Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Mar 1925, p. 3

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.9 Ba.rrie s experience with the Blue Wqter Highway has not been satis- "" faobory and this year the Barrie \ town council refused a grant, and are spending their money to boostl the Provincial Highway, built at enormous expense by the Ontario. Goveqament as help bring tourists and prosperity -to all the towns and; mummy north -of Toronto. At best,! In an OLA bun-,nvuI A4` fkn Rina 111:- Page ` Town ol (`An t Allandale BAN E0 The capitalist does not invest all his money in one venture, he spreads his invest- ments in order to reduce the risk. The farmer who diversies his efforts by mixed farming never goes broke. He is a far better banking risk than the man who merely mines the soil by growing grain alone. The Bank of Toronto stands ready to lend every reasonable assistance to the sound development of mixed farming. AN insurance company does not put all its eggs in one basket. It distributes the risks it takesin order to minimize losses that OCCIIT. BRANCHES : BARRIE Also, a suggestion has been made that some organization in Orillia carry a moderate advertisement in `the 'I`oron-to papers each iday dur- `ing the motoring season, inviting To- ronto tmotorisbs rbo motor up Ito 0ril- lia Saturday to spend rtthe week end. This would bring business and pros- perity to our `hotels and summer re- nnubn 8 distance from the port of entry, ;,. either Sarnia. or Windsor, the fewer e tourists will continue their travels. d The News-Letter believes .Ori~l1ia lwould be better advised to make g every effort to bring increased traf- oic over the Toronto-Muskoka. high- s | way, instead of spending good money 1 . on a visionary project that advertises `,g'Goderich, Kincardine and Owen 3 ' Sound much greater than it uw-r can '},`,,.,,f`lf n..:n:.. l 1 Orchestras from the Canadian i Pacific steamships Emprea of E France and Empress of Scot- land, when they arrived recently at New York and before sailing on their round the world and Mediter- ranean cruises which the company starts annually from that port broadcasted through WJZ a forty- five minute programme of selected Scots, English, Welsh, Irish and Ca- nadian airs, while the Montroyal. on her return from the company : cruise to the West Indies, broad- casted British and Spanish music through UV If New York. | In conjunction with the further loan of $3,000,000 in; colonization to be authorized by the Quebec leg- islature this at'L.S0n, it is also in- tended to raise the bounty to set- tlers on the acreage cleared. At; present the government gives a bonus of $6 an acre. It will be raised to $8 an acre. The province spent $30,000 in this way in the last fiscal year. Au. unuuunw UL UuLLt.'l' GXPOTEEU t0 Japan through Vancouver during 1924 was nearly twice that of 1923, according to figures supplied by the Japanese consulate at that point. The report shows that in 1924 the quantity was 476,454 pounds, as compared with only 299,695 pounds in 1923. Total cheese shipments to the same destination last year amounted to 2,685 pouhds, as against only 40 in 1923. A recent analysis of immigration according to occupation of immi- grants arriving in Canada since 1920 shows a steady increase in the ra- tio of agriculturists and domes- `tics towards all others. In 1921 the figure was 35 per cent. It was 44 per cent for the fiscal year end- ing March 31, 1922, 47 per cent for the fiscal year 1923-24 and 51 per cent for the nine months April to December, 1924. One of the outstanding features of the Grain Commission Board's report for the season 1922-23, was the tribute paid to the excellent service rendered by the Canadian Pacific Railway in handling the western crop. Though the company handled 105,000 cars of grain, it re- ceived only six complaints about` lack of cars from the railway and l commission combined. In 1923-24,} with an even larger number hand- led, there were only eight com-; plaints. ` H HI` and TBBTG The amount < > , .1 Elmvale : of butter exported to pk Vfnnnn ..... .. ,I.._____ ,, \aIJ\.\l Ull\, JJAIAL VV DIUUL LLISIIVVCI) 1_)L[I.| '* ffwgusantls and thousands of Ameri-[ can 't0urists came from east, west and south to Toronto, and come north on the good Provincial Hsch way, throng.-`h Barrie and Orillia on the Way to Muskoka. The News- Letter believes that a su 3stantial ef- fort `Should be made by Orillia to in- -(luce every American motorist to come `to Orillia. If Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Hunts- ville would co-operate -to give every American utourist visiting Toronto a booklet. illustrating and "=>s=<;ribing the beauties and advant. . of this northern coun-try hundreds of addi- tional tourists would visit Orillia, where tens would be brought by the Blue Water Highway. 24 7 .v..`., u.; AIL was an. \.ILLclwd. Senator Pope gave a very eloquent discourse on -the tariff, and stated that the exodus to the United States from his Province was even p;reatLr than it was in Ontario. The north eastern states hael more French Cun- adinns than did the Province of Quebec. Industries were closed, or were closing: on every ; ,in every province. The Mwrftimes were hit from the Dominion unless some re- lief were immediately forthcoming from the King Government. He de- preciated the immigration policy of the Liberal administration. The first mistake had vben to admit the Doukaibours, Gaulicians, Mennonites, etc., and allow them to settle as a community. They were people who would not be absorbed, would never become good citizens, and the dis- trict in which they settled, once fer- tile and beautiful prairie, had de- teriorated into almost a cesert. No immigration policy would ever suc- ceed unless our own sons were placed in their proper vocations. There must be an awakening of in- dustry throughout the Dominion. This could be brought about by a higher tariff wall. Why farmers` should -shout for free trade or a low- er tariff, he could not understand. i He had always been a farmer him- self, both in the west and in the east, and he never yet had felt a need for a lower tariff. The first consideration should be to preserve the home market for our own pro ducers. Farmers in the west shi' LI.,.:.. ,.-uv. A- r1I.:... - ' and were considering seccession The big` industry of Collingwood -shipbuildin_:-needs the support of a high tariff. The workmen of ilvlngiland receive about half the wages as do Canadians, which enablesl the British Yards to underbid those iof Canada. He also advised the i l people of this district to go in for the big; elevator idea, and they could .count on him for what support he [could give. He was going` to nd ' out on his return to Ottawa just how much were the estimates for Coiling`- wood harbor for this year, and would see that none of this expendi- ture was spirited away for another Tim Heale_v s wharf. He assured his iaudience that What was giood for Collingwood was good for Barrie and Allandale and for the whole riding", and that he would continue to espouse the cause of Collingwood as long" as he was at Ottawa. i D)\`-\`w-. `n.,,, , ;_ n\,Ll;1I||l.'l( :\u.LldlIi'J. \'\ lLl1 lbs` 1211'! %|m1cl1im-r_\'. This maehinc-1'_v was [made in Czlnzulu and . from Canatla, but Austrzllin put up its` tari' on this product, with the re-: sul-t that the Massey-Ha1`1'is Co. found it more protable to open factories in Australia. Consequently Australia igrainetl 21 !I0u1'ishin_:: inrlustry and the imach1ne1'_\' .`~:el]s at the same price i it dirl before the tariff was increased. nu .. . . . _ _ , He spoke i`eeling'l_v of the great [exodus of Canadian citizens to the `United States, the sluggislmess of in- '(lustr_\' in the Dominion, and declar- ed the only remedy was a higher ftarill`. Other countries--every other lcivilized count1'_v--ha4l built up its tariff wall (luring: the past ve years. Only Czmzulu held back. It was folly _to talk of lower tariffs and free trzule when other countries were builtling: walls up against us. Those ;c0untries, . be given 21 dose of their own medicine. I 1 One example he gave as typical of fhow :1 hi_2'hor tz11'i' works out. The lI\Ia: Company 21 few _Vear:~:[ `ago supplied Australia with its farnn m.,,.I.:..,..... rm.:,. ._.-,.,- , Between three and four hundred attended the Conservative smaker at Collingrwood on Friday, Feb. 27. Senator Rufus Pope and W. A. Boys. K.C., M.P., were the -principal speak- ers. From the Enterprise we quotezl W. A. Boys, M.P., who in all prob-I ability will be the next Federal mem- ber for -this riding`, was given a rous- ing reception He referred to `he Conservative `opposition at Ottawa, the constructive criticism of the little band of ty Tories, who, under the wise and courageous leadership of the Right Honorable Arthur Meigvhen, endeavored to keep the Government from wandering too far aeld in its anxiety to placate the Progressives. The Government was being carried on by means of the support o-f the Prog're.ssives from the West, and was fast losing its hold upon the electors. He quoted gures to show that in all by-elections held in the Dominion since 1921, the Liberal-Conservatives had made substantial and in most cases sweeping `gains. The only ex- ception was West Hastings, but he felt certain that when the next elec- tion came along that constituency will `once more return to the `Con- servative ranks with a substantial majority. He paid particular tri- bute to Mr. Meighen, who, he (le- clared, was the one outstanding" poli- 'tical gure in Canada, a ghter of the rst calibre, and a man who lnever let defeat lessen his ghting `spirit. Under his leadership there I! had been a general falling away of Grit support, and a constant increase F `in the Conservative ranks. ~rr SENATOR POPE AND W. A. BOYS AT COLLINC-WOOD `The Orillia Board of Trade is ask- in}.',' the Orillia Town Council for an -'al\`ertisi1ij.`; grant of $500, and pro- pose to contribute $200 in b0o. `the Blue Water Hi;.:'l1\vay, which is supposed to induce LCS. touristvs to `follow the shores of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, after entering` Can- ada, via Sarniu. or Windsor. The trouble is that there is no re_L'ular highway built from Sarnia through Goderich, Southampton, Owen ` Sound, Collingwootl and Midland to Orillia, and -tourists experience di"1- culty nding`. their way from one town to another. In addition, pro- vincial .l1ig'l1wa,\'s lead from Windsor, `Sarnia, Goderich, Kincardine, and Owen Sound district, direct to To- ronto, and the tourist usually hits the good road to Toronto before he _ goes very far. Last year the tour- ists who reached Collingzwood were routed to Barrie, where they hit the good provincial .hi_e'h\\'ay from To- ronto to Muskoka, and could either go south to Toronto, or north throuyzh Orillia to Muskoka. This yea); the Blue VVater Highway is to be chan_e;- ed to go from Collingwood to Pene- tang, Midland, Coldwater, ito Orillia. The Northern Advance Lnco In auc- He paid tribute Ito the excellent qualities and ne ability of the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, and to his friend, Mr. Boys, and trwsted that the electors of this riding would not cease their efforts to make sure of the right -man for their representative in the next election. To the young people belonged the task of carrying out the plans for a greater Coiling- wood~-so ably and with such wise foresight laid by those who had gone before. And the ladies, too, to whom the Conservatives had given the franchise, must now take a more ac- tive part in the building: of a great- Cn`li'\"\vnn!l av`-rl '\ '*"'1Yr-" noun back as beef from houses there. A of affairs exists in the wheat and flour trade. There can never be a satisfactory home market until the ood of products from other couri- tries is stemmed. A high tariff would serve to throw back the bulk of this deluge, and give the Canadian pro- ducer a chance to sell his produce to his own people. A higher tariff would speed up industry, localize population and provide a real `mar- ket for the Canadian farmer. Never before was the necessity for a high tariff as keen as now. The United States recently built up a higher tariff wall against us. T-hey force us to keep our produce, but flood our markets. There has been a marked increase in industrial activity across the lines, and Canadians are rushing the packing similar condition over by thousands to secure work. Canada. must wake up, and impose a tariff wall that will -provide a new impetus to the industrial life of this fair land. That Canada, with all its promise, its natural wealth, its healthful climate, should have a population of only nine million souls, was a disgrace, -and the remedy was certainly not low tariff, nor was it free trade. 11. ___:1 1 -1 l I CALCIUM CYANIDE A chemical recommended for kill- !ing` Ileas is calcium cyanide. Spread [the material where eas are trouble- some--in the bedroom, dog: kennel, or wherever Mr. Flea parks himself. Use four ounces for 10 square feet of*closed space or eight ounces for the same area of open space. Don t inhale the fumes, for they are poisonous. I Application forms anzl bulletins lniay be obtained by writing; to On- ftarfo I"ore:~Jtry Branch, Pzu'l1an1r:nt :Bui1(lin;:s, Toronto, or at the Mid- v lhurst Forestry Station. A|uAuu ;uL\,nuL_y uuumuu. Applications for trees to be plant- ed this year must be in by April 1. Farmers within reasonable distance of Midhurst may save (.-.\:press by taking; the `trees from the forestry plant themselves. I The Provincial Forestry Station at Midhurst, ve miles north of Barrie, has about one million trer.-;~: ready for forest planting; this year. Umler th: 1:-resent policy the F`orestr_v Branch prepared to give free sufficient trees to plant two acres of forest, aml up to 500 trees for wlmlbreak }`11'posr.-s`. Farmers in Simcoe County who have waste land, or wish to improv.: their Wood lots, should take ar|\'ax1t'-.1_x;'-;- of this olfer. The trees for zlistribution at Mftlhurst include the following: speei-_-S : White, Red, Scotch I-1T1Il Jack Pine, White Spruce, White Elm, lliutterliut, aml a limited supply of Wah.ut. A 1 . - . FREE TREES FOR PLANTING AT MIDHURST FORESTRY uuuvou vuAuu.A5 nu uxuwa The diallogue-debate form enables the forceful vbringing: out of salient points anl the injecting of a great deal of humor a-mi action, v/hich makes the programme an exceeding- ly interesting one. Mr. H. Rut]1ven' McDonald also contributes sever -11 solos. nu uvnvuo The debate has been most r:o1'.lI'a}- ly received wherever given. Orillia motorists know `that the best and nicest way .to go to CoIling'- I wood is through Barrie, and no Orillia motorist would attempt the, route via Midland, as the road in many places is very narrow, in some` places very sandy and dangerous to st1`ang'ers. I nu - an uvucu p1 UHIUHAUIL auvocate. The subject is Dominion Prohibi- tion and the title, Dramatic Dia- ' logue-Debate, indicates something of the style. Mr. Smith is supposed to represent a typical member of the `local legislature, who thinks that it is the Dominion, rather than the `Province, which should act. Mr. McDonald represents a typical Dom- inion member of Parliament who thinks that prohibition legislation is up ot the Provinces. Mr. Soeac-2 takes the ground -that Legslature and Parliament `should each do their bit. There are four scenes and an epi- logue, and the action waxes exceed- ingly warm at times, the members almost coming to blows. 1 "Flux .l:...1.......,. ,).Jl:...4.__ 13-..... -..,Lv V The newest thing in prohibition propaganda is the Dramatic Dialogue- Debate, which will be put on in the Grand Opera House on Tuesday evening, March 17, commencing at '8 o clock. Three prominent speak- lers will take part in the persons of Mr. A. E. `Smith, ex-M.L.A. (Labor), H. Ruthven-McDonald, of musical repute, and Ben. H. Spence, the noted prohibition advocate. TL- ....1..!....L :- `l\-._-!---- `H DIALOGUE-DEBATE IN OPERA HOUSE, TUESDAY, MARCH 1 -- v-- guns. The number or eggs set to get a mature Dullet is possibly the most inelcient part. or the poultry busi- ness. The hatching power oi` eggs is known to be an inherited character. yet the hatching power or eggs is very seriously affected by nutrition and general care and management. The Department 0! Poultry Hua- bandry, 0. A. College, has been con- ducting some experiments along these lines, but results so far would not warrant any conclusions being on'er- ed. The problem Is complicated and will take some time tn wnrk nut.-- Prat. W R.Urnh.1* ' " '- -- I aulueutury Cllal. Poultry tatteners teed buttermilk with the purpose or getting quicker -gains and more tender, juicy meat. They have also found that buttermilk fed chickens ship with less mortality and that the dressed poultry retains its high quality (or a longer period after being placed on the market. indicating that the bacteria of de- composition had been eliminated or at least held in check. ........v. u-an-. The lactic acid organisms in but- termilk make it a very valuable food. Not so much is it valued for the enegy value that it contains, but for its ability in ghting and destroying the bacteria of decomposition in the alimentary canal. I Pnuitrv fnnnnrc fond )...u..........nu- -.-nu J Li ULcno Milk is such a perishable food that measures should be taken to preserve it in good condition for at least 36 to 48 hours after it is drawn from the cow. Pasteurization, which in- cludes cooling and holding at a rea- sonably low temperature, preferably below 50 F. are the two things ne- cessary and practicable at reasonable cost. Where milk is held at 60 to 70 R, which is ordinary house tem- perature, the Dealers raw milk will not remain sweet for more than 12 hours, whereas if pasteurized it will likely be quite fit for table use up to 24 or 30 hours holding. it kept at 50 F. the pasteurized milk will remain in good condition for -18 hours or longer.-Prof. H. H. Dean, Daily Dept., O. A. College. uunLu|,\.; I l:3lS. There -is some diffrence of opinion as to whether salt is, or is not, a. butter preservative. Tests were made at the O. A. 0. Dairy Department c,0u1parin,g butters made from `the same cream. pasteurized, to one lot of which no salt was added, In other lots the salt content was .946. 1.69 and 2.9 per cent. The lots of butter were held in cold storage in 14- pound boxes for six months at tem- perature of 12 F. It was scored by the Provincial Butter Grader at the end of 1, 3 and 6 months periods. The lots having no salt averaged higher In avor score when fresh and were practically the same at the end of 1, 3 and 6 months, and a. little higher with one exception than the salted lots throughout. the holding period. In these tests salt apparently had no preservative effect on the but- ter. High saltlng no doubt injures the quality of butter when fresh and is no advantage when it is to kept in cold storage. Most Canadian mar- kets requlre some salt -n butter, but the demand is for less salt than for- merly. At no tlme should butter con- tain over 2.5 per cent. of salt. ________: \.uuuLlL'>5. The results to date on the lime ` phosphate cxperiments are very in- `terestiiig, and show that without doubt limo may be applied with prot for clover and that acid phosphate may be used with profit on wheat.-- Dept. of Extension, Ontario Agricul- tural College. ` |JC})i1l l,lll8HC. During the autumn of 1924 the work was extended to three other farms in e:.Lch of eight additional counties. T`h,. .... ...._ ., ,,,c.,,. The experience of Barrie was -that very, very few American tourists used the Blue Water Hig'hwa_\ But I $1..-nu-n....ln .....,l oi. ..... ....).. -4` A_.`_._: uuecii plots. In the autumn of 1923, three ex- periments were laid down in each of eight counties, extending west and east of the original eight. When the plots in the sixteen counties were 4 harvested in 1924, it was found that the plots where lime and acid phos- phate had been applied yielded 45 per cent. more than the check plots. The clover was harvested from the plots started in the autumn of 1922, and gave a. yield of clover on the limed plots forty per cent. greater than the yield on the check plots. u The clover yield on the lime and ` phosphate plots was sixty per cent. greater than it was on the check` plots. IULS. The soil of the plots in these six- teen counties all showed a. shortage of lime when taken over by the Department. hnm .~..v oi... ....A..~r - -*-- 51.'t1a.L The` uauu experiment consisted of four one-ha.lf acre plots. The experiment was started in the autumn oi 1922 when three experiments in each or the following counties were under- taken: Halidimand, Norfolk, Went- worth, Brant, Lincoln, Halton, Elgin and Welland. The fertilizers and lime were applied immediateiy before seeding the ground with wheat. It was not expected that lime would in- uence the crop of wheat but it was applied to see its inuence on the clover following the wheat. When the wheat was harvested in 1923 it was found that on the plots receiv- ing lime and acid phosphate the yield was 64 per cent. greater than on the check plots. In fhn uufun... .-.3 1nnn LLA- Lime and phosphate experiments were planned by the Chemistry De- partment of the Ontario Agricultural College to determlne the effect of lime and acid phosphate on wheat and the succeedlng crop or clover. Each expenment consisted of four acre nlnn: 'l`hn avnm-im--0 ]MANY80ll+gNHEli#|.i|_&1|mE (Contr1 buted I Ann-ic `Results of Experiments Carried Out During Two Past Seasons In Sev- eral Dierent Counties. YIELD ON LIME AND PHOSPHATE l'l;()'I`S WAS 60% GREATER. by Ontario Dapnrtment ol ; Agriculture. Toronto.) J BLUE WATER HIGHWAY A VISIONARY PROJECT] {:-:_-_._._.__. Salting Tests. . 1-n..`.. .I.'rr.`.... _A Weak Link. Dairy Notes. ....L. .. _...:.L - Buttermilk. Address orders to Manager : "Lu-malcno" Co., Wood- lands," Stone-woods, Darlford. Kent. England. LARMALINE (Regd.) is a simple harmless home treatment which absolutely cures deafness, noises in the head, etc. No expen- sive appliances needed for this new Ointment, instantly operates upon the affected parts wit.h complete and permanent success. Scores of won- derful cures reported. I am pleased to tell you that the small tin of ointment you sent to me at Ventnor, has proved a complete success, my hearing is now quite normal, and the horrible head noises have ceases. The action of this new remedy must be very remarkable, for I have been troubled with these complaints for nearly ten years, and have had some of the very best medical advice, together with other expensive ear instruments, all to no purappse. I need hardly say how very grateful I am, for my life has undergone an entire change." 'r.__-,.,I - - '--- - __, , -.,_ _...-.... ....uu5n;- Try one box to-day, dwhich can he forwarded to any address on receipt of money order for 31. There in nothing better at any price. Can Be Cured RELIABLE TESTIMONY Mrs. E. Crows, of Whitehorse Road, Croydon, writes: nu `ull'lal.y uurun `UL Lvjvuvv. `nu u\,.n, i lin is `on the tag-and of the Blue; 1. X. I :1. - Al.` ' DEAFNESS BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY {LEM BROS; Phone 616. - Five Points I 3 QOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO \/nun; Au. A day out each week shows in the pay envelope. If you are troubled with some weakness, indicated by a run-down con- dition, tired feelings, pains and irregu- larity, let Lydia E. Pinkbam n Ve eta- ble Compound. help you. m me vegetable Uom und I was only 10% pounds. I was sick y for two years and some of m friends told me about Lydia E. Pink am : Vegetable Com- pound, and when I had taken 3 bottle of It I felt a chan . My mother has been taking it for a giefferent ailment and has found it very satisfactory. I am willing to tell friends about the medicine an to answer letters asking about it."- Miss HAZEL BERNDT, Box 700,Arnprior, Ontario. Laundry" called for and delivered Prices reasonable Workmansmp guaranteed on all fnmv washing Arnprior, Ontario.- I must write and 311 you my ex erience with your medicine. I was wor ing at the factory for three years and became so run-down that I used to take weak spells and would be at home at least one day each week. I was treated by the doctors for anemia, but it didn't seem to do me any good. I was told to take a rest, but was unable to, and ksp on getting worse. I was troubled most y with my periods. I would sometimes pass three months, and when it came it would last around twoweeks, and Iwould have such ainsat times in my right side that I coul hardly walk. I am only 19 years of age and weigh 118 pounds now, and before tak- in the Vegetable Com und Iwas only 10% v two vearn Read How Sine Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound "THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 AUTO LICENSEE The new Continental Remedy called I55 IIU Good lnvestmem run snub` Debentures of the Barrie. 53 Per Cent. Issue. l3A-..l 1.. __, 4 WORKING G|RL S EXPERIENCE _ -_.,.v naullul NOISES IN THE HEAD AND NASAL CATARRH 7 OWEN` STREET Masonic Temple Building II! C`I'IID - -- A---> - - - _.__.., `yawn; Successor to J. Arnold Insurance FOR SALE

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