Page Eig11t UL'L'll_[!lllllHl. I ` He leaves to mourn his loss, be- sides his wife and four children. 'He1en, Jean, Lloyd and Dale. six` sistnrs, 3111:. R. Keown. Moosemin. S:1sl(.: .\Irs. Fred Simpson, .\I00se- min, Sask.; Mrs. John Grant. Trail. B.C.; .\I1`s. R. D. .~\dn1ns. Thornton: Mrs. E. Odell, Thornton. and Mrs. J. J. .'~`par1ing, Toronto, and two brothers. \V'm. .\Ic1{night. Thornton, and R. J. .\ICK11igh1, Bzuwie. 1 "Plug l-`nnnwnl uvnc hold nu Qvxhnul And yet -men who attend to their business never are hoisted to the shoulders of a cheering multitude. There are more opportunities in a g-remt city. but you have to lick more men lu onder to get at them. The funeral was held on Sutur-` day at one o'clock from his late residence to Thormuu 17111011 ceme- tery. Rev. Hanna, of the Elmvale I x'esl)yteri2111 church. was in c11zu`ge| [of the services. | |dU B. J. JlL'J\1.ll:_s'llL, Lllllto [ 1".-\LL \';\I.['l~}S BIl'l"I`El{ 'l`H.\I\' EVER We have passed the greater por- tion ot` our fall goods into stock. and allow us to say it, we are cer- tainly proud of our 1923 fall stock. See our lovely new suits for the little folk, also boys and men. 0111' o\'< =rc0z1ts will be the talk of the whole country. E\'er_\'tl1in_'.: for lllillllillld at this store. We fit the hard to fit. No man too large. no. boy too small. Come to this storc with ahsolnte confidence. '9 gum`- antee sntisfactioti or your money 1'9l`11nrlml. Read 6-\'(>t'y word of our ztdvertlslng matter and save. save. Buy ladies and children's stockings in our second floor cleparbnient and save one-half. l"x'r=(= Pants ! HPre's your chance. men ! l"riilz1y and S1llllI`(l`.l_\'. "Clothes oi Qua]-ity re~present.zLti\'e will be in Barrie. .\lzule-to-niensurel suits or overcoats. $24, $30, $35. Free pants with each order. The W. C. Hunter Clothing Store, Barrie. | Allies are nanirms that a friendly at intervals as thn one another to grind axes. The Grand Challenge Cup, the rize which local 110I'1iC11H.lli`iSIf~`~ ovet most, was this year won by hi1ip Love. who is president of the Io1'1iculturz1l and Town Improve- lent Society. 11 is the third time; I 1.. 1 rs:-.\ 1.-.. 0...... nu` ohn vu-nn~. We also carry Moore Electric Ranges 75 Collier UL KJL'|`)Ul` , J.1.;x), Ll` . \\1l1\ LAIL` the .\!l111`I1 :1'utu1's will (1.. 1'i1.)11:e the :1:<.` of the Ii.~.tz17e. hav111,: re-` gmrd 0:11) to the clz1i111s of which: they $112111 111011 11z1\'e notice and wi'.`1: not be ro:::pn11sib1e 10 any oxhers. l.~4tm11& listen. Bzwrie, ; 28-3 Snlicitm-.~'. for .\1u1i11i.~'trum1'.`; win the cup an entrzlut must Ihe sum-1`io1' dis:p1a_\' Gt 5 var- sot sweet peas, named, 20; s each; 24 blooms pansies, 20j no nun:-e A ravinn: nn1rn-c- 1-1` (-'l~]OR(EE .\ICKNl(iH'l` A Car Load just arrived. Call and see My Stoves be- fore buying. The . , largest assortment a north of Toronto t to choose from. Your old stove taken in exchange are they '1 val: r A. E. SMITH very I need GORGEOUS DISPLAY or FLORAL BEAUTY? I ! nuuxuauu, .9, Huh. outtpyauu. Nasturtiums, co11ection--1. Ge [ Urry. | T3nfnn3n: cinnr1n I|r\11orI'r\I\_ Ltll). I Petuuias. single, co11eczion--1, Rev. W. J. Watt; 2, G. Urry. Phlox, Dx`ummondi-1, T. T. Young; 2, H. G. Drake. Suapdragon, co11ectiou-1, T. T Young; 2, Mrs. W . Sl1eppaz'(1. Swet Peas, 4 varieties~1, Miss M. B. Bmdden; 2, G. Urry. V/inn$na 10 hlnnnnzv 1 T Flu`- Notice ll'l`\-l)_\' :';\'en DllI`.'~_'i1E1l`t*.` to the Trustee AC1, that all pe1'.son.=.i having claims azjainst the Estate of , Henry .\Iat'tin. late of the 'l`ownshi'p; of Oro, Farmer, deceased, who died; on or about the will (lay of August.-` 1923, are reqilested to send pat`--i ticulars of their claims to the l111dI'- signed on or before the 1st day oli October, 1923, after which date theil Executor will diS1.l'l`l)lltE the assets; of the Esstzute, ltaving regard only to the claims of which he sl1a.ll then have notice, and will not be respon- sible to any others. 1 l4`.efnn Sr Futon, Ilsn-rip. I The rst insertion of the adver- tisement of the sale of lands nor arrears of taxes in the County of Slimcoe for 1923 appears in this is- sue. There are 1242 cpa.nce1.s of land in the list. It will the noted that the greater number -of these are in the of Pont MoN`Lco1l, there being 1077 pancels to the sold for taxes in that would-be city." Vic- toria. I-Iadbor has 139 parcels to be knocked down for taxes. Through- out the townships there are but 26 parcels. Robinson; 2, Mrs. Sheppard. I - . | Geraniums. dou-b1e-1, Mrs. 'Nn=rIIr`linm: r\nHm~Hnn:1 JL. D. .ud.uur:u, 4, L1 . U11). ' Zinnias. 12 b1ooms--1, J. Clax- ton; 2, H. G. Drake; 3, W. G. Kettle. Class D. Gmnd Challenge CLLp--1, P. Love; | 2, H. M. Lay. Class E.--Bouquets, Decorations and Designs ! Bouquet Sweet Pe;1s-1, .\Ir.=. J. ` l l . ll`. .\ ewton; 2, Miss M. B. .\ladden. Tmble Dec01'ati0u-1. .\lr_s. D. .\I. Jinan.-...c. -7 "LI \1 I I'll` !DLr,'\\u.1':, 4, 1'1. 1.11.3. Tzuble Bouquet, natllral a1'1'an:r_>- ment-1, Geo. Viclgers; 2, J. A. .\1;1c \ Laren. I L`ra.nA T)nnnur`" 1 '1` '1` \ nnnn-- Had Bouquet-1, T. T. Young; 2, Geo. \"?.cl-:91's. O t)nbOnuI\n`n 'I)Aunnnl~ r`l?(`v".~.u,-xnt .3, LIEU. \'.L'|`.l'|.`.. ` 3 Buttrmhoie Bouquets. tliffe`-will! --1, T. T. Young; 2. Miss M. E. lcmnpbell; 3, J. A. M:1cLz1ren. 1 Basket of Giz1r.`.Eo1i, trinuned nsi you p'lease--1, W. H. G. Marwood;\ 2. G90. Viclcers. I Class F. Novice Asters, collection---1, Mrs. Shrubsole; 2, H. J. Heath; 3, W. Kettle. rwwmunl: 1 cnil.-nu .1 Vfr: T1 1\eLue. \ Glad-ioli. 10 spikes-1, Mrs. D. JJ Quinlan. ' ` Glzulioli, 5 spil Mrs. D. J ; Quinlan: 2, J. Yeates. -N Geranium in p0t-1, Miss .\I. 13. Madden: 2, VV. G. Kettle. 3 L1.-..-.,l1'1nn.-aunt 1 Ring 1 L` 1\|'nu'..: ton. I Nastu1'ti.un1s-1, Mrs. W. Shrub- gsole. . I an-.~.n+ Dnn A xv-1:-ioHo:.__1 \H:Q R Class G.--Veget:ub1es I Bec-ts-1, J. Yeates; 2, Rev. W. J. Watt. E Currots--1, Miss M. E. Cumpbelh` 2. H. G. Dmke. I Czubbax;e--1. J. Yeates. Onions--1, R. J. Homewood; 2, J. Yeares. ` Tnmz1t0os-1, I . Love; 2, H. G. Drake. I Dnbnfnnc 1 1.! P. hv--mlrcu 9, I I-[.\\\'KESTONl~} _\l.\Y HAVE I ('ONTlNl'.-\Tl0X S(`HOOL 1U|I.L I Yeates. .\l1l.U(.l(-311} (4, \N. Ll . 1\eLL1\'.'. 1 Hand Bouquet~-1, :\I1`s. J. F. New- ton; `.3, Mrs. D. J. Quinlan. Table Bouquet. natu1'a1-1, Mrs. D. J. Quinlan; 2, Mrs. J. F. New- fnn READ THE A*DVER"1`I`SEM'ENTS. 019. Sweet Pea, 4 v-.1rietvies--1. Miss I.1\)B. Madden: 2. A. B. Coutts. etunias, co11ection-1, Mrs. D. . Quinlan; 2, J. Yeates. ; SING-SONG Come Everybody and Sing. (Continued from rst page) Queen s Park Monday, September 17 at 8 p.m. of All Kinds STOVES A meeting was held in the' 9 Hawkestone school on Friday last to, discuss the matter of esta.b`.i:~:l1in:.{ a` Continuation School at that centre. Mr. Miltls, Inspector of CDI1' Schools for Ontario, was presen: and outlined the ad\'a1it;n:cs and prob- able costs of the a'l(1lilO!l11l rootn. The meeting was well attended and. much interest taken. .\Ir. .\Ii`.ls! stated that owinjq to the .\tlo`.e~:r.-enri Act which was passed. all children! are required to attend school till` they ar~;- over sixteen years. Ti1i"` will result in ove1'crowdin': the 1119.9 jority of present Continuation Schools. Haiwkestone has an extra. room not being used. One teztcherl would be required for the continua- tion work. The total additional cost. to H:Lwkestone school section would' be around 31700 a. year, but this? does not include the cost of equip-s ment. The grant from the Govern-i` ment would be :1 minimum of $400` annually. The county would con-`t1 tribute 50 per cent. of the cost of all county pupils. The net cost to` the Hzuvlzestone scliool section would only he a few hundred dol- lars 21 year. Mr. Isaac Day, P.'n'.I. . for East Simcoe, favored the scheme, , - but warned the meetin:.: that it woud take some money. Nothing can be done this year. . Drwke; H: J. '1`111u';\:da_\', S0pt0n1be1' G, 1923 'I:he more hum.`b.1e grocers ntill are willing to sell you :1 n`icke1`s worth of sugar if your Iumfnish your own bag. $1,600 ANSWER ROLL FIRST SCHOOL DAY (Continued from page one) the attendance was 308 on Tuesday. Thi1'!_\'-five nw nazues were added. 1-`ewer started this year than last, but the jun .01' and sr:-niox` p1"Lmzu`y 37 in the Entrance class. Two new teachers, ;\1i: Perry of Roclalyn mm Miss V. Strauze of B3.1'1'ie are on` the staff. ,\o `1\; 1.':..... n.x.__._._.x __u_..-u I I I lrnoms are well lled. There are LHC blclll. At the liinf: Edward school twenty tin_v tots came for the first time. The total number present was 303. ten of whom are in the .l3ntrance class. There is :1 little crowtling in the senior first and jun- ior and senior second. :\ .5 Car- ruthers of l topin the only new teacher at this school. Repairs to the King George school .are not hindering the classes from going` on as usual. The e.\'c2u'z1tion ,v.'orl; is bei 1:; done now and the in- tterior work will be done at T'na.nk~s- giving time. Thus the school work -will not be interrupted. Nineteett pupils attended on the rst day. This is four more than were present at the latter part of the past term. It is expected that several more will be enrolled shortily. It is not tlznown if those who left last term to go to Victoria school have re- . turner`! nun:-pupttia. The engine which hauied- the train from North Bay to Toronto, some :'.20 miles, was part of the Cililailillli Pacic exhibit at the Can:1di:1n National Exhiabitiou. to:.:ethex* with the latest model of tourist. dining and sleeping car, as well as :1 bag- gage and compartment car. All the equipment which was exixiiimed is part of that used in the trans-Cun- ada. service. You nnnunnO{An nv36|s bI.A ...u.nn-In) uuu. BI:lV|l.'l1o In connection with the nowsprlut shipped by the Albliibl Comgmny, It represents the cut made on more than 200 acres of puhprwood. I 1 Corseliero for Ban-ie : `Home Saturdays at 6TGha,r- lotte Street. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVOOO 06600006600; l i What is stated to be the longest `train 01' newsprint that ever left Northern Ontario, 42 cars in all, passed through Medonte Junction recently en route to Toronto, being .11 shipment. from the e\`l)itil)i Power and Pulp Company. The train left North Bay dl'8.`\\'I1 by one of the int- est type passenger locomotives, which the Canttrlian Pacic is l)u`) .1 ing in its Angtis shops. Ordinarilry it would require two engines to haul this train of more than 1,100 `tons. but :1 record was estaihlished .when the l1u_<:e engine arrived in Toronto without mishap. \Vater was taken but four times during the trip. Included in the train were cars for the various newspapers in Canada and twelve United States newspapers. "I`hn cnnuhmn Ivhir-h hnnlnd. tho cumin LU gu turned. H l'( -' E MISS Phone 582 L04 'mm'n \'I<} H A ULS T12 CAR5 or .\'EWS PRINT - Spin-ella Corsets for and .~\ll:1ndale WILLERS No Charge New attractions. new midway, big live stock exhibits. Ba1'rie`s Big` Fair. \ I LOST AND FOUND .\'{)'i`l( `IQ l'O '.\`OTl('i`I TO (`Z{l Last Tl1111`s(1aL\', 011 Ross St., necklace set with pearls. please leave same at A. W . Reward. For Sa1e~Pan(1ora Coal Range and; gas water heater. B:11'gain. Box C..! Advance Omce. 28- FOR SALE WANTE? U1) uLue1.~. Eston & Esten. Barrie. Solicitors for Executor. TO LET ('|ll`}Dl l'()l{S Charlie Brunto was in Torontol on .\Iouda,\'. \I :~a Tnonknl T3nnnhcn~ anon} Tnhrn`. U11 .\1UUUil,\. Miss Isobel I-`oucher spent Labor Day in Toronto. Miss Edna Crowe of Orillia ho1idayin:.; at Miners. ' Mr. and .\I1's. Crosby attended the 6-.\:hibiti0n on Mon(la_V. I \1.. nnrl \h~c `D D Tlnfhu,-n!l \\':-rt: ]E`.\:l11l)1`.i0h 011 L\1UI1u'cl_&. I ;\Ir. and Mrs. R. R. Bothweil were in Toronto this week. Miss V. Spearn has returned from 21 holiday spent in Windsor. Rev. S. M. Beach let : to-day to attend a district meeting in Orillia. M. Brown has returned home af- ter spending 8, few days in Toronto. i .\I1'. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton Eit- lteiiried the exhibition on Labor Day. i Uiss . Collins lias returned hoine I after spending three weeks in To I'r\n.`n ronro. Mrs. A. Reid and family have re- turned to Pererboro after visiting Mrs. J. Walker. L. Jessop of Flint, .\Iich.. spent the h0lida_\' at the home of M1`. and Mrs. E. l~`i1'man. \r...~ H Qhonnnu-r1 h-1: 2-nfuv-nrz tn NAILS. lb. 1`: .\Ir.=. W. Peterboro `and Mrs. . I u.... H`. For Su.1e---'I`wo _\`oung sows, each with eight `young: pigs. Chas. Bow- yer, 71.11 Lme, Vespra. i :\\'_\".1tt of _\ | \\'z11'dm'.1n, I 'Dru- XV |\\ il1'(II1lLlIl, DlU\.`1\ EL. i Rev. W . J. and Mrs. \\`z1It am! ;'. :1mi1_v 1'etu1'ned from \\'z111 and L1lC1{l10\\' on Thu1`.=.dz1y. _ r nun \h-: hnhunn vnnfnro 1n 1.ucunow on 1uul'.~:uL 311*. and Mrs. Dobson motored to Toronto for the week end, Mr. Dob- pson rcIu1'ning on Tuesday. E \r.-. Inhncnn and rlzuv-hfm': \\'hn .5 ',).m r)e:01`e we Ll7.LL'1\ Vxda 1` Pa iexxzzezs. on t.rain;~: No. -i -1 1 were t=.'ansf=rred. The -3 from North Bay assisted E1 up the \V'I`E*Ck1f;;. The jirough frr:i'zh! which t':`.e_v 51 were 1)a'.1ly dzlmaged. | SO11 l'C`Ill1'IHIlg UH lllt'-$u`d_\. `? Mrs. Johnson and daughters, who ,wore stn_\'in:< at the nlanse (1L11'iug i returned to Hamilton xhis In-1'n\' 6`:-innr`.: 'iH ha nhanspd ,be spent in Pet6rbr>:'o. (."J\l',`1ll.-, LAUHA ILXQ |I_u\.Al|. illnc-ss. 311'. and Mrs. Ed. .\Ic.\I`.11in leave Iri(1ay on men` h01iL121_\'S. which will .\'or:11 B-.1,\' Iu)_nu1_ and Collingwood. `.1 ,-=- D TM: xvcnn '\`h-: A R, and anu L;0;l1u_'_'\\uuu. 3ll`S. R. Dawson and Mrs A. R. ,\\'z\1l:{-1' returned 1.0-(lay l_Tz1:_1:`s:1;1;~') `from two \\`ee'::.=.' holiclnjr spen: at Old Orchartl. .\Iai11e. \'\ hl1e- mvay they m1jo_\'r.>d :1 motor trip to the Whize Txlountains. A 1`ijl1l)lAh: \\ IN .\`'I` .\'lu'\V.\l.\I}l{l'l.` I .\'.`.z1ndale bowlers won all three ` he: in :1 leaulw ma1ch pla1,\`e(l :11 sN&\\ 1llI'1{et on Tl1ursda3` last. he jresult leaves the railwaymen at the `vtop of 1119 leazue-. As they are tho only ones who have nished Ihe `-scherlule, they will annex the shield. lemblexnatic of the champion:ship of the Northern Bowling Leagtle. The irinks who went to Newmarlcel were 1.-\. Ferzuson, B. Thompson, J. Le iGea1*, C. W. Poucher, ship; W. B. W'el)b, A. Hook, F. \Vhitne_\', V. Knight. skip: R. Dawson. E. Kohl- llneyer, E. Shear and A. G. Walker, lultin 1 9.111. The auxiliary was called out on .\Ionday to three miles north of P0- wassan, where nine freight cars were ditched. Conductor Spearn and En- ` =.;ineer Jacobs were in charge of the derailed tr:U.v.1. The accident or curred at 9.40 a.m. and it was 10.30 before the trzmk was passa!)`.e. \.'n .11 -and n ...,.. .-... fv-n:n: The Maple Leaf .-`~.tt1'actions. a ;cleau show. is (l1`zm`Zng large cro\\'ds ;at Queen's Park this wecvl-:. The fire ,brigade are receivin5.; :1 percemnze :nr H11: rm-pim.< and will make some HOUSE, 0FFlCE, smmag VV'a.11ted~-(}00(1 groneml maid, for family of two. Mrs. D. H. L,\'on,| 91 Owen Barrio. 29-1! ' _;_j_j_X |I)I'lf__ ,'E].(le 211": I't'.'l.'E1\'.l|f_3 cl pUAL.t:An.r-.r: 10f the receipts and will make mnoney on the week's performance. :Oak or Hardwoocl Floors. 5 Cleaned, Polished 01` Oiled. {Inside Paint Work Cleaned 1 Phone 944 i Box 810. Res. 84 Mary St. 'ec-1:. His many friends will be pleased 3 learn that Geo. La\\'1'ence LS` re- :)\'e1'i11qmpid1_\' from 11is1`c,-`cent In READ THE ADVERTISE.\IE.\'TS. ALLANDALE \\ Rl:I(`l{ NE} R l O\VA S.'\';\ N W. SMITH 1` ll'l1ld.H. '. Sheppard has 1 ) afzer visiting .\Ic.)Ii11i11. \',\':1tt and His .\Io11tre-(11 are V 1, Brock St. Y? 1 and `VI:-u i Y Miss Beatrice Visiting .\I1's. C} Wanted--House to rent by year, five or six rooms, all conveniences. Ap- ply.,11 I1o1'ence St. ' jn:; I ` returned to Mrs. ["011 pilhtdil. -1 -1 and on \ nu`-iHr~.~m~ `K1 auu UL! auxilim`_\' in clearing cars and .' contained B-a1'rie's Big '18, 1.`). Blake: Rev. H. E. Wellwood and Rev. W. J. Watt will exchange pulpits Sunda:~' evening. lnulies` Full and \\'inter Prices reusomtblc. Simmons "-`-`-`"" I Dr. J._ T. Rollit, Dentist, No. 1 Dunlop 5:. Phone, oice 450, house 571;. - See Pood-les and Dottie and The Great Aieredith at BZ'u`rie's Big I-`air. W". A. Boys, K.C., .\I.P.. is in .\Ir)nt1'e-211 competing in the senior golf tournamc-ut. Twenty students are enrolled at Oriilizt model school this term. All but one are :.:i1'Is. Wanted-I3oard, li_;`-ht hou.vsekeepin_'.; rooms and places to work for boa.1'd.i Phone 445. Barrie Business Collegtnl .\Irs. \V. J. Johnson. \Ve11iu{.:toi1 St. west, met \\"zH1 a painful acci- dent on Tuesd-.15` evening when she fell down the cellar stops- The Collier St. Methodist. choir are p1annin:.; to give a concert at Rama on .\Iom1a_v. Sept. 17. .H`pc(-in! l x'ic(-s and in l,:uliL-s` l{eu(l_v-tr lross and sport shay ID, I1,` Come with the crowds, your old 1'1'im1(1s and get ti q_uarI.e1s worth you ever g Iiffc-. Barrie Fair, 17. 18, '.HU\C'l llu L'(lIllH_\ wee1<. They are c .\Iis.= C1'e:~:\vic1u-1'3 }` St. for the Wintc-r Durinr: the m 1022:, there have ` 1ua1'ria}.*es and 7 corrr,-`sponding periu \\'m`e 17 births, 7 ,`lnr.t1-.. \\ L`! C` deaths` Alex. Galt, one of the best of the local golfers, hung up a new record` on Tues(1a_\ afternoon when he went a1`ounkl the first nine holes in 133. Cosidering the present poor condition of the course, the score is exceptional. XV. J. .\IcCuIcheon, who has been mzma_L:'er of Ihe Ba1`1'ie'Gas Co., for 21 number of years , has resL:ne(1, |and will be .=.uccc-edod by Mr. E. A. `Hills of Toronto. 311'. .\Ic-Cutcheon intends mrwin: to Osllawa, where he has a position. A district meeting of the :\Ieth0d- ist church is being held at, Orillia to-d:1_\'. Amonq those attending are Rev:\:. H. \Ve11\vood, Rev. 121. T. Don::`.as, Rev. .\I. Beach and Rev. T"or:nr:1', and Messrs. W .--C. Hunter, 1-`. H. Hurlburt, C. Hickling and A. Ir`.-s. To LoI---Rooms to rent over Ster1ix1g Bank of Canada, Bawie. Apply at] Bank. 29-` Ten 1nm_br-r:~: of the Barrie Tennis Club motored to Toronto on Labor Day to play the return match with the Broztclview Tennis Club. It '\\'a.=. found impossible to `play bncause of :he inclerne-ht weather. The match will be playc-d at a later date, as yet] undecided. l Out of 14,000,000 foreign-tborn living In the United States. more than 7,000,000 cannot read or write the English language. The danger in buying spring chicken already dmessed is 1112). : you can : tell which spring is meant. H. Jennett, pitcher on the Iv,\'| ball team, threw his arm out while! pitching for his team in a tourna- ment at .\Ii(land on Labor Day. His arm became sore whi~1e warming up, but he g'amr.~l,v pitched the rst| same and won it. In the second` contest he was forced to retire, the muscles in his arm t`el`usim.', to func- tion. It is said that he may never be able to pitch ball again. If this is so, it will occasion COI1S1d`I`El:'b](3 regret, as Jennett was an accom- plished pitcher, a credit to the game, and a popular player. Tho nal march in the Simcoe County Golf League was pluyell over vlve 13:u'1'ie links on VVC-dnesday :Lfle1'n0on. The I`('SllH. was .1 tie. and consequently Orillia retains the cup for another year. Orlllia. now holds the trophies emblematic of the ladies` and men's gall` l<>u,'.:ur2s. The followin_L: were the results on Wed- nesday 2 .V'.L`\\ LL! L. . . Galt. . . . . Jory. . . . . Decroft. . . \\'6vbb. . . . Grasset. . . VVi1s0n. . . Banting. . Lewis. . . . Scott. . . . . Esten. . . . Trennblay Philosophy. as a general Lhiing is just the smug complacency of the man whose nest is featheted. tXlll\l llU%CL (lull LHU ULIXUI IIlI_-`g'Cl-`. were cut to the bone. Mr. and Mrs. I-`0; and fzLmi1_v came to Barrie rm Sunday and If. Foster is now in the Royal Victorial Hospital. Barrie Stexvart. flnh I l!.\lll{ll'1 AND 0lHl.LI.v\ (}.Ol.l"EHS | l`L.-\Y 'I`lE l.\' l[.\'.\L M.-\'.l'()Hl: I"oLm(1'--C1ev:.-lzlml Bicycle, black. Owner can have same by payinf; ex-N penses. Chief Case, Police Court,! J3z11`rie. 29-| 4, ~ I D. H. Coleman, ( mved his 1'amil_\' .,.,\I- 71"`-up-\w- .-..... - LOCALS New ;\rri\`:|ls . . l{eu(ly-l0-\\'c:u- Huts. slxaxpcs. Sin1m(ms UUL'||lI_\ h on so 1 month of . \11:.;11st,[ been 11 births, 5` tlz-uths. In the riot] last yc-ax` there I 1`ua1'riug(~s and 12 , County Trc-asn1'e1*. 5` to Bz'11'1'ie this 0ccnp_\'in;,' part 01` hrnlcn nn .'l"hrn-a;--x The Nort11c1-11 Aivance `, September 17, entries early. [Jill L U1 1 The1'e.s21 \ Lr>st~-~Last a grold Finder s: V\'hi.I.})_\"s. Orillia Coats. 1'. I V n P. Love to Hold The ' E Grand Challenge Cup llltbt` \\ IIALII l1Ll|l|.lIA|.?t. covet Philip i I-Iorticulturztl Improve: t I LULKLI uux ment time Mr. Love has cm'riL`~d oh` the prem-, ier honors, so the cup is now hist propert_\'. .-\t e\'c-r,\' annual ower: show here the trophy is competed: for with the utmost zeal and the; winning [lowers are perfect speci-1 In on c y AV ....- ..., _, have var-g qleties of 20; '.:tems blooms asters, 4 distinct colors; 15; spikes gladioli, all different. The trophy was donatetl by 1119 Society in 1911. The list of winners is as follows : 1911-Geo. Yickers. I 1913-.\Iiss )1. Campbell. I 1920-1`. Love. 5 1921-P. Love. 1922-W. H. G. Marwood. [- 1923-P. Love. I In 1912 there was no competition and from 1914~9 the annnztl show was not held because of the War. 311*. Love has a1`\\'a_\'s been an en- thusiastic competitor. Besides win- ning three time, he rztnked second for two years. The contest this year II`nr4 r\\-"I~r\I\\(\`1' rL`r\nr\ LI \Y Y nI~ lUl.' (WU ) 1.1117 UULlLt'bL LX115 _\il.l was extremely close. H. .\I. Lay had a remarkable showing and was at close second. I His Eminence Cardinal Begin, Quebec. has threatened to ex-com- munlcate all those engaged in the illicit falbnicatlon of hootch." ' George .\ic-Knight, a resident of Elmvale for mam` _\'ear;~:, died at his home on Tiitirstiay, .\n_:'ust 30. {The luie U1`. .\IcI\'ni_:ht, who was born at Egbert 55 years auo, passed zuv2i_\' zrfter a lingeriiig illness which zhd kept him from work for over a year. Deceased was a farmer by occupation. i I-To Innvnc tn mnnv-n hi: in:: 1151-5 Notice is hereby given pu1`suz111t to: the 'l`1`u.>'tce Act, that all persons ha.\ h1:.: claims afzztinst the Estate of \'\'21`.tv1` '\\'iHiz1m \\':u1 late of the Township of ME`(10l`:I(`. Fzntmer, who died on or about the 121.11 day of 1\Ia_\', 1912. are requested to sendl pm'ticulzn's 01' their clahns to the| under:~: ::ne(1 on or before the 1st day] of Ocmm-:', ]. !23, a<`.'1ev.` which datef .\zlmi11i:~;:x'utm`s di.'~:t1`ib\1tei 1 z1:<.ae?ss nF u-hinhl n--sun] nulu In l`\n nln