Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Jul 1924, p. 8

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Pnsre Eight gun I snug - rung... l\A4\.l|`l\dlV About 140 members were present at the annual reunion of the Scythes family held at Killarney Beach yes- terday (Wednesday). The pleasant weather made the outing a great suc- cess, and a general good time was enjoyed by everyone. Joseph Fife, 21 SUN. MAHOI\ I*`.Y--.`-\t tho R.V. Hospital, nn '|"h1n-calnv .TnIv1'I in TN)` nnal 1.41.:-nnnnu SHAW-At Angus, on l\1onluy, July 21, Neil Shaw, aged 83 years. In- terment took place at Angus on] Wctlm.-s July 23. ROBlNSON-At Galt, on Sunday, July 20, l\'Irs. Sz1rul1 Robinson, wife of John Robinson, at the age of '72 y(.-ars. Interment takes place at Gulth this (Thursday) after- noon. C. W. Robinson of Barrie In nc \r1I1r\|1|r-1|` n.u..r-nnzu n:nn..nn :1-4.. I Private Desmond Burke, of Ot- tawa, an .-i1.1*htocn-your-old student, has won the Kim:;'s Prizrs, the blue ribbon at Bisloy, in competition with 968 other m:u'k.~:m(m from all parts of the Empire. Burkt- .~: score for the two nnl stages of the King s Prizo competition was 230 out of a possible 250. He was also winner of the bran /.o' mulul, :1wzu` for the top score in the first stage. The P-inm~ nf Wnlnu was nmnmv tho first Lop 1n me nrsn sczzge. In Princn of Wales was among; the first to congratulate the lucky marksman. CANADIAN LEADS THEM ALL ,1` l'\A. l.`\l'l\J4\l`Al*`.`\L Lll(' l\..V. I'lUS])lLiu, on T11urslay, July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mahonc-_v, Elmvulo, :1 daughter. SCYTHES FAMILY REUNION PRICE OF WHEAT JUMPS z . l\l\!\ nnn Ann I Girls and Misses Middies Typewriters Rented--$3 per month or $1 per week. Barrie Business College. Phone 445. Ladies Nuknit Jacquets, Silk and VVo01, in sleeveless style, colors black, jade, camel, pearl, white, gold white, cepen. Sizes 38-40. it` Fl\ Figured Crepes in fm\'n, navy, grey, dclf, blue, henna. Extra Value. To clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9 5 Striped Satinettes, `S36 inc-110x wide, sand, gre_\j, 1n:1m'0, pink, black and white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pin stripes and Checks Special Buy or 3 for E. B. Sutcliffe & Co. Men s Fine Shirts Size, 14. to 17 DEATHS Wanted----Man or woman to take charge of restaurant at Classic Hotel, Allandale. --I11-- Fine Quality Jean Navy. Detachable Cqollars. Successors to J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS SUTCLIF F E S Where Most People Trade $1.35 -$3.95 I Ho.~:pital, ; M1". and] , Sluu1ty` Last week a band of Indians took possession of the east bank of the Wye River, near Midland, and are living` there and enjoying; life. They occupy modern tents. Hardly a stone s throw from where they are located lies the ruins of St. Ignace, where, in 1649, tlte Iroquois swept down upon the Hurons and thous- ands were killed. The shrine of St. Ignace marks the spot where Lale- mont and Brebouf, two Jesuit Fathers, were burned at the stake by Iroquois. Nearby also stands the ruins of Fort Ste`. Marie, the last refuge of the Hurons. |McoULLoUGH FAMILY 1 AT ANNUAL REUNION; I i The fourth annual reunion of thei xVIcCul1ougl: 1'amil_\' was held in the. Queen s Park on \Vemlnesd21y. li::ht_\`| smembcrs were present and 21 most; enthusizlstic time \\'a.<. enjoyed. Dur-i in gthe afternoon sports were pro-' vided and races for the children and jznlults were run. At six o'clock the; irelativcs sat do\'vn to :1 sumptuous `banquet served beneath the over- I1z11L4'in_L' trees. Following" the repast 'sp(.-eches by several of Hose present \ve1'e ]1(.`E,ll'(l. . l'hn nancf 1`nn1-.)1-L'u1\]n cnnnr-I1 u-11: Wanted-Livc young red foxes, 11111.21: hm hnnlfhxr and nnn1'In-or} |\ve1'e m.-am. ` The most 1'cma1`kz1bIc speech was .thz1t made by Mrs. Thos. .\IcCuHou_;'h `of LL-f1'o_\'. 'I`hou_:1: L`ij_."]1lj'~I1iI)L2 ivcars of age, Mrs. McCu]lou2'h \\'z1.~' `uhlu to _u`i\'c soinv miiiixiiscciises in :1 clam` voice and pleasing 1112111111.-1'. was her first attempt at public spo:1k- ing: and she '\\'ilS tcmlomxl a 1'ou.~'ing ovation. Mrs. 1\IcCullou1:h is the mother of the family she ;1 The McCulloug'h reunion is hehl ouch year by her children and grain!- chihlrmi with their fzmulios. f`1.....l.u `hfuvlrm n4` k'nuy \ nn-Y: uvl-n It` I |l(.`l)J.lUl. _ l Humorous aliscom'.~'es \\'r21'0 _r;1ven by \Volling't0n l\'IcCullou;'h uncl I\11'.| Living;ston of Chicago, the former the only American present. Both spoke on United States Cust_oms. Other speakers were \ Vilf1'e Dickey of Toronto, M1's.Jcffrc_\'s, Herschel, and Samuel Caldwell. Bar- rie. Tho retiring nresitlc-nt, Mrs. R. J. Stewart, presided. 'l`lm nnwlv nlt`-r`h=ll nlcr-rs :11'e:. Ch2u'los xVI_\'lcs of New York, wl;o is 21 lmulc-rs in Snl\':1tion .-\rm_v work, was called on to spank. His mldrcss on Fast Recollections and Future] Iopes, was at once inten.-stiny.-' and` I I1(.-lpful. Hmnm-mu: .licz-nm-<.m x-cm-n nivnn. lCl11l(l)'(`]] \\')I,l1 H1011` Il|n1lIlL`.\'. .1. bI'.CWaI't, presmeu. I The newly elected nicr.-rs are: President, Mrs. Fred Mre1'=t. Barrie; Vice-President. Mrs. Dalton Banting. Cookstown; Soc.-'I`rea.:., Miss Annie McCullou_s1'h, Barrie; Asst. Sec.- l`reas., Mrs. Geo. Smith, Ba1'1'ir.. I Other committees to ar1'z1n;:'-2 for~ next year's reunion, to be held in Barrie, lwgrinning` on the morning` of the first Szxtuwlay in July, were ap-I B nninfnal lUli.' XIFSL I pointed. INDIANS CAMPING ON I OLD HISTORIC GROUND `7i }s2".5` Men s Odd Trousers, cotton \\'01'st0d and `moods, sizes `33 to 42. To clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . ..$2_69 Men's Work Boots, Grcb make, blat.-k and b1'0\\'n, toe cup. I{0g111a1' $4.50. All sizes. ` To clean.` Boys Cottonade Bloomers, sizes 32 to 23.3. To clear . . . . . . . . . Town home, nine acres of good soil, with large brick house, electric lighted, spring water, good o1'char(l, barn. Will sacrice at $3500. Termsi if wanted. Apply | .Tampa A. T{1'ghtlev. v Men s Work Bdots,- Grrcb make, plain toe, black and b1'm\'n. Reg'111z11' $5.00 and $6.00. To clear . . . . . with and without dc- `racllublr: r:0]1a1':~:. Sizes 12.; to 14- Pin Stl-i})0s and ChC('k.'\1 Rog. $i..:')0 zmrl $1.73 Special Buy or 3 for . . . . . DlHCIIT HHU VVillKUl' 1'1, DHIILH ])*II. 'I`rinit_v--Adams 3b, Kennedy lb, Johnson ss, G. Foster 2b, Payne cf. Harrison If, Reburn rf, Anderton c, F.` Fostef p. TTn1nirp,=.._A,T\.'Tnf?nff am] (1 I3" St. Andrew's defeated Trinity 7-5 _\'ester in the rep]:-1,v of their tie game st.a;;'e a week ago Monday night. 'I`rinit_v secured their quin- tctte in the tliird on three walks. one hit, and two errors. The Saints started in str0np;, pounding` out_three tallies apiece in the rst and second and one in the third. St. Andrew's ................... ..3 3 1 0 x-7 Trinity ............................... ..0 0 5 0 0-5- St. AmIrew s-Wal1s if-c, McKen- zie 1b,.Tribble 2b, Rainey ss, Mc- ` Iiniyrht c-p, Hill cf, Blackstoek 3b, Sinclair and Walker rf, Smith 1)-lf. '1`)-inifv--A|lm11.c Rh. Knnnmiv 111 D . FOSEET p. Umpires--A. Moffatt and G. F`. D'oyIe.`. I` PUPILS. OF MRS. WHITEBREAD IN VHONOR LIST AT MUSIC EXAMS. I ' .-Xt"tl1` Toronto Conse1`\'z1tor_\' of ..\lusic n'1ilsunnnc~i' exams. seven of !M1's.W'I1itebread' pupils wrote and `all of jhcm passed with honours, ifour taking: r_.-`t class honours. This `is a \ el'_\` creditable showing and re- tlects gxgeatly on teacher and pupils. | Primary Piano - Annie Davis, `Stella Cluto, Doris Kcarns (all first icass honours). Doris Kearns, who is but eleven years of age, also was .~....n,.-~'..l .`+ Ln L`~.+u-..nn. .~.\-nuninn {.`,'C]'_\ I1Ul'SL. Miss Jessie Bryson, who is a pupil of Dr. Healey Willam, graduated with- honors in the nal Theory ex- amination of the Conservatory of Music. The subjects taken are, har- mony, counterpoint, double counter- point, orchestration, acoustics, camon, fugue, history of -music from the earliest time to the present, original `composition, analysis of the Bee `thoven S_vn1phony. i[lUllS [H15 _\'L'iU.`. E1-3mc11ta1'\ _' Piano-E1ma Henson (rst clzlss honours); Helen Mc- Bride (honours). Inh-rulnr-{n1-\' Wnnn_..I-Tnlnn I-Torhr- xr wanteu. .-1ppl_\' James A. Kightley, 23-3 Church St., Penetanguishene. D1'lll(f \llUllULll'> 1ntro(luctor_\' er (honours). 1nh~m|nr-1*nr\' | exzuns. : Intex-mv;d1ate Form-Mu1'1el Bry- son (Honours). ` Jnninv (`.n1n1fm-nninf-T\/Tnhnl Kenn- Ison (honours). . _ E Junior Counterpomt-Mabe1 I~.een- an (honours); Elsie C0ug'hIe_v. .Tnnim- Pinnn-F`r:mk Shannon 'an UIOHOUFS); 1141511: puL1g;111U_\'. Junior Piano-Frank Shannon (honours). | . Primary Piano-Eileen Armstrong". Elementary School Piano-Doro- thy `B1'_\'s'on, Margaret Martin. Tnh-nrlnnfnvv .Q011nn'| `Pi:\nn_..T\/Tar my Dl'_\'SOI1, marW11`cL ma1'un. Introductory School Piano--Mar- ;-;e)'_\' Hurst. 'Mia= Jnccirs Rvvsnm who is :1 mini] EUCCUDBLUI tions thls I.`l.nn....t` Cl` \l1UHUUl'5}. 1I1t1`0(|UCtO!`)' I mam .-\mIe1`son E MISS BRYSON S IN MUSIC EXAMINATIONS The following` pupils of Miss Bry- son were successful 1n the recent Toronto Conservatory of Music n\'n nu: ST. ANDREW S 7, TRINITY 5 BARBIE, ONT. Rooms with Bath. Running Wateri in Every Room. Sample Room. All New Steam Heated. Our -)Iotto--Courtesy E. \Vhite, \\'. H. Kennedy. Manager. Proprietor. I Sizes 14:20 Boys Fine Shirts UlL \ :sfu1 9 I. L. Yen yours 01 age, at 1:91" }:.nt1'z1nce 1-nu`. S). Piano---Helen Hedg- School Piano-True- (honours). $2.00 New Wellington Hotel: 1') uvwnrra n\'rn TENDERS FOR ELECTRIC WIRING AND LAYING FLOORS Temlers will be reccivetl by the umlersig.-;netl up till Tuesday, August 5th, for electric wiring in Chil(lren s Shelter (temlerers to .~:uppl,V material` required); also for laying` floors in` Children s Shelter and Court House (tenders with and without material). plane nnll Qnrsr|iPnfinv\Q w'I5I\' ho SEALED TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigrncd up to and including Monday, July 28, 1924, for the re- newal of the la\'atorie.~: of the County of Simcoe House of Refuge, located at Beeton, in accordance with speci- cations which may be seen at the office of the County Clerk. 'l"L,. 1.....,.,.A. .... -.... J~,...,1,... no vuA\,\. u; un. uuuuu_v The lowest or ar necessarily accepted. F`, Civil Engineer Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St. ; \l,UH(llfl'S \`VlLH EIHU VVILIIUUL Hli1L(.`l`ld.l). Plans and specications may be seen at the County 'I`reasur:r's ofcc in the Court House. 'I`k.~. 1.-m.m~+ nu nnlv +nn.l,... "4 I`\1|n, Lonux u_v a\.x.1;uL\;u. Address communications to thel undersigned at Box 760, Barrie, marked Tend(>1`. Al... 1.: \II:I-.... I HI LIN.` L;UUl'L IIUUSU. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accented. Q .1 .I..,. .... L- ;I.,. In the Matter of the Estate of Alex- ander John McKinnon, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, dece=|seJ. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56 of H10 Trustee .-\ct, R.S.O. 1914, Chap. 121, that all persons and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Al(-xamler John ;\IcI{innon, who died on or about the 10th :lz1_\' of May, 1924, at the 'I`ownship of Sun- nidale, are l`C(]uil (,'(i on or l)efm`u the 20th (lay of Au_L`u. .-\.D., 1921. to send by post ]))`(!])i\i(i or l 1' to the umlc1'si_L`m:(l, solicitors for the oxecutors of the Last Will and 'I`cstz1- ment of the said deceased. their names. addresses, and full pzu`ticu1zn'.< in \vritin_2' of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, lu.-1:1 by them. And fakn notice that after such by them. And take notice that last mentioned date the said execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havinu regarcl only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. nznfnlt nf Rnrriei. this 23ft] dav Of they shall then have nan nouce. Dated at Barrie, this 23rd day July, A.D., 1924. Radenhurlt & Hammond. July, .-\.u.. wzq. Radenhurst Hammond, 23-3 Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS House 3f_ Refuge MISCELLANEOUS For Sale'--Cook stove, half dozen chairs, couch, rocking chair, two oor rugs, quantity of lumber. Ap- ply 12 Small St., Barrie. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE .3>ul`ll_V accupwu. F. Wilcox, Chairman of House of Refuge Committee, Beeton, Ont. xumu-1'. I Alex. H. Wilson, I Chairman County Property Committee. FOR SALE L. R. ORD WANTED TO LET NOTICE nu; \4A\.Ll\. any tender not '-rl Bm'1'ie. Found-Little fox terrier dog`. Own- er may have same on proving pro- perty and paying expenses. Phone 9843', Barrie. - .. 1.-.2 -r-'~- uure, Que. The C.N.R. feated 3-1 at nesday evenfng Mrs. (Rev.) and Mr. and I holidaying at Nfrz, Rnrf. V nesuay evening. I Mrs. Watt and children Mrs. R. Barbour are Lucknow, Ont. - Mrs. Bert Walker of Collingwood underwent an operation in the R.V. Hospital this week and is p1'og'1'ess- ing favourably. `Mic: (`.1-nff nf T-lnmilfnn, whn is IHOITIDSOH were VICEOYIOUS. : Mr. and Mr. W. Mulroy and farm` ii)` of Hopkinton, Iowa, returned on, Tuesday after spending` several (laysl ,With Mr. and Mrs. T. Lougheed, Wil- iliam St. '1`11n G`-5+ n-n\\1n +n .]nr-Lin Hno rnvn.` Mrs. Greaves was in Toronto this week. 1 1X7,.kl. ......:- Sn "l"n.-nnlrn +1-n VBCK. J. Webb was in Toronto this week. 4.....m,. n,.n mu rm. .. +...-.. +,. +1.., VVUSD OH Lucsuay. [ Passenger traffic on summer trains tlzis year is heavier than last. Allandale bowling club is holding a tournament next Wednesday. Miss l\'Ia1'g'aret Naylor of Owen Sound is visiting Miss Hazel Hill. NH-e Fl` (".nft-lmv nf Rnllnvillp is .1. Mr. and Mrs. C_. F. Parker and children are spendmg two weeks at Gore, Que. 'T`hp GNP, -Pnnfhnll fmnn wn: In- mg Iavouraoly. Miss Croft of Hamilton, who is 'isiting' Mrs. Patton, rendered two lbeautif-ul' solos at the union cliurch services on Sunday last. In a local tournament played Tuesday evening the trio composed` I I 4 of Rev. Watt, A. Fe1'_2'us0n and B. Thompson were victorious. ll)`, anal MW , VV_ llnlrnv and `Fam- -defeated Mr. Little s Transportation` *tarted by one dealer, who lowered .llZllI1 DE. lu. \,l1l'lS,Llll`d.ll \\'(`llL LU 01 cnub, |.L`ll . The first game to decide the own-; of them being` dead. ership of the handsome trophy pre-i Mr. A. H. Goodall, who has re sented by Asst. Supt. W. J. Little to_turned from a motor trip to Owen the bowlers for inter-departmental Sound reports that gasoline may be _competition was played on Wednes-lobtained for 10c 21 gallon in __that (lay night. Geo. Clark s Motiveicity. Mr. Goodall states that the Power rink are first holders, having reduction is due to a gasoline war quartette` 22-14 in 21 ends. The-itlie price two cents below the usual Hook, F. Whitney, v.-K. Ferrzuson, G. to half price. The Barrie man sziys Clark; Transportation, B. Thompson,` the many motorists benetted b_v the B. Travis',`.P. Clark, W. J. Little. war, as scores of cars were lined St. Geomeis Picnic lup awaiting" their turn at the Iilling ` _t. t s. St. George s Sunday School annual ; Q 1 Ion 'picnic was held to St. Vincent's`. Park on Wednesday. Results of tlie;MISS players were : Motive Power, .-\.1;price. whereupon the others reduced ` races were as follows : (UM: nrulnv \rn:\T `prlcro p i DULUIU IS VlSlLlIlg H1155 F.l'd'l.L'l 11111. Mrs. Ed. Catcher of Belleville is the guest of the Misses Catcher. N|'r am] Rh-= Y-I, Pol] hnvn ra- Found-C1eveIand Bicycle. Owner may have same on proving` owner- ship and paying uxpcnses. Apply Chief Case, Barrie. [He g'uC`SC OI ENC 9115565 L./H.|.Ullt5l`. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fell have re- turned from Cameron and Lindsay. `Tr: W 'Rn}\]`\ nnll nhnolvan !\\'l1 LUIVIICLI ll'0Hl KJELIIIEFUII 'd.HU J.JlllU2L_V. Mrs. F. Bebb and children are visiting` Mrs. A. Ingram in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott are spend- ing a few days at their home here. llrc {Ur} Wnlmlu l1n,< 1-nhwnml mg 21 ICVV Ui1yS Ell. LII(fl1' IIUIIIU IICIVE. Mrs. (D12) Webb has returned from an extended trip to Providence, F T, \VetK. Archie Bell left for a trip to the West on Tuesday. 'Pn::nno-:n~ h-nfTm nn :nn1n1rn- hunel A(A\-\.~7 nL:L1. no Avllvvva ` Girls under ve-.\I. Edge, P. Matthews, A. Speers. P.n\': nmlnv vr----T, Tmo. R, Innk- `Girls under seven-.\I. Little, C. .\Ii11er, T.` Matthews. {lira}: nvnlnv 11;n(._po::;n \T-nnrnvu ` Jllllfif, 1.` J12J.LLI1\\'S. . Girls under nine-Bessie Mathews,j `Grace Little, Minnie Looker. ; I Rnv: 1.1 and 1:'\.._.T T.nnL'c-1' T), 'U1'21C Llttle, ;\.l1l1nl0 L40OK(3l'. Boys 14 and 15-J. Looker, D. Blogjg, C. Knight. Rnv: nvov =iYfac>n:P Cn:hInn,.R naer. I Girls 16 and over-Grace Goddenw `M. Whittington. ' "[`1n~pn_1mrr-ml rm-r>-\N:1r(H(> and mo;-,'g, p. Arugnt. Boys over sixteen-R. Godden,.B. Baer. I f`1u1~ 111' ..n.l nnnu P.-nnn f1r\r]:1r-I'\ Lost---On Tuesday, July 22, between Barrie and Sta_vner, a tent, rolled up in canvas bag. Will nder pleasel leave with J. Case. Chief of Police, Barrie. Reward offered. ' )1. VV IIIIIIHQTOI1. Three-legegrl race-Wardle and; Edwards. '4 3 _?T [ Miss Cameron will demonstrate} Fanny Parker chocolates this week` at C1'os:~:l:m(l`:< drug store. Four members from the Barrie: Gun Club attended and took part in] the Eastern Canada trapshooting; tournament held at Hamilton this: week. On Tuesday Wm. Crossland`. won a silver tea set trophy with a` score of 48 out of 50. On We-Ines-I lay Lorne Campbell lost on a tief with Mr. Graham of Hamilton for: another. Scores were 47 out of 50.] ' _, .... I mm vs ,, ,1, ,_,.._ uuvunun. >.J\.vL\.c n\.A\, 1! Va. -4. uv.| The Barire mcn s scores were as! follows 2 m,, u \11,,_ rw, ..,,1,,., I L..,1_. Luuuvva Tuesday-Wm. Crosslaml broke 90 out of 100, Lorne Campbell 87 T1105. Rogers 81, R. Wolfcnden 82.` \Vmlnz-uulzn/__T. Cnmnhtll 90 nuf` LHOS. lY.0g'Cl'S 151, IE. VVUU.L'Il(.l(.`X1 04.1 Wez1nesday--L. Campbcll 90 out] of 100, R. Wolfcnden 87, W. Cross-` land 86, Thos. Rogers 85. F On Monday, July 21, there passed popular young people, in the person of Mrs. Murray Hunter, of Craig- vale. Deceased, who had been in ailing` lzealth for about two years, was of a kind and cheerful disposi-` `away one of 1nnisl s promising and `tion, and it was hoped she would lnally overcome her disease. She was in her 35th year, being a daugh- ter of the late R. J. Black, who pre- deceased her some twelve years. Her mother, now being Mrs. Thomp- son, resides in Thornton. She is sur- vived by her husband and one son, Raymond, two years of age; also one sister, Mrs. Ackerman, of Lion s Head, and three brother, Roy and Josepl`. of Luceland, Sask., and Robert at home. She was married to Murray Hunter on June 11, 1919. The funeral to Stroud Methodist cemetery was very largely attended. Many floral tributes on the casket showed the high esteem in which Mrs. Hunter was held in the community. Rev. J. S. Stevenson was the ofciat- inp: clergyman. The pall bearers were Oswald Black, Herb. Black, Alex. Black, Wm. Black, Lennox Black and James Leonard. Among: those present from Barrio at the annual meeting: of the Grand Lodge, AF. and A.M., in Toronto last week were Dr. Sprott, Fred Marr. Chas. Lower. W. N. Duff and Alex. Cowan. This district was well represented at the meeting. One of the features was the singing of a `Masonic choir led by Mr. Bowles of Toronto at the opening ceremonies. Members present who have been Masons for fty years were introduced and complimented. They will receive medals in com- mcmoration of the event. Among tl`.F` were Mr. Pye of Thornbury, a past district master. TRAPSHOOTING TOURNAMENT 3 l'lLLI1tV\'S, :1. Dytifz. Boys under ve--H. Lee, R. Look- Phone 623. ALLANDALE MRS. MURRAY HUNTER Que. football team was de- Cookstown on Wed- ' evem"ng. (T< nv\ Wnff. and nhimron Genuine Layer Felt Mattresses, 1'eg'ular $10.00, at $8.50. W. A. Lowe & Son. vnn nun Snullrul LA (I .l,uunu.~&....L Illll (lE.l_\'S CH_]O_VHl(.`HC. St. George's Sunday School en. joycd 21 picnic at St. Vincent's Park on Wednesday afternoon. Needless `to say, the kiddies enjoyed to the full the afternoon. Dr. Alexander Watt, of Wilkes- Barrc, Penn., arrived in town on Wedncsda_\' to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Watt, Shantv B213`. `Dr. Watt has been away for t|1irt_V ,Vea1`s and remurkn-I on the change! 4... D......... ... 41...-- .`.n UWU GE 0011. You are invited to a demonstrat- tion of Fanny Parker chocolates at C1'oss1an(l s this week. . 1+_r~.a xx; (1 mr..1:,m,:..:,.1, -4: rm. on a cna1'_2'e or TCCKICSS urwlng. A gang` of men are busy this week installing: a storm sewer on Eliza- beth St. before paving operations start. H1 f`....{..- ....u-. 51.,` ........ -0.... Ll... IICSUKS. Jack Boys won his first game quite handily in the Northern Ontario tennis championships at Bigwin Inn on Blonday. Qnvnn ixnvnlu nO- +1111 G1-nn1nn c Ull .`.U.UI1(l2l_V. Seven bands at the 1'emen s tournament, Aug. ('. Grand re- works display in the evening`. A full da_\"s enjoyment. Q?` Con)-o-rm : Knnqlnv Qt-I1nn'| nn. U1`. vvau. [.115 l|L'l'.'lI 2l\V' -U1 Ll|llL_\ change in Barrie in t`.1.';1'I Limo. Rinks skipped by C. H. Beelby and `A. C. Bricker failed in an attempt to lift the Tudhopc Trophy at Orillia {last Friday night by the narrow mar- gin of four shots. C. H. Beelby was nn '7 u-11Hn A F`. `Rvir-L'nv .. .. . 1 Anyone lc.smng' p1-1v1lr_~L`es ior! .=e11ing' ice cream, soft drinks, etc., at Agricultural Park on Fireman's 'I`ournament day. Aug` 6, apply to` Harry Hook. Phone 15 or 650w. [L/1'OSSl1n(l'S `C1118 \VCCK. Lt.-Col. W. G. Mcliendrick of To- ronto will be the speaker at the Kiwanis luncheon on Friday. A. M. Ronald of Minesing was assessed $15 and costs on Tuesday on :1 r'h:'n'p'n nf rr>('L'ln= tlvinrr SLEll'L. Bill Craig won the prize for the best comic costume at the masquer- ade dance at Big Bay Point on Wed- nesday. .T'.`II|L" Rnvc uvnn 1-c u-of rrnrnn nnH-n `$1111 01 10111` snots. L. n. D(}ell)_\' was ,up 7, while A. C. Bricker `was down 11 to O. Christman. The {Jame between A. C. Bricker and O. Christman wont to 31 ends, ten 7\T1~ A 1-1 Cnmln, xvhn 11:1: rn `weeks ago to-day, : delirious. Miss ;\Ia1'garet Murchison, the sole survivor of the drowning tragedy that 0ccu1'2'(:d on Lake Simcoe two is recuperating steadily from the effects of her pro- longed exposure and hunger. Though she has lost weight considerably, she :is making very favourable progress. Her body, which was so badly sun- rburned, is still blistcred, but is not nearly so painful now. since she was found At no time has she been The endurance and pres- ence of mind which she displu_\'ed, both during` and since the a.cicdent,: is astounding. Ax` vi-f Hun hnvlinc n`F T4`:i:rv_n- \l ` lb HbLUUIl(llIlg. 1 As yet the bodies of Ezlgar M. ismith and Wilbur Hoskin have not `been discovered. The waters of` ;Lake Simcoe still defy all efforts { that are being; put forth to ml them. 9A continuous search, except for the` `the last three (lays of last week, has :been kept up, but without 1'(.-sult.. lBe;-,'inning' at tlayhreak Sunday morn- ;in1.;', the ninth lay since the accident, ].'s`(:Z1l'Ch pzwties have scoured the lake, `hut hu\ e failed to ml any trace of gthe bodies. .\ r:.r\I\\-- I\I\ 'r*..m.|.... ..u,.... LHU UUIHUS. A report on Tuesday afternoon `that the body of E. M. Smith had been seen floating: ncar shore at Oro Station aroused hope for a short time, but search parties have been unable to (liscover any trace of it, though tlze waters in that vicinity `were thoroughly combed. Mrs. Jones, who summers at Oro Station, was bathing in the water when, as she says, she saw the body of a man, the upper half of his body bare, oating` face downwards near the shore. From the description sh.'be- lieved it to be Mr. Smith, and there were no men in the immediate neighbourhod, she ran over to a farmhouse for help. But the men were away and the farmer's wife re- turned to the cottage with her, from where they could still see an object in the water. ( M I`: undo]. ?\lnI\V\r\.' H1 Llllf \VU.Ll'.l'. C. M. G. Smith was phoned and he at once hurried to the cottap;e hy motor, but the object laud by this time drifted out of siprht around 2: point. C. B. Brown and Cli` Cur- le_v came down the lake in the form- e1"s launch and mzule :1 thorough search without avail. The search was continued again on We(l11(_-s morning, but nothing further came to lix.-`ht. The Search is lmim: con- tinued at the present time. The winrls whicl: are prevailing will tend to carry the body out into the open lake. ' l\/Tm. T.-....... L. ....:4n ...-..:;:.. A.L..A. HIKE. Mrs. Jones is quite positive that she rr~a1l_v saw the body, and the le- tail of the upper part of the hotly being` bare would appear to wr- semhlc a description of Mr. Smith, as Marxxaret Murchison states that she removed this part of the bath- ing suit after he had (lied to pro- tect herseif zurainst the bitter cold. nuvu necn cnan;:cu to Aug. :2 mm 13. The hay crop this your will be well up to average, according: to re- ports. It is being cut at present and yields are very satisfactory. WI1r\nf Irmlte vnvv rrnnll nf rwncnn |Il ribs am! on we IVJIIIOSIHQ` mats. The culling demonstrations which are being: held this week have been well attended so far, despite the fact that it is splendid haying weather. vva11Le(1--LAVC young reu Ioxes, must be healthy and uninjured. Campbell, 13 Elen St., Toronto. Tho potato tlc-n1onstrz1tion tlutos have been chzmxxcd to Aug. 5 nml 6. Tho hnv r-I-nn H13: vnnv uyl hm anu ynenus are very sausmcnory. Wheat lool good at present. and is beginning; to ripen. Some especially ne elds are to be seen I in Flc.s"an on tlte Minesinp; Flats. The culling` len1nn_=trnh'nn: whinh 1 AGRICULTURAL NOTES LOCALS The Northern Advance ! BIRTHS 'BROW.\`---On Sunday, July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, 01' Ves- pra, a son. iMUNROE-On Tuesday, July 22, to ! 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Munroe, of Ves- pm, 2: daugllter. ` GAG;\'ON-.~\t the RV. Hospital, on. qn+I1\u]n\v Tnln 10 fn ,\`Yv znnlk 3,, pm, uaugnu.-r. I "GAG;\'O.\`-.~\t on ` Satu1' July 19, to Mr. and I 1\/Irs. 1C(,lwa1'(l Gagnon, SHE Clapper- ton St., :1 C.`-\.LDWELLLAt the RV. H0.~:pital,i Isl! N1nn.l..n `lulu 01 on lip ..n.l: \J.'-x1..uw141414'-.~\L mu u.v. on Uomlzxy, July 21, to Mrs. Robt. F`. Caldwell, . ;a_V', :1 (l:u1g'l1tc1'. STURGESS-At the R.V. I n)\'I`|I1._-cl-:\Y Tnlv 99 1,. may, u:u1gnLc1-. I H0s1)iatl,' on 'l`u(,-srluy, July 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sturg`cs.<, "I`ho1`nton, :1 ul2Lu::11t(:1`. WHEELER--At the R.V. Hospituhl on 'l`hur.<(l;1_v, July 17, to Mr. and` Mrs. Alfred Wl1(.-5101`, 7-1 Peel St,` I n -Ann I l\l\4l- an VVIIA.-(`ll uvnun u Practically $1,000,000,000 has been added to the aprricultural wealth of the United States and Canada as a result of the sensation- al advance in grain values in a little more than a month. At the same time many millions of dollars have been received by farmers in the Can- adian Nortlixvcst. where wheat prices liaye jumped 42 cents a bushel. as at-,'ainst' nearly 30 cents a bushel in Wanted-Position open for sales- woman in millinery show room. Must have experience. Geo. Vickers Limited.

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