Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Apr 1924, p. 8

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Windows Cleaned!i `Slunn Sash 'l`uk(-n (')f1:' 1 Hz11'd\\'<;>od ]"l0m's Cl(`i1l10(1 and Polished 1 Inside Paint \Vm'k Ck-zulod in Fine Brown Calf with VV(>]`r- ed Sole, at . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4.50 ;;;. ;. Lol/\./ALL, vvvu >.1|.JJ. Prices ...$I Also in Brown at J. ' .L 1. Sizes 21,4; . . . . . . . . .1 .1 .T V. $1.25 Sizes 8-10.`_,- . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.4o MISSES PATENT SLIPPERS in diffmmlt styles, prices rang- ing from . . . . . . . . .$2.25 to $3.50 Also 21 nice line at . . . . . . .$2.60 Sz111da1]-S1'1'up Slippers with \\`0(} 1'11bbc1' liccls. Sizbs 2-.}-4T} . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.40 Sizos 8-10;} . . . . . . . . . . . .$1. 0 Also Plain Strap Slippers. . . . .$1.25 . .$1.40 with cxtollsiml solo, Pzlfom, one- strup, :1 good \\'0m'ing' S1100. Sizes `:3-7-.`_,~ ..... ... ....$1.85 Sizes 8-10; . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 812$ .. . .T IT .T .J .V`. $1.85 Si /.()>`. FOR THE LITTLE TOT THE WESTON SHOE MISSES SANDALS BOYS OXFORDS For Sa1e-Beauti1`ul semi-furnished bnick residence on corner of John and Bradford St-s., hardwood oors, modern conveniences, ga-rage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Good tenms. .\.'p.pIy 152 Bradford Svt. Phone 818. 6-9 ___.___. ._. A`. ... 9.. ...v...J;,..J-. l .\ meting of the Junior I-`armors will be held in the .\g1'icultu1*a] rooms, Owen S1,. on Tuesda_\' even- Ail]: next. The girls` class. or the !Junim' lnslliultv. as it is called. is [also inclllded in the meetings. Mov- iinr; pictures of educational inlterost \\'iH hD chnxvn and -,1 runnnrlv cf:-in [ M1`. H. R. J. Holmes was zLppoi11~t- ed presidenvt of Orillia and B-arnie Dealers ;\SSOCiLY.i0X1 and Thomas `Brown sem`eta1'_\'. Hl;.', 1JlULll|t:`.S Ul will be shown, as well. I , JIIXVIOR ]*`.\H)ll`1l{.\' M E I*} l_` I.\' 'l'()\\'.\' RELIABLE SHOES READ THE The diuspay in our Millin- ery Departnlent is now com- plete. Fashion at its ')est, =a.b1y describes It. The -d`omina.(.ing feature is ex- clusivness, indi\'i(1uzLl styles that are not duplicated. All the hand work of our own artist t1*in1me1"s-~and the prices are pleasing. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1924 .J ILA)- .$1.8O and $2.15 lt . . . . . . .$1.8O Easter Millinery Corsetiem for Spirella Corsets for Barrie and Alla.ndn.le I 5111.5 Clba. U1 L118 1-. called. 1 and -.1 comedy strip .-\DV'ER'I`I`EMENTS. TO HOLD ON l'L'ESD;\Y v Home Saturdays at 6 Char- lotte Street. For Sa1e-'I\wo young sows, due to iannow soon. Axpp-lwy to C. P. Bowyer, 7!th line, Vespra, R.R. No. 2. Barrie. For Soale-Mayuta.g Electric Washing Machine. ca`biue~t style, good as new. Arpp>Ly A. M. LeGe;u', 79 Blake St. Phone 9841'. To Let-~Unf.urnished rooms, suit.- rmkln Fnu lin-hr lununnl-nnninrv `v\v\`1I LU lJUL*l.lll~.Ll.|lllDllt'u YUUHIS, sun.-' able for light housekeepiurg. Apply 48 Bayeld St. Page Eight ;\[z11111f'z1ct11red in .I:3;m'ic - am... an. ....c-._...,- Perfection ICE Cram Highest prices for good quality? Phone 322 M. Alexander, 142 Bradford St. All orders given prompt attention Phones ]_F{1("f`()1"\ 226 Residom-0 335 or 668 Our Motto : QUALITY FIRST The Cream of Quality PHONE 319 Next Door to Woolwbrths. 22 Dunlop St., Barrie. MONEY %i Brown sMen sWear W. SMITH WANTED Live Poultry MISS WILLERS DAVIE BROS. Phone 439m. 195 Dunlop. GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN NOTICE L. R. ORD FOR SALE TO LET USE - Rmul Hupcrintemlent for the position oil ` of 'I`own:-hip Roads} the your 1924 will be! e undersigned up ti1li nF Anril 1091 I Iiwrie. :.-i. 1 it-N131:-i'i:tii L'illll'('ll. L119 meet- "; in: opt,-netl with the 'l`u:cis order of fserviee, l 1'etor Delisle I~Instin;;s in =t(-lmii-_re. Business was soon cou- jcludr.-d and 21 good DI`0_`.{l`i1.l1l follow- ied. .-\ piano solo was given by [l"rz1nk (*`-pearn. vocal solo by Air. llid. Moor:-. l`EZ1dlll!., by .\lr. J. Shep- Iard t'.\Ientor or` the Beavers), violin lsnlectioii by Sid. Godden, and a. very in-terestinjq dr-'~bute was fought out `l)et\\'een the i ioiwei`s. representerl ;by Mr. D .I-Iedgvi', Mr. V. Collins ,:tnd Mr. (Ir-o. tloringy and the llieaverst. \\'ll0.`-'8 speakers were Mr. ll). Hastings, Mr. Clark Scott and M1". 36. Dunnett. the subject being wold- led, Resolved that cnpittal punish- ment should be abolished." The contest wzls \'8I`_\` close and some _e.\'cellent points brought up by both sides, but the Pioneers had 21 slight- ly stronger urzcumewt and won the decision for the affirmative. The judges were .\Ir. lt`. Dobson, Mrs. S. A\[. Beach and Mr. G. Hill. and Mr. [Dol).s.0n, himself an old canipai.:ner iin the rlel)at.in;;r eld. in giving their tdecision, _4:1ve some e.\'cellent advice `to the young aspirants to o1'zLto1'ic.al lhonors. He pointed ouut that it. was the wiser plan to build up one s ow11 defence as strongly as possible. in- SI('d(l of trying to answer direct the utt.z\ck of the other side. lea,\'in,L: to the last. speaker the task of rebuttal. Bowling Club Off to a Good Start I On l`uesd:iy iiiglw. :1 very on- .thusiastic meeting for the purpose 1 of l`t`-0l`_L'zllll7.{l[lt')ll and election of 0mC(.*ltS for the (`.0-ll)`l'Il,_t.{ season was lheld by the Allandale Bovwlting 01111) in the Y.M.C.A. hall. The Associa- 1 tion is going strong, with every niember looking; l`onwz1rd to one 01' lthe best seasons yet and it is ailso `.`.'l`2l`Ul'_\1inf_{ to know tl1a.t the club is in excellent nancial st.andin~g, with . 2L surplus 011 hmid front last, year. Oflicers elected are as follows: Hon. President. \V. E. Vveegar; Hon. V Vice-President. Rev. W. J. Want; 1-President, Mr. J. Legear; Vice- l resident., .\lr. S. G Sec.- 'l`rea.su1-er, Mr. E. Shear; Execu=t~ive Co.m., Messrs. 1*`. VVl1itney, Alt . Hook, S. Garside, Jas. Brunton and W. B. Webb. i\lr. E.. Shear, who super- vised the care of the greens last i I t t I Burton Ave. Uelhodist Church I 9 1 On .\I0nd:1_v niq;hr at the 1'e_:nIva1 lmeelinq of the Youn: I oop=le's lI.Aez1m1I9, tho Tuxis Square 0|` the; [church had change of the meeting iand wore zlssisxod by \'i.=itinL* mem- !bo1`s of the Pioneer S(111z1m of Essa i.\`t. Presh_\'te1'i:m church. The meet- :1n!r nnpnur? xvioh tho 'T`n-.-5 Av-(`nu nu The Methodist ministers of Barrie district, with a. 1'ep1'esenta.tive lay- man from each church. are holding a. meeting at Orilhia. to-day relative to some action in conuectioi-. with - uuua ....\. 4.yn.x\A.L The s,\1mpa,thy of the community goes out to M1`. and Mrs. Atbert Crawford, Essa St.. because of the |l0ss of their little daug11ter_. Rita, whose death occurred on I"1'idz1y last folelowing an illness of over two months. She was twelve years of age and of 11. bright disposixlion and` will be _;'1`eat,l_v nrisserl by her par- ents and the four sur\'i\'in:_; children of the t'21mi1y. The mneruzl took place on Sundz1_\' afternoon at two o'clock. with Rev. R0) llelville, '1-eemr of St. Cem'_;re's church, 0.1`- Cia`tin_:. i11to1'men~t 1akvin_2; place in the T`.nrI'ic> T'm'nn r-mnmm-v 1u:1u'Lxu_:,'. IILI t'l`lllt'll'l. llll('lI1_2 the Bawie Ynion ce`1nete1'y. 1 illlll tfklhlry b'.\'|.'lIH_.',-Llllltfu. I Mr. Harry WooTa.n*d. who has held `the position of weigh.m:ast.ex' art the C.N.R. scales or about {L year, has Ireceived a promotion, and Mr. lcamewn Gmy has reburned from lToronto to take the place left va- I cant. ml... 1' n1 1.'..I.1 .....-.a..1..... ..c u....:.. I l3d.ll'L. ' The L.O.L. Held another of their popular dances in their halsl, Bur- ton Ave., on Tllesdzby night. The usual good crowd was present. and spent a very enjoyasble evening in all kinds of old time and -modern dancing to the str'a;inzs of excelflent ' m11s'ic sum)]ied by Mr. T. H-unter and 311'. C. Fenguson. llltt llllf Ullgiluti nun U. RLIH IU Twifn SL. wbouxt 6 p.m. on Th1n'sda,y last. A bl-.1ziu:.;' ch.-imney at the home or Mr. B. Thomlpson was the cause. but the re was not se1'i~.)us_ and easily ext-in'g.u~ished. X/Tr T-Tmrrxr \K7nn'Ixnnxd whn hm: hnl MU. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Babb were in .\I`o11t1'ea1 for a few days last week. the gueshs of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11:- g1=a.m, of that city. Mrs." R. Bothweill, who 1111-lexvvmt :1 SeI'i0ll'S opexution at the Toronto General Hosp-it-a.1 on Monday last, is do-in-g nlicely at present. \TI- 7 (iv-nr-av Q1` ham human ear. Mr. and Mrs. A. Homer and son spent the week end with friends in Toronto. ` `\Iua h \l nnhntt 1-..~..~ cn`rl nft` hnv LUIULILU. Mrs. D. Mushett has sold off her household e1'1`ect,s by privzue sale }u:1(i has gone `to New Liskeard. 1\Iu`ss Rina Spearn has taken a position as ste11og1'aq)I1e1' in the 01'- ce of the Barrie Fuel and Supply (Tn |.1|111t'l'Ell J.'1U5}_)'l.l`il-1 UH muuuzuy 111-51, 15! Mr. W. Gmcey, S12, has been set'-` iously ill for the past week and at` latest reports very llttle hope is held out 1'01` his recovvzry. The fire brigade had a. run to 'I`HTh\ Qt suhnml H `nun nn 'I`huv-3-rlnv ALLANDALE Civil En-,-;ineer Omario and Dominion Lmul S'.1r\'e_\'01 13:; Blake St. Ilhnn n (`:0-E Young Life Taken .......-.u... ..p .u_, .-A. year in such thorough fashion, has aprain agreed to take char`-ge of this important duty Represenmtive to the Northern Bowling League will be Messns. Ch-as. Poucher and W. B. Webb. A big tournmnent is planned for June 3nd. It was decided to set apart one night or the lady mem- bers on the green. 4 Special ]W)ays, featur- ing Ladies Spring Coats. Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Simmons 86 Co. Excitement. ran hig~h for it while on Mondzty when in ercozwating on the property behind J. V. Bretts feed store at ibox comtaining a, shank bone was turned up. The `bone was pronounced 3. human one by Dr. A1'na'l-1, who was :pa.ssinwg at the time. In the box, which was in the last stages of decay, crumnblin`-.; to dust when h-andled, was found a number of chunks of lime. No other trace of a bone could be fouml. Then arose -the feature that is dis- pwtcd. On (]if.`,'iIl'f.I a" little funther some dec'1z11`e that they came on a skull, which vanished as soon as the air touched it. Others are equztiigv emphatic in sa._vinL: that there was no such thing. The fzici remains that the bone found was zt human one. Since then the box and all it cou- iained have been removed to safe- keeping. nu: 11L`d\\'lI|_\ 1/`U\\`l;`l' 'unce l1l01` makes 11:11 things nmv." and some at the most (-hurmving music that has ever been written deals with this swbject. A very attractive pro- g1'az1mne of these deliglmtul czn'01.s of sprim.: has been p1'ep~a.red by St. .-\n(1~1'm\"s Choir for their concert next Tuesday evening. the 15th inst. Mess 2 Lorne Arnold. \'io`l.in- ist. and Boyd Sylvester, corneuist, will] add to the interest, of the pro- :.:mmme. Various combinations of piano. m`;.,'an. violin, comet and choir will contribute some delight ['11] ( l)Sl.`Il1v})](? effects. |I;.I<}(l*ll"l`lO.\' T0 BI`) .|`|`}NDER_.ED I C. G. BO\VKER BY COUNCIL I`o-marrow aternoon (Friday) at 1.45 :1 reception will be iendered C. G. Dowker, General I\Ia11a._:er of the` Cenrtral Division of the C.N.R., in Ihe Public Lil)1`z1ry Hall by the B111`- rin Council. l'rr=seutati0n of corti- iicmes of ollir-ir>nc..\' in first aid work will be mzule 1.0 foumoen e111.p103'ees ion Hie C.l\ . slmps. Alilanilalv. 9 Illl,` Ilunc-15 ll) pzlllll, U10 lE).11gl]l11_', soil," there is an insp-irution to am`- nne who has em feoiling for hezuny und for s\\'eeIness amd light." The nsician no less than the p'0et has been stirrted by that, season when Ihel-1eu\'onl.\' Power once more xrw-mnmvno no` Han:-n :14-s`:n-I&l`..I ._......1_ The annual Bible Society Sunday will be observed in the churches in l3ai'riv on Siiiidziy. Apuil 12. The various piulpits will be occupied at either mornin_L: or evening services by one of the following speakers: Rev. J. S. Ha.1'1`in,g`-ton, Rev. Mr. Piu- nnck, Rm`. 1 . J. .\icLzuren. The un- nuuil ineMin._:: of the Society will be held in the Ilmptist. church on Unu- dny evening. 14th inst, at 8 11.111. Rev. Mr. I"innocl\', who is u. re`uurn- ed missiom1r_\' and an able spea.ke1', will ziddmss the mee't`in`g. From limo immemoxiul the heart of the poet has been stirre(1 to rhup.'~:n(lic expression by the return each year of the spring. In the boyhood of the _\'oar, as Tenny- son calls ix, when :`prinq.; nn1ock.~' the owors to paint the laughing soil." Hmrp i< an in fn r|n\'_ bllll soil, nun ;\ll<} [`H. I`.-\STORS .-\ND L.-\YME.\'v MEET T0 l)[S(/`USS UNION BlLLi UPPER (7.\.\'.v\I).-\ BIBLIG SOCIETY ` HUMAN BON:E}~1?_'0UND WHILE EXCAVATING 1 ___, F. W. Livingston leaves on Sun- day for Windsor with twelve men `and will return on Wednesday with a whole ca.1'rava11 of Recs. ;_____... u,_,,s, - .. .....,... ..w.wv..... \l'|. AI:\/\JLl| Anyone having convtnibutions for tnhe vuincmaage sale i11 aid of the Vic- torian Order of Nurses, .to be held April 11 and 12, imder zmsapices oi i.O.:D.E., please phone 639. "l`-...- n..:..;.~I:..,. `n.-__._ r-n-_, .u , - luuvru lbuuu uu1 llllktlll NI.l`t.`Bl.S. Arnanrgennents Imve been com- pv1't,`d for holding an athletic banquet: on Mwondnay, Aqpril 28. Dr. J'a. 11]GS Huwg[hes, of Tnnonto, who is an able speaker on all m:a)ht7ers 1'.1'e- t-aining to sponts, will be present, and give an address. I The hacnh-:11 an.r)wa.r\v\ uv-EH nnnn an 5'1\U E111 'd.Ulll'BSS. The baseball season will open on Good Friday when :1 benet ga me for Worley Livingston waill be played in the A-gricu.1tura.l park at 2.30 13.111. between the C.N.R. and Barrie team-s. Alll bzusetballl fans will be there. Others don`t forget. All :1 r-.nnsvrr:-ntntinn-,\l rnnonnr in .`.-.. luv vo \4| ;-uuuuuvu. You can get Sta.unvL:)n s Semi- T1-imnmed Wall Paper at W. A. Lowe & Son s. I : is the best on the u1arket.. _.V...,._.., ,_..\,..u-, y`AAuAA\4 uuu. Try Pristoline -Pianlo Gloss, the perfect polish tor pianos and furni- ture. The best povllish on earth for ztuitoimobiles. 25c and 50c 23. bottle. J. G. Keenan, sole agent for Barrie. A gang of men are busy puutitinig the Hydro wires 1ln`(leI'-gl`O-11l'1`d. It is understood that the Bell Telephone Co. will also put their wires under- ground, and all the polesioan be re- moved froxm our main streets. Arnn nrnnnnnntc hm vn mean an... Hear the Victor Records for April at J. G. Keen\an ns. `y_,_ _,,, , ,1 IV: . ... 1`lll<} .\|l'SI(' ()1-' .H'l lll.\'(i'l`l.\lI'} :uppuu\-uiul Jul` .1\uzlu upL`l'IlllL`ll(lL`ll[{ ,-\:pp1icati0ns Su;peI'i11tendent in Innisl for will be: received by the the 13th day of April, 1924. i 1:. M. Mcconkey. ! Clc1'l:`01' Innislil ".l'm\'nship,' stroud, Ont. 5 LOCALS The Northern Advance _1 The Barrie and Orillia can` deal- House on Mond-`ay, April 7. 'l`he oh- jecl of the Ineebing was to start 21 `motor car s_\'stem in order 10 im- prove used car condilions. Mr. Gd]- herstT1'ussle1' was chaimlzux and Mr. 1'`. A. Czmssidy secretzu-y. An interesting address was (1C1?\'m'- ed by Mr. J. E. I~`uw.ies. 1111111-u.ger 01 I e1`c,\' C11ambe1'1zLi11 Associzttes LHL, 'I`01'onto, who exp1z1ix1e(1i11(1clni] the motor mart system. i ers held a. meeting in the Orilliul I ....- ........,. .-....... m~v|Js.\,llI. At the close of the meeting :1 vote of thanks was moved by Mr. I iI.\l{Rl_l'J AND ORlLl.I.>\ Al"1`O DE.~\Ll']l{S' ;\SS()f'[.\'l`l().\' The celebrated H-oleproof Hosiery. Niia-gam Maid, \`Winsome Ma.-id, Ha.rvey Hose are among the best we show in Silk, near Sill: and Lisle. Hosiery is :1 specialty and .the range is complete. New coltorings in log cabin, sil- vnv nit-dnln nnnr-hrncn CUl|Ul|Ll_b Hl IUS l.'i.lUlll, ll` ver, airdale, peachrose, biege, sand, buck and suede. 750 TO $3.00 Spring Coats at %Vickers GEO. VICKER S, LTD. GEO. LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor` I Phmw 62:}. NEXT WEEK we have Boys Stitch-Down Oxfords arriving in sizes from 11 s to 5 s. They will be low in price and extremely serviceable. ,13:,.%l!..'?m1H-3, L1M!Il3!2 The Children s Easter Shoes Easter Hose v \ : . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yvovv sizes 2} to 7 YOUTI-IS OXFORDS in B1'0\\'n Calf with R111-)bo1' Heel, sizes 11-2, at . . . . . ..$3.50 at GROWING GIRLS SANDALS in Patent ad Elk, at . . . . .$3.50 and another style in Patent at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.25 Also Gr1.'0wing' Girls Slippers, n4~ Q`) Kn CLASSIC SLIPPERS ]`}l-.1(:k Patent, True-Foot F()1`l11. Sizes 2:}-4-.`_, . . . . . . . . . . .$1.85 Sizes 5-72} . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 Sizes 8-].O~.`_,- . . . . . . . . . . .$3.00 OXFORDS for the Little Misses, in ]`}l:1<-k 01' B1'o\\'n Calf, 21 strong wllool shoe. Sizes 8-10.}. Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.25 Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.35 SANDALS in Patent LCat'11or, with extra \\'0ig11t solos. ' . Sizes 5- ? . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 Sizes 8-10} . . .$1.6O and $1.75 .-\))p1i(`.'lrli0ll for .\`nnHr*:1."Inn: SEE OUR CHILDREN S WINDOW DISPLAY, OR COME ALONG IN AND WE LL SHOW THEM TO YOU. Some of Our Popular Styles at Reasonable Prices l Alxl specially designed to be of a.l.l-round service. They a.retl1eit,_\1pe of coats descrimnin-ating women select for the necessary warmth, usefulness and .smart- ness. They are beautriul, with only one of each style. and alcl priced fairly to meet your approvwal. They are all tylpically spring-lalke and youthful. We invite you to see them. -On `view Main Store. Your spring outt is not complete wi~tho1It neatly fntting g10ves--just as necessary as the new hat, new hose or smart spring coat. Our gloves are the standard of quality. There are spilenidlid selections in kid, silk and cotton fwbrics, in the newest spring shades and desired lengths. "Easter Gloves Ca.ss.id_\' and seconded by Mr. H. R.` J. Holmes to Mr. F`-zLwkos_ for his [splendid address. | Inlli`. -\ La. L\lLT1L1l[vI'l`, .\lUJ.J`llLL .IILl . Il< dealer: W. M. Ritchie and L. .J.l I{ea1'r.s. Chevrolet; A. J. Orr. : x`t:n'! and Dm`:u1t; H. R. J. Ho1mes.! Studebaker; G. Trussler, Ricken-i becker; R. A. Brown and 'I`11omus ` I3\1'o\\'n, Ford, all of Orillia. I u ----- --- w---~~-~- Subsequent to this, the Orillia and Barrie dealers had it nleeting and ldiscussed the nlzbtter from everjv iviexvpoint and also exldeavored to rrbtznin a suitable site to carry on such business. The deu.1e1's pr<>-sent were : Cimrlvsl Be-elby. llchaughlin. repx'esez1Iinr: all; T::u'1`ic: A. C. 1\IcIut,v1'e, .\IcLuu,-zhlinr do-rnv-` WK `AI `Difr-him and 1 I l I_ [~'\11.|_), $3.50 in Patent, two styles. 1)1I:l1f\f1 (`1 on For Sa.le--Driwing mare, 6 years old, sound. A bargain. Apply A. Rovbinson, Cundles.

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