Page Four uu ;uuuuu_y . Rev. Dr. R. D. Simpson of To- ronto spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Simpson. M1`. and 311's. .\IcLoan and two dz1.ug111ers of E spent Sunday with M1`. :1 n (1 )1 rs. Charles Henry. he Thovnton and Cookstown juniors plzlyed baseball here on Satu1'du_v, the score being 32-8 in favor of Thornton. -... . __.,,_ ._.u u\,.:.. ...-.o...-.. l(l\Ul Ul LllLIIAAI.\lAlI . Thornton played their 1`eturn Lznme of baseball with .\11ist0-11 on J1'i(lay, June 29, {he score being, 10:3 in favor of Allislon. -- 1 xv..- YT.\..I` Vl"1unuur\:~nu .lU_'-) |l| Lu\\.u us. AlAllIJl\/AA: Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Thompson and son Billie and .\Iiss E. Billyie spent. Ihe lmlirlay in Owen Sound, where they will spent a week 01' l nun:-n | A 9,'amon pumy unu L'u1u H1:-nu supper under the 1lS]IiCOS 01' the Pa`1'ish Guild of St. Jude's .\ngI1ican church was held in D'ian1011(l Park on \Ver1m`-sdz1_\', June 27. A good ipm_:1`21n1 \va:~'. 5.-,'i\'m1, c0nsistin_c_,r ot |.=n1os, duets, rozulinzs and speeches. `In spite of the chilly night everyone lc~nj0)'od Hxelnsnlvos. ,1. , tuvnn hnhl nl ` l`Il_[U_\ Vu Inl:un.<.\ 1\\.:. I A . fe:~'t.i\'al was held at lthe Townline I vl`(`Sl)_\'tel`l1`lll church on June 29th. A choice Dl'O,L'l`a.m was givmt by the follotving soloists: `Ur. G. C. Allztn. Churchill; Mrs. H. 'J. 'I`hmnpson, .\Iiss llegiita .\Iil1itg`an land Hrs. .\I. Lowrie Selections wcxre given by the male qnznrtette and readings by Miss .\IcLol1z1n and Miss .Iz1mieson. Thornton band was ale.-0 in attendance. .-\ large crowd enjoyed themselves listening to the Isplentlid p1`0g*I`'I11e. ` For d.iso1'de1`1y conduct and for [bei11:i11toxicated. Duncan Glilhies `.was assessed $25 and costs in {Police Court on Saturday n1m`nin_Lr. ;He was given until Tuesday to ;~n-11' Mrs. Dickinson is visiting in Stay- nu UIC. A :-,'a1`don pumy and cold meat nm1m- tho ausuices THORNTON Barrie Gas Company, Limited l *0 liave plCaS1i1`C in aninouncing that the price of gas to our customers will be reclucecl on tl1e 1st of July next from $2.25 to $2.00 net 1301` 1000 cubic feet. In adclition to this we will discontinue the meter rent cliarge of 25 cents per month, and our nionthly mininiuin eliarge of :30 cents per month. As the cost of supplying gas to each one of our services is practically a xed eliarge whether the custoiner uses 100 cubic feet. 01- 10,000 cubic feet N... ME '7: nnnl-.~ -nnv 1'nn`I`I+l] 0.: Qofojoioxoiojojojoiafoj 03039301030101 customer uses .lUU uuuie .L\.\_,u LII. ..A.\J7 V . . V . _ . _- per month, a service eliarge of 75 cents per month will be made 011 each aeeount to cover this, which enables us to give our new rate to the benet of all customers. Gas will be billed at $2.50 per 1000 cubic feet, but a discount of 50 cents per 1000 cubic feet will be allowed if the account is paid on or be- fore the ].:3th day of each month. This new rate enable om.` cust0n1e1's to obtain gas at -.1 lower price than is eliarged in several towns in Canada of a similar or larger size. - ___._ _ -- --nu-u-u-u-I-I` ANTHRACITE COAL Nut, Stove and Egg, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . .$16.50 Range Coal, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...$15.50 Pea Coal or Boulets, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . ..$14.00 Ilmnedizxie do1i\'m'_\'. All clean fuel. LAND PLASTER ` In 125 lb. sacks, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$16.00 THE SARJEANT CO., Ltd. Sale of B. C. `Cedar Shingles J11I\',T '1~(_-c-(0-11tl`\' we 1>1m:11;1:<(-d 21 mu` of B.C. (,`(-dzlr Slngrlos at :1 price much below the rcglzlr g"111-0, and those we o'{ t'01' at 21 (.-.o11sidombl0 saving` to you. "0 o.\'p0(-1' them to z1H'i\'0 in the (f()11I`SC of 21 \\'<-,0]; or so and would remm1nond you to plm-.0 _\ m11- 4)1'(1(`l` at 01100 fol` d(>li\'(-r_\' off 11w rm . B.C. Shingles, 6 to 2 in..butts, per 1000 . . . . . .$3.75 B.C. Shingles, 5 to 2 in. (heavy butts) 10 in. .`h-mu -\-\n-vl 1nnn V _ _ .L)-\l- LJu.J..u.E,;uu, V vv ._ ---. ......`I clear, per 1000 . . . . . .` . . . . . . 0 1 . . .' . . . . . .$ B.C. XXXXX (heavy butts) 16 in. clear, per 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ my Hardwood . . . . . . .$7.50`1oad. . .$3.75 hat Dry Tamrack . . . . . . . . .$6.00 1oad. . .$3.00 ha _ Dry Soft Wood . . . . . . .$5.00 load. . .$2.50 ha; Cut and split as w111ir(.-d, any 1(:11gt11 20th June, 1023. "BELL 'l`I<}Ll'IPHO.\'l`} C0. SHO\\'f-3 IN(.`RyE.-\SI`} IN ALL DEPTS. NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS BARRIE GAS C6MPANY, LIMITED. dE)?iAI'.1J'*rA3z_T>BWI_J7r NOW _IN SESSION. HERE -nnn\ Jul.` Iv---nu-v-wv-. .____-, (Continued from trst 'page) cleared His Honor, did Smith do what he agreed to do or did Broome let him out of any obligation? Did Smith act fair in keeping the money and not saying anything ? Judge Vance commented somewhat ' scanhingly on the tnansfer order. You must decided which man you will believe concerning this. It is usual to give t.h`e canbon copy and keep the original, but there may have been an error. Further, is the stock worthless ? What Broome paid would be equivalent to about 75c per share. (nnnlninE. His Honor impressed Concludi g, His vit upon the jury that it was then` duty to see that agents must be honest and fair. 7T1r\ -inn-V IQQ (`nY11DOSed Of` J. and fair. The jury was composed \Va1ke1*~, Orillia Tvwp., (foreman); T. D. .\1*~mst1`0ng, Sunnidale; \V1n. Can`, VV. Gwilli-m-bury; Wm. Yeo, Orillia; T. R. Plant, Barrie; P. Mc- Nabb, Nottawasaga; C. .\nder.son, 01'il=lia; F. Dum=fo1'd, Tay; P. Flem- ing, Essa; W. G. Scarro-xv, Cree- more; XV. KI10Shib\V, B1'ad*I`0rd, and `A. Johnson, Oro. mm incfl`Ilr`Hl'\l1 from the A. Jouusuu, unu. After instructio11s fr [Crown they retired, and five minutes returned the ' guilty on the two counts, 5 `Ihelft. FUEL ` .\I1'. I-I. Dawson of Detroit is visit- in}: his parents here. _ = rmm \n=:.a< nilln and Isabel Wat- 1758 Phones in Barrie; 13300 Call.-,2 .\louday; Other News. {in}: `I The Misses Rilla and `son of Toronto spent the ho1~ida.y at their home here. nu nn \Ir= (1, I-Io1.n1es and at home here. Mr. and .\Irs. G. Holmes children of Toronto are holidaying `with Mrs. H. Watson. .\I1`s. Knighzton 0:1` Montreal is Visiting at the pzwsonage with her 5011, Rev. G. K11.i5:hton. u.. 1 had the 1nisfox`tun0i Rev. G. 1\n'.5:ntou. | Mr. L. Hzmdy had the misfortune` to have his leg broken last week in the match between Shanty Bay and Dalston. Win ..,1 um I H, T11-own. .\I1'. and . $3.75 half load half load half load from d in thirty- le verdict of 5, fraud and .'$5.0o $6.75 _12i.iisrJYVT`iV1EN HOLD A BIG SPORTS DAY\ I The I11l111`b_eI` of Bell Telephone s-txbscribevs in Barrie is increasing ...+ .... nv\nnvu1nv1cI 1-non nrmnv-ding tn (Continued from first page) mended them for their splendid shorwing. In every case the first prizes were ininiatur esilver trophies suitaxbly engraved. The second prizes were bronze medals. As the baseball was not nished and it was not certain whether or not the aquatic events would count, the fo-rmal presentation of the Wee- gar trophy was not made at this t1'.mp time. The Allandale boys attribute their defeat to lack of practice and do not intend than the trophy shall re- main in Toronto. The trophy, it is understood, must be won three years in succession before it can be perin- aneutly held. Toronto Wins Football First honors in the football 11`.atCh were captured by the Na- tional .\Io\tiVe Power team of To- onto. The Allandale hnsliise came hrougll on the light, end of a 3-21 score, but there was glory in their" defeat. Tlley were vanqnislied by a Stl`Ollg team, good enough to beat the best in the Toronto Terminals League. In addition to this, there must be considered the great battle put up by the Allandale squad. They refused to be discomagetl when in the first period the score stood 2-0 against them. Instead, they accelerated their attack, mus- tered a fresh sutpply of pep, and actually tied up 171133 count. Some come-back. Sure, but as a niattei of fact, the holnesters should never have been beaten. There are any number or local sportsmen who will \\"ager a straw topnotoh that the ~\llanda1e crew will switch the To- ,.,U:. :..a,. O`\/\ ehlhnr H 1hD\ uumucx U1 LULLLL 9; I( .~\11um1'.11e w ronto outt imo ever meet again. `. mun cor-+ mill Qas exhibited Dy Lne Vlsltula. Luz: `.bacl is undoubtedly the better `of the two. Emms brotllers. Roy and Del, who play the right wing .:`or the ,Nzuiouals. scored both the Allundale igoala. Del, by a seusatioual- hit ct `football, scored the rst. It was` the feature play of the game. Kivell, the trusty back, played his usual good game. That means_ a lot. Every member of the team istarred, but mention should also be lmade of Potts, Holmes and Whar- 1....... who var-nrrl r-vnwrl had nc {made or yous, r.lU1Il1t :a uuu unwi- ram. The record crowd had nc difficulty in distinguishing the play- lers. Toronto wore blue sweaters, the Allandale eleven the usual black and white stripes. Numer- ous tilts between the players added to the fun. On one occasion it seemed that a bout would be staged which would rival the Dempsey- Gibbons affair. Dlnv in thn rvzf fnxv minutes 0.1: utbnons ana-1r. ! Play in the first few minutes 0.1 the fray was conned to centre eld. While the athletes were yet fresh . the checking was vigorous and fre- quent somersaults were turned. It took the Toronto eleven eight min- utes to get up enough power to score the rst. It was an honest- to-goodness goal. Fast team play took the pigskin to the goal mouth. The goaler saved the rst shot, but was beaten when the rebound was kicked in. -') .cI\II/\ um lonlr nn \vhHn hm] fully recovered from the shock, the Blues notched goal nunrber two. From then on the atlvatttage was with the home team. Urged on by lthe cheering crowd, the .~\1lE1Ildi1lCI`S lforsqed ahead, pushin;-.; hack the 'ghting .\loti\'e Power eleven. . Results came. Del Emms worked his way up the side, eluded several wottld-be checkr-,rs and sent the lsphere between the posts. Torontos. 1.ZlDDe2lI`(1 rattled and their oppon- tA..... ......::(:,..1 kn ahntr initial Qllt`. ktcked m. Before the black and white had` Ilgllllllg .\lUll\U 1U\\L7L \'.'lC!\Il. lhis sphere Torontosl appeared lents, _L:t`atic-(1 by their initial suc- xcess, f~:trl\`e(l for better results. ' The second period Wu! hartl. fought from the first hick oft` to tho.' lust punt. Only at few minutes U1` {pla_\'i11_ time remuinetl \vlu~v1 Roy` _ , , _ _ . ,,1 5 |....... 1'! '\l\.~(I `ha! y 1(:`HI,S, .gldLllIl;'u U3 tutu Iunlun aux. strivetl ' hard `fotught th:, 01 p1a_\'in_ Roy Cmms ucce.pte(i 21 b2u1tit'ul p:1:~'S meat the visitors goal and sent the pig- skin home, t_vin.; the score. Soon after the visitors SC0l`t,-(,1 their third` [truth a we11~p1n.nnet1 1'm'm:1ti(m. .The locals tore in Il1i1(H_V, endeavor- { thu gz1n1e.l r.(- 1 |\ A .\- ing (men again In s-awe . ... u . .... 4 s-unscrinens in uamrie at an enormous rate, according to information obtained from local headquarters Saturday motrning. On May 30, 1923, the numwber of tele- phones connected in totalled 1727, and at the end of June this IS lIlC1'e'd..blu5 - munvber has increased to 1758. The telephones are graded as follows: Individual, 632; Two Party, 682; Four Party, 3; Rural, 344; Public Telephone Stations, 41; Extension Stations, 56. During the months of M-ay and June new services were increased to an extent of 30 per cent. over the same period in 1922, which is an enviable record. The demand for desk sets, extension sets, extension arms and jack and plug equipnient, extension bells, etc, is 5.;reater uhan a. year ago, it was learned. On .\Ionda_v last the local ofiice handled 15,000 local calls, while the daily m'era:.;e for the Inst six months is 11,000 calls, the busiest `hours being from 9 to 11 21.111. and :t'ro,1n 1 to 3 p.1n., and troin 5 to! B p.n1. `Long distance business also `shows increase. June, 1022, 6580 ontgoinfz iiiessages; June. 1923, 73-14 on1;;oin_-.5 inessages. Net in- crease over June, 1 22, was 704' outgoing messages. It nmm as nnv truth in the asset`-. `l.t.,l\\ I L'Hk\'_` R. Emms D. Ennns Johnson Hum mon d .-\`H11I1(1iL1O Wins Baseball All-amlale C.N.A. easily won the: liasohall fixture from Toronto C.N.;\. on Monday afternoon last, in a game which was more or less in-. tei'estin:._: on account of the easy manner in which Allandale romped a_wz1_v with the hits and runs, and ifecause of the rather in(li1'fex`ent playing of the Toront.o team. At no time did the visitors threaten to break through, except in the fourth. At all other times L. Emms and his eight team mates held their oppon- (Continued on page eight.) Lunnuuuu ones: spare x'is.;`:e_v . . . spare . . . . . . Re1'eree--C. Jackmin, T01-onto. l\ ("lylll `- . Ll pm VP n 1 ed irml rum] The Northern Advance N111 S\VllL'u um .Lu- the siding if the) Illl IUUI Lxlucn |.l|\'_\ a score, but unczumy md sumo Yzullly kick- Iheir pmc1n'in:.; the` The teams. l"nx-nu 1 n :.:(m1 hue Ii hzx.(:l: h 211 1` half half (`(`I1ll'(? 1`. \vin; r.i. \vin3._: 1 unqr I`0rnnl 0 Ilickuy ` Coop-1' Huddcn Clupham (Enoch `.1'uhz1 11) I nuwic l4KT\V la` . :\iCBl`i(1(? \I,.!.mn outgolng messzmges. I If theve is any truth ussor-` tiou that the telephone is a good_ 1 business barometexy then the busi- ....,.... an and q.-nunrl Rnrrip n1ust be`; .\l|.'L)I nu: .\lcCr:1e I-`lominjc. 1 Simpson i ;-',iLnu-:. I [ht-3' r tena Cam-pbell, Chester Carson, (Continued f\I`0I11 page one) Pass--Frank Spearn, Florence Overs, Leila .\Icl\'eown, Seymour Lee, George Hunter, Elma Guest, Stewart Bryson, ;\Ie1vi.11e Ferrier, Doris Canning, Audrey Partridge, Marion, Jean Jamieson, Helen Guest, Lewis Garvin, Chris- Frnnlc Shannon, Mary .\IcDonald. Reta Marriott, Harry Early, Stanley .\lall Ellen Coyne, Charles 1\'ni_;ht. Bessie Huxtable, Evelyn Hun1er,~ Winne Barnes, Varley Dr1n'_\', Thomas Cou:.:hlin, `William Newton. Ruth Blarriolt, Vera Luck, Ernest .\lcl\ night, Thomas .\Icl\'e0wn, Olive. L. Johnson, Allan \\'z1rnica, Isobel! Duff. Uzirjerie \V'arnicu, Harold Runi~l)le, George \Vel)l), .\I:1deline Torpey, .-\l1n11 Pratt, Isla Lyons, Jack .v\r .\Iae Green. rmm vnunlfu no` hp nr~n:H`llnPnl:ll Hurlburt s Shoe News Ben 131101`, l\11l11l()(,`I] u-mu, lnnur Johnston, Clara. Luck, Jack .\I-urlin. '.\Izu`_4n1'ot .\[n(-1(inr.:, L10_\`(l Hernlun. Ed\\'nr(l I*I0f;ill1, 1-Inn-y .\(1mns, Clar- ence Carson, William 1"1`:1se1`, .\I:i1wl Gilchrist, Irene `.mv'.1n, Yvonne Hzuniltrm, Ida I-I:Ls1 Isabel .\Ic- \I4CilI]' Vincent Rivurd. I:}ile0n l\'in_4, .\l1un Sr-oil. Joan Snlherlzuld, Lnnru "l`oos(la`.v. \Vi11i:1-in Tribblv, Edith \V011`0nden. Prmnmions from Second Forin to I`hird I-`orm First Class Hm1m'.=;~-Roblin Milne. JP:1l1 Iilchrist, Harold 1 ea1'son, .Imncs Robertson, .\I:1I`_g:11'eL \V'.1l- lace, z1I1'ic1< I-1:111, .\Inriel Jerim-y, -Vi\`ivnne JL-ITS, E11191 Wright, Muriel Jobbiit. u.., nlnsa `Hnnn1`s--E1'nest I .l0l)l)1!t. Sr,-ooml Class H0l101`S--El`Il(`Sl \\7zu`(llv, Joseph Hayes, John }Ia,\'e;<, Dorothy Rumble, Jessie Bi.~:h0p, Gertie C1'zuV'l'01'(l, Grace .\lille1`. E1I_<.tene Doyle. Reta Quantz. Roy` Houghlon, John Weldon, Florence! ` `.ilch1'ist, Molly Powell, .\Iaisic- Cu'l)itl-\Iich0ls. n n...._ 1.-..:..1.+ Dav \rnn_~in Ul1'l)1tt-nictium. I :tss-Do1'a Knight, Ray Malkin,` .-\1'thur Watt, Ben Stilton, Leslie He .\lorris Booth, Rnl)_\' Atlmns, Chester Barr, Hollis Johnson. Rus- s el1 Stone, Lillian Keams. Jim _Ro\b- inson. Roger \ViIson, Ormu John-1 son. Gm-don Foster, S_vdne_\' Gotlrleu, Ross Richztrdson, -James LouL';l1ee(l,l I-Izu`1'y Hobley, Emerson )IcEl\vain,i EXTRA SPECIAL and Pulnps. 200 pairs of \V11itC C21m'z1s Bm)1's, Oxfm'ds, Pumps and Stl'21p.\', o\'c1'_\' size in the lot. F01'1nm' _}_.)'ri(,-Mes 'fm1n J2-`;.:')O to $-.1.:')() pr. On sale 211' $1.00 pr. 25 pairs of I11fz111ts , Childs and Misses Wllite C`z111\`as B()()T.~4, ()xf<>1'(1.< R0g111a11' v211ue;s' up m $2.75 and $3.00. On sale at $1.00 `EL pr. I `WC 1110 sole ugmlts for this well k11m\'1.1 lnuko of X-u t111'c Sllamo {\`11<>0.< 115501-t111011t in Bl-.1ck 1{1d ()xford:s', B1'0\\`11 Cult` (1)_\'fm'(1s. and CiH'1'_\' :1 good 11 s1zes, 111110 \\`1dt11;~: to every 517.0. '0 can give you F0()"L` Pz11`011`r St1'a1p:\:, 111 21 r`1l'\ \ I"11f\"I-)V'IW business baromeIe1', Lneu un: uum-| ness in and around Barrie brisk and encouraging. THE HURLBURT SHOE CO. a.a..n..n..-.- V: .v__ _ , , Childs , )[iss(>s and \V01n s Ba1'11i11g' Slmcs uf pnptllur p1`i<,-vs. Canvas Oxfords . . . .. . Canvas Straps $2.56 White Reindeer Straps White Buck Straps White,Buck Oxfords .. 'aplin Natural Tread Shoes 33-35 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. Iv-nawv v: Mrs. A. Ferris visited sick friends` in Toronto recently. Mrs. Lennox Black visited friends at Big Cedar recently. Mr. Gordon Sutherland is visit- ing fxzientls in Lynden. .\lis.s Elsie Harper of Barrie visit,- ed her parents here last week. .\Iiss )1-abel Wright of Wa1kerv'Hle is holidaying with her parents. .\liss Ethel Beellby of Barrie spent the week end with her parents. Mr. \V. Mztneer of Toronto visited his father, Sam Maneer, recently. , Mr. and .\Irs. Bert Pratt 01' To- ronto \\ ere' week end \'i'sit0rs here. ` Mr. and .\Irs. G. R. Harper and family spent the holiday in Ori1lia.. u.- xv nnmhp and Mr. H. Gram 1'an111_\' spent me n0nuu_\ 111 unum. Mr. W. Boothe and Gm)` of Toronto were week end \'is.it01's nnd \h-2 m\'m1:nn paw . Mr. and .\II'.S. Jack Hewson and family 01` Tm'nnto \vo1'e tho _<.u1esI;~: 01` .\I1`. and Mrs. Tom Howson oven the week end. .\li.<.< Carol .\`1.e\'en.=n11 of Rcn1'1'ew and .\I1'. .\1'th1n` .\`Ic\'L-Ilson of T0~ ronto are spemliuj.-; 2L couple 01 ...,.no1m u-Hh lhuir mn'nn1S. l'UHlU illk.` .31Jr;uunu,., u. \. mumhs with 111911` parents. \XVn nu-n n11 cnl`l`\' in hon months with 111911` Ddl`CI]1S. "0 are all s01`x`_\' to 110211` of the` serious operation .\I0r1e_\' Webb has 1x11 recenlly in thu R.V. Hos- pital. Bzu'1'ie. and sincorly hope for n. sail`. 1'ecm'er,\'. "1;1`.s"r1:n" m..\1u< rr\\'1n1.s l N0-HI'l` (;.-um .\'I` l`Hll4PST0.\` .~.. Gm`(lon .\Iizon, tha _\`11a,n. Tlun O'nlIr\1\viIu Ina .\tn:t,n. . The t'oll0winL' students who were; l11lilll.L'VI)ttl`lli1l second year \\'()I`l( may ente1"tl1e third _\'ez1r--Greta I-`inley, .~\:;nes Horan. The t`r)llo\vin:.: students who fail- ed on certain strhjects 111:1)` enter third form, but will have to repeat work in the subjects on wliicli Llioy tailetl in the second t`orm--Richard li`1al1et`t_v, Percy Lzimbie, Angus Ross, Elm Little, Reta Livingston. .\Ittrie1 Paddison, Jack Payne, Reta Stevenson, Doris Tuck, Charles Wallter, Marjorie Black, Jessie Butit, Grace GOI'iI1_`_`.. Such third form work as the time table m:1_v allow will be permitted these pupils. `- T`hn rnnnu-imr gnulents t'niled-~ will he p1`1n1Ite(l Tho fo1]0win:_: (`.o1` Czmnin 1C1a1'<=nce Hall, hol Lucas, Wilt` .\IcDona1(1'. -r1*..m-n1--n 1.`;1m;m '\'ei`n:1 Smyth, Ines-e ]_)U]Hlb. students L , .\Iildx'e(1 Guest. .\I:u'<:a1'ut\ King.-', Iso- rod .\I1n'ph,\', I1':mk .\[i11l1`_iCE` (`.\'n*.', .\lC.UOIl\l(|, \t=1`uu mu) iT1'eve!_vn, Eileen Gratx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.00, $2.50, $2.69 to $4.75 $2.50, $2.69, $2.98, $3.15, $3.25, $3.75, $4.50 a. pr. raps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 to $8.00 a pr. s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.75,$ 6.00 a. pr. I.) d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.75, $6.50, $8.50 :1 pr. ? STROIJD cattie, B01`- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ 09000 A. SPLENDID ASSORT- MENT OF SEASON- ABLE, WARM WEA- THER FOOTWEAR IS HERE FOR YOUR IN- SPECTION ; ALL THE NEWEST CREATIONS IN CANVAS OR BUCK, OXFORDS and STRAPS 4 06000000000000 0000000000 .uv ..-- ...._. .-._ , On Saturday afternoon the St. Andrew's junior team motored to Phelpston to play ball. The brand of ball they put up was sensati0na1,l Buster Clark not zxllowing a hit du1*in;; the whole ; The nal score was 11 to 4 in fm'o1' of St. .-\nd1'ew s, the Phelpston tallies be~ ing due to Clark's wildness, he ll- :....- chn Ix-ago: nn \vnH{R at (1-iff@I'IH. ms nome mere. .\1rs. T. A. Lawrence visited Barrie recentfy. I \11$ornn n1.-ave hacnhnll at T\'\` 1191'. Mr. Brock Jalnieson is visiting : his home here. um` '1` \ Tnmronr-n vicitpd |.Ba.r1'1e I't`(.'IlL1_V. Alliston plays baseball at Ivy on I~`1'iday, July 6. .\Iiss B. .\IcLe11an has left for her summer holidays. Miss Bessie Lennox is home for the summer vacamion. .\Iiss '1`hompso11 of Toronto is lvis1".ing her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Henry. 1 \1.- n-.n-M .Tm1nPfI s. house was Ine 51111111181` \2u:wu1'u11. Mr. David Je11net1. s house (1E`St!`O)'t`(l by re on .\Iondz1y, July on/I Ll Uh L: 2nd. \Iu zznu. l .\I1`s. (Rev.) Adams` two sisters. 01' Toroxiro spent the holiday with ,her. \Hacnc Tn1I1`n and 'Vm'n Ellis OI her. Misses Laura and Vera Ellis 0! Toronto are visiting at their home here. -- . nu..- -n T,|~ and \h- HEIU. M-1'. and .\I4rs. D. Jennett and Mr. J. C. Long spent the holiday in ` l enelz1ng._ - , ....._.u.-.. .-.......\ Ln.-r. no- 1\:uclun;.'.' _\ large number from here at.- tendod N19 celebration in Alliston on Monday. ` V` r\.. 13 T`\ C<:...n.-nu n6 "l`n- `<`4;\ I D35`. the Pnelpston Iilllles w:~ ing the bases on walks at different, times. `