Thursday, August 16, 1923. Japan 18 8. Irlemuy Alum uuuuu. From Japan the liner will go to Honofulu and on May 24 will ter- minate h=er cruise at Vancouver, the passengers going overland from here to flcir various destlnationL__ __ 4,. Elizabeth St. OVH WUAIKIL - Page` Tlireal WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ELECTRIC IRONS I-IOT PLATES TOASTERS HEATERS LAMPS BULBS, ETC. That advertised goods are best by test, they protect the buye1'. Advertise. That the mereliant who builds his business by advertising, quality and S01`V1CO is the suc- cessful business man of to-day. Advertise. That the consistent adVe1'tise1' always kn. ps clean, up-t0-date stocks. Advertise. " FNm+ H3 hn lm nn+ Hvn nn fn his n\'m'- I ' . . . That 1f he had not hved up to hls adver- tising` and his business do-.111ngs he would not be in business to-dz1.\;'. ;\d\'e1'tis0. That ]n70gressiv0 busi11css men are insur- ing the so1111dncs;< of H1011` fllttnfe growtll by z1d\'c1'tising. Tlmf it pays to be known as a live htlsincss man, they are ,]udged by then` 2`1(1ve1'1'1si11g. PHONE 53 Electrical Contractor THE .1F XKIRKPATRICK} - -----sour as-1-I-|-In The Advance FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED FORD, ONTARIO 6323 FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES `FOE RESULTS ADVERTISE IN QR twenty years Ford have `Nauru naaun w.` -u:-.--., . w--- - -_- cars have passed through every test re- quired to prove their quality. The present Ford car` is the culmination of this quality at a price lower than ever before. Let us explain the Thrift Plan of purchase. Barrie Motor Car Co. BARRIE, ONT. 101 DUNLOP STREET The Ideal Resort I've had a delightful holiday; no regular hours for meals; :1 large, airy room; no charge for hot and cold baths; fruit , and vegetables galore: plenty to drink, and no tips to waiters. C1-\`lnnrl;r" tvham i: this ideal Dpxcuunu ; vv Alcxu spot 1" I stayed at home." -gnu ---------7_._ -E.-i'RoY, ONT. General Merchant Grain - Seed - Coal Real Estate. Money to Loan. Wa.l[EI`S." Splendid! Vvhere is this ideal n, gt! DUNLOP ST. shgp 1028. | Iv\.a:u nu nuuuu-4 . You `folk in the Old Country can hardly imagine the sort of thing we're liable to here, `in Saskatche~ wan, from June onwards. Tnnlzina |t\1`I\C= .nnr :n'lr1': rpm-`mf`l\'. W311, IFOH1 June 0I1WH.l'u. Looking across -our nelds recently, my atterftion was arrested at sight of Ned, halted on the ploughing and earnestly gazing backwards and sky- Wards. un...+ ,.....m 1... H; n1offar'7 T9 A "Prairie Fa.rmer s Wife," writ- ing to her people in the old country, describes the uncertainty of the west as follows: -- .. . I-\II .~____L___. ...... What could be the matter? It was only ten o vc1-ock, yet now he had got on to the road, and was urging homewards our four~horse team at top speed. Afnw minufm: Infant` and the Leann at top speeu. Afew minutes later and tram.-ple of hoofs and jingl harness sent rue rushing into yard. Whf' urrnno` 9 T nnp yam. What's Wrong ?" I queried, breathlessly. -Hail," answered Ned locanically, jumping from the plough and point- ing to the ominously white, bright clouds quickly -coming up on the wind. Then, without further words, he busied .himselrf unhitching the horses, I helping, in nervous haste, to lead them into the -barn. c..........I.. 1": nm unnnhn if xvhnn Scarcely had we reached it when the heavens unmasked their 'batter- ies and down came the hail--big as turkey eggs ! to lead Lneul 1n[0 [He '~Da.I'll. `T\1 a.rnv nn n=:fhA fnwls !" Ii McClary s Electric Ranges and Circulating Water Heaters Sold and Installed. Lurxey eggs : . Mercy on us-the fowls!" gasped. suddenly, and, desperate to get the senseless birds under cover, I tore open the door again. But you can't ever hurry poultry, and during the next terrible few minutes we lost thirty-six turkeys and fteen hens, the dazed, blinded creatures falling dead around us like leaves from a tree. xr.. 1,......1..u.A-5 G-`non -.nr1 hanrlc: reaves -Irom tree. _ My husband's face and hands were bleeding and my body had)` bruised from the stinging hailstones as at last we were forced to seek shelter in the house, every window on which, on the exposed side, had been smashed to smithereens. I 1:>..n:.11x. 0): H had nnma hnxvpvmnl been smasneu I0 s11uLm:1'v:r:u=. I Rapidly as it had come, howevexgl the storm passed on. and soon the sun was shining brightly as before. Tlnf tho r-rnn V I I On pvprv gide_ Sun was :.u1uuu5 uu;._-,uu_v ua upu... But the crop ! ! ! On every side, our wide, beautiful ields of grain, which had promised a splendid har- vest, were levelled with the ground. It would mothers if and a half - HAIL STOR-.\[ IN THE WEST READ THE ADVERTISEBIENTS llner Empress: of Canada. to: and early spring. other scenes deglcted are some 01 the tentnrea that will be nhown the traveller: us they null the seven seas. The Sphlnx In ne majesty ot the Pyramldn o! Ghhcn. Then comes Mount Fullynmu. nucred Jnountnln of Japan. Ncstllns: under the spreading branch at the tree In a Geisha girl. and I on her left Is :1 wlllow ten house near Shnnghnl. ` HE famous cruise ot the Cana- dian Pacific steamer Empress )1? Canada, posted for this com- ing winter. is attracting much atten- tion not only in Canada but in the United States and Mexico. The big 21,500 ton liner is capecially adapted to world cruising and having won the speed record of the Pacific. the com- pany has chosen this boat to be the agship of cruisers for the winter months. "|"hn nhwnnrnnntrlaq fnra nu. fhn `Rm- The circumnavigators on the Em- press of Canada will return laden with the rich experience and mental treasures gathered from vision of eighteen different countries and con- tact with the costumes, crafts and civilizations of fifty different races. It will be a tour to ports of a thou- sand romances. unfolding the page- ant of the world from the cultured west to the barbaric splendor of the east. Shrines, mosques, temples, cathedrals, palaces, and the sacred treasures of the fabled Orient will be revealed to the gaze of these fortun- ate Voyageurs. ` leaving New York_at a time when castle still remains. Known to the ancients as one of the pillars of Her- cules, it was formerly considered as the western extremity of the world. Already from the Straits of Gib- I raltar the ragged purple and green and orange and blue of'the Atlas mountains has cast the spell of Africa upon the voyager, and now at early morning of the fourteenth day the ship casts anchor in the harbor of Algiers, facing the ivory terraces and minarets of a still half-Arabian city. Across the Mediterranean the ship now turns to Monaco, the hlgh-step- ping principality on the south-eastern the inclement weather drives those coast of France, at which all the \\'ho can afford to escape to more Puritan world shakes equable cllmes, the Empress of Can- ada is due to reach nine days later its finger. Within its `iny area more fortunes` have been lost and won than lives the balmy shores of Madeira. anlhave been squandered on thc\ba_i 1e- House Phone 698. Palatial Canadian PacificLiner Ta Go On Big Cru be a great tlling -for` they could collect time -for overtime. DI'1gl1L1_V 215 UULUIU. ::..1 n:n1Aa nf o-rain The Northern Advance the jingle of the The great trouble of the p:*e=.ent`; day is that we have fo:`:ner_i L119` habit of eating comibinations ct`; concentrated foods which containg too much nutriment and too little; bulk. \\ e have gone to an ex:ti'et:io} in the mixing and rening of `foocl-` stuffs. Sugar contains 1,800 calor-l lies per pound, while lettuce has only 90 calories per pound. Yet this latter food is nearly as import- ant to the human system as sugar. In H11: nraannf nvnlnfinn AF nnr 'd.11L LU L118 11Ll1l1'clL1 5351,6111 215 ausui. In the present evolution of our food habits. however, all of the changes are not for the worse. Dur- ing the past fty years, the popula- tion of the United States has in- creased five times, while the con- sumption of fruit has increased twenty times. Meat is being largely eliminated from the breakfast menu in most homes, and there is little doulbt but that this reduction of ex- cessive meat eating has relieved the kidneys and intestines of many people from an unnecessary burden and actually contributed to their physical endurance. T"hor-A in nn dnnlhf rhnf fh.-:1 H14: prryslcai D.(1lll'8.l1CB. I There is no doubt but that the time will come when many dlseasest will be remedied by administering foods instead of .medicines. One: group of investigators already as- serts that celery has curative pro- perties -for persons suffering from rheumatism, or nervous indigestion and kindred nervous troulbles. Vvatercress is said to contain prin- ciples which are remedial against scurvy. Peanuts, which are rich in fats and proteids, are especially recommended in the treatment oft diabetes. The onion is a. splendid nerve strengthener, being especially useful in cases of nervous prostra- tion, and serving quickly to restore and tone up a jaded physical system. Asparagus. by its alkaloids, will induce salutary perspiration. Many insist that carrots will relieve asthma. and eggs, especially their yolks, will help to cure jaundice, and can be utilized for clearing the voice. Instead of iron as a cl1a1y- heate, the pulp of raw beef, or animal -blood in black pudding, is suggested as an efficient substitute, while the bitter Seville orange willl a(ln1ira`bly take the place of quinine as a prince of tonics tor debilitated persons. As a matter of fact, the science of curing human ailments by dieting is only in its infancy. Newnmrket town council has ap- pointed a committee to investizzam the fuel supply for next winter. EAT MORE ROUGHAGE DID YOU EVER STOP T0 THINK island of mountains thrown up as high as six thousand teet above the sea by volcamc action from the still ' ` unfathomed ocean bed. Of U19 IWBIIKUJ. (lay 0'11`, 3l2JJx1:5 uu.` guard like a. rock-mounted policeman ` on an ocean trail. This famous tort- ..,..=. n? ma nu-Huh Rmnim was 01-1- trau. `nus mmous mn- . ress of the British Empire was or!- ginally named after a. Moorish 1n- 1 Vader of the eighth century, whose ` \ the . Her`- E A`lv-nnv Prnm the tl'! .S Of Western extremuy or we wunu. spell - , . . 1-.16`-r 2 city. I the 1 1 L ` 2 ` aPurit:m ` - fortunes r Lost . II...-vn Iuuxn nntunnnnn nn f11r\T\n"`In. 'l`0V'lSI'l3W'E'l`. ` Gibraltar, reached on the morning ` .4 flan mmlnna dav m1L xtzmds on ` The `following is an example of the simplication of pidgin Eng- lish as set forth in a bill rendered by a Jap taxi driver in H110,` Hawaii : 10 comes and 10 goes at 50c :1 went, $5." COIN ...--..J, .-..9.._. _-, __- - I. - , , EDMUND HARDY, `Mus.Bach., Director. HARRY BARRON. Soloist ERNIE RYAN, Song Leader and General Pop Master EV-ERYBODY come and hel-p sing the old songs, such as Ken- tucy Home, "All the Nice Girls Love a. Sailor," Rosie 0'Gra.dy, The Long, Long Trail," The Vzugalbond, To-morrow," "Carolina. in the Merniug," Pal 0 Mine, -Mother Machree, Silver Threads Among the Gold. Words of these and many others will be thrown on the screen. All YOU have to do is to come, sing and make it a. success f1t\\I'IN wnwvwwvsurru-\r\"r xv- ..,_1I-..4.x-__ .... ..I......... At 1\u\`V lrln I. W. ROBINSON CO.VIE Robinson s Hardware JunknnndnamnunnnreIhownentheCnItnnver,whnepnhnI't:ovv- the coast of Ceylon Into shadow. Immediately ever the Cnnndlnn Pndne locomotive I: show: the l- buuln at Knmekun. better known here on Buddha. The gates of nannies. with eountleu minaret: In the unxnee. will vlsttors. and the lower right-hand picture In 0! IIIIIIOI 1 offer ugeolcl ion {or Carlo, with the greatest casino In the world. .- - . . . ,. ._`,____A Phone 1040 Give Us a. Trial. fields of Europe. The tables at the s Monte Carlo casino are forbidden to the twenty thousand local inhabitants who. however, have the sonsolation of being exempt from taxes. Naples is the next port of call, the largest. busiest and most populous port in Italy. Here opportunity is given to see the'chie points of inter- est in the city and'to visit Pompeii. Port Said and then Cairo and while ( the boat proweds to Suez the pa.ssen- 1 gers will be given four days in the land of the Pharaohs. 1 llBl'l`lSlI OUTPOSTS. I 1 I From there, the visitors move on down the Red Sea. past Aden, another British outpost and on across the ` Indian ocean to one of the greatest ports in the world, Bombay. A stay of a. week has been allowed for this port, and mzmy trips inland have I been arranged. - Afhar lnnxrlnsr Rnmhnv the nasxsen- D8611 arrangeu. After leaving Bombay the passen- gers will know where they are going as several hundred miles out from ` the shores of Ceylon, the heavily ~ scented and spicy breezes indicate ' . the longitude and latitude of the big V ; liner. Threqdayvs are booked for . this port. rmm fr-in tn Ranzoon. the greatest! . L The` trip to Rangoon, greatest ` rice port In the world, and also one ` of the great lumber districts of the Friday, A:_1Vg';1st717, at 8 p.m. urvn usnnv xnm no.-.I. Tlilqnnfnr I-IARRV RARRON. Sn` LET US SUPPLY YOUR ELECTORAL NEEDS That with keen business competition pre- vamg, most business men are prone to in- crease their business by increased adVe1't1s- ing ? SL\1PL[FIC;\TION EVERYBODY. A-| - --...v _ ammtimrnf SING-SONG Under Augpices Barrie Kiwanis Club Special Prices on Aluminum Ware McClary Ranges "BV{xRRIE's FIRST 'Q_II'1?N7s 15ARK _____.. 'I'I__....:- 1'7:--on uu-aIhownonhoCalt1unHver,whIlopntnnI't:ow- nah.-low. That they realize that the people owe it to themselves and to their pocketbooks to read advertisements. L\J vuuus, anus auu Auanx. :1. u. ulna-vvv-nnr No collection or charge of any ldnd. Among other late frosts is the party where the guests expected something more than ginger ale. Pastor: I shall speak on `Mar- ried Life` at the morning service. and `Eternal Punishment in the nu-nu in tr " Satisfaction Guaranteed. `southotAa1a,lsa1sooneo11nteru:t. Singapore, the busy capital or the \ Malay states, is the next port 01 all .and Brmshers on the trip will be shown the fgmmaon of the new naval base which is to be built than v.._ _.`-_...- Crossing the equator the Empress of Canada. will then go to Batavia. the capital of the Dutch East Indies. With. her nose turned north `he liner will steam for Manila, the capi- tal of the Philippine Islands, and one or the greatest educational centres In . the world. Money bylaws for schools. ' are always passed in this insular set- ; tlement. - `l4`v-nvn Ilona O1-an ft-avhrkir Win be taken to nong nong, L;au.I.uu.. . Macao and than to Shanghzd, and . special arrangements have been made to see China. as China is. . rmm nnvf nnv-f AP (-211 win he in mem. From Manila the travellers will be taken to Hong Kong, Canton. Mot-an and Hum fn R'hnn:z'h:LL and no Unma. umna 13. The next port of call will be in Japan, where all the leading parts will be visited and the'eae Government is making preparations ~ to dmonstmte to the visitors fhat ' J apan is friendly little nation. 1`rnm .Tnnnn the liner will 20 11%. '\V1i_V repeat the dose ?" That the thrifty people read the advertis- ing columns because it is a business proposi- tion to do so. Advertise.