Page ]Ci,<.vh r Council will hold its since adjourning for months on Tuesday A The Northern Advance `;\Iany"peop1e were amused on Wednesday afternoon -to see a Ford gar with no fenders on passing through town, and bearing the in- scrhption The Good Ship Fast- er `N L" on the back o it. wm nave u. I The ladies of the Barrie club are unanimous in their p1'aise 011 the 0ri'l11a. greens. At present the grounds are undergoing 1`epuirs, but this did not interfere in any way. --- I Hvuss 1. CRESWICKE [S cm CHAMPION .\l FS. 1 uu llU[H::. [ Conso1~ation-.\Irs. Ke'1lz11' won from Mrs. Wa.-inw1'ig~ht, .\Irs. Rees won from .\Irs. Leslie, Miss McCar- thy won from Hrs. Duncan. Mrs. ;\IcI.augl1li11 won from Mrs. Grunt. lmni_T`inn1=..\`h': T{'nll:H` won I .\'11'S. LV1c14u.L1g,u1u1. Last year the tou1'namem. was held in Barrie. Next year 1\Iidl-and will have it. ml... `lnasna I\F Hun `Dav-I-in r-`uh nrn " I First Round-- Thompson,` Onillia, won from Mrs. Rees, Bar- rie; Miss Benson, Mvidland, won from Miss McCarthy, Barrie; Miss Cresrwicke, Barrie, won from Mrs. Leslie, Barrie; Miss Blackstock, Bar- rie, won from Mrs. Kellar, Midland; Mrs. McPvhe1'son, Orrilllia, won from Mrs. Grant, Alidland; Mrs. Evans, Orillia, won from Mrs. Duncan, Midland; Mrs. H. R. Tudhope, 0ril- lia, won from Mrs. VVainwrigh1, Orillia; Miss Mu'1cah,v, Orilluia, won from Mrs. McLaugh1d11, Midlzuld. Second Round Mrs. Thompson won from Miss Benson, .\Iiss Crew] wi-cke won from Miss Blap!:stocl:,u Mrs. Evans won from Mrs. .\IcPl1or- son. Mrs. H. R. Tudhope won from Miss Mulczrhy. Qnuni-V.`innI=_.T\Mc: (J-nu,-irsl.-.a u'r.n `.\ll5.`_'I .\lUH."(L`Il_\. Semi-Fina|s--M~iss Creswicke won from 3115. Thomrpson, Hrs. '1'ndl1opc won from Mrs. Evans. 1 .V:n..h~ 7\I c-c- I"-n:~uvn1.-n uvnn fvnnu ;\l6l4hL1lgllIlIl \\ UH lrulu .uL:. '..rLnun. Semi-Fina1s-..\I1's. Kellau` wqn from Mrs. Rees, Mrs. ;\Icl.au_.7h1in won from Miss I\IcCart.h,v. IN-:1: ,.\h-= 1CnH-.n- xvnn frnml 150 Acre Farm for Sa1e-100 acres lot south half of 13, Con. 12, Innis- l, good buildings, new brick house, well fenced, lots of water. 50 acres north half of the south half lot 26, good pasture, flowing well, good `fences. 10 acres bush. Possesion this fall if wanted. Apply to E. Fell, Allandale, R.R. No. 1. -hone 17I'3, Stroud. [rout M155 mUu'zu'l.|1,\. I I~`1`1m1s-.\I1's. 1{e1`1ar won from` Mrs. McLa.ughHn. Lnar van!` Hm tmurnmnm1.1\\'n.=l of Higllost Honors in X - . - -. I `For Second X0111: 15 W 1111101-H Silncoc Cou11`r_\f. | ... V-.. D .....-.. On Monday evening the competi-l tors were entex'ta:ine to dinner by the Orillia. Club. Tuesday at noon they were the guests of Miss M. '1`ud`hope, captain of the Orilliaf teah, at luncheon. T-he Orillia. club served af=ternoon tea, on Tuesday after the nals. mun .-.-..~`..n- ..n= Ann`: ........,1 any '01! II`U`lll 1\l!'5. 1`4\'rlllS. I I~`ina1s-Z\Iiss Creswicke won from Mrs. Tudhope. l I (' T(::I1lnI' xvnn For the second successive year. Miss Ida Creswicke is ciiampioil of the Simcoe County lady golfers. The County tournament, which was held at the Links of the Oriilia Golf Club. began on Monday last and was C0111- pleted on Tuesday. In the nals Miss C1'es'wicke met and defeated Mrs. H. R. Tudtnope of Orillia, four up and two to go. Thsrougihout the tourney the chain- piion was at her. best. Her long drives featured the contest. In every round Miss Creswicke turned in a low score, and her success is well merited. On Tuesday she played 52 holes. C..l-nun ..l.-....-.... ,.........o.\.: c-..- V\Ull U) .\L|b. J\!'.`1l'cU. I Runner-u.p-Order for golf ac- cessories wovth $8.00, won by Mrs. | .\IeLaugh1.iu. l'\.. .....J,__ _,._.-_.. I uun::>. | Sixteen players competed for championship honors. The Midland, and Barrie clubs were each repre- sented by ve ladies. Orillia had six entrants. The consola'tion series was won by Mrs. Kellar, of .\Iid1aud, with Mrs. Mcbaulghlin of the same town 1'unne1'-up. \ Following the completxion of the tou1'na.ment on Tuesday afternoon, Miss Tudhope presented the prizes. Championship-Leat.her t1'ave1'ling| bag, won by Miss C1'eswic1 T?nnnor_III\_f'\v-rlnr Fnr zrnH' -1nnoa._ llfg, UH |)_V LHIDB lJlUDWlL'l\C`-. Runner-up-Order for golf acces- sories worth $8.00, won b. MYS- Tudhope. r`nr\:nInHnn...Q`fnI'|in.y c.-Hvnv unco 'olLl.Cl LHU ` llllillb. 'I\he result of each round fol- lows : 1LH.l1lU}_H:. Conso1ation--S`te1'ling silver vase, won by .\Irs. Kellar. PIn1noI~_IIn..('\rrIor Fnr nrn1F nn. Wanlted-H.ouse to rent by year, ve or six rooms, all conveniences. Ap- ply 11 1<`l01'ence St. The selling of Hope Garments last week met with such a splendid re- sponse that we have decided `to continue the sale until 10 pm. SATURDAY These g'a1'ments are made of best qtlality Gi11g'l1am, Zeph_vr and Chamln-a.\-` by blind operatives at the National Illsiitufe for the Blind. The w0rkma11- ship is perfect and the .vah1e is second to none. House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons at $1.25, $1.65, $1.75, $2.10 and $2.50 and a. Premium of 1 Four-String Broom with every two garments purchased. SALE OF Hope Garments AT v1g Geo. Vickers, Limited All Garments Are `Guaranteed Jonn r..`(nvzu`u .-umupy. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon, August 31, from the resi- dence of her sister, Mrs. Frank C. Bartlett, 1809 Hiland Ave., New- castle, Penn., U.S.A. \ Residents in the neigh~borhood' of Dunlop and Berczy streets were rudely awakened ufrom a quiet night's sleep on .\Ionda,v evening by a shot which rent the peaceful veil of slwmber into a thousand shreds. Some awoke, thinking that they were recipients of a soft-nosed 44. Others, too scared to think, covered themselves with the bed clothes. Still others arose and peered out of the window. But no bloody sight spread itself before their startled eyes, no hideous deed of t'e1ine put- pose showed its ghastly face to troubled sleepers, no dark crime of douibttful origin lay apparent to the wondering minds of the eastenders. Rlllllllllg and scamperig sounds. however, bore tribute to t.he fact that someone wasn't going to wait for t.he grass to grow under his feet. Deep-throated mutterings and low- mouthed curses heaped ridicule and aibuse upon himself or someone for not being able to run faster than a hundred in 7 at. ` All lay shrouded in deep n1_vster_v for a day or two, but the riddle has now been solved. noon Chiet' Case told a couple of mung chaps to start moving and keep on moving, but awpparently they did otherwise. That night con- stable Davis ,was called down to as- sist them in a further removal. .~\ftc-r tal1 with him for a few minutes they started to run. and to bid them a hearty adieu. Constable Davis sped them by ring his revol- ver into the air. As far as we can learn they are running yet. On .\1oncla_v after-~ t )1 RS. -LOUISE .\I;\ R K Mrs. Louise Mark passed away on '1`uesda,v, August 28, at her late residence, lot 18, concession 1, F103. Death was due to cancer. Deceased was born in Lelfroy on Febrlxary 5, 1876, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iohn Edward Allsopp. rm. rnnm-nl fnltne nlnnn nn Wridnv ' rooms and places to work for board. \\`z1nted-Board, ligmt hoL1uekeepin_; Phone 445, Barrie Business C011ege.l Y0l"l`H| I'l. 1..-\\\"-BHE.\l(l32l{S TO I BE .\'!`}I\",l`| OX S.-\'l`l'lI).>\1'| plying their nefarious trade in Bar- rie for some time. For the third` mime within me last year the trio: were arraigned in Police Court 011' Saturday morning. One of theml had two charges to answer. Twoi other lads were involved in the escapades and were also in Court. T3 1? \Tnv'nhienn r-nnnrhf tiln-an Lula: I 1 Three _\'o11t.hfu1 thieves have been] 1 .`\lll n3UUlUl_V. Two of the conrmed laxv-`breakers and another youth broke into `Wal- ter U1`1',v's store on Sunday, Aug. 13. I1wenty-four pen knives and seventy- ve flashlight batteries are missing. One youngster told the story of- how the thieving was done. Boxes were piled up to enable them to get on the root"; at the rear of the store. [Through an open window two of the lvboys got inside. A door leading downstairs to the store was forced and the booty collected and Ia.l{PI1. DnI`n.`\ T'nvu- nn 1xr- nuvlrinnnn tnlzl uuu LHU UUUL) UUIIUCLUU illlll lit-l\?`ll. Ralph Urry, in his evidence, told of nding the doors unlocked when! he came down on L\Ionday morning.| A key to one of the doors and the; articles mentioned were missing. As yet the stolen goods have not been recovered. The mother of two of the boys declared her children hadl not been out, but the youngsters said, they were there. The third lad maintains he took Il0t}llX`LL'. but thatl he dropped what was handed to} him by the others. It was he who` told how the stunt was pulled off. [ Magistrate Jeffs will not pass 1'nr1<~rn1c:nt nntil nnvf Qnhlrrl-.1\' n1nI'n_i LUIU IIUVV LHU DIULIL \\(|b ylllltll UI|. jud5.:ment until next Sz1t11rda_\' morn- ing. !:':\.'-i.lyiLLll:`5 uuu \\ Ulft` 'cll5U lll L/Ulll'L. I D. R. Murchison cauglit Ivhree kids; pilfering his garden of apples and} vegetables. The mother of one of the boys clfarged could not 'be pres- ent in Couvt,_so the case was ad- journed until Saturday next. Mean- while the Magistrate will consult the Superintendent of the Children`s Aid Society. T`uvn nf` Clan nrunvnnnrl 1nn- Wuunnl-nun |n? \\'.\s'.x"1` .\ll'RDl m'1.` I I l\lEl{lhY .\ Sl ElGl)lN(i ['1' =T11ursday, August 30, 1923 U.L'lIUHlpi.|lllbL. Mr. I-Ioadley, conductor of the sdciety, gave an address, outlining the intentions of the organization and for the evening acted as chair- man. Mr. Sylvester has agreed to assist in forming the orchesttra. "I'\I\n navf vnanrr nit `fhn nvnnnun Lost--l.ast ThllI`Sda}', on Ross Slt., 21 gold necklace set with pearls. Finder please leave same at A. VV. ,\\'l1iml)y s. Reward. ` EISSISL lll LUFIIIIH5 U|lt`.' UlUllUl`LI'iL. 'Dhe next metlng of `the executive will be held on Tuesday evening. Sept. 4, at Mr. Percy HoadIey's studio at 8 p.m. llt"(lblllL'l- It is the intention of the execu- tive to commence rehearsals about Sept. 25. .\Ix's. Laidman has kindly consented to take the soprano and .\Ir. Barron the baritone solos in The Messiah. Miss Bryson to act as accompanist. `Ur T-Innriiav nnnunlnr AF Han The first meeting of the executive of the Barrie Choral Society was held on Wednesday` last. Many [items of interest were fully dealt with. -.\Iayo1' Litwtle was appointed honox'a1'_V p1'esident., Mr. V\-'. A. Boys chairman of committee. Mr. T. |Pea1'ce vice-cha.i1'man, Mr. Jack fcooper, secretary and Mr. Sills treasurer. 1+ :.- cl. :|\`r\r\b=I\n\ An Al... .._.-_._ _C. H. Brown. President of the United Light and Power Company and of the United Telephone C0,, of .~\ibilene. Kansas, has introduced a novel method of making all his em- ployees sa.\'e money. 011 the 1st of July, 1022, -this hard-headed boss issued a notice to his 1200 clerks that henceforth they would be re- quired to tatlie 10 per cent. of their wages every month and invest it in sound securities. Any employee who objected was dismissed. Ant rst there was consternation, as many had nevei` saved a cent, but the scheme is working out and now the em.ployees are happy and take more interest in their work. A commit,- tee was appointed to recommend and approve of sound investments. At present 50 per cent. are putting Uheir savings in prefenred stock of the utilities tlhey serve; 30 per cent. are placing their funds in building or loan stock. or` paying for their homes; the balance are depositin--.; in savings banks. The pay roll of the compaiiy amounts to. $1,250,000 :1 year and a report shows that over $125,000 was saved by employees the first year. \ Hdlllb illlu uau it lU_Vil.l LHHU -Score by innings: Barrie ....3 1 5 0 4 2 S 5 0-24 Qrillia 0 1 1 4 1 0 O 1-- 8 I The teams: I I Bai-rie---Miss C. Coles of, Miss L. McKinnon ss, .\Irs. Graham 2'b. Miss E. Osborne lf. Miss Bogardis c. Mrs. Thomas 3rb, 31155 C. Cash p, Mrs. Lawrence 1}). Mrs. Elli-ot-t Coles rf, Mrs. Kilgour. I r\..:II:_ \v..... 1's..,\..... at..- my- ,_-, --.. I Ori1Iia-.\I1ss Bmwn, Mrs. Mc- 'A1ea1'_", Miss Good, Miss Jamieson, Miss Eaton. .\Iiss Ward. Miss Saund- ;e1's, Miss Hawk, Mrs. Sixmnerington, H\Ix's. Park. 1 '\\'ednesda)' afternoon the Barrie ;Rebei motored to Orillia to tame ;the Orillia. Rebekahs in a game of `isoftball. As a proof of the fact |that they did it effective1_v we (note 11119 score, which was 24 to S. The CBarrieites made a constant proces- sion crossing the plate, the _same time forced the Oriliians to zconne their efforts to a Shllfflixlg I promenade. T`hn rrnn\n mm.-.1. um. I...-..: ..+ |l()S!-'- .\lAK|'}S I~}:\ll`LOYIJES i H.-\\'lu` 10 |'.(`. OF \\';\GES I y1u1uv:'ui.tuU. The game, which was p1a_ve.1 at Couchiching Park, was exciting, it not close, and all the players vied with each other for home run `honors. The pitchers had a hard day, though some say they eujbyed themselves quite as much .15 if the base hits had been fewer. T)-av:-in Dnknlynlaa nhnilvnd nn Ont, luazc llllb llitu UCCLI LUVVCI. Barrie Rebekahs chalked up tal- Ilies in seven out of nine innings, while Orillia managed to score in `five out of nine 1`1'a;n1es. As a iesult `of their -win the Barrie ladies were presented with an indoor ball. They were entertained at a picnic after- wards and had a royal time. RI-nro hv innincva- I3ic3'c1e-g1'e3' color, Hercules brake, 'b1a.c1( rubber handle grips, new mud guard in front, new Dunlop tire on back wheel, No. 407195. Owner can have same by proving property and pa_vi11:.: expenses. m.:..e (`nun I i . |B.\I:1uI: m:1;11I(.-\H.s' \\'l.\' FROM | ()lHl.l.l.\ .-\'l` .~'01~".m.\I.I.. 24 '1`0 8 l$.~\ BRIE (.`H()l{;\ L SOCIETY Home Saturdays at 6 Char- lotte Street. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the T1'u:~:tee Act, than all persons having claims against the Estate of Henry .\l.u'tin, late of the Township of Oro, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of August, 1923, are requested to send par- ticulars of tlhei1"clai'ms to the under- signed on or before the 1st day of October. 1923, after which date the `Executor will dism'ibu.te the assets of the Estwte. having: regard only to the claims of which he shall then Lhave notice, and will not be respon- sible to any otliers. Ice... .9. linen.` n......:.. "Corseliere for PERCY I-IOADLEY is prepared to accept a limited number of pupils in the following: O1'5.:ax1, Voice and Piano. Studio, 46; Clapper- ston St. Specialist on voice pro- mxction. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all persons having claims against t.he Estate of Walter William Watkins, late of the Township of Medon-te, Fanmer, who died on or abowt the 12th day of May, 1912, are requested to send panticttlztrs of their claims to the; undersigned on or before the 1st day of October, 1923, amen` which date the .>\d.ministrators will cl-istribute the assets of the Estate, liaving re- :-ztrd only to uhe claims of which they shall then have notice and will not be responsible to any others. ln`sten,& Esten. Barrie, 28-3 Solicitors t`or .-\tln|inistmtm'. For Sa1e-1-`our Boston Bull male pups. Well bred. Apply 95 Toron- tn Sr, _ HILL S BREAD LOST AND FOUND will convince. .\'OTI(`-E TO (`RLDITORS .\'O'l'l('l'} TO Cl{l'IDl1'ORS MISS Barrie -M l'SI(" IJJSSONS FOR SALE U1, Ull1t`l.". I Estvn & listen. Rm`!-ie. !~3olicit0r.~; for Executor. For Sa1e-Pandora Coal Range and gas water heater. Bargain. Box C.. Advance Olce. - 28- --- --- WANTED- FED. Chief (Else. Police Court. Barrie. - Spirelln. (`orsets fox and .-Ulmldzlle WILLERS Barrie. [U LUFUHLU. Miss Neoia. Paddison is home from Guel-ph. \h-Q A Iqv E: qnnndinxr 5: fnw Bliss Nellie Sanders has returned to Toronto. KT};-a \Tnn'.n 1'!-x.v1:Hcnn 1 : Hnvnn Ll'UlH uuc-rpu. Mrs. A. Jay is spending a few "days in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lougheed were in the city this week. Mayor Little is attending the Ex- hinbition in Toronto. `.\.1:m~ V.-..... Qr\uuw-n in hnHr1nvinn- in Il1|DlLlUI1 111 1Ul'UuLU. Miss Vera Speurn is ho1ida,\'ing in Windsor and Detroit. \H:-= F` Dnuunlxovv cnnnf fhn urea]: For Sa1e~-'I`w0 young sows, each with eight young 1)i_'_,rs. Chas. Bov- yer, 7t.11 Line, Vespra. 9 \VXL|UUl' Elllu 1Jt.`L1Ul'L. Miss C. Poucher spent the week end with her parents. .\I.r. and Mrs. J. E. Morrison are holidaying in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bebb are spend- ing a week in Toronto. Miss Duncan of Hamil-ton is visit- ing Mrs. J. M. Bothwell. Miss Helen Jarinain of Toronto is visiting friends in town. 14` T `hnhcnn hnq rozfin-nnari frnm I5 YISILHI5 lrmuus UL LUHH. 14`. W. Dobson has returneti from :1 short holiday in Toronto. .\I1'. and Mrs. Guest of Midland are visiting 1\Ix's. W. Greaves. Misses Bessie and Dorothy King are SDE'I1di11f, a 1'6-xv days in Stayner. Clarence Sweeney of Toronto is visitixlg his brother, Lorne S'weene)'. \Hcc Tel-.1 Qrnifh nF Y-Tznmilfnn me D. Craven ofSandus1:_\', )Iich.,` visi-ted Mr. and Mrs. E. Srigley re-. cently. `Ur: Ron r1oH nf' H51 vnihfnn in Silly. LVU d.Will'Ll VVRS [IH1(l`. I Miss Helen Ross was awarded the second Edward Blake Scholarship in Classics, Greek and Latin, by reversion. Mlss Ross ranked second in the thlrd Edward Blake Scholar- ghilp, which revented to Miss Cowan. VKSILIIIS HIS Ul'ULHl:l, JJUAHE OWIZCIIC). Miss Isla Smith of Hamilton was renewing acquaintances in town this week. Elisa V `LTnu-nn nf` `nllolnnx-an in: \}IUt-7A|lS. The coi'pox'atir>n has just begun to lay sewers. The one on Welling- ton and Mary streets has been szarted this week. Another from lnnisl to John has been passed on by Council, but must he further considered as to the direction in which it will drain. No sidewalks have been laid as yet. but 21 con- tract. has been given to Ur. Tlios. Tooke for the construction of several short walks. Miss Jean Cowan and Miss Helen Ross have been awarded 21 number of scholzmrships in the lists of Ma- triculation Sc11olarsh`Lps issued by the Universimy of Toronto. ' "l"ho I`hu-A 17 Aurnu-A Dlnl-A Sal`.-.1-.. Lllti l;lll\tf['51'l_\ UL LUTUHIU. The Third Edward Blake Scholar- ship in Classics Prociency was ruvarded by reversion to Miss Jean Cowan. Miss Cowan also ranked for the second Mary Mulock Scholar- ship. No award was made. Illa: T-Tnhzn Dnaa none nuvnuu-lnrl bkn \\'l: .l:`l\. Miss V. Home of Bellehaven is visiting her uncle, 311`. W. J. a`.\l1'- lshall. `h rh-nu-nu n? 'nnAu:d.-x- `\1n1u L'l:`llll._,V. `Mrs. Scarlett of Hamilton is spending a few days with Mrs. Geo. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen are alway on a motor trip to Hamilton -and 'I`nv~nnfn A meeting` of the South Simcee Baseball League executive will be held at Thornton to-night. The .da-ta; for the remaining gwmm and for the play-off will be xed. ill U11 (1, HI. and Toronto. \1 .-_~ D I uuu 1UlUH|.U. .\I1's. R. Robinson of Toropto spent'a few days this week with Mrs. J. Webb. \In.~ `D.-nu.-.u-nn vv nu! nlstlplu.-.u AL` .\llD. d. D. 1JlllllLUl1. Mrs. llclinighi of ' the week end with hel and .\I1's. H. Sanders. \Y,. nvxr` \1v~;- A `fur IKI5. Ilhe back streets have not been forgotten. Penetang, .Ia.mes, Mc- Donald. Williann and Tifn streets have all been graded and gravelled. Coclrington street has been graded, and about 300 feet of gravel has been placed on l\'empet`enldt street near the schoolhouse. and Blake street has also been patched. Parts of Innisl and Santford streets -have been repaired. as has John street from Bradford to Innisl street. Besides these. Ross stret has been is now A culvert has been street at Johnson's rolled and Sunnidale Road being 1''ed. built on Ross cros.=.lng. 'I\lu: `\r\L-1 4..-.0 run:-nnv-nnu kn----~ JIID. J - \\ CLIU. .\Irs.Rosevea1' and children of Niles, .\Iic.h., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton. X1.- \l nL'v-uh.-1:1 n6` 'T`n.~nv1ln nnnnb Mr. and Mrs. A. Ingram have ;turned to .\Iontreal after visiting 1 11-atte1"s mo1hex', Mrs. J . \Vebb. KY nnrl `\I .-,-- 1\.'uuu-3nl- n0` I`nu~nv milllu Jllb. fl. Dtlllublh. Iauupc t:tu1_y 111 Luv: 31111115 unu cun- Linues to be in fairly good repair. Essa street was also given a touch- ing up, but is now in rather poor slialpe. A little more rolling would have helped a lot. No work has been done on Dunlop street this year out side of occasional patch- ing. "T`.hn ha nl: nfranta hnvn nnf knnn ;LLl11L!;'U LU .\lU11LLL`i'.l il.LLL`l \l:1LHl`=', '1zme1"s Mr. and 311's. 7{l1'\\'iC!( of Toronto have x'etu1`ned home after spending -.1 few days with Mrs. Gilchrist. `Ur: Tint-lino-Inn and r-h1'1r]rnn rd it lt'\V uu_y> \\r1tH JLID. KXHUIIIIDL. .\I1`s. Darlington and children of Iiendztll, Ont., are visiting the t`m'mer's brother, A. E. Patterson. \Yn nvxr` \I u-:< T T\ TK'L-vrlrnn 11nI`(\ |LUlHlt:`l :5 |)lULll!:l, :1. 4. JSALLCLBUU. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wisdom have 1'etu1`ned from 21 motor trip to Walkerville, London and Toronto. 'l`hn Ll n11u Qnnxlnu Qnhnnl nl-n For Sale--One1arge frame shed, two t'ram1e closets. May be seen at King George school. Offers for same will be received by Fred ;\Izu'1', Secx-et.ary of Board, up to Satux-d1a,v, Sept. 1. 28-1 \\ 'd.l|\'.'l\l1lU, uuuuuu auu LULULIIU. The Holly Sunday School are holding their annual picnic at St. Vincent's Park to-day (Thursday). \Tv' t` 111*: Qfnnnar and nhilran V AHCULIL D l.'d.|X\. l.U`Ud_y [ J.|lLllDLl(l) }. Mr. and Mrs. Steeper and children of Oswego, N.Y., were the guests or Mrs. Geo. Poucher over the week end. \H;-:~ Rfnnn-nvno (`lay-Ann nnri \fne t`.'1lL1. Miss Margaret Gordon and Miss Wanker of Sparrow Lake were the guests of .\Irs. R. H. King over Sun- day. \T-an `C \"L' (`nu-Ann nnfl .1nunkl>n.. uuy. Mrs. E. W. Gordon and daughter Lilian of Port Credit spent a. few days with the former s sister, Hrs. R. H. King. \r.. .-...,l \r..-. Y1.......:..I. ms` Y~I:u... .u|:. l.\.. 11.. l\uI_:_;. Rev. S. )1. Beach motored to Port Carling on Monday and returned, accompanied by Mrs. Beach. The_\' attended the Exhibition in Toronto on Wednesday. 1"n?nn :I:|l'\`;r\DC fnvv Oho enn\n\n1* This year considerabie work has been done on the principal and lesser used streets of the town. Elizaibeth street was put into good shape early in the spring and con- ltinnne in -}\n in Fniv-Iv rrnnd rnnnir 11. fl. 1\l115. ` .\[r. and Mrs .Beami.=.h olf Is1ing- `ton have l'tl1I`I1ed after spendin-z; 3. weeks winh the 1'.xtIer's sister, Mrs. R. H. king. ax Q \|' nnnnix vnnfnvori fn Dnrf ULI VVCullt'|.l'1)'. ' Union services for the summer ;months have been completed. Newt l.$unday the regular morning and 'evening services will be held both at |the Presbyterian and Methodist l churches. SCI-{OLA RSH [PS A\\ .\ IIDED ALLANDALE `Whole Wheat i `.\ll,'(,`-H 5'/l'l{E!~l I` l{l'}l`All{S [llHLUl1. ght Toronto spent. L her parents, Mr. Q2: 11 ora Boys good School Shoes, all sizes,` for $2.48 a pair, at Hurlburt s Shoel Sale. | Jack Boys leaves on F1'a,iday to compete in the Western Ontarip tennis tournamenut, at Hamilton. | A All our store witlh guarantee. Mr. Edmund Ha!`-,v will resume his! duties--e11 Sunday as organist at St.| Andrew's after a month's holidayzl See the Maple Leaf att1'a`ctions in Queen s Park every day and evening next week. A clean show for old and young. We have a. wide range of ne shoes for women in Straps, Oxfords and High Shoes in pnlces hanging Emm $2.25 to $9.50. The B. B. Shoe Store. ~Huxr1xburt s School Shoes are ma.c1e: to stand the hardest wear. Now is tube time to secure hem before their sale closes. fjinlls Bakgryl (AREAT SITHOOIA OPl'JNI.\'G ' VALUES We are ready with real lmrgallns for the school boy. Ever_wtl1in_z:, for l)o_\'s and young men at. this store. We make a. hol>l)_v of boys require- ments. Come and look. If we have not the best values you have even seen, do not buy. Suits, Rain- coats, Overccats, Odd Pants, Boys Kniolcers, Blouse;<. Shirts, Under- wear, Ties, Hats and Caps, Overalls. In fact. everything for ma.nkdnd. Our mot:to_: Every article :1 bargain, every day l)a1'gai11 day. 011 our second oor you can save at least one-`half by bu_\~ing Ladies , Girls and Boys Stockings. Hundreds and Hundreds of pairs to select from. no nnr hncif-nip `nn nnf r`ln.`lzn- ALuuuIr:`u.`) UL llllallb LU bt'.`H.'.`UL LIUIH. Do not hesitate. Do not delay. Trade at the 01-d 1'e1ia:ble men's store and save, save RH... 117 :1 77 ..L_.. 4-u-u_.~.._ A`. The Town C01: first meeting sin the summer mo] evening, Sept. 4. Women who prefer good shoes will be pleased with the J. and I. `Bell shoes. In Black, Tan and Patent. The B. B. Shoe Store. Ha1'tt's, Slater, Model, Classic and Ta41)1in s Natural Tread, Shoes are all included in Hm-1burL s Semi- Annual Shoe Sale at considerable reductions. \Ve were pleased to see D. H. Coleman, County 'I`u`eas11x`er, back in town again after his accident. He is able to get ax'o\1nd with a cane, but is still weak and has'to be careful. Will any person who has articles for the Rummage Sale which the- .\.11.\'iliary' of the Royal Victoria Hos- pital intend to hold at the Barrie Fair, please leave same at Mrs. A. Car; Small Sit. The Parks Commission held a special meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 28, in the Police C-ourt chamibers, to discuss the question of allowing the remen to use :1 portion of Queen's Park for the week of Sep tember 3rd to the 8th. The Fire Brigade wish to hold a dog and pony show, called the Maple Leaf Attractions, under their auspices. After considera`l)le discussion the re- quest was granted with certain re- strictions. It is understood that a request to stage the show in Barrie made by the inanagement themselves was refused by Council. Mr G xv xrnnm ,1,......r.,: .. en... GAS ICILIDUU U) K/UUIIUII. Mr. S. VV. Moore donated a few counters to the Parks Commission for use as tables. The gift was gratefully received. Edmund Hardvy. Mus. Bac., I7.T.C.)I., has ret11x'ned from his va- cation and will be prepared to re- ceive pupils in piano, organ, sing in: and musical theory at his studio, 113 Worsley St., on and after Sept. 1. Amiointments may be arrangetl by telephone. The Quality goes` in before the name! goes one" A trial of our { `Home-Made ; Several elds of oats are still un- cut and man) elds are in the stock. The recent rains -have hind- ered harvestig operations and farm- ers are busy with the fall wheat seeding. A week. of diry weather will clean up the harvest. Corn and roots, as well as pastures, have been much benetted by. the rains. Miss Famiy Rosenfeldt, who liver} in Barrie a few years ago, and who look :1 leading part in all high school athletic contests, added an- other triunrph to her list on Thurs- day, Aug. 23, when she won the 100 yard dash at the sports day held 'in Beaverton. Her time `for -`the distance was 11 4-5, which is a Canadian record for women. I The meeting of the Barrie Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. VV. E. Tordiff, 11 Berczy St., on Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 3 mm. Miss Nellie M. Laycock, R.N., C.P.'H.N., will give a talk on her work in Barrie. Mrs. H. Eade will read 21 paper on Cheerful- nace" Pnll nnll nnqxvnm-.\r'l hv ninl.-ln 1\ pm npyun mm uh : receipt. This must be 21 healthy place to `live in. 1'ema1'1\'ed a tourist passing: through town the other day. He was right. At the present time there is not a single case of con- tagious disease in town. Measles and muunps were prevalent in the lfore part of the year, but there is not a placard up in Barrie at | present. nu an-\' U, }:l.\'B. The W. C. Hunter Clothing 00., Barrie. Citu it Lliiyl UH l4IlC93|'lLll` Roll call answered by pickle LOCALS Work boots leave this` our personal satisfaction The B. B. Shoe Store. 127 Duulop.