READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS; NOISES IN THE HEAD AND NASAL CATARRH RELIABLE TESTIMONY . A \t11_:1.-1. LARMALINE (Regd.) . . . . . .10c lb. . . .11c to 11~c 11- I1- ......16clb. Goinp; to law is :1 _L"0Oll deal like going` nbrozul. You want to book your return 1mss.:1:c while you have the money. The ponds and is Three weeks from to-day Chrismms. The evil tendencies and the num- ber of crimes committed by mere boys, and girls also, nowadays is be- coming alarming, and the question might well be asked, What is the .... M A: :+ on v.....m. knuo ant` llllglhla VVKJLI UC GDAUKI, IV Han: AD wu. cause of it ? Young boys and girls from apparently good homes do things that are shocking to the com- munity and brand them as criminals. Is our educational system at fault; or is there some other cause ? From observations we are inclined to think that the picture shows are largely to blame. Some pictures on ' the screen may be all right and have educational value, but too often these pictures have a degrading ef- fect. The minds of children are very succeptible to impressions and boys especially are hero worshippers. A screen picture showing re arms used or lude scenes has a debasing effect, and should never be seen by the young. During the last year German- made goods imported to Canada. have increased 400 per cent. and this country is flooded with various lines of German goods that made right at home. The low rate of wages paid in Germany and the inferior material used makes it im- possible for Canadian factories to compete in the matter of price. The duvmpinp: clause is only applied when German-made goods are sold at a lower rate than the current rate in Germany, and not appraised on the basis of value of similar goods in Great Britain. A great many manu~ factu-rers of toys and small articles in Canada have to close their doors as they cannot begin to compete. The matter rests with the Dominion Government, and action should be L,I.-__ ..A. IKDIIIII tn nnnnn A-.4 thin ap! should be ' kluvcxuuusnuu, uuu utuvnuln unlvunu ux, taken at once to prevent this ood of German goods to Canada. Mer- chants can help a great deal also by not handling goods that they know come from Germany. Municipal elections are drawing `near and there is considerable street `talk but little activity as yet in Barrie. Most of the members of this year's council, we understand, are in the eld again, providing the opposirtion is not too strong. Would u mt kn in tho intorncte nF Han 1-gifn. Ullpuauuuu no uvv uvv uvAvAA'b 7. V... it not be in the interests of the rate- payers to call a. public meeting to discuss the questions of the day, be- fore nominmtion day. There is con- siderable crviticism regarding the way the street paving was done and the way the police question was handled. 'llhe Mayor and the Coun- cil should be willing to defend their actions and be able to give just rea- sons for all they have done during are now frozen over .= cnj0_vcd by the kinldies Page Two got up in the world flct down to work. An imp1'o\'em(-nt of ${'3,(S39,000 in the state of the public Iinzmces of the Province \-ms I1l1OLlll(.'L'(i on Sat- Imlny 211. the Pzn'li:unenL l3Lxi]li11g:.~: by Hon. W. H. Price, 1{.C., Provin- cial 'l`1'ea. us the '.1chie\'mn,-nt of the I~ e1'}:L1son Govei-nment during` the past _\'u111'. The deficit of $15,- 000.000 which was found last year to have been the 1e3:z1c_\' of U.F.O. rule was declared to have been re- plucetl by one of $8,500,000, and it wa.~: pointed out that in the lzitter total was iHCiU(i{`(l [)il_\'1110l1<'t of $3,- 000,000 of ohl z1.ccount:<, interest, bonus anal replacement charges which i13.(i been left outste1m1in_: by the D1'u1`y Government. The deficit for the year proper, acconiixigly, was only $5,500,000. Rn`-nun ilyn-{um +`1n nn;+ x-nnv is FINANCIAL CONDITION OF ONTARIO MUCH IMPROVED Decit of Drury Government Great- ly Reduced; Expenditures Cut and no New Taxation. Ulll_\ Cv),:)UU,UUU. R0\'('l]L1(.` during` the past year is given as $10,500,642. an increa. of; $G.390_.l30 over tih:it of 1922-23. Expeniliiture f_"i\'(`l1 as $~l9,056,G82,[ decrease of $248,756. In every de- pamnent total revenue is increased,` and in the majorit_V of departments expenditure. is lower, il113i10u,Q`l1 this latter regzard the Government has been bound by the fact that it has been operating under estimates passed by the U.F.O. in 1923. Not-` able anion}: the economies effeotetl, however, is an item of $680,725, re- presenting` the abandonment of the Drury policy of p:o\'ernment by` commission and the consequent fact` that no expensive ii1vesti_:;~.1tions were held. Other major savin_e's include the sum of $667,97.`), pruned by Hon. Lincoln Goldie from the operating; costs of public institutions, and the sum of $111,345, representing the lower costs of leg`islat:ion in view of the shorter session of the Leg`isila- ture. Sue hincreases in expenditure as appear are as sigrnicant as the Government s economies, for they are concerned largely with the free (Lis- ;.-. tribution of insulin and with replac- ing the subsidy to agriculture, which the Dominion Government withdrew. Qnnk n inzlinnfntl ciknuvinrr nu in the year. They are supposed to legislate for all the people, not for any section or class. A public mee - inp; in the near future would be in the best interests of all. If the members of the Council can justify all their actions, then they will re- ccive the support of 21 larger num- ber of the citizens. If they cannot 1, AL... A.|.._A LLA ...'L:..,..... 1...... UCJ. UL IAIC \,uLu4<:ua. LA. uu\._y \.cuAILAv\ it is better that the citizens know it. There has been considerable money spent this year, and consider- able more will be spent in 192 . Are the ratepayers getting` the best value for the money spent `.7 \Vzxs the Council just-ietl in the way the police question was i 1ilI1(liO(i ? These are questions that nmny ciitizens want to know. It is up to the Z\Iu_\'or, as lu-ad of the Council, to satisfy the people. tne uominion Government wwnurew. Such a showingz; as as indicated above is regarrled by the Provincial ` Treasurer and by the members of the Government with considerable satisfaction. When it is considered that the Government increased its revenue by over $6,000,000 without the imposition of additional taxes 4 and simply by a more careful policy of collection, and that it also oper- ated under estimates which it had not framed, the record is thought to be one highly creditable, and in it is seen the promises of a balanced Provincial budget within the next two years at the latest. Hon. Mr. Price is anxious to place the Pro- vincial debt upon a sinking fund basis and he stated that in the re- cord achieved in the past year he saw auspicious promise of being able to full his ambition. No New Taxation What is perhaps of greatest im- poitance to the general public in connection with the year's nancial record is the fact that it will in- fluence the Government to no new taxation measures, with the probable exception of the gasoline tax which has already been intimated. Hon. Mr. Price was asked if there would be any new taxation upon munici- palities or upon income, and he re- plied in the negative. The present revenue, swelled by the gasoline tax, is expected to prove sufficient for the estimates which the Govern- ment will prosent to the House. A sitrninnnt fr-Jrtnrn nf tho Vf-jH"< THCIIC Will I)I'0SCI1AE L0 UHC IIOUSC. A signicant feature of the year's nancial statement is the increase of $2,299,297 in interest charges. This large sum is in respect to the borrowings which the U.F.O. Gov- ernment transacted duning its last year in office. rs uynuuuuu hauvvv un5 With reference to the general re- venue aspect of the pas/c year, Hon. Mr. Price made the following com- mentary : H is` rnfn nnfnvuxnrfxhv fhnf, in wneNnrmerhA1m}i2 Illclllalify I It is quite noteworthy that in every depantamcnt of the Govern- ment recc-ipts have improved. This has taken place without the imposi- iion of any new taxation. 16., there- fore, reflects efficiency in the collect- ing of revenue. M. is nnip n.nfnwnrfhv that in ling O1 TUVCHUC. la is quite noteworthy that in the whole collection of revenue de- creases only amounted to $12,135.30, as against the increase of $6,402,- 565.38. It is a matter of gratica- tion that in :1 year when business has been none too buoyant as com- pared with previous years, and with- out any increase in the rarte of tax- ation, bhe Governmenrt has improved the revenues of the Province more than six million dollars. I".lnnv-n urn nnvd n';v\ Ilnnuvvhvnnnfc nf man snx mumon uouars. There are cevtain deparvbme.nts of the Government which may be call- ed revenue pnoduucing. Ovther de- partments collect revenue, but this rnvpnun is mm-9 or lam subsullinrv to p3.I"LTn0Tl'LS COIIGCJL TBVCHUC, DUI. DFIIS revenue is more or less subsidliary to the carrying out of law enforcement, public services and general develop- memt. of the counftry. It speaks well, however, that departments which are 0pera.te(1 for other purposes in- creased their revenue ,and that alt same time kecp up the general efficiency of adniinistmtion. A Splendid Showing . un-(`nu-nun . 4-,` LL. ....n,. A By-law to ReguIate the Closing of Grocery Stores or Shops Within the Limits of the (Town of Barrie. WHEREAS an applicaition has been 1)1'OSCI1`tC(l to the Municipal Council of the Town of Barrie pray- iiij: for the c.1o.'~:in_u' of 211] places of business o'e1'ing` g_);1`occ1`ics for sale within the limits of the i\Iunicipul Corporzlt-ion of the Town of Bam~i.-. between the hours of seven o'clock p.m., until the hour of five o'clock u.m., of the 1`oi10win:: lay on each! .-..rnvv nv. lnnv I (lay of the week except Sut.ui' and except Cln'i. Wm-k, zmul 0:-;cL-pt also on any (lay next pre- CC(liILL," 21 10.3211 holimlziy, on all of which o.\cvptcil (ld_\'S the SI-iili _L:'i'oci.~1g\' stones may rm-main opmi umiii t\\'t'i\'(: o'clock p.m. if thv occupin-rs U`.L'l`! 01' so .x\rn \ULH.`1'!L`\Q ...\.\v.~-...:-.. UL the tluiy of tlw szxial Municipal Council of the Town 0|` B:11'ri: to pzlss Ll. b_\'-lz1\\' m*m1ti1*.:.: the p2';1_\'m' of th- Filitl _;'r0c:1'_\' 1m-rch:u1`..< :13 ; con- tuinerl in the mill appliczltion. NOW l`I-II*II1I'IFOR1'I thv Munici- pal (Iouncil of the Corporz1.ti0n of the Town of Barrir: c11:1c=ts us 1'01 inure - 1):1;'1'm. AND VVHICHICAS. })ur. to` I lows U\\'-5 I 1. That all occupiers of shops orl $t0l'e. < 0ll'<-1'i1i}_~' for sale _':i'0ce1'ie.~`! within the limits of tl]+- .<,z1id Town of Lzuwie, be and they are lieu-'.>_\r re-I quired to close their $`h0p.s' or st01'e.~' every day during` the pre :nt ye-:u' and each succeeding _\'ea1' while this b_\`-law remains in force, between the hours of seven o'clock p.m. and five p'cl0ck 21.111. of the next folilm-.'in;;' day, except on each Sz1tu1'da_\', and also except du1'in_<.;' the week when the Bil1`)7lC Fatir is being` held, and except also durin:.~' Cl11`l$U1l. lS week, and except also on any day next pre- cedin;.,-' 21 legal l1olid:1_\', on all of which excepted days the said s'.'ore.= 01' .<'hops may remain open until twelve o`c10ck p.m. if the occupiers thereof so desire. Provided, how- nvnv Ha-1+ nn+l1.n.\- l1nvn.I'n nnnhuinnll NOTICE RE EARLY CLOSING OFI GROCERY STORES 1N TOWN OF BARRIE. O Notes and Comments A ` 9302039; .\.\.lJ vvr117.1uu.'~\b sucn appncatlon has been . by not less than tlmlv-qua1'te1's of the total number of ;1'i`0ccr_\' 1n<`x'c:|1zznts hu. within the limits of the said Town nf Rn`-v.: `cusrtomers who were in the shop im- l/JlL,'1'l. Ul S0 (lUb'l1'(.`. 1 l'0Vl(I`d(l, IIUVV` ever, that 11ot`ninp,' herein contained shall render unlawful the continu- ance of business in :1 shop after the! hour above mentioned for the clos- ing thereof for the purpose of sup- plying; the needs or aattemptinp; to supply the needs of any customer er mediately previous to the hour above mentioned for closinfx. 2. Every person who is guilty of contravention of the provisions of this by-law shall incur 21 penalty not exceeding $50, exclusive of costs, and in case of the non-payment of the ne and costs by the person or persons so contraveming thris by-law, the same may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the said persons so conrtravening, and in the event of being unable to realize the said ne and costs by such distress or sale, such offenders shall be liable to be impnisoned for any period not exceeding twenty~one days. 2 'T`.lmiq hv-lvn\x7 chnll rnwm intn (l2l_VS. 3. This by-law shall come into force and have effect on and after the 10th day of December, 1924. 4. That this by-law be published for one week in the Nonthern Ad- vance in its issue of December 4th, 1094 LUZQ. Passed in open Council, this 1st day of December, 1924. J. F. CRAIG, Mayor. A. W. SMITH, Clerk. 1, Arthur W. Smith, Clerk of the Town of Barrie, do hereby certify the attached to be a true and cor- rect copy of By-law No. 1116 of the Town of Barrie, passed by the Mun- ioipal Council of the Town of Bar- rie, at its meeting held on the rst day of December, 1924. ' nzlfr-ll 1|?` Rnvnin thi Rwl (lav nf It will be noted in this connec-l tion that the Prime Minister's De-l` partment shows an increase of re- venue, mostly attnibuitable to inter- est payments of $1,013,673.68. It will also be noted that the Attorney- General s Deparrtment has increased its revenue by $283,728.23, anti that even the Ediuczbtion Department has increased $88,165.90, and the Mines and Fishenies Department $76,`.34U.- 12, wihle the Department of Hefllldl and Labor has increase its receipts $172,270.28. The Provincial Secre- tary's Department has charge of the larxre hospitals and public institu- tions. It is, therefore, worthy of note that they increased their re- ` venue by $288,290.86, and the De- partnient of Am-iculrture has also done well in increasing its revenue by $145,819.21. Whnn nnn 1-nmnu tn -`.'no'\ hit!` `:9- uay OI UCCUITIDCY, 1}}Z.`&. Dated at Barnie, this 3rd day of December, 1924. A. W. SMITH, Town Clerk. VZLHCK: 1924. D"... Dy ,;.14o,z51:;.z1. When one comes to the big re- venue proclucimr branches of the public service, it `is most reassuring to nd that Lands and Forests De- partment has made an inc1'L-use in revenue -of $1,348,953.39. The same can be said of the Public Works and Highway Department, where there is an imcrease )f $92.,- 329.50. `"T`kn Dy-nu?-.n{nl 'T`vr.nmnonv~ :- `nu- -.0 . The Provincial Treasure-r s De- partment has charge of all the sta- tutory collection of t/axes. It will be seen by loolaing at the various forms of tax collection, including` Amusement Tax, Law Tax, Stumps, Successive Durty, Corpomtivon Taxes (vinoluding race tnacks), Land Trans- fer Tax, c'tc., that there has been a very SU`bStZlI`Lil1l.l increase in every brancli of tax collection, aggregat- ing altogether $2,033,378.46. This vinclvudes the paymenrt of $75,000, by the Queen Vrictonia Niragara Falls Park. `HUI-.n Gndnnl ______ P` :I-\ 4-nu `-11.... l'i.lI'K. The tortal increase in tax collec- tion amounting to $6,390,430.08, has been secured nod: by robbing: any previous year, or by drawing: on what might go in any subsequent year. It represenms a positive im- provement in the collection of re- venue in this province. In; is hoped that it may be maintained at this gure next year, or probably be in- creased." (Founded 1851) Published every Thursday morn- ing at the office, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 in United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. `.L'1`('O1 u(`: .-\.\'D \`VI-IICHF. `Ia lumu .-I..~n,..I BY-LAW NO. 1 1 16 L`. GAS such zlppliczxtion -1] hv nn`;. Ir-<< 1h-m The Northern Advance iLWeChasseur Gets Five Years In Pen Five years impnisonment in the Kingston Penite.ntia1'y with hard labour was the juclgmievnt meted out to Garnet Keith Le,Chas-seur for his assault with intent to do grevious bodily harm on Wilfrid McMaster of Utopia. `"r`.hic is` the most serious case .to U'D0[)la. This is the most serious come before me in three years on the bench, said l\'Iagistrate Jeffs, and I believe theme is no one who will envy me my position this morn- ing. This is probably the most vicious and unprovoked case of'as- saul-t there has been in the County for some time. `Dunn Thoma!-nve Dial: ckarfarl fl1n+ another statement Irom the prisoner. His story was that he was born in Jersey on the English channel, came to Canada with the Commercial Fish Company, and was en=;rage in .tha:t business here or about fourr years. About ve years ago he lef* the business and joined the Ameri- can Army. He came to Montreal on leave two years ago, deserted and went to work in Northern Ontario. |Since then he has had no xed abode, but roamed about the Pro- vince until this last criminal occur- rence. LeChasscur had nothing fur- tlwr to say for himself in extenua- tion of the crime. In n-iuinrr 1'n:lnm1r-n1 The r-mn for time." Prov. Inspector Rich stated that word had been received from Inspec- tor Foster of the F-ing;er Print De- pavtmient at Ottawa saying` that no previous criminal record appeared u;})a.insVt, LeCh-asseur. Since the last trial, however, Mr. Rich had secured another statement from the prisoner. His c-kn`-u urn: fhnf 110 was hnrn Mon 01 the crime. In giving: judyr-men- c, the count intimated that under the code the offence C0l T'l:1I 1l1lJte(l was punishable by life imprisonmeint. The last case of this kind in the Province, one of robbery with violence, drew a pen- alty of five years with the la-sh. His Worship, however, was not much in avor of the lash and believed that since the prisoner was a yloung man he might be cured of his crimimil tendencies witihouit the use of it. He, therefore, comrmitterl him to ve years iniprisiomrment whidh would leave him still a young: man under thuirty with :1 long` life ahead of him at its close. Hard labor, but no ` lash, was at.tache and with exem- plary con-duet LeChasseur may short- en the senitence considerably. The bOOI]i_'f_"j.'.`(`1'$ are sure f.."L`Itil]_`l' the boots tlu-s'e (rays. Stiff nes and graol ta-1`n1`s if they have any Value should reduce the number. This `is my philosophy of action : Every time you've a task before you , examine it carefully; make exact measure of what is expected of you. Then make your plan, and in order to execute it properly, crewte for yourself :1 method. Never improviise. The fundamental quznli-ties for good execution of :1 plan are, first, natur- ally, inttalligence; then ilziscernment and judigmenrt, which enables one to recognize the best methods to at- tain it; bhen singleness of purpose; and lastly, what is most essential of all, namely, will--stubborn will. --Marshall Foch. Few things are impossible to dili- gence and ski1l.---Johnson. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 21 P. C. LLOYD FOCH S PHILOSOPHY A HOLIDAY GIFT It will be a perpetual reminder of your thoughtfulness! The time and strength used in running up and down stairs to answer or make telephone calls can be better employed. f0ry0urWIFE )ALL us by telephone. Give us the name and address. If you do so in the next few days we can inst.a1l an Ex- tension Telephone before Christmas. Ehono 218.1 What is ll(.`0(iL'ti in the world to- day is l1l0l`c real .~'y1m)z1tl1_\' and bro- therly love. Dist1`ust :1 man and he will soon defy you, but lo a kind act for him and both he and you will feel better and the world will look brigliter. It is no longer nec- essary constantly to dose the children in treatingcroup,bron- chitis, sore throat, or deep chest colds. Many Canadian mothers now use the "outside" remedy, Vicks VapoRub, for the cold troubles of all the family, because it is just rubbed over throat and chest- there is nothing to take. When so applied Vicks gives off medicated vapors which are inhaled directly into the inamed air passages. loosening the phlegm and mak- ing the breathing easier. At the game fimeVicks is ahsnrhed and Have you renewed your subscrip- tion for 1925 ? Direct Treatment with Vaporizing Salve Immediately Reaches lnflamed Air Passages. me Dreaming 835161`. At the same time Vicks is absorbed and stimulates the skin like a iiniment or plaster and thus aids the vapors inhaled to break up the congestion. At all drmr sfnres 50c a iar. For free [O oreax me congestlon. At all drug stores 50 a jar. For free test sxze package, wnte Vick Chemical Co..344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal, P. Q. MOTHERS LIKE TO TREAT COLDS WITH VAPORS Goodfellow s Good Shoes a That the County Council did not make a mistake in their selection of `ti treasurer to succeed the late D. Quinlan is becoming` more evident as time goes on. Treasurc1' H. D. Coleman at the session of the Coun- ty Council last week showed that he has a grasp of County affairs which makes him a Valuable oicial. His suggestion that a Treasury Board be appointed to pass on all accounts be- fore paymcnt is made is 21 wise move. The treasurer wants to pro- tect the County as well as himself, and we are condent that when Mr. Coleman quits his office as County Treasurer the afl`airs entrusted rto him will be found correct and in order. at POPULAR PRICES! Next Door to Bank of Toronto Building A. w. GooDFTELLow* W. s. cnnwn. HIDES WANTED! We v;ill~pa.y the following prices- Green Hides , . . . . . . .i . . . Cured Hides . . . . . . . . . . .11( Calf Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Kip Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Deer Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BARRIE TANNING co. for W. E. Br0\\'ster Itlanager THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 DEAFNESS- Be Cured % is a simple harmless home treatment i which absolutely cures deafness, noises in the head, etc. No expen- sive appliances needed for this new Ointment, instantly operates upon the affectecl parts with complete and permanent success. Scores of won- derful cures reported. __-.._-_ ._.... . _ . . . A . . .. \/ l\l;.|..|r'L.u|.:.'. A L...) I AAu\.u1 I \ Mrs. E. Crows, of Whitehorse- Road, Croydon, writes: I am 111029911 tn toll vou that the Road, uroyuon, writes: I am pleased to tell you that small tin of ointment you sent to me at Ventnor, has proved a complete success, my hearing is now quite normal, and the horrible head noises have ceases. The action of this new remedy must be very remarkable, for I have been troubled with these complaints for nearly ten years, and have had some of the very best medical advice, together with other expensive ear instruments, all to no purpose. I need hardly say how` very grateful I am, for my life has undergone an entire change. Trv nna bnx to-dav. which can be undergone enure cnange." Try one box to-day, can be forwarded to any address on receipt of money order for $1. There is nothing better at any price. 1 S. W. Mcliimley, Midland; Ed. Bell, Elmvale; J. A. Myles, 'I`horn-- bury; M. R. Tanis, Bradzf-ord; W. S. Robins, Midland; J. A. Slater, OriI- lia; D. McKinley, Ja1ma.t~ c s; N. Hamelin, Pc-rkvinseld; W. A. Mc- Conkey, Barrie; O. R. Alldsoln, Col- lingwood; J. B. Irwi-n, Onangevilley Jas. Patterson, Orangeville; W. I. McEwen, Tottenlmam; Chas. Ness; Stroud; R. A. Walker, Coldwater; W. Arnold, Coldrwater; G. McAllis- ter, Melancnhon; D. Burrows, Mid -' land; P. A. Coulghlin, Phelpsbon; Thos. Hill, Oril-lia; W. D. Allen, A . Creemore; W. Kc-ating, Fevershamv-I _ Address orders to Manager: Larmalene" Co.. Wood- lands," Stone-woods, Dartford, Kent, England. AUCTIONEERS IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE` The new Continental Remedy called TI10: who 1: are those who