7 Treasurer sS2rlr3of . | In Arrears for Taxes 1 1) 1} 1:60 DOE 0.00 3.05 3.25 E20 nu.) (364 ['13: 0 6-2) 3:25 A10 -1.1:: 4.19 2.88 -:0: 579 Plan 3569 I.69 80 UJJJ. 692 693 694 695 696 697 698' 699 700 701 702 7|'\'.| Last week '.\ll'. Peter Stevenson, District Game VVai'den, planted zuboui an acre 01' shallow water off Clll('l island with \vild rice, and iLl)Olll half an male in the vicinity oi Smith's l3:i:.'. As (L storm cumn up the day alien` Hie rice \v:1s plunind and disturbed the Il)()U()lll snil'ir'ivnil_\' to cover ihe seed, :1 good liarvost niuy he o.\'pe(:ted. Tim purpose in plzu1tin_: the rice is to provide food for wild ducks. and so bi-inf: Ihr water l'owIl ll(`l`f` in such lllllll`l)Pl'.*' that sportsmen niay obiain their l)ll_L_ limit. All Hm wild rice snppliod h,\" the `Goveinmvnt, is planted in public- xvaters where the geiwnil public an allowed to hunt and shoot. The S(-`('(]. which is pacrlcod wvt and which is killed it allowed to lo come dry. was sown broatlcasl l`ri-in rmvihoats. Once a growth of wild rice is obtained it re-s'eeds itself and spreads l`21Dl(ll_\".~-Ol`llllil Packet. Saturday was a busy day with many of the merchants in Barrie. Shop-pm's learned that they-9 are 3on1y four more weeks in which to [do their Christmas shoppving. 36-). D. I-I. COLEMAN, County Treasurer, Simcoe County. Monday,` "the 17th (1 First publication in .407 426 427 446 447 460 474 475 l"'7 57h 1007 1003 1{\1I an: 480 Ti")! (Jul 611 620 I321 622 1'10`) LUUD 1014 1015 .1016 1017 1021 1023 1027 1033 1034 1035 UI)-2 (365 57-1 675 688 690 L01 UQVJ 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 642 644 658 659 660 665 683 684 685 686 687 708 709 732 740 743 744 745 746 '74 ? I-J4! 7.37 760 770 771 '77") ((4. 782 7.\`:-) 784 796 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 810 all .812 01-3 .01. . 313 O0`) 0.10 R26 330 001 0-)]. 849 ~.\`:')() S51 S31 S62 00-`) 901 905` ...y 5:34 9:45 n-we Jr! 986 967 n'."\ 111-) 974 f\".'7'I 2-12 243 317 336 468 478 491 492 498 499 501 502 506 Hlu 715 718 -719 720 721 728 729 732 733 737 738 '7'J _-\rreax's Ul .67 .30 .1 .0 '70 1.9 .00 I37 J! .00 .00 .00 .00 .48 n D .:.uu 2.68 -y 4;: (hull 2.56 O (`D ..a.U'r 2.00 `) [lA\ 0.1V 2.00 0 nn can 756 757 7:9 ...uIJ 4.43 410 `Ivan 4.05 '7 tin The Northern Adv-anon .-)U .30 .30 .45 .00 .91 .91 01 2.66 001` .518! 4.48 4.3 4.37 3.17 CI? 1) 6.30 L:t! .UD 6.30 6.30 1.80 1.80 A07 Lot Costs Total ` day of 1 Barrie luv 843 OR`) :).. 4vJ 3.25 `J n: l.i)d 7.55 can `i.1U 4.16 A11`. 6).! I) 5.62 5.62 A/I0: 1.3L 7.55 1.91 7.55 7.55 3.05 3.05 5.62 E13`) "E ' I ]Nl".\V BOOICS .\'|` I`l'll.l(' Lllll.\RY' 1). : 861) 864 On, . .\IaoI11lyre-~B1o\\'ing \V'eathe1`. .H`t1':1ng---.\d\'entures of Han`; Rochester. \\'<-sterxnan-Sea Scouts L`: ` Channel. I3~.e-reton-~Kni_:ht 01' St. John. RIr:1|L:-- ']`om B1ll`I1i1.b_\`. S(-11dd< Children's Book. SeIon--~.-\uimal He1'on?s. Burgess---1]owe1' Book. 1)ix~- Hugh Gwyetll. Lot'ti11;:~~-.\`Iory of Dr. Doolittle. .\IcLe0d-~S1o1'ies from Fair Queen. - (Iill)m't~v-;\m'op1:1ne Spider. l .\'1n-O1t0 of the Silver H'anr1. `I`,\'1e-~.\Iem_\' ;\(1\ entu1'es of Robi Hood. \'m...:n hm-m Qn-1 LTnn(:;|`c r L`lUUll. \'m'1'i11~--Dee1) Sc.-:1 l1`0ZPl1 North. Lnm_~-~Me:. 01` the B1`o\vnxies. L:111e---Hom't of Oak, Book No. 1. x\lm1t_;ome1'_\' Emily 01' the New .\Im'n. x\Im1t:.:0n1e1;\'~~Ri1lz1 01' I115.rIeside. G1'z1hame- -L:1r1'_\'. We1ls-~-1 ;111y's Romance. l'f1l1HL'l`S Adult Fiction `;uchan--.\`Iidwimer. Dirminghan1-Io11nd .\I0n0_\'. Beac11---I-`1o\ving Gold. D0stoieffsk_\-'-~The Idiot. Di\'e1'--Cz1nd1es in the \Vind Io1'e1nun--`.\Iun who Lived Uh l\:\ -,i n `.1 01` 1`Ul Shoe. l.`u'Ir I-1.'nni1tun-~-- l`11v Day before Ye. (lay. \1.1.\.. \r.\.. I\`I 4|... 1._..-.. 1.__.,,,._ \ (`lL\l(.'l-ll'llH'I' .N'l l'l) H()l'Sl<} ! l)()l.\'( (()()I) |l'SIN|'].N'S While in CI`iliLZhlll'.s'I tlw other tlztyt the '\\'l'iI(!` httd 11 tfhuttcv to visit, [ht-t mlw l`(:i:ltt) Hmtse there, which is`: :1 crmlit to the directors and 1'2ll`m-` t`I'." known as l`ht- Sitmcoe C()lU]I)' l nIzttr.; Gmwers` .\ss()ciati0tx." .\i Lzrvut ttlutly `people h:1\'t': the id"i'|l that when the t1'at'tner.< formt;e(l thisl at.<. it was just to benefit the` l`ut=t1tc-rs and the c0t1s11t11m' would! I I have to pay morv for his S[)\1d.<.' lut we lind that whilv the farther gets .1 tlittle more for his product,` the ( ()1]Sl|I1l91' gets an article in`, \\'h3nh lhnv-n in nn \IV-Imln u.-huInu.~.. .pz1pP1'ed and finished with g,\'prv1r- unr \ l)ll?lIIII(`l j-',ClD (lll d|lJk'll:` Ill; \`.'i1i(*h 11191-r` is no \vz1sIo \vi1z1ievo1`. The new store 11011.49, situate-ri l]()I1Si(](` thv C.P.R. t1`z1cl(s at C:`a`:- hnrsi, is :'2U.\-2:0 foot. has :1 sevun root ceinviit 0911211`. 011 I01) of which` is sI11(i(ii11g. b0:11"d+\d; papored and .<:m~](*(l in 1119 ouiside. and -i)oz1.1']v.'i. inside. 'i`i1(1h11i]di11}.: is eqiiippmi with 11 g1'z1(le1` run why :1 j.:'.1soli11e (=11- xiiw. 'l`hr> potatoes are dumped in :1 i1un~pr>1' at Ihe door, elevated to 1hr- grzitler, which 1'v1110\ e=s all lust and p0t:1lr1os iimler an inch and t111'(=e-q11a1'ie1's in, -:i1'c11111`i'eo1'(=11co. T110 potatoes then `pass over :1 pick- ing tubie w11m'e 21111 1111dr.si1'abies. such as scz1;bb,v. cut 01195, ntc., are 1'm110\'Hl. T1195 urn then 1i):1',_:ged i11 new sacks of 91 11115. g1`0:~:.s weight enoh. `\l6l\nnnh vunlnlwunn nun I\ Jun. I\-| `the market. at the present time and the price down ten to tteen cents per bag, the manager at Craighurst informetl us that he was getting re- `peat orders every day at the old pnice from wholesalers who had re- ceived one or more cars. These po- tatoes, although just marked B" grade, would in a year, when tliere was less scab and the skin nner, easily make "A grade. 1'? 0119 .r-nn.unrnoI'u l`Dl'I Inl1I` fhnf I -.\].though potatoes are :1 drug on` ! l7i1.hll_\r llIil.l\U .`\ 3`-l'olUl'7. If the `consumers demand that the potatoes they buy be graded by :1 grader, they wiiil be willing to pay a little more for them and have no kick coming when they open :1 bag. Douibtless there are a great many potatoes shipped as B grade which never saw a grader and would not stand inspection. He owned :1 Ir.-mdsome touring cm`, To ride in it was heaven. He ran nm'nss_s01no broken glass ~ Bil-1 $14.97. 17501 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 He took snmn frimlds out For "I`wa.s gnod to hv alive. The (`:lI`.hlH'GIOI' Ihrmv :1 t--~ Dill $20.85. |Hr- s d on :1 little 1 Thu Iim-st sort 01` fun. Ho .<,t0ppr>d too quick his _g-o:11's--- Dill Eh . Ill?` Bill $.`Jl).;' I-To ton!-: his wife I To .=:n'r- r.-:1r0fzn'c~ ` HP _immnvd inm ( Bill $268. The V0-tors` list for the town of Orinin just issued contains the names 01f 3,997 persons entiiled to vote at municipal elections. HOE. l"iIzge1'avldThe Vegetaable. Hockin:.; Where. the Roads Cross. ;\1arsha1l-Anthox1.\' Dare. .\'IcCutcho0n--Oluiver ~Oct0ber. I P1-yde~Ci1y of Lilies. ) Pe11ey-- l`11e Fog. `Richmond-- Ru1'us. Stz1n1'm'd-Gr0und Swell. I\'a_\'e-'Sn1ith---Last of the I-Innso` 6' ,\In.-J nu) C`A7IIII(ll"-1J(lBL UL llll` f ;\l:u*d. V'uc)1re!l-rC1\a11:.-`e I urmers. \\'u1p01'----~I`ortnude. `.-\rni`mA~Enoha11t('d April. Ho .cpuv11i about all that he had, .-\n Ihon in zuuruish cried: I'M put 11 nn01'tga:.re on the house .\nl take just one more ridv." _ . I .~\1dvn-- K1911 of the Inner .I.un_;le. (I:1rm:1n~-Ballads and Lyrics. i C:1rmz1n~ Later Poems. .\1('l\':1_\'----l-iws nl` ])1`il't\\'00d. 3zu'rie- --.-\ Kiss for Ci11(1(*,l`9HEL T`.-n~n~i;. \\'hu~ LN-...u~ \x'.. nunuv .\u1HHkHJH: LHIIIIUII. .\1'isn11- ~-I ui11lo \Vix.do\vs. \ u11[)ylw----Blue }"]OWr2I`. Robinson Mind :in the .\lulcinu. S:-x'\'i(w Sulxgs` of :1 RM] Cm, H.` Jlll-I 11314 1615 1li`|t! Plan 569 I`H E R ['L'l.\'(i l'ASSlO.\' Dean` Brutus. .\(hnimb1e Ciriliton. I7un 1 l\l' \\Yu /lnun. Class Banks Juvenile > dnwntmvn to shop. ,~ was yqrenl; one lump p0st~- tour, `and strippn-ll 1'. ';\11r1. Robin` IE1. H:u`ry Rollin; 1'11 1617 1 00 ` it ride" EBOYS TOWN COUNCIL; znou) FIRST MEETINQ Bu_\'.<, on T11(:sd:1_\` 1 i'l`:1_\'Io1' .\`t2111T<-n to Mtwf the { .\f1T<-1'n I The Iirst . ~I`FSi0li 01` the Boys" I`0\\'n Council \\'D..\`, held in the Police Court Ch-am.bFi's on I1'.id`l,\' (`\'( i1il]`_. with .\`1ayor I"dl`tl`i(1f.`.'8 p1'u.<.idin;:'. 1`. ,... on r\1`\.\\I Inn-.L \\l|lA ....._..,. Be`1`ore p'.1ssin;__: on to other bu:~'i- ne;~:s the .\l:1y01' r<;-z1 tho c011stiIu- tiun 0uI~1inin_:. the duties of the dif- 1'e1'(-nt n1en1b<-*I`s 01` the Council. . . . :1 1 ., u __.. AxI\ ..I,.,. I\:I\u| III\.nIu\n-: \ll mu, 1 It was decided to leave H10 (`lec- tion 01' c01nmi:<..=,ioners. m1e,_, I'1'0m .\`1lz111dz11e and one 1'=:0n1 Bzlrrie, o\'m until the no.-xt mmetingz, as the ro- pr-s(m1.z1I'i011 Iirom the \'zn'i0u>: squares was rather small. I-`.11 (`nvunn nu-nu-n:m1tnIi\'n 1n H19 S(]llZll'Eh' \V2lS l'illll\;`l hlllblll. lid. Carson. re-px'esenIa1i\'e to the Bo_\'s'.` \V01'k Board, was asked to say 21 few words. He stated that he had not yet received all the 1'e,<:'1st1`ations l'ro=n1 all the ch1m'ches and asked than the_\' be llanded in as soon as pos- sible. `He also introduced the ques- r\" ..IIn...:..... Ln 'l`..:nHw `Dnv illt'_\ U6 |l2lIlLll"U Ill 21:: EUUII `db pub` tion 0.!` allowing the Trinity Boy Scouts to send four t'ept'esentntives to the Boys` Town Counciil. \\ hi1e they are _\`0unger than the other boys on the board. their work was much :110n;: the saute laine and he felt that they were entitled to equal representatimt with t.he other lrhurches. On motion of Lorne Mc- I)ot1ga11 and I1'e(1 Sarjeunt, it was decided that the Trinity Boy Scouts be allowed to send tout` ntetnhers to the Council: iI'I`t:Sp9Q[i\'Q oi` ztge, and that `tltey he ni`tm\'et1 to vote at tho t|'Provinci-at elections it` l`(?gIiS|01`t?(l-. t Nix:-\-9 'T`nnL~:I-xv -tt'fc.I-nnnn ht 1'J. I lU\lllL'ldl lH`L'llUH5 ll ll .'f7 ||-`.'L`|'-'U~`- Next 'I`ues(1u_\' z1l'tm'n00n :11 4.30 I`z1,\`l()1'St:1t:ca11, head of boys .\\'m'k in Canada, will H1991 Ihe b0_\'s,. and :1 special c>1T0r1 is beim: Inado X0 h`.l\ (' as many -presenl as pns;~:i`hl9. `Thu :\l :1 vnr Puovu 010 I: -,1 nll I i i an n|uu_\ 'pH:.~ltu1 its pU.H:1Ult'. 1 "Phe Mayor, Reeve, Cle;k undl I`x'ea: frmrln a cmnnmtee to ur- -.n1:_'r~ 21 p1'0: 1'a.m for election nir.-ht.` l"1`i(lay, Nov. 23rd. I ` Trhe next 111eetin-_; will -he on [v`1`i~l ,r1-.1_\`, D1-,(`. Tth. 173.13 1629 1630 1831 1cnr) ` . 5 ! F105 Colmml met :11 1:.1n1\`uI<~ ml: 1\3n\'. 10. pn1x~tnzuxt no :1d,imn'mnon:. |.\`1] 1n<=1nbers pr:-:~'(-xn. .\limm-.< 01 1:ast um:--tin: read and conrlm.-I. h`c)1Ir-Cu11:_'l1li11 -- ()x'(ir-r(>(l 111:1: the 1'o1luwin:.: ucc-01mt:< be pzmsvd my ipay1nen1 i nu, ,_,,u, I i I I l A 1 1 I~31m\'z1]e [.z1m:'-*. puinli jlists. $`.'!IJ1.Ii0; I-llmvzlle now-n.<. $12,'."\|` JIIS. Hm ..1.1-. 4 l~`1'o1l _fm' sl1le\v11ll V1'11. mun:-.~, -pl-)."\v, .111. 111-111u_\. 1112111- in; 3.-1`:1\'rl si1lr>1'1>11(ls 15 211111 143, (`Ull- \'. $430.00; .l. T. h'in1p.'~:011. V1105 .=l1:11' l'<.>11t-9 :11 :11o1111111v11I, \-\'z1\'121'l1-`-y. $100; l3n,\`r!e, :.;1`z1\'o1li11: maul Tlh line, $0.00; R0111] V`i1,'mri:1 lA10~:pi1;1l. :1cc.01111t 1'9 1Cl.~'e1'e '[`o\\'11e.<. $00.00; ` .\I;1\\' l31'0.~'.. I-`lns sl1;11'0 01' r.'0.~:I 0! lilo 10w11li11e H05 and \'1=sp1':1, $8.55; Jas. Rytl1v1'. s1:1t111e -labor. R0bin: $4.00; D. (2. Chrlstale C0., 0121110111 l`l1<>lp.` $44.05; I\'r>1111e_\',l)11il(lE11.; celnenl wz1ll Pl1ralp. $100.28; .Iz1.=. E. Bvz1v:'(l- tsall. s11pplio.< 'T0wnr`s f:1n1il_\', $1.60; 1'&w11- . I`l1os.. Allen. sllpplies 'l`ow11(A.: ily, $5.-I0; Alt . C111m11ing, sheep kill- ed by (l1):.rs, $314.00; B. .\l(-Cz11'ne11. : _ L;1':1\'9l for Sl(19\\'d11(S, l l1elp. $27.00; B. -_\loCz11'11e11.' (l1'z1.\\-in: 091110111, $f`..00; 1*`. D0\\'11e_\ , sl1r-op killed by rlogs, $10.00; Jesse Welusiex`. use of l121vll for D11'\'isim1 Cm11't and C01ll`l ol` Revisirm. $20: El1119r Snider, 1'<=pz1i1'i11:: road side- routls 45 and 46. .3-}1 .i:l.fi5; Hi1'an1 Snider, _:.r1'z1vel, $20.00; Thos. L111]- ford, sheep killed by (logs, $2 .-L00: Jas. 0 Reill_v, clez111i11r_>- out ('11l\'m~t.<. sirloroad 10 and 11, C011. " and " .4 -). `$3.00. Annlnu T n......u.... r\...I......,1 41.": I.p0.UU. a 5 :\nsI<>_v the sum .-\rcher on La n`g1nz111-Ordered rrhar.2ed the 21_<.:ainst :\1'h(-r!_ rolwl be privilege 11uwin_.r: -been .;:i\'en struck to form labour on 11th line. l`nucrh1u`n Q;-nu IN-:1 r\v\n:1 that off. pm`- y x 2 I ; i IUIIH lil|)Ulll' U11 JJLII llnl-.'. Cough1in--Sc0tt -- Ordered that ; the Reeve and Counci1I0~1's .-\n. and Laugman be :1 conmnittee to in-l spect ditch on sideroads 10 and 11.; Cons. 10 and 11, and take such 210-` tion to repair as may may deem` npnpeunrv - ll|;'L'\`fBS'dl'_\'. 5 Cough]in--9cott--Orde1'ed ihai the` Clerk -be authorized to sign phelps-5` ton zmgreements re Hydro lighting. g I (`nun-hHn _-_ T qnnnnnn `Pu-:1 .-\...-U! LUH zl.;;I'eHlI|el1ls re n_\'u1'0 JILIIIDIIIZ. Coughlin ---`Langanan -- Ordex-ed| that. the Reeve inspect. the tim.ber} on the second line O.S.. opp. lot 66., and sell the same should he think- it advisable to do so. Tnr\n'r\'\nv1 Guru!` r\...1.....v| :1...` 1;) Lu 1115 plehil-`Ill ::'it.laI'5`. Meeting adjourned to rneoi Elmvale Dec. 15, as required statute. r1 5 T)....L.... rn-..1. ll LlU\rlbd`Ult5 LU HU EU. Langman--Scott-- Ordered that. the collector be paid an additional` $75 to his present salary. Mnptixur ml-innrnnrl tn vnnnl nf A sirhject of conversation 11n'ongh- on! Canada at the presmii time is the identity of The VVm1deri'ul Heroine" whose mnazin:.: life story was puIhli.`~'hod in the lamil_v Hraruld and \VoekIy Star of .\I0ntrr=al. Liv- ing 1md<>1' app-.1iiin.: conditions, =ha11c1im1ppe(i mm'(- _\``.'911 than aided by hm" wont })i`EL' `his womior wnmnn st1`i\'od 21.'..'.++:'+u..w'oi] \vl1erv [mi million oihnrs might fail. H it nnnr nnnuuunmul H... .. 1... JD-'11 1635 1636 1637 1838 -11~nn wu mu-nun ()HH'?1`S mlunl mu. It is now nnnnum-ml that :1 bonn- |ti1'u1 painthux n1` " I`i1(-I \Vm1(lr-I'I'ul Ilm'oine" has hm-n so-cm'o and :1 H-m`ndm.`tinn in true <`0lm'.=:. size ISX24 inr:l1e.<, will ho gi\'rm N00 to suhsc1'i!w1's of H19 ["z1m1iI_v}Iex'z1ld dud We-ekly Slur. .\lnntx`oa1, that is`. In those who sub Iibe in time. I The \'0I`:l;_`.P man srnmlds -more money on a foolish habit than he does on his wife's hat. n `W. `C. JIc:La11;;]rLi11, the man who passed worthless cheques at Brace- bridgo. -Orillia. and Barrie last week, was sentenced to serve one year at Burxvnsla prison fxvrm by ..\Ia;_;i-strate Clark of Orillia. "'l`Hl4} \\"ONDEl{I<`l'h HER()lNl`1' F los Tp. Council n \' 0 r:1;_e ma Innnv nn n l`nnl:.. C. S. Burton. Clerk. lug LEIIICG. 1l1C_\'. .. n 4] 113 \ lI1(.'l .` tax (l1':uv- PROFESSIONAL cA_ii"13 DONALD ROSS, LL.B., B :--\:RRI'S' ter, Solicitor, e(~c. Masonic Tam-' ple Building, Barrie. Money W loan. ` ..I`l`f\V ]G-11 1642 104-: RADENHIYRST &. H.-\MI\IOND, Barxvisters, Solicitors, etc. Ofc6,- 1st oor Masonic Temple Build-r ; mg. Money to loan at . m'v"m`3' 1 rates. W , , ...._.....-< 3`TE\VART & S'1`-.E \VAR ` A risters, Solicitors. Notzu`ie., b and Conveyancers. Mone_\"- It ' in any sums at lowest r` rates._ Ofce, 13 0\\'e1iE 0 e Barrie. D. -M. Stewart. (TOOK EJSTT-IN & ESTEN. B.-\RRI 5,. Solicitors in High Com 9! Just:ice.N.)t.n.1'ies Pu-biic, Ccm Y` ancers. Oice, 1st oor Ms, W Temple Building, Barrie. M 63 to loan at lowest current rates. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. ._...-....-v BOYS & MURCHISON. BARRIS-` +....g anI:m'o.m-u Nnnn-inc 1>n.h13k'.'. ` ALEXANDER COWAN, I SUCCESV sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obta.-lninvj probate of will, g\1.ardiansmp and. a.d'n1mis`tx'ation, and General 801119 cltor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street- ._...-..--v ` " ' .":" -_ EDRS. LITTLE & LITTLE, PI-IYS1C} {nu-an Qnrrrnnne f\FHnn nnfl T791155 DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOC)!-'=?~ St. V\'est,, 'I`omm,o, will be at 9')` O\\'0n St.. Barrie, 1st Sutu1`(ia_'~ Ci. each month. I)iseuses ---E_\'r*, ICz::',. Nose and 'l`h1'nzn. Cnnsuirzttion hours, 11 11.111. to 5 p.m., and '0'? appointment. I --__.._--__j..-. ! DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUA'I`I$ of I`rinity University and 21139.5? graduate of Edinburgh and Gizwv gow. Specialty. stomach diseases`. Ofce, corner Bayeld and Word sley Sts. Entrance off Worslevzv`. Ofce open until 8 p.m. * SURGERY _I\`.\'-D DISEASES 02"` ; XVOMEN Xssociate Coroner. County of Slmcoeo and 1 E DIR. B. E. IVES` * Graduate of Toronto University %Phone 61. Oice-58 Collier Sit, i O"1ce Hours : 3-9 3.111., 12.3 -2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.rn. E:AP'r. J. I". ROLLIT, L.D.S., DEN- `[ tist. Ofce over Craig s Tailor ` Shop, No. 1 Dunlop St., Barrie,- , Ont. Phones: Oice, 450; House I 136. I J'.)`-J 1646 1648 1849 1650 1651 165?. 1133. ) I EDMUND _._......v-.~..w HARDY, MUS. BAH F.T.C.?\I. Teacher of Piano, 0? gan, Vocal and Musical I*be0r:- Organist and Choirmaster of St .- Andrew s Presbyterian Church; Gold medalist of Toronto Conner? vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsizm street. Phone 663. i PROF. D. E. Piano and 21 Collier : `B. W. SYLVIESTER, TEACHER OF 3 Piano, Violin and Ce1lo. 121')! I Bayeld St. Phone 974w. I iPE~RCY HO.-XDLEY is prepared U0` 1 nrvnnnf n `Hn11'Qn(1 nllnrhnr AF nunis Vi1inTe~9he*" VICTORIAN ORDER OF NI."RSI'?.`..`"-,v Barrie Brunch. Nellie N. La )? cock, R.N., C.P.H.N., 86 VVcrx'sTe';"` St. Telephone 751w. Ofce 95" Dunlop St. (Ross Block). 1hr.\::e' 1025j. Omce hours, 2 to 3 p:m. daily. I25 (`0lli(-1' S11-vet. '47 mi mbeth . ..zu_y St. :0YS & 1\IURCl-IISUN, BAruu.j:- ters, Solicitors, Notaries 1 u*._mc,'- Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan` at lowest rates of interest. mcea` 13 Owen street, in the premises formerly occupied by the B_a,nk of Toronto. Branch Office. 1 ~`._11n`\_'-ale; Ontario. W. A. Boys, I{.C., M`.Y.,- D. C. Murchison. A. _A._......._..____...__._..._.\-` D. I. .\lcCU.-\l(:. IL.-\. Successor to Cres\vIc.ke & Bel?` Barrister, Solicitor. Etc, `Money to Loan. 0} Omcc. Ross Biocic, Ban-vie FUNERAL DIRECTOR `K5. 1;1'.l"1'L4JS Gr, .IA`1'11.n, rnxru-J _ ians, Surgeons. Office and Rash` dance, 47 Maple Ave. Oict. hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 __n=` ' or by appointment. A. T. " M.D., W. 0. Little, 1\i.B. '15`im7x 213. VIE. El. 1 . .`\K\LV A 1.114, LII` I 1LJ.l1' and residence corner 01` Toroxzto and Elizmbexll streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. .\1eth0d`. Church.) Telephone 167. P. C. LLOYD 'KL*J`L\./I J`.lU.'\1J141`4X 15 prepareu accept a. limited number of pupli in the following: Organ, V0189 and Piano. Studio, 46; Clapperv -ton St. Specialist on voice prov duction. Phone 283w. f. u. a;u11r1 <\'. UU. Established 1869. Funeral Din-:0 -' tors. Open day and n)'gh`.-'.- Morgue and chapel in connection. 1"LlU1Vl5 Di - Barrie, Onta rlo. C ............ na- G. SMITH & CO. PHONE 813'. We-onhliehnrl 1cmn Immm-.,.1 his-an-, FL`.\'EH;\ L DlRE(`{l`0R ..-\`-379 EMB.-IIIMER ' -H. T. ARNALL, OFFICI!7 .rnr:(Ion.m:a nrn-nnr n1` l"n1'nYI() FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. H A. LEVVIS 1'10-) 165-1 10:: Open Day and Night :In1\`\1\I'\ L`: IIl...... MUSIC LESSONS J. SHRUBSOLE MEDIC.-\L LEGAL DENTK: . WEIR. TEACHER 01" Violin. Piano Tuner. St. Phone 513. -43 Page Nine l h0n': G18.- .u.`.>,u-. Phone 2 I 9;- 1004 1656 1137. ! DU.) 366 an-v NOVE.\I`BER 22, 102 3 3 ing. Specialist in Emba.1m- Owen St. Barrie, Ont.` 6 I i i 1 l 1 Phone 268. I oouoououuouooonnou ;\1'rea1's `IOI 1:03 1 0;. 3.38 J -10 1.0;: 1.82 10`) JU .08 .08 .08 -1.- 170.3 1.03 1.08 I '37 E).l') 1.08 0|` 'i,.Jl -1.92 "'17. n). I I) ]..(}S 1.08 1 (\ 1.` (C0ntinue(1 from page six) .U\ .08 .0.\` no .00 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 109 .!3 O`) |.l!O L08 1 my! I.-to l.U:\' [J13 I no U0 wnx` I Costs Total` E. J. BY12NE A10 3:05 00/! u).u I x, .- 0.04 `\ fl ? (4.1)!) 4.593, 0 `)`)| 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO; 5.0111 2.33 0 0`)! Plan I569 . The adjourned sale will `take vplace on December, at 2 p.m., in the Court House. `Advance Thursday, September 6th, 1923. The slndenls are or:.;a1x1i7.in_L: for monthly m11m`lui1nm -nts during the - winter season. 1 ` n.... rr....,...... ,....-.v.\....m..a \VlIlLt'l btfilhvll. ` Our 'I`nr0nm nnplnynlmmt a.;0nc_v !l1u\'v re=porI<-d the pln(rin;.: of Ella !C-aummn. ..l.:u'(-nu .\Ic\\'atters and, Elsie Rain:-_v in good poslitions. Rt-bu .\I:1yv.< and 1-3. \\"9:1l11m".11 wr~n1 {I0 'l`ornnU) lust wt--nk 10 zlccem posi- I tiuns. \I. nun "I: hum unnnnt.-..l )hu3' Knvunugh has pnsition us sIo11o:.:1'up11e1' Ross` luw oivc-. Ihuinn Spence \':~1m-.L \\'zn'(l 01' Craig.-.hurst. .\nniv DvsRoches 1H Lahnvus Cnrnera )hu$' Lehvo znul Ralph lhnwhund of l vx1(:Ia11A-4, Dmlglas \\'hite 01 .<.hzn1I_\' 11:15`, and D()I`Olh_\' Cr:1i:.:. Rein Jacobs und diary Levitrn'1hm= riv are rec-mlt om'01ments. Dunn u-nl accepted in an I)r)nul of ()oI uhnlnnoo -I.-n I:\ um-H.. Glyn 'l)lh\llllf.\b I`4|ll|l7i.llUIb `lllldl l|k`.\L \Vt`L'i\. ' 1 Olive Newman, our first litisitioss !F3ducaIo1's` Association _`.;I`ad1l:l,lU. |visi1t>d us rec:-ntly. She has :1 good position in '[`omnto. An At I-Ioine" is to be held: mI\:\\-I1\- I'll ill't` H. Sc-Vera] students are to write the Busines-s I'I:111cut01`s' nal next \veek. (TH.-n `.\Y1uunnnn nnr O":--at Hnohuxoul Q UL k'lIIULHIL`HIho 01)!) 1023 1025 1026 1030 1(|1 yunnuuu shortly. .4 |El'.*'al.\'lC.N'S (`()l;l;E(.'.l*} .\'()'I`I'}.S' .1686 1687 `ICQU J.UOl 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1691 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1708 1709 1710 1711 1'71") Lot .Ll.|.O 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1 7"f! .1100 1737 1733 1"`.)O J I`lU 1741 1742 151- JIU 1731 1'13!) JU-1L 1032 -Inn: J (HE) I'M!) 1--'n Lin-) 1754 1.. (`U 151 165 166 179 180 196 197 198 199 229 265 200 303 336 337 338 339 344 346 354 360 362 363 380 402 406 GS E0 .-\rrears 1.08 1n\2 1.ux\ 1.03 1.03 -n 2:00 1 .;.uu 2.00 0 nn U .00 .00 nn AU-1.4 1046 1047 1104 1421 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1807 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1131'! .00 UU .00 .00 .00 .00 nn .910 2:00 1 `)5 .UU .00 40 .30 2.00 2.00 1.80 2.00 A0 ! Costs Total - -- .) nu 2.33 .620 621 628 629 630 661) 1361 iii}? Cit