`THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 to $25.00 to $20.00 Suits, In Hung` AT 98c-Men s Work Shirts. Worth $1.50. AT $9.95---Boys' 2-Bloomer Fox Serge Suits. Worth $13.00 AT 98c-Men s Fine Dress Shirts. V AT $19.95---Young Men's Hairline Worsted Suits. Worth up to $25.00 and $30.00. AT $29.95-Men s Very Fine Plain Blue or Hairline Striped Suits. Worth up to $40.00 AT $14.95+Men's Latest Style Overcoats. Worth up to $30.00 AT $5.95--Boya' Tweed Suits, 2 bloomer. Worth $10.00 GEO. VICKERS, LIMITED AT $]5.95--Young Men ; Gabardine Top Coats. Worth $20.00. AT 13%-Factory Cotton. Come and see this cotton. AT $2.49--60 pair Flannelette Blankets, 12l4 si-Le. White or Grey. We sell ten thousand pair of stocking: yearly. Buy here and save. AT 59c---Ladies Silk and Wool Stockings. Worth $1.25 March For Real Values At This We are Offering for March Selling Some Very Unusual Bar- gains. Study This List of Real Values TAYLOR-In Timmins, on Sunday, March 8, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Taylor (nee Winnie Hodges- Case) a son. MARRIED H.-\RRIS--1VIINOR-At St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church, Nia- g'211`a Falls, N.Y., b_\' the Rev. S. B. Owens, on Saturday, Mzu`cl1 7, 1\Ia1'g`11e1'it.e E., daughter of Mr. and 1VI1's. Walter Minor, Port Col- bome, to Joseph Russell, son of M1'_. and Mrs. J. A. Ha1 1'is, of Bar- . ` y I On Friday night preparatory ser- vice will be held in St. Amlre.w s church for the reception of new members and p1'ep:n'ation for the [spring communion on Sunday. i ;1;1'ing The funeral of the late Alex. Fer- guson in Schomberg on Friday was attended by ve county oicials from Barrie, E. A. Little, Surrogate Court Clerk; H. Coleman, Treasurer; Freeman Campbell, County Engin- eer; Governor Banting and Police lMap:ist1`ate Jeffs. A New Stocking Store BIRTHS s. Worth $1.50 Page Five OBITUARY pair, 98: are attracting many interested shoppers. Among them The New Dress "AMaterials Pretty Flannel effects in plzlids, checks, stripes and plain colors ............................... .. yard, $1.75 to $3.25 New Canton Crepe in black, 2`1'ecn, grey, palovia, -blue jay, etc., 35) inches wi('u:, extra, yard, $2.85 English Cotton Broadcloth, super nish, in blue. pink, hc-lio, white, maise, etc, special, yard, $1.00 Crepe Brocade, in the newest. .~:hzul(.-s, 38 inches wide ................................................................. >4 yard, $1.75 Silk Ratine Crepes in colors, 38 in. wide, yard $1.50 Figured Crepe, silk and wool, corn, rose, shades of blur-. and black. 38 inches witlu, yard, $2.00 rxgureu Lrepe, Sllh unu wuul, cuun, LU-Eu, .:..-..u\... of blue, and black, Figured Crepe, in combinatlons of blue, grey and `black, 38 inches wide, at .......................................... .85: Art Striped Crepe, in flame, hello, ctc., 38 inches wide, at ............................................................. ..yard, $1.50 Fancy Silk Crepe, in e-me1'z1l:l, rose, blue, honey- dew, _Q`!`f_'_V, pink and a number of other color- ings, 38 inches wide, at ......................... .. yaxd, $1.60 Bedora Voiles, in black and colors, 38 inches wide, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . yard, $1.35 Novelty Snlk Crepe, in almond, tomato, honey dew, etc., 38 inches wide, at ......................... ..yard, $1.50 Mr. Elmer Feltis has started 21 new store her(:. at 1 A r<....L..; ,...,\.`L H. xuvrunll I | I .`lLUl'L' Il(3l'\.'. v Mrs. J. A. Corbett. spent the week end in Elmvale. \f' 71., ,1` `I').......',. ..1,.!+,..I R/Tupi ROBERT FOX l ` I Robert Fox, son of the late Wil- liam Fox, died at Beeton on Sunday .last after a sohrt illness with val- vular heart trouble. He was born in 1884 and was 41 years of age. De- ceased had been in poor health for some time and not able to do heavy ~work. Surviving are his mother and ..three sisters on Victoria stxeet. The noon from the family residence, in- terment taking place at the Union ~cemetery. _-fuiieral was held on Tuesday after` 1 z CIIU . III 1`4llll\:"c$lL`. Miss Ross of Barrie visited Mrs. Lucas last; week. Miss Genevieve Jamieson spent It-he week end in Toronto. L-F11.` V`VBL`l\ L'uu All Lvluuvu. A large number attentleul the dance in the Orange Hall on Mon- day night. I n.. D..:.lnv mvnninw Inc? :1 t~nns>'w=- nu) un;.-,uu. On Friday evening` last a congre- lgational social was held in the base- `ment of the Methodist church. n ,. |.I..-...,. ....,l 1),." nnvonnnl/`ah llltilll. ()1 Mn: Auuunuunau \.uuLL.u. ` Rev. Adams and Rev. Carscaddenl of Central Methodist church, Barrie, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. | The Barrie Fire Brigade won the first round of the Indoor Baseball ILeague on Friday night when they beat the B.A..-\.A. by '7 to 6 in a smart game. Neither team had lost ta game previous to the nal and the [result was a very snappy conte.~:t. Another schedule will start in the `near future. Iseaced, Geo. M. of South Wooulsleyyl D. Karl of Detroit, Wm. Thompsonl of Clairemont, E. Tomlin of To-` `ronto, S. H. Slater of Aqpprior and; H. Park of Mimlland. || ` A telegrmm came to Barrie earljvl" F1'i morninyz last telling" of the} l.~'u(l(len death of Robert John M0t'fz1tt,l son of M1`. Wm. M0`at.t, Cumlles. at] -`.\`I0nt;:on1(-r_\', .-\la.bu.ma, on 'I`hu1'.<:luy,i !:VIzu'ch 5th. Deceased was L`11\])l0)'\"(1 iby the Ford 1\I0t01' Co., and \-var stationed at Atlanta, Geo1'52;iz1, where he was transfelwed to from Torontol last December. He had been With` the Ford Company since 1911, and ,.__ ._c u.-:.. .-...nr.+ :-Itnnnccrlll the B0111 L,u1Iipu.ny mum; IULJ uuu was one of their mo:s't successful salestmexi. In :1 competition 21111021): the salesmen in his territo1'y now going on he was the leading` man. Heart failure is given as the cause of death. l T\.-....~...l .-..... 1.-.... at \Ymn T nunil ' ronto; Mrs. H. Anderson. ueatn. Deceased was born at New LOW(.iil forty years ago, and spent his boy-i hood days there and around Ba1'rie.i For the last fourteen years he had 1 been with the Ford Company. Bo- sides his father, he is survived by six sisters, Mrs. N. Marsahll, Allan- dale; Mrs. W. Matthews, Collin};- wood; Mrs. Stanley Marshall, To- `andale; ~ `Mrs. Wm. Nixon and Mrs... dilligan, 5 Barrie; and ve brothers, Richard I and Edward Moffatt, Toronto, James n T\_L....3A- (`lnv'.n: A Hxnrf rnnl Z1I1(l 1`4(l\Viu`u xuunauu, Lunulluu, gun... `or Detroit, and. Charles and Albert of Barrie. n-L- :.....,.....I .....n ]\n`:] An "Pun;-Alnv `Trimble, in her eightieth year. The MRS. SIMON TRIMBLE l The death occurred in Amaranth township on Monday night of Emily Ward, relict of the late Simon late Mrs. Trimble was born in Eng- land, coming" to Canada with her parents when ten years of age. The family settled 'in Burnhamthorpe, Peel County. She was married when 18 years of age, and the young; couple journeyed to Amaranth town- ship, where they cleared a farm in the forest. This remained their home as long; as they lived. Three` - __..LL.... .....l (`nun unnc an!-viva E OI I.'dl'l'H.'. The funeral was held on Tuesday nftornoon from the residence of Al- bert M0'ntt, Louisa St., interment taking place at Bm'1'ic Union ceme- tery. Rev. A. J. G. Carsczulrlenl nmci:1`.nd. I THE THOUGHT OF SPRING WITH BRIGHTER DAYS AND WARM SUNSHINE QUICKENS THIS TIME OF THE YEAR Spring has arrived at this store, and special displays of the new spring merchandise will greet you if you visit this_ store on Frday and any of the following days. Fine mater-ials-perfect tting models and splendid work- manship emphasize the goodness of our showing. -"" I IJ - Our workroom is a busy hive just now, and daily the latest modes that fashion approves are placed on the display tables in our splendidly equipped show room--styles exclusive and the hat to suit you is here. ROBERT JOHN MOFFATT pes ` shes wule, -epe, van-cl, $`L.'-'50 FIRE BRIGADE WIN THORNTON The New Spring_Coat Afelifre nuun: an Ivnny, u.. ~...._. ...,.... _____,, lm.-1's and four sons su1'vive,l :\ll'>.a)J0l1Yl Brown, Emlgm`, Albert, William and H::n1'_\', A1'an1zmtl1 to\vn-` ship; Mrs Frank Allen, Laurel; Simon of Orang`cvi1lu and .`.lr.<. Goo. Hamilton of Toronto. I LNew_ Spying. M.illAinerLyF WE XNVITE YOU Mrs. Robt. King spent last week it (1 with friends at Lefroy. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. . Arthur Dyer on the arrival of a son. 1 1\,r....,.1,.- ....,1 ......n....` `nnvo I-man n1'L1luL 1J_\'l:L UH bur; aL1.Avcu um. a. gun. E I Measles and mumps. have been very pervalent throughout this dis- trict. 11- \r ,_,__._A. CV..-3LL ..4` D.. Ll'lUL- Miss Margaret Smith of Barr.`_e spent the week end with Miss Jean S1'ig1e_\'. In..........4ul.~.H:u~.;. ha 1\'Tv urn] M1`: 0115153. Cong`ra.t.u1ations to Mr. and Clarence Green on the arrival baby boy. urn ....,. r.-1...! 4.,` 1-n.-.w H~.n+ u'a.u_v uuy. We are glad to know that Miss Gibson is improving` and hope to see `her out again soon. `In... 1' D..;+,.....n.. 7VI..;- W DoH-m-_ II \`V2l..s' 1'\:`d.u |J_\` AVLIDD uumau :xnu;.; . Dear Mr. and lVI1`s. Marro\\'--We have g'z1the1'e(l here to-night to ex- press our 1-efzret at your departure from our community. Duin_e' your brief residence in our midst we have 3 found you to be public spirited citi 22-11:4 and excellent friemls and nei_gnbo1`:~:. We are triad that your new home is to be near enough that we may continue our pleasant as- sociations with you. We hope thatl you may enjoy your new . inggs and that you will look back on the time spent in our community with as much pleasure as we will. We ask you to accept this library table as an indication of our friend- ship and esteem. { Qin-rand \ I I h!1\rirl 'I"vn:inin, llL'1' Uuh 2.1511111 auuu. Mrs. J. Patterson, Mrs. W. Patter- son and Miss Margaret McLaughlin of Oril-lia spent Sunday at W. Hun- te1"s, 10th line. Hr. and Mrs. Marrow n ,, _A_,; Remembered A very enjoyable evening` was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, 14th concession, re- cently, when a large number of neighbors and friends gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Marrow, of the 14th concession, who are mov- ing' to the 9th line. Short addresses were given by Mr. Ed. Little and `Oil`lL'l'S, after which Mr. and Mrs. [Marrow were presented with a lovely `library table from their friends and neig'hbor.~:. The followin_e; address was read by Miss Besise King : 1\ u 1 \,r... M......,...v urn` In D2lI'I'lU. The late Mrs. Howard was the| last of a family of four. Her father, Dr. Charles MorLimer, `was at one time doctor on the staff of Lord Nelson. She leavgs to mourn her loss her husband and a family of eight, J. W. of Vancouver, George A! Qnnbk \.VnrulEl0V. Karl Of Detroit, | R. J. D. SIMPSON, D.D., ACCEPTS lCALL TO PORT ARTHUR CHURCH Dr. R. J. D. Simpson, brother of Dr. L. J. Simpson, Barrie, has ac- cepted :1 call to become pastor of Trinity Methodist church, Port Ar- thur. Dr. Simpson, who has been in poor health for some time, recently resignctl from the ofcc of secretary- treasurer of the Superannuation Dc-' purtment of the Methodist Church in Canada, a position he held since 1918. It is not expected that ho wiil take up his new pastorate till` ` Juno next. Rev. S. W. Dean has lheen appoints-4| to the position va-: `~` ,I I .. Y\. Q:r\1v~:`nv\ Spring fashion book now on sale. Niagara Maid Silk Cloves, new sprim: styles and popular colors, such as szmcl, platinum, butf, 211- mond, etc. PICTORIAL PATTERNS and MAGAZINES HOLLY (S`ig`n.ed) David Tyndale. John Wharraxm. Sell The Northern Advance yard, 19c eight, J. W. 91 Vllllcuuvul, \a\.vAC,\. of South VVr.~o(lsley, Karl : Frank of Toronto, Mrs. Thompson of Cairemont, Mrs. Tomlin of To- r91nt~o, Mrs. Slater of A1'Ii1)x'ior and `Mrs. J. Park of Midland. All the family were present at the funeral with the exception of J. W. of Van-' couver. The funeral took place on Mon- day from Central M<.~tho churcli to the Union cc-1n(~tvr_\', Rev. A. J.! vCm'sca(l(lon ollicizitinfz. [`ho.<- ` -l)carur.s` \vm`<\ two xonsl `-i" "" `ii tilt` tlr` Mrs. Miss Ila Ne\`'to11 spent the week end at her home here. Mr. Cecil Livingston is spending` the week in North Bay. Mr. Leighton Emms was home from Midland over the week end. at T\,,,,LV,_. n__a.;. ..:-:L-.1 ..L L.\..| nu`... ... -.,_-._ _..~. Miss Dorotvhy Scott visited at her home on Bradford St. over the week end. ~n lT\ \ \Y,,_'l\,.....4II ,_ `D A . N A n .. rilltln Rev. (D12) MacDoug'al1 of Rcsseau is spending the week at his home here. 1|! 1-: h,,n ,1: \IYL!L..l!_1. (\...L Cili- Mr. Bruce Ball of Whitesh, Ont, is visiting at his home here thisi ` week. | " " --~- `I'\--._ ._...l lfD\Ih:P\ WUUK. Misses Norma Byrncs and 1VIz11'ie McKnig'ht are spending` the week end in Toronto. ur y mr, , rw 117 1' 1'.`....L`..-..v. lll IULUIIL/U. I Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. J. Eastman are spending a few days with friends in Hamilton Mrs. John Castle and children, Blake St., are visiting friends in To- ronto this week. Mr. C. E. Dutcher of Elmvalei visited with friends in town a couple `of days last week. `BEN. H. SPENCE E. SMITH ` H. RUTHVEN McDONALD The principals in the Dramatic Dialogue-Debate which will be held in the Grand Opera House. 337149: 0 Tuesday, March 17th, at 8 p.m. PERSONALS The W. C. Hy}[t_er Clothir1g4Cmgmpany ---~--- xoxoioxojoxoj It s Spring-Time at Vickers ,,, AT 98c--Mcn's and Boys Overalls, made with bib and suspumlers. - AT $1.39- AT 19c--36 nrnl rrnna` Al l:Jc--.)o lncn Vvuuv \Ia .... ...., ..-..._., and good. AT 23c-.Fancy or Plain Gingham, 32 in. wide AT 49c-AIl Shades in Lisle Stockings. Worth 75: AT 49c-8[4 tity. Thous-:i:1_cis: _1V5;i'Se Saving by Shopping at This Store. Make This Store Your Store and Save. W; C. HUNTER CLOTHING CO., BARRIE .T $24.95--Men s Lovely vvorsteu sun, In Plain Blue and all the newest stripes. Worth $35.00 35c-Men s -T $1.98--Men's Tweed Pants. Worth $3.00 `It ls Canada made, fancy knit silk and lisle, in beach, suede, sand and golden pheasant. __:.. no- $1.39--Men's New $14.95--Men's Tweed Suits. Wort} $10.00- $24.95--Men Lovely Worsted n.,:.. mm. um! :11} the sh- 9--Men s Spring Caps. Worth $2.00 0--Men's Tweed Suits. Worth up Walk Upstairs-m Buy and Save inch White Cambric, heavy, ne Bleached Sheeting, a limited quan- All Wool Sax. Worth 50c * --sec it on first counter to left as you enter the store. Easter Dress Shirts. Worth up to $2.00 DUIIS. Worth up * Mr. Geo. Folster of Owen Sound is spending the week at the home of Mr. Wm. Rainford. `l M1`. Victor Collins, who is attend-I ingf Trinity College, spent the week end at his home in town. Mrs. W. J. McMaster of Cooks- town is the guest of her mother, |Mrs. J. W. Merrick, this week. .. ..\ n nu ` Mr. Russel Stewart of ChiC2l_`.`,`O spent Wednesday with his sister, |M1's. J. A. Harris, Elizabeth St. -n-u . ,1- u-;_.. u. .-. --..--..,, _.-..._.--._. _., Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Finley of North Bay have returned home after! a visit with the fo1'mer s parents here. 1m,,,, 11 `n 11___.... ..._.l nlrim. `D,.,~~2,. i 1 IIUIU. Mrs. R. D. Henry and Miss Bessie` _L.ennox of Thornton are spending as 1 few days with Mrs. M. E. Dutcher at her home on Collier St. ` Miss Dennis of the Prince of` Wales staff attended the funeral of iher uncle, the late Alex. Fer5_:u.<.on, `in Schom.ber_e: on Friday. J-as. Case, District Master of Bar- rie L.O.L., and C. E. Partridge, County Master of West Simcoe, left for North Bay yesterday to attend the Provincial Grand Lodge Orz1n_2'e Convention for Western Ontario be- ing` held there this week. A. GOOD HAND TOWELLING Pure Linen Stripe, wide and narrow, 17 inches wimle ...................... ..