Page F0111` OBITUARY $ Look! Save%Your $ For Xmas Gifts! Jeweller 1.5 illllUli:-`, \'.`h() 11 ow int:-'*re. 51 . by hi`: w Miss Susan I-Iu.,\.'\';ml n nun r\ n :1 n n 4. I 4. N. \\'. TC. KING CLOSING-0UT SALE 0F JEWELRY STOCK Prices Slashed to Cost Haul, the John William lv`.irman, a native of Tolonto. where he spent the greater pm-'1. oi` his life, died, t`ollowin:.: a ,1lm`;~`:1'ing illness, in Buffalo on Nov. 55. Mr. i~`irman was the fourth son .0! the late Ezekiel l~`n'.man of To- ronto. He was long employed with -{the G.T.'R., retiring twenty years ;ago- 30 take 11p residence in Buffalo. r`: leaves a wife. formerly Miss =_\1ar,v Russell of Toronto; bwo bro- ,-!.her,s. Geouge A. of Barrie` and gh_a1`le,s E. of Toronto; and three .3lsxers, Mrs. Alubert O"De1'1 and Mrs. _J. C. Urquhart of Toronto. and Mrs. -Bessie Adams of Winnipeg. Opposite Brown s Feed Store At 104 Dunlop Street Everything Must Go ! ridow. I n 5' ITELEPHONES .\'0\V INSTALLED | l.\' B.-\RlllE 'I`0'l`Ah OVER 1800. The Bel1.Te1ephone Co. announcei that there are eighteen hundred telephones connected up to the Bar-" rie e.\'change. `This indicates two; things : The growth of tlie town and` Lt steadily increasing reaiizaition oi` the fact that the telephone is Ia necessity and not 21 lu.\'u1'_v. Iiiive years ago there were 1012 telephones in Bairie, and the increase of ue-ariv,v eight hundred means bettter service. This t'emtu~x'e may have escaiped gen- eral notice, but it is nevevtiieles,-3 true. VF)` IMIVA :r< n .~....l-...1 .::u',....-....... I... . Ll UC. There is a marked difference be-it tween telephone service and Olth-91` pu-blic utilities in this respect. It is of no particular benet to _vou when your neighbor installs electric light in his home-i't adds nothing to your lighting t'aci'Li`ties. The same is true of gas or of the town's water service. You are quite independent. as regards your use of these utilities. of what other householders may do. Buit it becomes of immediate con- - cern to you when your neighubor in- stalls a telephone. Now you can talk to him at any hour -of the day or night, or you can summon him to your aid in an emengency. Each additional telephone instal-Led in Barrie -adds to the value of amd in- ,creases the scope of the service. Thu nnrnmnnv hem: I.-cunt no-no will: uluum-.:.'s UH`: BCUDB U). HIE SEl'\'lUL` The company has kept pace with the fol -ward pvogress of Ba.rrie-i.t' has spent many thousands of dol-I lars here in improving and extend- ing its service, and it is to `be con- gatulated, as is Bavrie, upon having attained a growth that makes 1800 telephones a necessixty. | T I G0\'l'}RN.\ll~}N'I` \\'.-\l\'l'}.: (`L;\l.\l IN I.\"I`ERE.H"l`S OI" DEPOSl'TORS Follrowin-g a conference last week between Premier F_ergusrm, A1!- toniey-General Nickle and G. T. Clarkson. Home Bank liquidatmy the Govermnenit decided to waive. 1'01 a time, its prior right to [me full payment 01' $1,500,000 of Pro\'in~ciaII m011e_\'~s on deposit with the bank. I In nvrhzxv H1-nf Hun rlanneiinv-c lllUHl'.')': Ull llE[J`U`>'ll Wllll tilt` U":l[lI\. ' In order that the I depositors} many of them being: soiiey in need; of money, I11`i_`.il'i receive the 25 per` cent. interim pziynleut. the G0\'ernl ment has decided to waive for 18 months its `prior claim, in order that `the small depositor m.ig_'ht receiye lsomv money almost immc-diu.1e1_\. i;~7t:m-d the Premier. ; he (}o\'L=rnment is no! \v.1i\'ing ;-.11 ciziim to the man!-_\'. as was adq vacated by the (`."` he rsusi Oro Township lost another of its oldest residenvts in the person of Alexander Gilchrist, who died at his home on the 5th concession on Nov. 132.11 last. Mr. was in his 83rd year and was a life-long, resident of the township, having Jtvesd for 78 years on the farm where he died. In 1874 he mar- sled Mary C`a'mp:bel1, daughter of the into Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Edgar, whom he leaves to mourn, with a. family of two sons and three nrhtugh-teiis. namely, \Villiam and ,-Annie at home,John on an ad.},'\in- jug )?_a1-an, Mrs. Thomas Aconiey of ;3hant.y Bay and Mrs. Fred Patter- son of `Edgair. He also leaves one .;i.s1.m', .\lrs. 1\lam_v Mccuaig of Shanty (Buy, who is in her 89th year and ghe last surviving member of the an1ll.\'.. In religion the deceased was 1: Presbznterian and in politics isuumch liberal. The tnneml was Attended by a large numnber of gfrientls nd relations from the dis- trict, Rev. N. Campbell conr.lur:ting {ho service. Interment at the ;';m.hrie cen1et<>r_\'. \ Ulltl l Ck asked. -`xv. ; ualxltu. Z\'o, replied the are me1'e1_\' zL1lo\\'in:.: n 1011201` pr-rind iu ,nu1'(1emum1.=. in I ..vm2111v|' dc--pr,n '>'."-' m p2L_\'m(-mt on :\(*co'1mt." "]`11o11]tinmh\ pa T)..rnv7.n.:n' :`....,1. :.. 4 E On Sat 5 \veddin_L: :church. '1 : Hz11`(1inf.r. ;`.V'E11iam I 3:011 of .\I:'. '.-. muanu 1 . pun. Hlcl|` ri:1':<> to \`.'i1liam'.\nlru-w \\`zn`niL-21. John L. \\'u.:'nir3a. 0|` .\i- lunclale. Rev. R. J. \\'. Ps>1'r_\'. hrr)rhe=1'-in-lznv 01` the bride, mn- rlur.-ted the cermxlony. .\!'tt=x' lunch- eon at the home of the bride's sis- ter, .\I1's. R. J. W. Pm'1'y. the happy couple 19!`-L fora shorl trip to Buffalo and other points. n ([5 un | I ("U Ln `EI.l<]PI I!` 1,: . ,LUu,-.\\. pz'0ter:`m . \y'.\Ii.\'l(`;\-(`.\Rl: .\`z1t1l1`dzx_\'. 1)c-m-nmer 1. ins: wok place at S1. C1 ' I`0rm1Io_ when Hale 1 (\III\lrl\'v` nlnnn-luynn READ- THE ADVERTISEMENTS. | Barrie, Ont. ,i..`\ I,`lG .~\L]*}.\'.\.\'DER GILCHRIST GIFT SUGGESTIONS Men s Leather Romeo Slip- pe1`,'i1L Tlh'm\'1: Kit]. Only . . . . . . . . . . . . The Northern Advance Worth Investigating I 5%! 1.5.! 2%! 1461 36$! 31 What could express thoughtfulness of the giver more than Footwear? Either cosy house slippers, of which we have an un- equalled assortment, or a pair of one of the season s new street shoes. Nothing can equal footwear as a gift, so why not-- Make This a Footwear Christmas `$3.00 `By S. W. Stratls, President .-\mori l can Society for Thrift. `S51 l_\ J1 L55 -3 Uhilll Kill-_\ `.\ }ll Huron. an(1- one -1:1 mzahral, also two sisters. Mrs. ?~Emn)011s and Mrs. W. J. '1'-.'n'~m'1t0. 'I`ha rntnnincz nrcx In r hvnw I r I The year 1923 is rapidly drawing to a close, and it is not out 01' or- der to suggest that the present is an opportune time for us [0 take stock ct` what it has meant to us in personal progress. Are we further along in the rez1l-' ization of our righitxful than we were at the beginning or this period? Are we better pre- pared for the days of emergency that may lie just around the corn- er `.7 Inasmuch as we are one year nearer the period of old age. are we in a correspondin~gl,V better posi- tion to meet the days when we shall be dependent either on the amount of money we have accumu- lated or the charity or others. u..-.. 1 ,,. __..-..u...A ..s- 41... 4'..-0...... A coutrzmt has been let for ihv erection of a. combined vault and clmpel at the N[idLau(i ceinetery. The building will `be of coummodilous proportions and cwpajie of afforching ample a.ccun1n10d-aitiou during the winter months. lumuu vn -nu, The best p1'ophet. of the t'u'tun~ is the past, W-rote P-jsron. If the years behiind us have not brough: the measure of success we l1:1\`n\ do sired; if we have not been uhlu to save and get ahead and place our- selves in 21 position or somv indn-< pendenco, we have l1(JHlil1}.f honor to look l'o1'war(1 to In the future un- less we llllif` :1 rm resullltion now to start on a now [me of por. x11w:111ago111e11 t. (``.m tho Hn-iI`r lmhil \l:ul(n R:I\' Get the thril't habit. .\1uln> sav- ing as essemizvl as e2\ruins.:'. Con. se.x*ve your re.=.-:u111'ce.< in lime, health` and m0ne_\'. Make H1059 pruclit-us, not nmllers 01' a few d'.1_\'s. but do- teltmine to uhem. A .... nnunnnn unnn hnr\I\n\nu -1 n1`:111u: , I llllkflll. [E`l`rIl1ll'l%` LU Any practice soon l)e=coinos. :1 hwbit whether it is 3.-ood or had. "H'u.bits. if not rt-sistnul. soon he- come a necessity," said Si. .-\nlhou_v. It` you are not. :1. pralcticor or 1l1r`u't.j I let these cl0.sin:.: d-.1_\ s of the your be the period of u. pzreal resolve. But it will be :1 I1i()s.t ini-port.-.1m step in your lilv. It will l)rix1g you happiness and coiltenm-.-_911t. 11 willl iiicmzise ,\'oua' usefulness and mid to your sol!` 1'0s1wct. '[`~he Iirst few \\'e1=l{S of the alum}.-;ml rout-iue. may seem son1e\\'li:i: uuin-I ter(~stim:;. But soon.th1`i-l`t will be- come a matter of ha.biit with you, and as the d.a.,vs and months uul`0ld you will nd in them an ever in- creasiug pleasure and upbuildiug. READ THE A'DVER'1`ISE'MEN'1`S. .-`\ l.]'l"l'|.l'l 'l`.\I;l\ ().\' i'lH{ll-"|` The Ever Popular Plush-Trimmed Felt Juliet Slipper, all sizes, in Bh1(-k, I-E-r0\\'n or Rod, ligllt exible turn sole and colnfortable low hm -l. Un0.\'c(*l|0d n` ('m1'1f'<)1't 2111(1'sm'\'i(-0. only Women s Red Felt Moccasin Slipper, 1l(*2.11;111(1s(*l'\'i(-(`21MC, trim- Invd \\'i1l1 . T1-ibbon and slnnll pmn 1mm. ()n|_\' . . . . . . Women's Boudoir _S1ipper, in Blzlvk Ki(l,`\\'i1`l1 l()\=-`11rl soft ]):1 solo. A (lz1in`r_\' . tlnll` will lw a S()11l`('(` of` on- jo_\'nn(-m and (.V()]`]f( l.t to flu` user. Only . . . . . . . . . . . `_l)'IIuLu. The x'e:nuins are l)c-Tx>_;- h:'n.:I-:21! In: `Barrie and int:-1`n1r.-1;! will tnlmi p1`am= at 1:110 Union celm-to:'_\' on they 9,:-r`n'z1l of the noon tzain from tho} '$Vest on I-`1'ida:.'. Dec. 7. f.`-hilds Picture Slipper, in ?m11~`(-]t. 1 h1_\' box \\'i`.h r`:1.-11 pair. Ni /ms 4. in T . . . . . . .900 t~'i7.(*s 8 10 1!) ....$l.GO Women s Warm, Serviceable, Plaid, All Wool E11g`1is}1 House Slipper, ligrht, H<*:~:ib1(`: ]o;1111m' cwlo. .\H siz(->4. Only In the Surrogate Conn on Saint`- day Hrs. Eflie \Vl1itesi(le ol` Collin}:- wooil made a claim against the estate of her _::randn1otl1er. Mrs. Selina Zeighgel. who (lied this sum- mer. for an amount in the neigh- bonhood of $1500. The claim was lmade for pzwment due for the care of her gnandmuther. After evidence `had been heavi'd for an hour. Judge Vance asked if the -mauer could not be settled out of court, and it was decided that Mrs. Whiteside should get $800. besides $400 she had re- ceived :before. making $1200 in all. Y\1n1nnn1 T\Tr~I.r>nn l.-1:-Ind Fnr fhn *2 The 11 vember average. ('()l.l.'.\'(-`\\ ()()D L.-\])Y l'}.\"l`l*I!lS (`L.\|.\l l.\' Sl'RRO(i.\'l`l-.` (`()l'l{'l` J 1 Lit,`I\l`.'u *Ut`1LUll',`. l1li.l|\|1l5 -)1UU 111 ill]. Malcom McLean acted for the plaintiff. W. T. Allan for the ad- ministrator. aud Rich-ard Honey-- i`or `for other interested -parties. With the u. with all all the nicturesqueness ot s1m'ouuding landscape; the W0 tilled fanms and ht-uutil ul t`a11'm residence, and with all the tine rozui.-`. and thousands of .1utom-_hilus truvellin-:4 those roads, them is one imtortiniute bletnish on the lzuulscupe 01' this fair province .M' ours. 'I`h21t det'vc.t llS seen in the runtlitiou or many of our rural school `.'.'l'UUlltlS. It is rather a. rare thing to much taste displ2i_\'e(l in the ilt-mrzition of these grounds. Some 51' L` of them ha\'o not even it tree or shrub on the premises. This is an unin\'i~tin:.: prospect to the touhitst, to the `itmmediate community, to the boys and _;irlt.=. attending school and ~:lopn-cizttes the value ot' l"tLI`1)1 pro- perty in that section. The time has vet to come when there should be a zeutwnl interest taken in this mat- ter by the Board of Trustees and teachers in every rural school.-St. .\l;1r_\".s '1`hties-Jouranl. Nov. lil'l{.\ L SCHOOL (iR0l'.\' DS I . . . 51 6'6 -- -- mean temnpera.ture for No- r was 1 degree albove he n 'l`H In` \\'l'}.'\'l'l-I Ell Low H igh -2 s: 51 --W. H. Buttery. o..?6 0.31 1.5 Rai 11 Snow 1VIen s Soft S01-9 Bedroom Slipper, in 131m-L; lxiid. All . 15 `m ]f) 9 . . . . . l KC" THURSDAY. READ THE .\DVERTISE.\IE.\'TS. I I PELSSUUZ 1lli:lL Llllb L/UUHUII L`HLlI`l' imously vplaue itselt` on record as being absolutely opposed to the pro- posed method of taxation. covered by the tax exemption by-law to be sub- mitted to rateupa,vers on Jzmnary 1 next, that this Couu`c"il l)elie`.'es that taxation should be on the basis of a:hil'ity to pay and service rendered, and it is the opinion of this Coun- cil in view of disastrious `iesults to the mun`ici:pz1l;ities in the West who have expeurimented with similar schemes of ta`x\atlon that the adop- tion of such a scheme by the City of Toronto will result in the freeimz, from taxation of those corporations and wealthy ind`ividiual.~s who are well able to pay the increase in the rate of taxation. which will mean a conscation of vacant land. the serious impairment of the city's- credlt in -Canada. and abroad, the reation of slum conditions and the beginning oi. a march backwa.rd to the progress of the city. TORONTO \\'ll.L \'0 l`I'I OX l`Hl`} >il.\'(l.l-I l`.\.\' SYS"l`E.\I ;l05.:islation \\'l1erel)_\' a petition sign- ied by ten per cent. of the electors lot` 21 municEpu1il_\' nia-y demand a vote of the people on the single tax signed by over 10,000 has been presented to the City Council and a vote will be tuaiien at the coming municipal elections. If the people of Toronto vote in Favor of the single tax then the council will have to pass a. by-law authorizing that system of raising revenue. lsysteni. In Toronto that petition I 'T`hn einurln tnv vavetnvn `no.-gnu tho!- Tho Di'l1i'_\' lover-nnient passed I 5_\blUll| U1 I'd.l5Hl5 l'U\llllC. The single tax system means that land only w.ill be assessed for rais- ing revenue. The by-law as sub-\ minted to the elect-ors of Toronto will read: To exeunpt fro.-.11 tax- ation for all purposes, including school punposes, for the first year in which the `by-l takes effect. ten per cent. of the assessed vane of im- provements, income and business assessxnent in the city of Toronto, and from year to year the1'ea.L'te1' a further additional percentage of ten per cent. until the whole of such assssed values are exempted from taxation. "|'\'hn Acanuunaovaf f"nvnvni:-.~?nnnv- nf Lil..\ii.Ll`Ull. The Assessmenit Commissioner of Toronto sa.y,s that the tax rate \vi]l liave to go up the first year to 31.44 mills and g1~adu211l_\' increase every year till it will rezrch 71.05 mills, assuming that the aniount to be raised is $24,000,000 each year, as at present. '|"|1p- (".nnnr~il nf' 'T`nrnnfn nnun- ill pI't.`S8[ll. The Council of 'I`oronto u1mn- imously oppose the single tax system -anvd the followin_: resolution was pzussed: That this Council unan- lLn1ousl_v as hnincr nhanlluvalv nnunnzntl tn H11: In-n- DECEMBER 6, 192 3 \ \: ` W. J. JOHNSON JOHN \\'ll.l.l.~\.\l Fll{v.\l.\.\'