IKHHI-\`l)H; pl ff I.0ghnrn.~: ; pullel. 1 an lcurrnl -\ Ch IN. 11. uu1.~'r2. Lug II. I'Iul.~e; pullet, mmc. .\Imlern: cnck let. W. Greenfivltl. `el, II. Hulso, W. I50, W. J0hn.~:0n. I {. Wright, Chunth-r \\'rig_h1_. Ch'.HlI1('I' -Lwsrlwl H H11l. v1'v1. ll. . Donor, 1 xv. nun; pl` : Game. c pullet, 1 1 BunImn.~' .n-; u xx. / `-.IIu-l.~'r. VV . IJUH ; pullm. mu, . nI\I .-r, and u \l ru.~: cncxm and `.2. C . Chumlor; '. \\"hi'.(> O ..Hnv H I-1 |()nH.*_'UI1. I'll I, J . I-Iul. G. I II let, 1 mm ., cockerel, A. 1; pullet, 1 and ne. cockerel, 1 2 It, and 2, 2nn.~': cuckerel, I n..|_.,. rnnh T11L11's(1a1y, Sept. 27, 1923. . .\Iur. Johmr -Hnv 1 .mnm . lot. 1 and 2 cnckvr:-l. ' ,..1-> v..,.;1 use, L-. 1 I'Iul. -) II mm. 1 am cockerel, fZ,.I.l fin K(`T|`l. 1 Hill!` . (.`oci1 P0010.` `r; pullvt, B. > Orpingmnsz `I-Iul. Ur- .\. Chzxntler. .-\. (`h'.\mlor. I \l.....l...1| A ` cucxerex, 1-1. -0. Cochxns. linglish Rod =1. 1 211141 12. CKL-rm, n. 1. Game, . John. I-Im1 101` & Sun; 1. 1. In am} I awn` \\ The Nort~he1'n Advance `V HIM.` .-X. Jar-I Brmvn 1 L` | . Don: \Vhiu~I I...- Yeates: 2. C. W . Nash. 1 i gold Seed--1, J. Yeates; Nash. Sheaf of Oats--], son; `.2, Wm. A. Pratt; 3, Pratt. 1 A(lLL. Garden Produce 3 Cabbage, Hen(le1'son`s Ear1_\'- 1, Fred Huse. 3 Cabbage. \\'innin<.r- stadt-1, J. Yeates; 2. Fred Huse; `.3 Scotch 1{a1e-1, .\liss .\I. E. Camp- lbell. 3 Cabbage, any other \'z11'iet,\' --1, H. M. L21)`; 2, J. Yezlles. 2 Cauliowers--1, Miss 31. E. Camp- bell; 2, J. Yeates. 8 Early Horn Carrots--1, Fred Huse; 2, W. C. Hogan. 8 Clianteiiay Cm*rots-1, Bliss M. E. Campbell; 2, Fred Hus. 8 Long Red Ca1`rots--1," F. Huse. 8 Parsnips-1, H. D. .~\IhP1`l0n; ., J. Yeates. 6 Roots Paris Golden Ce-lery--1, F. Choppen. 6 Roots Pink Ce1ery-1, J. Yeates; 2, Bliss .\I. E. Campbell. 6 Roots \Vhite Plume Ce1ery-1, J. Yeates. Six `Roots Winter Ce1ei'_v---1, H. .\Iav.be_v; 2, Cecil P001. Capiscums and Pep- pei`:=.--1. E. V. Bzubcock; 2, Miss Ellen Dobson. 12 Ears Table Corn --`l, E. V. Babcoclc; 2, Fred Hnse. 1 Quart Table Beans-1, J. Yeales; 9 \Hea 1:`.Hnn Tmhgnn, 6 Long Red 1 t.3llaI`I '1'z1me 13euus-1, .1. 1uuIt:`.\, 2, Bliss. Ellen Dohson. 6 Long Red Bee=ts~-1, J. Yeates; 2, .\Iiss .\I. E. Campbell. Six Turnip Beet:~:~1, .\Iaj0r knowles; 2. C. W. Nash. 6 Fun 171-ant I-`rnit.-1, TC. V, Timhonok. .\laJOI` l\ll()\VIeS; .1. L1. \\'. Milan. 0 Plant. I-`1'ui1--1, E. V. Ba,hcocl<. `G Salisf,\'--1. J. Y<>.atc>s: 2. Henry G. Drake. 12 Long Radishes--1, J. Yeates; 2, Miss M. E. Campbell. 12 Turnip Ra(1isl1es--1, C. W. Nash; 2, I1`e(l Huse. 6 Tawhle Tl1l`lllDS-- 11, J. Yeaies; 2, S. Wehher. G i.le1'u.<,al(>m .v\riiclmke.=-1. Cecil Pool; 2, Philip Love. '12 \Vhitv Semi Oninns-1. C. \V. Nash; 2. J. Yentes. 12 Yellow Reed 0 nions~~` 1, H. D. .\thertm1; 2, Fred` H1:.=.e. 12 Red S-as-(l Onions--1. J. "Oz1(>s.. Pack of Potato ()nions--]. J. \'ez1Ies;l 2. A. D. Campbell. Quart Pickling O11ions-1, C. W. Nash; 2. Philip Love. ll Imperial Tomatoes-~1,l `Henry G. Drake; 2. Philip Love.` :2 Inn.-iinnn '11nmntno=41 H 11 V Sqnz1.=.h--1. )1 2: 111 mm 11 2 Ve_;etah1 n T`I~n./I u \\ (l|.'fl|llCl\) bert A. J Hicklinm . V'egma`b1es- 1 Fruits ' 9 Duchess of O1(lt`1]l)lll'L ---1. N.` Czlnlphell. 9 SI. I.:x\\'1'v11('evl. .\li:<.<` A. L. Brock. 9 _v\1e=x:1n(ler--l, I-I. ()vtawa,\'. 9 Uclntosh. re(l----1. P14` OHz1.\vz1_\`; 2. .\thol .\lar. 9: .\'no\vs--1, H. OIt:l\\`;1y; 2, .\Ihnl .\l:u'sh:1ll. 9 set--1, H. Ottzmwzly; 2, Brock. 9 Red l ounrl- 1, H. (')1l.:1-` \\'n_\'. 9 Pewalllwe----1, Hnroltl Sh:1n- mm; 2, Miss A. L. Brock. 9 North- ern Spy--1. H. Ottzx.\\'z1_\'; 2, .\lrs. (H-0., .\'hannon. 9 Maiden Blnsh----1. .~\1hol' .\la1'sl1:1ll. 9 Cz1l\'e1`t--l, H. Oltu-. \\ f1,\`; 2, H. D. .-Mlwrton. 9 \Va:.tner --1, Major Knmvles; 2. H. Oltu\v:1_\ . 9 Ribslon I ippin~-l. .\Irs. Geo. Slmnnon; 2, Mrs. B. \V. Smith. 9 Wealthy-~], H. Ottnxvay; 2. Sxthol .\la1`sh'.111. 9 Yollow Bell l-`lowe1'- 1, H. Ottawzly. 9 Rho(lel: G1`eenin_us 1, H. Oll:1\\'I1_\ . 9 Ben D:u`is;-1. .-\tho1 .\I:1rshall. 9 On- ta1`io~l, Major hnoxvlos. 9 Wolf River---], .\laj01' Knowlos; 2, N. Campbell. 9 Seek No l<`urtl1m'--1, I-I. OT.l1l\V11_\'. 9 Grimes (`.ol(len-1, H. Ott:1\vz1_\'. Nine hwetlings `l, H. Ottzuvzxy; ., N. Campbell. 5 for Vnninfine n|'T1nu:ar1__.1 I-I (\Hn\vn\' .-\n1L~riC:1n Golden 11115-3. .\lis~`s A. L. 5. lkllllllluln nllux: Vegetable )1 . Fwd H1139. 1. V. Bubcook; .'ute1'me10ns-- nu-O \ Ya nu :- (Continued I`-rom page one) Harry Hulse; hen. H. I`IL`.l.5(`. A. .\l. Mar- .-hall. Bzintanis, any color: cock. 1 and 2. - W. Greenfield; hen, 1 dllil 2. W. Grcen- ,` field. Bantams, Cochin: H. Hulse; hen. ' H. Hulse. Canipinesz cock. Jno. Penton.l]' Coehins. any color: hen. I-I. Hulse. Dork-| ings, any color: hen. A. Chantler. English Red Caps: cock. H. Hulse; hen. H. Hulse. Games. modern: cock, W. Greenfield; hen, l 1 and 2, W. Greenfield. Games, A.O.V'.: f cock, H. Hulse, J. Gofton; hen, J. Goi - ton. H. Hulse. I-Ioudan.~:: cock, 1 and 2. H. Huise; hen, I-I. Hulse. Haniburgs: cock, H. Hulse, G. P. Doner; hen. H. HuL=e.l Chantler & Son. Lang:-`hans: cock. A. t Chuntler; hen. 1 and 2. A. Chantler. White Leghorns: cock. 1 and 2. A. )1. Marshall; hen. 1 and 2, Jnc. Murphy. Brown Leg- horns: cock. W. A. Pratt, Wilson John;~:on; hen. 1 and 2, W. Johnson. Buff Leghoriiszl cock. Cecil Poole. Chanlcr S: Son; hen.l Cecil Poole. Chantler & Son. Minorcu:<: cock. A. Chtmtler; hen, B. Fisher, A. Chuntler. ()rpington.=: cock. H. Hnlse. A. Chumler; hen. 1 and 2. H. Hulsc. Barred Rocks: cock. I. B. .\I11s.=elman, A. G. Walk- er; hen, 1 znnl `.2, A. .\l. .\l21r.~'hall. White .ock.~': cock. 1 and `Z. A. M. .\l;1r. hen. H. Hulsc. A. .\l. )I:\r.~'h:1ll. Buff Rocks. cock untl hen. H'.1rr_v Hulse. Polnnrls: cock. 1 and 2. H. Hul.-c; hen. 1 and 2. II. Hulsc.' R. I. RP(l.~I cock. A. G. \V'.1lker. (_`l1:mtlcr & Son; hen. 1 anrl `2. C. .\I. Hickling. While Wy:m(lotte.<: cock. 1 and L . W. J. C|'Ol11[l- ton; hen. C. E. Tooth. W. J. Cronipton. Buff W_\`micloltc:~:: cock. H. Hnlse; hen, Chzilitler & Son. 11. Hulse. Gnlclen or] Silver W_v2mtlottes: cock. Rev. W. .l. Watt. Watt. W_\':\mlotte.-`. A.().\'.: H. llulse. Geo. P. Dnner; hen. G. P. Doner_ I-I Hulsc. Toulon;~e Geese: inzllc. 1 and `2, Clmntlcr '& Son; fcninle. 1 and 2, (lhantlcr & Son. DUCKS-Rouen: mule. Albert E. Pratt; female. Chantler & Son. Pckin: male. Chnntler & Fon; fenizile, A. E. Pratt, Chnntlcr & Son. Intlia Runner: xnule. Chrmtler & Son; feniule, 2, Chuntler & Son. CHICICS-Anconas: cockcrel. A. G. Walker. R. Drnry; puller, 1 and '2, A. G. Wulker. Bralnnus: M. u.....L...n r`i......1.... A Q.m- nnllal 1 mul '7 l Chzintler & Son; lit-n, 1 anul 2. Rev. W. J.` Ull.2L\V'd_\; .2, .`V. bill|lpl,ll`ll. . Varieties of Desse1'1-- 1, 1-1. Otlaway. ,5 Varieties for Cn0l H. Ottaxvay. Five Varieties :t`or Export ~-1, I-I. Oltmvziy. Half Peck Crzub Apples, Transcendenl--1, Irwin Mc- Mahon. Hal-f Peck Crab Apples, 'H_\'slnp--1, Mrs. B. \V. Smith; 2, t Irwin McMahon. Six Bartlett Pears-1, C. W. Nash; 2, Major Knowles. Six Duchess D .-\ngou1eme -1, H. D. Atherton; 2, J. Yeates. I6 Clapp s I`avorite--1, Mrs. Geo. }Shannon; 2, C. W. Nash. 6 Flemish -Beauty-1, Miss A. L. Brock. Col- llection of Autumn and Winter Pears --1, H. D. Atherton. Collection of Grapes-1, J. Yeates; 2, C. M. . 1-Iickling. /n__.:_..-_. ..._ ..-..... -:..1.&\ um Alphahm . Pram; 2. n u u .-~..- 1 u Top ;~ uu , `W 21 1 (Continued on page eight) U. l.I \ A Ensilagti 5 with Golden n 1 17` ` School unuxr, .9, 1:1 Tomatoe-5' ; 2, Fred Hus ;-1, Fred Hus Tomatoes, an` J. Ynatesz 2. Collection of d }I1m>. 2 '1. Herbert .\ 1 Squash--1. I hlo \Ir1 1-v~n\\'__`l lUllh` 1' Jzn~i\'s f`Vp.l1 \\ll,ll JL'(ll>.-'l. l\"lllIY'llI Poldeu Bzlmam .\`\\'m>1 Cm*n.! -~1. Edith .\Ir'l\'e=e\'m'. 2*.` Yellow Imr=rn1edi:11<= W1. Buldwick. Z} 'l`urnip:<. up \.\'<:- Rita Hzx\'v1`- \V'a1Ior B011. -3 I`mz1trw.<. I Irnnh \Ir-l"nnvnv~ 5: chool Fair Section in Wrilinu. 910.4 . Helen Bell. 1 C , Ella I-i\'iin5_'. ~tnn: 1 Gal. I}z1r10}'. 0. Li\'inL'. 2, `:I....-,\ (`nun No.1,] ` .L.l.L\JIJl:l \J.l.`A.& .1. \J.l.II.l.\ \A .. .g -.~-~- ` BARRTE FAIR. PRIZE"S ml uz1., , .\Ia1`mw~ `I\ 0 \I u |l\3. A-I \, CUHGCI inn 1. Fred H .... ....u., - 005, any 011 es: Hi: .iou T011 ISO. 2 1 'be1`t .\. Ja h--1. 13. W 1`r0w-1, J. n \v..,.I. `H.-. ll'|\. 1 1nI1|1y>.` r-x-~--1. `Rita Hzx\'vr-. I`m1trw.<.". Ih .\Ir,-l\'em'er. ti v 1. Hvln Den; 2.`; 11. Collrwtiun 01`; ridnous Trans 5111111 1. \l,-.1.'.-nu-,~.... ) u\v~-L. Musk >1 1:`../ .Ul:'h`-` 1 Huse. Huge; \H H1159. .. D. \V. Dlllllll.` --1, Yealos`, usk .\lo1ons-~1.! Prod Husp. 2% ' .\luh(\\'; 2. HM`-` Ci1r(n.=----`l. C. \ . no! r` n .-A nu l S I` 59, . ., rnlup} 3' other var- Miss. Ellen T0matoes~-~ Z Hubbard v .. Jar\`is. -2]` 3. W. Smilh. . Y "z\n1r\`\ apunm, 1 and r1. uu1.~e. 1'munr1.~'. 1 211111 '3. H. Hul.~_(-; pullol. 1 and 2. H. 1Iul.~e. `R.I. R0115: mckorcl. ("h:mt1r,-r & [\'on. W. `I.Iuhn. pullct. Chamlor & Son. A. G., ;\\':1l1-(er. \\'hiw \\"_\':u:(lmLo.~: cnckore], 1` land '2. (7. 17.. Tooth; pullot. 1 and `.3. C. E. Tumh. W_\':u1r!utte.~'. Golden: mckvrnl. `f.`h;mzI<-1' & Sun; pullet. Chzmtlr-r & Son. i }\\"_\`:u1 A.O.V'.: cnckowl. 1 and 2, H. 1 I_IIul.~'r`. puller. H. nlll>`(`. (2. I . Duner. | Brnnze Turkr=_\'.~: fonxalo. R .\I. B011.` iFr<=rI ('nr.~m1. White Hull-.m Turk0y. <: fe-j gnmr-. (`huntlt-r & Son. ! | Tnul G('(`.~`(`: mz-110. Chnmlor & Son. A.` I D....n 1' . biti- .>\1`beH E. 11. 1). 6 Store} 2, Philip; Whor V21 1'. l Gm'(1m1 1 -`lllllll. ill ade Island r. I H f\v\_ nmer. ` | C 011ec- hvard C01- C0n-} are~ I10\'- H: 2. )nkir3.~' .\. D. 'e--1. Darn- Pratt; lap 01` Mc- ressed `) . .. Qonna BM! 1. 0. award 1. N. . .\li:<.~: 1, I. H. 1]. SJ .\Ihnl 1 Hus,- 011.11- `Ir .\Ix'. Boys made acquiit-.11. Mr. B1'ewsm1', Ihere were two H` 1119 li:.:ht vz drove into the that 110 {uric Grz1hu1n's (evide up .\Ii.=:s Grz1h'.1r in}; :1 car go in asslnne that took clown the out. Th1 -21c-.c.u .=h0\\'.= that he he had sem l)I`i(]_L','F` would 11 two lights. whoiher it not. Justic-s Mow: 1111')`, $:lil1th( if tho ncclnsml r11'i\'.2m: or \\'iH' man has 21 5411 (109,: harm he 1' I.m'd. rrwi: Thu Crmvn hm and .x`q11nrr-],\`. fmlntl. \v;1.'* 1h~ mntliiinn by that he Wm: :41: `;(-`I109. Th? (II no light on |h( (IF-nco 01' Miss .\Ir. Luck sz1_\':= n.m. \-Vhv wt '21 WP | SLEILUH. um: H` I and hvnd _\'ounger si U` in}: since `dim! \\`}15m - old. .\I 11 rd ; _ . ,, `1)o1Hn;_: 111 `h` He then ) \' up Iill Ih _' 1 same way ,,` 3 fore. Md H111-in: !McKERRoW CASE GOES }BACK TO GRAND JURY (Continued from mst. page) M1`. VV. T. Allan infornling him tmu. action was being taken. Iuminn nu-at nzkntl if it \\'-.1: nnl Etcuon was uexufg um:-u. Justice .\I0\\'at asked if it was not possible for boih parties to get to- gether and make 21 seltlemeut with- out hi1\'lll_`J the case go to 2x jury. This was done and :1 settlement \V a,S made by the (lefemlzmt agmeilwz, to pay plaintiff $1050.00 in full of claim and costs. ` h`\')(lI1(.'E. Charles: Saunders: in his e\ id9l1( b told of taking 21 :;l:1s.< 01' beer :1 t`e\v ; miles outside 01' .\urnrz1, where they had stopped to have :1 lunch. The beer had heen brong.-ht h_\' his l)1'0- ther, and he `. nmh n_: of it ` until his brother told him I lmvc`: a treat for you" anti produced the vbeer. He knew nothing whatever fconeerning the wliiskey. Accused "stated that he was 25 years M age lived with his mmher and sister. He had been work- he was 15. His t'atl1e1' ac.c.u. was nine years the present time he is sup- 1)01'1in;_: the t'an1il,\'. told the story of the trip the accident in nmch the: as it has been relutul he- ` l fnvu ' `run. - l Rnunn l')u(~l<.~': mulr-. 1 and 2. (Tllamlm 8: .4011; fomulo-, 1 and 2. Chuntlor & Sml. Pekin Duck.<: malt`. Chum]:-r & Son. G. El . Drmer; fonmlt-. A. Pram`, Clmntlor & i.'~`nn. Imliu Rl1l1lIl(`lr.~`1 male. (lliuntlor & rm; fr-nmlv. (711111! or & Sm. } IGlCO.\ {\'-~TIu1Ilvlor.~`. Billy .\I:\lt'0m.~'rm. ` .l:|cnl>in.<. A. M. .\I:1r.~hz1ll. Billy Mucrnn.~'0n. `.Fzml:'.il.-'. A. .\I. .\l:\r. J. W. B:1xtt.*r. l.\I:1gpiv.<. Arllnur Wzm. Billy )I:Ilcnms0n. ll m1tor.<. I and '2. Billy .\Iulcmn.~'0n. Hum- lor.'~. Cl1e<]11or. Billy .\l::lcmn. Wilson l.lnhn. I'lnmor.<. A.0.\'.. W. .lnhn. I7nrl'w.~' Rnhortmn. Best pigeon . hy- ` `lmy nr girl under 17. I"nrlw.~ Rohormm. ` Guinea pig.<-l (`Jul 2, Billy )l:|l<-nnlsnn. i Roots 1 Cnllevtinn of Ii'1 Rn0ls-~1. R. I `\'reatcs; 2, Fred Huse. 12 Long '\\'}1`itr> ]C:n'l_\' I 0t211r)9:s`--~-1, .\Ii:~`.< .\l. E. Campbell. 12 Rmmrlish or Oh- ilongr \Vhitr.= Early Pmutm-s--1, lllmxry G. Drake; 2. C. .\l. Hit-l :12 Rounded or Oblong Red 01` Pink. Early I 0lat0es-1, I-I_\'. .\Iabv_\'. 12' Lon: \Vhi!0 Latv I`uIz11tws --1. \\'il- lson Elliott. 12 Roundvd m` Ohlrmg \\'hiIe Late P0t,'.1t0es-1, R. .\I. `Bell; 2. I . Chappell. 12 LuH_:: Rod ,or Pink Late I otutne---1, .\llS. s` .\l. lr.` (`V..u\v\Lr.I`l 1- ) -DI` .\ an {XI-. Rex vs. Saunders Not guilty was the finding of the jury sworn to pass judgment on Charles B. Saunders of Toronto, charged with wanton or t'ui`i0us. driving. wiltu-l misconduct, or wil- ful neglect. which resulted in the? death of his brother, J. Q. Saunders. and a lady companion, Miss .\Iu1'y Ross. both 011` Toronto, when the cal he was (lriving turned upside down on the P1'o\'inci-.11 Hi,;lnva,\'. six miles east of B2u`rie, al>out two o'clock on '.%zit1ii`(l'uy ino1'niu_:, July 28. .\Huv Ihn inI'\' hill` H9011 Q\\'f`Il'll. bzlL1ll`uu_\ n1u1'u1n_'.', Jul) .20. .~\t'te1' the jury had been sworn. \V. S. Brewster, of Bra11tt"o1`d, acting. for the C1`ow11, zuld1'es.<.e-(1 UIPIH, out- lil]i11f.',' the \ :lI`i()|lS ci1`c11111stz111<-vs of the case. ;\.]-1 the evidettce \\'-as 1'9- viewed and nothitttz t`u1'the1*\vz1s l)1`r)115.-;ht 10 light. W111. G011}.-l1. G. S. Luck, D1`. W. A. I.<~wi;<, }e0. (`.1'z1h-.1111. I 1'0\'i11ciz11 OtI'1ce1' Rich. Cottstztble \\'u1tvr' Rz1_\'11e1', Bliss P9211 ! }rah:1.111 and the i1(`(`|lSd all ;.;:1ve E-\'ide11ce. rV1.....1,m Qn..n.l....;- en H79 ox-u'41onm_ ["01 Int? l'.`iISI.-`. ll `:1 11121!) Ll'2l\l`l.\ UVL'la I 0:` ' . . . `-. v` `-.; m11e.~ an hom ho 1.~ hnod, but what does not imply Ihul he is driv- linu 1'm`im1;~`. .-\ po1'. migh! dri\'L-2 1:10 01' 40 milvs an hour in perI`e('t _}s:11`ety. If the de1'um1ant hzul nr. l`e: zn'd for his bI`f!Hl1`l`1()!` 121(1) conlr ,punion. or it only for Iixnst-11'. cou (` H19 have done 1his \vi1I?n_4`I:'. i\\`h<-1her he should huvo seen the 1h:11`1`ier or not I`r`1II\il)S for you to " tletormine. It would have bu-en he!- I . .. jier I01` Satlnders It more had been 1.4:. r\v\ fhr. In-mun \`n nns: ...n 1. lUl'!','. the cross >xa1nin:11i(m. XV. .\. Bnyrs` made an objection to qu~=s- tfons z1.=l by the Crown, . that 110 e\'ir1en(-e - IuI( n at Ihc in- r1nr~. coulvl he 11.~'e=(1 hy the C1`r)\\'u. Juslicc .\Ir)\\'z1t .~'.11:~:1z1in_>d the r)h_i0c- .:~..\ jwer I01` \2lllIl(H"I'S I! `no ligzhis on the ` v n n I i PPS had I I 1 llll.`I 3: b1'id.'.'0. lulu U\:k`u No one 1um\\':< just how the car turnml ()\"*-"I'. the Crown has only :1 1her)1'_\'. \\'21S no m'i(len(-0 10 show {hm Suumf--- d1'inkin_;. booze artis1 in the hmtlo `. bmaxl left H i1I1_\' been \1 1` T7h'nu'4:t m 1' El Fm- T11 1:` V.' E?` It` would he had he In clnsixur :~:tr0n:.r plea for Hm (`,1-m\'n_ said ha\'` .Hl. l)|VC\'\.`,Il"|, nu um \_/.u-yu. V.-..\. impm'lan1 feattlres. was there and (1. man ;d1'm'e 1)z1rrio1' would not `that furious drivin,-.-. M1` (evidence seems to Clea!` `ing and om. W0 mn.( 501119 One de1ibm'u!c-ly lantern and hlc-.\.- 'out. The 21c-.cusod`s own e\'i(Iurnce _sh0\\'.= saw only one light`. `If sewn the li;:hts on the he not have seen rho. i7 |l\\'0 The result. .='fzn'ws_ `\\'h(-xiher \\'as furious d1'i\'iu_ or 11101. 4 1.. `up Gr-.xh-.u11's statement OE see-~` `. um. .\I0wa1 in a the limgv, said they had to dc-tm'n|im -= lit` was g11`ilt_V rrl` I`uriou.e |rh'i\'.`2n,; \\'iH`n1 nt-,:le(~I. I'n1e.<.='. 2:. {man guilty motive when he is not a m'imin:11. H1 ,--` `.Lm`d.~'hip 1`m'in\\'o(1 lhv <`\'i `,'I`hu- had put the case f'z1i1'.I_V luntl .-nu-n~c.1v T2nr-.12-rlin-~ Ihn linnnl l"lll'\". [HP um: _v.m the I says r\ n. \\'h\- u-nu \lI'. 1.ll\'l\ bk|_\.\ 1| nun llllfll` um Iv p.m. Why would anyone take it. udnwn `? The t.-ircu1n:~;t:1nce.s are most -maxinnlml semmlce out of -ymn` minds. Just cnnsider the facts as they were xnressntod. The jury after being out thirty {minutes h1'0u5_-ht in the verdict of `inexplicable. keep the n1alt(-n'0f not 3.-uilty" and Mr. Smmdn-rs was 1`:r~n`\r\IUr`rI\I` |Illlll\IIL`b lllullfglll (1isclm.1'::,o(l. =11 Campbell. 12 Roimrlish or 0-!)- ` U1 l'l. |l\ l4ill\f l'Ul.iLLUUD"-` I , .\l ihh .\l. `. long Red or Pink T 0l&lI0f`S~-1.HGlll`)' G. Drake; 2, Hem'y .\l`dl)(*)'. C01- lecninn 01` l 0lz110os---1. I-Ienr_\` .\lzrb9_\'. : . Swede Tu1'nips~-1, Wm. A. Pratt; 2, F. Clmplpell. 3 '.-\l)er(lee11 Turnips -1, J. Ypates. 3 Grey Stone '1`urnips-+~l, Wilson Elliott. 1% Whitv Field Czxrrotswl, J. Yomt-s. 1 . Red Field Czirrots 1. J. Yeate=.=;| 2, l"re(l Huso. 3 Lrm:.: Red .\l:1nr.:01(ls -1, .L. Livingvston; 2, Fred Huse. Ii Yollnw )l:1n;:0l(ls--l. A. D. Camp- bell; 2, N. Campbell. :2 8111.121)` Beets, -1,Ll0y(l Livingslnn; 2. J. Yeates. V.-nu. .... .... H... The e\'i(len('e in this case is he- in_-: heard I0-day and Hiram Childs. the p!uin1ifl', was the s1u1'\vitnes.c. all n1omin_<.:. James I-`xaser, of T01- tvnhanl, explamod to Ihe jury the nature of the case. Childs was mar- u. .1 .\ {'\n6n.|\nu 1f\| )1 n .. uvur HLILHIC` UL LII! L d-t`. K/IIIIUB \V(l.\ lllrll ried in October, 1921, to a wax widow. .\lrs. l redham. The de- tendtint, Rohert Stephenson, :1 main of 72 years of age. was on fric-ndly terms with Mrs. Childs and plain- tit`t'. c1utim(--d that he had won his wife's affections. The plziintifl. moved from Alliston to T0ttenht1nI.. hut his wife refused to go with him and remained in Alliston alll winter. where the defendat had visited her frequently and the plaintiff claitns that he frequently stayed with her all night. Six letters were produced in Court which the defendant had written to Mrs. Childs when she was away. These letters were typical lover's letters, endearing and all the rest. (Continued on page eight). Childs vs. U\VH [HUI [Hll Ill?` CHEF` Itl|l1lV 1:H'F*]_\'. I{e:ar(lix1: Ihe liqum thu an-m1.=ml in such e: an \'0lun1;1riL\' drinking _L1liH_\' 01' rriminul negli- (1:-.fr-nrlant. suy:< he saw + m. um hut-Pinv` and Hm. n\rF._ nu up \V'. A. Boys ex- i11 to 1110 jury. In the \':11'i()n.~: fc,-ar.1x1`et- -IT Io .. .....n ov.nu.lc an for tho Croxvu. said .u lhnrn and 2: man '-IPIIIIEIIII. .\'d).~ Hr: rorlw - hz11'1'i<`*r and the evi- (`.r:1h:1m helps him. it was there at 10 mm -.a.. n .-.. ...n_~r Stnphenson AI_... Page Five Hall" Bus. \Vinter \Vl1eat---l, .\l. Home; 2, L. Livingston. Hall Bus. .Kpring \Vheat-~'l, L. Livin.4ston; 2. ` L. Ney. Half Bus. Six Rowed Bar- ley-l, L. Livingston. Half 13115.: Vvhite Oats-1, M. Home. Halt` Bus. Peas, large white--1, N. L. Chanller & Son; 2. Mrs. Jno. Campbell. Half Bus. Peas. small- 1, M. Home; 2, A. D. Camp-i bell. 12 Ears Yellow C0rn-l, Hal`- old Shannon; 2. Fred Huse. 12 Ears White Corn--1, Irwin .\Io.\Ia-` hon. Collection of Grain--1, L. Livingston. Half Bus. Red Clover` Seetl--1. `M. Home; 2, Mberti E. Pratt. Half Bus. Sweet Clover` -Seed--1, N. L. Chantler &: Son; 2,! A. D. Camipbell. Half `Bus. Timothy Seed--1, Norman Campbell. Six Stalks Silage Corn-1, L. Living- ston. 1 Pint Carrot. Seed--1, J. Grain ' U1 _\uu lu : n; nc-n, 1 mm z. mw. w. .1. d0H($. ; 059: . men: I r:.1tt;` v,.1. u..- 9. _.... v\|n`n