__.______________.... For Rent-Three rooms, and a. gar- age. Apply 36 Bradmord St., Barrie. ._.__?.__._.?__.._. expres- during usl (6),'Luc1< LC. V. 11:11`. \\'O[]|`|) 1 his 5 via, in Htin. G 01' liduc-Au Iul u.;1 the scciution awe \\'cel~:,` 01: 5 _ , was I 111.1`? Vbe e L`-5% sud ust ind mu [)1':t IIOW gut LlilJuIn_:.;, smwttcring ot` 1(l`t()\\'I(`(i_g'0. due to the t'act__..tli-at Lhe teacher is required to teach t"1t'tee11 or sizxiteen subject.s_` in a limited time to three or four classes. Subjects that are-closely related are to be linked up, rc~:1(1- no IIUL 3 I in}: and 1it.r=rature, spellinrr. and com-i 5 u u L u position, h_\'g'im1e mid 1ih_\'sicz11 cul- ture. The Eiinister asked for the co-operation of the teztchers. When the ch."m_-.:es are conipletod 1-hey will be issued to e\'0ry school in Ontario and the tear-tiers asked to _:i\'e it :1, trial. It is n1.x desirzihle that the Hun `D1-1\\'innn chnni in i r _..1. -1 ,. nt` ORILLIA I.D.'S Dl<}Fl~}.-\'l` ST. .\NDI{E\V'S BY l`Hl{El<] TB.-\Sl{E I`S stitiggles seen in Barrie in a long time Orillia. I.D. s on Friday night defeated St. Andieaw`s by six `points, 38-3 . Oriilia got :1 flying start in the t'u'st period and had Ilarrie down 22-10. Barrie took a `brace in the second frzune and O11tSCO1`(`(1 their opponents by six `points, but were rlrnvn thv . when the final whistle. In one of. the tightest tbaskettbaall U1)~pu u: (I own ` blew. L`nnv `on (Ni) and Raney H2); or-ntro. blew. 11'om first to last the sot-to \\\'1Sl fast, with lots of pen and action.` Close. clean checking prevailed through-outt, with some nice inr1i\Vid- ual stunts tbeinz tpulled oft`. Short- ly ;1t'tet' the openin`-.1 ot' the socbnd halt` Piutti in the oxcitvntont, netted one for B:l1`t`i0. '1`hore \\'N'(- no out- Stalttliltif stars on oither team, Stophen and Rzmey shzn-i11__r 5=.(`()l`iItL'. tmnoum for Orillizt. while \\'a11 and Smith did the hulk of the 12:11)`- ing for the locals. l Quintottes : I Orillia 1.D.'s--I-`ot'\\':tt'd.<, Staph-`_ Piatti H); det'm1c3. Booth (2) and 1)e\'ero1] (-1); spares, Co1't`i_::1n and Wells. 13.. ....:r. Cr .\ n(1\'r)\\"<*.I<`n1'\\'fII'[]!<, I wens. i Bur1`ir- St. .-\nd1't>\\"s-~l o1'\\':11'(1s. Smirgh (12) and .\IcDou_::11l; cc>11trv. \Vnl[u91' (12); dofonce. Pzlyne and Blaolistocli (2); spares, .\IcvI{11ight (6); Luck and Coxvau. \\'OUl.l) Rl]-()ll(:.-\NIZE OL'l`u ' EI)L'C-.\'_l.`l.().\'.\ll SYh"l.`ll.\l G. H. I<`e1'gus0u, as .\1inisLe1' liduc-Auion for Outzirio, in 2L foice-| u.;l at the Ldiicalioiial As-i n1ee1i11;.," in T0l'()l1l0L1liS[ outlined the clizuigos lhdl.` nmy be expected in our C(lllCi1ll()lli1l sysleiu. The l i`c~mi-=1` has two ob-` jocks in view. U110 is that the course of study in the public schools will more l1e1ll`1j' meet the needs of the locality and tho Ohllel` is L0 be 2L body blow at ihv h`0mc\\'o1'l; i(iC21,| and relief a1`[o1'(le(l froni an over- c.1'o\\'rlo(l and coiigesletl L"l1l`l'lCl1l1llJl.} l`hese changes are to be put in vllucl.` 1'01` 21 _\'(*211` all 102151 to see how will \\'01'l; out. The iunsi 1 uni. problem. said the l`i'c-ixiier, the public schoolxs. l-`ull_\' llll1L'l_\' per` I c<-nt. oi the cl1il(l!'(*11 of the l 1`o\'iucc nm~,....: 1 11 ey import- .n.\-..u- emu xhn nnhlin .lLLJ\L| bul. lJ\,.v\ ..._ `r ..v ., .. _ stage and both thought and expc-1150 should be devoted to giving this ninety per cent. as useful training as `posslhlc within 1119 limited H1110. l`hmugh cl1:1n_:o.s in tho 2uln1inis11'a- tion mul the multiplicity of tlele-1 gatlon, ll10l'0 are on the cu1`1'iculun1 .u lot of tl1in::s which he u}.;`reo with the pupils in ('a1llin:.: l>uul<." .\lr. _l<`e1':.;usou laid it down as :1 necessity that there must he 21 minimum 1'9- !qui1'en1ent or \\'o1l;. IL course which cA\'(-r_\' slmlonr, must take. In a n there would lmvo to he supplemen- .tu1'y collrses similar to the optional` 'courses now, so that 11' the people of. in on\nl1~\ :I11\` ,. ..A,.4 nu. IN! [116 unu 1uu.uuu..II:: I-Iome Saturdays at 6 Char-I lotte Street. courses now, so Luau 1: (Mr 1 {L section wish to emphn pu1'ticn1:\1' suhjvct they 11121 with the consent 0|" the 11 n.. n...4 \\|n-\I\u \'r\u xvii] h |'\'l.'U l Uh Death.` `.`I.\I0l{! \l. SIGN C`l'}N l'R.`\I. W nems by sxx `pmms, mu \\t-nu L `by six when whistlel ux. |,u\ got 41 n (1 Ill, (JIll1ulL`1l UL LI11: L 1U\1uLL': beyond the public school e 1` ~L 411 ...lu.in7:-Inn, ill i|\lll and by I\`. H IL` OI Llw l'I'U\ |llLZt' Hill)-lllui *ducn,1i01m1 system 01` the; `czmse they know thoj Hm dep:n_'1n1ent can do! Inn nun the pa \n=o " nun-_\ nu` Highegepirivces fof good quality` Phone 322 M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St. nvm-1 .\' u 11 rnvn. the Cl11`I`1Cllll1l11l " 1ic11 wi1I1` 15` 11111.: "b1111I<." | mm? 1o\v11 110(*ossi1_\'| Int, 1:11 111111111111111 _1'e-`hmmg 1. pa(.M-it :51 st_ J0 ~ Q[ Ma 1111' 0Dli()I11|])a_-tscr lHL :_\ NHL) Luv 5!)` inspecIm'.| u will hrin_:; I110 c of the schools, ~ people who sup-I ; in the (school-s L1`-ui11in:.:. but :1 '1o(1g-'0, 1110' hint` tn ....\. vl.........- 1,... he 01} Ste: 1pha1. any Tlzc may do so` of m WU ll the. C, me 10: n". `"1 . 5.1.. 4.. AI,-`l H"ll|' the L It IS estimated that over 50,000 acres were sown with corn in Al- berta in 1923, as compared with only 1,000 acres in 1919. This is a good indication of how rapidly com culture is increasing in Western Canada in connection with mixed farming operations. I 1 ) All previous records of Canadian freight transportation were broken lwhen a solid train-load of automo- biles reached the Pacific Coast from Windsor, Ont., over Canadian Pa- cific lines recently. The distance of |2,932 miles was covered in seven days, or exactly 169 hours and 20 minutes. The train, which consisted of 40 cars, each containing (3 Ford I automobiles, was more than a third [of a mile long and was handled on practically passenger schedule. 1 l 1 I The splendidly sound position of ! the Canadian Pacific Railway is well - shown in the annual report for the {fiscal year ended December 31st, |1923, which has just been issued. ' The gross earnings of the Company for the year were $195,837,()8).(31, 'the working expenses $158,358,- 079.5~l, and the net earnings, $37,- 479,010.07. Civil Engineer I Ontario and Dmninion Land Su1`\ e_\'o.r| 1. :3 Blake St. Iu.,... ,. 1,-no Out of a total production of 10,730,150 pounds of f?l`CZll11OI`_V hut- ter in 1923, I\I;1nitnbz1 Oxpnrtetl ."..?`3,26~1 pounds, valued at $1,513,- 160. Shipments were made to Great liritain, New York, Chicago and Montreal. In addition, about 200.- 000 pounds of butter fat were ship- ped to the United States. A large party of Scotish farm- ers. ploughmcn, farm workers and their families, is expected to arrive at Montreal in June. The party, which will sail on the Canadian Pacific steamer Marburn, will be conducted by the Scottish repre- {sentutive of the Canadian Pacific {Department of Colonization and De- 1 velopment. ) I i Alberta has maintained an aver- age yield of spring wheat of 19%, bushels per acre over a period of twenty-six years, according: to a chart prepared by the Department of Agriculture. In addition, winter Iwheat has averagerl over the same period 20.19 bushels; oats, 35.79 bushels; barley, 26.10 bushels; rye, .1815-1 bushels and flax, 8.71 bushels. T m A feature of the annual banquet and convention of the officials of the Canadian l`ac'ific Railway, which were held at Quebec on March 22nd, was the renreseiitzitinxi, in the ban- quetting hall. of :1 full-sized loco- motive of the latest type emerging from a tunnel. Built of wood at Angus ShO).'~`, ;\l it was in all respects pr-r!'(.-:'L. At :1 pre- zirrzlngml moment, it emitted steam and smoke, the hell rang: and the \-xhistle blew, while the headlight be- came a moving picture projector. n . , __ i Imiications of u grrcat season in iimnigration are seen hy (Janadian `Pacific officials 'm the arrival at John, N.B., during the \vcek-end [of March 29-30. of 2,111 third-clz1ss `pz1. aho:u`ri the Company s |Si0mn01's i\Im'itcahn and Metzigama. The Montczilm had on board 1.584 thc-:<.c l\z1.=s.en;:er's, which consti- E tutcs :1 record for the season. 1 1 In a speech to the higher ofticers of the Canadian Pacific Railway on the occasion of the recent conven- tion at Quebec, Mr. E. W. Beatty, President, pointed out that 50 per 5 cent. of the company's stock is held in Great Britain, 21 per cent. in (lamida and 20 per cent. in the United States. It is, therefore, a corporzition zihmltiteiy controlled within the P1*iti.4h Empire and, he whim], that control is being appre- ciably st1`eng'thene as the years (TH CH, _ Quebec s new gnldficld in Rnuyn twnship, north of the Des Quinze hranch of the Canzu1i:\n'T`ucific from Mattuxvzi. is to be made accessible Lu un urn-nn1nnn Qnrvipp 1-3 hr. in- by an .'101`0pIanu service to me In-; nugrurated by the Luurentilic Air`: Se1`vi<:e Limited, on May 18th. i m.-;- E poctors, tourists and supplies willi be able to cross the fifty mile gap ` `otxtween the end of steel and the i groidfieids, which formerly requirutl i two days to cover, in less than an hour in the flying boatgb to be used I i t in the service. nour m the 1.13 m servxcc. READ TI-I11`. .\'.\\'l(.`.\'l`l()X ().\' 'l`l-lI<`. L.\l{l ! 4)l l`].\`l-1]) l._\S',l` H.\ l`l'l{D.-\Y b1m'r~rz.v1 l:1x':<;- f: ei}."11te1`s that spent the \\'iu1.x1' in .\lid1zu1d harbor left last \\'(.*('k end 1'01` upper lulm points.` Sevm'ul hozns are on their \\'a_\' downl with ('dl':()().~` mad '.111I0'.u1i11: is ex-1 .. 1 u.. ..u.. .-1 ..n.- Hunn 'T`hn Ier` and Thre :3. 1s :1e1`op1ar hurl hv _.Z__._._ . y ADVERTISEBIENTS. \ B:11'1'ic-`s Sport Boosters Banquet to he held in the interest of A1m1teu1' Spoils at the O(l(li'elin\\'s [-1311 next \\'ednc.=(1a,\ evening, April 30, at (5.30 siiurp. promises to be :1. huge succc-sq. The committee in 'cl1ai`::e have a.1`1`z111gmiio11Is cmnpleted and a real night is in .`10]'C`. for those who attend.` The 01113 are being supplied and ec1'\'r>d by the Rehekahs i ~-I\'ul'1` said." .-\ musiczil and vocal pit0:;1':11nine by Bu.1'1'ie".< lwsl. tulonl no i`n1'xl1e1' commom necessu1`_\'." An mi(li'vs.s by Dr. .Izune.=, L. Hu:.;hes. 01' 'I`01'ont0. (`(-l(1hl``t(-`(1 Canadizin locluroi` on The Boy and .\maleur Spoils." There will aisr) be Short :uliii'L=:~`.=e.=. by I3u1'1'ic-`.< own csport |lO\'(`l'S. and a Slllg-`.<()ll_L` under the 1(*2ulei's-liip 01' E. A. 3.31111. De (L imr);~:lm' and help alonu this noble .uvnnI~ T`in1-ndu Iu\.1\9 Ln n.~.nu..,\rl I`.-nu. 1-).-\I{l; ll0\\'lC, _\l.l...\.. HCSHICI) TO H{)Sl`l'l,`.~\I; l()l{ 0l l-}l{;\'l.`lON On Thursdz1,\' lust Earl Rowe, g.\I.1 .P. for South Simcoe. who was in Toronto for the 1)]`01`()_Li11iOI1 of the gllonse, had 10 be 1*u:~:he(1 I0 `Welles- '1e_\` I-Iospiml, \\'}1u>re he Itmlemvent an operation rm` a1'>pon(lic.i1i:<. \V'h0n motoring to the city in the morning Mr. Rowe had complained 01' not fee1in_: well, but was able to attend lthe House. In the 0\'e11i11g he was .seized with a. sew-=1`e attack and on beinr.: examined by a (`.0c(.o1' was at once taken 10 the 11ospi1:11 and an .0pm':1Ii0n pm'l`m'n1od. Latest re- _ports would intlicate that Mr. Rowe is p1`o5_.:1'ossi11g fzworable. I Sl ()ll'l` l()()S'I`|~1HH l .\ .\'Ql'E'l,` (,).\' \\'l'1l).\'l`I.`~'l).\Y, .-\l`llll: : To-night and ` Friday Night Grand Qyera l IJUlI3|t'| dllll \\'01`k. 'I`iclw the members ('1 nn KEWANES Minstrel 1 Serenade Phmm !:_Proceeds in aid of Under?- priveleged children I 1 'I`HURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924 D0nt Miss It I UH LIIU 1JU_\ (|I||| .\|HillL`LI| " :93 si11g-1:011}: ;-hip Ryan. Ticlwts 1n;1y be somlrml from enmhers 01' the committee at |lllllL'lI ill_`L`C3blll_\. `. `lehrzited u1'1'icr`.< ing-: F.` N I)\`:\)\ n .. ' .~I.'L'|Il\'u IIUIH 30th -Ul:_`\ (`I all ca pocmd Ktmnnm DLUEUIIUI Rliclland she had repairs. .l('H under `[4111 I HUUU, l coal to Housm Bare.e I'.T/-urn .\!(`I)()N.\ SI. .\I2u'_v's `Page Eight LT Ws.1\_rr1:D 'nmle1';< will be recei\'e(1 by the`; I I e1'si::1w(1 up 10 \Ve(111esda_\', the [1 day 01.` .\I:1_\', 1924, at 12 o'clock 11, for the I'n11n\vin~.: supply of] l he rlelivererl at the Court!` 150, Gaol and Registry O!Iice,i1 vie. `SIi1!12`lYf'(1 as follows : Court!` no nn I(\v\:~ nu HAN .-..\..\ Bmwn s?en sWear PHONE 319 Next Door to Woolworths. 22 J AMISS WILLERS THE%SW5TTHATMSAVESIWU MONEY I...i\;e? Poultry ._._ ..\.....I ....... 1 02:}. "l`l'II\'l)l-Ellis" I()H ('O.\L `For Sa1e-I~`ord Touring Car for $1.25. Arpply Lowe's Furniture Store. , H) :lillL ill!) llllltf. Luc- G1enislr~" was brought to from CoI1in where been 1111der.:0ing extensive WANTED llllltlll, about n`l:n-\ . L. R. ORD GOOD CLOTEIES FOR MEN lllllli-K lb CA` time. The L.-nuuh} kn I B:u'rie. 1 town tor a. tew aays uus wt::~|\. Miss H. Gilchrist was up from the city to her home here over the holi- day. xnu Nina `:\Tn.ndnmLld visited her Miss Edna Secor of Angus xvas in town for few days this week. ~u:m. LT fiiinhv-{cf mam nn frnm than. :_ For Sa1e--'I`.wo young sows, due to famrow soon. AJppv1'y to C. P. Bow?)/er. `7th line, Vespra. R.R. No. 2, Barrie. day. Miss Mae Macdonald parents in Gravenhurst over Sun- day. mu 1: Pnnchpr of Toronto snent day. Miss K. Poucher of spent the holiday at her home, Cun1ibei'- land St. Mrs. A. Riddell and children 01 Toronto spent the Easter holidays with relatives here. 311`. and Mrs. Banger of Toronto spent a few days last week at the home of M1`. and Mrs. F. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson and children of Peterborough were the guests of Mrs. M. Brunton UVEI Easter. \T:~c< \rm~n:_~. hnnnn nn \'fi:s: master. v Miss ;\Iyr`t1c-= Dunnett and .\Iiss Netta Hook, both of Tm'on`.o, srlent the Easter holiday at their Iespective homes here. I M..- n,......am. 1:.-.m nf {`.nIHncv. l nomes nere. Mrs. Graydon Kohl of Golng- wood spent the holiday with her parents, M1`. and Mrs. A. F. Garrett, Bradlford St. Rims 12` RI Tlmnnfnn NTic (1V`H"P uramom ax. Mrs. E. M. Brunton, Miss Grace Br-unton and Miss Lutz, all of Ham- ilton, snpent I`uesd`ay at the home of Mrs. M. Holmes, B-urton Ave. I \r.- 1 TI Txfiunm in in 'T`nrnnfn [.\lX`S. M. r1Ul'IIlUS, Durtuu Ave. Mr. J. D. Wisdom is in Toronto this week attending, with Dr. Simp- son, the annual convention of the Ontario Trustees A~s.soci-ation. xn. nmvi Rh-a \T Qrirrlpv and lift]? Umarlo '1`I`11s[ees :\~s.suuw.L1uu. Mr. and Mrs. M. Srigley and little daughter Betty were here from Coldwater as the guests of Mrs. C. Taylor, Burton A\'e., for Easter. .\Ir. and Mrs. A. Brunton and children of Toronto were the guests of the farmer's parents. .\I1'. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton, for Easter. \I'.- nut` \h-c ('1 T7inL'rAH NHQE V, ll-S. J. D. Dllllll Mr. and Mrs. Pickett and Mr. ronto. spent the i nf \h- and \TI'Q Hill '0 I'1SUll Ull llllllhklilry. .\I.r. and Mrs. H. Scanlon, Mr. and .\Irs. "W. Smith of Toronto and Mr |C1ark Brownlee of North Bay were Im1idn_\` grrests at the h0me._of .\Ir. `and Mrs. L. Speurn. Tho lute .\Iis.< E. P}z1_'.";e1`. \\'ho.=r~ l'unora1 rook place on Hz1m:'l:1y l`rr>n1 the home of her sister in Bar- iriw. \\'a:~' well Iinnwn `rare by the L3,... rn:;")r\I`|E nu uhn nunyla -wnnv `For S:11e-Drivin5.; m-are, 6 years old, sound. A bargain. Apply A. Robinson, Cundles. ________ Ill`. \\'clB V\ t'1| l\Al older citizens, z frienrls in this wa l\P~ n v\n\-on :10 1hr: llt'.`,.`, (ll 1 death. On 1 pmvwr the f`. `a I19 U.zV.1<.. Wus snut on :1;-1 \-\>:x_\~| thing there is now nl93t1"ca1ly. (`(|lli])DPd. The new \v11i:~::la has :1 must which recalls to the ear cf the old residents echoes of the haxlcron idays when Barrie had three steam lhnats and many looked down the hay with 21 slaltled gaze \\'hu:-:1 the first toot, was heard. i Sixteen .-\l1:1nda1e memhvz-rs of 1119 ;L:1lH(*S' .\11. Ha \ to the B1'0thO1`- ., ,_ ,1 - 1- . vr~....:..m nvs nnnvn sixteen ;\Han(1a1e lIl(;`1l1I)':i`5 .u my I.:1r1ies .\u.\'i1ia1;\' hood of Rz1i1\\':u' 'I`ruinnmn rop1'e- semed Hw local order :1! the big convention held in Hamilton on T11111's(1z'1y and 1"ri(1;x_\' of last \\'e(-I: amd 1`(*D01`1 a splendid :1 time. Those who uttemlnd were: Mvs. VT. Smith. 3I1's.~ E. Kizhtley, Mrs. E. {1z1\!:>x\. Mrs. S. Thunlus. Mr; I. Bubb. f\Ir$.| p- . _ -- u... rn `.1 \`v< II ALLANDALE IA. liX'llIllUll \lllJ Ill and up to the h \\'Z1S W811 l\lll)\\Il :1\:':v: :13 Inc 1' as she made many 113 ward whiln emp]0\'W_1 nurse at the home oi` the lzxfe 1 T).-nnonn r`1Iv*n(I' Hi: Inn ? in. Dunlop St., Barrie. Irida,\' nsnd i ` KT 1') un 5}_JL"lll, lllt ` and 311's. For Sale-Beautiful semi-furnished bnick residence on corner of John and Bradford Sts., hardwood oors, modern conveniences, garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Good tenms. Apply 152 Bradford St. nv..-mn 9192 5-10 Old .\Iemhm's Honored 'I`m u\\nI\\\nI'~ nf` Ihn dzxy e\`eni:x:.:, _\p1":` 1`. Mrs. r1. \\ H|Ull ziml Mrs. N. \\' the last of the aim in the '-nundhr.-11.~:e ms shut off 11:11 c-vex :5 nnur nlnft-inn! r1[0I1, 101' 1uaL:u:|'. . G. Pickett, Miss F.` . L. Smith. all of T0- - holiday at the home `.. Alex. Sim, Caroline :4, Apt nmors of the -112. I`.. of L. -. I . and! 1` f ,\I1`.| whu:-11 the bi. 3": way V mu ` ` t Th ;]'`1t-0:\:'e(r):} ' aw 12 Thlwe \\'o1'l< :3 _ `. `, held M. . Hu1a.:u. 1 mm `mm Hand ' ` ` " vice- >:1, .\Ir=,. J.I. 2 138 i1II~ K.` 'I""7'7 7 7 * Mr. 'Geo.>Leslie, Deputy-Reeve Innisl, left Tuesday on a. trip Western Canada. He expects to ` away about three weeks. The ice m-oved out of the bay on Saturday last, April 19, but was sweprt back again by the gale in .2:e evening. Sunday it duisznppeured again. For Sa1o~Team of Black Percheron Colts, two years old. Took first prize at Barrxe Fair. Apply Chas, Bowyer, 7th C011,, Vespra, R.`R. No. 2, Barrie. How about that well? Does it give satisfaction ? See G. II. Hu- son if you want well diggiiig or wells cleaned out. Phone 439111. 195 Dunlop St., Barrie. Will the person who borrowed a well bucket from Thos. S0:111e1`s, please return it and save further expense, to G. H. Huson, 19:5 Dun- lop St., Barrie. Phone -139'm. Mrs. T. R. Huxtznble, Dr. L. J." Simrpson and J. D. Wi'Sd0l1l attend- ed. the Educational A1ssocia.tiou meet- ing in Toronto this week as repre- s}ent`a.tives out` the Board of Educa- tion. At the request of his counsel. A. J. L. Sullivan, the case of Albert Dedman l1'a.s been a1ga.i11 remanded, and will be tried next Monday at Sntayner. John Pifer comes up on Sattrrdtay. Althougll eleven applicmtions for Danes as farm lalborers were re- ceived by the local agriculftural branch. only four were allotted to this branch. The four came in on Sauxrtlay and were soon pl-aced. M1`. Thurd of Cochrane (iistrict has purchased the splendid l'u1'n1 01` 311'. Matt. Robinson near Stroud and will move there as soon as possible. Mr. Robinson througli illness has `been forced to give up :.LC[i\'G work. 1 The lecture to be given in Collier St. Metlmtlist clmrcll, Monday even- ing, May 5, by Rev. E. Crossley l-Iunte1'.B..\., has been cancelled ,o\vin:; to the Collegiate Comnlence-l ment being given the same even- inn l ..\lembe1's ol` B'.11'1'ic Lodge No. 63, [.O.O.1`-`., and Be-.u'e1' Rebek-.111 Lutlge No. 190 will celebrzlte the 105th an- ni\'ex`suI`_\' 01' the Independent Orclex` of Odd1`e1lowsl1ip by zutexltling sc1'~ \`ice at Collier BL. Methoclist, (',h|ll`Cl1 on Suntlay evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. 111'. .\lcDo11u1Ll 01' B-,u'l<'s 1-`ulls wn.s the pm-acl101' at. St. _\n-1 1 l1'ew's on Easter sullduy and ;.,"u\'e ilwo splendid ad(l1'esses l)0.1`o1'o large lc011g:e;.;`uLi011s. Next Su11(la_\', April 27, Rev. J. I-Ioag, of Clinton, will iconduct the services. 1 Mr. C. L. Maris o[ Toronto pass-I ed through O1`illi2L and Midland last week on :1 hike to Victoria, B.C. |He loft Toronto with a. tire dollar. bill and will emloavor to work `way across Canada to Victoria, nix v\`:nnr\ kn `\I\r\I\:4 on v-nnnh in I Lemma. tug Phone 818. [ W it) ilkiluab \./sllluucl. which place he hopes August. The annual convention of the |Mas1e1' H0rscs;hoe1`s and CuI`1'iu_L;e \\'01'l;e1's .\ssoc.1aLio11 01' Ontario was in 1`0r011l0 011 l*`x'idu_\' last \*.'i1h) 146 1m:111he1`s present. Alex. Cle-` of Bzn'1`ie was eloctt->I_l third ,\'ice~1n`esi(lent. Jus. T1'il)l)le and N., 1\\'. ;\Sfl-D11 \v<=1`e also clele_:;ule;~; at| * l I ,t.h0 c0m'm11,inn. l At 1110 zulvuncc-(1 [10 months and 7 St1'oLu,1 011 Su 11 (lay, ,1 ~..-.... Lnvn in Robins pas.~. zuvuy RIDDI-ILL-~On `tn-.\Ir. and 3 Cumb0I'1:1m1 llflh the ( LOCALS \\'ll.I.l.\.\[ l'lUlll uupunn are not 211, 2 - p1'op0s'1ti011. `HIHHB IUI AIH" l\"l|l s,\"1npz1l.h,\' sho\\'n out bereavement. | .lI`u'I'l!H .._.::__--_---j_-_ W2mted-At once. general servant. Phone Mrs. Earns`hmw. 03.111-p Bor- den. Ireports 01 all The Norther Advance aok place on two n r.-lock 10 .\Hdl1u1's1. ` A 'I`lI.\.\'l{.\' V IULULE to reach J. l'U_`4l Ubbl \' L` hezlrtl the 4 tX11.11L1Si`dSI.iCi L U1 H Uh Ma rtlm is \\'i(10\\ , ;, John of mum. and Iiehoo 01' no far-(1\-\ J\UHU4 of \V(>,` \T.. ..o L VVH hon Oh Qvnnunrnur -. ._:._.__.-.. Corsetiere for Spirella Corsets for Barrie and Allnndale 19- ,_# -1. II 111.... I