Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Dec 1923, p. 11

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The Northrn Advance I.IJd 4.66 l: ft -' \\'rEtm'.~'-" 'AxAnA ll LY `. We know an Old Couple like this 1.4`: 4.16 A`I `l.l_l) 4.16 3.91 `V01 DJ); 3.6 1:) ECOUNCIL DISCUSSES ' ; HOCKEY ouasnou ! i13o_\fs C0un(-.i] D1s(-uss Tums ` ],I()(-V1 League Instead I *1 Of L0ag11e. E The Boys Town Council, in regu I lat` meeting ztssembled on .\lontlu) evening, put through a good (10111 01` business in a short time. .\ia_v.o1' -Howell 1 arti'i(l:.:e, after calling the meeting` to oi'do1', out- lin:=(l the duties -0! the Council, and ;._:z1.\'e ra t'o1'cible talk on Tuxis work and its value. Ho empliasized the rf.'l,Ct that tl1e Council should work eu.1`nestl_v to better boys` \\'o:`l< in l32t1'1'ie, and stiggestecl that \'a1'ious committees be :Lpp0inte(l to look at`- ter different 'l)l'zlllCheS or Tuxis ac- tivity. He th lI_Lj'l1l that .\h'. Smith might be asked to not us a critic oi the work 'l)oin;: cztrriod out in Coun- A31 iat an _ HIS H1- 398` me ial 'i111 to the DIS to =a\v ;1'onto, lonal (l1-l(\,:::1te.<, l1owm'-1'. 1,1111] .!)0m1 211111011111.-11, 1no. witl1o11t in-1 1. ` The annual convention of the North Simcoo l'.lv`.O. was held at I Sta_vne1' on 'l"l1u1'sdu;v last. Owing to the down.po111' of rain which con- tinued th11'ou_<.:ho11t the (lay and the very 1111satisfact01`y condition oi` the rozuls, the attendance was not very large. Dick Baker, di1'(=cto1' 1'01` the constitttency presided. The speakers were Mrs. J. S. .-\1nos, p1`osi(l(>11t 01' the l'.l".\V:()., and Mr. John ll`. .\la1'ti11. wostexn o1'_Lr,:111i'/.m' 01' the- lTnited l<`:11'n1(>1's Co-Ope1`ativr| Com- pan)`. I`hos. Ross, .\l.I .. \\'-as also p1'v. and spoke h1'iotl_\'. .\l1's. .\n1os s<,poI on the _\'on11.4 peoplo':- section of H10 l'.I1`.O.. and (111 lC.=.:`-.1" C1':1ti11_L: :111(l .\Ia1'k0ti11_;'. .\l1'. M;11`ti11 dealt on the r)1's.-'z111i7.atir111 \vm'k. No zlmion was t:1l in the 111211101` of policy :11 the hi}; ('.011\'v11tio11 in To- Ci}. ()n motion of John Dotbson and |Syd11ey Godden, it \v'.t.s ordered that the Boys Town Council take over the control 0-1' the Junior Church I-Iooliey LP21f.Tll(? and in its stand t'o.1'n1 a Trail R:11L2;e1's Lt-`a}..l10 and :1 Tuxis Boys I.e21:.:11e, and that each square in the town he asked to en- `ter a team composed of their own square. .\1:-so that each team h(-7:11` its mvn expt-nsvs du1`in_<._-; the h()ckey L-nncnn lives .n.u..avu.. On motion of Chester Carson and Lorne .\IcDo:` it was (lo<:i(led to !'0rn1 a -basketball 1c.:gm- I)+~'\vm-n' `the Tuxis Sqtmres in town, it` pos- sible. Election 01' C0l11l11lSSi0n( 1'S 1'esulI- ed in John Doxhs-on and DeLislc Ha.stin:_:s bein5.,j' chosen. John Doib-, son, DeLise Hastings, S_\'(1ney God-I deli and Bill Ba1lz111t_vne wele elect- ed 10 the Alhlmic Coniniiltee. Roger Wilson, Charlie Hu`htc-1' and Lorne .\IclDongall lomn the ~Concla\'e C0111- mittee. 1 nu-,u,\. It was moved by James Robert- son. sec-,0n(1(=d by Neil .\1cBrid<>, thatl 21 form 01' cha11en}.;ing and accepting chalenges in 21 cha1len;:,'e game dur- in_-..: a Conclave be agreed upon. ,I\E1 I I ,... ...,\A:.\... ..1' .4 \,v.......... V- ..,,.vu.. ..,.-.. It was decided on motion 01' Lorne .\lcDoug-all and :Roger VVi1son that each Tuxis Square be asked to `present a report Olf its liadge work and other lines of its activities at eveny second pieeting 01' the Town `Council, so that the Council 11111)` be able to check up on them and stimulate them 1:0 greater efforts, and that the reports of the Trail Rangers Camp be received as well. through their respective memabers at the meetings at which the Tuxis re- ports are not given. uu.`.. ...v V. B....... The followin-g members were chosen as a -p1'oga~a:11me commit`tee to look after group work and see that it is carried 0111: Chairman. |Ed. Carson; `Collier St. Methodist *1-ep1'esemati`ve, Geo. Service; St. An- ldrew`s, Reg. Blackstock; Central Methodist. Alan Chantler; .-Xllandale, Victor Collins. I -. . _..1| _.-w. \I`4 ..... >~/I John Dobson was appointed by` Council to inquire into the possibil- iities of getting Jack .\Iine.r to comm ]to town to give his popular lecture ion Birds. ` NORTH .N`l.\l("()l} l . I . O. l<}l.l`}( "l` S.-\.\I la} ()l"I"l( `ERSI I (`I-mun ('lwoso. uml ('lIrI':u|t, Hahn! I . C`,ro;11n two tz11)1(\.p0nnI'u1s 01' I)l1l-- _`lm`; add t`l11`(-0 c1`n:1I1\ r-11-`msv; .lm.1t glhorour.-hly; moistnn with :1 liillu.` 1`,hc>n\'_\' ('rnnn1; shape as Iw:-zls; fill ]`h01lnws with mlrmm ,ioH_v or (-nr-| ` run! jnm. Hr1'\'u on Iotturw `inavosl spx`in'.(Ic>(1 wilh I*`r<'-nch (lw<' I f The directors and (=xr=cnIi\'r~ \\'m-v` ;rr+-c~1ect<> The_v arv: Dick Ba1:m',' iCn]]in2'\\'nm1. Diromor; .\lo.\'. Hu- 3 1...... n.... vzm. n:..,.non... \ \' 1slmny.: sh-in_'.:' (in. 1110 \\'in::s and ]a"f.".\` g(*10s(>I_v to the body. .'\`p1'iui-:10 with `_0ur and sent; r'0\'m' the hr~\u.~". with lslicns of salt pork, and bake in :1 {double rouslm' in n, m0 uvon. ('I`1n'o.o hours are .rnq'.1i1'u1 for :1 `i"t.en-.pnm1d ttlrkoy.) v ` . I Clean the turkey: stuff. and with I I LVIUI .1698 1699 1700 1'71 I Crumble one yonst cake into mm [of scolded and cooled milk. stir un- `itil well mixed: add two eggs. bentell llight, one-third cup of sugar, mm- vhald` tea.spo.on:fu] salt, two ta`b1o-` ||spoonwfu1*s of Ibutter, and whom four cups of bread our; mix to a sun i,dou::h and knead :ten minutes; cover izmd set aside. out. of (1ra1u.rhls. over- inight. In the morning `roll into :1 ,sheet (about one-half inch thick), {and cut into rounds; let stand un- Hi] dombled i.n bulk, fry in deep fal. ~iBefore sewing. heat and roll in' .'grann1a1ed or confectioners sugar. ` (()()l) 'l`lI|.\'(.`.H' "l`() |<}.\'l` lhni.-am] Doug.-;|mIIts Roast I'|n-key `MR. HO\V.\RD Bl<}R'l'l{-.-\l\l SAYS '_|,`OO .\l.-\.\'Y ChlQl'l<}S [N l7.I<`.('. With each su ceeding year ihe at- tendance of delegates at the minimal session of~1he Dominion Grange has `dwindled. Less than forty dele- gates attexided `.\'Ionda_\"s session at the Hotel Curls-Rite, Toronto, when 21 special committee was nzuned Io a1'1`z111:.:e a special prog1".m1 in honor of the Iiftieih cu1e.b1`ati0n 0.!` the or- g:uiization's birth -.1 year hence. The o.vei`1hro\v or the l'.11'.111e1's' Go\`(-i'n111e'11I. at the last p1'ovinc`.:1i election was discussed, and several siele-gates expiessed t,hems(-Ives as well pleased with the decision of 1'ne'(-lecto1`z11e, in View 01` he alti- lude shown by the Ifnited l~`:11'nw1`s to\vards the Dominion G1'n1i:_;o dur- ying the 1'or1ner`s reginie at Quuei1':`~ ` l z11'1(. 11.. LL.-.n-ti Thu-h-nni \Iir'lhnv'r:? 1 i1l'l(. Mr. Howard Bertram, .\Iidhutx<.t, .the president. in the course 01' his annual address, took occasion to re- t'er to the fact that their lT.J.(`). friends so-ca1]e.(" had resorted to clique methods in order to pert'orn1 certain acts which had proved any- thing but helpful to the interests of the Dominion G:'an_:e. ,\Ir. Bertram exspressed the View that Pteniier Drury's followers had strayed front the straight, and narrow path to the great detriment of the organization, over which he had the honor to pre- side. He 1`e:.:rettt=(i that some sec- tions 0t` the defunct t`.overnment had seen t to form cliques" `which had advocated certain doctrines not re1is;he(1 by the l)ominion (:rat1:4'e. Mr. Bt-3I`tl'&1'1Il (~.\'p1ained that he felt it his duty to call the attention 01' his hearers to what had been goixtg f\I\ nun Hun it uvnc nnucihin t.-nnnx- [HS Ilt"lI`(I'H LU \\`l|ill Inul urvu guns.-. `on. and thai it was possible some- H`.iI)f. .' ','url1u=r wnn`.d he hrm\.::h1 an the surface when the I'0ll0wm's of the late (`.o\'m'1m1ent assr>mb!<= in zllmual session at. .\las:~:ey H-.111 dur- ing the week. 13.. T):-r\n\\:n|u 1\..nm- '10 ml nu-nunui I I Hlf; LHE \Vl UI\. I I Ex-Pi'emiei' D1'\1I')' \v.is prosviii 11 lthn night session of ti1G`G1'21Il_'G and spoke briey .\Ir. Drury conned his remarks in a historical |'e\"im\' of what had been acc011iip]ished_.by the Dominion GI'z\]LL'.`(` in days gone `by. I am no 1011.-.:er in h1l'I)PSS, nor `am I fascinzited by poliiics." said `-Mr. D1'ui'y, but `when one has been linked up in the political zirena it is hard to break a\vay from i'i'is=nd- ships so cultivated." \h- Rmvfrnni (ram) :1 hrinf 1`n\'i(1\V ' Sllhy DU Ullll.l\`i1lCU.- M1`. Bertram gave a brief review of the year's work of the org.-rzmiz-.1- tion, a.l"=tm' which short add1'e.=xses \ve1'e doliw-\1'e(1 by VV. C. Good, .\I.T ., B1'anm'o1`(1; H. B. Cowan, Pelerhoro; ur L` I.`:..k.~... n.n-1:uunn- D F` 1411. 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1713 1719 1720 1721 1'70`) Dfillllnlulu, D. 1). punnu, I ctr-A nu , W. 14`. Fisher, `Bur1in;:ton; R. C. Brandon. -Cannington: J. C. Dixon, ,\I0oree1(1: all or which spoke on Co-opel-alive Marketin,:. ` Ofcers Elm-tml The election of oicers 1'esu1te.(1 as follows : \Vorthy Master, Howard Bertram, Midhurst; Overseer, John Stexvart, (`.or1`ie; Secretary-T1'easurel`. Miss Hattie Robinson, St. Thomas; Recordinng-Sec1'etaI'y, W`. Taylor. G]a~n1nvorth; Chaplain, John Pritch- ard, .\'I..P., ~Har1'ist0n: Lectllrer, L. Smith, Barrie; Ste-\\'a1'd, Ahbort Pratt, .-Xllandalez Assistant Steward. Frank Curtis, St. Thomas; Gate- keeper. Adam Reis, Clifford; Ceres. A \fr-.\In:m- T n'|mm-emu: Pnmmm. l(e(~`])t'l'. ;\(lillll I`\,t`lb, plluulu, \,r.-n-a, A. .\Icu\Iastex', Pa1mersl`on: Pomona. Mrs. Georjze Cztmpbell, St. Thonlas; Flora, Miss .\Iar_\' Thompson, Harris- ton: Lady Assistant Steward, Miss M .Do1an. Long Branch; Auditor, J. G. Lethbridge, .\I.P.P., Gencoe. A c-nor-Gal r-runvninn `r-nnlnviczinsr Ur. 14eu1urIu:,'e, \J`t"lllJU\. l A special committee `(*r).n1p:iSin_: `Howard Bertram. Miss Hattie Rob- .u.r.r., inson and J. G. Leth)rid:."P will :11`- 1`:1n,<:<= for a spocal celebration to be lheld in June. 192-1, in honor of 1110 foundim: of the association fty years ago. - ` ' %HOI. D S'l'})I`\.\lY I\I|Cl'} I`I.\'(iS I RE DI'}l<`l'N("l` H().\ll'} BANK The unanimous and enthusiastic adoption of t-wo resolutions calling on the Dominion (`.o\'rrnment to idemnify (lepositors for their losses. siinilzn` treatnient of motions re- (|ll(`-SHI`|_L .` the (`]'t"ilIi0I'l 0t` :1 depositors ind(=1nnioati0n *'t`nnd to he contri- bntvd to by all r31mi'tr>1-mt banks. tho i*en1r)\'n] of .< n11tho1'it,\' for m'ir)riLv clainis of the'(1m'9rmne-nts `on bank assets and the initiation of }0\'(=1'n1nont in: of Chartered banks; :1. xvnrin dnbnte on prn.\g\' control" and hz11Iotin_:' on nmninn- tinns for pm-rin-.111ont 1iq1Iirt:1tnrs and inspectors \\'r=rv tho print-inn] items int` h11:=iimss ti';11i.~':1r`tm1 21: final es-1 tsinn or Hmnv Bunk :l<`po.~2tm'.< 1n(>ot-5_ l: .. xv. 11..u 'I',... n Vs L`.-I HHS .\I`.\>|lIn \\`u.~. l|Il' .l.\.~lI|ilIII'I' u_\; `G. T. Clnrhsnn, in I`(`DI)' to queries. `that ho as interim litiuidzxtm` would he 11.1110 to convincv the ooiirts as to the necessity oi` 0011:`-ct,in_: the (1Ol1`1)1P1 1iul)i]ity from tho s1im'etinl(]ni's and t his |`m'the1' warning that such col- `-_ lection would hnvv to he made at 1 once. The si1at'.r?hph1ets followed the `timid of tho d<>pr)si`ioi's and sch-oteti Slthr-ir own (tr,-t'e1iso (-omniittoe and inslwtors. llllll DUI [l?`l|Ilil|H'lll llljlllilillllln LLIIU ~i11speot01's nf nal ses- isirm l1(']')()> it)1'.< n1oot- `im: in .\I:1s.<(->_\' Hull. 'l'm`nIxIr). rm I-`ri- dny lust. I-`ollrnvinz Ihu dopn: mm-t,in:.: slmrohuhlors of 11m rleftlncil bank In tho nnmhr nl` H1i1`1\` m` t`r)I1,\' ;':1lhm'r- `H :1 . : in .\Ius.s Hall and dummd tho! }z1Hm'm)on to NH` (`m1sidm'2Hirm n!" the] . f\uonA.\n.In..- Fund.-n n|'; UilH|\ IU lH|' HUI.` ;':1lI10I't - .in !; Outsl: `this . \ms 1` VI` (`lay-1-unn 1141 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 173 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 173 'I"'I|O [U III" l'Hl1 Ou1. .n II'nrw f 211 11111111111101-s 211111 10 1011111 ses-, 1: 1110013 1. 1.` in: 1111 ms r1e1'1111c11 1101' 111i1'1_\' _ f`.~'. s'iO11 1 the n11si(1v1';11in11 the 1111111}: 1'r~11t111'o of _ 1111- 21s. 1)_\';1 1 1 311 111r1cl,i11_-4 ROFssIoNAL CARDS DONALD_ ROSS. LL.`B., BARBIE +...- Enlir-ifnr Mn. Masonic Tam ` RADENHURST & HAM) Bar1*.isters, Solicitors. etc. 1st oor Masonic Temple ing. Money to loan at rate`: \ 1 :_j sT1?:wART & STEWART, -in any .._.~..__. BAR` risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan sums at lowest. current rates. Ofce, 1 . O_wen street, Barrie. D. M. Ste\v:11`t. _...._.u _.......- 't3STEN & ESTEN, B.-\RRISTERSr Solicitors in High Court of Justice, N.)ta.ries Public, Convey- amcers. Office, lst oor Masonic `Q`_)"l1`exnp1e `Building. Barrie. Morlezf ~m lnnn at lowest. current rates. 0'. ALEX. on I `BOYS & MURCHISON. 13ARRIS- ` ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public,- ` Conveyancers, etc. Money to 1-oanl at lowest rates of interest. 0&3`-:93` ` 13 Owen street. in the premises` formerly occupied by the Bank 05' Toronto. Branch Office, Elmva.1a,- Ontario. W. A. Boys, I\ .C.. I\`.l.P'., K D. C. Murchison. yr ums. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSICS 3-nu Quv-nrnnnu fnn and R83,` L001 1688 1aczn _.. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOC St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday 01 each month. Diseases-Eye, 139:1, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 21.111. to 5 1i.m.-,-211161171 appointment. .*~.7 IULVALJJJ nuoo ter, Solicitor, ple Building, loan. J DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE , of Trinity University and alsl graduate of Edinburgh and Glosv gow. Specialty, stomach diseaeotr Oice, corner Bayeld and W0!` `sley Sts. Entrance of! Worms) : Oilce open until 8 p.m. .k`_)".1`ex:1p1e Barrie. Money `no loan at lowest H. Esten and M. H. Esten. , ,?____________.___.. y-no nu. .-. -... .. _... SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe.. and DR. R. E. IVES} Graduate of Toronto University` Phone 61. 0fce-58 comer 51$ otce Hours .2 `* -- -nnr\n n'nno..nt .LEXAND11i Uuwmw, bUpu.uu' sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtvadning probate of `VH1, guaxfdriarrsh-ip and a,d'minds'traLion, and Gen-era] Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyarrcer, em Money to loan. Offices: Hind! Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. ._.....-.._ .__u CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S., DE% tlst. Ofce over Craig's Taiio Shop, No. 1 Dunlop St., Barrie} Ont. Phones: Oice, 450; House? 136. ...-v- '7- LEXANDER COWAN, SUCCE5' ,.,... In Tannnv {".nurnn Kr. Brown. I | I 1 5 1 EDMUND J-IARDY, MUS. F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, 05 gan, Vocal and Musical Tl1e~o1)'. Organist and Choirmaster of 8%.. And1'ew s Presbyterian Church, Gold medalist of Toronto Conser-* vatory of Music and of the Utah versity of Toronto. 113 Worsie street. Phone 663. , }A_.__-.. .__.. ._.___.._... wk...`- D. F. .\lcCU:\l(:, ILA. Successor to Creswlcke & Be} Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. Money to Loan Omce, Ross Block. Bur-vie .llUU 1701 1702 1708 1709 1710 1711 DRS. LITTLE ix : Li'1"1'.bl, 1 l:1XDJ\.r' ians, Surgeons. Office and Resiw dance. 47 Maple Ave. omca hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.-m., or by appointment. A. T. Lima, M.D.. W. C. Little, M.B. Phono 91`! PROF. D. E. ` Piano and I 21 C0i`1io1' 1 A\ l .1) . :13. 13. w. sYLvr;41*1i1;._;i`}c._c:.HER 017-` 1 Piano. Violin and `Cello. 120 i Bayeld St. Phone 974w. R _.......~v I f PERCY I-IO.\DLl9IY E 1 is prepzired 1:0 accept 3. limited number of pnpii.-'5 in the following: O1'gz1n, Voice and Piano. Studio, 463 C1LDp'?'- ton St. `Specialist, on voice-prov duotinn. Phone 2SZ:w. DR. H. T. ARNALL. OFFIOEF and residence corner of Toronw` and Elizabeth streets. (0pp'oa1M` Elizabeth St. Methodist Chu1`ohr.)' Telephone 1 67. __________________.. VICTC)RI:\N ORDER OF NURSE; Barrie B1'nnc`.1. Nellie M. L37 cock, R.N.. C.P.H.N.. 86 War:!Ie' St. Telephone 751w. Oicew OE ! Dunlnp St. (Ross Block). I h`o1w ]025j. Oflice hours, 2 to 3 pgm. Anlr ` 0. "ll. l{l'Sl(, ()l`Il'.'f!. -|<}_\'0s Exznlllillctl (ilusst,-`G I-"it(('d5 (:1':ulm1lu Czmadian Ophthalmic (.`ol1e:.',e, '1`0I'0nto. -I3 I<}li'.I.'1hol|I -SL. Barrie. Phone 143* ...._.. ........- G. G. SMITH & CO. PHONE 8% Established 1869. Funeral Dlfee" tors. Open day and night! Morgue and chapel in connectwsw. 12: ru-In n-ha I-in FL'xEn.\I. DIRECTOR Mil)` EMBALMER. Open Day and Night 4'7 Elizabeth St. Phone `.21 1101] 1740 1741 1742 1743 1754 1755 1756 mung uu uuu cum; Barrie, Ontario. DR. 7. A. LE\VIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS )1 [BIG LESSONS LEGAL -.lEDIC.-\L ILUUU LTUUID 2.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.l1L 4 OPTICAL 5, .lJL.`D., 1-5Ann1v" etc. Masonic Tem- Barrie. Money to 1114i 1722 1723 1"`) C DENTAL . Vi7E"i11,m'1`E.:CHER 0;? Violin. Piano Tuner. Si. Phone 513. -45, ) HA M M 01-19;. . its no (I nmna.. Page Eleven Tj mgnt $7 .\'1u.nu, Omce, Bum? lowest VV. D. BREWSTER Manager.` r, I 4 Treasurer s Saleoflandsi In Arrears for Taxes 1.110 1.2 1051 .1.-'43.! 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Plan `French River. and occmpied a. crew of eight men a full month to col- !1ect. With the present stock on `hand the sh hatchery at Coiling- [wood will be kept in conrimial oper- !ation throughout the winter. `one of the mouths of the great` A i I i W . A. Lowe & Son are sole agents in Barnie for S taun`ton Limited Semi-T\rinnned Wall Paper. Pauper is 22 inches wide. Tf1UnsDAY. DECEM-B`ER 13. 1923 I757 - 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 477 480 ?',`II Lot . U4`: '25 526 :0 ) 0.11 620 R01 622 623 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 I19`) U05 633 634 642 644 658 20 UUU 660 665 683 G84 685 686 687 708 709 732 740 744 745 746 747 752 753 "IP10 Id!) 757 780 770 771 772 782 783 78-1 796 804 . Arrears I 1.08 1f\D Plan l.UO 1.03 1.03 n An!-2: 9"`) .4.l.4 1.63 E."."7 1.U.; 3.60 111`) (1. IU 2.94 2.94 will !J.JiJ 6.30 A0"! `R.-')l 6.30 2.66 2.66 2.66 4.48 3.10 * Costs Total 1.25 2.33 10: cool 569 Judi) 1.25 1.25 10! 1.14:.) 1.25 1.25 10.`! 1.140 1.25 10K 1..'.u 1.25 105'. 1.140 1.25 10K ...:.u ..25 ..25 L25 -Q: .569 -4 -1.2 2.22 0 -`)0 1.1;! 4.19 1'11 LFISTI HATCHERY `IS A'GATN OPEN .~\T COLLIN(E\VOOD] ------ I f.`QU 7.55. 1: col Plan 30 I i I The buck-sanv, like the grain cradle, is practically an institution of the `past. .A\ necessary evil once, {it should now The regarded as an` anbiquated invention for driving hors off the farm, and relegated to the museum =t'or curiosities. The one-man cross-cut is 9. little better, while the ttwo-.mz1n cross-cut, is a distinct step in the evolution of` `socia.bilit,\'. It has its "place in the `bush. or course, and even the other t instruments of torture at'oremention- ed nd occzisional emsployment, just ,as the old grain cradle is resurrect- ed now and then for some special I nlrrnncn I { [Jll'l[)U-`_\.'. I As a regular means of working up the winvle-r wood pile. however, these are only to he advoated for one who a.bso1ute1y has not and cannot get the cash lo hire :1 buzz-saw outt. Modern life is 100 busy and full of iinierest to spend uniiecessariiy in - back-testing mechanical routine twhich machinery omubles us to (lis- lpense with. Most, of us can `nd ,(>n0ugh manual labor jobs after we have substituted as vmnch gasoline ; for muscle as we have wit to use. ! \`U.. 1....-,_ 1....--.1 nmnrnunnnln dlani IUI IHUBUIU ilb \\ C H'(l\U t\\ lL LU U51`. We have hea-rd E1;l'gll:lllI}lS that 'huzz-sa.wing is more expensive than_ ' hucli-sziwing. But these calculations are 5.:em=i'all,\' based on old-time con-' ditions. As it works out in these` times, most of its nd that gasoliiiei heals elbow :.:i'(-use by 21 substantial`, niur5.:in. There is this, `too, thuti Il)11zz-sawin:,' is :1 more or loss` sot,-iuhlv job which _:rw.~. with 21 vim and men quite ]')l`0DC`l'l_V prot'e1' it the tedium of hrmd-s;1\vin:. .-\f:illll, it will he noticed that f:irinm` who hit /.zo.< his sn])pt_\' gets: the job ow-1' with and {zoos on in` sonmtliinzx (>l. . while tho lmr'k-. ztclliomiit is hai'dl.\' r~`\`er out of IL` job. The woodpilu Sttll'(`S him in: thw time until he hates to 3:0 past it." What :1 oomt`oi'1 tlwro is in look-i in: :11 21 iii: lll`2l[) of J\'l\\'t'(l tire wood in the }':ti'l \\`ll('ll it ( !)l(l shun ('()!lll`-S on illltl thv .-now piles (l(`t'D :1I'()llli(1: tho l)llll(llll_`.;`S. l i t i `~'I`l.II.` l3i'I!I ll` I) (` \\` \I\,\! oi`_z:.zt1ii'/,m'i)t'.tt1e- 'I`hos. .. also spoke spoke peoplo :-I E}.:,:t Al'.11`tin1 in hi; ronto, l1owm'<-I`. un, u.LIuLA\A,{Al\,\_. --um nu; zuipointoil, in- .-truntions. \\'t`l'l' '0-r-tectml. Balwr, C()lllliL'\\'(I()t1. (im- ;li:im. Oi-o, Vim--l)ii'(--ctni`; .\. .\. P:l'()\\'lll`i(lfJ,t', .``~m'et:i1'3`- |`i'<-21s., l-Zxr~- ('1l|t\'(`. J. l)m\`lin:. N()li:l\\'il$il_L':1; `W. Rpittlwr. Sunnidalo: I-`. Do-iir>:.'. Firm, and Chas. Miller. \'w.u.pi':i. `IUO U.-)U 1.00 I-Ill! 478 .0 1.25 1.`1 491 6.30 1.25 7.55 492 6.30 1.25 7.55 498 1.80 1.25 3.05 499 1.80 1.25 3.05 501 4.37 1.25 5.62 502 4.37 1.25 5.0.`! 506 3.00 1.25 4.25 D. H. COLEMAN. County Treasurer, Simcoe County. "l`lll~) I'i'm.u` `shore with eight_v-se\'en million The Dmninion Government Fish! Hatchery at Collingvwood is again in operation. Last week the 111g; Amos B. returned from the north` rwhite sh spawn, all of which has been placed in the hatchery and is in the process of propagatirm. The` spawn was gathered at Bad River, I Our mailing list is correqted tui idate. Look at your label. .1 .\||llII .V.`,lll_3 '|lll7 IALIU I lllll" \\ I AIJIIIV} of '\'unc0u\'-21' 1'ov,(-1\tI_\', Hon. H. H.! Stevens. .\I.I`., p0inI(-- out. the`, 0211150 or `l)11sin<\ss deprvssion in Cun-' mm and in m'm1\' cullnlry. T110 pub- lic duht `had `inc-rr->as(= at an a2:u'n1-{ 111;: mm in ever_\' m)1nm'y and in` sonw of Hw European counlrin-s had` resnltvd in their industrial, social unzl 6'.n..nn:..1 nt\]`o\v\bI\ 6 I-UIHl' U1 ll|l' l`4llll}]ll`llll |.`\J|.IlIIlll'h lllI\I and Ihlzmciul colhlpso. The Ant-.11 doht of Czmuda is :11` 'm'0s0nt $!3,8G3,780,()00, :1 per cupitzmi debt of $441.00. l~`rm11 those 1"_<.,-`tires: lit will he soc-n that Czmaclu is car1',\'-i |in;.: an exceptionally heavy b11rden,'i but not as hez1\'_v as (iron! BI'itain.i w`h(-ro there is :1 debt of .`.28,000.000,-`i 000. or a per capita `debt of $845.00.: nu. k.. .._:A.. 4-1.; f\E .1... `h..,... } UV!` .. ,... ~..,..... .,.U The new cupi-ta debt of the Prov-f-` inces 01' 'Cu11:1da varie-s, 0\ViI)g in` provincial and municipal debt. British Cnlnm:hiz1 has a pm! czupim.` duh! of $6!)8.3.'}: Allbertzl, $480.93;[ Sa.s1\'z1Ichmva11, $388.99: u\I:1nit0:ba. $540.60; Ontario, $499.70; Qu0Jhec,! $382.46; New Brunswick. $383.6.`); Nova Scotin. $355.10; Prince Ed-| ward Island, $304.98. | Ontario's per Camila doubt of} $499.70 is made -up as afollowi: Iede1'al, $275.00; Pr0\'in~cizL1, dizrect,! $69.86, indirect $12.3 ; umunici-,pal,! $91.94. ` I | I .\ rlrln-ssi11_4 \7u n nnn |v1'\ n v+ 935 936 966 967 973 974 975 976` 1007 1008 1f\1l J.UU-3 1014 1015 .1016 1017 1021 1023 1027 1033 1034 1035 805 S06 S07 S08 S09 810 811 312 813 823 826 830 831 849 850 851 861 862 882 592 901 908 '01:`: Lot . S.-\\Vl NG \V00l) EllllillillllllllllllllllllllllIIllllIllllillmNIHIHIIIlllllllllllmlllllillilllllliI71IlEillillllllllillllilllllllllllllllllllilIIllllllll11llllI1IImlIIIIlmlllHImmllllllmlllnlnllllmmmlllllllll 242 243 317 336 4110 Arrears Costs Total! 3.10 1.25 4.351 .00 1.25 3.25 .00 1.25 3.25 nn 1 0: `J 0" &.UU 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.28 -1110 Life 1'm1(-r `D nrn'nILuI n .93 .48 .00 .48 A10 `Lao 4.05 7.30 A -W (.15.) 3.00 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.653 0 an `!.-')l .37 3.17 cc The old folks sit alone beside the fire. Sons and daughters have married and gone-the house that used to ring with the shouts of happy children now echoes to the ticking of the clock. It is Sunday night. A bell tinl tele- phone! Mother hurrys to answer it! Hello, mother`? How are you and father? It is son George speaking from his home three hundred miles away. This is his night to call the old folks. Tuesday will be Mary's turn; Charlie usually calls on Wednesday; Alice on Friday. Long Distance is the greatest boon in the lives of this old couple. Foui nights a week the loved voices transform the old house and bring back vanished days-a blessed conspiracy of loving thoughtfulness. A Station-to-Station call always serves because the old folks are always at home; and the Evening rate makes it so inexpensive! So simple; so effective; the practice is grow- ing! Long Distance is brightening countless I2--.-.

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