Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 May 1925, p. 7

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2 Doors West of Telephone Office, Barrie Next to the Classic Hotel, Allandale A. W. WHITBY ['7 or Fine Shoe Repairing 20 Owen Street BARRIE A Lesson 2 in Success LOVVEST PRICES ' ' / Teach your children to save. I Open a Union Bank Savings 1 Account for each of them. Let [W them be friends with the Bank Teller and take their own de- posits to hirrz. 986 The easiest road to success is the savings habit 4 Bred-to-lay Strain. $1.50 to $3.00 per setting NINE CHICKS GUARANTEED 'I I` `III I l\-Cvu- : - an ]IS,9%V!F.%iS THE TIME_. - __. .D__. ._ `IE- , `an: .1. .nI.n.A..LJ. -"Phone 277` UNION BANK or ciunnn Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes-- J. E. J. Aston, Manager Thornton Branch~M.C. Wigle, Manager Cookstown Branch-T. McMillan, Manager Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes-- OUR UP-TO-DATE GOODYEAR EQUIPMENT ENABLES US TO REPAIR THE FINEST HAND SEWED TURN SHOES OR THE STOUTEST GOODYEAR WELTS BEST OF LEATHER PRICES RIGHT R. G. MANUEL Mgr. Phone 721 T-he Innndsil cournci1.pa.ssed a resoLu- ' tion that ah] widow and spin-srte11s as- sessed for not more than $300.00 be exempt from perfom`ning' ustatuite labor. Once every week every man should ' sit down in a big easy chazir, cross ` his legs and make himself as com- fortable as possible and for -an hour calmly rhhink about himself. He shlouild inquire about this disposition, how to improve it; he should analyze his religion and if he has any desire to `be steadfast in it; he should con- sider this -business and rgure out methods of reducing expenses with- out impairing service; he ShJ011ld ask himself whether or not {he is doing the `best possible by his amployees and |.hlS neighbors; she should investi- gate this citizenship and deal frank- ly with himself while considering it; and -nal-ly he should bluntly ask him- self if the tisn t the most unreasonable and most grouchy mam in mhe world while he is in his own theme.-Ex. Mr. Livingston. of E(It,gwa.1* has sold his grist mill to Mr. Robent Baker of Newmarket for $4,000. We have long` been of the opinion that the people of -this province do not receive the benet they mig'hit from public school inspectors. Why the big city newspapers, including the Sunday papens, do not invite contributions 1'-rorm them must be be? cause their editors do not appreciate the value of their opinions on the varied educatlonnaxl probems. No class of men should be in a better position to speak on rural school matters than the inspectors and ex- perienced teacthena of public schools. But only an occasional inspector ventures to express his views in the public print. True, a few papers devote a column, more or less, on Saturdays, to education, butt very setldom indeed are the contents on any live issue or of real practical value to any one. Cirty editors do not seem to be seized with the fact that the ediuoation of the youth of our counitry is the most important unidentakin-g to wihich attention of the best mindis can be directed, and yet it receives very meagre concern appziren-tly.---Canatliian Statesman. Premier Dunning of Sask-atchewan announced on Saturday that the Provincial e1ec*t'ion`s in that Province would be held on June 5. The pres-` ent standing of the p2n'ti(;s in the Le_q'i: is: Governmen-t 45, In- depen<!:;nts 1-1, Conservatives 1, [n- :lepc_n Consc-wativ-`.:; 1, Labor 1 I W 1 --3 .. C/nu bu. M1`. D. W. Lennox and E. H. `Sloan have purchased the Ohurchil] rink, which has been offered for sale for -some time. Mrs. Robert .-X1'mst1'on`g, well] known at Allamlale, died at the home of her (laug'h;ter at A11g;us at the age of 107` years and 7 months. I\Im'tin Johnson, -one of the oldust and best known citizc.-us of B9.1'riu, died at his home on 1`l1u1-sclay last. E Mr. N. Dym0nut s horses left for the Woodbine on S2ltL1l`(|d._\ eve-nin_g'. The four platters are in 1':'.t-class conclition- At -Uhe meeting` of the town coun- cil on 1\10)1(ll_V night $50 was ap- p110p1'izLted for planting` `trees on the public sttreets. M1`. Jas. Carson was appoin~te to patrol the st.ree`cs every 11i_gwht from 7.30 `to 10 p.m., his salaryl to be $50 a year. : . . . I The wmd drove the we back an last Thursday at such `a. `furious rate. that it stove in a portion of M1`. Car- 1ey s boart house. (Fnom fahe Advance of May 13, 1875) The town Iassessor, Col. McKenzie, has turned in the 1-011, which shows the population of Barrie to be 4,169. The z1g'g'1;eg'ate value of all! property is $956,839.00. I A four dollar reward was claimed by a well-to-do nnerchant of this town for nding 21 watch` that had been lost by the relative of anlotnher meyrchant recently. After much higgling, $2.00 was accep%ed-~th~is needs no commenwt. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO In Days of Yore DON'T ASK THE WIFE FIFTY YEARS AGO The Nort-h.e`m Advance 1...-ya. vu mu: I/LIlI:,`ulllU1, Ht: 2l.U(It.`(l. T-he-re is no doubt in my mind but what this `price-conitr-oil system would compel a number of United States n1>anufac'ture1`~s to establislil pliants in ,-this country in order to be on a basis of equality with their Canadian com.petti oors, and, in addi- tion, it would spell the death knell of combines, Mr. Patterson pointed out. All Canadian .faatom'evs would increase their capacity by putting in new machinery, which, in the end, would mean enlargemenits of their plants and -increases in staffs. Small towns wherre faubonies are would grow and the population of Canada would increase very rapidly, while the cost of living would steadily come down. Imlrnigmaition of " ....wuus.-- vvvuxu. uuu uc \.U1u`fJu.L' s=or_\', Mr. Patterson explained to the Star, but the zulvamages to be gained would induce all to be govern- ed by the commission once the ad- V2LlltZl_L`(_`lS were fully realized. This principle would control prices or keep them at the presenvt standard until such times as the factories were 1)ro in sufcient quan- tities to increase their profits, .when a reduction would be made in hhe price to the consumer, he added. '1`1.mm :.. .... .i....1. _-M _.__. e'c,ct to einbracc all p1'o im- mc-(l'iatc1_v, but Mr. Patterson sug- lgesats that those manufacturers `which. are lmving difculty in c-king lout an el.~.`tO1`lCc be the limb to be gtukcn umler the conmiissionls wing. Thp procedure 11cce's:<-a1'y to come witzhin its .`~`C01)C is the willing.-'ncss of the; _:1'oup of m:1nu1'actu1`c1's to si:.;'n an a(:i'ecmc11t s.l10\ving' they are will- ing" to market lt1]Ci1'lg|0o(l`S at to-la_v .-7 selling` price, and pl`acin._g' on rc.co1' the co.<~.t.of label` and raw material used in their manufacture. \ Not Compulsory Entrance would not be compul- tznvv NT Dn++....mm ,...1..:..,.,I - u.,. VA '.'A|\. lll(l.ll\JJ.L|\LL|lL'L`.3. The plan could not be put l]1t0 l_.......1.,.r.uu .1.u1. we uwu u1uIluJ.E.tCLul'(;`S. The machinery xto bring this about would be a tariff comm'is:~:`ior1, com- prising` an in(le~pen~dent au`tho1'it_v ap- pointed in an advisory capaccity by the 'g'overnme`n1t, a represenrtative of the cons`umer.s and a 1'epre`sonvt.ative oi` the mz1nufactL11'ers. mu 1 -- Milzler & Richards, type founders, Winnipeg, has propoised a new staritf scheme, which he has submittr.-d to seventy-ve leading` business men of the Dom-inion and received their en- li`0}.'L`l`.l'iLiO-1'1. 1v . .. . __ _ Mr. H. K. Patterson, manager of ! I '.1`l_}_eSimcoe Marble Wbrks ..v... mun. Under his plan Mr. Patterson would prohibit Canadian manufac- turers from increiasing their selling price, but would increase their out- put by building up a tariff that would permit of the en c1'y into this country of 20 per cent. of the con- sumption, ithus leaving the Canadian eld open to 80 percent. of the con- lsumption for its own manufactures. I Vrmn .......1.:....... &,. L,,!,, , 1` v v IWINNXPEG MAN ADVOCATES A TARIFF COMMISSION 'l'nis, names and gentlemen, is a picture of the only Japanese typewriter in captivity. It is known as the Hobun" typewriter. It in- habits the offices of Shanghai, Tokio and other Oriental cities; is quite harmless but somewhat difcult; to control. It is more complicated than the Theory of Relativity, runs as smoothly as a tank crossing the Rockies and makes more noise than a duet by a. boiler factory and 2: Salvation Army band. Its fiiimtinn is that nf tvnnxvritinn bB.l\'aE10n tirmy I)-and. _ _ Its function is that of typewritmg ` the Japanese languag. It was in- vented by an Irish mechanic named Kiota Sugimoto and was on the max-int in 1915. As a piece of rrachinnx-y it is innitely superior to the `lypnxvritiu Aim.-riana . The l1li.l.I' very :x.'i(ix)1ll 11123 more Llnm ~10: This, ladies and gentlemen, is picture Japanes inn.` ..H-.._ 3.. .......L:...`A.-. TL :_ I.......... Type Your Laundry Tickets on This Tenders will be received by the unde1'sig'ned up to Thursday, the 1-1Lh ` day of May, 1925, at 12 o clock nocn,l for the following,` supply of coal to be delivered at the Court House, Gaol and Reg;ist~.`y Ofce, Ba1`rio,I estimated as follows: Court House, about 90 tons of soft coal, best qual-. ity; Gaol, about 70 tons of stow.- coal and 10 tons of nut coal; Regis- try Office, egg and nut, in such] quantities as will be 1oquired. Also for supplying 15 tons of nut and stove coal for the Children's Sl1e1'.'o1',` as required. All tenders to be seal- ed and addressed to A. H. Wilson, Chairman County Property C7m., Anten Mills P.0., R.M.D. No. 1. The ge`ne1'al g`row1:h of the coun- try would result in 1nan'ufacbu1'ing towns g1'.ow1'ng' up in the west, again increasing tlhe local vlnamket for farm products. In addition, it would solves the Canadii-an National Rail- ways prob-lem, furnishing; as it would full t1-ainloadvs of f1'eig'lmt east and west instead of nonth and south and the elmination of a great pe1'ce'n'ta,g'e of empty cars, which would mean that with the extra freigwht haul that the railroads would lower i'reig'l1 rates on such conmlodities such as coal. Albe1-ta coal would then be used for domestic purposes in On- tario. 1 .- In relfeiiring to the opportunities which would be given Canadl-ian manufact.urers, Mr. Patterson em- phasized the fact t.ha.t the ovevhead expenses of production in Canada were conside1'abl_v lower than in the United States, which nvatL1rva.ll_V placed dlomesrtic plants in a favorable posi-I tion, and with `the added .a(1va11tz:g'e| of increased production would per- mit 21 lowe-rinv:_: of the cost of living; in the Dominion. ur us; uuu uuL, unuvuuutu bd..'L 1l;`lluL;L'lli [by fty per cent. were a tariff com- mi.<-.;~:ion a.ppo'inted and functioned in `accordance with che plan. lA\ Lulu gzvuuunulh I I am convinced, M1`. Patterson, that the popu`1-_a.t:io11 of Canzula would double in ten years, qbhe per capita tax would be cut in half and the imiividual tax reduced. L cu __u_ _,_,L . .,... I riglt kind would come into the coun- try, incLu artisans in certain lines -of business. txrnl . .. .. .. keys, the Hobun has three thousand; the Americana prints a total of 84 characters, and the Hobun nearly four thousand. Then again, anyone can operate the American variety but how many of our stenos could run a Hobun, with its thousands of keys and hundreds of levers. It has: (:1: wn uuanan+ml\ n m..:...... anu nunareas or levers. It has (as we suspected) a unique key-board arrangement. In fact, it has no key-board at all. The type is arranged ace upward and serves the dual purpose of key-board and printing-type. To one side of the platen is a lever which, when de-. pressed over the desired character, aI`fect.ionately picks the character up, rubs it gently on an ink-roller and nally conveys it up to the platen on wl1i<-`:1 the paper is rolled and thus. imumpnamly prints mastery and the} The I capture: in Chin: the oor ghai grapher known, as muck typed C llohun. `me cma.rucLer. 1 water). TENDERS FOR COAL BARRIE S- BEST LAUNDRY We have stated that the machine is complicated but really it is simplicity itself - you merel learn the Japanese language an a few thou- sand of ideographic Chinese charac- ters; familiarize yourself with the Hobun s three thousand keys, acquire mastery over its multiplicity of levers then - go ahead and type. VH1... ....- _.'-- - .__,-_ O. ......--s. an`. vg `Ive specimen shown above was captured by Canadian Pacic officials China and now occupies much of oor space of their office in Shan- The expert Chinese stenc- seated in front of it, has been when a rush is on, to produce much as one whole page of neatly Chinese ideogrnphs a day on his This record has not yet been I Iruuzczl. A ELEM BROS. Phone 61.6. AD .\lUBKI\ CHAS. vWib"wE, "';rrie, om; Provost, Alberta.-- Perhaps you will " remember sending me one of our books a year ago. I was in 3 ba condition and would suffer awful pains at times and could not do anything. The doctor said I could not have children unless I went under an operation. I read testi- monials of Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegeta- ble Compound in the papers and a friend recommended me to take it. After tak- ing three bottles I became much better and now I have a bonny baby girl four months old. I do my housework and help a little with the chores. I recom- mend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and am willing for on to use this testimonial letter.- rs. A. A. ADAMS, Box 54, Provost, Alberta. Pains in Left Side Lachine, Quebec.- I took Lydia E- Pinkham s Ve etable Compound be cause I sulfere with plains in my left side and back and wit weakness and other troubles women so often have. I was this way about six months. I saw the Ve etable Compound advertised in the ` 'ontreal Standard, and I have taken four bottles of it. I was a very sick woman and I feel so much better I would not be without it. 1 also use Lydia E. Pinkham s Sanativc Wash. I recommend the medicines to my friends and I am willing for you to rise my lot- ` ter as a testimonial. -Mrs. M. W. ROSE, 580 Nmre Dame St., Lachine, Quebec. Read Alberta Woman's Ex- perience with Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound Laundry called for and delivered Prices reasonable Workmanship guaranteed on all familv washing nnmn ABVISED AN nnnu READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. AUTO LICENSES nan uvu Good Investment. FOR S.-\I#E Debentures of the Town of Barrie. 55 Per Cent. Issue. 11--.: u,, , . W. BELL,` ISSUEI}. 6..--.. ..... 7 OWEN S'1`R.EE'E Masonic Temple Builuiqg To Place-S`I<;1r`(')rde1T for a Monument or Memorial . . -____-., _.-any-r.-1... Successor to J. Arnold Insurxuxoe Five Points P.`-I 9'0 Qnvnn G. W. J. EASTMAN nu-u-u Let us get it let: tered and ready for setting early in the spring. A large stock of` all kinds of'gran'- ite and marble to choose from.

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