Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 13 Dec 1923, p. 1

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SUB-NORMAL PUPILS] MAY BE SEGREGATED| See the New Year in at the dun':e, .nnn vI:r\:< Reeve Jermey, who is chairnmn`o~f 4 the Rerorest.a,tion Committee of the County Council, was in `Toronto yes- te-`rday interviewing the Hon. Jwmnes `W. Lyons, the Minister of Lands and Forests, with reg~a1`d to the county re.i`0res`tar.ion r.11v.'se1'y in V'esp'.z1. r He was accoampzmied by most of the 1nen1h(=.1's of the comnmittee, including V\"a1`den Ezplreii, Reeve Loverlng 01 z Niatcixeriash. and Depul_\'-Reeve- S111-5; iivan oi` Mednnte. M1 . Vi`. I"inia_v,, son. .1-`.I ., also `went with him.1' The County Council is dissatiserit with the lIl'1I]1iPI` in which Iiw J70-I p'a1'Iment has been oa1'r_\`ing on file; plantation. The ohjvr-.1 to tho p`.-ant-`.` in: of poplar, .~wprr1r_-1+, cv:`.:n' (Midi 9? b\me1-nut, for which 1.ho_\' ciaim Hic- - `( .w`,~i1 is not suitor]. T119) also c.i:ir-[7.c 0? the mt.-ihods oi` [I`illi.`31)`xZlI1i`iIl.L_'. Tiiese l(1\lPHii(.`!lS wt"-re tlisclissmi with the M-ind`-:`.er at 1'--m:1h, wiih the rosul: I lh-111 he consenieti to come up to \'i.=i1 .!Lh\'- Ill`H'SE'1'_\' in person 1'0-day. andv '4 i)i'iI|_L '.\ir. 7;uviI'/.. iho [ 1'n\ in:'-ug l`-o.1'eswr, with him. The I1'I(-`-i1H)C*.`.w` ,1 ..i- u... .. .A:.\.. "trill ......- x.- l I I. 1 I SEES .\llNIS'I`l'}R .-\BO1"l` ` F()RES'[`RY N['RSl*}HY}` Vin :1 Pl:1('(` .\nnm2; Strung Cm11(*.\'1';m1`s frmn l`.l1ir1`_\' % C<)11n1i(\.<. 01. I01` `[119 I`.'(Ull il.l'Q;` pl'i1L'LlL:11|. ry night at the link with sticks l a rwbber ball. With this train- 1-3:11'1-ie should have a- team cap; e oi` remaining: on the ice 1'or ty minutes right from the open- ot` the season until the close. The prize "1351 for the Pou1t,r,v Shnrw to be held in the An`mou1`1es rxvl 15.1.. 0. ! 9") uni! `)9 u1.`|l'l he run DHUIW H) De utuu Hl ll|U .'\uIuuu1n::> on Dec. 26, 27 and 28. will be out `in a. few days. The show this year pronfrses to be ,biggr and better |I`i 1'I'I1! nvrrr Depz11'!men:.` 1 es as Super- rm Roam. :- ms been I11 )- \ I . i ; _\' ml 1`. i vex C01m1i7.=.1- 1 I 1 I 9 H (`.00 wth It i I .\l!' cdpal Ha. hnr Hr . and -A. in f`enn'e. Olxtario, 5' I)(=01mr- . J(-1'moj.` pnliiic-.= 111'. Pin. ha: noun) church wi melodious Kin,-.;. as \\'im1ipe-g In addi La id man (from th4 contmltn, Tellest. choir of tions by !`ez1st of miss it. I\I\ 6'1-nu: n {GENERAL SESSIONS . 0F coumv coum I . . . Cr1m1na1 Cases D1sp0sed Of \Vith011t Going to Trial; Otlwrs Postpollcd. I*1`()m um: ran; 2`. men101'an(1u111 01' `for the term l)e:_" 1n-`ll The General Sessions of the County Court which is being held this week, opened on Tuesday morn- ing before His I-1 ono.r Judge Vance. Seven cases, two cnivnninal, two civil ju!I`_\' cases, and three non-ju1'_v cases, were on the docket, but only thus are being dealt with at this sit- tings. The two c1'i1nino.l cases were hen1'(l on Tuesdziy and \Ved11esda,\- and a non-jnr_\' case, Mary Thomp- son vs. John B_\'e1's. boih of l\Ium township, will be henrxl to-n10m'uw (F1'ida.\') at ten o'clock. All the other cases held over or dismissed. The Case on .\n(lr:w C1':v\v1'o1*(l vs. \V=illian1 Sllarpe, both 01' Innislil. for wrong- fully cuninvg wood in C1'a.w.loru-s bush. clrz1limin_: $450. has been de- l'e1'i'etl until Jinn. 2:3. Agnew vane Wzillace will lepresenl the plaintili and .l:une:< l~`1'asel' the (lel`en(lant. In vhn r\l' Inn)`-.1 nnllVnnu ll2l.\'e been n...Huv 1 10-day. 1 T0-l1l0l`IO\\ (I1`id~ay) the case of _;.\Ia1'y Thompson vs. John Byers, I both of .\Ivz11*a iownsh-ip, clainiaing 5-`$800 for pr0pe1`t,\' aqwprolpriwated to 1` the defe11dan1 s own use. and chat- tels $40, will be heard. The lgwwyers e . will be J. T. Mulcahy for the plain- t I. tiff and A. D. Thompson for the de- l 1 Q fendanlt. I L 'r`kn turn nv-in\ina1 rwnznt H1211 nf 1r..\v}.'m-.~'. On Jun. Huh the case 01` Lucy Smith of Orillia A. W. Robinson luntl .\. R0l)in:~:0n. C0ld\\'Z1lGl`, execu- :tm`;< of the last will of Hemgv Robin- 5011. deceased. c1uinm1;: $1.52-l.v50 for `cure and $131.1 for board of the said Hen1`_v Robinson, will be heard. .3. T. .`.lulr:ah_\' for the plz1i11til'f and A. ,1}. Tllom-psou for the del`entlz1nt will }he the lzL\v_\'e1'.<.. 5 The case of Joseph Crosner of 1.~\_tl1e1'l(-\_\' 3_\'e1`s L1 ol` 1`o1'0nta, ifor $500, was settled out of Court 1 lo-day. : 'l"n,nunv-rnru !I"ir`ln"` the mace nf renuam. The two crimmal cases. that 01 Sydney VVi11iams being tunied for in- szmil,\', and .\1-fred Herrell of Orilv Hz; [or indecent assault, were dis- posed of on Tuesdea) and Wednesday. x 1.s_vdne,v Willisams was declared in- -(\|\(\ H1 fhn uv-nnrl inrv nn fhnrn. '.3_V(lne)' \'V1HlA':llIl'S \\'u.5 ucuiuicu in- 33.119 by the grand ju1`_\' and there- fore unt to stand trial on a charge of house:break.ins.;. The jury chosen `to pass judgmienl was as follows: Iclarence Srigley, Innisl; Charles !L. Jermey. John Dickey, S-tayner; Thos. Iv`. Givblbons, West vGw:il'Iim- bury; Dwight. Rorgerson, Jnnisl; William L. Ball. O1-iilia; Malcom Watson, Sunmidale; M~a'lcom Mc- Queen, NottaJwa.sa'ga: VV. J. Woods. ` ~.\Iidl~and; Lee Wright, Tiny; Charles 'Vassie1' and Ernest Dales, West Gw-i1limbur_v. nn -,1 !I`1rQI'1(`rQ nf indnr-nnif mcknnlf C1n`ist1m1s 3.8. ex1lm'tai1m1e11t- at Collier SI. Methodist church on Wednesday. Dec. 1!). ai 8 p.111. I)i:1`.0;:ues. I. zu1x. st.-1135. etc. Come and enjoy an evening with the chil- dren. Li*\V-1111111 D11 1')`. '1 On 21 change of indecent assault against his ten year old niece, Bar- bara Herveli, Alfred Herrell was discharged on account of a lack of .sutcAient unp1`eju`diced evidence. {Instead of being tried by a jury, J. (T. Uuicahy, counsel for I-Ierrell, {elected speedy trial. u Dec. 20111 is ithe date set for the. annual C'h1'ist.:mas tree and entertain- ment -o-f the Baptist =Sunday School. Dialnglws, drils and n`eci`tz1tions. `i ?'Z\'m'_\'one w(-lcome. l `s I 1 I I 5 The choir of Collier St. Methodist irthurch will 1'endt=r the bezuniful and ; melodious cantata, Saviour and .I{in:.:." assisted by Mrs. Neeley, of { \\'innipe;:. ' ' In nrtinn in H1-'.\ nhnvn NI :-2 \\ .HIllp{'.`;L',. E addition to the above _i\I1's. y Laidmzui will sing Rejoice (`.reat.]_v" Hfrom the Messiah). M15. Neeley, !c0mm1In, will sing; "Oh. Thou that 3;'I`e11est. l`he1'e will be an echo i_c.h0i1' 25 voice-s. and 0i`:.:zm selec- Itions .\h'. -Iozirlley. .\]togeihei` a. Chrisimas music. Don't Tickets 35 omits. at door 102` {roux choir members. yunnnunanua lA\,\.u u.. ,............_... . '1`11e- l\la1121geii1enI Committee re- "com'Ihende(1 that Miss Ruth Ca.1n.p- `$1911 be en;-"aged to [ill the position made vacant by the resignation of` Miss Morrison at a salary of $000; glint Miss Buzrkitt be t1'anst`e1`re(l --.1'on1 the Prince oi` Wales school to VlCt01'l<" `_o ll the position left va- cant 1 /the resignation of Bliss` Hazel Tripp, and that Miss V. Fee of Brampton `be engaged as kinder- garten primary teacher in the- Prince of `Wales school at a salary 01` $900. .\ n1niinn introduced re the con- The Dominion Gnvern1ne11t Fish I-Iatchery at Colling-wood is again `in operation. Last xvoek the tug .Am1os B. returned from the north shore with eigl1t,vseven million white sh spawn. all of which_has been placed in the hatchery and is in the process of propagation. The spawn was gathered at Bad River, Announcements ('0lli0r St . READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. (`H RlS'l`.\l .\S (`.-\.\"l`.\"l`;\ E(`H() (`H01 R (H-1.-gnu Selections F:'id:n,\'. Du('oInl)er 28 ,, Twelve Pages .\lvtFnmiis;i (`,lnn':~.h .p I) 1U Ch 1|`. Indecent Assault Case Discharged} 01' 5$9UU. I A motion introduced sidering of the adopting of a` schedule for public school teachers salaries was w*ithd.1'a~wn, as the. Board was almost unanimously in` favor of the present system. The f`n1`.n\vin.p' mmnnwers were favor 01 me DYBSEIIL S_\':u:xu. The following memlbers present: Dr. L. J. Simpson, Chair- .man; Trustees J. D. Wisdom, D. R. King, J. F. Jackson, R. A Stephens and Dr. W. Richard-5011. \ E. L. Brereton, D. J. Re-burn, NY.` I VVo1'k in the .I\gricu1t.1n'a1 and Household Science short courses is progressing very t'ztvora`b1y. This week the pupils in the boys class have been studying poultry and dairying under I`). S. Sn)'d-er or (`xnel-ph ;\.C.. \\'h'i1o the girls lime rcontinuetl their st11(iyot'coni-.in_:; every forenoon and home mu-i:sin,-4 in the afternoon. On Thu1's(iu,\' last the pupils attendin: the short (.'.'HI.St-i `classes took a trip throu5.:h the ()1-`;1-i lia Institute. I`h.i:< ixistitmiim is one of the nes; in Czmada and the way in which it handled merits a great deal of credit. Like 9.1.15 other schools. the short ` its hol.ida_\'s. Next 'I`imrs'.1z\,\`, `.'3 1)('('. `I 20111, the Christnias holidzrvs com-I mence. zuul continue tiil .\Ium1~.1.\'. ` rs-.. 01.4 course inns 1 ` SHOl{:l' (`~()l'R.S!~l `l'l'l ll.h` 1 l~`()l{.\l L1'n:I:.\m' s0('u;'r\'*i H|t'HL't!. nu Dec. 31st. .-u ; Uec. -31Sl,. l 7 Last I~`r?mL_\' atternonn tho pu~DiL~'1 formed a Buys` Literary .\`nciot_\' .-mdi a Gills Litermgv Society. It i'.-` 11:11 intention ot tho so':i->t_\' to hnlxl :1` iv number of sncial evenina-,5 and kntcu: 1 u II III nu hates. nu, _ .V01. LXXII. N0. 43. Dates. The o"u:ers of the Boys` So.':ioI_\' ,are: President, .-\ndr(-w Orchard, `tee, Ivan MeLean, Dalston; C1m`9n0v Br'oIwn, Dalston; Geo. Cagngwll. Mninesing; \ ice-PL`:-sident. John Wil- son, Angus; Secret.zu'y-'I\rr>:Ls11ror, Ernie Coats, Oro .'\,`1ntion; Cnmmi~t Guthurie; Carl Drury, Cmxvn I-Iill; Eugene Smith, Utopia. nu... P:\I11\1Ir;I1(`r nrp Yhn nfpm-5 [01-1 Eugene auxznu, I."lUynu. The following are the nfI`wnrs fur. the girls society: President, Miss Jean I-Iicxkling. Midhurst; Vice- President, Miss \V~i1sou. Angus; `.\q...-mmrv. Miss Chappell, Crown _ R'~l'&lu!:u l , Lsecret-ary, Hill. Bryson's Xmas C ated. 45 per lb. Miss w~n-sun. .`\n:_<.u.3, Miss Bank. askin: supplies KGGH31 .rh\ninu' I-`rahrxm Cake, lclng decor- wk Christ- he Kin}: >15 were ate the [icule 0: 11' in the -19491 -`hr; kin: I'm xeqnired eI)x'm1r:.-, Commit- AA!` that The annu: ur1'ea1's for Simcoe was noon at the tend-ance Wu with the ox parcels the .\f21_im- .Jo:-ep ~'-Ia-blv 01' ,lhl tho !m'.:nne1' .3811} year 2 3mm his 1111 zmpc-.u':< .lo I more _ve'.u's. .\`.Iu__;--Lhm r-ole 21:1 vow-v-in Xl~}\\' (`0.\ll .~\.\IY T0 '1`.-\KE OVER FORD :\(il`]NC-Y HERE . .4 The I r0pm`t_\' and Suppl}: riee in its report 1'ec0n11m`-nded thaw fenders be asked for 150 tons: oi " 73-4 lump coal, further, the prim- ..`mg ofgthree circulzus in the kinder- \ gartd' rooms at 21 cost of $2.50 per "D0111. and that three or more mahstnuls trees be purchased. -.-,4._.._....... F1.-.n\n13l'Ino 1-o. T. D. Brown, w-ho has been in charge of the Barrie Motor Car 00. here for several years. is transfer- ring the business of auto accessories, tires, gas. oils, etc.. at 13 Elizmbeth St., to =.\Ir. Chas. Beelsby, who will use the Dl`C`11llSS as a ;\I`cLau::hin show room and sales room. The t1`ansl`e1' to take place on January 1 next. 'l"he l"01'(l z13.;enc_\' will be taken over by C. and \V'. 1\Iotm's, composed of C.- L. Chillick, of .~`.1o11e.}' Creek, and E. W`. Wood- man. of I<`1'ultlzmd. \r.. 11.-nu-n u-ill mnvp in O1`i1li{1. {BUT FEW PARCELS 2 sum AT TAX SALE; man, 01 J"1'1ll[lil.1`l(1. Mr. Brown will move to Orillia. _,`\\'l1e1'e he will be conneclvd with the "l~`o1'd a:.;e11'cy. Tom has made man_\' l'1'iends in P.a1'1'ie -and his removzxl will be l`.lll(`.l1 regrettetl. i I . M21_1o_1' Jos(-p11 _.} g`(-1'5 .\(-ts As .-\.u<-ti011(*o1' for ]1`if1`_\ - | ]fJi;;'11`r Y("z11'.~s. ` annual tux $2111` of 1;m(`.:< int taxes in the County 0`. held on .\`I01ulu)' arI`1e1` Court House. The at- was not \'er_\ Iz1r5:e am`: exception `oz 3. coupln of bidding was nut brisk. .Jo: Rogt-1's. Hifqh Con .ths:- Cuunt_\' Court. \\'feI(le lmtzxxuev. Tihs was the .\[uj0r`.~: at the job and jud;'in_; hu:~'k_\' voice on .\I0nd-uy h. be good for at 10:15! hm n\\ r\vv:\ 1'01: u.- ...u.u ,-l....,. .~\ll(`-_`.,"('lll(`l` H`.Ol`[` \\'ez'e.` I240 p:u` cels z1(l\'e1-I-isotl for sale. .\ n1m1he1' wt` pzn'~c<-i:< had heen 1'o(lemne(l l)o2'()l` the sale and the l211`_;v,.,-st po:`ti)n siill reniains unsold. .\t the udjmirm-:l :alt- on .\lon'duy next e`'e1'_\'tl1in<.: will be sold. aPracticall_\' all the 1)mper~ ties are in V'icto1'iu l-Izu'hoi'. Port .\lc- Nicol and T21)`. l m`1. .\[oNicol had visions one time 01. lmiiig 21 city long: ere this and lots wz-re sold to people all over this Dominion and in other ('0unI.x`ies. The real estate men reaped a harvest, but the vacant lots still reinaiii, and are now seek~ ing someone to take: them up for -taxes in zu'1`ea1`s. At .\Ion(la_\"s sale. J. B. Jones, of Port .\IcNico1, took :1 chance on a bunch of 63 lots, .which ranged from $2.00 to $4.25 a lot. \Vm. Yolk. of laiinbank, tool: It block of nine lots, ranging agbout the same. .. . , __, ,__ _, .taxes of $148.77. Joseph I-Ia_\"Lei', Farm lands were more in de- mand. For 101 6, Con. 15, in the Township of Sunnidaie, containing 200 acres, M. H. Tuipper, of Minne- apolis, b'ou-ght 15 acres for the '>a~_\'- ment of taxes, amounting to $31.67, also five acres of 21 41 acre lot fox, taxes of $8.78. \V. T. Stewart, Bax`- rie. bought 95 acres of lot 17, Con. 1, Tososrontio, containing 100 acres: for pa_w11e11t of taxes of $93.48.? Mr. Stewart also bought 120 acres- of lot 7, Con. 5. in H19 Township oi` Vespra. containing 152 acres. `for Barrie, bought 95 acres of lot 6. C611. 6, Vespra, containing 200 acres, for taxes a.mount-ing to= $12`.3.88. S. S. Stephens of (`:len-. cairn agreed to take 30 acres at 101: T-In (`nn .1 'T`nccnI'nnHn fnr H19 tn\'- L7kllI'Il 2l;I'(;`( .U ll) l.`l|\B -3U ilL'lt`r~ at IU 30, Con. 4, Tossorontio, for the tax- es amounting to $29.05. FIVL... A... .. -1` aI..,...\ v\unr\r\r\II`*:I\1~ lcz `=1 L;.t: \'I_1`Jlu_` kvh -1 service. I`hm'e is no V; tlwy ton may not any in. ,.n....... an :n Hm n` N u-nu`-.u..u_5 \.\; .,, _ V . u IJI l . 1 The owners of those pr0p,orties `[1134 redeem them within a year. The purchasers of properties at :1] tax sale will get at least 10 pm" cent. interest On all money paid if the parcels are 1'c-deemed within the; r on I` By I-Iaving Them. in One Clzlss VV0u1d Make Better r - Progress. lHI"`_\ I'll! l|l(l_V 'as nthe:':< do. faunilivs and |.`.~.m..~:......- :;. . l{l(`YULl`} .N'.\l.-\h'HED l.\' .\'| .~\(`(`lI)|<}.\"l.` [`Hl'I'l.\'l).\Y .\'l(H'l` .-\ near accident occurred on Thursday evening last when :1 car r'mnin;r down the main streeL at 21 .fai1` rate of speed knocked :1 boy on \a bic_vcIr.~. The wheel was bud`.y; but 1u0l:`i`..\` the ho_\' (`S-1 `f`:i_n(>(l without injury. K . W 1 lllill Oicu ha. ml 1 DIN) S'l`.\"I`l0N H.\('()X HOG (`Ll'Ii' I .\ Bacon Hog Boar Cln-h was form- ed at Om Station on Tuesday evan- in_:. Dec. 11, with the `;'o1l0win;: officers : Preside-11:, Geo. Cr-awfo1-:1; Vice- I :o.=rident, Thos. Boll; Sec1'eta1').'. Ernie Comes; Caretaker. S. B. Jones; Committee, John Wallcer and Wilson .\IilIe1'. 17.- _ .__...\.I.....,.I..'... .-.5` \V. A. Lowe & Son are sole agents in Barrie for Stuunton Limited Semi-Trimmed Wall Paper. Paper is 22 inches wide. V nruu .unu:~- . The club has a membership of E l'}.\Hl;\' . Au t are 1': ionds. that non ~lhose under normal in1el1i:.;ence` -could be taught sepawntely. I1 'p1'o\`1s1on -IUl' :suuuuuu.u mun... was re1`er1'ed to the Manage1nem Committee at the 1'6-g_u1a1' meeting 01 the Board of Education on Evlonjay ~e\'ening. Trustee Reburn expl:1it1 A?'.el. at length. the need our se:.:rega'cing' these pupils lom those of nm`m21`; menta1iI.,\'. They t`m'm u hindrnncc tr) both the Ienchel` and the chil- dren under her change. In Bur- rio, said 'I`1`ustee Reburn, then-, are about fteen such cases. Om provision that could be made would be to fo.1'm a, different class in xvhi-Sn! would be known as an '.n1:\"1lim-_\ class. ' q,...m..`1 nr\vnn1nnir\:'\1ir`n1'< wm'(> re- nu :15` mail H1 \\ I :nx'1,\'.` 'I.\lll.Y `SYDNEY WILLIAMS | . DECLARED INSANE; G1';111(1 Jury S0 Decides On The Evidence of F0111` 1)oc-tors. S_v(111(3_v \Vi1l'ia:ms, who was arrest- ed -.L1'lu_\' last spx'in_=.; on a Cl1EJ.1'v,"8 0-I h0useb1'eak`.ng at Go Home Bay, and whose case has hung re 2111 sum- mer, was found insane on Tllesdzry by the jury chosen to decide \\'hell1e1 .1 L. ....... 4:4. 5.. ~.....,1 o \`\ IIUEN CEIDU llllb ll lllls All U (lll DLLIIA` Tllesdzry he was fit to stand trial. The certicate or l`ou1'.docto1's to. the effect that he was insnne mainly l`o:xmed .1hu evidence upon which the jur_\-' based its decision. l`i1x'o1Igi10L1t the lfiitl W'il1iams sat with bowed head. m--ver once in three hourza and a hall 1'aisin;.; his Illezul from his chest. 01' even taking: it :._'1unce uhom the room. He twirl- ed his cap in his Huge-1`s the entire `inn.- Lllnt`. All the doctors prisonefss p n_\'sic-41 rlinn tn-dn\' it mu pnauucx 3 puomx dition to-day is the time of his z l_\' going: dmvn I I: r? 1 il,'UHC|;`L l1lll_L', I!'D IJIVCLILIUIID, l(lLL K L sits 1'01` hours in his cell zuld ju mop-as, with his 11c-.1r.1 on his cluast. 11:. n V ...I`.... 1... , `The ([llL`Sli0n of 11121-king special `provision for subnornml children um: mI'm'1'ed :uuyx..;, nu, up, us...-.. \dJA ....., .. .... His (-.m1\'e1':~:u.:0n when he can induced [0 tall; consists en'ti1'el.,\' inwnlu.-us he mus nmde, or is p1u 11111:" to perfect. He 1)eIie`.`es hi M. I` _ ' .. 1... .1... ....-.-\..on.. no` .. In`.-..l IlHl_`5' LU pt7llL'L3L. Ill.` Ucnl sell" to be the `.n\'enIo1' 01' moot` luck. which he vulu vnnrlnzs mun) nf S21 INN! ll!` ' pazzttiwly )_lAU(IL Auxn. \\lIl\_|l nun-\..w ul. tiiotlest Slllll mt $l.0Ut)_.UOU. mnniczitinn Willl the moon C'2l:,`' it` to patent his plans. Another curi0u:'~: .lr:lusiun he l3llDill'iG(l to Dr. Clair. SH-131. 01' the Ontario Hospital for lhc Inszme, when the Kloctur 0.\- uitilitetl him on .\lu_\' 24, \\'a.s7 :1 trip |l\ uu. Com- is t'um- ` to .\1ar;< he was going to take by means of electricity derivetl from the sun's rays. The reulru ;innrne_\' would take ten _\'(*'l'I`S, he said. \\ hun 1)r. Clair l'|3l1lill`l{e(l that he miggltt (lie during the ten years, \\`il~. liztms replied that one could not die while three miles away from the earth, death belonged only to the earth. 011 Ttlesday. Dec. 11, the day of the trial, Wiilliams was susnpicious of Dr. Clair, claiming he was one of :1 gang of spies Il`_Tl1)g fn ctnul hit: D invunxinn lcnnt he were :1llo\\'ed: ` 1 . l 1 ,- are ol' every description and hardly was uuu UL it gztxlg pies tr_uu5 to steal his il1\'l1ll011. He kept repeating the letters T .\I O T W, and when the doctor asked him what they stood for, '\\'illizums re- plied that it` he (the doctor) wished to know he would have to ask Christ about it. Still other fancies lltat he entertained were -.1 sul)marine boat that would travel throuzgh the water at 1,000 miles an hour, and an aeroplane of 1100 horse power, calpalhle of making 1,000 miles an' hour, either through the air 01 water. A bunch of 25 keys found on his person at the time or the ar- rest, and so far as can he learned, made by himself, show that he has or had mechanical genius. The keys `D a lock made but could be opened by some one or them. Atfter being arraigned and asked to plead, Frank A. Hamunond, counsel KIYHII. n--kunil-rnrl 1!-un fl-n 9.. . ... (V HIICU UL UHU \\'l|U klb lllhilllt. Dr. Clair of Toronto gave it as his opinion that Williams is insane, and that all insane people are po- tential da11j.{'l'S. i Hopelessly insane was the (min- `ion of D1`. R. Raihos 0! Blidland` I I 1 I. 1 I -` and Dr. IA. .1. Simpsmi of Barrie. For the Crmvn. Joseph h`Iv\var1 01 Ta) 'l`0\\'nshiu. Cu1'elul;v1' of MI". Watson's snmnw1' home. was lm culls-- On Jan. 28." said the . I went to the house and .. D I`A\ n.` !\ni. nnnnu mu `'1 \vitn(.- ,. IJ) bU|H!'.` U111`: UL Llltlll. being for VVi1lian1s, submitted that the =prisoner was unable. to plead, and the trial proceeded with -issue. Dr. VV'all\\'in, jail surgeon, was the first \\'it11e.ss. He stated that he had seen the prisoner every day for two weeks zLt'ter his arrest because of VVilliazm's injured arm, and since that time had seen him once every two weeks. After app1.yin__r numer- ous tests the doctor decided that Williams was insane and not ac- countable for his actions. \Vhether the prisoner was observed or un- observed he always had the appear- ance of one who was insane. T\- (`lulu nt' 'T`1\|-r\v1On arnun H nt- `psuinu-(1 at ` I`r>11mvin*.5 him VV ill..\.Ull 3 \\'1tx1(.-.~`;<,, put on a me aspen:-d it \\'i1Ii:11ns. wilh :1 _::un in his hand. sxeppod out um! told me to stand still and m!<<.\ th`r:_:.=`. ems)`. I told him he would haw H) get out and he picked 11;) his rie and 21 box about :1 for): square and walked '.1\\'a_v from tlm lmuse. He told me- he lmtd sorvwl time before and would not :0 hack nlivs-. He kept the gun um all the while I was until he left me at 21 >_lll|llll'\"1' HUIIIR`. \V;|h "I I'urm~_ce re. One room in c.~.. Hunt` house was loo!-wd and when 1' ,r:0\'m'ed him with his rile and l Clll lld'l. >`xm\ z1'.*I then told John Vv"11tS()li. Chief 01' i n`.i(-0 M I H1(`l2\111I, ni` u- occurronce and Watson in his evi- dence iold of Iracliing` \Vi1lizLms to the .=..wzLmp into which he had turn- ed after ]eu\'i1L: Stewart. Y\ i|1iz1ms tnld get him to-.mor- 1:-nu tn H..- him unu- that he could Cu \\/'n Ibo-Iv! Vnv-rand IU`\\ . BU V\ ill.`UL| \\ J3 IUI |.}|Tll LU ul'.' part without him. ` \Vil1i:1ms was next heard of on .`\`p1'i1 11111. when I"1':1nk Fcnlon, ('u1'etake1' of Dr. A. H. Abh0tI.`.~'. sum- mer home at Go Home Buy. found him in a bedroom. 1~`nnt.on had bheard that someone was hangng `about the cottages ann wi:h his .n:o'n \|vcxuI' rtn in`-nuliavntn nn nnvl `l"d.l't'Lul\L`l U1 L11 . .`\. '_1. .`\UIlUL|, 5 .3'|1n' lmer `him .heard about wife. went 'to investigate. One door in the house was shut and a little dog of I~`enLon's began to bark at (Continued on page`six) Lafonlaine E11-ioit. of .\[=idland ap~! peared at the General Sessions of the County Court on Tuesday morn-` ing to receive a dischrarge on an} int'orn1'at.ion laid against him for in- decent assault. The reason he was discharged was because the Crown had no evidence to offer against him, the prosecutor having departed for lands unknown since the 1ayin;.;` w;}of the charge. Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, December 13, 1923 Lin 5 1113.5. Lllt,` l'{`llllLl Jlllll ut'_\ I L i , l)l0l1f_, (-`(1 n! rkn 9.-in] \X'HI-ulna urnu Hlill H9 l7UlllU _4t`|. Illlll l.U'1lllUl' So Watson was forced to du- un`I\n-ut hin- 01's agreed that the aim} and mental (`mm- s much wmse zmm -.11 5 zu'r(-2sI. He is :'a1pi(l- hill. and \\'}1e1'e-.xs at` .-....n -,n '11) um. r -4, \ L`l_\ LT\)llIIlILl1|1L'r|lH r] inventions, lu`.e1_\' he.` jusi :~ luxxrl nn `hie r-Ina:-1 \L'|l|LIl \ll (1. 'l|ll_ln|l 11 \"d11|&'S at me $1.0UU,UOU. o' `hm \Iv(\v-n u'I\.\un:l H Ir` diet JACK coums ans | , rm: YEARS IN PEN} F01'g'od Clmqltc 011 Creemorc Mam ; Has Rec-01'd of _ Nine Convic-tions. 'ClaSS." Several communications \\'m'<,> :-=ived. Oe from K. A. Cooke. ac-- ne-ptins,r'$30 in full pa._\m1en: for tho injuries 1`(>cei\'ed -by his son whilr piayilxg in the I{i11_:vGeorgv school yard. h1vh:\1in'.I,= to the annual` Cm" 'I`-wo years at Kingston was the sentence meted out by RM. Jeft`s on Wednes(lz'1_\' afternoon to Jack Co1~ lins, alias Harold Churchill, on a charge 01' forgery and fraud, com- mitted at Creemore. this sentence to run co11cm`1*entl,\' w=it'h one of three _vea1's imposed in Toronto on Mon- 'dzL_\', Dec. 10, by RM. George on live cltzttges of frzutd. It was on Nov. 3111 that the cir- cumstances culminating in Collins sentence _\'oste1'dz1y first avose. On October 30th he went to C1'eem01'e un(ler`the mmne 01' Jack Collins and bought 1:11'ge quantities. of apples in that district. He becunte \'e'.'_v l`1'ien(lly with those he dealt with in Creemore. but suspicion was di1'er:t- ed towanls him because he failed to pay any nmney for his purcliztses. Mr. A. Currie, with whom he wzxs aloin_: the bulk of his business, in- t`m'm9d him that the apples would not be shipped until paid for. On Nov. 5th Collins su(1denl_v took his 4n...-nu-u c..l:in-r urith hinn K10 hnr not 09 smppeu lllllll pzuu 1u1. uu dopu1'lu1'e, tz1l;ln_; with hlnn 3510 bur- rowed from the proprietor of the hotel. as well as lea\'l11g zL xboard bill l)eln'1ul. He went to Suuli. Ste. .\Izu'ie, and when it xvuvs found that he hnzl (-ommitted l'or_uc-r_\', the Son police were nolied in be on thv lookout for him. He was zL1`1`os1e(l there and taken to Toronto, whorv ho 1'vc(~'i\'e(l three _\'0z11's on ve (-11:11:10.5 of l'1'aucl. and then bX`()1l_L:hl to tnwn _\'esle1'(lu,v and :.;i\ en two - nnu-F I\|I\vvn ,1 can .7 xuun \,. C.-'>1l'ms pleaded _quilt_\' in lhrerz r*l::1rg<`+ in )`PS[(`.I`(]ZL_\"S police court. The [l1roe were l`0rging an cl1(~q11e fm `$567..--0 on the Bank 01` .\I0nI1'r.-321l, \Vizmipe:.;'. (lra.wn on A. Currie, Cree- moro. and made payable to Jannes A. ."s{('Donal(l; attexnptingz to de- .I`1`z1u(l Ed. Gilpin of Cremnore 0.1 $10. and while passing; under the name 01' I-Izu'o1(l Churchill attem.pl in: to steal lhi1'L,\'-0ne barrels of appies. .\lo: unconcerned W215 the albi- tude of the prisoner during the lrial. Until the time of passing sen- tence he took everything as a joke, la.11_::hin_L' and chatting with those `about him. But when the sentence r\I' on-n vnara mac nrnnnnnr-ad :1. 1lllf-'- HI ruvul luuL_\-uuc uullxjna un IHUIIIEIIL Jlt: luuncu ur::y::Aa,c.v;. 1:: 11 second, however, he began to smile and chat again. and was ap- parenlliy in the best of humor when he {aft the court room for the jail. He is forty years old, tnarried, and has his home in Toronto according to answers given in reply to the magist1`ate s qtuest-ions. A certiufiicate of his previous record, showing nine convictions since 1907, was led with the court. It shows an inter- esting career of crime. On Dec. 5, 1907. he was rst placed in St. John's Industrial school. On Dec. 1? 11.1 kn uvnc cnnfnnrloll in ai\' JO'nnS lIlllllSll'l'd.l hL'llUUI. uu ucu. 17,1910, he was sentenced to six months in Central Prison on" three charges of theft; on Feb. 22, 1s19,l to three months at the Jail -`I*`arm;` on June.15, 1918. to one month all the Jail Farm; on J1me 9th. 1920.`, to 15 days in Cornwall jail for ri(l- ing a train without l'.'n'e; on June 25th. 1920. to six months at the Jail Famn on two charges of theft; on Sept. `27th, 1921, to 18 months at the Ontario Rerormatony for: l`i'a.nd. Concurrent sentences, on Dec. 10th. 1923, to three years all l\'in;'sIon for fraud, and on Dec. 12, 1923, sentenced at Barrio to two years at Kingston for `forgery. 1...-..:.. ..:..1 n.w...L...1..1.. (V...-.-Inn nf _\C(1In cu l\|||`I5s1|.u|n ..,. ....au._.. Provincial Constable Gardner of Collingvwood and RC. Dicks of To- ronto brought, the prisoner up f.r0m Toronto yesterda.y, where he had been taken by the Soo police after Provincial Constable `rardner had informed them to be on ihe lookout 1.". .. 1. nm nnhucx nr Fnllin: 5 *lnl0I'me[l mam U) [)0 un luv: n)unuu|| for a man by the name of Co11'1ns.! Collins wa's l.'d.k11 to Toronto on the? ltivr 0 (~1oo.k train V\'ednesd-.1_v e\'vn-i :. .. ....,1 run. Ihnvn u-m hp umn In! ` : ]'i'iil F l*`.|Al'I`}H .`\.\'I) I..().I.. 452 ? I I HOLD EN.l()Y;\IH.l*`. l<}\'l*}NlN'(}i !!\'P O'(`,l0C-K lrnln \\eume.suu_x enun- inL'. and frmn there will he Si-`I11. 10; 1 I\'in;:.s10n. yard. I _I11vi\uiio:1s to Christ-2 mas tree emert:1in1nems 01' the l\ i11:.-U Edwalvd and Victoria Schools were` received by the Board. T T? \Hnna T1. \ _ \\']`()f(\ H10 3Ul'lII_' Jll. IJil\`Ill.. The True Blues and L.0.:T.. 4:'3". }l`-r).1-eswr, hir dzuu-(= party on Th11I`Sdu_\' F-\*nni11'.`-f.{lhm`r`-- last. The winners in the m\r:h1`ci ,---m, in pm, (,i \vw`o., lndnes, rst, Mrs. .\rth1!1` Lomfe; .3. mm H mm.` h...\.,-U second, Mrs. (D12) Oaks; lhlrd. .\`l1's.1;nL,im_.(,_.| M W E `Elston; men. first. 111`. Jack M'zn`-l with xv;-,'.\1`(l 1.0 hi: l...I'l uni! Riv Tnhn \T-Jr-L'n\' ihir ` - _,;- (w,_`,, 1 `held a very enjoyable euchre andgos` thv cozn=.:\i:iz=v A-.. .A U'zuJL'\` [Jul l_v un AxIl|nuuu_- \ . ` \ . ` V\,"n} . (,i[,_\.. RWW. _;,,,.,,,,,)l lnrhies, .\rthu1` Lotwez-1 ir.h'\':'u- \\' wixh 1119 Chief`. T5-l?11:Jin<:(\: the Roads Elston; shall. and Mr. John .\Iackay third. imondc-m of Colnrlizznlirm .Il'l)(i|`} HEARS R-l.Ql'l.. FOR .\'.~\'I`l'l{v;\l.I'I..~\'l`I0\ Three 1'eq11es!s for m\turai7.:ati0n` } zposzithm in wh1*h he has heen an- ;:()R gar:-intc-d for the rzmnina _\`t":1I`. Hp; p_\p}.;[{S: will 1\;),vn juris('HL-.r.i0n over Co1rmi'/.`n-`. 1 I 1 Hon 1'lrmd.~. in lines`. S'rmc.nr-. ~- Sunn':du1e and \'r--.p1'z\ in in. |`P5 were h`3"d "'-m`"*` is H`" Mara and Rain-.1 in North Ontzu`ir>,~. . Judgge Vance this week. The)` \ve1'e`mm in part or -Bm(,P_ i_. bW__q,._1 W0"! Stem U1" M "ma P9[91";rM` Ihis appnintnwni that M-'. C1r0v0S1k0VS'ki Of OFT ~`TCNi" 01 amiiis rt-.li.1'ing; from m1'mic 1pa1 I SELHI. Srpanis of Barrio. E\~'i in the amwnship or O1.mia_ M Em` l was given in each case that the 1nm1Dm,n_ M \7m`_m-`m }1m-bm~_ has hp, wore wmwthy of becolning muurahze _ the position H71` the past two _vear::. Canadlans. He had jtxsdiction. however. only `in Simcne. but the Depzwtmem has gALv_.\v[\[0x _.\n_\|f decided 10 extend the district to s=m'nethim.=; the` su.me area as when Thursda.y, Dec. 20. is the date o_\h._ 1) C_ H-mwen held the omCe_ nm hm-ignnms Entertariummlt and`; . . e . _ N `\l'l1h hxs duties: .\uper-;` : nz\t1:1'aiz:ati0x1`T;~,)`(1),r., His MW \ve1'emm Stefzbn Peter 1 of . .\TcNico1 and; 35 E\~'i men ,1 D" the date of`: the Ch;ri:st.mas Entertarimmmt and; Christmas Tree at the Sa1v:n.ion;_ Army Hall, Comer St. at S p.m.: Tickets 150 each. Come and bring {your friends. A wonderful pro- grzunme of musical drills and marches, dialogues. tamleanxs. e.t.c._ Don t forget the date. -1 IRA RR [E lb` G R0 ['I El) ' [T H BR-A DFORD AND N E\\'M :\ R liE'l" L`.\ U1): and ixxgz 13 able sixty soum SIMCOE BOYS IN STOCK-JUDGlNG% \Vi 1 I111)-Ill SCUII-' was .:-,UU\r puuun uuu;cul-,5 .-`umllh Simcue was only 8!! 1)0in1.~_1H9n behind the York team. who won _ rst. Souih Simcoe also won secomi 1 13_ ' in the judr.-ing` of sheep and fmn`Lh`;be in beef cattle. g 'I -- x .A_,, 41.. ~r..L-.. \+I\ in nine: our-.-\,. The ir,-z\.m choseii for the InI(=r-: WinLm`.l air were Elwood Done. `I-lu- bert .\`Icl{en7.ie and Oscar Bow1nan.' `County Cr)mpetition at the (luelphl all from Thornton. T\\'ent~_\'-\'e' W(-,-'.~:.t(-r11 Onixario took p'z11'L in this` contest and South Simcoe tied with: Grey for 14th position. While this is a very fair standring, it u1i_<:,ht ebe: ltoains from the various counties 01 said in all fairness to the boys that usual form throughout the contest. as, according to A:.;ricu1tura1 Repre- sentative J. J. McCa:._rue, who coach- ed both teams, they showed every lndicabion of doing equally as good work as did the Royal team. In fact, previous to the competition,` \the\ were not jud;.'.in;:: up to their ed upon the South Simcoe trio at`- known as the team which were Like: 13' to offer real opposition for rst place. In individual standing they \were more t"ortunate, Elwood Bone I -`have frequently topped the list. look- getting in the money in three places and winning 4th in swine, 5th in beef and 9th in horses. Hubert Mc- hind the winner in sheep and Oscar 9 Bowman lacked 24. > coaches from the counties which: her the results at Toronto had been` Kenzie was only fouteen points be-' !`'CEi\ (| DY [119 1jOfU'(l. J. E. .\Iinns, B..~\., wrote 1` Board, a;~:kin_<.: that :1 certilicuie his sm'\'iL-es z1.=_`scio11ce 1nast(>1` t Barrie Cn1rau i;1!e from 1892:-1fHH forwarded to him. 1:`.-mu :`.1n I nnn\' T`.nnk,

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