JOSEPH T. CARTER Joseph T. Carter, :1 Chatham school teacher, dierl SL1(lllL`nl_V in To- ronto on '1`uc;< August 5. H: had charge of vocational training` work and was attending :1 special course at tlzc Toromo Univa.-rsity. .\Ir. Car- ter was well known in Barrie, being a-nephew of Charles Swinnerton, and is survived by his widow, two sons, Norman of British Columbia and \ Harold of Michigran, and four (laugh- Vters, Mrs. Wheeler, Toronto; Mrs. Kotzenmeyer, Hamilton; Mrs. Arnold, Wallaceburg, and Mrs. Murray Revc, Chatham. Dl.'E,"clK, I01` EH8 l\r1l(llaH(l D0_\'S l13.(l LDC best time and they also met hard luck in the ladder race, in which they were disqualied. Col(lwater s Good Showing` The Goldwater team, whicl: did` this event in fast time, deserve spec- ial mention. The brigade is com- posed of young men, some of them still in their teens. That these youths can outdo veterans suggests previous faithful practice. Warden Presents Cup Warden Coombs, on behalf of the County, presented the cup to the Penetang brigade. He pointed out the necessity of capable remen in every community and lauded the courage of the remen in braving many risks. If there is any man in Simcoe County who begrudges the hundred dollars spent for the cup hp is n hxnnnmv rnnn than nnvnnn in ;uuuau an :L\.\.Au\:uu Camp Borden followed Barrie and made fair time. One of their men, in jumping from the reel, landed flat in a mud hole and slid several feet. He was unhurt, but covered from head to foot with mud and had a previously spotless white sweater turned black. Penetang were the! only team to knock both semaphores down in the hose reel race without rst having to `re-connect faulty coupling. 1\v1'?.]1....-.47.. `LT.....) Y....1. un.uu.uu.a &Lcl.L\| uupxx Midland was disqualied in the, hose reel race for holding the two lengths together instead of coupling `them. This was an unfortunate break, for the Midland boys had the Had: firnn and fluav nlen rnnf l-vnvl UVUIC IL. The hose reel and coupling con- tests were run in succession by each team. Barr-ie made an exhibition run, but experienced difficulty in get- ting` the couplings tight enough. Several spectators were victims of a downpour wl;-ich didn t come from the passing clouds. Hose Reel Explained The home team showed skill in the coupling" contest and knocked down both semaphores without mishap. It should be explained that in the hose reel race eight men ride on the re reel, travelling at top speed, two jump off at the hydrant, attach hose and turn on the water, others jump oil at places were couplings must he made. Then the semaphore is knock- ed over with the stre-;am, the water turned off and a spare length of hose put in and another semaphore knocked down. Tn H-m .......;n..4. L1-.. 1.-~n |\IlUUlSt(l LIUVVII. In the coupling contest, the hose is attached to the 11_vd1`ant, couplings made and semaphore knocked down, then another length of hose is put in and the second semaphore drop- ped. A Irrlncf an A nnhlnnf Hullllfetl U.UllZ1l`5 b[JUl|L LU1` LHU cup he is a meaner man than anyone in the County Council, declared the Warden. The results of the races were: 100 yards dash, open--1, Jack Payne; 2, A. Walker. `Ll ..'| v\:`p\ J\V\r\V'I 1 T 1`\..1.n..... O I Brigade s Schemeimlgiissed F ire--- Kiwanis Players Did Not Tire Barrie remen fell victims to the heavy slugging Kiwzmians in the softball fame which was staged in connectiotn with the remen s tourna- ment. The liiwanians for the time mistook their motto We Build for We Score," and ere they eyarncd their mistake had piled up a total of twenty-nine runs. The perturbed remen, whose motto, We Put Them Out, seems to work better against re than against the liiwanis ball players, were able to collect only thirteen tallies. min. n..,m,m>. r\`:1'\: :.. n...+ $1.-.. mirteen mules. _ The rcmrm s alibi is that they were too fatigued to run the bases and that their scheme was too make the Kiwanians so tired with base run- WORK GLOVES AND MITTS ~ (Continued from page one-) Penetang, who won, fumbled the ladder, but did not have to wait for water, as did their two nearest rivals. Collingwood withdrew from this event and Midland was disqualied for directing the stxeam at the disc, under the standard bar instead of nvm` if, Credit to Barrie Firemen Barrie remen cannot be too hi}.-'i`.1_\` praised for their untiring efforts In `prepm`in{." for and running o` the various events of the tourna- ment. For over 21 month the various committees worked unti1`in_;`l_v to en- sure the success of the association's first (1eino11st1'atioii'. The chairmen of the committces are : Finance-Chas. Lower. A J. Wolfenden. Groumls-H. Hook. Pro:ram--Doc Willitinms. Dance--Geo. Coles. The members of the B.F.D. are: Chief Shrubso1e,..`apt. Johnson, Lt. PENETANGA'T1}R:fKb [% WINS COUNTY TROPHY| r'u_\'m:; 4, A. ` Half mile, 0} S. Richardson. -... -..y..-as uuvuu Band Tattoo I After darkness had fallen the` band tattoo was staged. Hundreds of people watched and listened as each band in turn, hidden at rst in the darkness, struck up a jaunty tune, whicl: grew louder as the band approached and ended in a ourish after the band had taken up its place under the mellow, crimson and green li_2'hts of burning torches. The bands assembled, they played en masse, O Canada. l Fireworks Enjoyed Then followed the reworks, the crowning spectacle of the remen's day. Beautiful rockets, which soar- ed higlz, broke into balls of re, others which showered streams of pink and green, of red or purple, were shown in abundance. There was the sound of breaking` shells, whi1'ring` wheels, crackling re and booming bombs. Especially pretty was the great maple leaf, the union jack and the kaleidoscope shell. The rain interfered with the display, but not materially. - .&1;Iid1and s Hard Luck H. Jackl ` Open---1, J. Dobson; 2.` haw] znn Almost an Accident ,-nu nu un SPULIESS VVHILC S\VEill(.`l` <. r both try as any. It"s lack of con asserted the preacher, that makes these men feel that some one in town is going to `skin them unless they are care- ful. Such tactics on the part of the townspeople undo all the pa1'son s iwork. The best Christian is the man who doesn't have to forget Sat- urday's work to sing` l:-ymns on Sun- day. said Dr. Cahoe. ' 'rl1n\-n nvn inn wnn-uv nlununlu-n E. B. Sutcliffe && Co. nay." Sal(l U1`. uanoe. There are too many churches here, he said, and what is the [rlifTCl'e1`lce between them? I doubt if there are more than half a dozen people here who know their church history and what they stand for. The Baptists, for instance, don t stand for a certain mode of baptism, as is popularly supposed. The people for- get the points they are divided on, and what does it matter, for they `are all divided on something` which is away o on the edge of things. During` the course of his remarks, Dr. Cahoe said that there was little di`erence between Canadians and Americans. You see more mous- taches in Canada and people here let their hair grow long'er. Tho rlmirmsun f'm- Hun rlnv wn: 'F`.:l uuub DHUVVD V\'llial|; IIC lb. There are too many people who are afraid that if you don t watch the other fell-ow he does you, and if he does you, he wins, but I am not so sure, said Dr. Cahoe. All the worry :1 man has is that he is doing his best. There are thousands who would like to be millionaires, but an honest man` is a thousand times bet- ter than a millionaire, unless the millionaire is an honest man. There isn't a better breed of men any- where than those I sec working on back concessions laere, and if only the people in town will play fair with them Canada will be as great a coun- try as any. T+"e l'nn1.`r pd-` nnnR.1`nnnn Ll'lUll' 112111` }. .'l`OVK" lOH_l'C1'." The chairman for the day was Ed. Sutcliffe, and Albert Bryson was booster. His attendance prize, two vases, was won by Les. Chittick. The Barrie Kiwanians will be the guests of the West Toronto Country Club on August 20. An fnnhnnnn nf Hun rrnnrl urnrlr Score by innings : Kiwanians ...2 0 0 Firemen 1 2 O (Continued from page one) the kind of town we live in, the kind of civilization we have, the kind of children we breed, and the culture we possess. We must do our own thinking, urged Dr. Cahoe. The man who answers the fundamen- tal question must put aside all ex- planation of others, saying I, too, am a philosopher; I, too, have eyes and can see; I, too, have projects, and I, too, am a seer; I shall pick up my courage and answer. All ready made explanations which our grand- fathers handed` down are being scrapped. They should be taken as 9. help, but not as an autl-Jority which must be defended`. We must do r own thinking or be lost in the cons- ion about us, declared the speaker forcefully. It is the way a man takes his courage in hand and goes into things as a believing individual that shows what he is. an. , ., , ` V muo on August zu. An instance of the good work which is being` done by the Kiwanis club was rc-lated by Dr. Lewis, the president. A Barrie woman, whose Llaugzliter was in New York, received word that lter (lauglitor was serious- lv ill. For some days she heard no- thing furthcr and greatly worried. she called Dr. Lewis, as president of the club, to see if the Iiiwanians could assist her in learning` her daughter s condition. The president sent a telegram to the New York club, with necessary information, and next day the reply, Patient re- covered, came back from the club secretary. The Barrie club passed a motion which will be sent to the New York Kiwanians, thanking: them for their promptness and courtesy in the matter. K. Lee, W. Johnson, J. Connors, L. Vail`, C. M. G. Smith, J. Holmes, S. Sherlock, R. Laidlaw, and the chairmen of the committees. ning in the rst few innings that they would be unable to play well in the later innings. But the bri- gade scheme missed re, the Builders woul(ln t tire, so Kiwan- ians were first at the wire, sorry that the score wasn't higher. cv___, 1 Kiwanis-A. Cooper, Dr. Warnica, Geo. Hubbard, 0. Rusk, Bill Turner, Ab. Moffatt. W. GrifT'1ths, P. Wise- man, E. Ryan. F`irmnnn_T}n1~.cnn I-Inn`! 17...`- IIIZUI, 114. nyan. Firemcn-Do1)son, Hook, Vair, Fox, Wolfemlr,-n, Campbell, Thomp- son, Lower, Brent. MEN S GAUNTLET CUFF GLOVES Ca1'le_\', 0. Patterson, C. McMu]kin, H. Barron, F. Living`ston, J. Garner, R. Lee, W. Johnson, Vair. C. RT. C Rmifh .T nnlnnn lU'RGEs` cdN131fdE_` l IN OUR FELLOWMEN A. .1. .ll.ICK, agalnst whom a charge of storing` junk contrary to the pro- visions of the Board of Health was heard last Thursday, was ned this mornlh: and costs, in all $20. The other clmrp:e, that of keepin;1' un- sanitary premises, was adjournetl till Aug`. 14. In this regard his poistion is exactly similar to Alc.\:an(ler s. l Barrie ..... .. Midhurst . A `lnrunluln Ull(llllJ.I'SL .. I Allandale , _ _ . . V-.. nn\\.lL4 The second charge against Maurice Alexander, Junk dealer, on Bradford St., namely, that of keeping` unsani- tary premises, was again adjourned this morning until August 14. In g-iVin_9; this decision 1VIag'ist1`ate Jeffs pointed out that there would be no conviction if conditions are satisfac- tory and if some agreement is ar- rived at between Alexander and the Board of Health. A T 'I`nnl- nnin I A. TUCK FINED ON ONE CHARGE lm. SOFTBALL LEAGUE puzusu U1 nezutn. A. J. Tuck, against whom charge 1 storing` iunk contmrv tn Hm In-n. Page Five Black and Brown, with and without toe ' cap, sizes 6 to 11. A boot that will give good, honest wear. STANDING UUU I500 T563 .oo rxh Men s Work Boots $3.89 OBITUARY Sutc|i s August Bargains! Regular $1.00, for Short Cu Special .3 5 . Where Most People Trade Successors to J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS FRED LOTH Pa1`ticu1arl_v sad and sudden wasi the death on Sunday afternoon of Frederick Lotlz, one of Ba1'rie s merchants, who passed away at Lockwood clinic, Toronto, where he had been taken for treatment. D4-n n- I`onvI;~+nnI.- G!-'+u_f1av-nn vnrn-c GRANT During; the past three years the Dominion Experimental Farms lzuve been making experimental shipments _of store and fat cattle and chilled Ebeef to Great Britain. `II ...n. u\.\.; nu ux In a shipment mzule in May, 1924, consisting of 140 head of store cattle of (li erent ages and weights, from the Experimental Stations at Lethbridge, A1ta., Scott and Ros- thern, Sask., and Lennoxvdlle, Que., some interesting facts are shown. can u; Aucuu. Total cost of shipment to Man- chester, per steer: From Leathbridge ................... ..$42.G0 Scott ............................ .. 39.96 Rosthern .... .. 42.13 Lennoxville ................ .. 28.95 Shrinkage in rail and ocean ship- mnnt : It is dangerous for girls in Mexico: to bob their hair, several of them having been attacked by crowds of young men. Rnilxvaymen 1'e;:'r;r(l the C.N.E. the ;:'ro:1tost creator of traffic North America. | LJIXLAIIIXCISC All lull auu UVCCIH b||l1l'| . ment : Fat or short keep (average 1309 lbs.) from Lethbridge, A1ta., shrunk .............................................. ..7.5 % Steers not so well nislzed (aver- age 1255 lbs.) from the same farm, lost at the rate of ......5.8 % Cattle from Scott, Sask., | Qh`l'HhL' ' 51,1 9/1: L\VU )'(3211' mu \ZlV(`.`1'3.g8 LZUU While 1148 lb. Angus feeders from Rosthern lost % and 1322 lb. butcher stores shrunk .............................................. ..9.0 % Deductions: (1) It was apparent that care in rail shipping from the West has much to do with minimiz- ing` shrink. Overcrowding' is respon- sible for heavy loss and cattle arrive at port of loading in a more or less exhausted, shrunken condition. Sev- eral hours rest is advisable at feed- ing points, where the exercise and opportunity to relax is possibly more important than the feeding; (2) Fat cattle lose more than those in a less forward condition; (3) Ocean shrink- age is comparatively light (under fair conditions as to wcather and attend- nnrn \ Which Pays Better, Sale in Canada. or Export? It is frequently stated that it pays just as well to sell in Canada as to export. In a `Q :-neral way this is true.` It should be remembered distinctly, Jiowcver, that for the classes of cattle required by Great Britain, the export trade ltas estab- lished or stabilized Canadian prices. In other words the British market has pulled up Canadian prices to the same level, costs of shipping con- sidered. This has been proven in two shipments made by the Domin- ion Experimental Farms during: this season. In a lot sent from Maritime farms local prices were increased thr0u_e'h the fact that steers were ex- ported from the locality. In ship- ments from Saskatchewan and Al- berta maximum appraised values at point of shipment, were, with the exception of one lot of yearlings, in- creased b_v from 2 to 52 cents per cwt. Quebec cattle of rather indif- ferent quality on export exactly equalled prices received at the farm for cattle of like quality. If the price of cattle in Canada is equal to not export prices, this benet directly due to the removal of the embargo. I l I I I `WAR AGAINST HAIR BOBBING! HZIU UCBII'.`Il 101' |.l`1;'d.L1IlBIlL.' Born at Tavistock fty-three years ago, the late Mr. Loth came to Bar- rie in 1907, and opened a shop on Dunlop street, where he plied his trade as harness maker until his fatal illness seized him. Although he had been in failing` luealth for some time, the deceased was able to continue at work until two weeks ago, when he was conned to bed. His condition rapidly grew worse, and on Saturday last he was re-' moved to Toronto for treatment. Previous to coming` to Barrie Mr. Loth resided at Guelph, Drayton and 'In_s;'ersol. Thirt_\'-one years ago he was married in Guelph. Mrs. Loth and two daughters, Misses Pearl and Dorothy, survive. His mother, Mrs. John Loth, of Tavistock, and six brothers, are also left to mourn. The brotlzers are W. K. Loth, Mil-I Verton; Louis, of Tavistock; Edward and Milton of Kitchener, Charles of Stratford and Robert of Hamilton. In y\nl+ini- `i\.T.- Tnoh iivnn n no-nnnnl-. NOTES ON EXPORT CATTLE SHIPMENTS ,'clLLlL IFOHI shrunk ............. .. In the case. (average 990 two year old : Iks \ Store Closed All Day MONDAY, AUG. 11 Black and Brown, sizes 5 to 11, not all sizes in each style, but all sizes in the lot. Regular $6.00 to $8.00 Men s Fine Boots Saturday Special Barrie s Civic Holiday $4193 ......... ..................O. . of ycarngm lbs.) and. with (average 12 60 R5 IDLFKI/lUI'(l illlkl J.X.UUBl'L U1 FIZIIIIJLLUII. In politics Mr. Loth was a staunch Liberal and for several years was treasurer of the local Liberal As- sociation. He was especially fond of curling and with his passing` the Barrie club loses a valued and esteemed member. Deceased was an Oddfellow and attended the Presby- terian church. 'T`lan "`IIv\A\nn` .n.~.n 1-...I.l av. VT`...-.9./l.~n .3996 ".4213 ".2p5| BOYS COTTONADE BLOOMERS Sizes 32-35 Reg. $1.75 and $2, for Jug 45 Oro-O1'o Fair Grounds SLu111i'lalc.--N0w Lowell V::sp)'a-Mj11ce.:11g .............. .. Flos-E1mvale .. . .. Mr2uionte-Mo3nston.: .... Mo1`rison-Seve1'.-1 Bridge... O1'il1ia--Uhthoff Tay-Vasey ...... .. SE22; '?5Z2 Reg. $3.25 and $4.50 for 5.4-` Jug . 1. Competition for tlze prizes is open only to the Rural Schools in the Township. Only those wlio have attended school for two months or |mo1'e in 1924, or are in attendance at the time of the fair, will be al- lowed to compete. 2. Nn cnfrv `Fr-n xvill hp 91191-(rnrl an. I 3. All exhibits classes 1 to 9 in- clusive must be grown by seed sup- plied by the Dept. of Agriculture in 1924. A A11 A`-I-`1-J6-n n1..z~e~... -(-`...u. 0: Men s Rubber Braces % mg uemonstratlon. 4.00--Exhibits may be removed. Prize money paid to the teachers. Suggestions on Preparations of Exhibits. F1owe1's---Select blooms in good condition and in arranging` boquet cons-idcr size and arrang:ement (1:-uin_Qim..i,x 1.... ..I..n_ . pun: as [0 varxety. Sheaves--Straw full length, re- move` loose leaves and trim o` bot- tom, select strziws free from rust. I\1a.n2`ols-I ni+`m-m in ;.:.... .....I MUSKOKA SUMMER HOTEL IS DESTROYED BY FIRE wm, select straws tree from Mang`c1s-Unifo1-m in size and shape, large smooth, rm roots, solid crown, and absbnce of side roots. Bects--Uniform in size and shape, not over 21/: in. in diameter, dark 1'cd_, rm, smooth, round shape and fine terminal root, no side roots, free from cracks, sunburn and disease. Carrots--Unifnrm in =3-m mm Lrum cracks, sunburn and I Carrots--Uniform in size and shape, not over 2 in. in diameter or 5 in. in lenpsth, smooth, with absence of side roots and sunburn. Corn--'I`vniml n+` um.:.\+.. ...-11 01 sme roots and sunburn. Co2'n--T_vp1cal of vm-iot_v, well cobberl, oars umform, strz1i2'ht and even, tips and butts well covnrorl. N0tO--.AV'0i(l nxfrn huvrrr: nnfuvuhu-.1 uvcn, ups unu cunts well covered. Note---Avoxd extra large untyplcal or tliseaserl specimens of fruit, vege- table or owers. lU\\'L`(l 1.0 CULHIJCLC. 2. No entry fee will be charged for any exhibit. Admission free to I allz) ' AH nvLl.U.. ..1...~....... 1 4... n 2.. LUZ.`-i. 4. All exhibits classes from 25 to 28 and 38 to 56 inclusive must bear a certicate signed by parent, r,,-uardian or teacher, stating that the work was done by tine pupil in 1924. (Certify on back of entry ticket.) 5. Nn rnrhihifnv xvii] hn nilnxvml - uuululunce. DpO1`[S. 11.00-Stock Naming and Button Sewing Contents. 11.30--Lunch. 12.30--Strat}1cona Drill in 01`1l(:2' of sections. 1.15---Judging Live Stock. 2.00--Hitchinp; Contests. 2.15-Reasons for placing: awards and discussion of exhibits. 2.30-Public Speaking` Contests. Hall opens for inspection. I 3.30--Poulti-v .qm~1.-im nrui m...:.._ [nun opens 10)` mspectlon. 3.30---Poult1'_v Sticking: and Pluck- ing Demonstration. Ann__17-.,1..:1..:4.,. ......... L- .._-.----U1 art-ang:ement. Grain-Should be clean and free from chaff, dirt and weed seeds, also pure as to variety. Sh(221\.'(\Q--.qfI`nu7 fun lnnn+l. .... \\_;Ul'l/l1_V UH KJd.CK OJ. UIlLF_\' IICKCE.) 5. No exhibitor will be allowed to make more than one entry in any one class, but may exhibit in as many classes as desired. R All ,.vl\:k:4.. n..,.,..-.L 1:..- ..L.\..1. The Morinus House, about three miles west of the Royal Muskoka hotel on Lake Rosseau, was totally (iGStI`O_\'(5(i by re. Fortunately the re was (iiSCO\'Cl'C(i early and most of the twenty guests and the hotel help were able to trot out without injury and with most of their per- sonal b(-lom:'in',:'s. The guests were - taken care of at the Royal Muskoka and other neir,-*l1l)orim.r resorts. The cause of the fire is not known. Pro- perty damagxe is estimated at from $20,000 to 530,000. llHdIl_\' CIELSSCS Z15 (lCSIl'C(l. 6. All exhibits except live stock must be in place by 10.30 a.m., and in no case rs`-"oved before 4.00 10.111. 7. No pr" a money will be given to any schoi not giving .a grant to the School Fair Fund. ' Q .\m......\,-. ....L ....,1--...L-._.I:..4. LHU DCHUUI rzur I.`UI1(l. ' 8. Anyone not understanding how prizes are awarded is urgently requested to enquire of the manager or judge before the exhibits are re- moved. n \'.. 'l-.,..\Ll. ...:11 1.- _n-_,__,1 ,__ UIUVUU. 9. No booth will be allowed on the grounds without permission from the manag'em<.-nt. Nnfn ' T7.n1'vv Hniznic uviil kn z~nn+ U18 lll2lnZ1g'(3YTlCHI. Note: Entry tickets will be sent to each school and acltlitional ones will be found on the tables at the lfair. n n .-. . .\ Programme for Fair Day 9.30 to 10.30-P1acing of exhibits. 10.3-0-Ha1l closes. Judging` will commence. Sports. I 11.0()-R+m-L- \7nnrn'nrr nrnl Dn++nn NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL FAIRS "Special _49 MEN S `BLACK DENIM OVERALLS MENS WORK TROUSERS \\'i.t11dut Bib 7iA l\\J I l'1A..414l\r\IVIJlQl\ \)I\I"\l` I {oy Alexzimlcr Grant, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ga-o1`:.,-`c Grant of Allamlale, passed away in the Royal \'ict;oria Hospital on Tucsclay, August 5, sufferi11;z_' from an ad- vanced attack of appcmlicitis. He was 10 _vcar.~:, 11 months and 13 (lays old. The funccal takes place ti . afternoon at 2.30 to the Barrie Un- ion ccmctery. Rev. A. J. G. C:).1`s- caddcn is in charge of the funeral 1 _$1.% $2115 ' Rules The Northern Advznae ...Sept. ...Sept. ...Sept. ...Sept. ...Sept. ...Sept. ...Sept. ...Sept. "road, $81.75 and $14.00; 1 1 J.'ULl LEHCE, J.O.UD; 11511 UDIL, IOI j 15, H. C. Hughes, 40 rods fence, ` $14.00; 11th Con., Geo. Brown, 30 rods fence, $10.50; 9th Con., lot 7, Corrugated Pipe Co., $64.80; R. Beatty, 23 days work,,$92.00; 9th Con., lot 24, W. J. Goodfellow, 60 rods fence, $21.00; Robt. Goodfel- low, 60 rods fence, $21.00; sideline 9-10, John Rich, 40 rods fence, $14; 6th Con., lot 5, Thus. Mayes, 40 rods fence, $14.00; 12th Con., Geo. Quantz, repairing bridge and break- ing; roads, $23.75; 20th sideline, Cons. 5-7, Harvey Ralston, $18.00; 12th line bridge, W. O. Quantz, $72.00; 12th line bridge, Lambert Wice, $3.00; 11th Con., lot 15, Rus- sell Webb, $33.00; Big Bay Point, Fred Guest, gravelling and opening townline Essa, E. M. repairing , I Innisl and Sri_9:le_v, g-ravellin_e; and $196.00; 5th sideroad, 6-5, Scott Sltarp, gravel, $15.00; C. Parker, $3.60, and R. Rodgers, $2.40. Finance J. Soules, valuating sheep, $3.00; huntingz: dog: that killed sheep, 35.00; F. J. Webster, Innisl School Fair, $15.00; Chantler Bros., $11.50; Fred Brown, sheep killed, two injured, $12.00; John Reynolds, $2.00; H. M. Rhxurnvf :l1nnn Lillnrl e19nn- D T between luzuwu, auuvsy r\u1\:u, LWU lIlJu.1`(3ll, Stewart, sheep killed, $12.00; R. J. `Eldridge, sheep killed, $7.00. ! July ,__- .._- ..--... ..`vvun.n. Mr. Herb. McKee, wlzo was one of the principals in the court action brought on by Mrs. Cripps last \v(~.-ek, wishes it to be known that neither he nor his family are responsible for the disturbance aired by Mrs. Cripps. The evidence given by the plaintiff was untrue throughout, he states. He and his family are respectable citizens and inaking` an honest living`. Unfortunately, their neig'hbou1's have been always making: trouble, which makes it unpleasant and (llS21},`.'1`(3:'38.l)l(`. They had never had any trouble with nei_L':l1bours or any one else before and regret that this had to be aired in court. _ ___ ---.__ _.-.-_., ....... | __,_ When tlze coal oil stove took re in the kitchen of Harvey Cole's home at 24 Perry St. about nine o clock Monday mornin_0;, liprht dam age resulted. The blaze was {:01 under control readily, thou,r:h it burned ercely for a few minutes. The kitchen was rather badly burn- Qt. [Cl'l?.l cnurcn. The funeral was held on Tuesday from his late resirlence, 157 Bayeld street, to the Union cemetery. Rev. Hipkin ofciaterl. The pall bearers were Gnome Hubbard. Fred Otton, Oliver Cameron, Philip Love, Chas. Bcelby and Alex. Brown. WUUIU (EKG care 01 IE. Chief Engineer of Municipal Roads, informing Council that it is necessary to pass a by-law im- mediately if advantage is to be taken of the Government subsidy for this year. A by-law dealing with this matter and placing the township ap- propriation at $1500 for construction work and $14,000 for maintenance and repairs was passed. Motions passed were as follows: Leslie--Rey:1olls-That Council pay J. Soules the sum of $5 for his work in searching` for dog that killed Mr. Horton s sheep and procuring same; Lzlllllll" $14.50; v-nrla -F.-.< J. G. Molfatvt, manager of thei Union Bank at Belleville, was at-I rested at Midland on Monday as the result of a visit paid by inspectors to the bank at Belleville. Mr. Mot`- fatt was in Midland, supposed to be on a short vacation. After being` ar- rested he took :1 dose of bi-chloride of me1'cu1'_\' and little hopes of his recovery are held out. He was rushed to St. Andrew's hospital, where he lies in 21 very critical con- dition. INNISFIL RATE HIGHER THIS YEAR (Continued from page one) They followed the dog and found that it belonged to Mr. Hellmuth. The valuator allowed Mr. Hellmuth to keep the dos: on promise that he would take care of it. (`I-n-l-` T7`v\n-hannu `J-` l1Ivv\:n:v-uh` (l0f_"l`eCS. DiE`c1`encr: from average, 5 (le- g'1'ees below. Rainfall, 4.20 inches. Difference fzjom ave1'ag`e, 1.32 inches above. `I7 `LT n..LL_4.._ `BANKER UNDER ARREST AT MIDLAND, TAKES BI-CHLORIDE U! `I 1VIean"t'c:-111.1-:('z;21tL11`e for month, 64 degrees. h`n-nnnn ....m m~......m. I: ,1.` COAL OIL STOVE TAKES FIRE DOES NOT WANT TROUBLE ,., -_ -. "VET THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, _`1_324 ....-n... g.j.1j.___ JULY WEATHER Low High Rain 4.1 (:7 _ -W. H. _Buttery. I I , . 2 nn- H M 0.08 0.16 0.02 0.23 ROY ALEXANDER 1)....