 -...; .........w\.; u v vuuk. ; only -35c for this ` G. I{ecman s, opposite The N01'th`ern{ Advance I :1tt<*1`- 1 o\vr.-ll, Pleading g"uil'.y to eha1'g'es thefts from the summer cottages of W. R. Laidlaw, Mrs. Percival Brown l Foster i I ! of and Mr. Shannon, George and Thomas Fosrter were remanded in custody for a week art the request of their counsel Alex. Cowan, in order that represe~1m1'tsions of rsood clizxructer m-ight: be laid before l`.Ia_;'- istmte Jeffs. The trial was held Saturday afternoon. ;\Iz1:;'isl.1':xte Jefls intimated tlliat while he had no Iiesitutioii in taking` :1 week for re- llC(5lJlO1l," he considered the char::e.< as very serious and that while he might save the pi-isoiiers from l{in_L':~,:to11, ghey would undoubtedly serve a term. Da/ce at Barrie this 9th day of! June, .-\.1)., 1925. 1 _,_____ I [COTTAGE TI-IIEVES i To BE PUNISHED Foster B1'0t11ers and I-I211-old Kinseila to Receive 1 _ K` . -Selltonc batlwday. I I In a. for cicwmuncy Mr. Cowan told the court Uhzit this was the rst Dime the -two boys had been in cu-Iity. 'Dhc_v had been einplvoyed by l`avmer.~i in the vicinity of '1`o11cnd::11e for a number of yozws and ant 1)msoiint were section men at Allandale. They could 1'cvt.urn to their ohl jobs if L-;i\'0n an oppoi'LuniAty. Crown .-`\Lt01'nc_v Cotter felt that the _!.',')'(.`:l`L quu.~aLion in all such cases 11>: these is what is he;~1t for H! pub- lic and for the pni.~'.om.-1'.~'. The pub- lic must be sznfcr-,:`u:11` and the pi'is01iu)'s 1`(:ti(`L"m(_.'(i. It \\':rs tliiicillt, he Uhouyjht, to ilccitlc xvlmtlln-,1 i..h(`.\`,(*l li(.`Sil'(`(l cinls couhl be 1'(.`llChL'(i more .\'ll.cc:.s.s'i'ulvly by 21 i'i_L'_'hlt scntciicu m` not. . l luwu no h<:. tnlirillqx :1 week for con-si(|t-mt:io11," min-:11'kml His Wm'.~'l1ip, .in reply to the pI(~2L I01` :1 wuuk .- 1'en`.21.ml, but I (lon'rt, know of any more serious casv Lhut could comm l)0l'0ru mo. Acc01'~(li11;:` to the cmh-,, tho ponu1\Ly mwy run up to 14 yc'.1}`.s'. 'l`~h-. coulu C0l]wSi(lOl`S such oH'v'nc(-s .'m~ioL1~.~: and so (lo I. 1 Gun`-1 pvmnuisu to deal 1ig`1!M_\' in this H`-2111:-`)', but `in my [)r(-,sL'n't; frznnc of muiml I may .~'w:1\'c them from lLin_;'s- mu. mu .1 Luu. 'lho tJI1(,-ft.~I to which they p1c:ule(l! r.,~'uil~t_v were fnom W. R. Lz1i .<,` 11 (ll`L`SSL':)', )'u;.:.~' and _u'us lamp; from Mrs. Brown's, l)liLHkC1L\`, cushioxns, oil lamp and a lawn mower; from Mr. Shz1nnon .<, 11 itent. On SZl.tlll'(l\2l_V at ten o'clock sentence will be p;ivun._ G I1 ,A,_v| 1':...,.n__ _..L._ ___.. . 4.. 1.....- I.I.'u uunu-.u .:\.nn.\.nu.u. nun nu _p,|v\,||- I~lm~ohl 1\"ins01-Lu, who was to hare received sm1tr.-11cc 1215-t Sz\rt111'Ll:1,\ , was ;11.~>o 1'(`l l1ll1IlC\(l for :1 week and will he ; on Suturd-z1_v ad: the szuno txime. G('0!';',`(e Fostt-1' is 23` years of :11.-;o unyd Thomas 36. l E. B. Sutcliffe 85 C0. Is there anything you have forgotten? to complete your Wardrobe for the trip? Vacation Days Are Here Ladies `Silk Broadcloth Shirt Waists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4:.95 T._ `\TT1._'1 (`I 1 '\r ----.., 4;/mu. Duncan F. McCua.ig, Solicitor for Administrafrix.

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