\ ;-. pzuldling ml on the p1'0-t IR ? an:-;1|.\ \\'|;`l\` ' possible had levelled off and tolled. As it -is now 1'ai1=wa_\' emp10_\'ees hztve to come over to Barrie to take part in ,Lg21.mes. The .-\ssocizLti0n sug_<.;e.sted `that the Council a`p`1)0>iI1l a commit- tee to confer with the e.\'ecuti\'e of the Athletic .v\ssociaLion. x 1.`.-nm Immn um... ..... al... 1.... uu: n.`\4.1. gluuuu. A petition from .-\le.\'. Sim : others for a sewer on Baldwin from Essa and Car0line St. to ford St. A 1.` ur'1.,.,.1-.. .......n.. n-....`..:u lUl`u CL: A. F. Wheeler wrote Council re `an accident to his write on March 24, occurring from a fall on M-ul- caster St. sidewalk. Mr. Wheeler stated that he is a. returned man and spent three years in a German war prison. He asked Council to .take charge of the hospital charges, which he would iproxmise to pay by in stat-In en-ts. T)nvunc en nun;-.o .. .~:..... :.. L-..,...4 Luvs ;\uut:L1L: .'\bhUl.'lul.lUll. From Fred .\Izu'r, stating that he- was instructed to request the Town Council to ll in and level up the water table on the south side of Elizabeth St, on .the north side of `the B..C.I. grounds. A nD1y1'Hnl1 fI~nn1 .\Inv Qhn nnrl l11b'liL'l'lllBl.l`lb'. Pemnission to erect a sign in front of his store was requested by H. J. Twiss. Mrs. C. A. Shopoff asking that she may be allowed to nprune several trees in front of her property at 46-48 Louisa St. I) T f` 7\YinI-snllo y-nnn:-.nOinn r\nr_ `1U"`IO 14`\JU lbEl. DL. R. J. C. Nichoils, requesting per- mission to trim shade trees in front of his property at 15 Cumberlzuld 9: lD|- As there was no committee meet- ing on F1`i(1a.y night, Council went- into committee of the whole and rev` ported as follows on the 1'o110w.ing.:; 1natt01's : Tr nu... ..,.....~,.,1 4.. lHdrl|L'lb . I It was agreed to menlorialize the officials of the Ca.11ad*iun ;\'a.tional Raxilway to have train N0. 4 stop ht Bzlrrie. This is :1 train leaving T0- ronrto at about, eleven o'clock at `night, which now stops 21.1 A1'lz111du1e lut about one a,.m., but does not stop at. Barrie station. 14 ...-.. -. ..u 4.. JUIIIU UH .\llHlUil_\. .\h'. and .\Irs. \V. J. family havn nmvud h0u.<.v on the farnl. \I:-u \lnu-inl Qhrxnnn ,\\llI ..u AJIAIAIL saslnluvnaa It was agreed to purchase six lots: on S. I-Iolgato St. from Mrs. Burton `for $300. This would complete the `park p1'0po1't}' in \\':u'd VI. n-:..___ . 1,, _.,,-.1 V. VI`. \V'rn1. Dobson was to be paid $50 in full 01` all claims z1._::u1st the town 1'01" rr~l)al(> on taxes. Motions passed \\'m'e: I\lz1lc0mson---Lo\vo1' -- '1`l1at Mrs, ljllen Li\'i11gst0m; be allowed to 1'e- move such tn-es as are (lo-sigxlzvted by the clutirlnan 01' the I}nm'd 01 \V0l`l(S. - T)nnl- T3nnnI\nu- 'T`ln9 1) VI` (`tinni- \VUI'l\5. I'{usk-P0uche1'lrTh:1I I . '1`. C'l:1rk ho allowred to move the curb out to the line 01` \\'a`.]{. 'T`uv.-.u- 1 Hponu 'l"1un+ 1111-. u,...nn~`l I I I I lllltf llllt` U1 \\iLH\. | 'I`_v-it-1'--1.its1e1'-~Thz1.t the 1'e(1ues`t 0! 1-1. .1. '1`w.iss I0 erect a sign in from of his stnrv he gr-.1nlo nndel suprrvision 01' the 13011111 01' Works. T m1(-l1(=r-\\':1lkvx'--~'I`I1ut ihe re- under s1|p<"1'\:Ee:i0n of I'M Board oft \Vorks. \\'nI1-nu `[`fnnI- rrVl...A :L I I inmost of R. J. C. Niclmlls be ;_:;1'a11ted, i | 1 ... ,1 ... nunnn. l \\'a1Ice1'---Hook-~ That it is not in itho inIm'e. n1` suI`e!y that silent upnliomnm he placer] on I3rz1d1'0rd `St. Motion _:0o.< In cnmmittr=e. ` BI'i(`l((}l'--T11lXlz1b1(`~--T11t the re- lquest of .\Iud-.nno Shopofl` be 5.:rm1t- !ed. snnlo In he IIIHIOPsl1`I)O1'\ iSiOI1 of I I the Board of \\'m`ks. T nnr-hnu \V..11~n.. r"I\n`- .. 1-44,... `Ill! nuurll (H \\ UFKS. P0110hm`~--\Va1ke1`---That :1 letter [of condolnnoe be sent to Mrs. W. 'Grace_\'. mother of Ald. Gracey, con- v<=3'i11:.: tho s_vmpwth,v of this Coun- oil in the loss of her hu.=.hz1n(1. TVn1'l.'AI~ __ `Dnnnhnu ,, 'l'\hn`G Hun `mu 111 me JUSS HI 1191' nu.=.nan(1. Walker Poucher - That the` words obscene be eliminated from Hm ori:::im1l motion of Am. \"V'~zL1I- min. Lost, 7-6. \VnH.wn__1J.n-2mmn rm...+ 41.4"- \\vlll. JJUSL, I-U. Val1.win--Hux:aable -- That this Council :0 on record in protest amadnst the distritb`ution of obscene literature such as has been distmlv buted to children attending; pwblfe schools and Collegiate Instiwtufes during the past two weeks. Car-r Irie. 8-5. Page Five and Co Ull ` UH lllt` lilllll. I Bliss .\ln1'io1 Slmvpr: and l'1'imi(1 of 'I`0ronto spmit the wool: end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Shil1`D(`.| I-`nolwear for Rniitlziy and r-vm-y day of Ihv we:-k, at reasonable prir-vs. The B.B. Show Stnrv, Bnrzio. Miss .\Inn1i(-\ I-Ir\nry and friend of Bradi`o1'(l.=`.pe1it the lmiiduys with her p:u'm1t.=. .\I1'. and .\[rs. J. I-Imn'_\'. \r.. r~I......i,.L- 1n....n.- nr Wm.-..n4n| ru*u1_\. | 111'. Charles Lonnox of Toronto and Bliss Bessie L'>nno.\' and frientl are s.pendin;: the h01i(1u_\'s at. their homo here. \In.-. !"n`|lu'.r|\nn. nn f`nn\Hu- n0` HUIHl:' IlL`l't`. | .\Ix's. Cnlliqhmn and family of Barrio and Cadet Dick C:1Hi$_:I1z1m 01` the .\Ii1iIa1'y C011('f..'(`, l\'in:.tst0n, spent` the holi(ln,\':< at Dr. I-7"-m`Inn s. Miss Nessie Spears of .\'orIh Bay` is ho1id:1_vin;_; at her homo hvre. [ -Cnx15.':uIul:1tio11s 10 .\Ir. and Mrs.` \IV I.` 11... /\-\ ohn In`.-oh nu` n. VV. F4. 1)iL1ILA1|_`-; Ull llll: uulu |IL ,. (lzi11_L'hIoI'. ` \'i\'inn Jonnott 01' T()!`()1H() sppntl V1110 \\'m~1( om] with his p:1r('nt's, .\I1`.| 5.21mi .\Ir;~:. R. H. .J0nnet.t. .\Ir. I-Iurry 1)0\\'nor, B..\.. of Milton High School staff. is spc-nding thol \'u('utirm with his pzimlits. ` .\Iis< Leila D21\'is and .\Iarizm Arnold 01' '[`<)mntn Nnrnlzli .\`(-hnoll ..... \..\...,r,\.. .1. 1m1.'.1...-.- i | I i 5 | I -nu. Arxmld St-hnol I me hrm10`i'0r [ho holidalys. | I ll I.ciI:1])21\'is .\Ir. uml .\1rs. I-I. Rankin and `Miss .\[y1`t1<- Rankin of C0()I\'Sl0\V11'\'iSil(`(] with frimuls here on S11n(1z1_\'. 1 r<.-ma \I`nvlr Ttnnfz Fnvv \Inn ` \\'Hll ll'll`.H(lh' llL`l'(` UH Dllllllu). Good \\`0rk Boots for on um]! Boys: I'I`nm $2.50 In $4.75 :1 pair. The B. B. Shoo St.nre. Barrio. `I I'\uyin-v On nn1nn1nnl' u'n-uH\nr HIP- '.l1H;' 1). 1). nlnlr Plnllll", I)lll|ll'. O\vin:.: to inclement wo:1th<-r the n11stc11nry Good I"1'idz1,v morning ser- vice` in Christ church was c:1n('01Iod. - -.... . .. `xv run-_;. ' (Hl_\. ` The s,\'1npaIhy of the `community is extended to the family of the Intel Frank Bmley. whose death occurred lzLt Vvednesday morning. __ I THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1924 J. .\liller and .\lrs. \Vm. Elliott` Il@l1(1(`(l the fl1110I'al of their aunt.` Mrs. 1-`urbos, i11 S11dl)u1'y last Fri-` day. 'T\hn ax-nannvlur ni` H10 lr-nn1vnnnH\'. . David Hurry of Hillsdale was in town :1 couple of days this week. .111s10n. 1 Miss J. Doane is home fox the ........n.. \ zzululntions and B:u1tinr.: on the birth THORNTON IVY C. Boakn and back to their 1 1.1:.) it ]!il,||. , ` [ n\n..nnn- ant-, I [[1()11` .\lUIHlil_\ il-ll(f!'llUUll. ' Mr. -`rr-(1 Robins of Toronto at- 1_\- tmulml his falhor s funeral here on am .\Im1d:1_\' afternoon. spent See our Work Boots at $3.25.- `$:3.75, 55- .25 and $4.75. The B. 13.; Shm~ Stnrn, Barrio. 1 .\h`.<. V\'. D. .\Iinnikin of Bl1'I`JE`! Manon! 21 cnuploi 01' days wiih .\Irs. h Bm.,I'z1H(=r.=nn this \v0r-.k. 1.0. ' Mr. and .\I:.c. L. Vordon and son 1 MIR 1 of 'I`m-nnto worv Easter 5;l1osts;o1' U1`. 1 M. alum`! `yrs. 'G. I-I:n`p:*r. I ` .11 Bmolxor has rotulnod to To-. mnto uftnr spnmlinz 1L couple of 51"`t \vor~k:< at .\Irs. J0hns0ns~'. IS. .\I1`. \v.. 4...,1 um. n\.m.on.. \r..r1.-...1-n... the I10l1(l21)'S' ll] lUI'UIllU. Miss Violet King of Orillia is visiting at T. Ba.1`1ow`s. .\lr. C. Lyons spent the holidays at his home in Alliston. ;\I1`.Herh. Thomipson spent the` holiday in Parry Sound. Mi`. Milton O De11 of Orillia spent Good Friday with his mother. M1`. and Ms. Fred King of Toron- to are visiti 2: Mrs. J. .-\_\'e1`.st. Mr. F. M calfe and sister spent Easter wit riends in Bl`a(1`fl01'd. Misses gdith Myles and Vera 0 De11 are visiting in Thormbury. Miss A. Biackstock of Toronto is ' visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Ayerst. Xlrc Qn~n1n1nrriHn n0" .\iInn it visihl Bliss Vary Reid spent the week` end in Bradford. i ` Mrs. J. Jacks \'3i1ed friends in Do1'onto last Week. .\II'. \V. Latimer is visiting at his homo in Fleshertoii. Mr. S. J. Reynolds spent the week end in Midland. .\Ir. H. Gr.'1_v of Toronto was :1 week end visitor here. Mr. Allan Webb of Toronto spentl Easter at his home here. .\Ir. Max \Va11nce of Toronto visit- ed his parents here recently. Miss H. Ferris 0-f North Bay is holidaying with her parents. Mr. W. Boothe of Toronto visited his father over the week end. Mr. G. E. Scur"tnore spent the holiday at his home in'Han1i1tuon. l 7\h- 'T` Nnrthxvnnrl Anpnf fhn we-r>1: |llUllUi1_V ELL lllb HUlu:: Ill 1'1d.llIlll`UH. Mr. T. Northwood spent the week end with his brother at Hillsdah. `Tr:-< 'Dn.1xnv-0 uulnnn nnrl ann nF BUH \V1llI HIS UlUl.llIfl LU. Ellllbuiil 5. Hrs. R0-bert Huson and son of Weston visited Mrs. Hunter recent- , ly. \Tr TC Qfovnnznn ni 'l"nrnnfn in! EH15. .\Ir. H. Balliston and Mr. A. Page of Barrie spent Easter with friends here. - \l.~p- \T Cnnvt 1-sun ycndnunnfl On Ohnl ucnc. ' .\Ir.=. M. city after here. \Iu \ \ 1y I `Mr. K. Stevenson of Toronto iei spending the holidays with his par- ents. ` \Yv- `LT T1n\'l;-tnn nn \Yr A Dawn `ft . Mr. A. More-dith of Bradford spent` the week and umlc-1` the parental] r001`. | \In nu/I \Yur T)nuO- T)nnl- nf` 'T`nvnv\ IUUI. .\II'. and Mrs. Bnrt Pratt of Toron- 1o spent Eastor with the fo1`mer`.s parents. \lAc \f \\v'm'rrhf nf' \K7nH.'nI'\'I'Hn ic Mss M. \Vright of lspondin.L Hm holida}'s 1 ental 100?. \f.- nnfl \Yu:~ (`1-unc- ` ]_}ill'l"lll5. Ulllill SUUA. Mr. and Hrs. Chas. ;\IcC011key and` nfzlmily 01' Barrie spent Iiaster wilhl frionds horv. I .\H.=s G. Johnson of Orillin spent] :1 few days with her sixter. Hrs. I-1.; Hu_411r\.=. 1'ocentI_v. i - Gmdnn Suth01']:1nd of .\Iar]<-l ohn nnnnv r\` kin nnwnnln Mrs. Agar spent the week end in Alliston. Him: I hn-nnn Cu hrnnn (`nu fhnl .l`lLLL',lll'.". I`l'L'l;`llLl_\. Mr. liar]:- | m was H19 guest of his parents uvor the holiday. I run. uv n 0 Ar nu-. wt.-.oI....,1:.-o 1IH:' \V._\l.. UL church mr-t in the !.\Ionda_\` nornnolu. \r.. T.`v~r..1 T r\`\1'I\n XUIILU il|U.'l .`,]Jl'llll1ll`-', it \,'Ul|]HU U1 .\I1'. and Mrs. Chester .\icC0nko_\" gnnri I'niniiy of Oriiliu were holiday g\'i$H0i`S with relatives here. ' .\Ir. .\. Ru-vm1sn1i and sstoi` Carol. inf Iinmilmn are \'isitin_: lh('!'(` pur- vnts, Rm`. and Mrs. Ste\'oi1s)i1. .\l1'. and .\l1's. II. R(') I101(]S of .\line.=in_: spvnt tho h0li(1:1,\' with the I:11tm"s purmits, Mr. and Mrs. \\ .| I-`ox-iws. u Don't l`0r_-gt-t the D111) , .\I:1rtii21 .\i:1d<- Over." to be hold in ihe Pres- 'h_\`1o1`im1 chnrr-h next T110.s(lay even- in;:. April 29. .\Izm_v atlnndr-(I thv funeral of the late \\'m. Robins, who passed z1wu,\' on Sun(ia_v him-nimz. Our deepest S)'i1lDH1)' is \"Xt(*n(l(?d to the ho- 1'ez1\'ed. } Levi I~I(\.nson was ned $5 and .cost.s. in all $10. in I`hurs(1a)"s Police Comvt by Magistrate Jeffs on :1 chz1.rg(- of assmxbting Miss Hazel Butler. The offence was petty and me TGSIIM apparently of a triing and foolish quarrel. ` \l`I llll,` IlUlHlil_ Tho \V..\I.S. Lu-n'h I\\ at v\ VHNICI) FOR .-\SS.\I'I/I` Scott has returned to the spending several days STROUD the Methodist basement lust \VaIl<(=rviHn is ; under the par-I SllHllllt'[`. '3 Mr. John Grose of TOFOIILSO is ' iting friends here. .\rTi.-2 `\Y \fr-Lars:-n in ennninz | 1?}. S. Thm`l0\\'. of .\IidIa.hd, ad- `|(1ros. :1 cm1cIz1\'0 of all the Tuxzis and Trail R:1n_ Squares in Bz1rri(` innd .\11:1ndz11o hold inwthe Central i.\Ir3th0dist church on W0dn(>sdz1,\` ;m'vnin:. .\I1'. Thurlow e.\'p1u.iner1 0| N10 nhiur-1 nl' tho unmmnv nnmn I | 11155 Isabel Russell is in Toronto lfor the Easter ho1ida._\'s. '.\Irs. H. A. .\I`ac.Leod of Toronto is visiting Miss Sarah E. Tracy. 1<`onL\\'ear for the whole 1'amil_V at lthe B. 13. Shoe Store. Barrie. `In 171...,` 11...: "11 Al` `IYnn1annu\ :1! [MC D. 1.). DHUL`. Dlllld, Dillllid. M1`. Elmo Marshall of \Vashag0 is spending the Easter ho1iday`s with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orchard \Y::~n 17* 1* 7!` .... .. xn-.. h,......:..,. .V|l. dllll Dllh. J. \V. Lllljlliilu. Miss E. G. I`.ra.cy, Miss Bernice |Young of Toronto, Miss \7Vinnif1`ed Young of .\Ia.r1ba11k and .\I'iss Elva Chappel of Toronto are visiting re- latives in llinesing. 111- nnrl \h-.2 T. Adnvnc and `Mr lull VF?! lll .\1lllt'hlllf,'. Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams and Mr_| and Mrs. D. VV. Fralick have each welcomed a new memrber to the bosom of their respective families. In both cases the stranger was a son. Con-gmtulations. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shelscwell visited at Mount Pleasant last Sunday. 1 'l`hn fnmnpv: hnvo at-.n-fn nn thn at JIUUHL 1 1t7ih$'(ll1L ldbl aLu1u,u_y. The farmers have started on the land, getting it ready for seeding. I Gnrnn Rhnlcxvc-11 iq hptfor n.unin umuu, gciiiiiy, u reuulg 1Ul' cseeuilig. Gordon Shelswell is better again after being under the doctor s care. Mrs. M. Kelly of P-helipston is visiting hm` sister, Mrs. VV. Wynes. Good \Vork Boots at reasonmble prices. The B. B. Shoe Store, Bar- win IIU. 1 .\h`. I\ ni,::ht0n of Edvgar will (preach lhis farewell sermon next Sunday at l 3 11.111. 'T`hn nun vnnn in nk1n in n-n nu-l\vII\t` W" I `|'['l'.\ I.S` ('0N(`L.\\'l'I ][l';'Al) .-\ |` ' C l`}.\"l`ll.\ L .\ll<}'l`I-I. (` H L'R("H Hlllg lI'lt`IHl5 Ht`l'l:`. Miss M. McLaren is spending holidays? in Toronto. `Hint: Vinlnf T\'inn- nF ('h`iHin iU\ l'lllll_L1. .\l I". 1lllll'l()\\' e.\'Dli1lI1e'1 tho 0hj(`('i of the l~`llI1lll1(`I' cunip which will lw hold this yezir from July 1 to July 20. Ba1'riie's quota is 25. that is for :1 ton day vacation. [so Mint. :10 all told would be taken |c':m- 01' fmni 1. to 20. The camp is ill ll':ii11inL"n:nnn :1: wall nu n rm. IN: Inna. ill! illl UHII l'UUl(l DO UIKPII in t1';xinin:.:'(\21mp :15 well as :1 re- creation rrmnp, and compzlros favor- izyhiy \vvi`ll1 any others opnmtod UIIOILLYHOIIT. C:1n.1d:1. Plans are he- in: uuule 10 nmko the Camp this ; |.\'on1' 21. L'IZ(`11I1`l` success than m'm' bo- F fnrn IU L` g l0l]m\'1in_: Hm .\.d(!1'os.< by Mr. '[`hur1n\\'. :1 numhor of ,\'01m_; boys. Inulor the direction of Mr. Harold White, put on an o.\'hibilinn 0l' |p,\'1'z1n1id lmi1din:.: and oIh<>r.st11nts<. .-\11 m1,in,\`n:l)10 bzn1qnr>t was s(>:'\'o(l. Hmwll 1 arIx'idL:e. .\I.'1_\'m' of tho Boys C0n11c:i1. presided. '31-an I I fore. l.`n1 .4........u --....u .. .Ill\l sv\\\'I'nV.V Fmler the :1.u. of the Simone |l`0resters, .\" Cmnpzlny. :1 very i:~`llC`C(`SSfl1l Faster hall was held in the A1'n101u'ins on Monday e\'mLi11{.5 of this week. Despite the inclement we-ntl1er the atteml~a.nce was well above the average. The floors waxed and polished to pm'l`eclion, and the rleluigbtful music rendered by the local orcl1estr:1, Melody Wen, mva.de clancimr. a real pleasure. and one of the best dances this year was the expression of everyone present.` About 120 couples were present. l*I.\S'I`l'}l` H.\LL .-'\ BIG .`.I'(`(`E.\'1~' r MINESING WEST OR0 The N ortnern Advance (Continued mum page one) them nal warning. On April 4 of this year my boy and I were down at the no1'tImwest corner. There I saw Keist and Crz1w1fo1`d coming i11 in :1 nnnnn T`hn\' 111]!` who fhnv uvnro \'1BlLlIl:_; 1181' Sllef, ;V1`l'5. J. .`\_Yvl'bL. Mrs. S0`II1Il]f`1`Vi1](` of Alma is visit-, ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cram- ford. \lu'u:c Q "\f.-T\nnnl:l nf` 'T`rn~nnfn I I.\ll.\'| MEN PAY I l.l'\I) VD!) Del-\V J\C'|Bl ilHLl L1|ll.\V\lUI\l UUllllll`t', All in a canoe. They told me they were going over to the other lines. They had guns. trwps and have1'szLck.s in the canoe. I told my son to look in the canoe and see what they had in if T fnlrl Vhnrn T \II!'ll= crninxr fn All Llllz` CHHUB uuu EEC Wllill. LHU) llitu in it. I told them I was going to pull them, as they had ignored all my notices. They continued going `towards the line. .._ 1 ..u nu. uu mu. nu. On cross exzmnination witness ad- mitted that prior to the time he got the property the defendans and others had tI`il:D?D8d on it. Shortly after he got the place he went around the place with them and helped them get some of their trvaaps. He had put fresh blazes around the lots the first of March this `Mar. ...... \|I\4 ...u. \.lL .......V.. ....... u... Robert Gossling, sixteen .1` old son -of the informant. corhuorated the evidence of his father. L`y~4-unly f`I1.nn.nn1.1 uvhn liunn nn 41-xn i I t t UH: l.`\'lUt5lltCt5 U1 Illa l`d.ll|U1'. Frank C1 l'Z1`DiDG1'1, who lives on the 11th concession, saw them on Goss- ling s property in March, 1923, and knew they had been there in Janu- ary of this year. James McGregor, game warden, gave evidence to show that the lots could be clearly identied. Marshall Keist gave evidence first for the defence. He had been train- ping for seventeen years. Mr. John-- son had given him and Crawford trapping rights on 200 acres im- mediately nort.h of Gosslin_<.;`.s pro- pert_v. Until last year tra.ppin~:.; had been carried on over the entire dis- trict. "Gossling told us in March last that he had "secured lot 7 and told us to stay off," said Mr. Keist. "He was putting around notices at that time. When he warned us ne had traps set on the property. We asked permission to take them oft`. He said no, that he would get them himself. He got some and :.;ave them to us. Later I went with him and found some more. ,\ll told about 30 were missin:.:. Then in! January this _\'ear Crawford asked him to come with us and get the ll':lpS. III,` told us he would let us go for the last time. On the motn-| in}: of Aipril 4 we trapped on John- son's and other property. not (`.os.'<- li11:'s. After dinner we l'ollo\v-d \Vtilliow creek south. This took IIS on a line with Goss1in_; s property. In the :lH('l'l1()0ll we were on the 13th line, west of C4OSSiill_L"S, and saw him settittc.` a trap. We went to} wards him and I spoke to him iirst.i Then Cra\v~l'ord spoke to him, hut he didn't answer. `We intended to ask him about our traps. but he. didn't want to talk to us. So we went on to Johnson's propet't.\'/' In ex.plainin-,1: the mink ept'.<()(i('. .\lr. l(ei: stated that Craxrfortl had gsiven him the mink. : that hr had taken it from the trap. wherel his do_'.: was worrying` it. and told him to give it to Cossiimx. Keist took it home with him and in the n1ot`ninr.r brou:.:ht it back with him and when he met Gosslim: gave him the mink. f`y.nm~ r\\vn|\\1-v\l'\l` uvHnnn.- p.nn6r\/I Ill!` lllllllt. Cross exzmmined, witness stated that they had never gone on from Januar)' until April 4, and then only to speak of the traps and young foxes. IRet.'orence was made to }"Oll11g foxes becatlse 21 311`. D1l,`.`{_2`ll]. a. buy- er, had been ir.-qlliring bf M1`. Keist concerning the purchasing of some. Ellsworth Cr:Lwford s evidence was S11 the same as I(m'nt n: - 1\t`lSLE. Daniel Luck, called as an inde- pendent witness, declared that the `signs and blazes were 7.1;: mg and hard to see. and that it would be W ilb El Keist s. `lnuln I11.` 1'1` 1 ' FOR l`RESl`;\SSIl\'(.`- IUIU. .\Iiss S. McDonald of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. \1'v- `K7 (`nv~hnH A0` TVruvnnfn unnnf 1 U0['.\'('lI. DE(`L;\Rl<}.\' | I)I\II)LII I. -... ---..- rag- ....-., i tors 1:0 intercept anything that may` be considexed as 0bscene.I .\1:I T Hufnn 1-xalinun 01-no +1u:n unu- UC L'UHlUQ;'ltfll d.-5 UUUIlU.- Ald. Litster believed that this was obscene 1`itex'atuI'e. I do not think tb "ouncil should sit in judwgvf -:1 the W.C.T.U.," said Ald. Malcomson. Lf this were dxistritbuted by un- known women what would we think" n.F I '1 nnlynrl "n\>r\v- F`-uni Ulnn |l\uUWl1 \\U`|ll!'.'1l \\ll'LLl. WULUU WU Llllllli of it ? asked .\Iz1,wo1' Craig. Fav- ourarble or ot11e1'wdse,. I do- not 1111111: it is right. T (in nnf nnnv-nvn nf fhie Litcn-. |L l l15HL. I do not a.pp1'ove of this Liter- ature, but I do not think we should be too hard on these women. This` must have passed some censor be- fore being used, remarked Ald. Walker. HTITA nun I\U\1Iv ...-:...- on .... ...1 41...: VV ':LH\t3l'. We are only going to record that we are opposed to this sort of thing,] empl-ained Ald. Wallwin. I intend: sending to the Minrister of Education a copy of this pammphlet. It will al- so be semt to a. legitimate journal, . not a paper such as Jack Canuck. I hionestly believe that some of the women who distributed these papers dvid n-ot kno.w what they were dis- semrinattjng. Pon\'n Duel: iha connvulnu nf` ti-an l BUIIIIIIIELILJIIE. Reeve Rusk, the seconder of,the original motion, as] =. that his name be withd1':1wn, and .=\l(I. Hux- Lable was substituted instead. I T`ho ix-vicinne IIVDPG nu ihn nv\\nv\r1 ' Lil U 1 U \Vilh It-lll)b'll|.lll(iU IIISIBEHI. The divisions were on the amend- m envt-~Yeas: Bricker, .\laic0111son, Craiig, Rusk, Pouclier, \Va'1ke1'; mus, 'H11x tz1ub10. Lower, Litster, T_\'1'e1'. Wallwin. Hook and Wiles: and on the motion-Yeas, Craig, Hnxlable, Lower, Litstor. Tyrer, Wa1iw.in, Hook and W nays, Rusk, P01101191`. B1`iCkC`1, .\I1`1COI1lSOi] and | Wnallier. . Tnnn rnn ilvnh .1....:.1.\.: .....,..` \\"dll\\3l'. 3 Little else {The 1'0]l0~wuing I Pr!-r>\'nII - K.l'l_). In S1l`I11111iI1_'.`,' up the cusp Mr. Don-| -ald Ross contended that the issue `d(,~pen(led on the point 01` \\'l1etl1orl i ithv land could be consir.lm'etl en- lclnsed land or not. Sec. 22!, part 1. of the Czxme .\0l that no one may sh 01' hunt on land that is. <-n(~1o.=.ed. IZ\'m;Hl1i11_u' else was ad-l mined. The pultin:.; up of signs hud |110thiIl_L," 10 do with enc10sin_L: pro-1 purty. There was no uvi 01`! 1(]<=st'.`0 11:: or 121ki1m-pmpm`t,\` 41.,` 1 3"} 1 IIGFE. .\h'. \V. Corbett of Toronto spent Easter with his mother, .\I1`s. P. Banting. \(r '[~Tnr\'n\' Qnr:-pr: nf 'T`nr-nnfn diicult for one while In-op from c-nc1`oachin:.; p01`I_\`. In clnnnuinnr nn hn rm '}H'I|_y. JIlk`l|' nun nu U\llll.'Ill'L' Uli |(]PSI`.`O_\`.iI}_`.: 1u1 11" the laws were e11t o1`cod as the ph1in~* IilT was :1tImn.ptin:.' L0 h:1\ u it, thisl \vm'}d wouldn't he fit to live in.I Then a;:uin in the n1a.ttm' of the? traps at man had a r'L,L-;11t to go on another man s property to secure his own. "I `D 11.\..,. .-. ....1 41...: .1... L_._,_l Hlh U H. J. R. Boys a11:uc-d H1: wore posts and when the put on them everythillg 1 been done. \Tnnxv r\r\1'v~n`rv nnvm 1.,` Utfltll IYUHU. .\Iany points can be ZLl`L`.`ll(1, but the facts are clear." said .\Iagist1'n1e Jerrs. The Act 3213's that no one mm an nn lnnn uvifh cnn1vHnu- inx,l ax-.nn.. JIIC .'\L`-l hil,\l3 lllil`L I10 one-[ can go on land with spo1'tin:.: im- plements after sufficient notice has been given. Mention has been made or the exacting of the pound of esh, but that doesn't enter. The case has been fully proven and I will convict." (Continued from page one) ` 1r\ :.....,..\..4 ......oI.:..... `I\r\` .7 uI<\'xII.pl|H;~' LU llil\L' ll Ii L'uini11tlm I u ll`J\ lA.`\Ill`1I` I I .-\.\lPHl.lu"l` 0l5S(_`l<}.\'E I was decided upon. C()1IlI111l11iCi1[i0I1S \VC:`l`G I that the trees the signs were nnr nncaihln hnn 13iUllHLL'.. Mr. Harvey Spears of Toronto spent the holidays with his brother, Mr. Jas. Speers. .\'[1'. Jas. Lennox amended 1he`-f'un- eral of Mr. .-\. Livin.:sIon in T0- ronto on .\'londa_\`. `\I u n n A \I re XI. 1 I ` `Don 1: ca 0 n 11