Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 May 1924, p. 3

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`THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1924. rU1\L`U it L.) u when the twelve be- athe place lb`! CXDC UL mhe writer ,uA\. to J . YOU. Ll Ll` the Too much rich food forms acids which excite and overwork the kidneys in their efforts to lter it from the system. Flush the kidneys occasionally to re- lieve them like you relieve the bowels, removing acids, waste and poison, else you may feel a. dull misery in the kid- ney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, the stomach sours. tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get irri- tated, obliging one to get up two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these irritating acids and ush oFf the body s urinous waste, begin drinking water. Also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and vour kidneys may then I act ne aiid bladder disorders disappear. This inmnn: calf: i: mnrln from thr- act line and bladder cnsoraers disappear. I This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes :m_d lemon juice, com- hined with lithin, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate slnszgisli kidneys and stop bladder irri- tation. Ind Salts is inexpensive and makes :1 delightful effervescent lithiu- iwnter drink which millions of men and 1 women take new and then to help pre- vent serious kidney and bladder (lis- orders. Tlu '1 rY\II'lV1C ale-inl: inf: rm? rrnnri \L'nfPl' l Prices reinained unchanged on att11`du,\'. and l)uying and selling was l)-risk. Butter was quoted at n 1 i..5c--100. a pound. and egus at 22c-:22}c la dozen. Spring produce was not offered very f1'ee~1y, lettuce selling 1m 10c :1 bunch, radislles at 5c :1 |bunch, and rhubarb at 100 a. hunch. l l`olut0es were quoted zit $1.00 and 9: 0 hncr T-Tn\' nnld nt $12 nnd orders. I ._v all means. drmk lots of good water every lay. Have your physicirm exam- me your k1dncys at least twxcc a year. ` Drink Watr If Back or Kidneys Hurt transaction has its relation. The Bank of Toronto, with its widespread banking connections, and its policy of encouraging sound develop- ment of Canadian business, is equipped to render service that is thorough in its practical usefulness. 1:1- 1:1.- .....- .~1:.m+ 4-n r1i:cns:.< their business mob- I'm-ames $1.25 a bag. $11 . a ton. a. pair. Bmter Eggs Ducks ..... ` Chickens . .. I l)nv-l- nun 9 (11l10KC(l {LI .)1.UU uuu Hay sold at $12 and Young pigs sold at S . . . . .. 35-400 lb. '3 22-23c doz. .. 25c lb. 24-25c lb. 190 1h U: Begin Taking Salts if You Feel Backachy or Have Bladder Weakness SATURDAY S MARKE`I L Un l\, llUllL Pork, hind Sage . . . . . .' Apples 1 Green Onions Onions . . . . . . Radish ..... Tnrnips ..... Beans . . . . . . Beets . . . . . . . Parsnips Cabbage F` I-nn In Potatoes ... Rhubarb . . . . . Lettuce . . . . . ` , Carrots . . . .. blkfiblll . . . . . Maple syrup Young Pigs l`\JVV IIJ Illll-I Qnnvnj To Place Your Order for a Monument or Memorial Let us get it let- tered and ready for setting ea.1'ly in the spring. A large stock of all kinds of gran- ite and marble to choose from. The Simcoe Marble Works G. W. J. EASTMAN Prop. Phone 277 I Good Wallpaper Since November 28, Sales Book prices have been reduced three times by us. Books are now selling at 50 to 62% below November prices. .-\1)soh1t`0l_\' below cost prices are now offered. SINGLE CARBON LEAF BOOKS 2-$0 each CARBONIZED DUPLICATE 3 c each Open bottom sty1es--standard size and quality 11-1.1-3 ...a.--`l..... .-.1. .-.`l:m`la&`lu 'I{m'l-mow -r-ml-cm 1` :6OOOOOOO64OOO000000060000 V 20 Owen Street AUTO LlCEN_S_E_ . \/Iv Debentures of the Town Barrie. 5}, Per Cent. Issue. u. . .... n or Good Investment. Looks Right--Stays Right If properly hung. At present prompt service can be g),iven~m1d wide sel- ection to choose from. Terms arranged to suit . D D D P > D D P D Drop -4 (lord or Phone 8 r 1.4 and -.1 represenmtive will call W. BELL; ISSUER an r\` A LOWST PRICES run front 11 i 11 (1 7 OWEN STREET Masonic Temple Building that is thorough in us pracucax uscxuuxcaa. We like our clients to discuss their prob- lems with us. mizis; % a ---.-Z, _.'.-V Successor to J. Arnold Insurzulce mow .Is_1'I:!.E _ TIME. -- ........ `u. `I FOR S.-\ LE IUU plull 30-40c bask. 30-400 bask. 30--Hrc bask. .. . 10c each . 30c pint $2.75-$3' gal. $3 each, . $12-$13 ton .35-40c ... 12c 11). . . . 150 lb . 5c bunch 50-TOG hrlsk. $1-$1.25 bag 10c bunch . 50 bunch 10c bunch 70c bask. Sc hunch 2 for 5c 10c pin! -)n_.4nn 1\ncL' ` (l12NurIluernAhnanr2 (Founded 1851) Published every Thursday morn- ing at the oice, 123 Duni-op Street, Barrie. Suibscription $1.50 per year In Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 In United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. `Barrie - Marble - Works Corner Stones Markers Monuments C2u1adia.n &; Scotch Granite ` Memorial Tablets 111%` `JOHN F. MURPHY, Prop. Telephone 734 79 Bayeld St. - Barrie. BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY 1LEM BROS. Phone 616. - Five Points Wo1'kmansh'1p guararlteed on all fumilv wnshim: THURSDAY, MAY 1'5. 1924 PRICES REDUCED Laundry called for 111' Prices reasonable R. G. MANUEL Mgr. Phone 721 $1 J 9 ` ` Y V U V * . ` . "'v\ `-"R, ".-V__ -v_-` V- W77 7 L V Folded styles at slightly higher rates. I ri(.-es listed are fm'__]()O0 b0nks--1o\\'01' rates on large. 'q11m1ti1`i0,s. (vlelifelid Page Three McCaskey Systems, Limited Cqunter Check Books GALT - ONTARIO The Advance WEE PHONE 53 - BAR BAN1S:flQ&NT0 Capital s5,ooo,ooo Storm Sash Taken. Off Ha1'd\\'00d Floors C-leancdi and Polished Inside Pai11t__`\V01'k Cleaned Barrie OUND . SALES BOOK FIGHT Order Through $1 txt Incorporated 1855 BRANCHES : Allandale .\ 1`ec0mm(>ndz1ti0n has been xxmde` '0 the Ontario suvb-com1n`itt0e of tho! E"`nn..nu'Mnn nn pl`ifl`;`\1I1u;!\I\ -31` 00.. I $ l,'Ol`.0X'l`0 .\l.\Y H;\\'l'} NINE Sl<}.\'l`.\" I o [Committee on Retlis?.i'ibut:ion at Ot`| tawa that Toronto should have ninvi seats in the Ferloml House insiea(l' of six, while York will have only` 'l1ree. ixisteacl of four. The allol-[ ment of nine seals 10 Toronto would`. make the unit of represen-tation lnhout 58,000, a. unit. commensurzlleu .__.-u. 41...; ..i- \r,\..o......1 l "0 L116 Ulll,':ll'1U .LlrlJ-I_`UuiI1HI.LuL: UL Luci llH:'llL U`l uuu: D\`:uI.3 Iu Lk re nhout (`I with that of .\Iont1'ea1. Windows Claned ! ' 1 F11 1 -,_ f\,A.`A! ! Reserves $7,000,000 Elmvale Umce BARRIE ~TiiAi1f1iS ASK FOR ` SALARY SCHEDULE (Continued rom page one) the teaching of English in French schools and French in English schools. Miss May Skilleu de.1nou-stranted the use of a grainavphone in teach- ing. She used a class and had them singing and talcimg physiczll drill. It StI'l1C"li me as being 3. splendid idea. '-\ r~<~ A _,,,1._ ._ --....._... `r\ ' Dr. Sincl-ai`1', who 15 coming to Barrie in -the near 1'u`ture, ad`d1'ess- ed the -t1'us:tees on the Comparison |of a Nomal and Suwbnorlnal Child. Hrru. 1:>.\o.....In,I (`W-..:L.-1" u-ne the OX 3. LVUIIHLI anu -3`Ll`UIlUl`Ill2J.l uuuu. The Retarded Ch(i1`C" was the "subject of a. talk by Miss Louwden. She showed how they are rsat taught to recognize pictures and then u.ss0cia,te the pictures with words. The children appeal` to de- Ve1op w0nde~1`l'u11y. (111 'I`hnrarIn\.' (Tar! \V (`.nh`N11\`Ph Vt`-lUvp wu11uenuu_v. On Thursday Carl T. Gehreken spoke on the use of music, especial- ly in the l;inderg:1rten. Rim: '1` T? I-T\II\".f`l \`D qafnfo H1311 l'rJ.I`lU ill.lll!UBu LIIU UUIIVBJIHUH. Premiex' Horward Ferguson, said Mrs. Huxtable, gave i/t as his own- ion that it wasn'.t necessary to stress gra-niinar so much, as long as he puuplis knew the use of words. Dr. Cody dealt with the princi- ple of vocatIi~on'~a1 schools. Pvupils go to high school and graduate with- out being mted for any panti'cula,r kind of work. It would be much better," commented Imus. Hunntalble, if we had vo>ca.tiona1 schools in- stead of cmnmiing so much Lmtin. `nr RV-nrmfnn -:x:L'n Whilf hndv IV 111 LHU l\lHLl\','l'33'iJ.| LUH. " Mrs. T. R. Huxrtazble stated that 50 of the 65 ladry trustees of On- tauio attended the convention. HT)runn.- Tjnnuvnu-:1 1.`n--rvnnnn uni;-I 3 OOQOOOQQQQQOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO OOOO00OO0OOO0OO0OO M I D02!/I'(l \VO1ll(l IIHVE9 LU name H. up Owen Sound has such a school, said Mrs. I-I>u:atwb1e, who favored -more of this line of work than the present system. V'n.n r--.1n .f ah-an} nnn r'|nvnarfIn1nn1' 5lB"LU Ul Ul`i.l.lllPll.llHg SU lllulill uwuu. Dr. Brereton asked what body had control of vocational schools. In reply int was stated th3Jt the Board would have to take it up. PL-uron Qniun Hon cxunh n er-'hnn1 I.IllS 'L[lt` (1l5Ull|S1UIl l.l'l`l)`]_)`pL`u. Is there any bi-me limit to pupils being held in one room ? enquired Trustee Brereton. The matter was left to the Marmgemenlt Coniniittee to report on. In training his query )Trustee Brereton poimted out that there were two or three cases where children have been in one room for a long period and as they are un- (lou~bted1,v su.bno.1`mal it mlilght be host. to let. them go on and glean as much as they can from the other rooms. as well as the one in which the)` now are. \Vi1l our 'Sf,llll{lrI`S allow the procuring of 20 new seats. An o:~'ii1natr~ was: put, in for this number, snirl Tru:-too Bremton. Rome 30214.: lure nemlorl. for a number i11 use are! i '-n`.:Err-l_\' unsuited lo the pupils 113-; iu:t,l1mu." As the chairuian of! Pl`()iDf`f!_\ and .\`uppl_\' \\`as not pro.<-! r~:`.I the mutter was loft in ulic-.\':1nr`e. 1! hr-en can 5- haxiing 1`( -[Inst I'r)u1', '1`. one now. :1 David e | wood B111 the cost _.z1.< they :1 ` number ( ; Schools. pl't:5tfll'L y45LElu. Yo-u can t stant one department and not another, rem`a1*ked Trus-! tee Simpson. It is a question for the future, not the pre.senut." With this `the discussion dropped. T: H101-n an? hi.mn iimif tn nnniln \Vi11iams, of the C01lin_L:- 13111101111. aslcixlg for I`1gu1`es on oi` bui1(11'nr.: of me B.C.I.. as are pr:-pzn-in; a wport on :1 of the surrounding Hiah One 01' two DiO1111'eS 01? the school were desired. 1 (HIE llU\\. ` I 3 The . Nurse's report is; I 1 I K It I `R \'icmrizL School. 12 visits, 600 chi1-' (lrwn ixlspncxezl; I 1"m(*0 of \\'21les, 16 \'isf1.<, 756 children in.'~:pector1; Kim: K-I 10 visits, 407 children in- . ..,.n..) ISCHOOI \\'CI'B Ut`SlI`t`( ` NUPS1 ' 1 ldrvn PM g .e1:c-c1(> % CI~.1.'~'.<, talks on ai lt<~n(1;1nco Ollicor on ._._.`I._ ` nu_.. _.. l Jllhb .\l. .\. llcllll, L1ll.lH|\l|l5 Iloard for increase in :"~.a1z11'_\'. Tlms. 1~Iens0n. czxmtalim` of P1": 01` \\'u1os school, statinrz that he 1 ca1'ot.ukm' for 20 _\'ears, I received no increzlse. in [last {l$kC(1 for 21 stlbstam [LU \\ (II II, 1U air and sleep. tvmI:1nc0 Tho attendance and rc-sport shows : lC7n Iv` fiunvu-n V131 uuuun cu Au La, `run .\1 ti. Pvnnx` calls. Bun] `*0 nunilc rnrriqi rxrrxrl tl\ L`. cl`- Bunk \7un VVC &r-wg-: Phone 439m. 195 Du-1-11op.i \I1 prixr \\ |'||| LNL l||\ IILIIKC lII\;'l \\'~i:<, x'otrLr_V pay the Law nocounzt for 1'epni1's V in full and vouched :illlI\ .;u.~n). Victoria, 422 pupils 1` \'m.1_-49 utletldance 389.1 . P on '70 Mb . Ge<)1".IO. 22 pupils r 3 zlttendance 19. 1 .", tlllk} nds ;'1)lll: D. I , director of Techniczxl nlrvnntinu n6` . b<'3 31213 9. 1' O11ta1:i< ru- 1.0.}. have been 1'o::is~tm'- in .-\p1`il report. 25 in the 1 in other classes. The Northern Advance \'\ I lflllfl.` whnn I for. J._.I..t`.\..L.I..L .l.\JJ.\ .L.l- U\.lJ.Ia.|. ' .Ll.J.J.J.S .1.u.uv;.:., 4..vw.L:.a.v lNSl'R.\NCl'}-li1'e, Life, (`n.-a11.'\lt`y. Pluto (F-lass, Autonmhile. 1`lC-Kl-1 l' .~\(il~J.\"].`-Cz1.na(1ian 1":1ci1'ic Rai1\\'a_\' and Stezxmship Lines. Likexviste Cunard, Anchm` and .\nch0r-D0n;11d.=,on Lines. Boolcings $0 e\'e.z`_\' part of the world. S.`e1`\'ice 1m0.\'ce11ed. T1'zu'01 C.1 .R. l)O.\lINI0.\7 EXPRESS I\IO.\'l'}Y ORI)}5]l`.S Telephones: Ollice 183, Residence 549 ...__: (l\!`.l UL J wlHlL'C .7: had` 0 _\'ea1js, and wcrease Iho stlbstamial 1 xrening that `esent to lec-i (`I ; 1'egisIm'0r1. Q `I M111 n \' r0::;ist(=1'0(1, . ).7. Penny received asking D CL`: remit: Yo 1` L110 '0uv1)#an I0 1 `tude in words t u1emo1`_\'. 'in('e had . Mal It IS not con lwilrul indil'fm'e1 1mg_ sible 1'01` most .5 women voters. n . be a.\\'211(en0d It was his duty to have re11}ai11- ed at the factoxy till the night- watchman came on. nnn....o'v.. nu` ....-uni '1 hm ania T'1'o W_._nSMlTI-I1 -Ir\l" 1\,_ _ \\'Zl,LCI1I1l'cl_I1 C2lJIll!'.' U'.1. What s the good," he said, I've been here a year and nothing has hu.prpe11ed. So he slipped away an hour ea1'1.ier. Vhhn unnnlun-an fnnnrl Mhn nlnnn llUl|l' titl l-lull The wa`1chn1an found pl enveloped in ames. \Vhose fault was it ? The re-`bugs ? 01' the unfzLiLh1'L11 caretaker- .s; no. The blame will lie at the door of selt`-cenu'ed, indifferent voters. Tl1e1'e are loads of them. Scores of places in tris P1'o\'ince suffered -for years, before P1-ohibintion, under `the licensed bar, because of them. an mu... r1'w.n.....+n.. Y(7 LI\' :`H:1n lt ucenseu Dal`, Because UL Lu:-:l1l. O, Mrs. Thornton. XVHY didn you cime out LO vote? Do you know ve more ballots would have carried Local Opvtilon 2` And there were trenble that number right in our own church that were not polled. KIT.-`I1 ro.-allv T rInIIIn f `K79 UVVII Ulllllllll Lllibb WEIR: uu-L IJUILC7 Weld, really, I couldn t. were washtinvg that day, and had ' expected company. I was sure by-1aw would carry, anyway. sorry. 1'-Inr nnantinnnr hxrnn nxxrzwv Her questioner turned away, up- prwsed by such bland, crass, selsh- noun t I I. D 8 ..u.., ' Having; cust11~i:< vote, 1hc-Lon- :d0ne1` he-ca.me the utlest of :1. mem- ber ol` the Com. .-\1 11 p.m.. when he and his host were cowerixlg over n-_ a. stove, I1`_V'iX\_LI to keep warm. loud sounds of hilatious joy took them to the door. Here uthey found the Chairnmn ot` ,the Com., the School Teacher and the I\Iethodi:~:t minister. They had walked three miles down the river to hear the good news that the By- law was c.:n`ried by two \'otes-(oue lot` which was Sl1'l)S(}(1l1e11ll,\ thrown pour out their gutti- tude that are still :1 happy * I rs\r\I\\I\II\' That night as Mrs. Thiormton gathered her little brood about her and throughrt, with a. shiver, of the mother next door who would listen for hours for It.he StlLI`l1`b1.iI1:g feet of her one boy, did she hear `a. sub- r-nnt:ni.nnc or-hn n.F .1119 '.7\'TnfR1"R I UUIIBUFULLS UUIIU UL ILLIU r.v. gworls--VVith what `me-asu mete, it shall be mea,sured agwin ? rru_..._,. ...A.. .. 7---! A-.L:nu Women s Column I HAMPTON E. J ORY - King Block, Barrie .-I'I:\\'("I.`._I.`iu-n, Lifn. ('n Plztlc-.(H:1ss. Autonmh ubuu1A There was 21 Local Option contest lost 'by a single vote. An out-of- town voter wanted to go and cast his ballot. His wife objected to :the RR. ticket e.\1pense->52.75. In one of the hotels of that place a per- feot orgie of drunkenness conlinued for `three years longer. Who'd want to shoulder thzut. to save $2.75 I ! nus. u I1u'uAA Allk4A.l , . A Township Local Option Com. in .\Iuskoka-~in rlhe days when it (001: a. three-fths m-.1joriL_\' to ca1`r,\' .Lhe Act~Sen~t an urgentt appeal to a London :~:un1mc-1' rc-sident to come and lvote. It was 1m'(1-w'1111e1' and bitter- ;|.. ,.,.v.1 'm... -.~n.m- uu;' n \-my-v hnuv Here is the beauijful thzrt sordlid picture (and ` knew -`both men). m , L2,. v-,_u r\_.A:.. V019. LL \\"Z\S 111111-\\ 11111131 21.1111 uALu:1- 1} cold. I`he V0191` was a Very busy 1112111. Yet, at an nxpense of $15.00, and though the 11'ip i11\'o1ve11 11 12 n.:1r. Av--Ix-n. nvuv Ohm inn xvhnn H113 uuu: tun: uv low, he went. % t11ex'm0n1e:1e1' 1` I I is conscious selshness, or in(1il'fe1'en(-0, thzu is respon- or the sIa_v~a1~h0n1e They only need to n... ,.. .. .1 nun .-.nur...on:l `tnzl. VUH: . 111%.`) U1ll_\ m; be and educ-.211e(1. the fort-0 that will do it is n It the eld. c-'m... n..a....:.. \\'.\.......'_ D.-hi I [110 new. Tlu; Oniawio \\'nnmn'.< l rohil)ilim1 Uonunittoc," which will work in lli1l'll1()l1_\' wiih I`ho; Oirtario Prohibi- tion Union, \\':1s 01'},-'z111iz0(l in Tom mum April 2~i1h. Rep1'esontati\'0sl were prvsent from 1-1 1- i'o\'inci:1l and 4 l)on1ininn ox'_:mi-izulioiis; and lmm $(`\'l'I'!l1 ']`oron1o .\`()Cl`ll( 5--{LS the 'I`oron~to Home and School and 41` \' xx` r1 \ on llrnm ". the the \'.\\'.C..-\. -1 n- 11 Pmhibiwtion is ever overthrown f\ 1'r\ u-I~.n,~n nnh uvv'H `iv ha 9 n - p . v A A _ , A _ B L` 1 Prnmineim women cmiiiecu--(1 with exec-iirivos Ihail Imvo not yet had oppo1'Luni1_\' to c0n: me question, zit-miidml. us, I'm i"-.\':1.mpie. Hrs. .\lc- }il1'1`l_L 11, pr0.~vident Ontario \\'nm:1n s .Lwbm' I.(\:1:.'11e: .\Ii'.s. `-90. Ed-\va1*ds, prosulem l m\ i11cm11 \\'0m:m's Insti- tutes. They exp1';>ssed l102u'I_\' sym- l pz1th_\'. as did also Mrs. Bun(1;\'. presi- dent '1`I)nvi.o \\'01nun':< Council; Mrs. D. M 30, of The Canadian Coun- Irwin :" Miss Louise Rorke. of The xlanadian Te:Lchm`; Dr. Mar- garet Patterson. Judge ol'- the To- romo Juvenvilo Court. , 11...` x. n u-n ul,-nr LL 1'1`U`HlUl`LlULl 1:: UVUA U\v.:Lm 1 Ontario. whose fault will `i1 The Moderawtion League's ? ` T\Tn lUll`lU \J|l\t`||'IlK` \.I\J|.lllu A 10u;'-tiuw Prohihiliou workex` told the writer (unavoidably pre- vented from attendance) that it just thnilled her to hear so many notable wo1uou-~u0t u. I'e.\v of whom had never before publicly espoused the Cz1us0-~1)I`01nisi1L: their. inuence and active support. should the O.T..\. he in d:1uge1'. ... To the (`.n\'e1'111111e11t these women say---T11e bootlx-::<:e1's 1111151 go; and we will back you in a. crusade :1}::1i11sl. 1110111." ` '1`o tho .\Im1o1`:1~1i011 L1>:1:.'11e, they ! .=:1_\'~-\\~'e \v:111t 110110 01` _vnu1' wz11`es; 1111111101` (:o\`1~1`n111o11t 5:110. 1101' wine 111111 111101` 1ic<`11s1-*:<. T111` ().'I`..\. _.....,1 :.. ..,....1 nnnlllrh fnv us" \\'H0 \\':\S TO` BLAME ? nu`. . . . . _ . . ,. She (ree could offer llll lJ\'l,' nl'(u'(`(`1l Dy, ulu SHE 1164.1 '21. UUU` echo of .the 'Master s Hh ark mt um nuan re vn J nst lllll In the im ist cred is decided not only by the deserving qualications of the applicant-but upon knowledge of general conditions in the business world at home and abroad, to which each_ transaction has its relation. r-nL. 'n__.I_ - FF....-...A.n un:+1-1 if: mirinenrpnri hankinz

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