Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 May 1924, p. 1

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P001. RO0M APPEAL 1 CASE IS DlSMlSSED Kl HU \\ III I V a the town. will d.i:=t1'ih m`-nwtx'0s:, 21 1-`ulls and ...:1I `_r\ .... l]\HIl||H_3 IU . We have 1.` This is the \ `I u,~ul.`l 9.. L-`. U\'l'1LlJl'\l .`\l`|. Ill 31 l\|"|, lll 1 A111. 'l`_\'r01"s a.='.s01'ti0x1s. In 1` and a quarter on Sunday I 1 o\'c~1' 1.000 cars pztssing my S1l1'e1y it would be worth- l)?(`:111e. um-,v (nun 1. Law u:-.m. m mu-nu. mthnds. This is u .L*!')()d ho soon on 9. dis will return :1 h11nd1`(=d- YONG S1101! IWGD .\Tm'(>0vm', `the `10\\'l1 H10 inidtllt? d.is=t1'ihute these :11 im- VVG Should be ntros. such as Detroit, IL quos of 10 Is Rochestel`, for 11s.`1hm in U10 mifm ho on lhr- map with h`.;: Said 3Tf\.\'01` CI\i.J- Him: to it frmn 1111 dir- H Ih0_\` are gun ._,4 .,. 1......` ,.,\ Jin Hm 1Hi(](H(" 0|` m. wnucecr. :1 in Toronto. replied 9, that m'ims mzmps e O.`.\I.L. .-\s :1 result cost from 1110 Motor we are not 1`c~:1d3' for r, we don't I1f'G(1 to it next. _\'ezn'. \Ve h:1~\'(*| M0 the swim. O1Ih(-r ilrlinz camping ;'ro11m1.=. 1ou1(1n't we? It has N] that we use the 01411 ...A. . . I - .A.....I,. an... I`\;.'v 1 L-npu: when 1|)llLL" |.lIC.`L7 tl| Illl` Det.1'0i1 us.` `(1 (Ii - I... A unit`; an uppout, run: 1111 J ll'Il\\' .\Ull|" a(1\'m'tising 4- nn i! {w said .~\1d. t gm in-lb .- 4.\n 5.... L,2|ll`IlS, .'\. H . .uuuu Blakely, R. Lawn. ( tive will be elected ..o 1\r\ H t cnhuzllall u1\'.'I|o Don t. \ ._ nun. LU sayury nu V-uA L\.lIVAA- "Lt amuses me to hear `such gen- erous suppont, interjected Second Dep.-Reeve Poucher. If prospects {IPA -:1: In-in-hr nu nnintn hv \S_ [while :6 get some of these tourists lto stop in our town. ((11. _........\.. ..`.\ 4.` 1-..\n an/ch nnn._. Utip.-IKE!-.`V(:` 1`ULl|.'lll:1`. .LL guuwpc-uua are as bright as painted by Alds. Wallwin and Briclier $2.50 is too small an mmount. We should spend a thousand dollars at least. We are on the map any way. We awe told that Barrie is the gateway" of `the nvorth. Then they are going to come th1`-ouxgh our town z11m\v`a_\'. If.` these HTHJDS are being put out at cost there is something radically xv I`I'\`h Kr \\'1`011g. Aid Wailwin says we liavent any camping ground. 1`enm1':ked Reeve Rusk. \VhaL use is it then to adventise ? In other year's Barrie was prob- ably not benetited very greatly, but this your the .-\.ssocia1.i0n is 1I`_Vil1ig to make :1 eo1n'p.1ete circuit, which includes Barrie. Last year 23,000 cars passed tlirougli Owen Sound ....,I s\.:._ ....-.. r\....... L`,\....i,`l nu,-I Dan LHID _\ Uill Lllt.` :\:tBULZI.Ll LAU11 to L A _v Aug-3 and this year Owen Soulrd and Bar- rie are linked up, stialted Aiid. Huxtable. Y? 0'} n.nn nnv-a urnnf 1'\1vnnrr11 Tom} I l`1l1Xl4':lrDle. 1 If 23,000 cars went through `last year 10,000 mavps wouldn't. be lenmlgh, not even {I 2 to 1 shot, commented Second De-p.-Reeve Poucher. Ur`<,\.o. iv-\.r\nr\ `noun 7' vcnu-\1u`n:l AIA IU LIIJHUI. . Get. more maps, H'uxtab1e succixrtly. up-ru AL|.I.\tLt|JA\.r uuvnlnn (.1; . This scheme appeals to me, re- m-arked Mayor Craig. I have seen many of the ca.mping grounds be- tween here and Buffalo an-d most of them are merely ploughed elds with hot and cold water provided. nn._ ._...._-.._. -._,.,.. 4\..,... ..,.I...-.4 P-.. uuu uuxnuuu uu uuv-uuuu. The next item that provokegl a flow of oratory was the m-otion"in- tnroduced by Aids. Bricker and Mal- cozmson dealing with the placing of [silent policemen on Bvradfovd St. The motion a.d-vised pu-tting four silent cops midway between the blocks on Bradford St. This was the part of the motion that Alvd. Wanker took exception to. u____I.)._.... A... 91.... ....\l-inu. AIA lJ2l\'l U?!` L` " H. .\IcNif1`. .' \VM)1). One zlppoimod by I~`00I.bnl1 I an. .\lujm'\ L`. nun \I~xin|- Anuu uuu. uunu nu.u.- y.u..u\.u. The motion was then asked for and carried on division. nu , ; -.,,,, u,,. _ I Ivvuaunun uvun \.4\\15ay'uA\4a.A |,\tl Speaking to the motion Aid. Walukier declared, Farmers have to build fences to keep their cattle in the field. -poultrymen erect fences to kep their chickens inside, but it is too bad if we have to put posts in the enatre of our streets to keep the human race on the right hand side. ` There are police to look after the traffic there. These silent police are moveztbie and boys often a.m11se themselves by S1lif`fiDf.`( them from their ori_::inz11 position. The idea that the)" keep traic to the rirzht is all hosh. .\ car can \v:1nder! dmvn the middle oi` the road and yeti 5:0`. in to th:`- right in time 10 pass. \H Hunv llu Eu 1 in rnnrl i n '1 V`! r\'\\' :1 L[ltfll' UI'1_4lll'Lll IIUDILIUH. Lin: to .\ wa11der of the yet get. rigiit to .\111 110)` do is to 11a.1`1o1\' a I`0'21d 111111 is 11:11`1`r)\v 011011211 itself. I have gone into the matter thor011g11- '13 and I 5'21)` that ii` they ])`E`C()l]l(` placed two feet 0111 01" posixinii Iho Cr)1111ci1 1ul:r>= the r innv nnnirinnd IH-11 11 l\lCL\ 11151? 1': nr`-I-III` po11. rm`: `:llh lLlllU\L' IHL`|H uuu .HL\c Ink l.Ull1 | {ms :1 ch:1n(-r tn h1I1 I`_\' in 10 0111" Y ' caI1mi11:: f \ .3 Put the silent policemen on the`, .Hmck .=lrM=ts if wo want to mltlmmoi v me people in kvep to Hm right z1n(H lot. them practuise there," said AM. ti 's'a;1ke1'. ._ urhn ~nn'Hnn c-hnu1/1 `r\'\+!`r\` fhnun }l|iL\L` _`5'UllC ll|'LU LXIC lllublbl lllllltlklnll ` 15' 51:13 that b-ecomoi two feet out their rn:~'po11sihi1it_\' 1'm'[ |nn,\' accidc-nt that 111'a_\' occur, that is. gwhen the cops are placed in the` middle 01: the block." ` Aid. (H`{1C(`)` felt that he \\'0111(1i -. 11- ;. ..L \ 1.1 \V .. r\n\r1r\t1I\\I.v\+ fe r .\1(1. '21) which was :11 pnlicmneu that mi bot\\'0on B1".1(1"m'd St. be c ` 1II;\Vx'\1,w. nu wu.\..u...\ |umm1z1.mr\nl. nxovvrl by .-1(l. \\':1.1`1 win and .<.r~cond<'(1 hy _\1d. Honk, 111211 `the matter be laid over 1'01` fu1'tho1' r-nn.~.i(l:-m1inx1 was zuloptod. A motion in=u`oduced by .-\.1d. Ln\ver:\1`.=0dx'mv forth colmnem. 'l"ho motion was. thmt the Board 01' \\'0rk.s be authorized to have the l;1`id;'e at Peel and Sophia Sass. re- paired and made safe for trams. ` a\v\ I\n rvn nun \ '1\L' M) Jil:`L |Ill* -_\ (nu L mm` LUIS` xlimmzn. let them hit them. re-1 ark<> Reeve Rusk. If 1.000 cars :10 thr0u_:h in an` mr, as .\1d. Brikor s:a_\"s. 1'm11m k- I St-tonxttl Dop.~R<=e\`e 1 0nchox', let ; 1'en1o\'e them and give the tou1`-| ts :1 chant-t`- hn1*1'y to curl n l1`l ll) lllt \UIuL Ar r'u(~h (-0mm`, I \` Refer Hm (lune. 'ur." inlerjected 'I`h.'1I`+'. H10 sun! " .-nininn` ..,\4:._... m iavoplc so fast Inc I\l`\ . .'\. ll Brmmzm. .\r111:n.ir.-s 'nnn\'n K qu uuu lnluuv ~n.u.v Q\lQ ....-... (Continued on page ve) 111:4. nnt the ....nu~n.. maps," replied Ald. -r-in-Hv come hmo town OI1n1- nnn`+ nnn nu nu-A-uu u A\Jv\\\L . .L1UiLll UlJ1llJipiul`_\ uluy labut utucxr 911-4 -3- tures on rs-t 1nor.t.gages and high- 19 111.3391` `0'-3"` class security, but a Trust Company "M Hm-"_ _b`9`lI11z\_\' not. 11 mm issue gtlaranteed 0`1H`:Jf P'}~`If1f 11_ 1_"`]ce1'Licates, guaranteeing pu_vn1ent 11 I71`-M11111-` 119` iand interest. It 1nz1._\' accept de- 11 nmv occur in` 15 .~ . 1- - - ~ - - v `D()5_l1.S, but th(.H(3 must be i1i\C:T.e(i . ., . .) - i. .' lH]!_D1dCU1 1 `hellil trustee invn;-slnielits, such as u 00:. Dominion 01' l r0vinciai Go\'o1'11me11L` I ' E \\'m1id`h0nris, or first 1noi't:.rage on frc-ehoid :1il;m".< amondim-nt, D1`()DGi`i_\' in Canada. A Trust Cmn-i Ih:-,1 the four silent `,pz1n_\' acts as the njzem for D('i'SO]1Sl` are 10 be ]7111(`(`(`. who wish 10 be 1`eiim'm1 oi` 1'usp011-~l, 11i1ein1er; nn sibiliiy and for estates \\'-here the 01`il]iiIii1t(?(i f`I'0I11 1i1C`0\\'I'l(3i` is dead or a\vz1_V. It cannot `v.i,. 4. 1m..i-=.`..- 1\n;`:v\naL' :.~. ('*..n..z1n 11:1 1 x 1 | nu p u L I .'x.1nend:m |v:\:` `\\' [U118 il l"d.>)| Aid. \V'u11;m` mt to :1 vme. ...1....\.. on Ah: H) il \'U'l_`. mom, to the-I _-\l 1. ' I A ! .5 {HI ' blllllllj ilH\l LUA L` the` owner I . . ;;1o .1 hnM:;11.:: bussn \ I and Tx'11s.L Companies I the:' 9, \\'11e1'(` 1110 ( u.` ` . m. .4 (`nu ., .\L-\(ilS'l`I{;\ [`E JEFFS HEARS "l.`\\'0 BIL-\DFOI{D CASES \\"EDNESDAl' 4'\l1L|(|.l-l|.A.`I " Rome, 8. SI: v\1rv\\ n T.` ' 1\Ia.gis'L1'ate Jeffs heard two cases at Bradford on \V.-dnesd-a.y. Robert Clmrles Martin, clrzwged with `a.-t- |tem1ptin.g to `break in a store and of t1`espz1`ss, was given one 111011111 on the laztter nharge, the former being .d=ism issed. \11n~n nnnwnn nP Qnhnn~n.hnrn- \vn= I . (1'lSI11]5S8(1 . All-an Bothlam, of Schomborg, was assessed $26 and costs, in all $45.60, under the Fish and Game Act, of lravimg set a net illegally. Anvo-the!` chztrge was withdrawn and a third`, of setting the net to ob- struct the channel of the river, was dismissed. VF TRY D .17x,--an: nmmnnrnrl fnr H10 msmxsseu. T. W. R. Evans wpxpeared for the det'enda1:t, while the pmsecutio11 was conducted by Jlmmes McG1'ego1`. II .\/-.I.ou. ;.-4-4:.-ax, ADJ \JA .. -u---.... At the 1'egu1var meeting of the 'W.C.T.U., held at the home of Miss King on ')`Iondva,v, the f011ow1ing ~o1ers were elected for the ensuing year 3 T31-n .T, A. LPIIHOX. `THE FUNCTIONS or I A TRUST COMPANY| J. J. Gibson, F01`me1'1y of Ba1'1'ie, Speaks to Local Kiw-.111ia11s. I 3 l I A numlber of the business and professional 111eu of i\lidlan(1 were present at the Kiwanis luncheon on Friday last to get an idea. as to how a Kiwanis Inetinlg was conducted, as they are contemplating starting a cluulb in that town. Biesident Dr. W. A. Lewis welcomed the Midland visitors and assured them that Bar- rie club would be only too pleased to render any assistance possible in the organization of a. Kiwanis Clwb in Midland. Mr. J. J. Gibson of Toronto, and an old Barrie boy, was the speaker for the day. Mr. Gibson `Ls now manager of the Chartered Trust and Executor Co. of Toronto. and he showed that he has a thonough grasp of the business of which he is head, as this address on The Functions of a Trust Comlpanvy" was clear cut and both interesting and ` instructive. In his opening remarks Mr. Gibson said that it gave him double pleasure to come to Bannie, as he always liked to renew ac- quaintances and it was always a privilege to speak to Kiiwanians. Hi: mmhipmf hp fearml. was not a vp1'l\ l1{-3|;-',U lU bllciblx LU 1\nv4LuAaua. His subject, he feared, was not a very i11-teresting one, though it might not prove uninteresting to 1nort,_<._ra- gors. The functions of 21 Trust Com- pany are differenlt to that of 21 Loan Company in that it has wider .p0we1`s. A Loan Cmnpa.ny s activ- `ities awe restricted to 11}akin-:.: pro- !t`n:< for its p1'0n10tex`s and its clients. `,A Loan Co`m`pz1n_v may issue deben- Fnn-nu nn r.-f nxnvtrvnrrraz nnrl hi:*h- , Vltllrn, itweml banks 9211` Z .President--1\Irs. J. A. Rec. Se-c.--Mr=s. Flynn. Assn. Rec. Sec.-Miss .\Iu1'r'~ay. T1'eu.s111'e1'--Mrs. Rodgers. Cor. Sec.--`Z\I1`s. T. Smith. all connection 1 have been 'bl|U L'LllH."llL'_\. The Lunctions of :1 Tru D1111) are man) . 1!. acts ;csx<:-(-utor 01 wills. For this n .n1I n,.nnnn:1 in Innl: |{`L\L`L`lllUl` U] H15. 1' U1 L111: `iL well equip-ped to 1001; tuiis. The prohntingz of 1l]]1lC'h more c0111pIi(-mod 1 -1'nu 1-L~ nu-n 'T`hn mu-nn z1t'1c1` (lo- jyvzirs ago. The s11('ce.==:, duties in but! Trust Com-` nmny. 11. the` executor purpose wills is much now than the case of 21 \\`Gi11'I1 l) por.=(m (lo- C021S9(1 involve :1 ;.:'1'eriI deal 01' tech- nical l;n0\vle(l:.;e. It acts as admin- istmtor. In the case of: a D("i`S0ll (le- cea:<<*d ll2l\'iiIl_4` no will ]0u\'in_<.: pro- pm`t_\'. some one has to he appoint.-i ed. In :1 case where the property is in cash t.hc-re is lillle (liflicult_\',~ but \\"l1oro more is real eslmth, slacks 01' bmids. an administrator mu: he n.1moin1e(l by the Courts to (11.-tri- bute these a('cm(lin}.: 10 law. F01`: such. :1 Tx`u.=I Company is in the LA... .-...:H:.u~. in um .\ "Prue! (`um- \V.C.T.U. ELEC'l`S OFFICERS _-.-,\:... .- l\ 4! `(la 1:\\ and 1. moles IU L1illl_\ it Trust ( L'l`o:1t don mom is xmxi11*tninmi znmfl n. 'I`1'u: C0mp~nn_\' acts in lhr~ ('np:\cit)' or uxxy lawrful trust ()1`>Z1_4('11('_\'. It carries: m'e:1t 1`osp0nsibi1it._v and must. have a paid up capital and assets sum- cient to cover all business under- I. I1 '1I`ll.<`l L,Umpun_\ 13 Ill nu: t position to not. .\ Trust C<)m- \ v acts as bond trustee. When an 1 mi /.:1lim1 needs more cnpiiuzxl to 1 zn'r_\' 011 hontLs are ].L?:l1`d Ihr<)11_4h ( rust Compzm) . It x'm111i1'e:< :1 I Lt (10:11 0!` techniczrl kno\\'1ed;:e. I ( evm`_\' bond 1n01't;::1r4o (1ifl`vI'<*11l,1 1-hey must. be d1'a\\'n so as to est :11] pzlriimz cnn(~m'n0 I rem ostulo dopzu'lmont is car-` on by :1 'I`1`us=t C0mp:m_\', as H! .5 v\4\1-rd nu `m1.u,; nl` non-Mn: and |)HL`31ll.SS I11 L;2UliU.l':l us` 1ies do in the United`: only (1i1`l'e1`e11ce l)e-I Companies and the` the I'01'1ner cunlmt is-V 1 {$40,000.00 DAMAGE , BY FIRE AND WATER To got the org: established it has Four Stores 611 Dunlop St. Suffer froln Fire, VVater And Smoke. Da.ma.ge mtinmted in the neigh- borhood of $40.00-0 was caused yes- terday (morning (Wednesd~ay) by a tire wh-ich blxrotke ouut in a. room at the back of the second oor above Brown's C1o't11mg Store. Though it is known where the tire st,a1'.ted, no uI\n:~nu\ non kn ne.=.1'(rnn 9: On urhnf 1 t'iLDU11 Cal. caused it. Th nn.n-h ca.use 1:. Though -the dzumrge is heavy, the loss sustained is not a re loss. but due to wmter and smoke. The [our stores that suffered were Wun. Moore's Boot and Sl1oe Store. Bro\wu1 s Men's Olothiug Store, F. W. Woolworth Co., and H. J. Buchanwalfs Grocery Store. Bro4wn"s and WoolworLh s were d.:m11:Lged most, as here the smoke was `densest and the water most profusely used. A rough estimznte of Mr. Browns loss is placed at $15,000, `but no esmimate has been arrived at as yet by the proprietors of the other stores. "\r\ nun uvhh-.1` kwnlvo nmf nhnnf stores. The re, which broke out about eight o'clock, was conned almost entirely to the attic. In order to get at the heart of it the .`I'(-3111811 had to chop through the roof before they could suAcce.'ss1"u1r1y smother the names. A double root` made ght- ing the re a. very heavy and tire- smne task. Fontnn=a:te1y there was no wind or, as Chief Shruubsole stated to the Advance, it would have been a case of touch and go. As it was they had a ditcult job in SI110Ithe1`i1`|`g the ames, so hard were they to get at.` Qmmim and water caused almost may to get wt. Smo-ke and Water caused all nthe -loss. The smolke was very dense and poured thro-uzgh the four stores, d`a.ma,ging the stock. What the smoke started the water nish- ed. Tons of water driprped -through the ceiling. knocking the plaster off in many places, and soaklimg the goods on the rst o-or.` "l"hp .c.tnrr>.s=. are all closed to-dam goods on Elle nI'sL uuur. The stores are all to-da;y wluhle an inventory is being taken of the damaged stock. A rough general calculation places the tonal loss around $40,000. Insurance is carried on all the stores. A. H. Felt's store was slightly affected with smoke, while 0. '1`. Devlrin s dry goods store, the only other one in the block, escwped wmthout suffer- lng damage. ;\.1'tm'n00n ton and sale of `home- made duinties, also useful zwticles `for sale. S1. _-\nd1'0\\"s church, Tues- lduy a.1'te1'nonu, .\Pa,\' 20. During the mouth of Amnhl 21 binths, 1.0 mat`-riaiges and 1.5 deaths have been registered. In March the wita,1 statistics were a good deal lower, there being 15 births, 3 mar- riages and 10 deaths. Rev. Ma.gn`us Bradford of 'I`.ilvbury was the preacher at St. Andrew's church last Sunday, and he gave two lnspi1'inr.: messages. Mr. Bradford in n vnnmr man and has n. hrizht Plans for a I '(~rr- got undo 1-onivur no sin lI1SI)1I'1I1f-I 111essu`5e.s. Ml`. nlnuluru is zx young man and has a bright future be.fo1'e him. He spent four ,\'ezn's overseas durinr: the war i11 Iifzyrp-t and Flanders. where he won ithe `.\Ii1i`tz11`,\' Cross and his c21.pta.incy. -: i Announcements ` 7. 1 M0m'e's Shoe Store da.nm:.;e(1 by Hire and w;1.1ez'. \\"i11 re-open Tues- ldny, Ala)` 13. Loss Covered by `in- isu1`:mce, but the public get the bene- ` GO- Nllli _ ht. l I i A:t Collier S1. .\1z?.t,h0(lisl. church, l.'~`.umla_\'. .\l:1_\' `lllh, will be observed as .\I0Ill1m`s` Day and G0-1o-Sun(lay- Sclmol . \`un(la,\'. . 11 n \\\ Cum-nnnni nl` nr T.nw'I'Q J). an Supper. L` hr supper. 3 p.m.-Open sr=ss1on of Sum]-ay !School in church audito1'ium. ' .\1otl1m'.v. Day p1`0_-::`a.n1me. 7 p.`m.-<.\I0thers' Day Service. i.\I0t.he1's will ussi.'~3t 1n choir. I ` , , RF.l)l'(`l'Il) !'.\\' ()l~` ()l"|l(`l')l.`3 1 AND MEX .\ I' (`.\.\ll' l3()l{vl)EN ! That. there has been extensive re- [dumion in \\'z1::.os and pmsmmrrl mt; iC;1.mp Borrlr-n was statetl in answer `to :1 qtlestiqn in the I-Ioxxszs last ,,-_u. r\.. .1. 45....-.n+:n.. nI' fhl) \\ \'l`l\. lln IV Royal Canmlia 1. pay 01' \\'z ' commissioned l1'(`(1l1C(`(1 in In -qlx f\ Ih1\1i.'-l\I\ Illa` Committees v\I`\1I'r~ . Illl` ]H`l"nUllIl\`l eluding medicu AlI'I\" 1\\r\I\ \Tr L'1E\ll,\ -`vlllllll nun nu` pvnv.-:~*`x nu the day, and his p1.'/.0 mm! to Dr. Randal Ri('hz11'd.-,=m1. :\Ih-rt Bx1w=z)11 was the chairlnnn. Th1n`.=:l:1_v ni;,*hl, April 10, will be 1m1ic\'s- night, when all those who took part in the min- strel show wil also be guests of the club. COLI .1 I'll} HT. .\H`}'l`HODlS'l` WI1 \VI101'9 [I18 HFB S1/ill`-LBU, 11U can be z1.sssig;1ed as to what if HIUH4 `. and res (H .`lliHld) . a.1n.-S'.1c1*z1.ment of I I))|ll\l1`lA nu i On the .1 Cannrlian .1 n6` \\'u!'l`- Eight Pages ' Our Lm'd`s '(llS'\\'K':l X915 0.1` the m April nun- :IIl1).\`nll. n. .x. Da.s(~bz11l~~-~1)r. \ \\' lilll. Hockr-_v WW 1'71` Judge \Vismc1- ustains the . . \ -~ C011v1ct1o11, But Reduces Fine to $1.00. ` V0 \\'1l`l. |)U LlBL'Lt_`Il U the I'n'; s.r~he(1,11-lml y.,,..m._m, w r` \v, 1I:lL'l\ rdwoo uv \ .'l\l'_\ ~- u Hnhhu ,. .n` . and ,1. 2111 U.\K:'l.'Kl`LI\l: uu:I _- .\mnI<-u1' Athletic constitution was .,...:n.. mu1n'nr-l- In If; sxnpsz Sunda .211 km -*-\\'. b. \V2lllb. Lu. nuc.u,: John Powell, Gilbert: :- 1'(-presentative is to be _\' tho p E VR. Ilzwrison. Alma Cow-` W. X. 1\'11n\v1ns=., D. w.! m` C. R. K(`11(1`.lH. D1`. \\`.. yum` x'<\pv.'o. In ho` .`l`\ l ! ill made. ~Da1tm\ `onnkunnlv In the matter of an appeal from a convicuion against John Robinson for having operated it poolroom in the town of Alliston for gain wi-th- out a license, contrany to the by- laws of the town. His Honor Judge Wisiner, before whom the Zl;DDE`1i1 was heard on April list, has given judgment and upholds the convliction, bunt reduces the ne to $1 and costs, this being the mininiuini as provided by the by-laws of the town. 'The cost of the appeal was not allowed. John Robinson for a. nu-nixber of years opemted a. poolrooni in Amis- ton in connection with his bnnber shop under a license froin the town. The Council 1'etiused to renew the license, which expired in the early part 0t 1923, and for 21 few months the poolrooin was closed. On or about January 16, 1924, the pool- roonn was opened by Mr. Robinson for the use of his customers, but no charge was made. On January 22 a COI1l`p18JiI1t was laid by a. town constiahle, clizunging Robinson with operating :1 poolrooim co11\t.ra1'y to the by-4lanvs of Alliston. Wlll,h0ll't first having received a license. On Feb. 24 the comipaint was heard and the -.DtDl311'1Ilt was convicted and ned. 'F`rnn1 thin r-mivinfinn an anneal Fwirrltlw II:1r1'i'. T):-1-.v-I I\\ IUIU 'i110\\` ;`Hll~H`ll ;;u|Ik-. C. \Vu11.~`. Ii. *\I\ 'l)nuvol1 B_\'1`n(\. ` Reburn. Doyle. XIV @133 mrtl) mm Abmmmte summer of~;pom ':1y on Sil.tl1l`(111,\`i utive meeting o[: l A u.I.\a:,. \.~'or\r|:r\ pv LU Soho ..... # A-1 lilllty 1.1.. One I'0])I'I I by the 1 .l /`\ ..,..un -Code governing aprpeals. On .2Lpwpe11vant COIl\'i(,`[e(l unu lllltfll. From this conviction an appeal was lodged in this Court, which was heard on Alpril list. Judge Wis-mer finds that the by-1nws of the town of Allliston, upon which the convic- tion was based. was not sulciemt to -sutpport a conviction, as the by-l-aws do not make use of the words for hire or gain" or in a place of pub- lic resort or en-tentain'1nent." The inforination and conviction were, `therefore,, defective if it were not for the provisions of the Cniminal the prosecution however, the appeal . *pirod=uced and proved another by-(law passed in 1884, which apiparenuly had been lost sight of for some years. This by-law contains such provisions as are laclninrg in the by- lliaawzs wbove referred to, and if not xrespealed should be Viailid and in uill force and effect. The following section of by-1aNv 77, in J-udige Wis- mer's opinion, is stihl in effect: Anni nonann hL:u'im=_r or keeping ` " " `*` .\.\ nu-u nu offers of t1`0DhiCSl_c;n]d at 5] her have 1 parted tha- cmulplc-ted zlnizution I`n'-m1_\' been decided to It` .~pI;L,'nu appointed n0` vhn r-r [U] 1001 ll xixrtcd 1J1. IA. Milne. .-\s;soc1a- l ._, adopted ' the ap- K ( .v\th1c-tic`; n'es(>nt21- p1a.yers In:-; vviwpxlr on :1 n b-aha cure 100 su d in thus .\q '01! mm U [Ll Ill]! trophies |.()(`;\L :T*I(iG POOL 7k{;`L\'DLES 800 DOZEX E(-`GS "TO DATE h\;)1.TLXI`II. N0. 12. .\;hout 800 dozen eggs have been handled through the local branch of the Iv`armers' C10-O.per-ative Egg Pool so far, stated Chas. Lynch, unan- zt5.:o1' of the People s Co~Opermtive Store to the Advance on VVednes- (my. E.veryone is well satised with the grading, which is being done in Toronto. The qwota. is in- creasing each week, eggs having been shipped for the pasat three. The F2trrme.rs are getnting 16c and 18c :1 dozen for `broken and crack- ed eggs, and 170 and 18c for rshs and extras. 5c per dozen is still coming to them, so that they are really selling them at 26c a. dozen, less shwippuimg and handling charges. nu .V...-. - ... ..--..-.v-- `.,.v\,.4-.- On Thursday afternoon last a, par- lor social under the auspices of the W.C.T.U. was held wt the home of Mrs. Albert Bryson. There was a good attendance and an address by Mrs. E`d\wa1'd Bryson was much 21.1)- precimed. .\I:usica1 numbers were furnished by Mriss Bryson, Mrs. J`a;ck Rodgers and Mrs. Heath. amer which refreshments were served. MNNIVERSARY IS 1 LARGELY ATTENDED Inspi1'i11g Services Mark Milestone at Collier St. Chu1.'c11. Large congregations zt-mended both morning and evening sessions of the anniversary services conducted `in Collier St. Methodist church last ' Sunday. Rev. E. Orossley Hunter. of Nonth Bay, was the preacher and his messavges, which were vein)` in- spi-rinig, were greatly apprecizuted. Every available seat was taken `in the evening and chairs had to be brought in to acco1n;1n~odate all who were present. As this was an an- mivensary occasion, Centtrail Method- ist ch-urch withdrew its evening ser- vice in favor of Coll-ier St., and Rev. E. T. Douglas assisted in the ser- wlce. Rev. W. Jackson Limtle, an old c1a.ssn1vatelof Rev. Mr. Hunrter, also assisted. .C.nn.ninl nmncin IIHHAV` flan Ah-nnnn a.ss1Leu. Special music under the direction of P. F. I-load-ley, organist. adrded grerzutlry to the services. `The Mea- fm~d Male Quantemte sanag very ac- cepmaxbly at both nwmdng and even- ing sessions, and the ind'1vIid~uaI members rendered several solos as well. Kr: an-\.v\n.n\` 6`:-u~ Ql'1 7l'\ urn: nnmf nuf weu. An wnpezul for $970 was semt out by the Finance Board and the re- sponse was veny gratifying. Q:nnnI:in` nf fhr-\ n\'pnin:' F|Y`Vi(`.P_ ]5puu'5u wuu Vthg: 5LuLu,vuA5. Speaking at the evening service Rev. E. Crossaley I-Iunxter Look as his subject The New Enlph-alsis in Re- ilizion," 1'6-.1`e1'1'i11.; to St. Ma-tthew [6-10, Thy will be done. \'n nnv-Hnn n` (Ln:l'c \\'rn-11 i: an 121111] i\'1_\', "I`-h_\' will he done. U-1U, Luy W'H.l uc uiuuv. No portion of God's word is so often used as this verse, declared the speaker. No other verse is so often misused and misquoted as this one. How uiany times have we he:it`d these words said in {L spirit or iielple/sstiess, wiimi some culzuuity has 0\`0i`I{LkOI1 us, and how in pious re.~'E_g'uutio1i some fold their hands \\'heu it is rr-pvziterl in :1 spirit. of pious r-:-=i`:uutio11 you have uii .d alto- -.-ether the Sif.:'l1ifiC2lii('lf* of that D1'1l,_\" Cunt. .. unhndn .-\1d. Hit .,o1o1_\' in [we get Leafzue. this thi 1 bother iqot to .! i towns :1 ;:1Il(] wh ghot-11 su (,`oi1r,-7.-izi t_\'(-:11`. : :C1lIHl1 2 `it 1 (IV nu n (`cut-uliuin 1'.- lKIilll LIH" El ' nmrvellous mer's oplnxon, is sum 111 enact. . Any penson hza.vi11g or keeping for hire or gain a. billiiand table on his premises situate in this munici- `paliity without having a, license for the sa-me shralll be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more `than twenty dollars, wth the costs of conviction before one of His Majesty s Justaices of the Peace. T`l1n rln'Ft>n(inn-f ad-n1it:i(=rl that on (Ill l'\I'I_\ V` Ednys of C ;\'en1im1s ( the weir I mmlicine scientic 1.. I IUI lll'\ v `1 purtme Hn-inn '7 .\l!)'l'll|`}lS' ])_\`.' Sl~Il!\'l(`.l-I .\'l` (_`l`I\"I'l.\l. (`|ll'l!(,`l-I I _\IoIhm':~1' ' .\Iothodi.=,t. 1 . . \V.C.T.I . PARLOR SOCIAL 1. 1|! udily ' do\' at i\\r\\\ ll('\l,`lU1JIHL'lll Ill l .\ F`l_\ I tment and not mmoct on '2 the sppuknr asked. (Continued on page SC Hulh UL \\`0i1`(1 1" >`lUl'_\ UL ]H'l)`-;ll`>s`. ms strides have how ' walk 01` life, from 11 H1. llll`ll LU m0(1ic:11 1'/`,IiI' n\~ 41 1\1z1Jes1y's Jusmces UL Lin: ruuuc. The deifenidan-t admitxted that -on the 16th of Ja11111a1`y, 1924, his pool- room was re-openod for the purpose of playing pool. He stated, 11owe\'e1' thz1:t this was done for the use of hi. ba1`b91' shop c11s`to111r>1`s only and H1111.` no 011111".-'0 was 11121d1a for the use 0!] the t:1.hir,>.~:. and as :1 111111101` of fat-ti :10 such 011211149 was 111(le. (Co111i11u1>d on page ve) i mph: no study . nl-' V uu \lI .u\.. .- nde science the prcsen innnndnlinu nothors ` 1 LI\'l*lLHll mse dove .. C'h..1 ' |l|'\l`Hl]HHl.'Hl ADI Shall we look over_\' other dew ru` .4 ... OI/\. p lllll .\I re ID`. Brllll to bring sur.-h as r-r\ .1, lUlll |ll\' L` until the no hum 6 Council to Advertise Barrie I 1 } On Blue Water Highway` B.A.A.A. Planning Big SumE1:1:r s Sport Barrie Council, after weighing the i merits and demerits of the pro- l posed scheme of advertising Barire on the Blue Water Highway, de- cided on Mondra.-y evening to adopt the proposal outlined by Dr. Doo- little three weeks ago. It was not without a division, however. The , motion , sponsored by Alds. Malcolm- son and Litster, and reading that this Council authorize the advertis- ing coumnittee to secure 10,000 road maps as described by Dr. Doolittle, at a cost of $260, and that the com- mittee be authorized to secure ad- ertising to be interspersed on back of map with a. sLa*tenmeut of Barrie s advantages and suitaible photographs- WELS carried by 112 to 3, Cxraiig, Bricker, I-Illxlllble, Lower, Malcolm- son. Litster, Tyrer, VVallwin, Hook. Wyles, Gracey and W Iztlker voting in favor of the motion, and Rus-k, Lowe and Poucher agtainst it. ` The rst to` object to the motion was Second Deput_\'-~Reeve Poucher. I don t think it is necessary this yealr. It looks to me like an ad- veut.isinig scheme for some one. 1| don t think the Blme VVz1ter High-1 way will benet Barrie at all," he declared. Int will be like the Trent Valley Canal over which we wasted uroney." T`hr.1 nnm1rnHh3n faint that if it \Vi11 Order 10,000 Lzllrge Maps 0 Attmct Tourists 011 Blue \Vate1~ Hig11\\'a_v to Bi11'1'iO; Silent Police 011 ]31'adf01'd St. Criticized. m`one:y." The coummittee felt that if it coubd get a-dvervtising to pay for the back of it,- Council would pay for {he front, emplaixled Ald. MaIaco111- N... `'I"ha +n+n1 nrmf Fnr (`inlincil the fI`On`I," emplalneu Am. .\uLm;wu- son. "The total cost for Council woulud be $260. We have denme promises from seven for advertise- ments and other offers for the other ve spaces. Some discretion will have to be used, but no dil-cullty will be experienced in getting ad- vertlsemen-ts. "C111-u.v\nbn vnn anf f\xn:n1%I v_'vA 2119.. verusemenoxs." Suppose you get twen=ty-ve ads. and have only twelve spaces, what will you do?" suggested Second DexpuLy'-Reeve Poucher. I rum nnf mm mams." reioinedl Uapuny-ueeve roucner. I Get out two maps,'_ rejoined Ald. Malcomson. -nnwm my Hm fnfnl nrmf M` the A10. l\`l`8.lCOII1S0'D. "What is the total cost of the back part of the map ? asked AJd. Walker. Umknut 27: {ha ndvD1`Y .i.i11cr will walker. About $75, the advertising will take care of that, answere.d Ahd. ;\I-alconmson. KT`r\nv~n 1c the mnhnv nnm-{n2 Malcolmson. Where is the mohey coming from an`y`Wa-y ?? interrogated First Dep.-Reeve Lowe. The coum-mi>ttee hasn't got it. urn hnx-nn f nnv r-Zmminzr gr-mmds hasn't got it. We haven't any clmrping grounds for tourists, remarked Reeve Rusk, and so I would oppose it for that] run cnn " 1|. .`\ \.\lIls`|.l by the nwt-lin_u'. proval 01' the Y`.v-:1 n {-11 reason." Where are the maps printed ?" questsioned .-\`1d. XV -alke-1`. nv n wn in 'I`nmntn." rcmlied l.`\lU. I'1`l|.\l'tlUll`, y: for the nu. "no H ur n. I ` nu: 1 th( 1 ..,.v l[lll'.'hUlUll\:Ll nuu. 1 By a rm \.\1r1. I-Iuxtah1(>, .aJ..1x- Vnu Ohm II\.` the em. :41 LWI1 SLIf-',)_'L`~>;ll:u |.nu.L \\ l` uat: nu: unu1 r)11r:_L,iz11e Institutc- groullds for this! our. So far as the Trent Vullc-_\' anal 201-3, and I1mn5.;11 I voted for . I didn't I've! lha.L it was as good thi.-= beczulso we were east 01' it. in: we are on this route and we hmnld make the uI1.e1n,pt to derivr nlnn hnnnl`-6 4`:-nan if >-`il_V\`v (H \\'l.\1lHj_' HlUlll"_\ Ill 1 is 11110, bec-:1ur they didn't ta ri5.:ht mothnds. (:01 mo and h11nd1`(= on `"1:-\ Invtvn "fI\y-nr\I'nIi 4 I`. H \\'L' 'dl'U lJl,L IL : is year, don t n ' about it, V > get imo aw bnilclinfx , fh_\ shouldn't 1}.-1:e:~`.tr3(1 1...-.1 H nu. rm-nnnllp TBa.rrTiLOI1.ta,ri-c;,T May 8, 1924 1' lllll ||\,\``-' 14: Uulcmnson. D. 1`1'operI_\ ---C. (}()0(1i'o1l0\\', 1-I. 1 u1)IiciI_\=-. G. 2:... W... U \'

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