7:11:21 - Easter Foot`: 1n\\'m' Hum : .I`5=. T011.ll M 1110 :1{\`.\`<)H um ])l`i<'(".'\' :n'(* :1 1I1:'il'1_\' hnym md.-1 in H1 1':1}).<, ()_\: l"m'<[l.\', Hz111dz1l.x',Tl;:11 ])l`(`.\`s .\`.-xmlzil vi'l (-a-1s. .\`n<-h pk: jug` .~`1_\'l<*s and ](*211hl`l'.\' in <-:14 .l'lw_\' 1m1. [>:-<-:-is ed. `I r'i-vs in <-zu-In ; run nun run .1... Pk!` A... ._ 4. __ IN MESSES AND GRGWHNG GIRLS IILXIIUH UK .\Ix'.~'. I . R. .;mrl .\1rs. J. >`1nith of fruit, .\Iis.< B. .-. .,I 11.. `WOMENS SHOES V $2.65, $2.58, S.'5, 0 $3.50, $3.75, $4.25, $4.50, $5.00 up to $8.50 and $9.50 a pztir. :1. ~11 rm T1_ THO?3,I`?'I`GN in [mun um] _\Ir., K`|\|`ll. I`l`|lIll UHIHI 5l|U\\' SIIIUIUHI` `I. I 1(`n(1( I1(`iGS. Si Crown .-\tt.01'n0_\' Cotter called the q,.\fa:_-i. :1t;t-~ntinn in tho fact 'P`;dh:H th0`(`n1Hion and the zlntidme 01.-` ;:ulw lube} had been torn off. 1' i\I1's. Hurt] phmwd Chic`-1` Casv In }: that hm` hnsbzlml had falcon- ` m. 1\'1.n.. um 4>'f\` . 'r;1.,..,r ` n. "1 111,; llll'lll)ll. Dr. V. Johnston said he saw H1n`rI {in his moms nhovev the .\"1o1 I1'r1:.:' Jvank. and concluded that he had` 1m1 some poison. .=\n an-tidolr= \\'=as :.L"i\'r`x1. Hm'(l didn't SHOW sui(*ida}' ljrunnnninc 4 `wind .\l1'.=. B1:11z<>1_\` nr .%7z1.\'1wx'. !\\ . Barron of Brz1r'el)1'irlu'e. Ur. `Hrs. _\dz1i1- of Ns~\vt`0n I`u:J)in>-011, \V'_ _\[;1]n_\' of Cm)kst()\`.'n and Rh`. ,.\h`.<. R. H01-I. now 01' Enrrie. I (`H1 is own f;`l'(":11 (`1`2`1l1(1. `. (101i:]11J'z1l .\`l1l`]H'i.~:(` In \I~u 1=oIsoN IN MISTAIEEEW FOR COUGH MEDICINE .\I`1'ix'.min_:: that he ht` ydnse of cremline. ht'1i0\'i1 Lc0u_:;`n nm(l`i('im=. \\'i1! 1'id [on :1 (-lmr_;<- of :11.tv-n1pIi1 innit suicide was dismis '11..`-u~ ....1:,m ,..\....4 1. MINESING I':|l-.Il H.I\lIHl'. lllI\lI|L1, H HHU lllf-" -kif0'~1m1 hr` pnurm! :1 mupln 0!` 10:1- .v.p.~.ou2'n`..~' into :1 (`up and dmzlk if, IN (-nnMn t rend. sin ho (-mx`.dn'! lH!~ (Ir-r.=1.:nu1 tho lnhol ]mism1" on 1hr-; hnlo. .\:< soon us hr` had .~`.\\':1i1n\\'~ od thrV dose lm I{nr*\v ho h:|.d uni talccm the r0u::11 n1ix?i11x'v an ! he tried to indncv \ ()lllHin_Lf. Hv sun; ihat ho did :2`! rid of Hm p0i'H1 and that was tho x'r~:1son ho went to vthe` I'u\'ol not who) ho xvas tz;.'in5: .'r.-r walk on` tho eft`en1.=.. Laim` he look- od for we bm1,:h medicine hoille; but couldnit nd ii. The two homes were a good deal alike. He didn't know where this botmle had cmnc from. I `took it in mis1akr> and I had no desire to commit . dc=(-lnrod Hnrd. He admitted that tlwro had hoen :1 1`itt.1e clonleslic friction. 11.. 17 Yf\`\iIr\ .... ....:,1 I... jipnisrm. \V'hon {had IPH. but jhrmr later Hm` slnhlo Davis 01 ?h1~mL:11t homo. V do RT<`..\T7 THE .-\D\'FIRTISE)!EN'1T~$ , .-u-l\'is23:;xn I and nn>.~'1 ':x11m<-1i\'(~' ~` \\':~ [law had Barrie, Ontario r Display, and f>`]>1'111;: fur rx1i_1'ln1<`d. \\'i1h .:nic.~ide police (1=rr1n1'r=(1 that on E h(- hm] :1 slight volt] f qnvnvx. lr\ .. I .- . x I`. Hl'1' HLl> |Jilllll Hilll |`iH\(`I1' he got. flu-ro 'I~11n'd . I111`?!-`-(|ll:lX`lP1`Z< or an: or 'Hu1`d was fnnml h_\' Cnn~ mvis on Cluppvrtrm St. and hnmn mve & Son hrnve (Faun? 1`4 .'6..una.\n Page Five 1 _ <>\'<-ml 'z1!m-.~:. 111:: H I H 11 rd , ` I Sh. in lo be L. -hold .`.1lh. and Mr. ....J UL the the` SUMMER SCHOOL EASTER TERM BEGINS APRIL 22 You need new V.` Thu 1.` up Dress Goods Specials [Ill tuned} I . l'4`HH ` \\'hi( : (-11111 Inn].- lino Wall . . . L D : I 4` llll|llHl'll Voun ml In he ht-111 The da}u ;\pr an 11 2111) (ll Th 1' to nttmxd death llII' up do` th in '1` oc 9th, respo 1t. Huull cmnplot nn1linn 11 Jun, Ul xu 1'0spo(-iwl HP \\':1s in hnnn .. vxn H deh- the ~. 'I\.\\ I UHHIHI ncCur1'od i I: n I` 1) in] IVY L.` lllil.` Dm'r':1 ..u.-Innis 'u Ull iir,-hurt! . oilizon L7 . "'0 .....u;..u. unavv .1I1u\ 1\, \.lJ (lllll `.\1:uu~e ..&.38c, $1.25, $1,635, $2.25 Nice assortment of Neckwear :11" 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 up to $2 Handkerchiefs in plain and (-()|- urvd mn'11m'.s` . .190, 25C, 35C, 50C Hand Bags, ]3]a<-k, . . .98c, TI-IIIRSD.-\Y. APRIL 17, 1.924. fam-_v Silk Gloves, short (:11`Ir.'.< . . . . . . . . . . .980, $1.25 and $1.50 Chamoisette Gloves G-1'0) , B].'O\\'1], Mode Italian Silk Lisle Hose in ]}I;u-k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50c pair Silk Gloves in good q1121]i.1`_\', wil mn nu! ma nr-' ma ru- :1 l I . \V'ed n (\s Jm11mI I , .\ P .I.:,. L\ MD} the` oinl- xv Inn .$1.19, $1.98, $2.25, $3.00 r....\L4.. (D0 l:I'\ ` llIl' Ill |ll!'1'lHl`-I U1 Will.` \U`: `tin:-n';=. lu.~'liluIun. hr-ill l:1,=.i 'l`liIir.< int lh:- lmilw 01' .\lI`s. (1. H:ll'[)l'l`. was t\'<~r_\' wt-ll il3l(`ll(ll'.`(l. tli(-r:- lwiu: .ll1irt_\'-Ai:.:lIt ineniliers null \`i.~',iI)I'$ `.nl-1-. .\lr:<. .\itl<~n.'< oi [Inc-Irui hell] the lziulirs in lit`-r~p i11Im'(n \\ llllI' slw :~'p0lu-x on i f)1lHl`_\' R:1i.~'inL' um]: Cllllllllil`, whir-l1 p1`0\`ml \`(`l')' in. lIi\u. .\[l`H. Iloyr-s of Churchill \Vllr`l preseni and u(l(l1'esse(l the uim.-liu_L:.' hvr .=11b_iec:t l)ein_<.: The Seoiiiy: I*}_\'<,~.! l ;.\li`.<. ]ln_\'<-s pointed out the l)ez1uL\' Er)!` tlw inzuiy little lliiiigzs in life! \VIll('l1 smile do not stop to umiee.| Al the close 01` the meling` 21 (11llllI_\' ilunch was served and all <-11jn_v :1 social lmll` hour. The .\lia_v lllP(.`l-i in: will be hc-.l(l at the limue of Mrs. Mitchell. The election of nfllccrs for the coming _\'( -111' will he `the main business feznture or this ;;a`thering. \ ll'|..'. I`I|4 1LnncI1 and ;pnin!ed. LI~2u.: pin 5 nunnhr-rc Barrie Business College ()1_\' S(']lm)] \'m*1h of l`m'nn1n 111211` is :1 .\Tmnl.)-1' of 'l`l1v, 'I}11. F.(111r:1f(>1's -\ssm-1z11imI of (,!:111:1du L l'4Ll.`-Ll,`-1' [Jlil I1H*ll1h(.`1'.\', .una.b1o to 1 Go on L.` I. I~IIIJr-CL`.-\RKE--.-\f Colhier SI. day, Apnil 17, by Rev. H. E. Well- wood, Mr. Emory Rober-t Hm, of Bamrie, to Miss Theresa Adrbema I i ' ~.\Iethod~ist PZ).I`SOI1IL_5l,'(`., on Thurs- } Clarke of Birkendale, Uuskolaa. .$`22`5,"$[5{'$2I5 STROUD )l.~\ Rl{l.~\Gl'}."- with <-,111'f:x'_, . .$1.25 pair G:1'o_\' and 01 (1: mn nu: (U >.\7\l`l ill I,hr0u_;h illn M. The next 2 11 the homo ' 1lv1.\U El l'ill'Sl)Ili >111 Cmnmiltoo decitlml to L-rn'nvIu` nc` The Norfhern _A dvance , ` Enroll Any Day Write, or phone 445, for rates. W. A. Turner, Prin. tyuovv .$3.5O .$1.95 .$2.95 :< 01' inIt~1'v.~'l \\']lilo~ and \'mg\' M.-.! `II lw;1u1,\" hiI]_J,h` in1il'<=` top nmi('v.| min: dainty` (1 `he .\Im' `I111 illnru `nx-O n r ill!" ` so:-ml k if HHS` `y n .. ..n I 'l|\`A Htill.l U\'('liXIl|lL'. ill HUULII ("l('\("Hl (\'(-tm-1; on the szmm 11tr)1'11in:. Shot `\\'il.*`- the (lill1_L',`h|P.l' nf .\II'. and .\Ir;~'. .\til:rm Ct-ipps. tmmvr p1'oprio:ors 0.1` the .\l'1in_'.IlU]1 lmtel. "110 it will he r<->|1Ienx=here,rt lost e\'(,~r_\`thi`n}.:' in the, (1`i.~':lStI'()1lS lire 01` two months :I,;-0. and who were nhsent at the tfmr in .`!E Mr. and Mrs. (`.:11'ruLt were in cI12n'_:e 01' the hotel at the; time of the tire and were 1'01-or-d to leave hnrrimlly in their night e]0 Ih-I ing for the stastion, the Ilearest she]- ter. the weather hoing bit.ter1_\` cold and it is t110ught that the shock and exciutmttexl-t ma_v have cont1'ibu~Ied to: tthe death of Mrs. G'21I'l'elt. Besides. the :`.trick<=n ]11lSb'z1n(]. she leaves one! little da11_'.:htm' about a year old. A funeral service was conducted :11 the house, John .``et., at 8.30 on Sll11(lv1l_\' nigrht, conducted by Rm . S. )1. Beach 01' Burton .-\ve. .\leU1()diS1 ehurcrlt, or which the deceasetl was an ndlterellt. Intermmtt took place. I 1 I -on .\i0nday in the I.unily plot in Midland c<\.n1etm'_v. I On l"ri(ln_\' 1no1`ni last the (It:-.1111! of M1`. Will-izun (h'z1cey. a pioneer` ltlnnbernmn. ucc1n'r(>d at his hovme. 4.`) 155521 St., l'o110win_L:` an illxwss 01', but a rvw days. T1l()1LLfh not in the ibe.~'f 01' hc-:x]1`h, 117.9 m1Iirin}.: enr*1'_:;\' hzul kept. him up until TI111rs(1uy,' |;\p1'TrI11'(]. wht-n ho was !'orc(~d 10' T4'i\'0 up and th0u_:;h .'~:eVe1'z1] doc-lm's' I I worn 0:111!-rl in, but liltle hopo \\':1si L'i\'nn I'mm thv first and he ,;:'2uI- u:1lI_\' sunk till the end czxmo on II<`I'iII:u` \nvi1 11 nu 1 n ... Mr. G ship 0!` he came .\ par1icula1*I_\' sud death 1 -3:1t111'dd_\' mm'nin_; Ians` mnz: wiro and mother, in m or )h`.<. .\lm=Ion (iurrc `v-.1_v at the R.\-'. Ilospiml. \h:lI`:Avn'|\` huun in vrnn 11 Jr'lllll.'. Ukll |'(ll|_\ llll A`LlIl.Ul|lil_\ E ruin: was taken sr.>1`i011s1_\' ill and? < rushed to the hospilal at on(.-(-`.! r3x-- M-.1';.'.t11i11:.' pos.-~ib1e wars` dune. saw, her Hr` , but 21.1) In no avail.` I (194111 occ\n'1'i11:: at 2150-11: elrwen nr-I: Inn 1111: CHINA mn.-ninu Qhn .\iI{.\'. .\l()i{'l` Navy All W001 Serges, 54 ill("1l(`.~`. \\'i1v. . . . . . . . . . ..$1.19, 1 Tricotine in ..\';1\'_\' uml :lim\\'n, 54- iv.n< \\'idv, ne qllziiy W001 Crepe, 1L *'m-1u~s widv. II3m\\'n, (lr<~_\.'. ]z1\\'n. Sand .... Wool Crepe, :74 1'... ms \\`i(l<~. N:1\'_\' mnl lllnrk . . . . . . . . . . . . K-EURLBUQRTS SHQE NE _`.\'( .1:1'.,'4- uni H\'(`l'l) Dad and His Lad in Ih<- m\'\\' 1".:1. "ai.~:;>|:1_\' and h:1\'<~ :1 Hi:-w . ml` l}nI\'s' ().\'l'u1'<!.< :11 $3.75, and $5.00 {L pair. Men s Oxfords in an vxtt-nsiw .\'hn\\'i1I}.1'uF21|lIhv1I(`\\'<*s1's1_\'I<`s;1iI(l](*;11|1('I's, also in . ml Ihn mm-v mnsm'\';Hi\'<- . :11 $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, $6.75, $7.00, $7.50, $8.00, $8.50, $9.00 and $10.00 a peur. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE A.GEN'1`S FOR MEN`S HARTT, SLATER AND NATURAL TREAD SHOES. OBITUARY Th_e Hurlburt Shoe Co. V_ 33-35 Dunlop St. JIUHI ll ', .\p1i] \\'lLl,l.\.\l (ii{.v\l.'l 1\'11<-In :1 \\',n (liq): S1r;n|>.`s'. Ux[ m`d.< and Hand: :! :11<*m .T.r-:11l1m'. (`ulniwl (`ml 111m's rn` (inn ;\I'c1'n1 Call Tm: nmdts m1 11:11~111'(-75 1:131. Nu 4 3123.: of Hm ]i11`l<~ f'(-M. `.\l;1 H1 i1<-l1-Jm\'1I. (}.mi_\'vzH` \\'<*!1 . ]\':1_\' 'pl'n(-(*.\'.*l. -11. ml ;{`n(;(H_\' m11nb(-1', and I11v]n'i< su w;1. SiZ('.'\'-"3-7.1_; :11` $1.15, $1.50, mm I\l'\ may turn! man an 1 an Sizrxs :')-T- :11 $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75 pr. S:11nr-Vs:1'_\'lr-.< in .\`i'/.(`.\` 8- l0.`_, :11 nlmut -)-' .,-w :1 pair z1d\ ;m<'v. CHELDREWS SHOES GET YOUR TICKETS AT S'UTCLIFFE S FOR THE KIWAIIS MIN- STREL SHOVV, APRIL 24 and 25. . _\' was born in thn 1r)\\'n- than in 13533. In 1874 IC2'|m1't. \\'}u=,ro he mm`- ~ A1 I`. I` 3 ,6 '.2.a." `: `(' {Tl ).\' (.\ NIH-}'I"l` I ,\' occm'rc=d` m-ning last. when a 1 the pm`-| imnn {Envy-um h:lu \lill|L'4l, [Ill-\hL'\l vspnul. S110 haul good health the: ~l\- I .1 . ... L`. ... MEN S AND BOYS OXFORDS xu;.; L`lll`l. .\ TI1111`s(1u)', 1'0 rcod to ral doctors \\':1s hn 4......u_ M-111] di.\'];`1:1_\' ml" and H21l1(1:1].\`, in ;'n]m'0 (`HIV L(*;1- /- 1 n -r- l`ldD,L'1, All. .ll!`ll). \:H):~t* 1111!! \\'m. IxL;'rz1.n1 01` EL'h(`I`l. .\l':. Mrs. J. In:r:1n1. Mr. and .\h':<, l`h and Mr. J. \Y. 'I`Im1n1 of 'I`hm'ntr)n. .\I',` and .\Ii.<.~' E1ri.r'k .\Ir. J. .\IcI-`zuldon 01' I~I]m\':xIrA-. I ]I(|BlUl \l|l llltlll Vlllllklll, (l-Dbl.`.Il\"U U) R1-\'. \\'. J. \\'ul.t of 1355.21 SI. I 1'esb_\'- 'Iori:m church. 111temm.>nt, took place in the B:u'1`ie 17n.i0n cemetor,\' and tho pull bearers xvere all business, assooimes 01" Ihv deceased, .\loss1-S. J. I). Rodgwrs, Thos. Rodgers, A. G. .\IcLe]I:m. R. .\. S\te.phens, J. S. ]I`5r1m1011 and N. Ga1=braith. Pm.~:ido.< ghis \\*id0\\', sn1`\'i\`in_; lnonllwrs 01' `the l':1mi1_\' an-: Oxw d:1u:l1te1'. .\[is's Lila, at home; mm sister, Miss jJ0ss"~. nl` Lnndon. who was unable :10 pre: on {\(`('()lH]vI of illness. an nroe $01154. \\ViI1ium. (:er)1'_::e and. 1-`! K. :11] I'(-`Si(Hn_L. in .\11zm(la1e. 7 'i0n.r1s and 1-o]uti\'ns 1'1` mu 0! mwn \v`1m \\'-re here for tlw 1'11nm`:1l.` `\f v- \! run I Y3.` . n u-nu-4. nvivl t\|' 1 \\ VI L` .\ i Dom] lmith l Jacob l I\'\'. .\I1 v.< 1):; ud_\ L UIH sun-.n1it_\` and I u'n1.\..-v-{Iv 1: 1 \\l.\ \\t'll xlwllu liL\\Jlil`|)l) l\llU\\'l| illl n\'o1' the r*01mt,\'. as was shown in ,some nleasure by the uttomlmlce at- 'his 1`1111m':1l, one of tho 1ar_uo-5.1 in rucmxt. yours. which took place on Su11d~a_\'. He was :1 practical C`hx'is- Han since early boyhood, :1 nleln-hs>x'. of Bu1'1011 Ave. llelohdist chu1'ch,| and the f~.'(`I`\`iC(` at 1.30 pm. was nominated by Rev. S. M. BezLch,| pastor of them church. zlssislt-`d by[ H:-\' \\' I \\'-.:H nf 17:;-u Q! 17I'nm1\\'_l ried Miss Hannah Jane Holt, and there he took up 1'um1i11:;', thresh- ing and saw m:i111'n_:. Seven _\'e:-rs nlutrar, th1'0u_ dozuh, he was de- prived of his pz11'mo1` and was 11.1"`. wizh 1\\'0 (izu1_L_'hlvr.<, now .\I1'.<. J. > ".2\1'x`0n 01' Bond I-loud am`. )1 ll.` Qunis 1' --E11 -' l.`1`.1I -- ... A ! llilllllll ll! YJUUH `R. Slnith r`.' Oril". `he iu1Io\vex`1 up an [H1 and 121101" was I Chrisrtinzx I%ar1'on `wont to Rain_\' Ri {time and 0-11 his .n-hnu nun-..w'I1 i 1 (1 w1\\1||.u UN 41:!` lllll .\lHl uuuu, sU\'\`I1 milvs norm 01' I110 Iuwn. and in 1131 ! "alum In .\I1;1:1xd:1!v. \\'}1e1'e \\`iIh his sons hv opmmd up :1 00:11 and wood b1Isi11e. and :1 s:.1\\'.mi11 in r-0nnvc.1i0u. and up I0 thv time 01' his 1'1`1\n.c-:- `I\n.1 uunlhnu nu... ..l l'UlHH l'-(Hill. illlll his i1Iness had n:.. 1).." n,.:... |hUll(llll_\ (lll\l lIllD\\`\`I\lll_`-'. Illl.`lH\.`.`.`J i111o_:1'ily 111* made Inuny l'1'iv11ds and was well amd l`l.\ ()I`l`1)].\' lmmvn :11] :Vr\I\\1\ unnunnvn Ixv {Ian r . ..o4n.~..)....-n.\ ..4- . ])I i('(`.\' :.\l'z1d in 011'. ml` Mr- snlm 1H Ill DI Pnpen I\. ill] : 11 0 .\h'. : .1 `lfnu -Vllllil J)ill'IU!) [H \ Ri\'v1` relm - in 1` Ul LII H0]! I 1 (`21`(h<'1'><, <-m\\' adv 1 1Ull i :1 nd _\Ix'. llllllll`, UIIE hlh|\"l, I ,>. i ~ (`.en1'_: H .\11zmda 4 r ) 1'1 and Mrs. J. I3:u`r mu]. .\[1'. and Orilliu, .\h'. . zmtl H4 nnfl \1-- \\' 0... Every Alan, Wazan and Child wams New F002`- wear for Easz`e2r' \'\'<' Im\'<- hm Ilw . :l``n.' }'(*z11'.<. '.l'h<\ E4 in an 1l1 ` _ D dllll L! .\Ll\\-llllll Ill: ml"! nnnlhor suwrnrill at; By his M11111)` pm`-<` 11swm'\'in5.: htlsim.-.=s, 1 n \\\n \\I' I`. .....l,. .... .1 . Venus Pure Thread Silk Hose in tin new sp1'i11}.:' sl1:1(10s of ]*`q;', liioigv, Camel, 1-30;1\'(-1', New Sil- ver, Cm'(1m'a11 dl1(1]3l{1(`k. Extra value . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.75 pair Mercury Pure Thread Silk Hose, ])uinf0d 11001, Elm-I: and Brawl]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 pair Silk and Wool Sport Hose in ]3la('k and \V11if0, Camel and \\'hi10, F;1\\`11 mid \V1Iil(*. R(`g'11- 1:11` $1.50 . . . . . . . . . . .$1.29 pair French Silk Lisle Hose in I}|:'1(-k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65c pair