Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Jul 1924, p. 3

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"THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924 PERCY HOADLEY IS PREPARED lrn onnnnf 9 `in-fnrl nlumhpr llf uc. V1Ul'Uli A. r1.'-uu', u1tA1.'uA1xu of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Ofce, corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley. Oice open until 8 p.m. VICTORIAN CRDER OF NURSES, TR-.n-I-:1: Rrnnnh N19115:! M, '.V- $M1THr_ uuuta, L1 (1.1: ; pnointment. Smith's Service Cost: No Mon" Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 :n.__. no ll...:- -o, r 2 Phone 82. Ian: lurnnuus an I` Open Day and Night 47 Elizabeth St. Pinon EDMUND HAIUJX, IVLUD. .DAu., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Or- gran, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. Z1 U0lllel' DE. l"l'l0I'|6 D16. Piano and Vnolm. Pxano Tuner. THE SARJEANI g9.,iLn11g11'rI2p . W. ILVr.'5`1`n.'1<., Inaunn Piano, Violin and `Cello. Bayeld St. Phone 974w. 'l`JK.UI HUAULLJI 15 rnnrnnnu to accept a limited number of pupils in the following: Organ, Voice and Piano. Studio, 46% Clapperton St. Specialist on voice production. Phone 283w. '1U'1'UKlAN Ununxt. Ur LVunol:m, Barrie Branch. Nellie M. Lay- cock, R.N., C.P.H.N., 86 Worsley St. Telephone 751w. Ofce 95 Dunlop St. (Ross Block). Phone '1`0%5j. Oice hours, 2 to 3 pan. 9| V, P: C-1-1-OYP daily.` DR. E. G. TURNBULL ,:- 1u'.t:II YY-.:-......... FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER n_,,, -n___ .._.n \v:..1_4. o. R. RUSK, op`:-1.1). I`I_--__ I FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. W. A. LEWIS v-nay A \v1\ Y\1 (V'I'.\ A (V17! \ VERY member of every family in this community is interested in the news of the day. And no items are read with keener relish than announce- ments of new things to eat, to wear or to enjoy in the home. MUSIC LESSONS LEGAL MEDICAL OPTICAL Page Three DAIS- s Public, ' to loan current street, a on Barrio. Ont. BAR- D..k1n `REALM Phone 218. LU!` 120 You have the goods and the desire to sell them. The readers of The Nor- thern Advance have the money and the desire to buy. The connecting link is ADVERTISING. Give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices. They look to you for this store news and will respond to your messages. Let us show you that Issued by mg. W e are Headquarlcrs for Bird`: roonga, building paper and wall board. Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association {PROSPECTS FOR HONEY , CROP NOT VERY 1 '|`l:u: i;r;~x:e_x` <,l'tJ}; u1}.~ 'o.'z1l' is notig in-ry ;n`oini.<'111u. Uwinfz to the latul} spring and cold nights bees had to I be fed at a time when they should I have been making` honey, with the ` result that they are very weak nowli 1 I i and lzave done practically nothing yet. The season is about over for white honey and prospects are not `very bright for even the late or buck- 1 wheat variety. In conversation with 1 Mr. R. G. Houghton, secretary of ` the Simcoe County Beekeepers As- ' ' sociation, he stated that he had visit- ed many of the beekeepers last ' week and found that little honey had 3 yet been produced. A few of those ` in the northern part of the County ' had reported some honey, but there 3 was none in the southern district. 3 Mr. Houghton has some 200 swarms ' himself near Newton Robinson and ' does not expect very much this year. 3 He attributes the off years to the ` cold nights and late spring. ll. 13 L'U1upuu:u used more than matches last year. is computed that the 4,675,000 .1.-- 1n:.+ 1'1`, -n~ VISIT TO HOUSE OF REFUGE I BY PEEL COUNTY OFFlClALSi The World : Matches 817 I BRIGHT. world million not ONTARIO CARVED UP BY THE I NEW DISTRIBUTION BILL` The Redistribution Bill with its denition of constituencies came be- fore the House on Monday. Flnnknn `Many Ry-nncuyil-1: Prinnp Iore me mouse on moluiay. Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Ontario retain the same number of members as at the last redistribution. Nova Scotia, now with 16, is reduced to 14. Manitoba will have 17 instead of] 1!: Many Changes Ontario retains 82 meml)c.rs. There are many changes in the con- stituencies. Glengarry and Stor- mont is divided into two ;1ivisions. Dundas and Grenville are united. Lennox-Addinglon is divide-(1, Ad- dington joining Frontenacs and Le-nnoz: j-zvining Prince l'2.i\\'arrl. Hastings West becomes Hastings South, and Hastings East joins Peterborough to make I-la:stine;s- Peterborough. North Ontario joins Muskoka. Dufferin has South Sim- coe added to it. East Elgin goes in- to Norfolk. Essex is given three seats instead of two as at present. Timiskaming is divided into north and south. The territory at present included in the two ridings of Fort William and Rainy River and Port Arthur and Kenora is divided into three constituencies, Fort William, lienora-Rainy River and Port Arthur- Thunder Bay. mL_ Vnvl-c are vn- ._..-.m..L Inn Lnuuuer Day. The present four Yorks are re- duced to three, north, south and west. Toronto gets nine, or an in- crease of four seats. The nine are called Humbervale, Parkdale and Toronto East, Toronto East Centre, Toronto Northeast, Toronto North- west, Toronto-Scarborough, Toronto Soutl: and Toronto West-Centre. Ontario Constituencies Algoma East, Algoma West, Brant, Brantford City, Bruce North, Bruce South. Carleton, Dutferin-Simcoe, Durham, Elgin, Essex East, Essex South, Essex West, Fort William, Frontenac-Addington, Glengarry, Grenville-Dundas, Grey North, Grey South-East, Haldimand, Halton, Hamilton East, Hamilton West, Hastings-Peterborough, Hastings South, Humber-Vale, Huron North, Huron South, Kenora-Rainy River, Kent, Kingston City, Lambton East, Lambton West, Lanark, Leeds, Lin- coln, London, Middlesex East, Mid- ! llr.-"(ex We.-`t. l\ [uskoka-vOntario.{ .\'i \l.~`.~`ll`.`; , .\.'oi'folk. Nox'ti1i1inln'-1`luml,>` F ()lii..rio. (`.:iw:i 4.` inmnl'L=r.<\, Ox-i! iford I\.'o'.*ti1. Oxford Smith. l"`:n'kdzilo-, I til"'n'r_\' Sound, PL`(`i. l,"(-1'11`. I\Imv1h| 5l"r.-1'11: South, Pi-Lerbov`ou_g'l1, VV-.2~:t1 "'l"ort .-\l`l.lllll`-Tlzllllticl l3a_\', Pre. 0 Prince Edward-Lennox, Re-nfrew [1 North, Renfrew South, Russell, Simcoe East, Simcoe North, Stor- mont, Timiskaming North, Timis- " kaming South, Toronto East, To- S ronto East-Centre, Toronto North- `1' East, Toronto North-West, Toronto- `t Scarborough, Toronto South, To- i' ronto West-Centre, Victoria, Water- 11 100 North, Waterloo Soutlt, Welland, lf Wellington North, Wellington South, 5' Wentworth, York North, York South, t` York West. -and her assistants, arter which short, The kfoininitlt-r llllli (_i`.'l`l'll tlxo Peel C()lll1tf' HOU.~'\` of iii.-fl.lJu,: also the Treasurer of that County, LII` were entertained at the Simcoe Coun- ty House of Refuge on Friday last, it being the day of the meeting of the committee here. All joined _ heartily in a sumptuous repast pre- pared by the matron. Mrs. Jardine, pithy speeches were made by the committees and officials of both counties, Chairman Wilcox presid- ing. The visitors complimented tlze ofiicials, etc., of the Simcoe County House of Refuge on the efficient manner in which the Aged People's Home here is conducted. The mat- ter of the Government grant of 10c per (lay towards the maintenance of each inmate of county houses of re- fuge was discussed, and we under- stand a delegation will interview the Government at an early date in an effort to `have the grant continued. The guests from Peel extended a cordial invitation to the committee and those in charge of the institu- tion here to return the visit.-Bee- ton World. b. Saskatchewan, 21 instead of 15. Alberta, 16 instead of 12. British Columbia, 14 instead of 13. The Yukon retains its one member.` J. E. JAMIESON, M.P.P., ON HELPING RURAL CONDITIONS The Agricultural Committee, ap- pointed by the local Legislature, has been touring the Province for some time in order to obtain first in- formation as to the best methods of improving farm conditions and the member for West Simcoc advances the following suggestioii of a means to make farm life more satisfacto1'_v and protable, especially to the wo- men, who are usually the most dis- contented. uvxn, , ,, __..:_I-..:_,.. Ll... .....,.kl,...-m .-.4` CUllLUIlbUl.l. When considering` the problems of bettering agricultural conditions, what I believe would do most to lessen depopulation and um'est in rural districts would be the installa- tion of hydro convenience in the farm homes. It is largely with the farm woman that dissatisfaction originates, as she is cosntantly ob- serving the comforts her sisters en- joy in the urban centres. I believe no more popular or advanced move- ment in the government program to overcome the difficulties of rurals could be made than the promotion of this project at a cost within the means of all. What I believe would be a reasonable and workable system of promotion would be as follows :- tum... ..:m.n.u Hun Hnvnnrrln 1-in-.-zl ` f OI promouuu wuuiu uu an Luuuvva .- The primary line through rural districts built, owned, nanced and controlled by a municipal or local commission, building of same to be supervised by a qualied lineman and such line to be assisted by the government, as it is at present, to the extent of 50 per cent. of the cost. l"|nn L`nl\f\V\flOVY nay-f n-F H15) HE. C0512. | The secondary part of the line.|g which includes full equipment, to be ; paid 100 per cent. by the Govern: ; ment, leaving the user involved in contracting for the power consumed on his own premises, at the prevail- ing price suicient to pay for de- liverance to him of such power as he consumes. In case any farmer, appeals for extra power he should 1 be responsible for any extra equip- ment required. 7; ..-......... nv\ inhuul-inn in nu]: fan-n.. menu requnrcu. It seems an injustice to ask farm-l ers to enter into twenty year con- tracts for the reserve of three horse power, as three horse power is not satisfactory to the average farmer. Also it seems unnecessary, as is the nnan kn nun`-| 1-nnfrnnt. tn 3l`.(!llIYH.'l" Also it seems unnecessary, an L3 uuc case by such contracts, to accumu- late a sinking fund which at the end of the twenty years contract is large enough to nance the building of an ` entirely new line. It would be fa`..- er and more satisfactory to make de- mands according to the requirement: of the situation. A1._,., --._-L_....L:..... A` an aunn'r-| LHC lhLI|:lUlI- | After construction of line, super-|' vision of the same and collecting of rates shall be done by the municipal or local commission or by the com- mission of the urban centre from which the rural line is served. The Northern Advance BIRD S ROOFSl l"FI;<.:4Q-f`t1:lities That a ! Make For Success Geoifrey F. Morgan's lecture, Success With Ease, was listened to with intense interest by Chautau- qua followers last Saturday evening. | Tn nhtain slim-_ns.< that is reallv `qua I0110We1`S last. o'd.Lu1'uay evt:uu1g,. To obtain success that is really great one must cultivate energy, en- thusiasnr, enterprise and endurance. Without these no lasting while success can be built up. Suc- cess is not the taking out of life, it is rather the putting in, for it is a generally accepted fact that the people who get the most out of life put the most into it. Luck so com- monly given the credit for a man s rise in station does not enter the situation nearly as much as many would have us believe. For instance a man who arrives at the station ve minutes after the train has depart- ed exclaims Just my luck, while on the other hand if it were six min- utes late he would pay a tribute to his own foretltought in not coming too soon. Luck, said Mr. Morgan, is the fool s explanation for the other man s success, or in other words the average man is as lucky as he deserves. m`1n 4'-`n-of nnnlil-xr nnnncanv-v in fhn or worth_ as ne ueserves. The rst quality necessary in the producing of a successful man is energy, that abounding force that gives him strength and nerve to ght on and on in face of difficulty. He is not the kind who oats up and down the streets parading` the slo- gan Go day, come (lay, heaven nnml nnv rlav_ i describes it as a grind, gall "uu uuy, send pay day. Enthusiasm is absolutely neces- sary, continued Mr. Morgan, and uuiuc uu.y, Lcavcu 1 to have enthusiasm one should first ` of all see that he chooses the kind of work for which he is best tted, and secondly develop or acquire the right attitude to it. It is the way that a man looks at `work that makes it seem either hard or pleas- ant. Two boys in the same class ati school tell different tales, the one while the other talks of it in glowing; terms. 1 It is all in the attitude of the two Lsavvn 15 boys. Enterprise is a good third. It em- bodies initiative, ambition and vision. Without these a man fails badly and especially if he lacks vision, for if one has vision the others can be brought into play. To lay the foun- dation of enterprise securely a man should have an ideal, and then put it into action. Speaking of endurance as a fourth lquzality, the sprakor rleclaretl that lsuccwss conivs L0 thosv ulao n1ake a l. m M ..i ~~-r man :1 good be- 5:ixv1ii1i_u'. `. 4; Li ,:, Well be- 'l(\'lAl`. |_~ Y`-E `htrl v,..- .r ft-\\' .`lz1\\'.'~`. ~|l1r cont-:~. Vv-. 31191: as u. I\ , . ~ ..;e;w.,..-.:\-I S U] '|l1I'..l'|_\ ` I521) \H\=\\,'ru,.: to one tliin_;' until it ,;v`:~: i'lw1`v." I hope that none of you ar-.~ on! left enough money to make you in-i dependent, said Mr. Morgan, fol- lowing` it up with the remark that Poverty teaches a hard school, but the diploma she grants is 9. worth- while one. More people have rid- den to the devil in high powered motor cars than travelled the same way pushing a wheelbarrow. En- durance then is necessary, fora quit- ter never wins and a winner never quits. From time immemorial the old saying, Wilfu1 waste make woe- ful want, has stood. The success- ful man does not waste his time nor does he procratinate. Every busi- ness man should adopt as his motto (Inn 4 H` nnuv Considx-1' Lhr ]m>t:\.s:r- .~1:,.inp. x= :" ir=l<.-`i Do it now. I don t think success moans mak- ing: money, continued the speaker. Any man can make money, but only a smart man can hold on to it. A man should not waste his oppor- tunitics. Tn nnmnlnainn M'r lVI'nro'nn gfnfrrll tunmcs. In conclusion Mr. Morgan stated that ethics, morality aml re1i_:ion, which lie within the reach of every- nun A43 11:` H-` um umnf Hnnrn h:nH\'l CANADIAN Twin Shingles -.x.rmcn no \v1tr.1n we re-acn m 1.-\ one of us if we want them b enough to 20 after them, are gether essential if a man is to 1: as successful as he ou_9;ht. ORO STATION FARMERS CLUB TAKES TRIP TO YORK COUNTY The members of Oro Station Farmers Club had a most protable educational trip on Friday, July 4, when they visited a number of farms in York County that have won a re- putation for being modern in all their methods. The party travelled L." m.-.+m- cnvpn FQYR hmmz required their methods. '1'ne party lI'aV`Ulu~.u by motor, seven cars being wrequiretl to convey them, and the whole niay was occupied in the trip. Mr. Cock- burn, the District Representative, had planned the outing, and made all ar- rangements for an inspection of the farms visited. mm Hwua mm: gmant chiev at five visited. The time was spent chiey ve farms in York: Lady Eaton s dairy farm, Duncan Bros., breeders of Jersey cattle; the Knapp farm, R. J. Fleming's famous jersey herd, and the Stevens farm, the latter being importers of Clydesdale Shorthorn cattle sheep. Luncheon was served Bros., after which short addresses were delivered by Mr. Wade, of To- ronto; Hon. Mr. Price, Provincial * Treasurer; the Secretary of the Can- `uadian Jersey Breeders Association; - the District Representative for York ` County, and by Mr. Cockburn, Re- presentative Simcoe County. The dav's outimr was a most pleas- horses, , and Shropshire I l l i 4 1 l at Duncan |presentative- Simcoe uounty. The day's outing pleas- ant and protable one, and every member of the Oro Station Club got many new ideas that will stand him `in good stead in his own farm work. I WEEKLY BAND concern` Allandale Park, Thursday, July 24 1 1 1 `I March-'1`he Ultamitum ._.........Al1en Waltz-Go1d and Silver" ....... ..Lel:*ar Idyl1--The Glow Worm ....... ..Lincke Populax--When Lights Are Low .......................................................... ..Kalm . v|March-The Champion ...Chambers ` I [ntermezzo--Sorella ............ ..Gallini L Populax---Linger Awhile ....... ..Rose : - March-Highlanders, Fix ! Bayonets .......................... ..O Hara` God Save the King re now ............ .. nzuu_v e alto- prove Bird's Canadian Twin Shingle is an attractive long wearing shingle with an even slate surface of natural red, green or blue-black. 1. Size 20" x 10" making, when properly laid, three layers of shingle everywhere on the roof. 2. Weight 200 lbs. to the square. A substantial roof. 3. Spark-proof and waterproof- with a smooth and unusually even surface. 4. The cut-out is arched at the top which gives a distinctive appearance. Bird's Canadian Twin Shingles are made by Bird & Son- Limited (Est. 1795), manufacturers of Bird : Art Craft Roll Rnnnnn, pnrnirl Rani-`inc. Nenonset Black Building Paper and [DONATIONS TO CHli'.;DREN S ' FOR MONTH OF" .I5UNl':'. The E: grateful which we children who. hava vuling fo I'VE T J.']...I,'.. < friend, Hurr, 5 friend, Tribble, .. nv I111: Executive Committee are very grateful. for the following gifts, were much enjoyed by the and a great help to those have the responsibility of pro- for their needs. Mrs- Laidlaw, rhubarb; children's 4 boxes strawberries; Mrs. boys wash suits, 1 coat; box sandwiches; Mrs. Jas. box cake; Mrs. D. W. Len- nox, bushel potatoes, 3 child's dress- es; R. Heppleston, basket whitesh, lamb; Lena Seagram, 25 ice cream cones; Mrs. G. Lawrence, jar mince meat; Mr. l\'Ieekin, sandwiches; Ladies Bowling Club, can milk, sandwiches; Mrs. Clifford Robinson, 335; Central Methodist churclz, ma- caroons, cake; Mrs. Service, jar fruit, postcard album; Ovenden Col- lege`, 2 boxes cake; J. B. Musselman, Boy s boots, boys suits, child s cloth- iner; Mrs. Alex. McDougal, gallon milk; Mrs. Plummer, bag potatoes, Graham our; Mrs. Marlin, pair shoes; Mr. Whitby, pairs boots, pair shoes; lVIargaret Campbell, 2irl s , dress, $1; Earl Prot, pair boy s pants, 1 blouse. During` the fruit season if our many friends will, as in the past, just make a little extra, it will mean very much to us. A child's face seldom looks sweeter than when eat- ing bread and jam. We never had lovelier boys and girls than just now, and they are so anxious to get good homes wlzere they will be loved and helped to grow into good useful Christian citizens. Inquiries will be cheerfully answered at the Shelter, where the children may be seen, or by the Secretary, W. J. Justice, Box 914, Barrie. Phone 137. $30,000 1` l An item appears in the supple- mentary estimates brought (lown in the House of Commons on Monday, for the construction of a (lock at this point, as well as an appropria- tion of $22,000 for improving the channel at Honey Harbor. A sur- vey of the latter work was made last year and it is understood the improvement will cover that section between the entrance and the Royal Hotel, and consist of the removal of a number of boulders and part of the shoal at the entrance to the channel. Qnxvnu-nl nlnn: For :1 new lock at channel. Several plans for a new (lock at Mi(l1an(l have been prepared by the Department of Public Works during recent years, but it is not known \\'l'.lCl1 of these` will be adopted. One Lhin_u' is S1ll'(-`.. we need a new dock lilllll m,-mi ll ha- ll_\'--F1`ee Press. l The C.hrrcl*. l'nion llill i ill third reading; in tl..: b'c1vzm- on .\In:.- day night. A minor cli-aim: was made by the Senate in the method ` of congregations voting. The sub- stitute amendment provides that The vote herein provided for shall be taken in such form and manner and at such time within the limit ` prescribed by the next preceding sub-section, as the congreization may decide. Provided that not less than `_ two weeks he allowed for taking said vote by ballot. The said meeting for ' taking a ballot may be adjourned for purpose of taking a ballot, but not far :1 lnnsrm` neriod than thirty CHURCH UNION B!LL PASSES FINAL STAGE LUI it days. of Bird Art bran Koll Roofing. Pnroid Roofing, Neponnet Combination Wnll Board. There ; a Bird : product for every sort of building. 11/. ...- I-I.,.,l....mhn {nr Rln-I`: mnnns. RURAL SCHOOL HEALTH IS TEACHERS CONCERN About fty country teachers are this year taking: tlze special course in Household Science in Toronto. The subjects of instruction are foods, dietetics, cookery and sewing, with home nursing also being taught in the advanced classes. On the com- pletion of the second summer course, students who successfully qualify will receive elementary certicates from tlze Department, which en- ables them to teach household science in rural towns and villages. The chief aim of the work in household science is to promote the health of children in rural centres by establish- ing the system of hot lunches at noon. There are now over 600 schools in Ontario which have adopt- ed this plan with a great me asure of success. There is a gene: al tend- ency toward teaching health methods in school, and while this may be looked upon as a fad by some, there is no doubt that to correlate the practical and academic would bet- ter fit the child for citizenship. Girls _ should be trained at school i mat- ters related to home makinrr dental development which is r` related to management of t` _ re should be promoted. Mar, :01 Boards are anxious to pr; -ide proper facilities for the practical work, but are held back by the cry for econ- omy in school affairs. There is no doubt but the teaching of practical work in the rural schools would help towards solving the rural problems. ENJOYABLE GARDEN PARTY IS HELD AT CROWN HILL The beautiful grounds of Hon. E. C. Drury, Crown Hill, was the scene - of a strawberry festival last Friday evening. In addition to a splendid ' tea, a programme of songs and re`- citations was put on. Enjoyable solos were given by Miss Audrey Clifton, Jack Cooper and Rev. Mr. L Pailey. who acted as chairman. A . quartette composed of Mrs. A. W. e Laidman, Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Dr. V. A. Hart and Harry Barron .__._.. ..,.........1 .....m. Ming Marin V. A. Hart and marry barron sang several songs. Miss Marion Partridge gave numerous recitations. An orchestra from Orillia played several numbers. A fnnl-kn ame sxtaszed between | several numbers. A football game staged the Guthrie and Shanty Bay juniors ended in a scoreless draw. D IS GRANTED Fbk NEW DOCK AT MIDLAND C OI takmg Dallot, DUL um. longer period thlrty DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. New Things Are News -PROFESS_IO1_VAL Ai?.D ._________:___________ RADENHURST & HAMMOND, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office, 1st oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. STEWART & STEWART, risters, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveyancers. Money 1 in any sums at lowest ( rates. Oice, 13 Owen Barrie. D. M. Stewart. EISTEN & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Office, 1st floor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- ans: fn Tnnnnv r`.nuv9n Xv Rrnwn_ BOYS & MURCHISON, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., T`! F` `M'nvz-lnicnn .T R. ROVS. Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Ofce and Residence-Corner Eliza- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office Hours-9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., 7.52 nm DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC- {nun Qnl-rrnnnc n$F0 and RSi- DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday of -'.~ar-`n mr)nt11. Diseases-Eye, Ear, i ;`\`o.~'e and Throat. Consultation i hou1'.<. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by < nn.~.in|mm\+ DR. H. '1`. ARNALL, 0b'Fl`CjIS AND residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth sh-er.-ts. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. An Advertisement Is An Invitation DR. VICTOR A`. HART, GRADUATE n-F 'I`v-inihr `Univm-eifv and Alan .L1*J)AiVlJl1.`1c UUWALV, DU\;LzI.`4D' sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. lJl\a V7 1'1. l..4L4 VV III SURGERY Aim DISEASES OF WOMEN Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Of ce-58 Collier St. Office Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m.. Untarno. w. A. noys, .l\.L;., u D. C. Murchison, J. R. Boys. u A\. |\\.IuI\, u. ...u. Eyes E;(amined Glasses Fitteci Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone 143 D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Be Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. I EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., 13"!` I` M "|"nnnhnv- nf Piann, Or. IKS. L1'1"1'Lt.' dz 141111.13, rn1o1u- ians, Surgeons. Ofce and Resi- dence, 47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. A. T. Little, M.D., W. C. Little, M.B. Phone 213. PROF. D. E. WEIR, TEACHER OF` 21 Collier St. Phone 513. D:n..n and \7inHn Dinnn "l`nnar B. W. SYLVESTER, TEACHER 0 Din!-In vinlin and Cr-Ho. 120 Phones 88 & 94 Yard Folot of Mary St.

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