THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 194. |ll|ll.'ll "513 spring blos- )I`0I110 gave -rmons xbolh 1d splendid the 'choir Mr. G. E. 11 1 C` . not In LS you . TOWN COUNCIL HAS I A HECTIC MEETING] -vvuu..u\.\. ..uv... {nay uuw, about 40 per cent., of the outstand- ing taxes have been collected. Some we would have to take action in and in a numnber of these cases it was felt it would be a hardship. "Phi: T`r\u'n (`YnI'L' nninfo nnf Qhnf H. W :/lb LVEJIL H. `\V`UL|lLl UU dz lldlualllpn The Town Clerk pointed out that the auditors report dealt with con- ditions up to January 1. `A great deal had been collected since then, the collector had had the pressuure on, and as a result more taxes hadl been collected this spring than in any other previous period. The tax! roll was not returned, as the bailiff has many actions in hand and in others it would be a hardship ii` drastic action were taken. 1\r\v\uIfr1vu`Dr\r\v~p-\ Y7nn:-lhnu ihnn U'llf:LlU ilULlUll <\\t'l\'_' Lil/l\IZ`A1. Deputy-vReeve P0uche.x' I quired about the oil rates. port stated that 75 per C been uncollected. Vhhn "I"nuvn I"1n.-1,- nninfl Ut'l'.'ll llIlL'Ullt`l1Lt;`u. The Town Clerk stated that the saute reason held good, and that the oil bills had not been sent out until late in the fall on account of strik- ing the rate. Council should con- sider the adviszthility 01' striking 21 at rate 1'01` oiling. Rewiring Fire Hall ! Two months ago the calling for tenders for rewiring the Fire Hall was anthorizet said .v\1d. \Vz11]win. enquiring what steps were being" taken in the matter. I hear that they are now -r:oinr.: `hack to gas. P'a1'tia1 steps have been taken, explained .r\1'd. Brisket`. H_\'d1'o rates are ;.roin_<.: up and we are wait- ing until they are xed bet?o1'e we take denite action.. I understood that the Committee( asked for power to go ahead, com-) mented Ald. Wallwin. Y hnnn vn-nnnv-nri Mn`-n n 11:-nnf] IUCULUU :\lU. \`\/iJ.l1\\'lll. I have p1`epa1'~ed here a direct` motion to ask for tenders. Thei money has been granted. It would be good nancing to wire it. At` the_present time we are paying 21 penaity of 10c :1 $100 on insnzmnce lbecause it is not rewired; that is $26 a year." .\1Il T17-it-L'nI' nr'|\'i:n ur-Jivinrr nn- : .........._5 -4.. -4.. i Something has to -be done re parking on Dunlop St., said- llzryori Craig, and we don't want to stop people from stopping long enough in front of stores to get their goods. Last Saturday night two men who had just driven up in tiront of C. T. Dev1in s store came to me in a rage and told me that they had been told to move on. They weI`f.-.n t given. time to get their purchases. W'e| ,should. treat these people like guests] in our own homes, for they will not` return to trade if such a state of affairs as this exists. I wen. ' The annual Swmday School picnic] was held on June 3 in the public school grounds. The weather was ideal and the social function was a `pleasant success. A ..-.... :..s-...-.,.4.`..,- .nno:..n ...n.~ u-,uu.. .,..u...._5 .u.\.v......uuuuV... I The question of where the bzmdi ,sh0ud play was debated and it wzrs i(i(`(`i(1E`(1 that .-\L:1ndaIe's new park ;was p1`efe1'ah1e to the gore. A mo- ttion, sponsored by Poucher and `1(`.ra.ce_\'. that the \Vz1te1' and Li_L`,'ht [Committee consider the ad\'isa.bi1ity |ot' ma1~:ing Dt1`0\ iSil')I] for ligltts for ,bz1n(1 concerts in Ward 6, was car- | ried. I | How about the wood don] ? Has that $1.000 cheque been 1'ec0i\'e:1 ? inquired .-\I\d. T_\v1'ex`. \\'o have plenty of pmmises, but |y011 can't, cash them, replied .-\ld.i . T-Tn\-fnhln . \Ull L'dll l % .Huxtable.' fcontinued rom page one) ..L an ...... ...... -2 51.,` .\...... Parking on Dunlop St. `..`-.\.:..... u... A. 1.,` .1. Vv'00d Deal Echoes ...-, t., said-.\IzLyor t 5; long rrpf H1z:1'v- nrnn: L 11611 111` 5. The re- cent. had then "T`hn I "Mr. Boys told me he thought _\IcConke_v was humbugging the Sheriff, as he humbugged the Coun- cil," said Ald. Tyrer. 'l"hn Qhtmriff ha: :1 `=ni7,1n'n nn n'H Mrs. '\Ves1e,\` Orchard is on the sick list. \Ve hope she mz1_\' soon be restored to her usual health. -. N u. . u U11, hdlu .110. J.) l`b`.l'. The S119-1'it`f has a seizure on all his property and he is not giving that up, replied the Town Clerk. Coniniunications From .~\rthm' H. Osborne and others, petitioning for a sewer on Alfred St., from the intersection of Carolvine St. to the north side of lot 46. L`nnn\ 91-un Y).-nr-.'zln.u nix/` nA:\o\1] l\l `IU- 1`ro1n the President and Board of Directors of the R.V. Hospital, in- viting Council to attend the Gu`ad- uation Exercises. \`l.-p "nI\\v `Llnunu uvnnon F`.-s-`uni! llil.|.lUll 1`4.\Ul'l.'lE5. Mrs. llary Hogan wrote Council! giving an option on 1"oad\vz1_\' 66 feet: through gore owned by her and 13'-1 lng between Codrington and Jzunesl bits. for $100. ` ` \ D Tnnl.-nn uni,-nzl nng-n.u'ni~nn on OLE. IUI .;\1UU. ' A. R. Looker asked permission to tether his cow and horse on town 101 between sediinentation tank and raihwziy tiracks, Bradford St., and that the box Llrain be opened, as it is blocking and holding su1't'ace water on his prope1'ty. l<`1'on1 F. Foster and others, ask- ing Council to repair Sophia St. ho-| tween Ba_\'I`1e1(l and Maple Ave. with I c1'ac.ked stone, and to place earth zlgainst the sidewal.k to protect iil from frost. \ I-l'\(nIIr\rv` 4"... .. ..:.`I.....II. ,... I LUIII llUb|. A request for a sitlewalk onl .\Iz1pIe .\\'e. as far as his residence was received from Alex. Cieland. Hon. Geo. S. Henry, who was waited upon by Council a few weeks ago in reference to the road pro- 5.;1`:un, informed Council that as the Act now 1'e:1~:is the Depztrtmentl would not be able to give assistance to the amount wished to be spent on the connecting link. These funds were to be spent on connecting roads and not on the Provincial-Highwzly. Reports were as follows: ` l1lt`|\`.'lUl. } (2) That the V.O.N. he g1`z1nt(> *permission to hold 21 tax: day on the second day of the full fair, provid-I :ed the Children's Aid Society does "not xvish to hold 21 mg day at that I time. tux V1`I... rv,.......:I ..,..n..4 4I.,. Am`-.. I ; unuu-.\, | (1) That having considered the communication of Mrs. I1'ances B. Lennox, President of the \V.C.T.L'., with 1`et`e1'euce to resolution passed by Council on .\~p1'i1 22, your com- mittee would recommend that the word 0bscene" be struck out and qthe word objectionaible substituted 9 lhE`1(?f01'. I lf)\ 7T-un` i1.n TYr\\Y 1`. Lul xulllldf L'UIhS'lU('.'l'illlUll. (2) That the \V'a1`dens of Trinity church be asked to meet the Pub- lic \V01`ks Committee with :1 View to ad_1'nstin_: matter in dispute in connection with the gravel pit on (J-1a..pipei'ton St. {Q 'T`1a`m`' the R011 'T'910nhnnn (`Tn -_,-5qIgyxLJ:::'LuLL CL. I (3 '1`h'ai: 1.719 B the ,:mnted permis I on Wellington St., Be1'czy Sts., and between CL " and ject to the av ` Works. I|\ "l`I~.n& l1-.. l Lllllr`. I (3) That Council accept thn o1'f<>-1' I0!` 1110 .B0zu'd of Education for the use of the old Collegiate g1'011nd(s :15" a. cmnping place for tourists. (.1\ That H19 \T51\'nv' 511113 (`.1:n*L'| 5|L'I\ 1lb|.. \\ b` IlU]Il` bill` lllil_\ EUUII UL` Mr. Russell is able to be among us again. We are pleased to see that his convaloscence has lieen so rapid and hope he may continue well. I VF!-\ nnnnul Qunninv Qnhnnl ninninl 1:1. litlllljllllg `pl'(l|.'l" H11` lU\lllblh. 1 . (4) That the .\I:1_\'o1' and Clerk] lbe auIho1'i7ed 10 siun an argzeonlentl iwith the Barrie Band Committee! ;'i\'inx`4 effect to recommendutirms 01] Council adopted at, the meetin}.: om April 7. | (>'\\ "Fhqf Fnnnnil E: unnlu inl .`\j_}lll I. l (5) That Council is unable toi take action on request of A. Conlon the mattor is _|:0\'erned by statmen The Board of \Vo1'ks C0mn1itre0| [report in which is a clause referringl [to the calling of lendeis for perni- anent `pavement on Dunlop St., is: {1} Thnf H19 nnHHnn fnr eirlnxvnll: :l.Ht`llL i[lil\l:`llIt'lll UH .lJL|lllUp Dl., . (1) That the petition for sidewalk on the east side of Frances St. from Elizabeth to Henry Sts., be laid over for 1'u1'the1` consideration. I {0\ "T`hn `*1-\r\ \"L`n~.-,1nn.~ A6! "rV..:n=n. H Ulhb. E (4) That Alex. Brown be ,::rante permission to remove one maple 1 tree on Collier St., opposite his pro- iperty, under the supervision of the I Board of Works. I Bell Telephone Cal permission to erect poles] `tnn Q? hnhvonn pnnl an/IA IHHEEIUH LU EXCEL kl\'l`7>`.] _t., between Peel and 1nd on Codrington St. and Perry Sts., sub- uval of the Board oil (5) That the Clerk having certi- ed- that the petition for a. sewer on Baldwin and Caroline Sts. is sur- ciently signed, that a sanitary sewer be constructed as a local improve- ment, and that Mr. A. G. Ardagh be eiigaiged to prepare plans and specications to be submitted to the Provincial Board of Health for ap- proval. (6') That Codrington and James Sts. be graded and gravelled, and that a road allowance from C0d1'in_;- ton St. to James St. be purchased from Mrs. E. Hogan for the sum of $100. I f'.'\ "l`hnt Thmm-e .Tnmn< Prnntnr ~).lUU. (7) That Messrs. James, Proctor and Redfern be authorized .to call for tenders for a perlnanent pave- ment, including necessary storm sewers, from Bratlford St. to M111- caster St. The qpavenient to he t`0rl,v feet wide, and on Elizabeth St. to be 21 ve inch crushed stone base with three inch bitun1inou.s penetration :01): Dunlop street to have a three inch bituminous pene- `tration top on present base. Motions I 011che1'-1 a1't1'idge-- That this [Council accept the invitation re -TI'ad11ati0n of nurses and that the |Clerk write them tha11ki11:.; them for cnhlo | billlltl. I 0ucI1er--Rusk-That the Domin- lion Store's request 1'01` sign be zmnled. 1ll1(l(`1' S1lp(`1'\'iSil')I1 01`_ Board of \Vorks. I 'Dnvun1u nu `l _Tnn1- "|"`|-uni NI.-n YJ'n_ ,,..,...,..... ...o.,.,.,. A very interesting meeting was held Saturday night, to consider the consolidation of school sections and opening of contnuaton classes. The result of the meeting is not yet known. |Ul \\'Ul'l\h. I Pouc11er--I-Iook-~ I`hat .\Ix`s. Ho- 'gzm's lot on Codrington St. be pur- chased. . T_Tnn1v 11Y.Jnn "|"hn+ {Ian DAnI~:1 nF L'Ilil>'L`lI. H0ok--\V_\'Ies~That tho Boznrd of Works consider the advisaibility of `:rading and }zra.ve1Iiu;.: Vospra St., from Bradford to Ellen Sis. Huxtaible---T1--ir=`::r-That the Fire and P uommittee consider ad- visability of a(1ve1'1isin_:: at once for tenders for rewi-ring Fire Hall, also purchase and iiistallation of an elec- tric stove and plates for same. \\7\-1n:m._`'n: l`hn fha Ttnnrll nf Lflll SlU\ illlu LHHLCS 1Ul' ELIIIIL`. \V,v1es-~Lowe-Tha1 the Board of Works consider placing three tile and 21 load of dirt in the creek which crosses the b0ule\'zu'd in front of .133. Snez1d's p1`0perI_v on Eliza- heih St. Pouclmr--Rusk-T11at the com- mhtve consider the advis-.1:bi1i1_V of takin::. sidewalk out about four feet on corner of Owen and .\lc-Donald St. Bric.k(>rvI-Iuxl:1-hIe-Thut 1he Bd. lof Works consider placing board |(-over ovm` ditch at Corner of 1Berc7.y and Dunlop S19. uI.'~:o repair }walk in from of Mr. \\'0st s property ion Dnnlop St. 'Tnl.1:pv-_T)nur-hnv~_'T`hnt n nnm- UH AJlllllU]J -`H. ! VVaI.1:er-Po11cher-That a. com- mittee be appointed to meet the qomcors oi` the ON. Athletic Associa- ltion and report to this Council as to !\\ 1lE\i assistztnce is dvsireti and ad- !visahIe with 1`eg;ax'd to park at A1- ] iandaie. T)-u-ou:.1nn T nu...` l`I..-.4 1'1-.. .... n. Rusk-`L0\ve-That the Clerk be instructed to order two cars of Icrushed stone, one ne and one r-nnvcn i L'U'd 1'51`. I Lowe Tyrer---That. Council an- poim committee of the .\Ia_\'01', Rusk and XV-a11\\'i11 to inte1'vie\v Trinity Church Committee re town lot on lCIz1p1)e1'ton St. `Ii/UIUIIIU. i Paru-idge--Lowe~-Th:1t Henry St. [be graded and g1'a\'e]led between 'Ecc1es and Francis S15. I (`iv-nnmv TvnIL-m- 'T1nO \,1nI..:,:... iDl. DU 35'.1"lUUU illltl :-Cl'Zl\'(3`llC(l. I -Partrid.;e-Rusl:-T1mt the re- lquest of Mr. H. Ottz1\\'a_\' be gzranted, work to be done under su-pervision of Boa of \Vorks. Hnxta7b1e-Rusk--That :1 portion of James and Dnndonald Sts. be graded and gravelled and that 12 ,in. tile be substituted for present E8 in. on Dundonald St. Poucher-Wa]kex' That Fire and Police Committee consider advisabil- ity of 1'epairin_; the Fire Hall in Ward 6. I `D...~1- xvn.-... rm...4 u.- r11_..I_ L- 1 wkuu. 0. Rus1<-\Viles That the Clerk be instructed to ask for tenders for `sale of bui1(1in}.:s on Bun1;e1"s pro- ! perty. WncL':`T nwo_ "Phat Han fnu-1.- hn '1LL'l.'lCb uuu J`l"(Hll.'lb' D15. Grace_\'--\ValI Adelaide *St. be graded and g1'a\'ol1e(l. l Pnrfrirlrrn-T?n:l:_'l"hn+ 9'|1cx re- On Sunday evening the B.C.I.| cadets will attend divine service in Collier St. Methodist church in a body. The service fvlll be taken by George Service. Page Five l.(`.l. (".-\Dl<}'I`.*'o \\'lLl. .-\ I"l`END Sl<]R\'l(`E .-\'l` COLLIER ('HL'l{(`H READ THE ADVER'I'JSEMEN'lS. PERSONALS Ladies 1 SUITS Mrs. (D12) Oaks motorc- to To- ronto this week. Miss (`mace Luck spent 21 few days in Toronto this week. Miss Mabel 1-`i111e_\' 01' Tm'0nt;) was home over the week end. \Inp- \'nv-n `Tina n:'Inn'H :~v-any-10 n Vnuv 10 only Ratine Dresses, sizes :38 to lies-um $7.00 and $8.00 ]Iuts this 4-(5, \\'o11(1vrf'11l Vz1]uo af week for . . . . . . . . . . New Broadcloth Blouses Just Arrived Regular $45.00 Suits, blausk and nm'_\' and P011-ct twills, sizes :38 To 44, .n. /\x\ DRESSES Ladies Ready-to-Wear Y ___- All Suits fm-mm-1_\' priced . I`>s'>.0() and $-0.00, for . . . . . . . . BIG CLEARANCE MINE SING > .-\n(h'o\v Boardsall spent over Sund;1.y with` Owen St. I ... \rn..... 0:111` ,1....n.1.m.-I Collinsgridge, Dun- Tomnlo, announce of their (1:1l1;,'11l(:-I`. Oscar Spurroxv, 01' riage to take place Ready-to-Wear Hats HUIHE U\l' Lllb \\'!:El\ tllu. .\I1's. Vern. Bezlulsull spout 21 few days this week at l1e1'w1'o1'n1e1` home in Tl1o1`n-b11x'_\'. \I 1- nn \h': .\ n rI.v-nu T .r\nI'r1.:nH 1 Mu). WALKER RAPS % E SILENT POLICEMENE Motion to Remove Silent! Cop at Co1'11c1' of Essa ` and Burton Lost. I I .\1(1e1'man \Va1ker continued his; :4'11L at the regular meeting of Coun-' `Gil on llonday night to have the isilent policemen removed, by i11I1I 0-! ducing a motion, seconded by AM. Grace)", that the silent policeman 011 the corner of Burton Ave. and Essa. St. be removed. Iv in n nlrn-fhinnr f'nr fhn rvhil-` ILSSZL bl. U8 1'E.`IHU\'E-.`U. I It is El plaything for the Cllll-I dren, declared Aid. G1`-acey. It is continually getting out of place and is ignored by traic." Bills this year for 1`epai1`s will be considerably greater than last sun1me1`, said Aid. \Valke1'. It is: no assistance to traffic and almost- caused a runaway last week. 01' course I have no love for any of them. They are always being dam-; aged, but we liave a reseive supply.` I-rc-sh ones are brought out of the trenches to replace the jaded. Tt it: nlrilrh! in 1':\l.-o in Hue n1`/1... lll.`ll\.'HI`.'p3 LU l\`,'-j_lll\.'l .` LUV J(U.lC`\.l. It is alx-igm to joke in the prom ,pm' place, but the silent policemen are doing some good," said _\1 Bricker, who :_.:m'e 21 D{1I`liCl1IElI` in- cident that occumed last week to! prove his point. Rnvc nrn n1n\`in than: nhnnl ]_)|U\U I115 [JUIHL Boys are mo\'in.: them continually and uccidems most sure to result," 1`en1z11'l<< \VaI1{e1'. H10` ohnw nnrx in Glyn? ny-nnnu. 'l()\ (;`I'N U1 lIlt'5(` SIIBHL Illtfll. l I agree with Reeve Rusk that {they are :111'i:.:l1I in the proper place, but I have seen them where they me positi\'e1_v dange1'ous, 1'e111a1'ked .\1 Wallwin. 4`Y6 1-.nn'l;`l kn Al r\uvr\nI">/-u`! 1\.l|.5l\. I I want the yeas and nz1_\ s," ex- claimed .-\l(l. \Valke1'. If more is an accident I want to Show the lovers of these silent men." Y nnn-nn u-H-`n Donuvn T?ncl.- h-1? l.\l(l. \V'zlH\Vlll. I It could be set over, |.\lay0v' Craig. suggested The t1'o1Lble is that it won't re- main stationary," replied .\ld. Walk- nu \'\' 2lH\`:l'. If they are in their proper placns they do good work, said Reeve; . Rusk. I T uvnnf 41\n xvnnrv nnfl I\I\1*t~ " nv,| lll J.llU|lA'|}Lll_V. ' M1`. and Mrs. of Elmvnle Mrs. Ford, Mrs. John .\Io1zu1 and (1a11gI1Ler Betty are visiting with Mrs. Isaac Broley, \Ve1lington SI. \Irc T4` .\ Wnrlnnrr nnrl \fr Pow . I Have the police keep :1 special watch on them to see who is mov- ing them about," s11ggeste(1 Reeve Rusk.- I \1.1 1`l7nll-nu Ohnn M-\1:1 (nun/ll ' 11 llhk Ald. Walker then told Council that he had taken Chief Case to Alluntlale to see the location of the silent cop. Chief Case moved it over six feet. or so. They then met Reeve Rusk. who told Chief Case it should be moved back to its old position. He felt that that possibly was the way many people 1'egz11`ded tlmm. to some the position seemed .'1lri5. .l1t. and to others all wron:_.:. hnnlnl-iI\(r {hut u'n chnnlrl hnvn illl'l`.{lll. illlu LU UUl(>_`l'.`5 llll \Vl`Ull_`-L. Dec1arim.: that we should have active policemen there. not dead ones." Second Deputy Reeve Pouch- er said he had seen them where they [were 21 menace to sat'ot,v. We should decide once and for all whether we are 5.-'oin_; to use] them at all 01' not, remarked .\IzLy01`| Cmig. T rlnn't halinvn thnv nrn rlninxr kzlallg. I don't believe they are doing good any place in town," said Ald. \Vz1lke1`. A Iru.-_'|.n-uy ...nvnvninnr ihn vnninu H/2ll|iBl'. A by-law governing the placing of those silent policemen has been passer," said Ald. Bricker in reply. "Why is this question brought up; every Council meeting ?" I "Al Rrir-Inn` hut: vnforl nrrninef 215 U\'t`.I)' UULIIICH IHlfb'LlIlg.' I "Ald. Bricker has voted agrainst :1` resolution passed by Council on April. 22, and yet hates to have Ald. Walker bring in 21 motion, declared Ald. Wallrwin. UT nknllnnnn Alp` T'l7n`Hnvn on .I\1` .`\lll. VVi.lll|WlLl. I challenge Ald. to tell me what I have doubledecked on," exclaimed Ald. Bricker. --vm. Ah-l An in u-nu-nlnnn nnnnnd t.`.\Uli.l.lllH.'ll nxu. L)llUl\l'. You did on a resolution passed by Council on April 22, replied Am w-nnmsn, I U) UUUUCII UH Ald. Wallwin. POWELL & CO. DLUIU), we11u1_`.f,Lu11 at .\Irs. F. A. Furlong and Mr. Reg. Furlong are in Elllnvale t0-day at- tending the fu1.e1`z11 of the late Wi11is- Spring, brother of Mrs. Fur- long. \Yr `V -:\HnI' R7nI1nrr1=nIx and \[I' HATS COATS reduced from $25.00 to Special New Felt Hats just arrived. 1?og111a1'$7.00a111(1 ... . . Plain Volours and all the ;x'oz1so11 s newest st_\'l0.~`:.. ll.` ill` I ll. Red .\l(1. about .\liLll1|L'l`: Eyllb x3|lllUi.l._) ill. .`\lllULLl- .\I1's. Gordon kelly and little son visited at \Va11:1ce Hurst s last week. \| .. and Riva TZ`1:1nn \1.'u'nn and EIILS. I Miss B. .\IcLe1lan was called to` ;Toronto on l`uesda_\', as her mother| `had taken seriously ill. |Ili,ll. uxautut. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Robertson are in Toronto to-day atiending Convoca- tion Hall, where the degree 01' Phm. B. is to be conferred on Miss Doris Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. \\'ax.:x1e1', Messrs. Leo and .\[e1viI1e Nixon and .\Ir. \\'a11ace Beardsall, of Bu1`1`z1lo, motored up and visited a few days with relatives in town and vicinit)'. \l n nv\1` '\f.m I.-\l1n,...:,`ln..-. TM... \|hllL`U ilL \\ i1l|i1\.'U FIUIEL 3 lilbl. \VUl7l\. M1`. and Mrs. Eldon \Vice and amily spent Sunday with H. Slight, f Cookstown. \I1-o \Inv-xv 'I_'Inn9nn- n? 'I`nu-nnin ?c UUXIAI J. L|LUlDULl. Mr. and Mrs. '1`. Ross and family and Mr. W . Duncan, of Om, spent [Sunday at \\'m. Cowan's. \h- Tnnnthnn Dninor \h- nn .\lI'S. \\III. 1` I'_\. il hUIl. I I Miss V. Hodgins of Toronto is. visiting with her mother. | Miss Ada Spencer has returned |home after Visiting: in Toronto. ' .\I1`. and 31115. Herb. Thompson spent the holiday in Slinderland. Miss Bessie Lennox of Terra Cotta lspent the week end at her home; here. | \[::-n T T.`nn6nn nnrl |'y~nn/I n` Tn-` |ll:l C. Miss L. ronto are , IEIILS. xnm. 1) \.4UUl\hlU\\Il. Mrs. Mary Hunter of Toronto is visiting her parents. Mr. and .`.~Irs. John Patterson. \r.. no\11 '\I..,. In 1')... .....1 1`-.. I : I sbullllil) ill. \ Ill. L/U\\'H.Il -5. J 311`. Jonathan Rainey, 311'. and- .\I1`s. VV. J. SuIhe1'1:111 and littlel daughter visited at John Reynolds on Sun(1a_\'. WI:-n Duh} T).-...nn1.`ln `fruv-nvtn uu ouuuau . .\I1's. Roht. [<`re(1zu1 Tom Reynolds spent .\Ioi1', Bethesda. Reynolds, and .\Iiss Me-ss1`s. .-\1 ma Sunday with John! I I] M1`. and .\I11=.. W . Uncles spent the |\\'e<~k end in Toronto. ` I Miss 13. Hzwper of Bz11'1'ie visited` 'her pu1`oms nu Su11d:1_V. Mrs. Geo. Pratt of Churchill visit- ed Mrs. 1". Jobbitt recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson 01' Barrie visited friends here 011 Sun- (lay. 11.. :\I\:1 \t..,. T\n...~1,I oII\)\1n`l\`\l1 uu_\. M1`. and Mrs. Donald Suthe1'1and| um` I;.\'n(1on sxpent Sunday wit]; the |fo1'mer's parents. I \T1" nnfl \T1V: T T-Touvcnn -and |'n~~- ILUAHICI fl 1Jilll.`lll.E. 311'. and Mrs. J. Hewson and fazz`. i1_\' of Toronto were week end guests at Tom Ho\\'s0n's. I \r.. .....1 \r..,~ T \r,.`r..-1.1..... ....,1 111!` Cllll UL d|lll\". .\mon5.; those from Barrie who will attend the _L{()1(1C`Il jubilee of 1110 On- tario La College at \'\'l1i1b_\' imxt \yeel< aro Mrs. (RC`\ .) Thom, Mrs. (D12) XV. Riclizirdson. Miss M. White. .\li. Joan Hic-klin-_: and Bliss Leila. I-Iiinlei`. . ` .\h'. and .\ii`s. \\'m. D. RlCh21.l'(]S0l1. V:ui(lor1'. Ont., mmoiince the en- gageixioiit of their only (]2lllI11[`l'. Ina Louise. to Mr. Grant ]\'el\'in .\Ia_vo1`,i son of .\II'. and tho latn .\Ii'.<. I-I:11'ry .\layor. oi` Allzmtlalo. tho nxzu'1'i:i.:e to take place about the ll1l(i(.` 01` June. The enmirzeiiioiit LS aniiouncml 01' Edith '\ irs.riniu. _\ oun_;m~ (1E1llf.`,'htel` of Mrs. Reed)` and the late George Reorly of .\l:1(lison ZlVf`llll(`, to Cyril Fallis .\lcCa1'tney, D.D.S.. son of Mr. and .\li's. James .\l(-Cz1r1no_\', of .\l- ban)` avenue, the uiarriaiuo to take place in Slmnly Bay the latter part of June. Iill` 1U|ll I`1l`\\UH 5. Mr. and Mrs. I. McL.'Lch1an and little dz1u_4hte1' 01' Tollondale visited friends here 1'ecent1_\'. I On!` rlnnnnct u\'vnnnH1v in o\'1rn\r1- _-_-_-_._-_. I Bo1'n-On .\Iay 29th, to M1`. and Mrs. Wm. I<`r.\'. :1 son. \l'nn T7 1_Ir\(]`Iv`I-rim A07 'T`nv~n'ntr\ 1': I g Mr. M. Connel has gone to Stayner for 21 few days. \I.- and `fun TIT T1 \Tnn4n nnrl IUI` ZL Lt:`\V LlEl)5. Mr. and -M-rs. `W. H. .\Ia1`tin and .\Iau1'ice spent Sunday at Aurora. \II': (`int-(Inn T\'rAH\' and litthu cnn lllllfllllb IlL`l'U lL`L'UlH.l_\. Our deepest .=yn1p:1t11,v is exterm- ed to Mrs. -R. Tribble in the loss of her father, Mr. Reid. \Iv- F1 Qnohnv-land nf \I n.-Ivhnun lIt.'l lillU\'l, .\ll. IIUIU. Mr. G. Sutherland of .\I.'u'1<}1a1n.` also Miss Agnes, of Hamilton, spent Sunday at their home here. R71`: 'T`}\nn1`Y\cnv\ `luau v-ohn-nor} On dklllllilj ill Llltfll HUIIH.` HUFE. Mrs. Thompson has returned to Tllornton after spending aweek with her (1:1ughIor, Mrs. )I11rx`a.\' Hunter. who, we are glad to know, is im~p1`0vin_:.:. The Droehvlnvinn nnn1vaa~:vnvv ant`- 15 lllI*pll)\ lILL ,. The Presbyterian annive1`sary ser- vices held last Sunday were very well attended. The church was prettiiy decorated with spring soms. Rev. Morris of Toronto inspiring and uipliftinvg sermons mm`nin_: and evening, and [music was 1'cnde1'e.d by lunder the leadershp of . Qr'nrlnmnrp | Hllllll I\\'il-5' lunder 1 |Scndnn1ore. U116 U1` LWU I ed Ald. B1'i These sill 21 salvation casion," decf T uynnf IUH5. .\Ir. \V'a1te1` Richardsml and Mr. Wm. Bell. the lzttter of Elmvale, have gone to Elk Lake to work on (}o\'ern1nem road construction in "that district. \lm nu ) \lu-n L`! f` Dnkn.-bnnus nan w.,...... ucv "I `want t peated Ald. bring in 3. I`! u an `horn V UB6 1 and 8.110 SBUIB [I18 I11i1LII'." The vote was as .fo11ows: For, Poucher, Hook, Gmcey. Walker; Against. Craig, Rusk, Lowe, Bricker, I-Iuxtwble, Lower. Ma.1comso`n. Lins- lter, Tyrer, Partridvge and Wiles. u 3. here. I settle I"'Inn -unla WU ilb l'Upl't1 .15 wards haw night and b: 1' two of the r {(1. Bricker. 1ese silent poli nnnn nn v\\n LIUH UN [11 declared :1-sf 1r\n vyn THORNTON Easton and visiting the t the yeas a (1. Walker. . resolution I You can vow the matter. PA uvnn nn DC STROUD \IL`IIlll). M1`. and .\I1`s. das street we-st, Ilw r-11'.-.1124-xnem r`IIr\I\r\ T.` on '1'` L`Ulill!`. TI KNOCK representatives s have to com: 1111!` `kn .-h`nfno,..l JALILLVIA L wu u vote : matter." on on P :-dln .1. ` policemen have 1 more than one ed Md. Bricker. vynnu nut` nun". '7 $17.50 \ U [U l.'U'llH: be dictated raldermen ? The Northern Advance nu. D1` and H. u I'riend of T0- forme1"s par- \IlilL'l;` .L1., L!) L. V Barrio. the m:11`1'i: the end 01` June. \ I\\r\n n 1`1n:~n hm