Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1925, p. 4

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.....,.,...,`. u\:AuI.t: uuxng g_',1`2LIlLt`ll. 1 Before building` more sewers we shouhl be sure that the present ! -system of outlets is sufciont. Dur- ing the past ten years :1 Iargc-Ii amount of sr.-xvay_~'e has been put in-J1" to the system, but no pri)vi.~'ion hasfl been x11:1de for incre21sin_e: the out-: 11 lets. I`he_v may be largre enough! I . but this .~1houhl be ascer-t:1in-I. `"T`11n Ufa-1 C ..__,I,u - | . I l600 ' 1 10.33` Efhg nty, Wha.t'll I Do.` Love Has .1. Way 53; Ssomcwhere .1 Voice is Callizlg ` " 11V/lighty La$:' .1 Rose ;051rBcrceusc Chupin, ;l`i:umI0ru~- ` 1I.c.-3 Sylvains {The Fauns nl i;m . Scrcn.1dc 4I)rip,o) (Violin. I |utc, 76001 10.5.` At the Brook (Violin. 'Cclln and [To a Water Lily (Violin. Hutu, ` S()~}S{ [Spring Song (.\lcn({cIs.~'ol1n; S04.,fPecr Gynt Suite No. I--P.1.~t 3 "\Pecr Gynt Suite No. I--Part -1 . 'Entra'acte-C-avottc ` 91-L,SIn iho Hi ' Iollra-gun ulln n..u-nu gm: Frances Alda Frank LaF0rgre Florentine Quartet Victor Concert Orchestra Hear llzese arlisis u`}.':' 5 `Entra'.1cte- iln the Mill Fcunozzs Victor Artz's:`.<;- you have heard on the air A/LIV .....~. r.|uulll nu u.S(,'CI`El.lll(-(l. l The Hig'l1\vay problem is it big` one in Barrie on account of the! long line of Provincial I{iy:l1\\':1y run-3 .-'.'n.in_9: til`l`01l_L{'l1 it, which c-zn`1'ie.< p1*z1c-i "Lically all the motor trzillic to tliul .\'o1'tl1 oCunt2`_\ . This traffic will in- :r.easo from year to year anal must, = . 7,, ,, ,_ . L1 Board J Public ' J. G. KEENAN His In a.:s-tr;-3:-:"$ Voice- TY! __,.L _. .> u`}.':'m-`z`vr you (visit to hear them with the Victrola all record exclusively for _... .. ...... >_)uuALL _..uvv.; an H1` go e11oug'I1,!1~pi1'i11_u' :ul .~uit21.bh- to the oc- ainml. Vcusion. The S(.`(,'}`('.t8.l`_\' was inst1'uct-`r. x big` ml to forwzml :1 resolution bf 1'0- unt the gruvt to Mrs. Bunt at her removal. :l1\\'z1y run- Three new mt-mbm` xn-1'0 l'.`I11`Ol1t'.`lI at .1'1`ics p1'z1c- the close of the meeting". All prc-:~'-s Lfc to tIn'ym1t were cordially imitcd by the}, Txc ! hostess to remain and c.-njoy the cup y J mu.=t,fh:1t c11ee1n<, but not inebrizltes. 1 { I rols I(.`F~'] _v. (`oun- do funds 11, the! :.:a`,e:;`m* j % Opp. P.O. Square, Barrie, Ont. for . , La rorge~?1.'-111. Anofortm Ln Forge, $2.00 Le, 'Cellozmr1 Harp) Z _- Florentine Quartet 19.1? M Piano) Tollefaen 'l`rxo)' .-, 'CclIo.'1n:l Harp) K - Florentine Quartet I95-an Florentine Quartet} ' 5 \'ictor Concert Orch. I0-in. 1 Victor Concert Orch. 75c. Victor Concert Orclicatru IO-in. Victor Concert Urchustra, 75c. i I `citizens of every ward. gu. It is ::1`z1tifyi11g' that the b_\'-]z1w to make :1 _-.:1'a11 to the Royal Vic- toria Hospital receiver] 21 mzxjority in} its favor in every polling` sub-(livis- ion, showing` that the (i0Si1' to help that institu=tion, of which the town may well be proud,` is shzn'ed by the I bespeu.l< from you all your ac- tive co-operation at our committee meetings. The large part of the work of our Council should be (lone at our committee meetin2's, where there is i'1'ee of discus. and? \'.'here our problems inuy he worlcc-ti. out better` than in open council. li t1'u.~:t that our (lelil)e1'z1tion.< in Coun-i cil may be free am] full unnl that the 1'e;~'ult.< m:1_\' be for the \v<;-lfure of the citizr,-n.< whom we h;1\'e the honor to repn-l VJ. .... `..._. mu, uul.-\.. Barrie has zllways been and is still willing` to do everytlming-.' in its power to help industries that mayl wish to locate l1c-1'0, and requests fnom any genuine p1`opo. will always have the most careful and : consideration of Coun-l oil. I I ..-r. - .... . .. . .. . . en care of. While the build some more permanent pave- on this highway may be neces- 'ary and advisable, we must en- deavor to have the Government con- ibute a share, not only of what at may be undertaken in the In any work of a perman- t nature that may be proposed we ust rst assure ourselves that it IS absolutely necessrary, and not _;`c on with it unless it is found neces- sary, thou_g`h it mi_g'ht be very (le- sirable to see the work _ I do not believe in any pemly wise and pound foolish policy. Careful ex- pcmliture may often be more pro- table than skimping patchwork. 'F1'\r\ l......m .~..-,....c. -4` .__..,u _..A. ........u... uuuu oA\u1LlJA|15 ycuuunnwuxnx. The large amount of taxes out- standing is 21 matter for serious con- siclerat-ion. It is a . of signal tliathinust not be ig'11oi'e(l. The Council has no desire to oppress any one, but the al1r>win_q' of arreu1's to accumul-aite is not in the interest of the town and is :1 very doubtful kindness to the 1'atep:1_vei' who is in a1'1'ea1`s. The load g`1'ow'in_~,7' heuvieir and ha1' for him to clezir. Steps must be taken to collect the amount without delay. 11111 is ... . . u . .. .....v...uu n Aulluuu \|L.A(t_y- We will have debent-u1'0s 1'01` sale in comu;-ction with the pavements and sewers, vwhich should be disposml of at any early date. llT)n social and plea. \X,' I` '1'` Y` .._..- 1 nccs .uuu[1u- ccs Aldn; $1.7 .;\ Forge` 12-in _n Fnrsm ? S 7! ' rs` 4-4 A,` uuzxn up VILL ULADIIIKTFD LU m:1k`- sure when adding` to our cupi- Lall expenditures for .1-o:uls_ illllil sewers, which may be petitioned for 'by the 1'atepaye1's that the umlt-rtuk- ing` of such work is really I1ecc.~sa1'_\" and that it is in the best intc1`e.<.t.~:' of bhe mwn g`ene1'a1ly. W e n1u.~it` realize that because a petition is sufciemly . that it is not com- pu]; for us to g'r:u1t the 1`c-quest. W9 I-mu-ncmxf Han nu!" .... .. ,, ; :\lda\ 10-i ;Alnln_l'S1.I ; .\ld21\ 10-I; -.\I 81.] ..- ...v.\. 11;`, ; of 1 zasant meet- ; held at thof l,..uu,nyuna Lu LlIL' 1LU\HlU(' Mr. Girdwood said he appreciated the kind things said. He was deep- ly interested in the school and was glad to see it _e;row. The Barrie Collegiatc: was not only a higrh school, but a junior university, and they had the largest upper school of any Collegiate in the Province. The ideal for the school was not only that every boy and girl might ad-' Vance as fast as possible, but that they might grow into better citizens, that they might be clean, clear-cut citizens, able to take their place in i the world, and get real pleasure out 2 of whatever work they may take up. ' Mr. G,ir(lwood thanked th Board for l the co-operation !'!'i\'(-I1 him at all 1 times. gm 2 1 l,,..,,,.,.~\_.. u_ nxu:Lu\: U1`. urere*.on.g We have men of the highest type `as Inspector and principals, said Trustee Brereton. The principal of the Collegiate, Mr. Girdwood, was a man of outstzmdine; ability in `r.1~# profession, and he has the sylnpathy at least of the entire Board in `chef matter of exton; at the present! time. 'l`he public schools were in a,` hi::h state of efliciency, due in :1 lace measure to the able principals. Mr. J .L. Garvin, P.S.l., in reply, ;~ai it was :.::o0d to hear a word of` commendation, as the Inspector gen-; verally comes in for a ,'.;`ood deal of criticism. He had tried to do his duty, and the Board and teachers had co-ope-ratevl '.'.'ith him at all times. He had noted that Mr. Gird- wood s pupils had always taken a high standing`. He also appreciated the principals of the public schools, and thought he had the three best principals in the Province. KY ' y H ;:vcuu. | 0} .~\ftc1' :1 sump L.uous repast at the]! "iwe111n;;-ton hotel, Mr. Fred M:,u'r,' I the \'ct.e1`21n Sec1'ctzu`_\', acted as toast-i ma: and after p1'oposing' the toast? I I `W0 Our King, our country and our jtown, called upon Mr. T. R. Hux- table to rosopnd. Mr. Huxtable re-I .i!'(:1`1'evI b1'ie_\' to the nancing` of; >:`.1~.<- town. Over half the n1m:<-_vi . . .....I.\.u mu. uu at ll. W Uulll (IO J1KC`\`.r'1.'L` The toast to the retiring trust:-cs, J. D. Wisdom and D. J. Rrzburn, was prnpo;~'e by D1`. L. J. Simp;~:on, in which he paid tribute vices of those valued members, cxpu-ssctl the hope that they \\'a`Il11II! :5 -H $131. uv-nv :11 r.:\ 4.. to the S01 - aml ` ..-L. i , wauzw E.'~'L`(` tin: way clear to 1'0t`u1'n to the [Board in H1: nezu' future. Suitable z1ckno\vIe was xnzulo by I\Ir.f , \\'i.-tlom and Mr. Zeburn. The toast: Ito the Insrpector and Principals was lp1'opo. by I`ru.~:tec Dr. B1`01'c*.on.! l\\'.r. l\nx-r. \\\rI\ -4` u.. L: v .,..\....n... wu, uuyu Ldlilb l.ll(.`_\' , ---- - gs A:n.AI| VlL\.ALIL'Kl --conomy as far as posisible, hoped the Board would do "Flu. n..,. - AL, A- - I `to the .<.e1'vices i-..-u uu_.', `who were present, also paid tribute ,1,-.~.\.um was In-ou_g'ht to! beau` upon M1`. Reburn to 1'e-consimle1` his decision to retire from the" Board. Inspector Garvin, Principal 1 Gi1'(i\\'0()(i, Marlin and Morrison, of Mr. Reburn on` 1 the Board. | . We repm-sent the ci as a; whole and every umlertakin: that! entails an zuldod cl1z1.1%_=,'e on the: whole community must be carefully} wei_2`hc lm1'o1'o being grzultod. I I2o+'m-n l`n.'l.l:.`... ._.-_.- _-_ .... ... `\..u.u vul. u:quL:aL.I rirst 1nce0tin;1` p ID. J. Rburn Banquets 1 Board of Education` % Before the closing of the so 011' [members of the Board took occu_:i:m' `to express their appreciation of the` 's(:1'\'ices of Mr. Reburn as a mem- ber of the Board and pa1't.icu.1m'Iy as chairman during the past 3,-.:,-;x_r. `5t1'0112` p1'o.<;~1u1'e was brou;1'ht to! lhr-511' nnnn `Tu `Du! .. V ' - 1 L- D. J. Reburn, the retiring chair- man of the Board of Education, an- nounced at Monday nig=ht s meeting that he was also retiring from the` Board, owing` to his business arrange! ments. In placing his resignation before the Board, Mr. Reburn said that it was with real regret he would sever his connection. He looked back with pleasure on the four years he had served. When elected chairman a year ago he had asked for certain specic tliings in connection with the work, and he felt that there had been a splendid response. The best of feeling had prevailed, and the various committees had worked har- moniously. The problem of the heating of the West Ward school had been considered and everythin_(: was ready for the new Board to proceed. The Central school had also received attention and the school was now in better condition. The success attained during: the year was not altogetliei` due to the Board. The Inspector and the prin- cipals of the schools had worked in harmon_v with the Board to the end that the best interests of children. and citizens mi_;-`ht be served. "he" `press had` contril>uted' in no small measure also and the chairmzin wi<`n- ed to extend his thanks. ' In conclusion Mr. Zeburn invit-2-cl the members of the Board, with t.`nc Inspector, the principals of the lschools and reprcesntatives of -.hc lprcss to join him in L1 luncheon atl {the dining room of the Amc1'ic:u1[ l hotel. , ,__ _ _.`.v.. 4v;.g. 1.9 Ah. 11L!-\- Me re- rrevl of! c t1w.1nm:r-.\* ism-rl lust _\'-our went for school pur-I >.~:c-.4 and the Council hurl cotnrol the c-.\;pendit.u1`e of only :1 \'o1'_\'g mil amount. The Council at 111:.-I; st had decided uponi .. . nun... .... 1--.. The Northern Advance 1 2d uponu 2, and ?1-.:-, o . K ) hkewzscl ' } W... .., ........ .. The \Vomen s Institute hel:l a very vr-njoya.ble birt-hda_v party at the Thu1'sda,\' evenin-,r. Miss Orchard gave a splendid report of the work ' of the Society for the sixteen years that have passed since this branch was organized, and also gave the names of the ladies that attended the first meeting. There were four of these faithful members pre; at this sixteenth lnirthday party, Mrs. J. Jack, Mrs. Wm. Goodfellow, Mrs. R. A. Sutherland and Miss H. Orchard. Community singing was an important feature on the pro.- lhome of Hrs. \Vm. Goodfellow last ...., _,,......\,. u....-..~. .., U . nty: Public`Lib1-ary, P211Yl\a Com~ sion, and to pay maturii,Q' le- ~b`ures. In these we are i-mpluy -body that levies and eollec ,and appeal to the other .bodi<-s t use every care in k<.-oping with eff'1c1e11c_\" to make their requests fonlevies from this Council as low as possible. Demands are made on Council by citizens for 0X1)C'I1(llitAU1`(:S which in many castes are of a purely local character. If citizens wish the Council to economize they also must curtail their (lemztndrs for expendi- tures. It should be our busim~. to .._L,._ 1 1- . , .I\.\.AlhlA\|v.I [ The many friends of Mrs. I Black are pleased to hear that she! is p1`og"ressing favorably after her re-? cent operation. TIVLA \l7.\.v..... - T..~L2L..LA 1...1.l .. ....... g Mr. and ;\`rs. VV111. Boyd of 'J"_'-it v1-onto visited the latter's p.'1X'(_'ilL:, `.111 . am. J`iz':~_. H. Pratt, '.`c::x='l,.'. ' Mr. and Mrs. -G. Harpe" :p.~nt :1 |co1p1e 01' days with their d:1u;,"htc1', {.\I1`.<. 1.`. B.':}ii::#.on, Barrie, this week. Miss Belle Ncelands has 1'o Lu1`nc(l| to Toronto after spending: .~:uvo1'uI' C o u u weeks wlth her sxster, Mxss Flora C Neclamls. v I .... .. . - -_ uuun. 4v; uu u.v\.uun;:, .L\:L.L:uL M1`. Geo. W'!`1_r.',`]1t has retl the West after bein_u' the Hs part.-nts for several xveel WI ,....1 H... In... 71. ,- .. ..,,.... .. \lAl ......u.._.. { Mr. and Mrs. Lot Webb are :~:pend- Eng` a few weeks with their dau_L:'hte1, I.\Ir.<. H. .\Iz1.\:\\'.-I], in Barrie. Mr. am! 3h':~.. G. Ham -v:x' m;:<-r- L{|il1Q(l :1 :'ur-1l.c-1' of fricn:`.s :1: `h.-WI [home last \Vednesday e\'e11i11:,-;. , I Rev. and Mrs. Cousins cutert:1in-E : ed 21 number of young` people at thcirt home for an evening recently. 1r rs xn u. 1 . At Less Than Wmesael I ; Bliss Mary Reid is \'isitinu' 1'i'ici:(:s in Churchill. ` Mrs. (Din) lo}.-`ers is visiting' `I'1'ic11ds in Toronto. Mr. J, Hunter loaded two ne cars of stock this week. f.I1'.<. Alliston of .\IupIu the ';.-_u:.L of M115. J. Hoovc-1'. u M1`. Bert I\`IcConkey of \1lunzl;:I:-I visited his 1.-an-nts 1'occntl_'.'. I Miss Ina Iiluck of Midizmwl is holi- (layim: with her pai'cnt.'. A lzuxe number attcmled and en- fjoyeul the skz1tin,{.>,' carnival on Tues- irlzxy evening. TLL.` ....._I \r.._ 1' 11 7 1- -.-.....,,.. 1 Mr; and M12; T. .\IcI.-ac`-1'.::n an glittle \'i.. at, Wn \V1'i:.;ht s on Sunday. '11,, ,, 1 nr 1 . Ivv . u 311-. R. .VIcConke_\` spent I3. `-1.. WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS- PRICES `WILL DO IT. Bargains You Have Been Waiting For Slaughter Prices 9 19}? OUR ENTIRE WINTER STOCI IS GOING AT 4\-;Nv\4;\. uu mu. gnu. 5-`Marion Reid gave two Ioats STROUD Our stock of Furs, Ladies , Misses and Children s Coats --- Ladies , Misses an& Childrenfs Headwear; Babies Sleigh Rabes, Men s Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mis and Gauntlets 'l`uesda_V J Some Early for Best Selection `humorous recrtations. A reading: by '.\Ii. Meta Hunter was much enjoy- Isle of Sornc-\\'here by Mrs. I. Springs; `and little Miss Norma Jacks and a violin solo by Mr. J. Jacks COh`lpl{:t(:.'i the splendid program, after every one took part in the interest- ing: gzames. led by Mr. Geo. Hewson. There were :~:i.\:t_\'-ve present at this pleasant grathering and each one en- io_\'ed a taste of the Institute birth- l:la_\' cake, which was prettily decor- ated with its sixteen candles. :1 dainty luncheon the singing of Auld Lang Sync and many favorite .-:on':s brought this pleasant gather- ing to a close. I ed by all; a duet entitled Beautiful: which After = itenrled to the editors of the local gpapers for the assistance given. PAIN SWICK The Women's Au.\:iliary of St, Paul s church. Painswick, will hold a social evr.-ninsz at the home of Mr. on Monday, Admission 'and Mrs. Jack Cooper evening` next, Jan. 19. 25c. Everybody welcome. A larefe crowd attended the m- `cal carnival and beauty con staged by the B.A.A.A. on F night. The winners `of the by '/r. ;contest were Miss I. McLcl1an, Brad? gford St., and Mrs. A. Armstrong, i Allandale. Though no action was ta g-;a1`(ling` paving, the matter w 3415' and it seemcrl tc fi01)iI1iO11 that it would be 21 Ho complete the com1ectving' "the Provincial Hi;1`11\va_v as : pos.<,ible and get the Gown _2`rzmt. It was also decid`.-(1 1 1 I 180421] \1 1' At the annual n1ccting' of the Separate School Board on Tuesday o\'e11i11g all of last _\'ca1"s otcc-rs \v-rr- 1'1`-(`]\'.`CtL`(l, with C. J. Bi1't.chardi i I t I _,,_ ., "yr. `of the l ;1rk.< Commi;~'. \Vall\\'in--Hu.\'table -- 'l`h;1t !.he usual number of Municipal for members he ordered. \ \"ulker McCuaig-- l`lmt Miss l{in_L;; be 1'e-z1ppointed to the l.Il):':n_\' Board. Huxtz1b1e-Wallwin- l'hut of time of committee meetinj;'.~: and council meetings be .~`c:1Y. to each member :1 day or two before ma-etin_:. ' Lowe--Rusk--Tl1at Scott Bros. I L` c:1:h be _L"l'1l1t(`(l the use of the :..r;uier, same to be returned in as good cen- dition as they got it. Huxtuble---Rusl<-Tl1at Council go into committee of the whole to cuss future activity 1`e_2'a1'(lin-4' l'.):l(l puv.in_-.1` and also the zul\'isa!)ilit;.' of e11_2'ag'im.-' 21 permanent town L-n_-.>`inv , , l `v 0'-'1(i.`I no .i."I.-: iis due to our late l`here is, liowever. 21 bright side to the situation, and Barrie is in u `more fuvorulile position than a jtown in the County. The equali' v2l.~'.~'L'.~'.\'l]l()llt of Ba.rrir,- with 21 popul. Lion of 7216 is $3,600,000. OrilIia's g2z.<:~:e.~; with 21 population of over $000 i.~: $3,700,000. .\Iivl1und, with in ])0pul.'LtioI1 of 7,847, is $2,700,000. iOrillizi, tilt,` lz1i';:e. town in the "County, has :1 debenture debt, of $1,221.000, and apart from its power plant, $831,000; Midlzmd has a de- benture debt of $792,000, while Barrie s deebnture debt is but .$44(l,000. _ In re. to debt, the County of Simcoe holds a unique record in the Province of Ont:1rio iin not havingc; :1 cent of debt. ,Cre for this, in a lar_L`r: measure, treas.urer, Mr. . 1 . - .. r\ r\,,,- u n to two 1)....I. "l'L..A 1' (Continued from page one) I Low:1`-Litste2` That P. Lo'.'-,.- and I J. Mcllurtin be appointed ]11L`vHD\`1`.~` of Parks :!coUNcIL T0 ENGAGE E I A TO'\/VN ENGINEER 1 .1 .. \ ..,\..x chairman. blc Go'.-' to auth- the Clerk to zulvc-)'1;ise for a eng'inee1'. I I I Hats -. .15 free I 1so4s4 ;.;;;:.. ; I Womc-n .'~: !zm(l ......-ul ..u nu.-.1; uuvvu u.xy\:u\uL.uLun. A. F. A. Malcomson was clmairman for the (lay. The booster was Dr. .\V. Little and his prize went to S. !J. Fi;~'lm1'. The : rs.-zul a letter from gtlm Hospital Bozml, tlianliing the Ki- iwzmi: Club for the assistance given lin err-atinyz a favorable -impression on the hospital by-law. - The thanks of the club was ex- Itt-nrlr.-(l_t0 l 1 Eshould be ticized. S - s\4\a\.lL\.A 4:: wink. A. LUV ILIML UL \Ill|4v\l IU lCre {is [D. Quinlan. t is the of our fprt,-SL-nt t1'r-a: that this policy f ll-Z(:(`])lI1_L*,' free from debt he mz jtaihr-(l. B2u'ri:.- is in u l1e21ltl1_\' con- E(lltlOll as far as assets and lizLl)il'ities "arc CO1lC(.`l'I1(.'(l, but not in respect to 31:-..\::1ti0n, nml the Council shoulcl en- 1 [zlcavor to l<(.-(:1) down L'.\'[)(3ll(lltl1l`CS. ` A T.` A TH..1,.n........ ....... _1_..:_ WEDNESDAY, JANUAIRT 14',` EVIEWS WITH SOME J CONCERN HIGH TAX (Cominucd fmn1 pug-`u 0110) III . --- Furs

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