Ulll. A large portion 01 the t'arming t'rutt0r11il.\' ot' the district comvprisiug Solmh Simcoe will be sort) to learn that Mr. .\lcC'u;.;ue is leaving vthel service. I-lis czmrtbilities are un-l questioned, his ability to o1'gzn1ize.e and calm through an i111p1'otvemenI project has brought forth ndlulirwtion 1'01` him all over the disvt1'i0'I and his imelest and love of work are conceded on all sides. \h- \`lnl`..rn.n I\v\r\| A11is~tox1. in October, 1921. The County 01` Simcoo was divided into two districts in the summer of that _vea1', and in .\11guS-I the order in council set;Ii11:.; apart Adjahi, 1`c-c:m11- seth, \\7es;L (L\vi1linibux;\', Iimisfil, Essa, 'l`ossurm11io and .\'()Huwasz1gu 21>: zz soparzitu 2xg1*i(-11l1111'z1l district was passed. Siiice 0Dl`IliIl`.'.' the oice and taking .chz11'g,o oi.` the (listricl. M1`. .\1cC21gL1c` `has made an uxiusuully 5-nod reputa- tion mi` himseli with 1hs- (iUDzlI'lll1(3iiL than employs him. This he richly 1)ec;u1.~;n- [1H);~:<: who liI1t)\Y him iulimzucly ! what El: -hzml \\U1'ixL`i' hv has bL".`Ii and are! lnuL . to sue him rx-H11qui. I H11: Hm nn In-mun-.. .... lli')l\` ` nu. .\1c\,z1:,'ue upeneu U19 omce 111 _u-Hrs Wu!) 1: Inko short c .\.:ric1IlI111':xl pc=11. paid. .\Q nu -uh? Dl*}I"l`. l.()'I`H T0 I .-\I{'l` \VlTH J. J. E. .\l('(7.-\(il'E IN 13'. ?Sl.\lCOl x,u11u,1u LAC-p(ll*Ll|1t`ll\l, qu1L.s`, 1111: new` man is i11 the oice 11 couple of weeks bel'01'o the 1`eIi1'i11g 1111111 goes out. roumrp HI lb Hxis type f I`\\'vn!_\' r nu-int in I` .JuL'\;ut.`u U11 illl mues. Mr. .\IcCug11e opened the oice in Hisvfnn in nmnhm mm mm` UCH 311111 xzublis n .-in I uu-u .~uu:-. uuxr: HIE`, s\v1ne,; 1 x'aisi1):.' and in1p1'ovm1wnr. of type \b1'ml 1)a:< been en1phasi'zr-\(1.: ty demrmstxmtion ocks now} in (he dis.trict:1nd ve dipping 4 uuu uuurnn llll'.' v:xlur- time and 11,: v 1iIt1upopIx1a1'i1_v, in: -he9n =11.-lI`llm int . Al." "THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1924 uullllstth Cnlleg IIUJH.` and . . .\ ...x I\ III the 'lpu1pit .1111liI1iS 1\uu\\u:u'_<,t;' ;;.L)L`b l,!Il`l'L` 111.13 UE`(:`l] UH" ion and h:u'm0n3' with the co1L;1`(>:;L-- Hion. "hey have u1\\ u,\'s stood 1()_\'21l-I 1_\' by their minis:t(->1`. The I'1_'e=.'~'h_\.'- .leF.\' wr-1r-o1ur>..< )'(.`11 (`Ul'(H1l`11`\' and will loo-opczzate with you. I e1`s01)a11}'. I !\\'Pc0me you and Mrs. Brown, and the m0l11D1`S of your fzunily. 3121; you be happ,V with us." 1 Tu hie nrh-nee in mm ,.n........,.,. I yuu U13 ndpp_\" \\`lIH US." In his z1(1d.1'ess to the c011g1'egz1- U011. D1`. '.I`11,\'101' 1'ofe.1'1`ed to some of the 1hi11:s he would like the 1119.111- bers of the c011`41`(~sz1vtion to keep in `111i11d. in their 1'o1at.i011ship 10 the Innu- ucm U1 un: \'l.!lLL',l'(",$Z1l1UI1 10 Keep 111' [new minisirr. In the Ii-{Sit place the imemhers 01' the c-r.~1i.'.1' 4.-':1ti011 5211011111; in-ax` in mind that they 0-wed their: iiiinister respect. They should also realize that the minister talked to llhem as an illllhil-`S`.1d()i` of Christ. iThe minister mu dec-lare the :f1l`1lIh. The 11i:ir1i.=ts-r must not be re- gzmtleti as the hired mzni and 21' por;~:on to be 5:01 rid 01' it` he does; not please the majority. ' Our l1liniFlvl'i.`~' not a hired` man," added Dr. 1`u_\'ior. Coming; 1,` {`*h.in.n...- .. ... .` :. - ..--v - `mull, uuuvu 111'. Hl_\ lOl`. "L,`(m1i11L;? to ChzlImei'.'~'. A. man is e.\'p(=(n (>t1 in. he i'u.ithI'ul to Irauiitinm; and we` shall think more of 0111' n1ini.~'te1` for; being t':u'thi'ul. .r\nd we shall re-a jmembcar that I110 M1109 is one 1'01` {which -he is 1'e.vpt)11sil)Ie* first of all? to God. The niinister must be fear-. less and independent. And the` (.-,011}.;1'e_;atio11 n1u.~'.'t have lolc->1'uiIi0n.f The minister mu.=,~t also have time` for situdy. His t;ime 1111!.`-Ti. be guard~! ed if we would have ihe best that is in him. The minister must alsol be cheered in his work with faith- ful attendance on the part of the] congr gait-ion. j T. lminu Ir-nnllv 41...`; I.:_ ..-....u_ 5- (Kingston Whig) Rev. George A. Brown, _\I.A., I}.D., `was on 1<`1'i(lu_v evenintg inducted as ministe1' of Chaime1"s Pre.sb_\*.te1'ian chtirch. Rev. I. N. Besksnedt, .\I..\., Moderatoi` ot' the hingtstoii 1 1'esvb3'- tery, oiciated at the induction cere-i iuony before nleultbers of the Pix esJy- tery and u lztrge c011g1`eg;atioi1. Folv lowing the induction ce1'en1on_\' pro- per, the new niinistt-*1` was given the right hand 01' f(;`l`10\\'s`Ship by niexnbers 'ot the I t'es-bytery. Rev. '1`. J. S., I-`e1'_:11.~'.nn. n1ini:~;te1' of Cooke's Pres-` byteriun church, conduc-ted the open- ing.-; de\`()tiu11u1 exercises and Re\'. R.- J l"w~ni r-Im-1: no` ihn I)..m1..-e....-. uuurgl ._',wL-nun. Le h"Lm know tlmxt his work is not in vain. 'l`o get the vexy best. out of work one must.be happy in his work. What will make :1 happy [man will make- :1. lmpp)` cong1'e{:a- ixion. A4 H... ..u.._, -n .- - * I n i I [U11 WLLS l.itt\L'-ll. ' A request from .\Iiss A. L. Ric-h-ll .\'(*_\ wilhouvt any cost rf<>11t1'es have been osIa1bli.shr~(l \vi!h :1 tank in <-nch centre. In zulditinn to all this. :1 furnxs in nthe (li.~:mir:t have n n derd ruined . the (1 cm I"! m enm I 'prn.' having` nnnde Hu- fmv been re- .- = tn the t'ar:ne-1'.l \\'hiln nH1'f6nn< 41. NE\\ .\llXlS l.`ll{ l.\'Dl.'C 1`D INTO CH.-\L.\lll{-`S CHLTHCIII 1:15,`, urvuuuuiu K`-.\EIL'A>nC5 uuu 11.L`\. 11.- J. Craig, clerk 01' the l 1'es1;yte1`y, 1`o110*.\'in3: the usual custom, recited `lhe steps lakell in e.\'t(,-n(l\in;.,-' the call 3110 Rev. Mr. Brown I `Jun l`\.. i 1 i \l..,.,.I... \r.`,.rt:n:....... .1- Amllfl (lllkl .1\U {p.1`i11ci.pul of j(l1`f*6S(-`(I the u I Rm . 311`. 6 h. nnlvxi luuu. At`Lhe close of the service Rev! :Mr. and Mrs. Drown shook handsi ;with members 01' the (-011:1-e-._:,'u.ti0x1.` ' I , 7 i Rev. Dr. .\I'.1co1m .\Iz1cGilli\'r;1_\' de- ]'1\'e1'ed the zuld1'o.<:s in the new min- ; istor and Rev. Dr. R. 31'u-u ]`z1_\ 101',| nl`inr~~Tv\-ul AF {`\nn:.-u`n 1 v :1 `nu J\.U\. .u1. uLU\\|l l K. \I\ {'1 |I it-ipal I`f\ In A x-_\ \\HuUll'l any CON! While quitting Hm 2`I'i('1I1HIr:11 (lupurtxm `umm will not loaw nlnnc 1-nnu-nu.-`no... '!'l_1__e_S_i;_r_[g<)e Marble Works E11012 - l4UUl\ l\lgIIl."'xJLl_yO l\lb'lIl. If properiy hung_fr,. ` At present prompt service can be given and wide scl- ection to choose from. Terms :1rr;1n_s,L- to suit a;,,__ _ r .,.,n ,... In. ....-_u 1 G. W. J. EASTMAN , I\I-III `:1 CBC}! Lila} located Gnu -I\IVV an: LAALJ 111111.: To Place Your Order for a Monument or Memorial Let us got it 1011- ferod and ready for setting early in the spring. - A large stock of all kinds of gran- ite and 111211-blc to choose from. LOVVEST PRICES 20 Owen Street BARRIE Malia.` lUl I.|\L`~L L111! 1 H, member of this EL resident of this ci` !1'lH\-1~n\- and n:< ||I`.: (L lit! Banker Hnanchu nhn n':n:. .uu, UL nu: LIL), nguu . and as far as goes there lms been -nunnr u'1'l1~. fhn nr\r|:rI-r . . I m to Imv (.s`l:Ii(,`:I been` 1. tlepzwlxlxexrtal ha\ 1'n;: .-:ur-` nnv (Inc)! in ihn 4'. - -12{9VY.15. TEE TIME. Cdldfe R. Harper M Decorator Strand 1 .I..I-ha J. A.IL.r.|.J. `i hone 277` ntn \ APP UL HM`. in-nt, M1`. M0- 1 town. He hm n uu .. .'l.~..:,.A Iulrlul` UH` .` farm ` u.-Ln-x-Inn nl` I)!- dism ivt no Mun- `. vrn. L"\\ ll|lL|' 'I`21_\`101', | :il\' sill. : i1lt?l`.[ the} "In 1 _,.. _.., .. .u,u-nu`-;, um un_\ UUJBCLIOXIS ' to the csald sun-v0_v will mlce place `.'2ll1(l Il1r- re-l1n'n.<; ml` the !~`nlll'\'0,\,' will `Ibo duly (.-onsidero(l, provided any `:`ol)jec-lions to .*~Y2ll(l sur\'(-xv have been _ .mu.rle and tho I)opm~l1ne-m, is noti- ..|I`1o(l ucc(n`(ll11:{l_V. In the event.-of P no nl).ictinns l)(-in5.: Illml. the survey will lm (:rm1irmu(l in 1lf`('Ul`(11lllCL` with _;tlm1:ro\'isi<'>n.< nlf the .\m u.b0\'e , .1111-nlirmorl. BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY Toronto, Mzirch 245, 1924. ; In compliance with me require- pneuts 01' the Act respecluiiig the sur- ;vey of lands, ChZLpILGI' 48 of Out-a.i`io 'SatuLes 1920, secnion 18, notice is `rhereby given than the survey of the lime between me 15th and 16m Iconcessions of the Township of Sunnid-ale and the road allowance bertween rl`ot.s 3 and 4, 6 and 7, 9 `and 10. in the 16th concession, has been perform-ed and stunidard iron 'm0nusn1ern.ts to xnank 1110 said lines Hmve been planted by Ontario La.nd iSu1~\'eyor A. G. Ardagh oi Barrie, !who has filed the i`e`tl1I`llS of the -s1Ii'vvy in triplicate in this Depa,I`t.- lmenr. ( r\.. 'm.....,.,i.... ..._, . .. -- Barrie - Fviaraie - Werlis =--CLOTHES=-- E Dry-Cleaned and Pressed ii | Ultll. I On Thll1`S(1i1_\'. mhe 811) day !1924. wt 10 o'clock n.m., wt ` lBc-:a('h, a heurim: of z1n_\' oh, |tr) ml: iaml I111 sun` llm dnlv r-:uminm.,I | (Founded 1851) I Published every Thursday morn- ing at the office. 123 Dunlop Street, I Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year `In Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 gln United States. Subscriptions `payable in advance. Advertising `rates on application. Morrison & `McKenzie, Publishers. A, D 3 oooooooooooooooooooonoooo E. J. BYRNI-:3 _ _ Memorial Tablets Corner Stones 1 Markers Monuments `Ca11a.di2m 85 Scotch Granite E PR ICES RE I .)UCED {JOHN F. IVIUREPHY, Prop. YlW..1,__1 I" E 1E1@ B395. _ , T _ . .- --- - - T j- ?Phone 616. - Five Points Lz111ndr_v called for and delivered 1 Prices reasonable W01'k1n:1nsl1'11) gua1'an`reed on all fmnilv wn. Telephone 754 75) fI};I)'fi<>I<'1S1'. - L LII Iltl-IllQ`H| .-\l1 pzulic Il'\l1\Cn)|`nu ;.;..r:..:.u..:. .n.\.r.:.1 2. u\J.l.v.I. " $31115 JJLUUA, Dd1'1'1U l.\'h'l'll.~\.\'Cl`1--I-`iI'e. Life. (`z1.~;1m.It,\', Plate Glass. Antmnnhile. ]`l(,`Kl<} l` .-\(il`1.\"l`--CzL11udian Pacic RE1i1\\'1_\' and Stnzunship Lines. Likewi: Cunard. Anchor and ;\11cho1'-D0n21ldson Lines. I}o0kin}.zs to every part of the world. Service une.\'ce11ed. 'I`1'zu'el C.I .R. l)0.\l[.\'I0.\' E.\'l RESS .\l0.\'EY ORI)l<.`l{S Telephones: Office 183, Residence 549 TI-IURSDA Y, APR [L tioned. copy Mn mu "L. v\'. Horko. l)i|'c(`.tnI' of E Jzunos: ;T._von.~:. .\lini.s'tor Lnntls and . mu, -nu I_|a_\ U1 xu`d.,Y, u.m., Wasaga objections aid SlIl'\`ra\` will fulrn M-um R. G. MANUEL -n;r ____ I-vr\4 \a u a.v.l.1J.I U .l.'.lJ.I 1*V`fgr. Phone 72 N ogice llll with hi rt Hl!I`\'0_\'Ol"S report 1 'I`hnmzu~; 1-`. 13111`- ;`1vr1<, .\`m_v11er. or of Slllwuys Ofce. nus. 'I`u1'ont0. 1-pint}:-.u'l in ..A......... Page Three- THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. I III Ulllll. |il'L (] L0 qovenn V. l}2u'1'ie. ` Surveys. I~`ox-ests- ' of May, \Vnsa um Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. -..- ..-.. -...-,.-n_-. .... ..-.... Drop :1 (lard or Phnnu S r 1.4 and 21 repruscmutivc will call (g as 00000090990096990009999994) - An up-to`-date line of new furni- ture at very reasonable prices. Your old furniture taken in part pay- ment. Anything not in stock can be supplied on short notice. 3 Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention Experience paints the way HAMPTON E. J ORY King Block, Barrie ~'l'll:\.\'Cl`1--I"iI'e. (`.'lsm1.lt,v. l l:ll(.(lns<. `\ntnInnh OR0 COUNCIL 2.---- uuuu :- Capital, $5,000,060 ECENTLY a man left his son a portion of his estate on con.c1'2'tion th3L he save $500 out of his own earnings within five years. V/fly? Because he knew from experience that one must first learn to save before he is capable of l1a:1dlin{7"othi:i' money matters suc- cessfully. Systematic saving develops responsi- bility and careful judgment, and gives that confidence which leads to success. VVe invite you to make your start now with If It s Furniture You Want Call and See Oro Council met at the Town Hall on .\Ionda_v, March 24, with all the members present and Reeve Mc- Kinlay in the chair. Thu 'Rnnvn 1-Annular` H1510 hn hurl .7?=`nhIz's}:ed 1F $.~ BRANCHES : Barrie Allanw Goods Called for and Delivered A. E. SMITH 20 MULCASTER St. W. HR"? l ULL ll.'lt'. A map of me township, also table` for infovmation, was received from (3. H. I-`uXI(,~rt0n. Supt. Colonization {Road-s. accomipanied by :1 letter ask- in: that some one be appointed to! |lll:H`]\' the roads oi` the township on` [the map and ll out the table of in-: jfornmtion. The Deput_\'-Room and` `("lm`l; \\'<'re z11)proi11:r2(1 to attend -to! , this. \nnH..,.o:,..\.. 1`-.. AL- .n2, n r- w uun`u1'_y WZLS 1611!. OVOI`. The request from Frank Crawford and others to have some hawnhorne trees cut at lot 21, Com. 5, was le-it in hands of Coun. Crawrford - r1...\........-._..4.-..__ 4-,.-. A o- -4 .l\4lIH2L_)' Ill LHU Ull.ll'. The Reeve repovted that he had looked into the u1a,tLex` of Hydro can-I rtract of J. L. Hughes and found it] would not he 29. s.zLtisfaoIor,\` 0011-: `(met for Council to accept. Report! adopted and contract returned. On :1 v-nnmvnranrlrntinn S`:-rum nn-l !Il .........a va. uuuan. uaanvmulu. Communications rom A. G. Ca- lvzlna, I .L.S.. 'I`ownship Engineer and, W . J. Packard were read and placed` ion f1-lo. I \ H... I\`` 41. 4-... -u,, . u. ardson for granrt to Olmghurst Lih1'ary was let over. '[`hn rntnlncf fnnuu L`:-n1v\,r rI........n-...11 .I\1land.a~1e Reserves, $7,000,000 Repairing for the 0mm,- of C0_I- `cein,-1 fmm Zoo. T. Kendzlll, H. C. I):u\'- :u:Lr.-lI:1m1 and '1`. H. ,. n -1 nnlizmnn no 1) E 1 mvale Phone 229. 1| ._- I UV! n ctr nppointml 180 ..C?CCCV"'WVTVVU?7.?. ... g Good Wallpaper I ||\' Hl Snlitl (`m 'I`hi.< is 2 `1(ml;:~' an `I'I\|Il\I THREE RACE HORSES L-) g AT DYMENTSTABLES| )I`;m_\' ]I'or.s'cs I)isposcd Of_; New and Large Crop Coming On. 1'11: .uul no The f0I1n\\'in:` brood m:u'e:~: m` `,in ]_"0o(1 health : .\Ia._v Bloom wilh .s11c-.k1in'.: by , peczmoe. ' 3011;; Io.\' with :~'.uckIi112' by nonv : K.(lUUt'. E El`I'diI1.ROC()I11]OSE1lLC9, S`o1idC0m- Ifnrt. \\'0o(I`l)ine. Yrlspra, I1Iumanzm>. jDe.pPnds, Hem and Anmnl are all jcz11'1'}'in_L_' fouls and are expect-1-(1 this mxomh. luum nu ullbull illllf L/Ul'll. 01 l"()I'f' ll-Iris. and will be taken in L-l1z1.x,::e by 1 I`rui11m' Williv Wior, who will also llnanrllv l`irisk rm` tlw sanle 0\vn.o1'.s. |'I`rulnm' Weir has .l)e(-.>n in cl1a1':.-.13 01' {the D3`;mr>nt sIul)lr: sine! Jan. 1st, Elasut, but, is lezu`in_-.; ne.\=t Tm-s(la._\', and will talw up the Wilson pull` all the Woodbine. Aquatic has also l'0un.(l :1 new '|0wne1' in the person of Mr. Doc Si- :nmn< mm min mm. in u.:.. .-.,.l.\.... Not 111 a g1'ez1vt 111z111_\' yozxrs 11:15 such 21. 51112111 1111111bo1' of `11101`o11g11- breds 1'ep1'ese11 `the 1'a11110us Dy- ment colors as will when the sp.111115.t -meeting opens 51.1 the \V00db111e 011 _\[a.\ 17111. Excep-tin_; for .the pair of King's PIlLtEI'S~--ThOl'I1t0Xl and ;\Ia_\'p0I0-- the only one left {:0 this stable isl Corenzio. All the rem of we s:uc2~;` rezuly to race l1z1\'e been disposed of. . the \'ete1'inu1',\"s sold 10 \\'il( m zmd"COI'{i. K J .,..ux .;_- nu |\| I-Ic-1'endes.\', uftor DIISF-i115, th1'm13_'h T`: N P n n r] will h1lI][1'>`. Im an]: on in has been of I-"or: nh .. v ...x L.` | 1 nun %Iz1st. I "and V H.UU`[.Pl!fu ktllu lJUUl.l'ilL`L u~:u.u1'uuu. On a. 1'eom1nend~:1ti0n from On- tario Municipal Associzuioii, no ac-{ tion was taken. i A vnxnnnnt Cw-nun \`fu'.-<.- \ Y T)nh ...\,...., uuu wvul -uu.\: IL]. 1115 L'U1Ul'S. Severzll .ge11`t1eme11 have been try- `ing to purchn.se PhoI'nt0n, and M1`. 'D_V'll]lOll`I. refused 1L cash offer of $5,000 for the brown gelding. gm. wwmzmnls . VV. Crosasland R In!-Pan .-I An W . ul'U.SSl3.11(1 '1`. Rogens 1*`. D. Hvaight \V. Unry `H. A. Goodwin I .\ L` nIIH`\l\|nn R. Wolfenden .. .\.. ..-.... ..uuu.-, uuu .v\.u.xpa L\l nuuun. There are foumeexl well bred 111z1~l1011s at the f211'.n1, and all are in foul, several z111'oad_\' hztving suck- lings by their side. The smllions, Heresey and Tippe- canoe, are both in the best of condi- tion, and are credited with a line lot of offspri-ng. H iu H10 infnndinn nf` \l'u- M T\u_ |1ll_L'. blfilhull. 11L` :con(1ition and 11e\'er On March 26th, at Bayetd Srt. whamf, amt of a. possible 25, the fol- lowing scores were made: D 1'1....I... I . . gE. Wxlvblams lur rum;-aI....,1 ( \.IlIII(l\I st roux: Cl1H)L`~1 1).`. IUL Ul Ullbl}_]l'l' k 11 is the intendion of .\I.r. N. Dy- memt to send some of his IIIZIFES to outside sires. ` f`r.u-nnuin "oil! `\1\ 9 3 Looks Right--Stays Right 0 If nrmwrlv hun. Ull`l.S1UU S111`! Corenzio stud if he this season. bilily that nnnn \O (Ln Iuvvucl m mu }_H.`l`2:'()I1 i moms, and will .1"a1ce 0.. v uru ` ` 1`h<- fr)1lo_wing students pzLsse(I the i1` e1)}'t1z1r'}' hnn.I exnmizmtions In The II3`.l; Iidnt-nfm-2` .\cL`nninI? n ..r 31:3 . Tera h 21 innn ;\. LIUUUWIII . I'. Ba.ughma,n (`.I'ce>11nvo0r1 . . I3. Coutts .... Orr . HIS! .\'I<}HS (`.()[.l.l~}(il`I .V()'l,`l<}.S' B.-\ RRIE -(.`l'I\' CLUB Bllf. xzio will he re-tlirotl to the fails to stand training son. but there is every possi- hat this good horse will he the bz1r1'ie1' often this com- szon. He is in the pink of `:1 looked bet.IL-1'. llllkl-I L*.\1lull1HlI l( IC(ln(:ato1's' .\: in .\`l-1m.:r:1ph_\' T? Rnmn-n \\' (By Bill Breen) OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC ` 0 v Herende=s_\' Sold l\'in_;`s Platers .u,. .1, The Stallions I1 1'n0 Ma res sucklin:.: by Tippe- illlkl Inu- UL 1 by the j I-I02` I3 . 4'\1I UIIIJ Us-L XL ll| _'- mce to show 1:1sI 111101115 m'r.-?1':1ak.i11,<.: 111.-.<. he 15 now {it {nn 5'.` -.9 wu-nub I 7 1 iu his colors. 1 nrnfnn und \1.. 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO;OOOOO O6 Tn:-mg-nx .uuu| cu I'll!`-Ill` J. H. Bell. and \\ . .\Iaye :1 n ,,_ T 11 1'1) rook. Z ccopled a posi- D] (Tn `\'4ilIl\in The Northern Advance the Broke 1') 0 IHICIIL little Mr. A} lay it` the pc his re .1 ov\ .1 no nu 1.11.3 u1.:u1ul l1l|\\ M215 0110`, [U SUI`-i ontio hu\'in_-_~ bow-n o1':.;u11i7.(~d in 1922. and Adjnlu in 15022:. I\'utm\\':1sug;1 has mo .~:.choo1 1'ui1':', 1mere:~:L in 111859 pm'o],v local and o;-. Ia_L:ric-nhural 1-\'em:< has grown rapid-I |1y under Mr. .\I('Ca:4m:- and last year nouth sinuous: had school l'ai1's whiCh,; . in poim of oicioxxcy and inte1'est,g (.'()l11piLl'9(1 1'umml)]_\' wilh any in the |px'0\`ince and Sll1`Di1SS(1 m0.~:t of them. I 'l`l.,. .....:.... ' uncut. The swine hF`l'(1S 01' South Sitncoe have tttttlrttggotie _gt't~:i.t 01121115,-"es since Mr. .\I(-.L`z1.3,tie has h<-on in the dis- trict. The demand t'm' the distittr,-ti)" bacon L_\2m- oi hug \vtns _iu. nizticinr.-` itselt` felt when he opened the othcv here and i;no\\'ing all itb()lH the (lv-` nntnd and the h();.;_ the DzlC1{(`I`>} \\'('I`(` (1(`.!XlLi\1l(1illg', set to \\'m'k to get the l'iLI`i1l(`I'S to chztnf.-,e frown the old type. to the long. lean nnitnul so much; in dernztnrl for e.\'po1`t. Mere .\I1'. Mr:-_ Cztgtie shoxved nnusnul tact. I\'now-' ing that the older men would he hard to ('()I1\'iIl('(' in the niztttet`, he 5I1t`l'I(.`(l with the _\'Ull'n`_ , mt -n. nnd by tnvuns of judginaz` contests, soon convinceti them that the hncon type was the hog to raise. Tthen he or- lganized pig clubs and last fall had the satistiztctiott of seeing the prize carload of bacon ltogs, in which the; whole province competed, come frornt` his district, the porkeazs 2111 having been rtuised by young i'zu'-nters who were Ill(.*r1Ilbel`S or the pig ciui)s he had organized. YA :,. AL, ..,, --A - - - -. =,........vu. It is -the results no has had in LTz1i11ii1g; and leading the junior fa1`111- ers of which Mr. McCague is cnb\=ious- ly justly most proud. Realizing, as 1`epu`ese11Itwt'ives in older districts had, that it was useless to try and get the veitemn fanuners to change his methods. Mr. Mccngue stanted with the young men and boys. The short. course.--., of which he has c011- ducted four in the three wintem he has lled the`*1,ice, fully successful in S'!i1I`LilLg en- thusiasm and in inipanbing knowl- edge. The judging tennis likewise` med the imterest. of the young, and under his instructions Souith Siincoo judging tez1.m.s acquired a imowledge of the fine points 01' live stock thaw on 21.1) 1 ed pate in them to successfully com- _\'(`2ll'S won pi`i7.e.< siiort .`. I`i('IIiillI`2ii r-nnbiinu` mu i`{~'(`.\` ni Ihv ("wilt-:0 \\'i'h liivm no ()n=.'n'in nii were wonder-1 initer-coun't.\' jmi_L:in: *0n- lvsis`. no loss than nine of .\ii'. .\ic-` (.`u:.,'iie'.< _\'t')llI1`-`. jlIt1.'.:es h:1\'in:.: in two; ..\'_' 4 T? 1 i93`:00":`6"-.$ $03 ->wI~QO960O`9G9OO6~66O060006<>609O4D-6606; `