Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 30 Aug 1923, p. 5

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T11m-sday, August 30, 1923 T IHU HUIHU UL .\1lB. J1. I4. JJUIUIICL. ` Provincial Constable Rich, ac-l companied by .\I1's. Rich, has re-' turned from a two weeks` trip '10 Niagara Falls and Beamsville. \h-2 Jnhn Tln\vm1nn smcxndpd I-`he: . .l`lH.l'IS U115 \\'K-. l'. !\. ] Rev. G. I. and .\Irs. Mccraw and] Mr. .-\1e.\'. and M1`. Boyd .\IcCI'z1\v 01; Springville are visiting this week at 1 the home of Mrs. M. 1;. DuIchex'. D.-nx-iuninl {nnclnk1n Din}: nr|-. LVl'i-_`5'LI'iL Pilllh illlu Dl_`d.4llb\l|l!:'. I Mrs. John Bowwman attended the. 1.0.1. High Court of Central Onuu`io| held in Guelph last week. While there She was the guest of Miss A. L. Kenny. The guests from Bm'1`ie w.l1o at- tended the LzLwsun-1?.ast1n1n'e wed- (linr.-` were Mrs. J. 1. Lawson, Mr. Walter B. Lawson. Miss Helen Law- son and J_u(l:e and Mrs. \Visme1`. \Yu-n lt)r~1,' \ Thu D T T\ Qinmncnn .5-uu uuu a_LlUj.'.c uuu. J11-3. Vvlmlncl. I .\Irs. (Rev) Dr. R. J. D. Simopson has returned to her home in To- ronto aftel` spending several weeks in Barrie. She was accompanied by her nieces, Misses Lenore and Doris Simpson. ESTEN-At the R.V. Hospital,-on Thursday, Aug. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. .\Ia`urice H. Esten, a daug\h- ter. FOS I`ER--On August 23, to .\Ir. and Mrs. Frank Foster, a son. HART-At the R.V. Hospital, on - Monday, Aug. 27, to .\h'. and Hrs. Parker Hart, Ross St., a son. .\[YERS--On Saturday, Augllst 25,` to 311'. and Mrs. N. .\Iyers, a daughter. l SOULES At the R.V. Hospital, on` Monday, August 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Soules, a son. HINDS--.\IcBRIDE--At the Presby-` terian Manse, on Thursday, Aug. 23, William Norman Hinds to Violet Lillian .\Ic'Bride. G. Smith is visiting` E Opposite the Post Oice E\_ A. W. GOODFELLOW. ' W. 1` PERSONALS Shoe Specials Beginning Sept. 1st, niy business will be run Jon a strictly cash basis... I wisll to thank my c.11stomc1's for past pa I:1.'011- age and ask for a continuation in the f1.1tu1'c. Watch for our introductory offer of Men s, Women s and Children's Shoes in next week s issue of this paper. Watch Our Window Next Week VVC are offeri11g special groups for each at dol- lars` below o1'di11a.1'y prices. Tlmse goods \\'C1'C bought at a special price. O'OO_OOOO*OOOOO-.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A. W. Goodfellow Shoe Store `I\lAI`xRl.-\(il*} Date of Opening, Saturday, Sept. 8 BlI{"l`HH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOO 60966066960; BARRIE S ONLY EXCLUSIVE LADIES READY-T0-WEAR STORE. Vll-3. Simopsonl ; 3: T nnnrn nn OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'Ti{REE TEAMS ENTER FOOTBALL TOURNEY leld, but towards the end of the `spasm the Guthrie alerts '.'.'e`:e Fav- ing a hot ti-me defending their niondnl 11.15 it I : citadel. l\ll~Vl\a|\/A The backoids were .)1'0u;ht into action in the second round. Just when excitement ranged highest around the goal a ham`-back would kick the ball high and |':u' out of I the danger zone. The Guthrie hacks W. Tudhope made many tries for goals, bwt every attempt was turn- ed aside. East 0'1`o had several corner ki`c.k~s, but failed to score. [The period was very much East Oro. ` ,,,i:.___ -...... .-.0.-.-.L\.l were, perhasps, the best defensiv.31y.. \IlUu When the overtime was sta.1'ted the players pu.t even more vim into the game. The contest was 50 strenuous and close that the hull was kept in mid-+e1~d th1'oughout.. In the final tussle in the dark, G-uthrie pushed East Oro back and held them in their o\vn te1'1'ito1`y :11] thc whistle blew. The teams: V - `M. Tudhope . G. Home . Comts ... .. g Sheield Straohan .\1`cLeun . Horne . . . . . Jelmey ..... Bywznters . . . Gra:ha111 . . . . VV. Tudhupe East Oro had it over .-\ll:1ntlale Nationals in the opener like the proverbial tent. The l';lll\\'1l_\'l1lel1 failed to score, but when liast O`:o's `goals were put down, axltlecl up, land then checked for errors in ad~ ldition, the 511.111 total was .~:i.\'. In. nniany ways the gaitne was 11ns-.ttis- factory. The decisions of the rs,-l`eree. were constantly disputed. l.mrin; the __:a`n1e Walter '1`hon1.pson, the tnntpire, becaine wrarhy Wll1.`ll ad- dressed in an nnconiplimentary man her by a National player. Had not the two been separated a li;tie to- basco would have been i11s:r1:-:1 to liven an otherwise listless en- counter. ' `i To be fair it must be 111e11I.ime1l` gthat Nationals were without tour 0`. their best players, while East Orr: was strengthened by the addition of the Dalston stalwarts. TOW:ll':lS the end even the players lost iii-ta-rest in `the game. Three goals were scored in each period. The first came ailter four niinntes play and the last within Ll. ntintute of full time. Only :11 rare. intervals was the ball out of Akl:t:1- dale territory. The superior team pay of East Oro was quite n1anif est. Their forwards tuned in to_:;e1h31' and obtained results. One of their goals was obtained on a penalty kick, the National half back having attempted to play hand ball instead of to )'.ball. In all the losers had few chances to score. East Oro had many, and but for Srigley s exipert goaltte-aping would have notched a dozen, instead of halt` that ntimlaet`. The contest was fairly even for the first part of the second period. Nationals were then at their best. Srigley, R. Emms and Warehaitn were three National pla.yers who turned in good games. The East Oro forward line made several brilliant plays. The back- eld was not used. I _. -... . _.1___,.... ...-_... . rv,...1 'u\.Au "Law nu`. ..~\.~... _ The National players were : Goal. S1-igley; Backs, .\IcC0nkey and '1`1'a\'is; Half Backs, F. \Vav1'eha.m,, L. Emms, T. Booth; Forwards, R. Emms, W. Cooke, L. Lanvrence, H.. I 1!-Iam1mond and F. Johnson. | . .... 'v\ . 1<-,41._u n1..\. ...x_,. GENERAL BLACKSMITH Bayeld Street. L1wunuuuu uuu .. . ..\......_.V... I The Dalston Football Club, who arranged the tournament, 1`ea.liz?cl a. nice su-m, which will be used to de-- fray the expenses of their injured. players. A x 4 Hu1`1bu1't s Shoe Sale continues to be the centre of aettraction in Barrie these days. East Oro (Continued from first page) "S. COOPER. Page Fi-ve ... Wilshur R. S1oddzu't . Sa:I,11rps0n .Bu1~t.ho1ome\v . . . . . . .. Jory 1 15111111: 14. 1311111113. R. E-m`m.=. V. Ross C. Robinson R. .'\`inc1zLir C. B1'0wn Maple Leaf Attractions G2L1hr`.s.= We have on display at present an initial showing of early Fall arrivals in our Ready-to-Wear rand Millinery Departments. Coats, Suits, Dresses and Millinery were .never displayed so extensively in Barrie before. Our range of Ready-to-Wear. comprise sizes from 16 to 48. We are showing a Very s1)e(-.ial B111"l)er1"y_ Coat in all wool 11121- tm-ial, with 21 plaid back. Sizes 16 to We have just put in stock a number of beautiful pattern hats. Come and make your selection ear1y._ - A sxball deposit will secure for you any of our beautiful fall coats. ~ POWELL & COMPANY BENEFIT OF THE BARRIE FIRE BRIGADE IV -.-n.-- w--' Victor Dicker and Ellis Hutc.l1in~ son went `West on Aug. 22. Mr. T. Fagan and family visited Alfred Sl1elswell on Sunday. 31:`. and Mrs. J. Hicks were the` lzzues-ts of Mr. and Mrs. J. Slack on .K`unda_V. rm. 1i.1.r.n- hr-nnnh nlf flu: \ V.I_ `AT $16.50 (WEST o_Ro ALEX. CLELAND THE WHIP SIDE SHOW, featuring King Tut s Tomb Queen s Park, Barrie SEPT. 3 TO SEPT. 8 POWELL & CO. Ladies Outfitters FEATURES OF THIS SIIOXV ARE: FREE .-\D.\1 ISSION TO GROUNDS .\'un The Edgar branch oif the \ V.1. will meet at .\Irs. H. B1'am1o'n s on Sept. 5, instead of Sept; 12. There are over 40 acres "of -po- tatoes on the fO1ll`Lh line in two miles, 011e.mz1n haxving 11 acres. The potatoes are looking much` improved after the rain and thei -__.u_.._ -._- u,...v.:..... en- 41 rI r\l\l` nwnn-4 MERRY-GO-ROUND MECHANICAL DEVICES DOG AND PONY SHOW and various FREE ACTS __1N_ . nrure, over two hundred guests being p1`esent. daughter of `the late Mr. A. L. E21sI.mu1`e, and .\Irs. Eas'tn1ure, to -Mr. J. Irving LZJWSOII, son of bhe I On W.ednesday a1`Ie1-noon, .-\u:.;. 22, the marriage of 1<`lorence Evelyn late Jas. 1. La.wson and Mrs. Law- son, of Barrie, was solemnized at the residence of the `bride's mother, `Oriole Lodge, Centre Island, To-I, ron-to. Rt. Rev. Bishop Reeve ofciaited, and the bride was given zrway by h-er .br.other, Mr. A. VV. Iiztstxnnre. T-he bride's gown was oi whiwte crvpe meteor trimmed with old Duchess lace and pearl-:3. Her veil was one `nnported from Paris for her grand.mother, Mrs. Ireland,` and was'worn by her -fty-4four yea;r.~:' ago. .A\;1`ter the wedding a reception was -held at the home of Mrs. East- I `We are sole agents in Barrie for I Crhums. that all leather boot or low shoe for girls and boys. The B.'B.' Shoe Store. - l All Wool Sleeveless Coat Sweaters, in O1'a11g0, Sand, Grreon, Copen. \.Very Special. `I A \V.\'()N-]v} .-\ ST.\l'l' I {E Notice ! $2.50 Barrie. 1111185, U11C_u1i.lu uu\Iu_'3 :1 u.\.u..w. much the farmers are looking for a, good crop; trunk (`nnk cnn nf`. \h'_ I-Tmn'\` A successful garden party was held last Wednesday evening, Aug. 15tih, at the farm of John A. Mc- ;\1'tl111r, Oro Station. The attend- ance was splendid and a large num- ber of tourists from Barrilla Park and along the lake shore were pi es- ent. A splendid supzper was sewed `by the Ladies Aid of St. .-\ndre\v's church, Oro Station. The ,1r:)m1ds were brilliantly ligzhted with ;_-.:1.~' lamps, and booths were attractively decorated. A splendid program war given later in the evening. The Barrie Collegiate Institute oroliestra played several delightful selections: _durin-g t:he evening. The Rev. Wm.` Noyes of Toronto, head of Chinese .\Lissions in Canada, acted as -hair- man. .\Ir. George Crawford de- lighted all with his Violin solos. and` .-, nnnyln/I tn nun-nn:-nun onnnrna I lllilll. All. KXUUI EC \J|Sla\Vl|Jl\.L UK`-' and responded to numerous encores. Mr. Wishart Camrpbell gave several excellent piano selections. The visiting artists, Miss Jean Hicklin-.: and`~Miss Ethel Dobson, gave a num- ber of splendid recitations and songs, and were repeatedly encored. The attendance would have been even larger except for the cold and threattening weather, and h-2av_\ winter coats and furs were worn by those listening to -the r;oncerr. Mrs .\l(-.~\rthur was kept isusy w-3-lzrotning the guests and seeing that everyborl; had a good` meal before the concert started. During the evening Miss [hate .\Ic.\rthur, presitlettt of the Ladies Aid, pres-3nte.d the captain nl` thn 17.21: : n-n hm ln`l h-am with IALUHJS ;\1u, }_Jl`!:`:-..`lL|.Hll IHU l.'dj.lLillll of the East Oro to) 5111 t-ram with a new football as Iirst prize in the football conitlest. fhe winning team also received $12 as: :1 cash prize. Rev. Neil Campbell gave a splendid address of welcome to the as- sembled guests, saying that al- though the cold weather had per- haps kept the attendance down, the welcome rain would do much good to Oro fanniers, and would help the lpota-to crop. He coniiplimemerl the members 01` both football teams on the clean game and the fine sports- mausliixp displayed at all times. The retail merc.hant, and the small business man generally, is 111 great clan-gel` of losing faith in banks in Canada, in the opinion o"f .\l. `Lalpointe, Secretary of the Province `of Quebec of the Retail .\Iex`chants` Associa'1ion or Canada. I -. - . . ..,., ,4.__ .....v.;u\.-uuvu u. \./\I.lLv|.\4\Aa .\Ir. Lapointe expressed this opin- ion while discussing the suspension of the Home Bank. but did not at- tr_i the re'failers loss of con- dence entirely to bank failures. That was the last straw. 'Ill1e re- `tailer was frequently irked, he said, to see hank funds to which he was con-t~ritbutin;.; locked up in imposing bank branch buildings erected on costly sites at street corners, and [find how difllcult it was for him to obtain a few hundred dollars ac- commodation when he needed it. When times were bad and the re- tailer and small merchan-t needed nancial help, was just the time when all the banks closed down on him and squeezed him out. The impression was very prevalent that it was easier to obtain accommoda- tion for a million than for a few hundreds. ` u..u.~,u..:. This was irksome, Mr. Lmpofnte remarked, but many small retail merchantts willingly suffered what they felt to be an injustice, on ac- lcount of the feeling of security for their funds deposited in the bank. Witth unpleasant frequent bank crashes and near crashes undermin- ing that sense of seeuritly, the feel- ing was amongst these small deal- ers that the banks were of little use to them. Trenella. Cloth Dress- es. \Ve have. :1 W011- dm'f11] range of tlleso d1'Css0s. Sizes 16 to -,H-.. In :1 ('.n]()l`.s'. They are very reason- ably priced. S.\l.\LL BI,'Sl.\'ESS MEX ARE LOSING Ll".-\lTH IX B.-\`.\'KS OR0 STATION The Northern Advallce Iarmers RTE lUUI\lu)5' 1Ul' 5`UUll \;Luy.` Hugh Cook, son of M1`, Henry Cook, died on .\1l-'}.',llHt `:4, age 24 years. Burial at Baptist c<=.1netex`_\', Dav \h- marfnn has "ret.nr11ed' H5011 .1)li.U.'l\ IEADL \VC':l\. The many friends of .\[1's. Dolmage 1 I ` ,a1'e sorry to hear of her illness and hope for 21 quick :'eco\*ex'_\'. Miss Dorothy I-Ia1'me1' 01' Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 1. 1SprE11g, who has been very ill. 1 Rev. and Mrs. Beynon and fzmmily i .'1'a\'e returned to Detroit :ume1' spend- ling several weeks in this vicini-ty. \h-a Nrwmnn \ViruA and dnn'_'hIel ., Mrs. Ed. Jeffrey of Midland vi-sit- ed friends here recently. Mr.` H. Wade of El'1_nva.le called on friends here recently. i Miss Hilda Ferris is lxolidayimg `with friends in Creemore. an... Dnnn Nanlnnrlc ie fhn n-up:-1 'Wvu[`n I-menus 111 p1`ee1uu1'e. ` Miss Bella Neelands is t.he guest "'5 her brother, Jack Neel-ands. \Tr: vmm Dnffnrenn in annndinsz :1 ""_ I161` D1`0LneI`, Jack J.VueA'a.11u:. Mrs. VVun. Patterson is spending a few. days with her sister in A'ur~o1*a. Afr: T4`:-nil ,Tnlhhi1H* -and \TI`,S T<`l`5lY1k LBW . uays W1LIl nun` l'ILt:1' 111 nurunu. Mrs. Fred Jotbbizbt and Mrs. Frank Brewster are visiting friends in nhe west. \ Tun nv-1; nanny n1.cma:nrI fn can run we:L. We are very pleased to see ou1 young fviend Manley Webb around again. I Mr and `Ur: \[n.:u>1nmn and R011 ' nsanu. Mr. an ; spent uhe Toronto. Dix`? :- 1'OI'OI1l0. Rev. and Mrs. P. Shapter and 1`a.'mi1y are renewing old a.cquainwt- antes here. '\l:nn Dnnin t"n'lHna nF NH:-uncino ` 'c1Il'CLS HBFE. ` Miss Rosie Collins of Minesing [was he week end guest of Miss Jean Wiwce. `. ru .. n A \.f.-m `D \I \Yn(mn Irav JUELII VVl`l,'C. Mr. and Mrs. spent the week in .~`xllanda1e. \fu null Rf}.-n Aug. `.10. Rev. Mr. Berton has "returned home fvsmn his holidays and will take charge of the service at the Baptist church next Sunday morn- ing at 10.30. [[1 :\H'olIlLl2.|.1E. 111'. and .\Drs. G. R. H-.11`.per are spending a few days in Toronto and Ni-a Falls. H:-.c \1m-rnv T-T-nn:fpr and Iitilp snn um xusn xveen. Misses Elsie and Dor0=t.hy I-Iarpex` `and friends of Barrie visited f1'ie11dvs zin Toronto `tylvis week. I \r.... 'I`l\r\\\\u\nr\I\ `\n:~ .-nun-nnrl in AVii.i`gU.l"(L B21115. 11:`-s. .\1m-ray H-under and little son Ra.wn0nd wisilted friends in Thom- ton last week.` u:..,.m. m1..:n nun h.wn.nnv T-Tnv-hnr H1 1Ul'UHlU `UINS Wt:`l:l\. Mrs. Thompson has returned to Ir.ox'nto11 aifler spending the week end with friends here. M1`. and Mrs. .\. Carson and D1`. gzmd Hrs. Cross visited Mr. and Mrs. 1\V11son Black last week. '1-\t\ u.\:.n.~ I`unn:1~ nl` \I'I-E T\n1vn\-wrro Inf; 21 WEEK \V'1LIl Lneuua Ill 1JL`uu:>L. A large nunuber f1`o~n1 here 2Lt| tended the a1111i\'e1's:11'y services `held in Le1'ro'y .\Iet11o(.1ist Church 12131 Sunday. \hu TU 11 \Hnn1'1:sin nf' Tlnrrir: Img Se\'1'Ell \veeus In L'1u.'s' \u:un-Ly. .\I1's.. Norman \Vice and duughtel Norula have returned wfter spend- ing a week with friends in Detrom. \ 1.-.....,. vxylvvlaknll Fnnln have at |5unuay. .\I1*s. VV. D. .\Iinni1 of Barrie has ret-u1'11ed to her home zL1'te1 spending several weeks with friends around Stroud. nnnn n 11IIn1:T\nI` u-nun have vrarr. uruunu DLl'Ullu. Quite a num~be1' f1'om here were present alt the Knock garden party and despite the cold weather all re- pented 3. real good time. A =n1nnfH m-nsrmm is being m'e- [)0llH; (l `d. F8111 `D UULl 11-1111:. A splendid program is being pre- pared for girls day wt the Ladies Aid meeting to be held at the home no! .\Iiss Jean Wice next Wednesday ailiternoon, Sept. 5111. The Epwonth League of the .\Ic=Ihod-Est Ch1ll\Ch held a Very enjoy- able social last W ednesday evening nu tho nun-cnnzmyo 1-Juvn Thu viit-I H.013 SUCIIU liltl. wt:uuc:uu_y \:\cuAu5v on the parsonzuge la.wn. The visit- ing Leag-ue, Collier St. Meiihodist, Barrie, provided an excellent pro- gr-.1.n1. Miss 31. Cheesmlan and_)Ir. Jack Cooper rendered two splendid solos. II1SI1`ll-Illelltills by `Harriet Hart and Lucy S\\'ar.tz were heantily enjoyed by 2111. Mrs. Anmstr-ang; S. Tooke, .\I. Cheesman and J. Cooper i'~avored the young people with a quartette which proved very pleas- ing. A dainty luncheon was served and much enjoyed by all. Miss Agnes Marquis was in cliarge oi the meeting. NOOO%O%%OMO I Here. Miss A. Kirk is visiting in mnto. \r.. Y!-Invu Wrn... :5 nnnrlinnv An auto jitney service has started here. I \l:~:~ \ 1::.-1.- ea 1rc`1'fin(r in rrn- .\I1'. Ivan Maw is attending the Exhibition. Mrs. Kirk of Hamilton is viisiting .\l1's. Givens. an. nut` \rm- T `lnuhnm earn vicif- .\lI'S. LIIVEHS. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingham are visit- ing in Toronto. .\Ir. Harold O De11 of Toronto spent. a few days here. Miss `Vera O'De1l is visiting Miss Luella Connell of Aliiston. Mrs. H. Dickison s sister of Cree- more visited her on Sunday. `Mrs. Jos. .\Ierritt and two of the children. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dales. | A number of the girls here at- tended the Homemakers club meet- ing on Tuesday evening. \h- T.x-mm ha: xrnf hnr-k in his mg UH llleuily L'\t:l111lg. .\Ir. Lyons has got back to his work in the bank here, after hav- ing two weeks holidays. - .\Ir. Elwood .\Iz1`cDona1d has take over the acetyiine welding outt from Mr. Geo. MacDonald. _\Iess1`s. .\I. .\Ic.Lean and H. Thomp- son are busy getting the continua- tion school in good shape to open on Sept. 4. A r-nnnnnnifv ipnvminking Of` XII`. 5913:. . A community leave-taking of 111'. and Mrs. M. Shzmpe and Miss Winni~ fred will be held on Friday, .\.ug. 31, in the basement of the Methodist ch.u1'cl1 at S o'c~hck. ' Xtnnnwn TFhnnv- TFAIHA: 01111 \HHnn cmircn at 5 ocnok. Messrs. Elmer Feltis and .\IiIton O`Del1 were coming from Orillia on Monday morning mbout 1 o'clock when the road gave way about tlhree miles south of Shanty Bay. Their car was going about fteen miles an hour when it sutldenly turned over. The lantern was not lit at this place. Eluner and .\l'ilIt.on were both hurt, P}lme1' having a. small bone in his ankle broken and Milton's two knees were bady bruise.d. The cat wzrs badly damaged, but came in on its own wheels, being towed in by Mrs. Elwood MacDonald to his r;z11'age here. ,.t.._.j- ..-. _ Notice Miss Regina ..\Ii11igan will re- open her piano` classes Sept. 2 at Mrs. P. A. Banting .s. Pupils de- sining tuition are requested to com- mence at beginning of term. HILL-At Barrie Hospital, on Mon- day evening, Aug. 27, 19,23, W. Victor Hill (fth year medical student), dearly beloved son of .\II`. and Mrs. E. C. Hill, 555 Euclid Ave., Toronto, passed away in his 22nd year of typhoid fever. .. and Mrs. Mussellnvan and son the week end wiltvh friends in `On ; I OO0OOOOOOOOOOOO*>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO' READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS, LEAD THE ADVERTISEUENTS. THORNTON STROUD DEATHS R. .\I. Mcoonkey end wiath 1'e1a`tives .\Ii:ss G. Bird is visitixgg in Ganan-`I oque. ' \fr= r`. \I G. Smith visltimz .\Llb. L1. . in Toronto. Nina T`: I` in Toronto. . Mrs. D. C. Howard is visitinv .\Irs.l Park of .\Ii(!1an(1. Dick I~`1ahe1'ty has returned to Barrie from Algonquin Park. mum. ?\In1-V T\Ynu7n\nn i: =hnmp frnm uarrie xrom _'-ugonquiu L"dll\. Miss Ma1'y Newman is home from Toronto for a \_veek s holiday. _i\Irs. Connor of Tornto is visiting with Mrs. C. Beelrb-y, Peel St. Edward Huxlable returned home `this week from Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lay left Tuesday on a motor trip to O1tzvwa.| xlu on.-I \/Yr: T-In:-rv (`.nHisr.h.:1n Andi muesuay motor trip LU U'lLd)Wd.-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Callig-h-an andi family have returned from AIgon-" q=uin Park. \|'nu-2-av 'Rn\'nn1r'{s of Toronto is READ THE ADVERTiSE;\IEI\"I`S. q=um 1`Zl1`li. Murray Reynolds of Toronto visiting his aunt, Bliss Reynolds, Bay-eld St. \n=c mum: \Ir~T\'nv nt 'I`m~nnfn .\IlSS l .|.l"lt`Il -`JIIIJLH C. R. Kendall Is in Georgetown this week 1're1ie\'ing the Customs C01- lector in that town. .\v..,~ rm: r~,...... n\1l`\T1'c xtnrwhp 1 I I Ba)`-llelu D1,. .\Ii'ss Ellen McKay of Toronto visited a few days. this week with .\liss Helen Smith. I` D l.'nn:1n1`l la in (inn:-trcxinnvn. le'Cl0l' H1 Llli1L LUWU. 5 Mrs. Ed. Gray and .\I1's. .\IcCz\wbe| Ovf Tovomo were week end visitors. at .\I1'. James .\Ioey's. xx... .....x '\1vc l".un 1:-nu-n Nani- .\ll'. JHIIIES .\lUI'lE) 5. .\h-. and Mrs. Geo. Rowe, I-Ia1i- burton, are \'isiting with the form- e1"s parents, I3'.1yeld St. \h- and \h-: 1-`rank Rishnn n2" BPS parents, Li'd_\llt'1ll 01. Mr. and _\Irs. 1-`rank Bishop 01' Hamilton spent a few days with Mrs. New-man, .\lcDo11a1II St. \I.'m~ r`rur\r\:v\n` Mu: 1-ntnvnnzl l'v-nun .HI'S. lVt \\"I|ld.ll, .\lL'1JUl1ilIll DL. Bliss Canning.-` has 1'etu1'ned from So111{nz1 and San-ble Beach, where she spent her 1101-ida_\'s. 111- and \h-: \Tnmnnn \ nq h:I\'O V1`. and Mrs. N01=1112111 \Vz111s have reI11r11ed to '1`t1ronto after holi-d:L_\'i11g in Barrie and at Balmy Beach. \Vi11iam Beckett, while on [motor trip from I 01'tlu11d, O1'ego11,I visited his nieces, the Misses 1~`er1`y.i 3.11`. and Mrs. VV:11te1' Thompson, left 011 `.\Io11d-11y m0rni11:.; for St.' Cz1.tharines where they will make their 1101110. \I.. .....1 um 13 Tnhn;-l>nn mull where she Sp`.-`Ill um` um-1uu_\s. | 1 . 7 \ lIlt`ll' IlU1[llU. | M1`. and Mrs. R. Johnston and |`a.mily, B1".1d,1ord SIi., are s.pendi11_'.; 21 few days in St. Catharines, Ni'.1_gz11'z1i and Toronto. \{.u~ f`nOn1\unn `LTn1-Q and nnrrhfcn I uuu .lUlUHl.U. ~ Mrs. Catehrine Hart and daughtel I Jane and Miss E. Hughes 01' Toron-I to were \`iSitOl`S at Dr. and Mrs. V.I I .~\. Hart's this week. Df\`7 f` I (17111 \I|vc \Tnf`u-our and Notice !

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