THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 19271 ' `he Northern Advance D21l'l'. . Vanatter . Lowe S0a,Q'ram ` Brickcr .`1llU.I1(l2llC . B. Webb . Hook Knisrht R. Walker ` Collingwood nhl sup J. Holden... Newmarket ny1n Tottenham n-.un-.n- Allamlale D \X7nIn1n Creemore anin Allamlale \uuv=nn The careful nancing needed nowadays will be easier if you deal with The Bank of Toronto. Meaford >H-.n-nn 0 sh awa Stayner H1 Alliston Barrie n Orillia xn Barrie oi-fr an Aurora Barrie .1..,...x Orillia nla Financing the Farm Orillia Barrie _n Paris announces that skirts this fall are to be much shorter, and mention 14 to 15 inches as the pro- per hiatus between the hem and the heather. On a medium-sized wo- man, a skirt cut 15 inches from the ground would assume for all practi- cal purposes the pattern of a Scot s kilt. It is more than doubtful, how- ever, whether fashion leaders on this side of the water will adopt these lengths or lack of lenpfths. The new skirts will be extremely narrow. Waist lines of the new fall models shown by the more prominent Frencl: desi_e'ners have either returned to the natural waistline or are placed very low. ("nl...... .... -l`,~-. Ar~ 1`~~~`-- ounny A|ncrLa'," Saul Mrs. Ko_~;rers, but with the splendid irri_2'ation schemes the farmers of Southern Alberta don t need to worry about .a dry season. Bumper crops are assured anyway. Mrs, Rnn-m-: nlan Imm A4: A11m..4...s. assured an_\'wa_v." Mrs. Rog1'ors also told of Alberta s resources of tar sands, its 60.000 square milcs of merchantable timber. its 270,000,000 cords of pulpwood ready for development. Last year the poultry industry brought $9,000,- 000 to tite province, dairy products i)I`OU12'i1t $22,000,000. in addition to its wheat and `oats, Alberta is rais- in: sunowers for stock feed, and this is becoming` an important in- dustry. - year. ' Our province is well called `Sunny Albcrta , said Mrs. Rogzrers, the nlFY1(lll] ?vN'n-ann .'1|UL1L'LLl. l.i1l'lllCl`5 LHKU 2 . loan 01 grain to town and the same wagon takes home a load of coal from the mine. You may see a farm wagon trundlinp: along, tlzen suddenly dis- appearing` into the earth. The tcum has simply been lowered into the mine and will presently come up loaded with coal. Very simple way of ;1`ettin5: the wintc1"s supply. The verv l1iQ`l1r>sf, m-inn nnirl lrw 01 ,!1`(`tt1ILL" me w1ntcr s supply. very highest price paid by Albertans for coal is $6 or $7 a ton. The avcra_q'c coal bill is but $75 per year. i Our na-nxnnn .'- ...,.1I ....n_.u lU\\'. Colors so far as frocks are con- cerned, promise to take on slig'htl_v more . hues, but this does not apply to osiery. Practically every sn1m't:='l1op will have on sale at least 100 .=l1:ules of Jtockings. Lace, fringes and ostrich plumes will furn- ish the fashionable trimmin`_:s for the ziutumn costumes and fur will be e.\'ten:~'ivel_\' used. This latter fact zultls interest to tho mid-summer fur sales now in progress. HUI. lZ'c1l'1`_V WUII LU LHU 11:351. 50 lUllg 215 it is not exposed to the rain. Al- berta could mine twice as much coal as she is at present at tlze same cost, declares this feminine advocate. At present the yearly output is seven million tons. Klni nulu Ca Allmvn.-4-n Ann` 1|`/\\vu Inna. LIQIVV 3% QQQAI1 Qanvcj To Place Your Order for a Monument or Membrial million tons. Not only is Alberta coal clean, but it lights quickly, says Mrs. Rogers. Lighting the re used to be quite a ceremony with us in Ontario. We turned on the drafts and held our breaths to see what the result would be. In Alberta it s another story-- a little poplar wood, paper and the coal on top---you for,<:'et about it and there is a good re in a short time. Alberta farmers take a load of v\1:nA V-.. ....... -..- - 1.-_._.__ , Facing Backwards Ofce Boy (giving: valuable hints to 21-newcomcr)--An say, don't you have nothin to do wid Ma- loney. xncw mm_~wn+ c an m-mm. mm I. `h! .`\ b\V In `In I'\(Y...` Dr. Campbell .... ..1 J. McNabb ....... ..1 A. Brickcrt. .1 Taylor ...... .. ._ Hind-le... . McCru1'ick .......... .. I C. T. Thompson 1 x VI"L... Coal will all too soon be a burn- ing question with us, therefore, of especially timely interest was the reference made to Alberta coal by Mrs. H. A. Rogers, of Fort Saskat- chewan, who gave a very graphic cle- scription of the natural resources of the province of her adoption in the W.I. section of tlze Women s Build- ing at the Toronto Exhibition. Mrs. Rogers is a native of Ontario, but for a number of years heighome has been in Alberta. She is a most en~ thusiastic advocate of Alberta coal for Ontario. With satisfactory freight rates Mrs. Rogers believes it should sell at not more than $11 or $12 a ton here---it sells at $2.50 a ton at the mine. Nor does Mrs. Rog.-,'ers see why Alberta coal should not carry well to the East so long as H . in nnf n\*r\n:ml fn H-in rain AL 'mm 5" Ofco Bo_v-He s a coward; lat s why. He sneaked up on me yister- day and kicked me in do stomach when me back wuz turned. 1l'llI'(l li.0lIllI S. Young ............. ..16 J. Carruthers .17 Coopcr .. .. R. A. Stcphe . ..15 Dr. Evans .. .. D. Swanson... Brooks ......... .. .20 Brycvz .. Matchott. .._14 H. Evans .... L. Vair ....... .. ...16 Manning .... .. A. G. Walker...11 McF`a(l I W. H. Kennedy 15 Gibbs .. V. VVoorls...............12 C. W. Pouc'-1-or i Dr. C1aritlgo.........14 W. Holden . ...... .. `L. Cawthornc... 10 J. Sparrow Skelton.... 11 P. T. Clark . Rumsoy.... .... .. 14 Marshall .... .. R. McKni;.-;l1t .... .. 10 Scott ....... .. McNabb....... .... ..]2 J. Milne .......... .. Whattan.. ...17 Weatherwax A. Hay ...... .. .13 Dr. Harvic...... Dr. Campbe ......14 A. R. Walker ; Farwoll ................ .. 13 J. McLean , A. C. Bricker ...14 Taylor ........ .. IA. Massey. ..15 VVorrol ......... .. F. Himlle... ...14 A. Patterson . C. 1`. Thompson 11 McCrurick Fourth Round A. G. Walker .... .,13 S. Yo mg .......... .. Brooks ........ .. Matchott Swanson.-. Dr. Evans. Gibbs... AYFD 1 A 13:. uu-all JH(;`y." New :vv| `)7: L111 IT Wooa defaulted to C. T. Thomp- nn SKIRTS TO BE SHORTER Let us get it let- tered and ready for setting early in the spring. A large steel: of all kinds of gran- ite and marble to choose from. Bo_v-Wot s do matter wid u ALBERTA COAL uunl ; x Third 1 r: HlI'|l 1i.U|.ll|I ....16 Carruthc .. 17 Stcp ....15 ...20 ...... .....14 .16 11 1 K f`H.lm~ 5 A. Hay i A. R. Walker ...l P Farwnll l J. McLean . ..... ..] Worrml .............. .. 2 A. Patterosn .... `. 1 A. Massey .. ioun I P ` Stephens... L .. 4 T1 T3". amy ut: yreieruuie. ; A probable reason for the fewer` number of deaths in fall planted than 1 in spring planted trees is that the roots of the tall planted trees are` not subjected to drying out as are: the roots of trees held over until` spring. 1 Dug vs. Dyxmmited Holes for Plant- ing. _ A In conjunction with the fall vs.; spring planting, experiment trees`; were also planted in ordinary dugi holes and in dynamited holes. This ' experiment was carried on, of course, 5 in heavy soil. The general size. - health and vigor of the trees in the , various plantings seemed to indicate . that the trees set in holes immediate- ly after dynamiting were for someI cause weakened and delayed in growth. This was attributed to the rapid drying out 01.` the soil immedi- ately following dynamiting, which delayed the starting of the trees. To overcome this difficulty the experi-5 ment was continued with the addi- tion of trees planted in holes dyna- mited in the fall and allowed to fill l with water and settle over winter.-- Hort. Exp. Station, Vineland Station. ._...V ._r....... V. any .;nuv. i Travellers in Portugal report that ` in many places where timber trees are to be found-in woods, parks, and gardena--one sees the following ) inscription, headed "To the Way-. farer": i Vn 1n`1A Vunnn L... .....1 .......I.: _.-x.... Experiments to determine, for the Niagara Peninsula, the relative mer- its of fall and spring planting of pears, plums and sweet cherries were started at the Horticultural Experi- ment Station, Vineland, in 1914 and 1915. Complete records of growth and fruittulness have been kept for each season so that the evidence we now have is fairly conclusive. Pears, Plums and Sweet Cherries Do VVell. Severally speaking for pears, plums and sweet cherries fall plant- ing has resulted in the least number of deaths, and has given a somewhat greater growth of tree, both during the rst season and thereafter. At no time, however, have the diner- ences been very great, though they have been sufficiently marked to war- rant Isll planting, providing well ma- tured trees can be secured from the nurseries. Trees dug too early and with unripened wood are apt to suf- fer from winter injury. In some seasons, owing to weather conditions ; which stimulate late growth, it is practically impossible to secure well- matured nursery stock. After such seasons spring planting would prob- ably be preferable. A nrnhnhln I-nnann lrnu Qkn ns."-uc Lana ; Ye who pass by and would raise, `your hand against me, harken ere ` you harm me. I nrn the hon! nf 1-nun knn-oh nu yuu u'uu.| me. I am the heat of your hearth on the cold winter night, the friendly shade screeningyou from the sum- mer sun, and my fruits are refresh- ing draughts, quenching your thirst as you Journey on. I am Who hanvn fhnf hnlzlu: unnu- The Simcoe Marblg Works ix: yuu Juuruey Uu. I am the beam that holds your house, the board of your table, the bed on which you lie, and the timber that builds your boat. 1 nm fhn hnnrlln n1` vnnr hnn fhn Llldl. uuuu: JUUIV UUELL. I am the handle 01' your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle, and the shell or your cotn. I l)vv\ +1-.n kw-nurl n4` `.v:v\r`v\1-snn n..A aha] UULL|Ll- I am the bread of kindness and the ower or beauty. Vn urhn nun: hv liefnn tn rnv nv-av- l (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) uuvvul` UL m:uuL_y. ' Ye who pass by, listen to my pray- : er; harm me not. How They Compare With the Spring Planted Trees | `Pears. Plums and Sweet Cherries Do \\'ell -- Dug vs. Dynzuuited Holes for I`lzu1tin;:-The Appeal of the 'l`ree--l{:1inl'atll and Potato Rot--i The Great Oat Crop. I Very careful records of the rain- fall at the College have been kept by the Department of Agricultural Phy- sics in each of the past sixteen years. ` In comparing the amount of rainfall during the months of July, August and September with the amount of rot in the potato crop in each of the past sixteen years some interesting information has been obtained. The annual amount of rainfall for the three months referred to for the eight years in which there was no rot was 7.1 inches, for the four years when there was a moderate amount of rot 9.8 inches, and for the four years in which the rot was abundant 11.7 inches. The amount 01` rainfall, therefore, appears to have a very marked inuence in making condi- tions favorable or unfavorable for the development of rot.-Dept. of Exten- sion, O. A. C., Guelph. TREES FALL PLANTED Ontario's Greatest Grain Crop. In 1923 oats were grown more extensively in Ontario than all other grains combined. It is probably safe ` to say that three-quu.rtors of the oats which are now grown in this Province are of the O. A. C. No. 72 and the Bannozr va.ri-.-ties. According to ex- tensive experiments and uccuniulated records at the College at Guelph and in Western, ll-u::te1'11 and Northern Ontario, the O. A. C. No. 72 has sur- passed the Banner in both quality of grain and yield of grain per acre. The differences lgetwee-n these two varieties, if applied to the out lands of Ontario, would mean millions of dollars annually in favor of the I'\ A I` Nu 7`)._T1unl' nf Wyfonuinn G. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277_ UUIIETS u.nuuu,uy Ill lU.Vl)l' U1 L118 0. A. C. No. 72.--Dept. of Extension, 0. A. C., Guelph. u.-nu wu y. u... ... V..- vunnnaunnvnu Uncle Ab says: One of the best` ways to get men to work harder for } you is to work harder than they do. I R The ultimate success of any co-R operative umrketing effort. depends on the will of the farmer to co-opex'- - ate; on a spirit of mutual condence and on trust in one another. | -- .. n.,_ _. .._. -.,.l Rainfall A`ecting' Potato Rot. Yr... ......,.4'..I ..,\,......1.. -9 41... ._... The Appeal of the Tree; .....n.._- :_ 1 , BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY !Barrie - Marble - Works ELEM BROS E Phone 616. Memorial Tablets Corner Stones Markers Monuments Canadian 85 Scotch Granite 20 Owen Street BARRIE JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. Telephone 734 `79 Bayeld St. - Barrie. Letter from Mrs. Ayars Teiis How Lydia E. Pinkham s ` Vegetable Compound Helped Her Spring Valley, Sask.-I took the Vegetable Compound before my last connement, whenl got to feeling so badly that I could not sleep nights, my back ached so across my hips, and I could hardly do my work during the day. I never had such an easy confinement and this is my sixth baby. Iread about Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound in the `Farmer's Telegram ' and wrote you for one of your books. We have no druggist in our town, but I saw our medicine in T. Eaton s catalogue. am a farmer s wife, so have all kinds of work to do inside and outside the house. My baby is 3 nice healthy girl, who weighed ;nine pounds at birth. I am feeling fine after putting in a large garden since baby came. (She is as good as she can be.) Yours is the best medicine for women, and I have told about it and even written to my friends about it. - Mrs. ANNIE E. Awms, Spring Valley, Saak. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- oprlng valley, 58.51:. Lydia Ve etable pound is an excellent me icine for ex- pectant mothers, and should be taken during the entire period. It has a gen- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire system so that it may work in every respect as nature intends. All druggists sell this dependable medicine. Give it a trial. C Workmanship guaranteed on all fan-.i]_v washing` T0 EXPEETANT MOTHERS AUTO LICENSES jltaboundsin body and ~bon'e-building factors that every% young child needs. ` name my Ylnurnm 'l'nnd'nQn: Ont, 23-56 - \/lI .4.--..4 Debentures or the Town of Barrie. 5; Per Cent. Issue. A .- :1, ,, 11151 Good Investment. PRICES REDUCED W. BELL,iISSUER Laundry called for and delivered 7 OWEN STILEET Mzxsonic Temple Building Prices reasonable Successor to J. Arnold Insurance FOR SALE Page n`-A... Barrie Five Points LOVVEST PRICES BAN IQFTORONTO USE NOW .15. T*.*,;FLT_{1!"1E.. BRANCHES : Allandale That the tide of immigration was turning towards Canada and that the time was coming when the people of the United States would have to look to this country for their daily sus- tenance was the opinion expres's-ad by Sir Henry Thornton on his re- turn to Montreal from a trip of in- spection of the Western lines of the 1'ailroad. Sir Henry found optimism in the West, and estimated a crop of at least 300,000,000 bushels this year. oka. Wharf after Sept. 8. No. 55 and 56 will run via Musk- No. 48 will be cancelled after Sept. 1st. No. 148 will be cancelled after Aug. 31st. No. 49 will be cancelled after Aug. 31st. No. 43 will be cancelled after \un Obl-. z A112. sum. ' Nos. 57 and 58 will be cancelled after Sept. 6th. Barrie ............. .. Alliston .. Beeton Bradford lCo1dwater .... .. Collinyzwood Cookstown Elmvale ..... .. | Lindsay .. Meaford . `Midland Newmarket Orillia Oro .. I -n LVU. 4-) V` `Aug. 30th. I Nna 5'7 2 l\[anufuctu1'cd in '13a1'1-ivo by DAVIE BROS. ` \IAv 1 Toronto CHANGE IN SUMMER TRAINS FALL FAIR DATES 1924 Reserves, $7,000,000 Ehnvale R. G. MANUEL _Mgr. Phone 721 ` I\`z1.'.)`.';;`-.--1:;g...`3-Sept. 6 .... .. Sept. 16-17 ....... .. Sept. 22-25 Sept. 30-Oct. 1 . Sept. 29-Oct. 1 ....... .. Sept. 17-20 . Sept. 17-19 . Sept. 18-20 ....Sept. 26-27 Oct. 1-3 . Sept. 19 177 Tottenham McFaul Potter Weaver LI IT.-. n n D A V I E S Perfection Ice Cream Lawrence Park Dr. Evans A. Mason T. Collett E. Wilson .......... ..13 Barrie A. G. Habbick W. R. King: C. H. Beelby P. T. Clark........... Orillia A. Harvie F`. Home Dr. Harvie J. Sinclair..... Orillia Cunningham Clark Ho1c1'of.t' McNabb ............ .. Orillia L. Miller G. Walker B. Henderson J. Carruthers.....1 Collingwood Folcott Northcott Currie Gibb ...... .. Oshawa Richards T UH] Lawrence Park W. J. Davey ' W. A. Lytle Dr. Ball" J John Brooks .... ..14 I Creemore J ackson Woods Kembar Bryce.... THREE LOCAL RINKS ARE PRIZE WINNERS The Cre-am of Quality Alliston Reynoms Davidson Hansey 0. Skeleton... Collingwood Gibson Stcphnnson Nettleton McCrurick...... Orillia Hcwston Lounslmrry McConkey F. Himlle ..... .. bcconu Young: ................... .. 18 D. Swanson... .. O. Hr\rn11ar(lt n.. In... .... U1`. I':V1lHS.... Coffey ............ .. Curruthors`.. McFadden ........ .. A. G. VValk0r..., J. Mannin{:..... J. Gibb. n- Flu J. UIUI) . . . . . . . . . . .4 Dr. Cla1'id;:c-...., P. T. Clark .... .. R. McKnight... Ramsey ............ .. A. Marshzlll... ' J. Milne... Whattan... E. l\lCD1'l(lC }.Webb 3. Kohlmeyer L Massey .......... .. Allandale . Garsitle . LeGear x. Ferguson 3. W. Pouche1'...15 Orillia . Sinclair '. Thomson . Curran 1. H. Scott ..... .. Orillia '. Eitel : Carss `. Attley L Sparrow... All orders given prompt attention Phon0s-Facto1-y 226 Residence 335 or 668 Our Motto : QUALITY FIRST Allandale `. Whitney . Little [. Tideman .. G. Walker..- Orillia .. McLe1lan 'r. Madden E. A. Raney `. Farwell ........ .. Allandale 1. McB1'i -_ `xlnkk Barrie .. Malcomson `. T. Young V. T. Stewart 2. A. Stephens... Tottenlzam . Wilson . Walker McLean .Worrod ...... .. Oshawa L. Walton . Johns . Peacock `. Young ...... .4 Barrie L Lennox ] `. Marr ` L M. Lay T 3. T. Thompson 13 lCI'.'1l'(l.` Hill Dltnvn E. 2LV(:`l' Evans... Nowmarkct L Work I. Booth `. Chzmtler I. B. 1\rIa1'. A deposit account will enable you to make your payments by cheque, avoiding the necessity of carrying large sums of money at risk of loss. The paid cheques give you a permanent record of transactions that prove your pay- ments beyond question. A, c - --- - - - Illll ` Branton Woods ...... .. (Continued from page one) First Round la}-unuyn Qfnuncu Second 1 Q 1 ...lD LAOUDCT ..... .. ..1G J. Bryce . ....14 R. A. Step ....14 J. Matchc` .. 15 H. Evans . ...23 L. Vair ....17 Rmnscy 11 C. W. POL 5 V. Wood ....14 L. Cuwthn ..23 Holrlcn .... .. Sparrow . 26 O. Skeltor R. Scott ....21 A. Woazw .....l2 Dr. Hurvi Collingwood Collins Harris Allsop W, .T_ 1401:1011 DEITTIG Compton A. H. Walker D. McNiven L. Vair ............. .. uruu J. Hyslop E. Davidson F. Toop:oo(l McFadden .... .. lV1L'21I.UI Silverthorne Morran Young Rumsey USU Morris Foulrles Blackburn Whattan Barrie R. J. Ga1lag`hr21' F. Doyle W. A. Boys J. D. Milne .r 1 '``'`' `' Our local manager will be glad to talk over your nancial mat- ters with you. Wu U 0UJ.U L. Stevenson J. Aliman D. A. Swanson A`. BWIIIE Doyle Pritchard Binns Manning . 1 ontennal Lovering Strangway Pearcey Dr. Claridge Tottenham Dr. Wood G. McCu1'd_v McCaffre_v J C an: n ow) Walston Anderson Shaver Bernhardt K/0lllI1g'\VC Kohl Hutchinson Brown Cooper ....... .. Lmeenxor Gillespie R. Matchett J. Holcombe A. Matchett DZLl'1'lU G. Hubbard F. Culp W. A. Turner W. H. Kenncdy..`G Allandale J. Brunton S. McCausland Rev. Watt o L. Cawthorne U1`! V. Woods Dr. Hinds Ohristman : Taylor ....... .. Capital. $5,000,000 Oshawa Wu Gould `I Q6 nnnnnn nu muanuane R. Dawson Dr. Cahoe E. Shear B A. E. Patterson 71 U1'lIIl8. I. Day H. Furlong A. Carter A. Weaihcrwax Z 5: Campbell Frawloy Sinclair D A. Hay Dr. Campbell J 'Dn...1 mnston Brookes E. McLean H. Mur`-phy J. F. McLean _ I Round Brooks .. Cooper 3 .......... .. - R. Stephens . I J. Matchett ...... T-I Wxvnnn I1. IDVZITIS . . ............. .. ' Poucher 5 /0011 ...'| Cawthnrne ..1 E 3 Skelton .. .. W(-a'.c1'wax I I-{urvie ...... ..1 LC\./E111 rcy C. Coffee Tottenham L. Ranmgc . A. Semple '. Dillane `McKnight .... .. ARD work alone will not make the most of your farm opportunity.