Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1925, p. 5

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..u._-\ u, ;uwu Lu UXPCUHVL`. but without mu` litt`.<- can be (-Wocts to t"n:u1k the citi7.m:.< fol support acconlml. whicl us to nish thv _\'vzu` w on hz1n of $G(i.`37, in .~`ido1~ab1_\' largxc-1' L'.\'}')L`I1>'< past yea)`, 1:u`:2'r:1_\' C1`.uS( of car, includiru.-` licenst pairs, labour and g`z1'a; sides the balance on 1 the car, also have ce and accesmrios. I fee (Continued from page one) Methodists and Cong'reig'ationalis :.s as compared with the Jews -and Gen- tiles! The former have drunk in ,1 same spirit, have communed to- gf-.the1-. t would be an enormous advantage to Canada if the little wall or partition between them were broken down and they were mem- I bers in the same church. UNION % I'swU1=HELD I . _BY THE MODERATOR .. wuuu unu: puxu UL \/Anna Pre.=b_\'tr,-1'iz1n, another part 6 n is J ,... __. The Northern Advance ` cw uu-u_ ||\.`\|L,\,\.k.II. l The I\Iodemto1' was then a.=l ifi under the Basis of Union 21 con;:re-` rrzxtion could be forced by law to pay. a certain amount to the superannua-u {ion fund for am`-(I n1ini. and the widows and orphans fund. He as- sured the gathering that nothing could be levied by law. If the connegratxon did not pay the min-, istc-1' would have to or lose the in-i tc-rest in the fund. He also assuretll the meeting that calls" could bei extended to a minister as before, but: :1 Settlement Committee n}{iSt(3(l to expedite matters and if the congre- gration should not be able to decide. to select a. man to hold the charge for a year should they wish it. Through the Settlement Committee . a congregation can have a minister t1'a.nsfe1'red if they desire a change mstead of having to starve him `fore, there is rm Hr-in V-*9 +n :- out as they had to before. As be- 1 I n A... in )'(->pl_\' Mrs. Huttable, the onlv! I:1(l_\' on the Board, said she a.tten ed the first. meeting: with ]TllS_`.`,`lVll1f.',`S, but hall emleavoretl to do her best. She apprcciutc-(I the social evening _ by Mr. Reburn, and she sug- _g` that it would be ;1 _Q'0orl idea if the Board would entertain all the! teachrmc of the town once 21 year. I --.11.: \\l m... .....u\,.....,.,. .. nu...-v.. He .~'a.i that during: his twentyi years in the West he had not seen] mirroi-<.-d there the need of which Dr. Uucliinnon spoke. He referred to the voting` of the churches and. |predicted a strong` continuing Pres- )\t(r4n church in Ontario. Mr. Shortt assured the people that the: continuin_2' church would never neirlect any of the Home I\`Ii;~'sion-i m'ie.<. He, himself, would not re-i main in it if it didn t support thei Western elds. He favored friendly? co-operation rather than organic; union because rural districts were] lulmost z1lwa_v;~: stzicricr-d for tho] llargrer centres and districts rounds `about ilU`_'.1'(.*.l` centres were almost in-, evitably nefrlectecl. \ I .. -.. .. . .., \4\|.Q\.Al`.An LIA. ....\. -.uu.. V--.. u _.~,..... I The toast to our host was pro- |p0:o by Dr. .icl1ar He was the oldest member on the Board,` the Board was proposed by 'I`rustt.-e V A. J. Sarjeant. It was a new ex-It pm'ioncc- to have a lady on the Boa1`o,[t but it had worked out most ha1'mon- , iou.=_1y. Re_2'a1'(li11_r his own exper- ience, Mr. Szlrjoant said that he had found the work on the Board in- tr-nsi\'c]_\' into1`(:stin_~_v' and well worth . w...-`...\.... .1 I The toast to the lady member oflr while. I y n my 71' .1` .. . I reply to LT,` ...3.l XCTIVITIES 01+" TI-IE v. 0. N. DURING 1924 t \.u`s,u,_.:-.-.4 un. ' J. E. Morrison said he had alxvays` found the Board anxious to co-oper- ate and do anything` within reason to advance education. When he came to Barrie the VVest VVa1'd school had an enrolment of 240, now it has 540. In those days it was the rule to use the strap on from .10 to 15 every day. During the last three months he had not used it once ', ttill to-day. The teachers had tried (to fret the viewpoint of the i)0_\'S and 3 girls and they responded. The teach-I ers appreciate the work of the! Board, and the citizens have reason to feel grateful to the members for the time they spend in the interests of education. 1111 . .v 1 I \ 3. s u 1 .. (Continued from page four) Mr. Marlin said he appreciated the kind thingrs said. His ideal was: to give his best to the work he wasli engaged in. I .. . I T 1.` \:l'......3..-.` ,...\i.! 1.- L...! -1"... the Hod erator s zn`_ nuts. .~-11...... ..., Luullxl; u; uu_\a 111 L.U\VIl U117` j W. R. King`, the I'I`dnC(,' 11iiI1i;teri'C`k `Vihh ]31' um: M15` 1- 1.. of the Board, ] )Y'0])()SC(i {L toast to P`'c-`"- the press. He 1`efe1'1`edb1 i::Ily to the 19"" J' S` Sh1'tt "Iut9d "` work of the Board and .ai(l it \v:1.=[`'1 5"1"'iCS i" Orima 0 Tuf /V - .21 plezisure to work with such \\'i1!)1n~;i" the 515501100 Of the Presby hearted men. `. They spend a lot oflmi"i"7ter there money, about $76,000 :1 year, but it: 0 J"`- 17 M1` and M1" was for the rising genomony t]mt'1\ [cG1`(.*_`.:'O1' and son intend to so... __ they might be bcttm. citizens, andiCan:ir1a on the Montcalm to spend the citizens were g.(,tting. good vahw some time in Barrie with Miss Mc- for their money_. He 1`:_2'1`eitmI tin:-`Ni"' retirement of Mr. Rehurn, as thn MI`. C. E. Wiliows, cashier of he ,2'atherng's would not be con1p1ete.imD01`i111 Life -\5SU1`ilnC0 C0~ h01`0. without him. The Board owed n1u(.-`.ii1< 1F 500 Y`0D1CC"1 b.\' M13 S`C0\VaI`t to the p1~c__< for the able ; of I`0ronLo, who with his fam- [given at all times; Lily has takc.-n up rc-: on Don- ,,. ..__,,I.... r. -.J I.......,\,_;., All mu: LLLDUIU. 9 M1`. Reburn briefly replied, t.hank-' `1 inp: all for the kind thing-`.< said. He; V believed the inspector, the princi-' -`9 pals and teachers are all imbued iwith high ideals and this must re-, ti llect on all with whom tl1f;`_\-' come in 3 contact. They should lmve the sym- Iipanshy and co-operation of every citi- i van ' Mrs. Simon Dymr.-nt and daughter, Mrs. C. F. A. Grr_av;o)'y, of Port Ar- thur, leave Toronto to-day for Los [ .-\ng`c-lest. I _. M1`. and Mrs. R. Vernon Finley [went to North Bay on Monday, M1`. Finley to take over the mana_<.:ement of the Singer Sewing Machine branch there. His friends in Barrie wish | him every success in his new appoint- I ment. '__,...... uu uu uunun. ' i M. D. M0rri:~:on and J. Fintllzxy b1`i(:y replied. ._ t.ho`ugh he` didn't feel old. He was glurl that the days of unpleasantness, iwas past and it was now a pleasure!` .to work on the Board, when all co- loperated. He was voicing the Y0 ! I grots of all members at Mr. Rcburn s' `retirement, and wis-heal him every success in the future. ' I `Mu h-L__,,., 1 o n .. . . . mporta nt Rcm(-mb.. a vote against` Union is a vote for (lismpfion. T110 m_\'1h c-i1-r-Ilhm- as in I m'(-ml r~mm'ibu- Hons and :1.s`s(-.' in be mllm-`rt-d by law from 11m1nbm's nf the Unif<-d (f7}11n'r-11 in Cztnnda Jltods no furxvr (-omrzulit-Iiml. Suf"<-(- it to say tllnt no ](1u`:1l rm in C:1n21d21 has s11ppm't0d such an ()] )i1li0I`l m'm' its mvn sig11:1111rr~.. The abs111'di ry of flu: st`a rvnwnt' is as ]>atm1t as its p1.11'p0s(*. The rninutc-s of fI321`rrio fI. 1'r>ssb`\-'t(-.1'y dated Nov. 1'], 1.024. si,(_m<-(1 N. TIL M<:Gi1li\'ray, M0(1m'n"m1' Pm J`(-m, and N. C:unpb(-,1], Clerk, use the word ass(ss1ncnt in exactly the same sense. This is Not Correct. S<-Minn .0 and Sub- SH- tiu11.s' (:1) and (1)) of Sm-Iiun 1()ul 1l1(- ori- ginal bill p<-rst-1m- to I .-11'Ii;1 nwn1 })l'()\'i(1(`.\` for \'(>ti11g' by w>1u}_,`1-{u'z11i<;1n.s' with full libt-r1_\' to vofo out. '\\'v <-1mllv11}.:v ;ui_\' nm- in (I<>11h1 on this point in inspm-1 21 <-r>p_v nf 1`11'(-, m'i,9;in:1l bill in our })os. NW. .`...41. .I.,,,,1 . 1 : n The Non-Union Committee States : 'l`h(* Bill as ]H'(`S(`]l1(`(1 by [7nim1i.\'1s l' _\'mn' Clnnw-31 anal _\'nm' (`h1m`l1 l mpm'1_\' iuiu 1hr- .m-\\' I,`ni r<- (_`hm-<-h. PRESBYTERIANS ]{'[1}1'rn'vrr Cqnm Ir-n lI"rr""rVI-7,-r-ya 3 M1`. and Mrs. D. R. Murchison of Barrio, Czm., have returned to Lakr,-Izxnd to . the remaimlelr of =the wintr;-1' and are pleasantly lo- cz1t<.-:I at 302 East Oak St.--LzLkelaml {F1ori(l:1) 'I`eIu,1rraxn-Sta1', Jan. 6. Mr.<. Kc-rlnr.-Th Strother is to re- c for the rst time since her .:nzu`1:i:L5_-'0 on Friday afternoon, Jan. 16, at her homo, (SO21 W0]les1ey' St., Toronto. Mrs. L. C. A. Strother of Hornin_L".< Mills and Mrs. A. E. H. Creswvickc of Barrie are to receive with her. the Impt.-ri:11 jhzxs been 5 Arlznn Toronto, iulrl street. I . Miss Mary Frederick week aunt, fPe1'c_\'. spent a couple of days 3 _. _ ..-.-..a. I mm-nin;,-' for California and Souvther KIA. Au1di. left on Saturday ]St21t w`h(.-re he will spend the win 5-` `tor. { ' I even the last you `: has been made 21: 2 the 1'o.~'p(-ct ans`. ' Mr. L. A. Campbell of Camp Bor- gden spent the week end in town as "the guest of Mrs. F. A. Furlong. D A A,I.1:,-,, 1 m N - I ._, Miss A. Scott left on Satu1`cLay on an extended visit to Calgary- an_d_ `other western points. ' 1...-.- PERSONALS of Torontgg in town thir- , 1 /1 Alex. Miine & Sons This will be :1 5.;`ood ()p_[)oL't111.1if)' to s11_pp]_V _\our wintt-1' 1~v<[uir<*1n(rr11s 211' it big` s21\'i11g'. All our regular stock of I-Iigh-C1ass Cold `Vea- `rlwr V\"(-zu'i11._;' Apparel for Men and Boys is now on sale :11` 5.1`:-vz1 r1_\f 1'(:(111<:0d prices. 'J_`11o.1' will be big r0du(-,ti011s in WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14," 1925 In ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING SALE IS NOW FULL SWING A Big Saving For Men and Boys Alex. Milne & Sons , , ----~- 5` -\. .\... ;:\- luuul we own car. certain supplies and feel sure that :1 more careful can\'a.x< of tho town this year should not a good (leal more tlian the $623.00 1'ocvi\'(-I from inonibomitip during: the pzist _\'o:u`. This, comhinml with fees from the patients, $300 per annum froml Metropolitan Life, and what sums could be misml from an occzisional (lance or card party. such as tho one so successfully carried out last Octo- ber, should enable the now oicials and executive to nzmcn the under- taking during 1925. While resign- ing: from the position of Secretary- 'l'\................ `I ....._ .. ____ ._- mm A v - \]\`\\ Q \\ \{ ~ Q \\ x\ 1\ \`] 'I`1'ea.~'urc1"'s Report aerating; an inst.it.ution s "ict.o1'ian Order of I\'ur.=c-.< uspx-ct :1l\\'z`.ys '.'xs.~:uIm-s `IT. place. We may h .. r_.:n,p,,1 nv Men s and Boys Clothing and Furnishings fact, eve1'y`thi11g needed for the cold .weather. OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR HOSIERY SCARFS John H. Wilson, Hon. Sn~c2c~t2x1'y. `John TI. Wil.~`v\n. fzLit.h.fu1 o`Ic.0 without the sin )0 (-fT0ct(*(I. VV I `.uu se1'\'i<:(-. .-\t.ot211 visits xverc Imuic Tow which 1766 \\ L "1`C 1 npzu'e with 2513 I gu which 1574 \vc1'c Ga `D +1..` ..,.+....1 ,. ` V21 1 u r,- -...... ,,...~.uuu nu oL'L'l`L`L'd.I`_\'- T1;oa.s'urer. I can aseuro the Order of my sympathy and support during: thv conng year. T..L.. U ur:1_-_ ...., ...~ uuk n UL-`\. and won and we` :1 support of the: sphercs is 1:011- ! by the Medi- ..... h_lJl\. no u; :d. We have ` the nancial 1 has enablx.-(ll it.`n :1 bzllunccl spite of con- 33 luring: the ed by the use have .< and I such < the " Printi -l l1n' I - \ \-Ell -.....~\.w I Diaf.-'11o: : l :VIC(Ii(`{LI ....... .. . Surgicztl ........ .. l\(~ - L511 zubi. i Obstetrical `Infants of Obs. xlnfants of Obs Other infants .. P1'(-natals, Ins. IP11,-m1tzLI.~:, not .= __~u..- 4:-1'ou; z1cl Mali-I call) Ofllcor of Hvalth. ; I r0_x1`(>t that for bu: 1'na_ I hm'c- to tcmlc-1' my 1`esi5_v'nzxtio11 :1-5| Sc-cx'et.zn`_\'-Ta'o:1su1'e1'. I am still con- vincc.-(l of the value of. and the nomll `for, the S(}1'\'lCL'S of a V.O.N. nurse in . l Barrie, and trust that with the in- fusion of m-w blood in the o.\'.-cutlvc the work of the onlor will have zul(l- r- v-it,zLlit_\' the current wall`. I am sure that with :1 unitml front 1925 can be made more . Hm. .\..,\.. s!..,. 1..-; ..,,,.. .\'ot Ins. Nursixlg V _\'u1'. w ..\uu.u vu Ana. Prenzltal, not Ins. . P0.<.t.nz1.t:1l to i.nsur(.-d Postnatal, not Ins. (instructive) Infant \\'c-lfare Social service ........................ `. Instructive ............................. .. Telephone consultations .. 4 Receipts Balzmcc brou_<,;'ht 1 or\va.rd .... ..S `u`ron1 n1C1TlbLe1`S Fees from pzxtients .............. .. _ .\Icvt1'opGlit.:Ln Life ................ .. [ntc:1'(~. .................................. AV Imp(-1'1':1,1 Order Dz1u`:htL-1'5 - of the Empire 3 Town _u'rz1nt ............ _. I31'id_:o p:u't_\' . Ll ..H` .1..., H ' i p:11)01's lsumlries I , V {ocewod from : Patients ............. .. l[I1;~`.l11'3.I1C Co. ..... .. New Cases . No. of Home Visits No. of Clinics hold -...-.-..... Total No. of .-Xttunding Clini-o;.'=.::' """ "` "ntliors .. "1`eIr.-_':x'z11n.< anti tn.-lcphone.s and phone . Bus fzzrc-, li\'o1'_\', etc. G2u'a_<:e rent .Cost 01' car, car iicmL ,, labour, gas, oil and re- (Also car .~um)Ii'-5 zmd . ....u\` I Half. ght hm have t1" public. Balance Total 'I`ot:=.1 Total ;4.s Sa1z11'iL-s-- .~1h:u'e proceeds, B01114`-B0112" ...... .. SUITS SWEATERS GLOVES ETC., ETC. `I visits of Ob.-='. EX[)(:I1(T.Lll'(` xcc in Bank rooms, 13 months 1`L`\'(.'I1l1C' stamps .... .. c.-.\'pcn; supplies. In ope: as the Vi: finzmcial -~~~, .... .u.w.u.u , Child \V'(fIf:1!`` Clinic Work . ._ ..J -21.1 no H. 13. McI\'z1_\', .\'Lu'sc in Chzu'_::e. FI.\`A.\'CIAL Patients : to pu*.E< Ins. Visits: -...,. .-. ..., \/A. . . . . . . .. -..... ..-;~. free V'isi;s, as compzu'e 2:313` visits last year, of \vc-re. free visits. Besides the actual im-. nmdizlte value of the work done in re1ie\'in_: sufI'erin.2', temling` the sick under rlo0t.o1"s :~:.upervisi0n, 21 grroat dual of \'C1`).' Vzxluublu work of edu- c:xt.i0n:1] m11L11'r,- has been (lam). hv- ; which the nurse zxt.texuie- the} tubvrculzw clinics and g'z1vc \`z11uzxbIL-I 3;, 1.: 1 1 Fees "'in.l3. not Ins. hand id :_"e pzu't_\' 21(1`. C1 tiSL`- ...$11~l1 4187 xrlituros (luring: _\'ozu' 2141 I cases, Ins. cases, not . . . V . .-.-.....L, u in this and 366 '75 283 50 .`-I00 199 :o<; 117 22,`- 22 : zulu il i.~m ! (lid I1( an ad I: is . of war still hJ.ng`iI1_g` 1 us, one :Ln.\'ic-ty lay at the hozm Clwistizm civiIi7.zLtion, to nd means of axu-1`tin`.:` :1not.h01` v.'m'. ( by infusing.-' the szpirit of the King Love and the Prince of Peace the nations can this be done. best authority as to how thwt. be done are our missionaries and nor nnnt n4` Hun-n nun .'.. 42...... .2831 IN ` 214 Sec1'eta.1'_v's Report The past yea1' has :.~.;;ain demon- strated the need for and the value! 01' the work of the \'ictori.-Ln Order of Nurses in Barrie. Citizens now rt-zxlizo that the work of the Orglt-1' (1005 not .~1upercL-(lo nor even on- croach upon the work of the 1'e_:u12u' n1u`s(.-5, oven whe1'_- works is dum- for pay paxtients, as the 1m1'sr.-';~: \'isit.< awe only of :1 casual] and tmnpo1';u'_v nature, while 1'o_Q'u1zu' m1.1'se.< ;m- cull- .- in for 10113331` mlnxber of 2831 \'i. (luring: the _\'e:1r, of were 138; 90 n- 07) 00 00 4 :3 S2 .to overcome that l-...,....... I Referring` to the effect that iChurch Union would have on Can- iudizm unity, Dr. Mztcliinnon said that the one d:1n:.:`er to Cuna s future p2'o_:r<.-ss us a nation lay in her dis~ union. What was needed was a united spirit and common ideals, and the only thing: that can unite 21 people is their religion. One l'L'llf.'.'l0l1 for all impossible, tiluu; one day the Church of Eng`- lun_-'.:' and the l3upti.=t Church would L-z:tv1' zx united church. What a :;'lorioL1;< thing: it would be for Can- if we haul 21 united ProteL: The union now contemplated not :20 all the wz1_\ , but it was Canada w. .,= udvanee in the rig'ht direction. of t.re1nend0u.s' signicance to the future of Canada that 2,500,000 ])L`l`.\'0ll>'- shrill be inspired by the szune .faith and that t.h<:-_\' shall help disunion that is our _Ll'L"1LtCSt peril, said the :'})(:1ll\'(`l`. but the speaker hoped 4 l l 1 ---v ......i.~ uuuu..; unc Luv: LJCUMJJJI iones. The one thing` .t/hut enabled Knox -`vn_(lo thz; was the unity of the Scottish religion. Had Knox made El. denomiziational a1'1'ang'ement z.ll0ting' Aberdeenshire to the Qualiers, Dundee -to the l\/[Ct-110(IiS tS, C(ii}1`bu1`_l'\i] to the Bapti.-=ts, Inverness to the AILL"iiC1lI1S and so on, Scot- land would never have made the Emark in the world she has to-day. IWl:;it made her ::1'eat was her unit_\' of religion. We in Canzula have the I =an_2'ui11e of the most en- iiusizistic Scot. We have :1 _L ,`l'U2lt lie_s:'aq\' from [God bestowed upon us f--one-half a continent on which to [build 21 (.'i1{11`zlCtQ1', with opportunities lum'i\';1Il<~r_l by any people on the. dobe. I that , x . . . . nu . vv .~-...,v..u\u.u.~, uuu nu uu. The 21':-at Pan-Presb_vterian Alli- ance of all English speaking` Presby- terian churches in the worlrl has ex- amined the doctrines of the United Church and accepted it as one of its nienibers. That Alliance has been invited to hold its next meeting` in Canada, and when it (loos the most prominent church in Canada and one of the most prominent in the whole Alliance will be the United Church. | Y?-ex`. .7 .,-. Slim-ft pre.~*irled at the,` .-\_:ricL1lt.ure, continued Dr. Mac- lr_\' of Czuizula, and as such a rural` depletion is disastrous. Religious life, he said, meant much to the people. To better it would be to improve economic comlit'ion.<. Why shoulzl we condemn the rural people to \\'or.~'hip in poor, cold, mean, (le- inominutional churches when combin- |in:: tO_Q'l}tll`.'l' would mozm comfort, `:1 ::0od builrlin_: and a host of other `A ,_, nu l ' munon, is the basal economic imlu.-- I I I .... -...u.-. u; Ak.(l\.\/ nun The can are our and 95 per cent. of them are in favor of Union. They tell us that the Chinese don t understand when they tell them that one part of China n'1n.~- kn 13u.-.~L.-o,,...'.... .......L1.,... ......A. E In this post-war period, with tho still over! heart of` a av.-1`tin5.:' Only lby King` of into |thu I. A .1 - - unnunu us: LLL.'rU_\ .\I(.-t.ho(list, and r1\v . n The way Scotland, little larger in size than Nova Seotia, -has im- pressed, nay, imposed, herself on Ithe attention of the whole world is one of the phenomena of the world s history. The thing` that did it was P1`esb_\'te1'L1nism. John Knox was responsible for it. He placed the Church and the school house side by ` side and thus raised the clm.racte1' of Scotland morally and intellectually. He placed the open Bible in every home, and nowhere in the {Vorld are there homes like the Scottish iones. Hun Q..,.o.4:.`1. .... .2 _ 1: u 1 (Continued from page one) 1'01` clinics, zmrl all others who assist- `(I in any way with the work.

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