Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 May 1924, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1924. `|Aill'llL'. UHU ilEI\lll::' lllill. il ll'}_lU|L Ul` sent. by May 12. 111:2. (D12) Oaks reques:tr=d pm`- `1ni:=.aio11 to plan :1` cm-bin: in f1'0n~t int` house on Collier SL, level it and rdn 110- n (`nuv 6--nnr Vlil llUll.`.K` UH \,llAAll;'l s`|., lC\\v II (lllul `plant :1 few trees. L. R. Ord, asking X01` $500 on ne- Count of Public Li1)1'm1\' lovy. Request from 111-3. 1\ z1t11m'im'- .` to ron1n\'n, two trees on |1\'on1pen-feldt St. in front of her pro- ; pc~rt_\'. I u..:._.. .\Io`t.ions I`0ucher-R11sk--That tho roquost of Lowe Bros. be _:1'm1'ted, undox s11pm'vision 01` Board 01' '\V0rk.=.. (`Ev-nr-ax-__.T-`lr\nI:__"I"hnf lhn rnnnnei |hll])Hl'\l.SlUlJ UL J)Ud1ll UL \\|H'J\>. ' '}1'nce_\'---H0ok-Thz1t the 1`eqnes1 of Mrs. Oaks be _:r:1nvte.(1. under sllptwvision of Board of '\Vm`ks. Pouchm`--I.itste1`---That the Coun- cil atlvertise for tenders for the sale of town gravel pit on Clapperton Q1 ' L .\I:1]c0ms011--Litste1' -- That this Council authorize the adv<=1`tisin-2 committee to secure 10,000 road Iiumps as descrihetl by Dr. Dnoslviutlle, at 11 cost of` .450 and than the com- mitiee be .vv?hm'ized to socure ad- \'ort.isin,; to - i11ier:=!porso(I on back of map with :1. statenm=n~t of Bari'ie s advaiitages and suitable photo- f.ti'a.phs. `RrinL'r.1r_.\T:n1nnmcnn .- 'I`hnf ihn p.',1'uy11:. B1`ick<=r-~.\I':L1co1nson That the silent policemen be placed on corn- ers of Essa Road and Burton .-\ve., Essa Road and B1'ad.l ord St.. I-Wive Poinvts, Dmflop St. and Mxllcasnev` Rt., Bradl'or(1 and 1'~2Ii7.n.be-th 915.. ml- so four mofe be plrnced on B1'z1 Rt, as near centre of blocks as pos- sihlo, in place of conwrs. \\'n`|1:nr-._I-Tux-1nh1r>.__'l`hnt H10 f'n1n' Elllll`, HI |Hill'l` ["1 L'UlIlL`lB. \V:11ke1'~-Huxlz1b1e~-That the four silent polvicemen Ihnut. are to hr- plncnd mid\\'ay botxvoon Hm inr'm`- ,=or-tinns on Bradford strnet be e1in1- lnted from H19 motion. 'IIYn11uvin T,Tnn1v '1`|...4 dhn n1..nn.. Hlll`.'ll IIUIH lllt` |l|U|lUIl. \V'z111\\'in----Hook-- That iho p1ucin_ of silmat po]ic>=men on Bm(1t`m'(1 SI. ho po:~'z!.pm10d 1'01` further ('0n:~;ide1'- n.tirm. T`I ....t.\I..1.1 T.-....,... 7I`1`..L u.:,. run... El-llllll. I111xt:1`bIe--Loxvo1 --Tlmt this Coun- ci! roqlwst Board nf Ed11cz11i011 to frmnt 1180 of old C0119::i.'1l.c ::1'01m(1s: for tnmvist canmina` site. Humab1e-Bricker--That the ro- lmsf of Mrs. .`1ntn.=`h1n'_\' If) 1'vn1n\'r1 wo doml trees oppoaile hm` pm- pm'?_\' ho grmmod. 1mdm' stlpervision 01' Board of \Vm'k.<. T l11|V!\I` '\Tn1.-unnxr-nu 'l"\hA4 no ,1 .113 , U\'lllHL!'.`. How 1011;: 1'! 9" nal,-r..1 ' " I .\Ir. umi .\II s. Cook spenvt Sun-, day at .\h`. John Dicker s. wunut nf the farmers will be I Ul 1)l)ill'(l Ul \\ (IFKS. Lowe!`-v.\Ia1r'mn: Board of VVOrks be anthm'i7.od to have the brid;.:'0 at Peel and Sophia Sts. 1'e- paired and made safe For tmlc. 'T`\v1-nv-:; .\fnInn`n\cnn"l`hnI `nnn.-,1 pu,u't:u zulu lllilll S21-It` H)!` II`Ill(.'. T_v1'er-~`Ma1coms.0n-Th~at Board of Xvorks be e-xQpo\verod to ropzlir .\[ll1Ci1SU.`1` St. dock. 11,; as1 `the Ontario H` f`nnnnH {a n Com mu niczrt ions .It' _\uu `glllllf-4 IU First Dep.-Reeve commun icmt ions Motor Lez1,:ue, SC`mvin_J: aside :1 FA!` fnuriaf in Il`ll-bullb, illlil access to his replied Mr. John uxcxers. - Most of the Hag? ` through seeding this week. Mr. and .\h's. .~\. Shelswc-11 \'i.<*.ited" ` M1`. and Mrs. I~`ar:in last Suntlay. ` `` Got ymxr shnes at .\I0m'x's Shoe` 1 Store. Fire sale opens 'l`11es.(1z1_\',l`\-h` M`:1._v 112. 1 'n nvn cnI`r\' tn 1`(`D(H'f. Th! ' -H .~L_4u uu Queen's` . J. and` on. an (1 u :1 J i>ooL ROOM APPEAL CASE IS DISMISSED (Continued from page one) Several witnesses testified that they had played pool ater the re- opening, some of whom had not been ou`sto~n1e1`s of R'o.binson rs be- fore. Halbert, one of the other bar- bers i11 Altliston, testlied that his prtincipzll CllSl.0IIleI`S were the young fellows in town and when the pool- room re-opened and no charge being made for the use of tl1e l)illu'a1'd tablles, many of these custon1e1\s dis- 11.pp0;11'e-(l, but a.t'to1` the closing of the poolroom sul)seque11tly to the Police Court truial, they 0211110 back to him a5.::1in. 1*..- .1... ..1....... r,.,.o.~ ....,l nh~nnn\_ Upon \ stances 1' whether the billia `for M re the p1'0s( xu uuu u_`-,uAu. the above facts and circum- i-l is necessz1r_\' to decide or not the det`eud:1.nIt. kept billiard tuhles on his premises for hire or rzaiii. The urguiuent for prosecution is ihzvt the poolroout was re-opened and p1a_\'in:.: ELi10\\'C`.(1 trr-9 ot` chm'_:'e for the purpose of at- trueliu: customers: to the det`end':1ut s bztrhez` shop and increztsing his busi- iiess, while the fli'g1ll11(`I1i for the ilot'(~ndunt was that as no ch:tr_<.:e was made for the use of the tables it could not be said the tables were kept for :.:a:i11. In arriving at an understanding as to the uieatning ot' the \vord gain in such a case, Judge Wismer refers to the case of Rex v.s. James, where the defendmit kept a cigar store and in the rein` room he allowed his cus- tomers to play poker writhout Inuk- inig any charge for the use oi.` the room or tzibles. It he had 111a.de any prot out of the poker room it was by reason of the increased sale of Vlan in uvktxiknn nn.....-n nunndinn an [)l'UllL UllL U1 Llltf ])Ul\L`l' l'UUlll IL Wblh of cigms. The question as to whether he was limble to :1 ne or not de- pended upon whether or not he was kt-`ping the poker room for gain. Qnotaxtions made by Judges in that rmno uvorn ~ f`1.nh1 in fh:mf urhr-h 1': L-['llU|,211L|UIlS IIl~':lUB U) JLlU';`-3\t: n1 Ludb case were: Gain is than which is acquired or comes as a benet, prot nv n:`hvan.h,nvn and H xnnv ho rln1`I'vAr1 uuqulreu U1 Uuunth db u uuucut, pl Ullb or advamztge, and it may be derived indirectI_v as we'll as d`irecn1_v"; The increased prots of the business de- rived from the sale 01 the defend- ant's goods 10 the persons who 1".-`~ sort to his rooms fox` the purpose of play, is evidence of keepin_: it for L'nin; For whznt. pnr1)0e(> was the vnnm km-16 9 T`hrn~o i: nn o\'i- :.:u1I1; I` 01` wnzm. purpumi nun LIH7 room kept ? . . . There is no evi- dence or stmgostioxl that me room nvnn I-aw! fnv nnv nhilnnfhv-nnin nu Mn._\ 11:. \\'e are sorry to roport that Chan1`ir- Sh<~1s,\ve-11 is under the doc- A....'n nu ..,, Lll`IlUt' UI' bllf _4l'bI|Ull lllclt, IIIU was kept for any philanthropic or l}I18V0`l0l1f purpose, etc. Now we have in thtis case circum- stances Very similar to those in Re): vs. Jatnes. Mr. Robinson for some _\'L'Zll`S had a lease and llll-`D he pur- chasetl the property and has been paying for it out of. the profits oi his barber shop and poolrooni busi- ness. There is still an incnmhr.~ance on it and his only means of pa_\'in_:. it is out of his businr.*s.<. He retain- cd the ne large. co-.1. Sign Bitllia1'(l Room in front of his building; he had the room well lighted and heaited, ve tables and their eqniptinent were kept available for players and a sziszn on the door that only customers are allowed to play free of charge. We also have the evidence of \vi cne.sses which in- dicated that some of them went to R-otbinson to get at least pant of their barber work done by him so that they might be able to play pool t`reo of charsze and this is corrorboratcd by another barber, who swore his young customet's letit. him when the pool room 1'9-0p(-`It( d and came back ngtain when it was closed. _ I`.wo of the witnesses said when they we're in playing: pool he said something to them about pleasing; them or do- izg their work. In the above ciI'cumstance.s and l(ll()\\`lll_LZ hnnian nature as we do, can one come to any conclusion other than that Robinson had the hope that alloxvin`-.: the use of his pool table free of cliarge to his barbei Cll>'it)l1lt`l'G only, niizzht iiicrcase the L... I -) \.. 1 U U`lll r\v\rx K.'Il.5lUIHl,'lh Ull`l_\', number of his of the .]11 nn.L'nr nucn H u UL lill`, .}llHj5'l'D -\.llil\l Ill lilL7 lU1IUl LCM; ,pokm' case, it was not done for any \[)11i`.1lI1UH`0DiC 01' l)0ne\'01en~t or cha1`i.t2ib]e purpose. 1 am compelled U1e1'0i`01'e to find H1211 the (lei'en(lar1t (lid keep billiard tables on his prom- `ises on and z1f>Ie1` lih Jmiuary, 1924. for :min, :1 possible increase in his business, and of course with- out having :1 license the1'0i`01'e con- t.!m'_\` to the by-liaws 01' the town 01` ,\1`1:n..r\v\ llill) [U ;\l`liston. Utpon this finding: there should be a conviction and the iul'o~unmtion and conviction may be amended and varied .'tccor(lin_zl_v. This is a. case in which such zitnendmetits may be made. as the whole '3\'idence before the Police .\lagist`1-mtc was directed to the question as to whether or not the tables were kept for hire or gzuin. It would appear than the 1\I\z1tgis't1`zLte c.onsidered the minimutmv penwlty suicient and I agree with him, but: as the minimum pen'al=ty under by- law 77 is one dollar, I reduce the penalty to one dollar and costs of.` the tniatl before the ;\I.zL:.:,wist1':vte. I do not think there should be any costs of appeal alnltowed. The de- fectivc int'01'mtio11 and conviction and b_\'-ln\v.s tlr.<':t putt in were suflicient to invite an appeal. It, is possible that it` these. defects had not exisrted there woutld have been no appeal. With the iut'm'mnti0n and conviction rtmended and varied as nhove dir- ected the appeal is in other respects dlFllltS.`<(`(l. The (loposit on the ap- peal as security and the ztmount hy which the tine is 1`educcd should he returnetl. T6 :1.-`(~1--z\.1 LIIL` |J_\'1`i.1\\ h UL llll,` UJ\\'H ,. A",....__,I ,, . . lt'l ll l`lH ,`U~ If desired :1 formal order taknn out. .-\1'1u<|(l with two-inch spurs. two zzuno cocks had just finished :1 hnto when `police s~\voop(*d down on :1 fnrxu near \Vinuipe_:: and \\'1'ote "I'm.is" to -the ancient sport of cock- _:htin.:. Thirty supoctaiors were grouped around a cock pit, and uenrb_v was found a tempora1'_v bar` with an adoqlmto stock of liquor. The owner of the place was arrest- od, and the names of the thirty men taken. 'I"wel-ve other game cocks xvere found on the premises. They all .=howed si;:n:s of having particl- puted in previous battles. lllb \.'ll`.lU`|HL'1D 410 ULPS :05 s:1.i(l in the 1'epo1'[e(E was c urposo. 1u'nu-:1 Onhlnn nu hu'z~ v\1Ir\I\\ Page Five tor's'. (`(1I`P. .\ new custmnm' moans a s:Ltised ('.us:tomm' in I-`ootxvozxr if they buyl hero. The B. B. 81100 Store, Darricnl n The Ed`_r;zu- \\'.I. how :1 spr~cia.1 mowing in tho \V.I. hull Inst \Ved- Imsdny ovoninat to a1'I`m1::0 about a smvin: cmnxce. The 1'er:11ln1` mootin_'.: 3 will bi` hold 011 M21) 1A1 at .\Ir:~:. \Vhittukm*`s :1t 2 11.111. Thom` was :1 good cnn;m`o<.'21t`.o11 out last, Sunday <-*\'eni11r; to hmr *5Re\'. Mr. Currio. It is extpc-(~t9(l that uc._ r\ ...:n out-A Hm cm-vir-rm at the l'.apt.1st cnurcn rur llll' um. ....r-x or four xnonths. Service next Sun- day at 11 ann. Linoleum and Comroleum Sqtmres. all sizes and patterns, at W. `A. Lowe & Son's. Special prices. Congoleum W eek! At Sarjeant 8:. King s \ Thursday, May 8 to Saturday, May 17 Bargain Prices End Saturday, May 17 CONGOLEUM RUGS are made in beautiful artistic patterns, are easy to clean, are waterproof and greaseproof, require `no fastening, and are wonder- fully durable. -I 5" ('nn_r:ro<;21t`.o1 bl'n11`t 9t1n(h1)' hm " ,Re\'. Curno. thn `Mr. C1n`rio will take tho services :1 the Baptist church for the next Hn-u A1` G`n|n' mnnthe Service S111` g KING, Hm. 1'. \\'ill re-open Tuesuuy, ;uu.y xv-itrh bargains L`: all lines of H ` I WEST ORO STROUD 9X6 ft.-R(.`gL1]z11' $9.00. .. 9X7-- ft.--R0gu]zu- $11.25.. 9X9 ft.-'I.?0g111z1t' $13.50. . . 9X10- ft.-R(>g111z11' $15.75. 9X12 ft.-R<*g11lz11- $18.00. . Best Values in Floor Covefings a.,v. Sh no s(1z1_\', . Iz1uikIand. :1 friend of Captain l.-\,hSO1li't(`. \Vi1fred Rrrhinson. ` Bob Acres, if ho cannot. gel 21 mM.\\'iI`v without _',hti[i_L fnr her. will d0C_`iivo a bachelor." .\i\'iu Luck. Sir Lucius O`T1'ig;:e1*, {L re-eating iSPd`[>Iihorui:1i1, Nit-i1oins I~`i'nwIey. NW1 iv`zi_:. Crplilill .~\.i)so1ute's S(`I`\'Ht,| .` Inn]: Pnvnn Cl)lll(`(li(,'.S, |)U.L Ull llltb co1ner.I_\', The Rivals, written >`heritlz\n. \\'ns put on. It is full ot lIlilI'i_`.{llill'._: sitttutions wit and hum- our. From the ()1)(`l1lIl_; or the tirsz. scene u11til the cuittuin falls on the lust there is no let up in interest and humour. `1"he Rivztuls, which is it comedy of the period 1800, is supposed to take place in Bath. The costume-s`| Uk'\,'il.\l\lU il hy *1. i I 3 1 i I I 1 t ( I `of that period lend 8. realistic touch I to'the pertormatlce. As the title indir-uites. there are rivals mixed up in the plot, Caittiain .Ml).=:olute, ni:t.=q1t(~rzules as Ensign Be\'erle_\',, and Bob Acres, who, if he cannot get a wife without ghting for her wi-ll live :1 liztchelor, both in love with Lydia. niece of Mrs. Mala- prop, and who returns the love of Ensign Beverley. The cast of characters: .\Irs. Malatprop, Lydia s aunt. who treats us with .her `select. words so ingeniously misapplied without being mi.=.prronounced, Marion Partridge. T.\'.1Hn tho viipnrn, who wi9.hes to 3 who I I ESMMENCEMENT IS GIVEN THIRD NIGHT If there is one event `looked for- ward to each year with more in- terest than another it is the Col- legimte COI11lI]eI1CG111e11It. The school always has an ixrlerestin-g entenlain- ment to offer, and as a consequence in\'-.1:iu.h1_v draws two full houses. This time they went one better, re- peuuling the performztnce 3. third night. During the last three or four years Ihe p1a_\'s have been musical cmmA hut on this ucczrsimx :1 H11rl1'i_:1lin'._: ohn Hun (`u r\II In`:-(\v\\ ny\nn5nr no` Mr. \V. Lamner visited friends in Gilford recently. ;\I0Ihe1`s` day will be 0bse1`ved`iu the clulrches next Sund=a,v. M1`. .\. Page of Barrie spent the week end wim friends here. Mrs. W . On` and chidnreu of G1'en- fenl vismed Mrs. Sproule recently. 311'. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson 01 B'ax`1'ie were Sunday visitors here. \'t\:~:-v-O H Tinnfh uni} `H. (}!`11\' Of I ['2 4. L/illllllll Jzwk Payne. Thmnu,.<. Sir Roger Wilson. >. I x 1 I 1 mxspronounceu, Murluu ru1'Luu`5r:. Lyxlizl, the niece, who wishes to nmrry an obscure ensign, Gevtrude Scott. Tnlu`-u T1-1H-1'5 nnnehx in 1n\'n \v'Mh mt. Julia. L3'dia's cousin. in love whth `Ea11l1 Jean Harris. 1 urn `\fv-a \ln'lnnrr\n c innit] Arrnv |u1 `lll Reid. L"n u uy. .\Iiss Helen M. Roe has entered ' the hospital at Barrie for tho nurses - training: course. We wish her suc- ,cess in her chosen line of service. KYO an Dnwnn_\` ( F4 r\I~\ r\ \4Ull|\` LU U3 [U UH) I'IIIll\\'\'u|: W0 so]! the how nmn(>,\' will buy. The T}. B. Shoe Store, Barrie. Mi`. .-\1bo1`t O1'('h:1r(1, who was s01`im1s1,\'i11 last Su1ui'd:1_\', is im- proving in hezblth very sz1tisI`zLcto1'- ily. \[iac T-To'|nn \l nun hn: nninrml .Congo1eum ' . Congoleum .Congoleum % . Congoleum .Congo1eum are D]0( lSQtl ouut nr.:uin. On `In in MINESING \\'Q}`8 sunuay vlsuurs nun-. .\1es. \\'. Booth and H. Gray Toronto were week end \'isit0rs here. \.\11'. Chas. .\la1'q11~is of 'I`m'r>n1o spent the wee-1: end with his pz11'(-ms. Miss E. Harpc-1' has returned to Barrie after s~:c\`r:1`z11 \\'ec~.1{s' vixen- tion. unne vnnv fv-imn]< horn .'1nd`5)ny (.,`. Si 1' Am hony's cnachm 1111.` 5, costumes` a `mance. In .5.-nrl nn hny I"0nl\v<=m'. buy.` `tn.-A T)u v-In to see Mr. W. Week Week Week Week Week *5 U11 LIl('I lb uzlptu ix1tere.s*I furious. u ...._,, e... - .\Ii's. .\I=al-.Lp1'o.p oibjeols very strong- - ly to the zLltachment between hex` - niece and Ensign Beverley, and by l 11 close wzuch over her -Ihopes to prevenit any chance of an elopemient. Then Sir _-\nthony .~\l)- ;. solute decides that his son should ~ iiizirry, and zii`ra1igt--3 with Mrs. J .\Ial'.Lpi'op that his son and her niece 1 should well. Captain Absolute 1'e- 1 fuses to (lo his l`:Lil1er's bidtling llll-| uilil ll \\'()I`(l or two his futlier lets' ylslip convinces him that the girl his it"t'u.tl1e1' lias chosen and Lytliu are one 1- uiitl the saline persmi. But Lyllia, ;:. knowing that Ensign Beverley. olis Captain Absolute in (lisr.-`Luise, isl :~lll'i1vIr:ne .\ nu`-nlinlr ic :n'I'nn nntll / Meet _\'0111' friomls ho1'(~ and 4)ny l*`oot\\'eu1`. The B. B. Shoe .*`at01'e, Barrie. 311'. and .\[1's. Stunbu1'_\ of Tomnto xvern .~`und:1y \'i.'~:i1m's at .\Ix'.'~:. Tom r1 ,....,.....',. _ 1 David, A:c1`e s servant, Victor Col- lins. T)rn- Tnnlr XXTm1:~1w I E ~ Cap-Ittin Lillblill t'uriou.=. L`-ztptuin he hits Mrs. .\UBUlULL' H1 \llD_`5'LHDli, lb} 1 .\ meeting is arran,4ed and Absolute toils Lydia that :.;ained admittance becausel .\IaizLnrop believes him to be' ;\vbS()1l1[L`. He plans with Mrs. .\I-alaprop that she consent to an elopement ot' Lydia and Bever- ley, then he in the nick ot' time will replace Beverley. Mrs. Malaprop] ELgI'(%~2. Then Lydia learns that: Carp-tain Aabsolute has been masquer- ading and despises him for so doing. Botb Acres nds tha.t Lydia is sought ' by the obscure ensign, Beverly, and eha11en:.:es him to a. duel. Spurred on by Sir Lucius O Tri.g1ger, he goes forth to battle, but when he nds he must fight Captain Aibisolitnte he nds grounds for calling oft the combat. Sir Lucius O Trigger (Lis- likes to be balked of the sport and offers to cross swords with any one. The arrivail of Sir Anthony .~\ibso1~uite and David prevent hostilities, and the conclusion is reached. 1/ydiia and Captain Absolute become re- conciled, while Julia and Faulikland, who have been devoted to each other, though sorely beset with trials, are also brought together. `r1..-.... _,..r ....... .....n t_.I.-.. \rn.. l........, ....\. nu... .,.\...D.... ..`,,5\....-. Every part was well taken. Mm`- ion I zx1't1`i(l;:e took the ChZ1I'{1.0teI' of Mrs. .\l~almp1'0p splendidly. while GexvLru(le Scott made an excellent heroine. VVil1 I-Ilnyes, Jack Reid and Alvin Luck took L110 heavy male roles with oaso, while Jean I-Iarris and \\'ill'rml Robinson 1112" :1 Mt with their zlrdemt \vonin{.:. iclmlus F`rz1wlc,v proved a. real -eater. .r\nn_\' Moore. Jack P:1yn,, Rolgor \Vilsm1, Vic-,to1` Collins and Jack \V:1lsl1 were very ,`.,'0`O(1. n,, \r,..,1-._ -...... .__.. _.. ...1-1,. _......- 113- B0)`. 1I..,. unnu ..\,.\_. ...._, .- \1\l\|- On .\[ondzLy eveninug n1odz1I`s were pr~sonIe(1 tn the prize winners of tho senim'o1`a.t0rica1 contest. The Ixvixmers were : First conlerwt, 1 Mar- ion Pamtridge, 2 Ruby _;\(1n.ms and .\rrnnc (\nin1nn ` Qnnnn r-nnfnuf '\\illHlUlb \\'Ul'L'S FHDL Cllllllfhrl, 1 .\liL|" 1 :u'tridge, ;\dn.ms .-\_uno.< Quinlan ; Soooml contest, 1 (llaulys (`.i'ahun1, 2 Lillian Haslmtlt; Tliird cniilt-st. 1 Sytliioy 'l`0nko, 2 G00l`j.`.`(` Service. Field (lay prizes were prnsoiitetl as woll. Seirior Cliampionsliip and I-lartloy Gmiftoii Cup. 1 Ross Cowan. 2 Howell Pzlrtiidge; lntemnetliate Clmmpionship, 1 Lewis Garvin, 2 ClII1'(`IlC0 I-121.11; Junior Clmunpion- ship, 1 Russell Stone. 2 Ben Baer. The prosonhwiions were made by Dr. L. J. Simpson. Jack \VaI1sh. W-$7.95 $9.95 $11.95 -$13.95 `$15.95 The Northern . ` dvance . `tor : xeen wet` :e 011)` 1 th ier ilute ding un- ther his , one Beverley guise, is nued `IIHIIEEKS. `There has been no report from the I rintin:.: and A(l\'e1'tisi1r; Com- n1it.toe in connection with the busi- iiuss taken up with Dr. Doolittle," he declared. ``I think, your \vor-` s=hip, that you should insist on it re- port from every chairman. but there is no report. 'the reply that we will take it up by direct motion, but that is not point, the committees sent reports. The Board of VV'0rk~. has dealt with a permanent road pro_r.;ram. Yet we haven't anything from them on these matters. I don t want, to spend my time here when no reportts are preparet ." I know that the PI`il1ttil1`f: and .-\d\'ertisin-_: Cotlnmittr-n has zone in- to details concerniirg the Blue \Vz1ter I-Ii5_'l1wa.y," remarked _\I:t_Vo1` C1`ai_'.:, hut on Satnrdzt_\' they could not get in touch with the printers, and to- day they have \\'orkorl until 5.1 . r~pol`:t. The COllltlllltl(`t` t'rom ronto has ll()1illllf.',' dtttinite to report on. and we lmre lwmi \\ {lltlll_`.',' for mnin t'nrther tltweloptnents. I had intended rnportin: to Conneil niqlrt that we met \'\'ith wltztt tmi_4ht term :1 fair 'lv_;ree of \\'t SUC- fif\.F(! The. Fire` `and Police Comm,itt(~e is also 1'etniss.: Work was taken up on l"riday night. I may get_ the should pre- 4 and haven't. had time to bring in :1` . [`o-l t()`_ \\'v1-- Plluuug -...-....... .w .. , Hewsoxfe. i I .\I1'. and .\Ir;~'. I. .\IcL:1<'h1zm :1nd|0 da.u'.:htor of '1`n11o11(1a.1o Visited t l`1`i(\nds hm`r- nn Sunday. i The .\I<-thmlist S1x11(1ay Rchoo ` i "birIhd`a_\"' missinna1`,\' collection '1 mnounted to $18.25 during the past 1 3 [ r cvl\nvI _ TOWN COUNCIL WILL I ADVERTISE BARBIE] Reeve Rmsk felt that it should be referred to the coulmiattee. Whtinle Aid. Lower thought it should be taken up at once, as it is in poor condition, it was decided to wait un- til Wednesday that the Council might see it on their tour of in- spectnion. . 1 1 r-n,,._ ___-A:-.. 44...: 4L.. Lly -.`\. mun. Ald. Tyre1"s motion, that the Board of VVorks be empowerod to 1`evpai1' .\Iulc:1sIe1` St. dock, su1`l'e1'ed the same fate. In cr)11nect.iou with the motion, .-\1d. \Vz11>1-win 1'en1a1'ked fhnf H hnu nn1\' hpon nnr-n<`n1'\` tn (.1113 IHULIUH, .'\1ll. VV`il.1*1'\\'lll Ac`-ununcu that it has only been 11eces to inform the cha.i1'n1an of any 1'equi1`e- men't to have it a:1te11d0d to. The 'OiC:iE11S of the town ought to call his z1tten~1i0n to these thin.:s." .. 7'7 . :1 ,,,1 n-.._.._:v Annu up-.-.uuuu .,x.. .. Mr. Harker addressed Council te- questing permission to place some scripture texts on the walls or the Police Cotlmt. -- -v 3 ,.,,~..- ..- `--~\Pr\`| ; 2\1AA\.U uuuuvn. I .\Ir. Norton, on be`,1a11' of 1mu.=,r>1t` and his 11-e.i:h:bo1`, M1`. I31'owu, wait- ed on Council to see if the sidewalk could be extended past their homes. 1 11de1' the he-a(1iug of euqui1'iec3, Ald. Gx'acey askecl if the .\llaud-(110 Athletic A.<:.=;0cia::ion could have the` use of the roller and grztder to put their grounds in shape. .v,v 11v,n_.... .. V] :r .. 1,~.Hn.. .,....,,V. .\ld. \Va1k01' inquired if 21 letter of .\Ir. C0n1i11`s had been placed on le. .\I:1_v0r Craig explained that it would be deal-t with at the next meeting. I-151: nnvifhiyacr ht-Dan rlnno N1 am- uleeung. Has anytthing been done re get- ting signs for the women's rest room asked Add. Tyrer. VVhen the `A11-andale Athletic Assnciation wrote Cotuncitl they ask- ed that a. colnmitttee be appointed to confer with them," retnarked Ald. Gmcey. It hasn't been done yet." H... --. u m.,,, ,, , A1,- LIUIIIBF Wllil LIIUIII, 1't'Juu1x\\:u :uu. yet. On `Wednesday afternoon the matted` will be taken up," explhuined Second Dep.-Reeve Poacher. I would like to know if the Fire and Police Commiyttee is going to re- port to Council where the silem policermen are going to be placed," `inquired Aid. \Va1ke-1`. ``T.{* in nn lo ' H van hi` 03.." llll|lll1'l'.'l1 .`\lLl. \V`(lll\t`l. It is on file; it ca ansvwere(1 A1-(1. Bricker. ..` `. ,1,_x 1.- year. | Mrs. R. M. Ne:~'s and family motored up from Toronto last S1111-- (my and spent the (lay with rela- tives. `Inc 1 TJ't:\\\' and daurzhters uuuu \_. \4\A ...... .._.......\. Md. Litsner askc=d if Counci} was goi11_: to sell the propelwty on Clap- perton St. I-Ie 1110115411! it would bei n \\'i.cn .n1n\'c3 Ror>\'r-\ Rusk enn- [)t`l'lUIl Dl. 1'16 H1Ull_L'.11I H. wuulu U : a. wise move. Reeve Rusk con- curred. and thought it would be best to sell at once. Y'nr1nv- um 1m...1:.... no` unnnichm ['0 sen ELL once. I'nde1' the hoadinr.: of unnished b11s'm0ss, .-\1d. XV'z11`I?\vin took a crack at the chainnen 01' the various com- imittees. "11`1r\1~n has hnnn nn 1-onnv-I I'I'nnn i 1 I 1 l l L'l_`L`>. Your rmn:i:l<.<-. _\'mn~ i11stil'_\' my ('o1n1nent:<." snitl .-\ll(l. \V :1ll\\'in. Even it` I ovorloolc thr fact that some had :1 joy Title to To \\'or. room and (`()lll(` homo mute as llll(`Q.` \vr- should l1;1\'<,- :1 1`opo1't. Tho l-`irti and Police doc-itlml l`ri night on the location of the silent, policemen and now no 1'opo1't." Tlmre is nothing: to repm`t in thr Board of `Works yet, rep-lied Reeve Rusk, "Nothing has come 01 iiegottattiotts so far. I dislike the al.le._z:at.ion that we took :1 joy ride to Toronto. We Worltotl hard while there in the interests of the town." _I resent the insinnation that has been cast on `the 1 1`i11tin;s; and Ad- \'erti.si1i'g Committee. VVe were not able to get things (lone on %turda_\' and so had to do it to-day. The mantel` was taken up on l even- ing by the personnel of the Coun- cil and as an important question we thought it should be taken up to-night by the whole Council." Were all of the commnittee call- ed to confer on this matter ?" ash- nrl A111 TX7nlluvin I.Ynvn \I:1u lU'lH}.'.llL uy lllU VVHUIU L4UllIlk2ll. "Were the matter?" ed .-\Id. Wxzlll-win. Have .v\Ir1s. I-Lnxtable, W-alker and Partrid_;e been notied? " \1-\nI\1IIJr\`1v nn} " inlnn-Cnninri `xi ! Ulltfll uuuuuu . .-\bso111teIy not," interjecteci .-'\ld. VV:1]uke1'. T nun n.nl> nrnih... in run n{'(nu- fhn VVill|l\Cl'o I zun not going to run after the n1en1`l)m1: 0! the cmmnitlee, replied Ald. .\lalco:m.son. The time In dis- MISS this was I-`ri(la,V ni_:ht, and AM. \Vz1lkor should have been In-re." I have no kick," said .\lll. \\~':11km'. If the c01nn1it.teo had :1 quorum they had a pe1'I'em rigzlll In `:0 on, and I will fall in Hill`. But I am (liSF`nHSl'l(l with the Fire and l`01ir'e Cmnxnillev. I witlnlrmx` my nmtion to let the conmmlr-0 (lisc.u:<.= the question and now there is no 1'epm't. Nmv I lmvo a motion than I will speak to laller nn." I don ! ht-liove the Printing Cmmnlitoe hall time to l)rln;: in :1 report," tloclarell Altl. Huxtnhle. .-\l(l. .\lnlc0nnson has a motion to cover the n1:1I.te1'. As for the joy ride to Toronto, I enjoyed n1_vsell' very much and so would Ald. \Vu.ll.- win. VVe have 21. perfect viglnt. of course, to give :1. report. We were u-all v-or-nivn Fur T-Tnn (1 Q T~TnnImr L'l)llX`:it`, LU ;l\t` EL l'U}JUl'l. VVU WUIU well roceivml by` Hon. G. S. I~Ien'ry. He was in s_vmpathy with our pro~ position and some Gover-umen_t sup- (Continued mum page one) K91`. it can be got," nltnr Mrs. J. Hewson and da11L'hters have retu1'no to Toronto a-ftor spending :1 couple of weeks with .\Ir. and .\Ir.=. T. Hewson. R.fr\.nrn'<: Qhnp Rfnro closed on ac-I llilrh 1L HI')Lll11l ll) ) would 1. f`. ..u...\. (in 1 (I mirasion t( ~nite to report -on waitin:.: for pments. 10 10-} (vilh what we lg`1.,E?u.fof( 7:` ` ` " ` C CO"Rm 0: ` ""`? mmegmnt . _ '_. 1\'on1pen'fe ;`?`..I1.`?,.. \.3`i' ls ` L'UlHU U1 Inn {ha-:0 hnn DR. AND MRS. J. J. D. 1B.-\XTlNG REDIEMBERED BY FRIENDS Before coming to Barrie -last week, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. D. Banting were honoured by the citizens of Cooks- town, who waited upon them and presented them with suiIt.a:b1~e gifts. wt the 5;-.me time empressin-g their regrets that Dr. and Mrs. Banting were 1eavin_z the c04111'!1111niyt3`l On Saturday the citizens presented Dr. and Airs. Banting with 21 purse of gold. T. .\IcI\'nightt read the address and the presentation was made by Robent Cole. \tnnHnhn A1 An-n AP \ T.` nnrl \ RI l.1.O4DXTL L;`Ul(:'. Manitoba oLd:g'e of .-\.F. and A.M. I'en1embei'ed D1`. Banning, p1`esex1lin5.: him with a Past.n1as.ter s J.ewe1. R.\V. Bro. T. .\IcKni; hI, P.D.D.G..\I., read the address. while \V. Bro. T. .\IcI\[ii1an made the pre:~:entuti0n. M.-a nqnmw '21: thn mm`.-.;mn nrl \`VlflU ICCEIIVCU - Ste.wat't and Stewart. advislntg Council that G. G. .\Io01 e, cam'_\`ing `on a \'ulcz1ni7.in_: busine.=.s on Eliza.- heth St.. had z1(l\`ise them that H R. Pa1n1(=t', Dl'Opl`l(`tO1` of Lattzhlin ga1`a:D, had so loczijr-(l his air tube that most motors which :0 to his place of husines to be $111)- 'plie with air park their cars in 1'i'0n1 of Rh`. .\I0ot'e`s store. with the result that he is sm'io11s_l_\' injured in ca1'1'_v.v'.nq on his business, which consists I:}t'_<:vl_\' of the sale of gzts.o- ine. The Council \\'z1s z1sl to take ysonie n1oa:~`1ti`e.s, to protect .\l1'. `\|'nrn-n the .\[C- .\1U.\llllill| Hlut,` |,lll'.'- ylChUllL(ltlLlll. M1-is. I3:1n1in:.; was the recipient I :1 p!u_\'ei' book and Bible, the gift the ladies of the .-\115.;1ic.z111 church. port. But an present there is thin:.: denite. 1-11.`... In... r\\Ifs .-nu ..,-.:..`... I [LUV wait 19 Lowe. \'nv and .\lrs. '1`. uewson. Moore's Shoe Store closed ac count of dzunmge by smoke and water. Will Tuesday, May 1`! u"iJ1 }\ny`\'r;1inq 2'1 3].] 14U\\ ?:'. \ You would think, to j11d_L'(,` by the 12111:, lhazt the1`e'\v91'e only a `couple axvake here, 1'en1ur1 Reeve iRusl<. `KIN.-nu.-nun 1.!` numiiflnol (n n u-nnnnl " l\.Ll E\'0ry011e is emitletl to :1 report. interposed .-\1d. \Va1'kez'. '1`}u=y11:1\'0 got them," 1'e1p1io( Maayor Craig. H qmnvnr: fn IND thnf H10 nhnir .uu,\u1 |.4ld.1_`5'. It seems to me that the chair- man 0t` Fire and Police is the butt for :1 bombing and a st1':1t"1n_; every meettin;:." dec-121red Aid. B1'ickr~21'. If there is any respontsi-bi-1it.y to be taken in connection with not sun- mitting a report, I will take it. '9 t.hotr;,*ht it just as Well to b~i'in;; it in as a straight motion; that motion is on the table and will be present- ed when the proper time arrives." I don t mind whether it comes in in the form of a report or a motion," sa-`id Aid. \Va,1kei`. "They had the question before them in commtttee of the whole and it iooks as if they were at'I`z1id to submit a report. r1...._.._....:....A:....... The following were recedved : Cu ,\....\..& jhulllt` Moore. I.` D | .\lUUl'L'. - 1*`. R. (`.0sne_\' called attention 10' the comliliun 01` Bzxldwin and _~\d<`=-! gluidu streets, and askin_: that somel repairs be made. l : Tvnrl Wlnv-u nnl-{arr ~20 nnn nu nn, {At`_l|21|l'b Ht` Hlilul`. Frred llarr. asking $9,000 on ac- _count of public school levy and {$2,000 on account of CoHe.L:iwte 111-` Estitunto levy. `Dan-n\h~pnn In nu-nr- n :u'nvn nn| I:ll|Ll'lU ll:`\_\. Pex-mi.=.sion to erect as Dunlap St. in from of the Hotel was requested by R. 'I` .\ Tntvn 1. .`\. LU\\I;'. P. J. I-Ioeley. 24 Penetrmgr `r'a1`Ied attention of Council to 0 `drain on east side of Bercezy lwhich he felt should be piped c0\'ex-ml for &:1nitar_\' rmrsons, that ho xnight have to ` pmpe1`t_\'. 1.`:-nun Hum nfnvin \Tntnr Tan I`lUlll IHL` L}Hli!l.\U .\lU|Ul 14:`(lf-Llltf, ns1ein_; if Council is .c'an1pin;; ground for tmlrists in 3 tnrrio. and asking mat a report be ennf \u- Nlnv 1`) a , shoes.

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