Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Jun 1925, p. 5

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,,....... From the B..~\.A. pe1'm:i:sion to hold a : E1iza.be~th St. from the Wellimgwton Hotel tween the hours of v n n, I __.__, ___....L nun ya... \V`i1son--Bo_vd--'1`1haat Council VV'i1Liams ocf Col'1ing'wood and Brown of Mithlaml be gu'anted leave of ab- sence this session, owing to illness. T..___L,,,L 1: yr - 1 . run! Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Harper, ot Stroud, announce the engvag'en1e11t of their youn~g'er daug;11.ter, Dorothy Violet, to Mr. A1re.~d Ernest Page, of Barrie, son of the late Mr. A. Page and Mrs. Page of London, En-gland (nephew of Mr. and Mrs. A. VV. Whitby of Barrie), the mar- riage to take place early in July. BALL--On Sundz1_V, June 14, 1925, Frank Ball, in his 69th year. Funeral frol his residence, 112 Bradford St., on Tuesday to Bar- rie Union c:mcte1'y. o___ I Mr. D. L. Darroch of Collingwoodi was appointed to the Board of Man- agers of nKox College, Toronto. SRIGLEY-On Saturday, June 13,` 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur; S1-igley, Caroline St., the gift of a daug'11te1'. ! I_rqgr_sive Shge Repair Sores Do you know that we replace French Heels with Cuban Heels, dye shoes black, replace worn out heel linings, and in fact do all repairs -to shoes that are repairable. ` WE USE N0. 1 OAK TANNED LEATHER, BULLDOG `SOLE LEATHER AND PANCO RUBBER SOLES. To `11030 \\'i1'11 fallen arc-1103, etc-., we strongly rec-0111- mend 1101- Am`e1-io1- I*Ir>ols. Tlxc-_v not only give 1'0- mend our A11te1-ior Heels. They not only give re- Advice freely given 011 Osthepedics 14- 1'6 Mulcaster St. (Continued from p:\p:v nun) the present. . muld ho im- proved on. -It mndu pooplv .h`i\'n more slowly and cm`<~{`u11,\`. SOUTH SIMCOE U. F. 0. Annual Picnic Killarney Beach Wednesday, July 1st, 1925 Softball Tournament, $75 in Prizes Ladies Softball Junior Softball Races and Sports of All Kinds G'l'O1ll1d.\.` Open at 10 a.n1. Bring Your 13:1.<]{0t:~:. Admission: Adults 250, Children Free Some and Enjoy a Big Day DEATHS BIRTHS W. S. ROBB, Proprietor Fallen Arches uunan. ` Hall lf. Ba1`acas-\Va.1ls 3|), McKenzie lb, B:1'_\'son cf, Carson ss, McI{11i_<.3:ht p, Tribble 2b, MacDoug~.1Il lf, Cooper rf, Tvhompson c. Alxl. I.i'.s1M` omuwmi Um \nn(nInn. ron1u2u'kin3: Lh.-It Chivf .\.<~\\*.-M xvm satised \\'i1.h the pr<\~`m1'. .-<`\`::`.vn\. It makes the (.u\\'n look nmw lumi- nc-sc;1ike, he pointed out. St. l\Iz11'_\"s--Do_vle 85, Stone cf, Hayes lb, Moore 21), P. Hall 3b, Burns (1, Hzmley p, Cuff rf, F. 'LI'..1l 1! ----~ ~. In Tues nig'11t`s g;ame the Baracas led till the last ixlnings. when seveml enrors gave the Saints two runs to win the game. Carson replaced :\IcKnig'ht and Hall 1'ep1ace.d Hanle_v in the fuh as moumllsxmen. Baraczls .................... .1 0 1 0 0 1 0-3 St. Ma1'y`s ............. ..1 0 0 0 1.1 2-5 Though there is still one g:ame to be played in the Senior Church League series the championship has already fallen upon the Baracau lteam, who have won all gmnes to date. 'I`l1eir nal win over St. lVI4ar_v s on Tuesday night is the re- sult of the-.ir winning :1 protest rather than the result of their good play- ing`. In fact, the Saints handed the champions a 5 to 3 defeat,vbuat a protest lodged agaiiist Pate" Hall, who played the entire ganle and vpitched two innings of it, bore fruit l and what might have become a three- [cornrred tie was prevented. St. An- :lrew s and St. Mary's are now tied for second place and the final _;m11e to be played on Friday, ultl1oug.).Il1 it can have no beztriiig: on the outcome, will decide which team shall be run- :1 ers-up. v as PROTEST TURNS DEFEAT TO VICTORY, BARACAS WIN TITLE Umpi1'e.s--Ed. Kearns and Rev. Kidneys cause Backache? No! They have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Listenl Your back- ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and limber up. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. Duh nlrl, l1nn9:f Sr Tm-nh: nil" me oacxacne Iumoago pam. Rub old, honest St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso- mgcly harmless and doesn't burn the HI. Ouch! Lumbago Pain! Rub Backache Away J Instant Relief with a small trial bottle of old Ala; . an n Secoml Dcpu1,\'-Rw\`c Huxt.-ul lieved that the main ulyicctiu the amrlo :11" which Uh` c.-n-.< parked. He thought it to I gvreat, but it. rcnmimul for tho of police to work the p1 oM\`l` Ald. VVa.11\\'in op}\n. :m_\' < until the side . 0011111 lu- Then he would hr in fzlvm` x ._,.,., ,_,, 42 u . - u .- THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1925 nu... vu vu St. Jacobs 01 I." Barrie [_-'4~I~\\-\l uuun:I,uuu:1_y. Undc-.1` inquiries, Reeve Rusk ask- ed how one 1'efresl1ment store in Ward 6 can keep open on Sunday 's`."lll10 another cannot. Ald. Walker -was able to keep open, while Mr. Sweeney could not. In reply it was :~"c.ate-(l that it was because the one had a restaurant license. Remarking on the situation in Barrie and Allan- rlale Mayor `Craig claimed that it was just 21 subterfuge to keep open on Sunday. AI` _. .au\,:.uuuu. A by-law to allow the Bell Tele- phone Co. to place their telephone -wires on the same four poles with electric ligsht wires on High St. was passed. f`,\.....-..._.Z..-A.1_._.. ",7", ' ' ` Aid-. Lu'tsvtea' asked why a cement drain asked for on Sophia St. was not embodaied in the Board of VVorks report. Reeve Rusk stated that the 1112ttte1' was still under con- siclemtion. A 1 u . n .. .`...... -- .. . v`.`....... ...._. .. sl puvml. of rip- ping up the s*t.:1i1*\\':1y on thv main strc-0-t and Inuking: the strcvt its ori- ginal w.i(lth. A .. 4.1.. ..._At. bu-wn n-nuuu. As the motion was dofo~:nto<| .-\hl. Wz1;lkc1' remarked that he sinnply Wanted the Council to know that he still hadn'rt. cl1:1n_9.'ml his mind. In ...4-:....... 61-..; 41.- |:`.....:..._.. Juldl lL(&\l|I`L` \4II|II`_`-'.L.'4\| IIIA` IlI|||\l- In asking` that the lEx1_;'im-or furn- ish pa1't;icu1zu`s .of the (liffomellce in cost bertwen a flush curb and :1 cun'b and :."utt.or on Blake St.. Second Depuwty-Reeve Huxtuble po`inrt.od out that the lump difTe1'cnc0 was $4,300, whereas in Allantlale for the same distance the di`m-once umoun't.od to $467. The di e1'cnce between the two was very _2'rc~at. 011 Blake St. 3`: would mean 31.90 a foot. 1\T.. `D...I1`-.... _;_,,I A.I,,L n 1-nu feet long` and in itself would costl $2,500. Then 188 feet of 12 and 18 inch sewer makes up practically the balance. This, he stated, was the reason of the tlilforence in cost between Buivton Ave. and Blake St. While work is being clone on Blake St. a (lC`1t-01.11` is to be made along` Col-lier, down Berczy to Kem- pevnfeldnt. Street signs are to be placed immedia~tely. TI'v1:ln1- (nan! S. L. Squire, Deputy I\Iinister of Public Works, advisinsa: Council that the Miniszter has decided to pay 50 per cent. toward the cost of the construction of the centre 20 feet of the pavement on the connecting link of the Provincial Hig'h\va_\~'. wwm-. r n n... ..,......1..:....... -1: Page F0111` In vvuuun Auvau u,v;.u\J a. 1.\)Ub- Mr. Redfern st.a.te tshznt the differ- ence was due mainly $0 the storm sewers. On Burton Ave. the ques- tion of sztonn sewers had been ex triin-g` one, but on'vBlake St. be- cause of the dwifference in dra`invag'e on either side of St. Vincent s Park it would be necessary to czn`r_\' the st.o1'1n sewers from 300 feet west of Rodney St. and from east of Duck- wontzh St. to the park and from there to the bay :1 24-inch sewer mu:-at be um 7T`l.I.. .......I.I L.._., A , L lf\v-` .r.. ...\. Kit!-I u. 541 A||\/ll c\,n\_L unuru run. This would luwe to be 10 :....l. -,...._.. .__-1,, -- . .u... ..u, ............, ...\1u\,.~.,..,`-_-` )e1'mIi:sion street dance on ?.liza.be~tl1 Maple Ave. to he on June 26, be- ween S\annl 12. J. D. Rod-gers wrote Council. stat- \....-V B.A..-\..'-\., requesting` Ind ! u ;~#.--\.\& .I.\....,\ .... H In` Lou ul cltivf \`v lhlxi.-Ilxlv hw- u1\_im`t`im1 was `Ow \vvro 1 cm nut. ch:In3:o ,,_ .._...,.._, ........... Novthecrn Irlaml is proud of its development of motor traic. In the la:-t two yozn-3 `the number of motor vehicles licollsoul in the six Ulster coun.*tic-.5 has ri.-zen from 17,200 to 26,000, of which about 2,000 are heavy 1o1~1'ie There is now 21 motor for ovc-r_v 58 por. in the six counties, as ztgztinst one for every 67 in G1'e=a*t Bx-itain. uu.-u. u; nu, vuvvu. Huxtable-Wa:llwin-That we 1'e~ quest our consulting engineers to fu1'ni.=.l1 all particulzn's as reg`ar(ls. the difference between ush curb and ditch and curb and gutter and .=tt.o1'm sewers on Blake St., grivinlg in detail the number of _va1`ds4of pavement, flush curb, shouldc-rs, l1e:ulers, sewers, for ush curb. including` appvoaclx, also all details in connection with the cost of curb and grutter. I n...,... T1A.-.._.. rn1__;. LL. n,_.,n nun VA. AI.\IvIu|I.AuL Lu*u\\u_\`. From L. R. Onl, complaining of the dotours on Blake St. Ivy-. . vv .. uvul u uuu _,u.uvt;L. Lowor-Litster-'I`hat the Board] of Works have the .=.3c1'eet signs` placed as soon as possible. \.VqIh..:.. u......1.1- 'I"L..L u_- lantohyll as OUUH. JD IIUSDJULC. Wallw-in--Huxtab1e - That the sand hills on the detour north of! Cotter St. be levelled and g`mveI1ed.: uu. v-._v >1 ysv1n.L v_y. McCuaig--Lowe-Tha. c a by-law be prepared setting the wi of st1`ee os to be paved at 24 feet, any cost due to adtlitional width to be borne by the town. `Ll ....4.-l.I.. \x7_n__-.'._ nay,` kJA\lll|\. ullu IILLIKLJ au.|JlIllULL.'\| All Lil. Huxitwblo Rusk--That the Board of Works consider the azlvisabil-i-ty of replacing the old wooden culvert with cement tile on the east side of Dumlonrald St., opposite Mrs. Mc- Carthy's property. 'A,f..f`1.....'... T ....... 7T`X.,.L _ L__ 1,," Juv Ant.-3 a.au_v IIL-l\l uu. Huxma.b1e-L\IcCuai5: -- That the Mayor, Reeve and A111. Wal-lwin be a committee to wait on the Minister of Public Highwzxys with regard to the departmem taking` care of the Highway insdde the corporation as far as Rodney St. in ward one as per profile and blans submitted in 1922. Lfnu-balm].-. TJ..-1. 71'H.-L 4.1., n,-,,,v Motions Hi11-WzLlIwin-That the tender of A. Pringle at $10 a (lay, includ- ing` the use of his own tools and mu.- chines, for work on Ti101]1]`).'~.'0I1 St. be accepted, the work to be proceed- ed `it-h at once. nu. 1-.. . rnv v4. mu, u..;..L..m. ux; 51uAAu:u. Lowe I\'ewton-T11a;t- the request of Jas. Mcliernan be _2`1'am;eul, work to be done under the supe1'vis`2on of the Board of Works. 1-\,_,1, /`1 Rusk-Crz1\'en-That the request of the Bell Telephone Co. be grant- ed. 1-. . -. _. . _ Rusk-Lit..=~ter-That the Board of Works consider the advisability 01 paving` Bayeld St. I LI...-A...I.\l,\ 7\Y,.I"._._!-. 7"L_L uln; uuvvwna vu ununu vu. From the Royal Victoria Hospiai Board, inviting` Council to attend the graviluation c-xercises. `E`....... H. D \ .\ A ...\.... l\4K ... -..-~. T_\'w1'e)'-Litster--That the request of the B..~`\.,A.A. be ;1`1'ante(l. l`!mn\p-.-nn : $l0 :1 L-\,\'. \1fv\-IIII unu it. u. .-.un.uu nu lu- mis. 10 huilul curl! urounul Lhu lmuh-\':m|.< in fmnwl of H1vi1`p1`01)m`l-_\' on l-I.~z<:1 St. lw _:;1`:lmul. ., - 1...... 5' u. `.2. That .\h'.z1nd Mrs. Lee be g'iven one S'um1a_\' a month between June 15 and Sept. 15, a substitute to be p1-ovinled for Mr. Lee at the expense of `the town. 5:1 1')! Fire and Police 1. That the hall of the re Ihall be painted. 0 rm... \r.. up 1` u 3. '.|'h:11 C. R. Gm'in:: he _2'1'u11LL- pm-mi.-.--imu to rm-move :1 Mzmitoba m-nplo in front of his proxnisu-s at 3!) Brock St. . nu . . n n u -- -l. 'l`h;1t :1 ccmvnt vulk he laid on the `ust side of 1\I:u'y St., from I')1iz:1but.]1 St. south as far as neces- 5. That. the c.1`os\.~'i11:.:' on the west side of ;\Iulc:1. St. north of the mzu'kct be rc1no\'cd. n nu . .u nu... I\\_ u u-. Axu-uu \.\|- 6. T.hznt the entrance to the Un- ion Ceme=`cor_v be _;'1'u\'e1led at a cost nod: cxcecddxxj: $30, Vespru Council to pay half the cost. 7? 'I'`|L.`L tl.,. 0-11.. ,_L...._ .. A. ._ L A |I\. nun an v.,x;u.Lu Boys and Boys wrote Council on behalf of S. Gorgxiannii, proprietor of the Toronto Gamge, asking that he be allowed to install another ~g`aso- line pump as he desires to sell two grades of gasoline. W nnnn '\-| T '3/I ..T. ...... .. ._ vv In; nun. mu. unlov- 7. Tlmt the following` .st1`ee-ts be paved on the local improvement plan, one-t:lnirl of the cost of a twenvt_\'- four foot pzxvement to be assessed '-mainwst the properties on eit.l1e~r side of the following` sntrectlsz I..\ l'\.. I"1.....\ u; mu. ;uu- (zx) On ` to Co-llier l (b) On f"..YII.... (`L \.,, .,.. .,....., ...,..., .,......,l. \.`U' Collier St. _I (c) On .\Iulc:=.ste1', from Dunlop to Collier St. ' ((1) On Tiln St., from Essa. to the cast side of B1`Zl(lfOl'll St. I.\ r\_. TL,,In_,,x . . . V . . - . - . . A \ . u ; A.lAl.|\IJ.\JL\l >4. (0) On Brzulfonl St., from the south side of Tifn St. to the south end of Brzu1forl St.; and that a by- law be 1)1'c-pm'cd to {rive effect to this l'(.`C0lT11`11`I`1(l3.tiOI1. ._,,,..,.......`.....-... . I 8. That. the 11occssa1`yC1um`.t1t.\" of road oil be pu1`c11a: Water and I.ij:l1t That the electric light at the Court House be relnoved to the cornc-1' of Wo1's1e_\' and Poyntz Sts. Autos Multiply in Ireland Hmml 'l`h.-H llvnl`,\' 'l`h:Il tho . u- S. Bait,tcrsl)y. 87 John St., wrote, complaining tliat six loads of ea:-tli or(lorc(l to be put in front of his p1'opc.i'ty had not been placed there as yet. Unless put there at once he claims that a curb he has built will ha mn ml uuu .u,. .-..\.\,--..z . Cla1)pc1'to11, from Dunlop Qi- n. v. Owen, from Dunlop to Hf wwnirm W 01*!` -, I`n`qllv.~`1 l:n'n:ml of fur (inn. pvl` al.. Ht`! ,,-mum, u; uu1'L`.~J [)kL.VLLl1'(.`. I The barns have been pzuintml zmdl 196 rods of wire fence erected. House of Refuge Report The repont on the House of Re- fuge was presented by Councillor iC'-arlton, rCha.i1'man pf the Committee. `At ............ LI_-.._ _.., HA ` - Tuesday s Session Communications were read from the Tourist Association of Ontario, asking` for :1 membership free of The object of the A:~:.socia.tion is to :nttract tourists to the Province; from I\'ewmarket Higth School Board, asking` [for balance due for county pupils attending` Newmarket school; from the Presidemt and Directors oi the Royal Victoria Hospital, ll'lVltlnf.," the councillors to the g'radnua.ting' ex- ercises Ion June 25; from R. J. San- derson, I .eig'ist1'a1', asking` for more filing` cases and book racks; from the Clerk of Orillia, asking` the County to 3.-;uaran'tee dobenrtures of $65,000 for building` an addition to the Colleg'iate Institute. May Do Away With Entrance Examinations Councillor W. Williams of Coming`- wood wrote expressing his regrets at being; unable to attend the session bl11`01L}2,`l`I. illness. Tihrougth the od:ii- eulzty that arose over the inIterpre tion of the Entrance Act, and the discovery made that Contin.ua~t2ion Sclho-o-ls -can hold their own Enrtrance examinations by paying for same, Mir. Wiljliams thoughrt the County Council should pay for the examina- bions in new schools w.here there a.re no vilvlages. lVIr. Willniams said furth- er that when visiting` the Depa1it- ment of Education he ilearned that Entrance e.\'a.ms. may be diispensed with all togentlier and they have done this in Toronto, London, Hamilton, and rin some rural distrricts. The whole power rests with the District Boards, of wl1'ich there are three in this county, composed of the High School Inspector, -the head master oi the High School, the head master of the Separate School, and one appoint- ed by the County Council. By ex- ainiminp: sections 5 to 12 of the Act we nd that we do not need to go to the expense of holding" Enrtrance exaxns. if we can get the District Board to agree. From J. F. Bowles, asking thatl damage to the tires of his car caused by the pavement on Bradford St. on June 3 be paid for. The damages he sent at $12.15. 1).... -....x 11.... "WW: rv -- .DEPA.RTMENT WOULD REDUCE ROAD SYSTEM l\|;m_\' 1-mnmunicutitms were rmul |n_\' Lhv (`~lwrk. 'l`lw \V0.m<~n'.~: lI1:.~1tti1.Lm;(: of West Simcov :1-. for u 1.;'run:t for main- Lzninin-,-,` :1 1Iip:lut on the Naottnwa ln'i(lr;.-,'u on the Coumty Provi~noia1 road tzhrcc miles south of Co411ing;- wood. St2un1(3_v Thompson o.f Bellycroy sent :1 bill of $12.35 for x1an1ap,'cs to his car caused by a roort on `the Counrt_\' mzul. From Stewart & Stewart, tl1.reast- eniny: action uif account of J. T. C*Zl.V'al1ZL);`l`l for $72 was not paiirl. A _vz1ev1' ago Mr. Cavan=a;;'l1 pmsenteil a bill for $93 for services as -turnkey am the goal after the demise of the lzute Governor St.o(L(la1't. The Coun- c.il (lid not think this was justified and paid Mr. Cavawna.g;l1'$21. Apphications for the po: ovf Audii~t.o1' in place of the late M. N. Stephens were received from W. T. Stewa.ivt, Bari-ie; T. T. YOu)1_`.`,`, Bur- 1"ie, and H. A. Currie, Collingwootl. Sunhidale W-ants Bridge I | l E I Reeve Spicher of Sunnidzile intro-I duct-(1 11 motion, secormled by Coun- lcilloi` Smith, tha.t the Roads and, ,Bri1lg'e.: Committee con;:\i(lc-1' having the Warden name 21 co1mni`utee of five to confer with a committee from Sunnidale Council in connection with the Powers b1Ti(i{. ,`C, bertween Si(l(31'O1(i`>.' 9 and 10 on the 14th covnc Sunniidaie, and repent at the Novem- ben` session. Reewe Spieher said that this b1`i sxhould be a Covunty brialge and help had been promised some time ago. Mine~sin`g Continuation School ask- ed for a srpecial grrant of $200. Q.:...\.`l...w....L.... f"`.\...L.3....<..A.!..... c<..L,.-I \L AVA u .- \.uAuA 'wLuu`v VJ. uvv. I b Singvhampton Comainuafoion School sent an account of $254.38 due from the County. ; . . . . .. u \;vu1|>u_I . Accoumts were also received from St. Jo11n :~' In(lus`t1':iaI -School for $540; Al0x:1ndr_-1' In(1usrb1*ia1 School, $604 and $54.50; Victoria InL1'ust;ira`l School, $41.05; St. 1\Ia1`y s Imlustria,] School, S97. - ,\......1:,\..LI,...,. 1`_,. LL, ,,,,'A' 9 -ic[I`|` I Fl` HI!` \ (Mn mnliml M` ('-nlIIuiHm`:l Smith ml l':u'i::, him \V:m|:-H. with l.|u- fum\`\': cw!` l.lw \`.'l|`iUll.`% InllIuiui|m`| :I, wwn :|mmiu4lu--I :1 vmnIII.i:lzlm- mu (`un- i.l.~r Hm l'`|)lIl'l nl' 1|m- l)-p:wlmn.nIL w Hw <'uunl_\' |{n:ul .H\'.a'lu-nu um! Iwim: z,A|A-\I\.-J LIL BLOOUHIIICI From J. McKernan, requesting pcrmi.=,sion to remove a dead maple tree in front of his propexrty on Charlotte SE. n n .. . |'u]ml'l. 'wII1liIImul l'rnm x>:u' 'l`lm Nm-thorn Advance Moutioris Smith--Boyd--'I`hzLt W. I\';im;' be paid for surviceus as muhixboar in place r l Finance Committee Chaai1`man T. E. Smith 1'ecomn1em1- ed thwt commi-ttment papers of J05. COI1It0iS, Tuiny, to St. John -s Inrlus- trial School, and Gladys Woods to Ailex-a.n:(le1`_ School be fyled; tlmt no action be taken on request of Na- tional Insbiturte of Publicity; that membership fee of $10 be sent to Association of l\'I2Lna-_e;ers of Agedl and In.1'm, but that no 1`ep1'esenta-I hive be semt to convention at Sa1'n.ia;| that a p,'1'm1t of $15 be made to the] W.I. of West Simcoe for lig'l1tin:.z' bl`ili.P,`C near Collingwoocl; that the mautter of da.1nag,'es to propenty of Mr. Dunlop, Meclonte, be left in the l1zu1(ls of the County Eng'inc-er and the 1`eprese.ntzutive. x-om l\Ielonrte; that the request of the town of Col- lingwood to have the county _e'u:1;x-- anutee debentures to the amount of $110,000 for e1'eotin_-4' Collegiztte be -_yra,11-tetl; that on the request of Councillors Scott and Jebb, J. J. !\'[cI\'night of 'I`ottenhnm be appointed to audit the accoun-ts of the a.dimin- isitrzutaion of justice for 1925, in place of Jas. Moore, (lecerzxsexl, by-law conf'n~ming' passed. and that ztppointoinent be GROUP OF ORO SHEEP RAISERSI ORGANIZE A DIPPING CLUB "" ' "'~3"" "`l V" ' Chaiirman G.. L. Davis in his re- port recommemled that the Counvt._\' bake Iout an accident policy coveving the County roads in the Globe In-_ Llem-nity Co., and that the VVa1`i and Clerk pay premium when satis- factory arrang'emen.bs -are made; thzut the request of Councillors Spicher and Smith be g'rar1-ted re committee for Powers bridge and that Coun- cilllors J ebb, Smith, IScott-, Dutton and Ohaivman Rozmlns and B-ridens be ap- pointed as said committee; that the account of Mr. Cunnivngnham, Allis- bon, for storing steam rollers be left in `the hands of Councillor Baycroft and the Counrty Engineer to settle; th-aat the account of $10.77 for re- pauining rroad on boundary between Simcoe and Dufferin be paid; also tihe account of Stanley Thompson, Ballycroy, for $12.35 to P112`, 'l`ln- conunon wvnl of Oro s .`~'nh(:C'1) v.'ri.s'-r.-.- \\'.`LH` ,wv*\'<>l l:1~'.L W(,'(`k when n. n um.ln-1' not tn;-,'-Llxw and m'_u,':1n- i`/.-I :1 *;`ll'(`r[) tlippin.;_-; clul) on UN: co- lr[)()`1LLiV'l` lnlsis. H(.~m'y I cm'.~=z1ll .=` I'm'm ILL 1\ lit, Squ:m` was sol:-ct-I ml as cu-Irbml zmtl :1 tank will he in-I natallml on his m'mn-i.~.v(~.~'. A r(-pre- mntzltivo of Llw Dominion l.i_vr_- Stock Branch is cxptrctt.-rl to come and ;+up(_-rh1t(,-mlc11t the instznllution of the (lvi[)1)in`1.',' tank about the Hill of the monuth. Conorerte tanks inslaezl for .~7h(.-<-p dipping` mezL:~7ure about 3 feet in :1c`p1.h and 7 feet in length. About :1 yard and a half of gwravel and 61 bags of cement are required for their const1'uot`on, while a quanti~`._vu of lumber is needed for a dripping pvlaxtfo-rnw. By clubbing` tog-`ethe1' as the Oro famneurs have done the cost of both the tank and the dipping are made almost negligfible. About 250 sheep can be treated in :1 little over three hours. | Councillor Cunning:l1a1n raised the question as to how Mr. Carl-ton was appointed chasirman of the House or Refuge Committee. It was custom-v ary to have the rst named on the committee as ohairnmn. It was also rumoured that some members of Mr. Ca1'lton s family were supplying the house with supplies. He did not think that any member of the Coun- ty Council should have a11_\1thing' to `do with this. Councillor Carlton iin repl_\' said that his name was first `on the coinmittee, and it was second on the by-law makin_e,' the appoint- ment, but he had been appoin-`ted as chairman by the Warden. {e::ard- ing suppl_\'in_'_-' bread to the House.[ he had nothing` wha.te\'er to do with this crmtract and has not been in- terested in the business for. over four years. Councillor Dutton, who is on the committee, said that Carlton Bros. had supplied the House `xvi-th bread for several years and had al- ways done the square thinpi. `One year they had refunded over $200 when wheat had come down. This; year the contract is on a sliding scale. Ex-War Cooml)s said that all rthe bake -5 had a chance to ten- der on the contract. Mr. Carlton, Jr., could not be fairer to the Coun- ty of Simcoe. Couneiwlllor Carlton said he thought it of advan.ta_e'e to ` have a man near Beeton on the - con1mitt.ee, as the superintendenn . frequently called up for help and advice. I TO PAVE MULCASTER, OWEN, CLAPPERTON Trhe new`l_v-formed club will use the powder dip. This remains in the eece for a conside1'ab1e 1o11gtt]1 of time and is found more effeative than the liquid dip. By its use almost complete control of the tick is as- sured. Evo1~31t2hing; is in excellent shape. II n I` - . . Roads and Bridges Report I. _ :____ _ ., n 1 v\ lI1|a.Va\.\| \.unuuuuuvb u.-nu. coyyunnu-nu\.nuu. GIOOIIDII and Dut.t.on asked that counrty purchase :1 plot in Lakeview C(`l11(,`=t0l`_\', 1\Ii(i~1Il(l, for use of the county. Denny and Davis asked that the third line bridg'e, Essa, be taken ovcw as a coumty b1'ii1g.>:e, and that a committee be appointed to consiir>r the nuuttcr and 1'o.po1'.t at November` :-osueiori. Bong" and Scott asked that the council g`o'into commitftee of the whole to C0i1`Si(l0.1` building a msaiilence for the gioveinnor of the gaol. `uh. The Finxance Committee recom- mended the appointme11:t of W. T. Stc-.wzuVt as aud`ito1' for nutlimiltg the accourmts. books and Voucshex-s of the coLmt_v t.1`oa..~:u1'er, in place of the late M. N. Stephens. szL1m`_\' to be at the rate of $125 :1 year. A by-1aw was passed conn-min4g the appointnmemt. I",..\.l.`.. .....l h..s.-.. ....l....l Ln; Wednesday 1\'Io1'ning' I A short session was lmhl before Ig`oing_' to Orillia on the VVzu'de11 s out- ! in ,- _-,. NIL- T.'1:,,,,,__, n,,,,,,,-.. Duton---Stephens-Thaat Finance Commi'tatee appoin-t two re.presenta- tive.-s to Mothers Allowance Board for 1925-26. '17 . my on. . .. H ;.\.rA. .1.cI-nu`:-U. I Rusk--Huxtabw1e--That the Roads and Bridges Commi~t1tee consider ad- vzmoing to the town of Barire the, app1`opnia.tion for 1926, for pavingll part of Bz1_v0`ld St. I Lambe1fr--McKnig;ht-Th2Lt rtrea.s- ure1':be allowed to close his ofce in the aternioon-s during` July and August as in the past. 1\, AA n. 1 -~. - --- c;f late M. N. Stephens. \ YY'I -n l1uuo\.\In Communications were received from the Bell Telephone Co., asking that they be allowed to place 9. pole and anchor on the west side of Peel St., nonth from Grove St. From John F. Warnica, -stating that he had injured his car on Brad- ford St., neaa` Bunker s Creek, on June 3, having `two tires badly dam- aged. 15..-... T In *n-_-.1._ _,1.! .1

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