Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Jul 1923, p. 5

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3 \veek.~:" vices on K by Rev. , zinil :1 1, Crown 3 of I110 :1 minis- :1ist Con- ) at the; Bradford in Innis- Kingston ` he was Ce resid- i 5 N Broke 0') DROVEHS Rl']l`OI{`T \'l'~IRY l*`E\\ HOGS `IN NORTH Sl.\l('()E This is a busy season in the live stock industry in Ontario, accord- ing to recent reporzs from the agricultural 1'eprese11tati\'es. -1 .. ._,,._;_. _.-.n.. 41...; ......... ab: n.-.uuu. u. .\,y.\...-........ -. Halton county states that ntany heavy cattle will be shipped to Great Britain this year from that county. 111 North Simcoe clrrwers report very few hr.f. in the t.;.u1t)', but expect a good run in the fall. Hogs and beef cattle are now about the same price, a very unusual con- dition. Peterboro live stock market last week consisted of a heavy run of calves, some pigs, l3.mbs and a. "few steers. The following prices \vere received by the t'ar1uer: 1 I0* L4y $8 8. cwt.; calves, $7 to $8; lambs, $10 to $13; cattle, $5 to :37. There is an increase in the number 01 sheep breeders ntarketing their woo] co-ope1'atively. .-\ coznnbing mill at Trenton offers to purchase wool 0111-: :i.5ht or to take _it on consignntenil and l1ave.it graded and make sett._le~ met later. The Napanee crez11ner_\' reports a ntalce of 1?,000 to 14,000 l.hs. of butter per week. The Farm- ers` Dairy receive daily around 120,- 000 lbs. of milk. The prices rot June are 1.35 per cwt. for mill; testing: 3.5. Pete-1"boro states the mill: flow is still pretty lieary. Last we-el< cheese broutrht 17c on the Peterboro Cheese Board, butter `.211 31c a pound, and f-.1r1ners wl1C| are selling; whole milk for city rte- livery are recei,ving about 5.30 a quart. .-\t a cent auction sale good f:I"1(lS sold for as high as $200 anti- pure breds as higlt as $230. ` nrq The eleutric cu1'1'm~.t \v2`-.5. turned an 1'01` the first time at \V21sa:'-`.11 Beach at 7 pm. on .\Iond:1y nip,-"hi. M1`. Dun .\IcLean`s nc-.\v hot:-1 \\'n.'~'i ,1he first to be illuminated and this. 1)oz1u1ii'11l building presozxted :1 \'e1'_\' brilliant appearance illaleed, with every room and co1'x`ido1' 1ij.."htQ41 and .=.trean1in_; out over the water in thv z nreg'1'011x1t1. Con;:1`at111>_1Iim1s are zlue Supt. E. J. Staple-1011.911 a per Few`; job executed in 1'-'>c='>rr1 Mme. The pole line extends the full 1rn._:1h of the shore, some (_-i;._:ht mil0s.-! -C.`ol1i11gw00:1 Eme1'p:'1se. 1 John L. Le.wI*, Iute1'x1uiir.)i1z1 : Pl'(.'5i(i11t of me U..\I.W. 01` .-\me1'- ion, has 1`e\'0ked the chzu-Ier of Div` trim 26, Nova Scotia. and r)r(1e1'ed the men to retlmi to work av once.` D. Livinarston, Presidexlt oi` ihe Nova Scotia mine workers, is declarexi an outlaw, c11z1rge(1 with being in Ihe pay of the Red Government 01' .\I0.s~ cow. I"x'esi(1ent Lewis has issued a warning: to the unions in the district that summai'_v action will he I-alien :1_;ain:~:! them iiidividually unless` 1..-u- ..,-i-nun n u-nub .-.9 r\vVr|I\ Sir John I-Iendrie, :1 `f ILieut0nzm1-G0ve1'n01' 01' O11mri( `at Baltimore, .\ld., 011 TI Inight, following an operaxion. I l`ILlu`("i`|{H` LN)!-l'|` .\'l` \\'.\>`.\(i.-\ L`m'men. v The officials who had chz1':.:o 01` the picnic were: Jas. DIIIIIIGILI cha.i1'mau olf picnic; A. Glidden.` chairman g1'oun(1s committee; 0] Cock'burn, chairmzul t1'z111sp01`taLion | Committee; G. Clark, chai1`ma.n sports committee; W. D. Paddison, chairman nance committee; Jas. Munro, Sec.-Treas. of picnic. The following were niemlbers oi the Sports Committee: (1 W Clark. r-hnii-man: T. Booth. Curi`y s Cash and Carry 36_Dun1op St, Barrie. LEMONS Specials for Fri. & Sat. Guarareea Rubber Jar Rings ;if,`Ef .121`? 25c SEALERS ORANGES - 37c BACON mug V \..x\. u...u..u 115! indivi: return to work OLD DUTCH - 11c the sports Uomnuueez G. W. Clark, chairman; Booth,` 13. Thompson, E.Koh1u1eyer, W. Peck. E. C. Cheesman, W. J. Buchanan, J. C. Lumbly, R. Dawson, C. Cha`pm`an, N. Galbraith. L.| Spearn, `W. Hogan, R. ,Su11ivun, A.` 1 Travis, XV. Potts, J. E`. Carson. The winning tug-0f-war team,` ...k:nh u-gnu-ncnnvml the \ln! hm` SUGAR - - Salada Tea Reg. 75c 69c ,Cufry s Cash and Carry - ' Limited Sliced 1| Iw'L:i1u lune. UM: ` ` Contgm;e;1_ _.\1];mda1 n ln:1..x...:,. v .'Onmrio, died Tuesday I1i.%'11`-' 'I`hm'o also W: 1 '3~"'l the 1,2x11,\'ing of agreed in the 1'1 L 5% 21]}, and so calls:-`I. gave .\1: `41 won the .:a.111L-. 111311 -been looked u to xvaive Ihe 1'1 1101" the Barrie pin} F-15 the z11'}.;\111m11I, 1f*n`..'Ih r-nnnxmrl. PINTS - $1.15 QUARTS - $1.25 \'1SlUlllg 1161' UI'UllltfI, .1. L)'d.lAU\'v. M1`. \V'111. .\IcLezm and dang.-'hte1` Mary of Toronto are `.'isiti11g friends here. \lvL~ T-TnI\H 'I`hnvnn:nn nnrl ann nere. Mrs. Herb. Thompson and son Billie have `rotumctl home after their holidays. xv.-e. nrml.-n and dnnsrhfm' Tillie .llil\Ia, which 1')nuvn-s .\Ir. Harold Hamilton of Toronto lis visiting at G. B. Hen1`,\"s. \h-e (Inn 1\'in, nf Pnv1nf:n1sr i 15 \`1.Sll1115 ilk U. D. ncx1|_\ 5. Mrs. Geo. King of I"enetang is visitxing her brothel`, '1`. Barlow. \h- \\'m \Ir-Le-.'n1 and dnnghlm` tnemr 11o11(1uxs. .\Irs.- Boalie and tluughtev Tillie have x'etu1'ned home zlfler spending a month in Toronto. \ Iuunn nnnnhm~ frnm horn nt- momn 111 xunuxuu. .\ large numzber from here tended the ga1'den party giver Co0I(st0w11 on 'I`uesda_\ evening. rm-nae nvnnmnuni xv-.1: r-nncrtd Uo01(s10w11 1l18SUil_\ e\uu1u:.;. Great excitement was caused here on .\londa_v ni_; h1 when fire started in R. D. Baunern1an s house. '_I`-he I'11`(-. was put out before any grezxt d'.1n1a:.;-3 was done. _ \ rr-\I'I`l\v`I nm-or win hr: hold m (lone. .~\ ganlexl party will be held in Diamond l :11'l< on July 25. The program will have the 1`ol1owin_2 inumbers: Male qnartette, Miss lHO(lf..S0ll,Hz1'\\'ll1ll1gllilLlr; .\II`. M. Lowry, soloist; Jas. Fax, 111111101`-ist. The Thornton l)-.1n(l will also t-alas: part. I | .-\l1:1nd:\1o beau Ba1'1'ic- at, h;1se`.):11l `on the 12111 by a score of 9 to S, in la game which ended in dispute over lthe calling of :1 bulk to third on .\1`of1'u.tt when the bases were full. Thu seeming hulk p1`o(1L1c the win- nenu run nn vvhn _u'nv~.m uzh.-nnpd in Lll(! SEHIIIIIILL Ilklln j_llU\lLILI'?lI In nin_-.: run and the game stwp .a. hot zlrgument. There \\': balk. The rule settles Hm culty, as it says that, "'I`hex'c `bail: to second or third \' I 111151 an 22110111-pt being mu throw to the catcher, but the balk 10 I'11`sL." rr*1\,n.n ..1.~.x Vxnxu un7`>.\ :Ht'1"z~v. |\vo11 11112 :41-.111;-. .-\:11c1 1..1- 1...- up, .\11anC1:~.10 :1: run, but as 'vm': plztycrs 111111 left (11 the 52111119 \\".1s nr\nn!|n'l 11{e1coy i .-uluu .`-ilclmis i 0st0r T)nu il1'lL'J.'UI`; \V. U. uuuv, .1. n.. vvwlncn. F. Hill. G. `Webb, '1`. Dcvine, J.` \\'ehb, J. LeGea1`, Capt. The losing Transportation Dept. team were: '\V. Caston, anchor; \\'i!s;on, A. Sharpe, R. Leo. H. Scoti,` A. Hutchinson, XV. Hum, .\. Schrieber, Capt. The prize, 21 box of cigars, wn,.~: (L-m:~.t<-> by M1`. \Vec:.;2u`. mum induce u-nrra \l:n'm` 'I`udl1(me. _ nvn (:1-3 L. Barrio .\I0I'1'at, E Dnnugh, | The Ifnion Church 01' I~I'u\v!<'nst011e $11(>1(lit'.sa1n1uz11 :.;".11'den pzu`1_\' nn 1`11es(1zx.y eveninu. July 17, on the- Iu1'ound:~: or .\11` ad 2Ir;~:. lu11r:-'."'s. _-\ `splendid repast \vz1.=. swrved by the I ladies of the c0111,-`1'u:.:aIim1. _\ buse- ball game het`\\'een :1 1c~:1m from Barriv and I-Ia.\\'l rersxllted in 11 decisive victory for tho home talent. .\I't'e1` the supper a splelxdid musical progruln \v:1.s cz11'1'ie(1 out. 111'. Coats 01` Orillia acted as chair- r\unr'| ntinueil. .\1]z111da1e~--Dohsnn 1!), Snead 21) ..x...:,.+ r\ rtuu-um cu I.rnx2`hrA,(`~| C ..\xn..u.1: _\.\'15 .n_-mull: 1*L.\y 'ru; 1;.\s1:u.\m. u.\.\u; `[.ul&l.l'} (i.\l{D!C.\' ] .\R'l'Y l~[l~ll.D .\'l` fI.\\'.'Kl`lS'l'()N]`.' Ls mmuul pzu`I_\' W ls id rs? um nnn;-`1`u'_':lli0I1. THORNTON l M). Limited" Next to Olympia. Tl. - Clark, L?` Smith, Sum .\IrI\'en7.ie. (:m1:~.Ie(1 by .\n'. xvecgur. . The judges were llayol` Tudlxope, D1`. Moore. C. E. \Vx`i_::ht, MI?.P., and Mr. \\'eeg'.u`. The rosuhs in the athletic oom- I?e[i[i()I1S follow : n,\....v 1)::/in 5: Von`:-2 urn` nnm`, CHEAPES I` IN TOWN 27c .UlH~.` IxI:1=_:' Aur; scale, but it Wu L to cull rho sour .- balk, as it wa .I..1.. H... ..-_.u Hm 33c lb. Page Five 1:), nucuu ..u, , L0ug'hee'|, c, .\1'n1sI1`011:.," H`, (HE \\ Ill stopped in \ \\'5|Q nn Doz. TUU. Kzdlhlju. T-.\'i 3, Mc- Doz. Boys Race, 6: 50 qards--1, E. Pz1'1"k. (`u'-~I:-` Donn P. at- uhvnn in \\'il.` l|U 1211 diffi- `KC 13 IlU~ without made to ..x in n lb. l.'-' dis- 1 1'21 FR 50 yarrls-1, .\I. Henson. n,w..' D..,.,, Q Girls` Race. 6 119115011. Boys` Race. 8 years 54) _\'ards-1, N. Munro; Namara. 11:.-ya nnr-p R vpn:`s Girls Race. 8 years and under, 50 _\'ards-1, I. EtJ1e1`ix1gton; 2, .v\. Reynolds. l').'\u-n` Dana 1n vs>..n-s null under. k Boys` Race, 10 years 50 yards---1, .\IcLe11zu1d; (`.ir.ls Race. 10 years 50 ym'ds~-1. E. Hill; 2, T`.n\'Q' Race. 12 and B0) KZICB, 1U )'8.ll's illl`l uuux-1, 2, .\larl`.n. and under, D. Ke:u'n.=.` Boys Race. under. 75 yax*(1s--1.F.Ethcrigton; 2, A. nir~hnrd=m1. _Vilx'us---1, Richardson. Ask to hear the New VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS Opposite Post Office Square (One Store Only). Phone 243 July Records I. G. KEENAN Vllllllg [U5- represented Dept. were: W. D. Little. (1 Klfcglx ' } years and 1 Richa1`(l:sI.)11; _\'ezu's and Reynolds; 5'UL"\\"cll Lculu, I the .\[ot_ive 3: G. Roberts, 2, A. R. W.'L1ke`x'. J.` `nub .1!)'1 ux1.'1(-~1`,1 2, .\I. Mc- and . 0) \rrn~Hn '1. -7UU|.l,l D1, 11!, AA] Tl: ms, `udhope, 9 .\[ I>.P., - l.\I 11c c-r>m-I under, 0 \ SUM. Girls` Race, 16 and under, _vu1'ds~~1, (}. Gotldas-11; 2. A. Gars Lu. Race, 20 and 1m(1(_-1`, Sy-Lu-a5-1, _\. \\'z1lker; 2, G. F05 i Young Ladies Ra.r*:`:, 2|) and 1 d-.-1`, 75 ,\'m' :1.`.. M11161; 2, `.lr-f`nnc"-Jntl Q f3'llS0Il 1 Ladies Race, open, 50 yzn"-ds-1, L. ;<,x'iglc-y; .2, Mrs. Thomas. I .\Iurriz-L1 Ladies Race, 5-0__\'z11'(1S $ 1, Mrs. Coles; 2, Mrs. Thomas; 3, Mrs. Hayes; 4, Mrs. Stevens. 1114! \ _n-:! `nch nnpm. .1 C, mu. '11n1)l0_\-es ' _\'z11'd.~:--1. 13` l....,~nn .\lI'S. l`Cl'gllS()Il; .2, . :5, .\I1's. Bowden; -1, Yz11'dn1en's Race, B. T1`a\'is; 2, Clzlrk. Fat .\Ien s Race, { 5 ya1'ds--1, \V. I SChl`(:i`})(*1`. I`I1y-an Y n(r(r1\I` Dunn T \llb. .\I1's. 1 U 0 OVEI` on .11 lH.`.(lUHD', Webb. ya rds---1, 200 D. Litile; nnrl 1bs., .-\. 0 -42 l\\'DT' ` hL'Il|`(.'H)L`l'. ` Three-J.egged Race, 20 and over, 75 _\'a1'ds~-1, Potts and I31'unton; 2,| SL821] and Hill; 3, Sllazipe and Mil-i .-nu. .\l2lI'I`lBU L.'.U.l1k`5 1\.uL'!:, U\Cl .;.-.1` years and under 35 years, 75 yards |~1, Mrs. hell; 2, Mrs. Coles; 3, `Mrs. Casey; 4, Mrs. Storey. :9 . .\[u1`1`ie(1Li1(1ies Race, 06 and i,u1's. Lgust:-y; 1, .ur.s. aLu1't:y. .\1zu`1`ie Lildies anal over, 50 ,\'ards--1, Mrs. Lee; 2, `Mrs. Johnson; 3, Mrs. Knapp. I Consolation, Uarried Ladies-1, ll.I,1's. Robinson; 2, Mrs. Vail`; 3,1 \ Mrs. Hammond; 4, Mrs. Smith. Dnnninu T-Ti(r'h 'ln.v~nn hnvc nnnr Jllb. L1HllIlll\)llU, Running High . 17--1, G. Foster, ` Richardson. 1 Duunuxinay Tlnn ] .IL|.U11?.Ll'U.SU.IJ. Running Hop. Step and Jump--i 1., 13. Thompson, 3.5 .ft., 10 in.; 2,, .-\. Walker; 3, G. Clark. Running High Jumvp-1, A. \Va1k- er, 4 ft., 9 in.; 2, J. Dobson; 3, H. [In n\ n\ nn fl Bl`, -2 1L., U 111., .9, u. uuuauu, a, LA- Hammond. Pole V~au1t-1, B. T11'ompsvo.n, 8 ft., 6 in.; 2, H. Hammond; 3, A. Walk- or .\Izn'1'J'ed ;\Ieu s Race, `over 361 years, owners of automobi1es--1, A. |I<`er:.:11son; 2, G. Seymour; 3, Hill. . \19rrinrI \Icm 1nn vnv-dc: r-nnranln. 1'eI'.',usuu; ..:, Lt. m:,nuuu1, 0, run. Married .\len, 100 yards, consola- tion-1, Coles; 2, Wilton; 3, Tuck. Employee with largest family on 5.;roun(ls~-VV. Park. Special Ladies Race, general, lkpri`/.es donated by A. E. 1 atte1's `1, Miss 1.. Srigley; 2, Mrs. 'T`hnn\nc `J, Ann: 1.. nu_z,'n:_y, .1, .1113. u. )O111E\S. K Special Ladies Race, ggeueral,` prizes donated by M1`. \Vee:ar-1, .\l1;s. .\rnott; 2, .\I1's.He1'1`ell; 3, l.\I1's. Smith. -- .. .. u C.N.R. EMPLOYEES 1 I-IOLD 3rd ANNUAL I PICNIC AT ORILLLM I Ladies Balloon prizes clonated by |.\I1`s. H. Stevens. In the 220 yard dash, Clark and Dohsnn ran a dead heat. In the [deciding heat, Clark won. 1 Hon. \V. F. Nickle. .~\ttorne_\'-( ]General, has not-ied all Crown At- it01'ne_\ s lll1'0lIf; h0llt the Province re-6 ,2:z11'ding; the bill that came intoi force on .\Ionda.y last against pub- lication of betting int'o1'mation. In-` siructious were given to warn per-! sons who were known to he bi'eakin_2.l the law, and to prosecute them ml the event of non-compliance. The Go\'emment will stand behind any prosecution, and if necessa1`,\', comel to the glefence in the event of any] test castes iwi_n:.: made. JAII . .\la1'1'ied ears `I \ Y \rV Ladies Race, over 25 ..n.ln.- 0.`: I-Iznnc '75 . vuu-dc U\lt|' 17) _)l;'ill.>, Thompson; 2, .\ 5, Jllh. Vdll, 0,1 Jump, boys under .4 n R in -2 .2 Race. general. M1`. Weegar-1, UHUCI, Kr)` . Gzxrsiaie. 11 ml 01`, 1 0 U I r` l.`n..o.. : 101) L linu- (Continued monl page one) Another feature 01' the picnic was `the presence 01' sevmal old-timers. T. .\Ietc-.x1f<*, who has passed the 771.11 xnilestone, was the oldest em- ployee on the gro.un(l:~:. Tue 0ldesl| pensioxlur was 311-. B. .\Ietca-Lie, who! in 7?. our: nf nu-3. r l At 21 111eey'n:; held in Stayner onl J-uly 7111, 11111!-er the auspices of the: West _Si'mcne \Vomen's In-.:ti1-mos ang1__ 'l'1`ustees' `OC-izllion, repre.'~:e11`:zx- Lives \ve1`e 1)rv.se11( from New Lowell, Sululidahe, Nottawu and Dunt1'0c;n,i as wen as trustees from 011181` points. .\l1':=.. H. _\I. .\itl of Beeton pre- ..:.~1.~.) nv\.] ....-n n H001. vullz r\v'\ flu-1 Y 4 !."-lIJDl(,`.\L l.\`.\`l l<}l`- ,H(}.`I 15 \.\'.\.\"l`I:ID l.\' SLTEIOOLS I sided and ; su-h,_isct 01' \'. u- 1 T gave a little. talk on the medical inspection. ..\'11'. J. J. .\IcL`.z\_;ne 0\f Alliston spoke of the educzuional value 01 short Cuu1':'es to .y0ux1g fu1'h1e1's and hoped for 21 course 01` 1ecLu1'u:~; :sho1't- l_\' in this district if desired and some would be f1'(`.C. 311'. \V. .\i. .\I0r1`is'ga\'e an inter- esting zuldress on the main subject, stating that the childhood 01' the nation must be imp1'o\'ed. Canad- ians are not a healthy people and much can be done for children through school i1'1.~:pectio1}--and school nnvqn .\l1`. Hz11`1mun, Pre.<.ident 01' Trus- tees .\ssociution, was heartily in` I'.1v01' of school inspection, bu. stated trustees 01` school in his sec- tion were opposed. Th- Qhv.1\':.u- u'n< nlun um-nvl\ inl LIUH \\\ .`llf Uppuzuu. Dr. Slxaver was also g1`:-z1:ly in lfuvor and hoped children would be taught more about tl1e1use1vo;~:, S1lC.l as proper b1'ez1thi11:.; and so on. .\ m11':~:e could do more than the doc- tors in that way. I Nlies Tnuvcnn g-nhnnl nilrcn 0'1-nun [U15 AH Lllilb wag. Miss Dawson, school nurse from C01lin:.:\-.'o0d, said a few words, giv-d ing niuny good hints. Several others spoke also in i'avm of the idea and it is hoped -.1 niedicul and dental survey will he made so that facts may be put before the school trustees. The nurse does not treat the children, but advises. A motion was carried unanimously that there he a series of CO11il})in(3(.l meetings of \Vonien's Institutes and Trustees about the middle of Sep- temrber in Creeniore, Dunedin, Stay- ner, Duntroon, New Lowell and Sunnidule Corners to consider the advisabilit of having :1 medical and dental survey of all the schools. VI.un nnhnnl 0.-ng-Min: nu-a fn ho Lflidl LHU \.'Hll\llL'1J, Ulll. uuuaca. and survey The school trustees are to be consulted in the uurtter at once as to their opinion. The survey is free of cost to the schools. Swift justice was meted out to Fred Eastland, who was ned $20 and costs in \Vednesday's Police Court for being intoxicated about 1.30 '\Vednesdzty nrorning. Accord- ing to the evidence given by Mr. Woods, of the Clarkson House, Eastlaud returned to the hotel about 1.30 and sought to gain admission. Woods let Eastland in and he went up to his room, where he caused quite a distuvbance. Constable Davis was_called and he took East- land to the lockup. l\IzLgistrate Jet`t`s iumosed 11 penalty of $20 and costs, in all 3427, of which $15 was paid t o1`th~with and he is given till Alondzty to pay the balance. When uslted where he got the liquor he was very loth to tell, l)ut fiilztlly said that he got it from 8. man by the name of .\Icl{in1ey, hetweeu Barrie and Allandzile. l[<`l.\'la`D $20.00 .-`ND COSTS IN 1 (.`OL'l{T FOR BEING DRUNK JIU `the .s'L'(`(`E.s'.s`l~`L'l. Sl .\l.\ll~JII. .s`(`I-l0Ol. IS HELD .\ l` (iENI`}V;\ |`;\l`.I( The thirteenth 11111111211 P1`e.'~:byte1'- ian Su1n111e1' School for the Synods {of T0ro11Io and Ki11:.;s1011, was held 'ut Ge11e\ z1. 1 u1'1(, and there was a- 1 'good atte11dz111ce and much interest taken by the ,\`0u11:.: people. Rev. ('1 .\ Th-nwn nt` I \nrII'n\v`Q {'hIl`l`h liuxtill U) tut: ,\uuu_`-'. pl:up|L'. .[\.K`.'-. G. A. Brown, of St. .\nd1'e\v s church, Bzu-rie, is at the head of the school this yuax`. The Bible study course was led by Rev. Dr. Pidgeon, or 'I`n1'0nt0. Young People`s and Sun- day School work were conducted by Dr. J. C. Robertson. Miss M. Gem- mitt, Rev. J. R. Harris, Mrs. Wm. ;Fl`U{._`.'1i1l1(1 and Bliss Jessie Shearer. A class in .\Iissi0n Study was led by Mrs. J. Y. Ferguson of I-I'onan. Dr. A. .\Ic.\Ii1lan led in the study of Church 1`1'aiso, and Rev. J. Gordon 'ha charge of athletics. I READ THE Box 555 ADVERTISEMENTS. The Northern Advance . , A jersey cow owned by a Mont- real man has broken all anadian records byproducing 1,20 pounds of butter in a year. The average annual per capita cost from fires in United States is $2.26, while Canada lo-sevs $2.73 per capitauby fire; Spain, $1.86; France, ` 97 cents; England, 64 cents; Ger- ` many, 28 cents, and the Netherlands, ` only 11 cenrts. Bungalow Camps in the wilds of Ontario have been opened by the Canadian Pvacific Railway Company at French River. Nipigon, and near Kwsnora, Lake of the Woods. Traffic through the Lachine Canal during the month of June showed an increase of two million bushels of grain and one hundred thousand tons of coal with increase-s in pulpwood, produce and passengers over the same month of the previous year. 1s `(:5 ea 5 T. \\ i1.~,u11. who retired from the position 01' 1'0adn:|aste1` some _veux'.~: axn, was presem .1701` the run. Inc l<`|n-Inns! who for \'uzn's` The wheat crop of Alberta and Mvanitoba has progressed so well on account of the abundant moisture of the early season that farmers, busi- ness men and railroad companies are rpreparning for a harvest in excess of the record one of 1915. Prince Rupert, B.C., claims the world's best record for a one trip fish catch. A fishing schooner ar- rived at this port recently after be- ing at sea 14`/2 days, with 38,000 pounds of halibut, which sold for a sum that netted each man of the crew of five $727.80. In the Province of Ontario, it is estimated, the lumber cut in 1022 amounted to 809,000,000 board feet, and in addition 289,113 cords of pulipwood. The Province of Nova Scotia cut 125,000,000 feet, New Brunswick 210,000,000 feet, and British Columbia 273,146,000 board fppt, Dl'l[X <` feet.- The Dominion Express has just effected a shipment rom Hamburg fn T\ n`np Jnnnn in R2 avst. The euccteu smpment Lrom namuu;-g to Kobe, Japan, in 32 days. The average time consumed between the same two oints via the Suez Canal is 49 days, and the saving thus made by the Canadian route will be of great importance in helping make this country the road between Eu- rope and the Orient. The total value of the peLts of fur- bearing animals taken in the Do- minion during the season of 1921-22 was $17,-138.800, an increase over the previous year of $7,287,273, or 72 per cent, and the number of pelts of all kinds was 4,366,790, an in- crease over the previous season of 45% nrnr r-rant, Thnga fin-1n-(>5 enm- me prevwus season u 48 per cent. These figures com- prise pelts of anim.'.ls taken by _trap- pars and pelts of ranch-bred animals. Tests of ceramic clay resources in I B'1'itish Columbia are being plan-l ncd this summer by the British 1 Columbia Government. The tests I will be made under the auspices of 1 the Department of Education and the Department of Industries. There are many varieties of clays in Brit- ish Columbia and some are reported to be particularly suited to the l manuacture of high class pottery 1 \L"RT[", ums, .\l1`S. L$6alI_\' mm L . AV. J`.lU.Ul\.'_\ There were C.N.R. employees present x`ep1'esonIin_; the following bx'ot11e1'}g()o(1s : B. 01' L.E., B. of L.1`., B. 01' R.T., O.R.C., I..\.`.\I., B.B..\I., n me n \I nf \V R nf RV . 1 A reduction of express rates on westward moving business between Europe and Canada was announced by the Foreign Department of the Dominion Express Company re- cently. Thls reduction on westbound shipments follows a similar cut on shipments from Europe to Canada made a little while ago, and amounts to a reduction of approximately twenty per cent. on the trans-ocean trip. The rates came into effect on July 9 between all points in Canada and Europe. The Banff-Windermere highway, the last link in the 6,000-mile chain of good roads which extend from the heart of the Canadian Rockies ` to Oalifornia and -return is now open to motor traffic, having been offi- cially opened on June 30th by the cutting of a riband at Kootenay crossing in the presence of a num- ber of Federal and Provincial Gov- ernment officials, and a host of automobile tourists. The comple- tion of this road has rendered ac- cessible the most beautiful scenic country on the continent. At the weekly shoot on July '18, when 25 clay birds were shot at, the following were the scores: DIIAISD W. Crossland R. Wolfenden T. Villiers . . .. E. Williams .\I. Carr . . . . N. Dyment J. J. Dum0m`1`.... B. I\Ia1*wo0d Thos. Rogers H. A. Go0(lwixi- Chas. Lower Mr. Coulson Dr. We.-bb . . . . .\h'. .\1u1h:11l S00 \Vah . . . .. In the absence of Rev. M1`. I-Ier-\ man, who is mvay on 21 two holiday in Quebec, the services on~ Sumlay will be contlucted Rev.` T. T. Wright 01' Whitby, at 11 mm. in St. Peter's church, .\Iinesin:.;; 3 c nnx Qt `lnhn a l"y~n$rrhun-ul null 21 111 D1. fL`.lt;'l S ruuxcu, .\1Lucaiu_5, u} p.m., St. John's, Craighurst, and at 7.15 p.m., St. James church, Crown. Hill. ' oldest of the s11pe1`aun'nate(1 ters of the .\Iont1'ea1 Methodist 1'erc-nce. died last T11111'st1ay the age of 86. He was born at BI`E1df0l`(1,` and was received on trial Innis- l in 1865 and ordained at Kingston] four years later. In 1912 superannuated and had` since ed in Brockville. Rev. John Sc-anion. one the,` i Ere There B:\I{I{ IE Gl'.\' (.`LL'B (`ll;\l(;`-H['H.\"'l` Ll|.\.|IlIl(.lLl uu `nun. grou nds Cockb u 1'11 , chai rma mun 6`nlInuv1'n(t u

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