Page Four '1 NOTIC!-I Notice is 11::-1` given ilhat :1 ,By-law was passed by the Council of the COl"D0l`21Li0ll of the Couniy of Siincoe on the 14th day 01' June, 1102:}, providing for the gu211'antee- ing pziyment by the County it Sim- icoe of the de.I)en\\n'es and coupons inf tho '1`0-wn 01' .-\11i;st0n {O the amount of $5,500.00 for certain ex- tensions of the \\ ute1'\v01`ks System of the Town by drilling new wells and to install 21 piiricatioii plant and (3.10 lo nialm 11-.p1iI's _:ene1`u11y lto 1h~- . ~'_\`:~Zi.L`l11. and 11111! such B_v-1zvw '\\'{1:,~ 1'~<:i. in the Re:;ist1;\' Olce for the Re_gi: Division of the ' */\ nu chm `Inah Au.- .rV.-....... r\| u the 1-.;\ 1 Notice ls hora-by :.,"i\'e11 that 11 By-law was 1)nssx- by the Council of the CO1`pO1`z1Ii0I) 01' the Counly of 1Sin1coc- on the 14th day 0-1 June, g 1022:, pro\'idin_-.; for the }.'uaranteei11:; `pu_\'1ne11I, by me County of Si11lC0(. '01 the (h>*bcnI11:`es and coupons ow`: {the Town 01` Orilliu so the amount 01' $].\',UU0.00 for pavement pu1`~ poses. and that such By-1z1.W \\'z1s |re_u'isto1'e(l in the Registr_\' Ofcc 1'01` 4|. DA" . I\I\ A6` lxn I/-xn`-.4" 1 Notice is l1rt'eh_v _Ll\'(`I'l that :1 by- lztw was passed by the Council of the C()l`p()l'Illi()ll of the County of Simcoe on the 1-tth day oat` June. 1923, pro- vi for tho gttztrztttteeitig pay- [ment by the C0tllll_\' of Sitncoe ot' the -:leh(-11tttt`e:s` and coupons of the Town of Orillia to the amount of $81,493.00 for prtvement purposes, and that such By-lrtw wzts 1'e5.:iste1'ett in the Re:.:ist1'y Office for. the Regis- try Division of the County of Sim- coe on the 20th day of June, 1923. Any motion to quash or set aside the same, or any part thereof, must be made within `three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made t.herea.ftet'. Dated the 20th day of June, 1923. J. T. Simpson, County C1(`l'k.. 11': 1| the and IJUEUE. illlll. LHHK >llUll lJ)Ii.l4\\ ilk re_:'isto1'(=(l 1110 Re'__:i:~:tr_V Division of the County '01` Simcoe 011 the 20111 day 01? June, I "l(A*)" l-I-41). .-\ny motion to quash or set aside the sumo, or any part thereof, Inust he mzuiv within three months zifter the first publication 01' this notice and cannot be nuuie Lher0a.I`1ei`. I Dzued the 20111 day of June, 1923. r J. '1`. Silnpson. i County Clerk. I 2 : .\`0'rn: [:1 !\T)'l'l(`I:} 0|" l{l`}(il>2'l l!.\TIO.\' Q1` " HY-l..\\\' 1-I979 1 dllllf, 117. .-'). .\11}' motion 10 111111511 01' set aside he $111119, 01' 1111; part 1111e1'eo1', must e 11111(1e \vit11i11 111rr-11 1n011I.11s after 110 Ii1'.-15 p111)1ic-21111111 of 1111s nolicv 1111 c11:1no1 he 11111119 I-11e1`cz1I'101'. Dated 1110 201111111)` o1`J1111e. 1925}. J. '1`. Hi111psm1. (7011m_y Clel-1:. ()i<` Rl`}(il~"I`ll.-\'I'I().\' 0|? BY-L.\\\' 1177 0|" lIl(l.\"l'E{.\ I'I()I\' 0|" l}.\'-l..\\\' H78 LL11 1\.L'5lBLA3 u 01 on the `Z0111 Pianos and Victrolas in Large Varieties Victrolas and Vlctor Records JOHN FLA H E RTY .vas born on the lth 1853. He was 01' his Imther, the lawn: having come to this verv early dz1}'s. Ix!` 1Iv11n. is nrnvl .`. S s born at Thomhill, Thirty-ve 3'ozu':~: a_::(1 .a11(1a1e, where he has In 1896 he 111a1'ric-d m f'4nu,`l~- Al? I":-\11Cnrr, u'\ 11ilL 1-3 uuw schoolho-use, nmon .5`-M001 his fzuher .I -471 ..,. 111'. Black F hu--.-, ' joined .\1iI181i`Va. Lodge at Stroud on 5 secretary during eighteen consecu- tive years. He also served as Iv.Ias- ter for the year 1899. The fratern- ity of Free and Accepted Masons also appealed to Mr. Black and he the 4th of July, 1882, where'he served as secretary for many _vez1rs, and also as treasu1'e1' during a nu111-' her of years. In all tnhe Works in which he engaged Mr. Black en-` deavored always to further their best imterests. As a friend he was true and `loyal, as a. neighbor he was most kindly, as 21 citizen he was devoted to the interests of his village, and his ari- vice was always sound and helpiful, and he was never known to betray 0. condence. Tn nnlieinn \1 .u- 111-at-1: urn: I`: r`r\n..i l1\.IA|.v ; -1.--.--..... ;. John Joseph Flaherty, 011e `of the oldest and most esteemed engineers running out of the .-\11a.nda1e term- inal, passed away at his late resi- dence, 168 B1'adfox'd St., on Frida,v 1110rnin.L. June 15. nannuco kn.-I hnnn 1'11 einr-n Incl U. l.'Uu1lu\.`1.lU\:.'. | In politics Ma`. Black was :1 Con- sorvaative, in religion 21. .\Ie1.11m1ist. and while of rather :1 reserved and retiring disposition, he enjoyed .11ix-| ing with men and h:1vin5.: social in~( tercourse with his friends and neigh-| bors. I ' \l'.. TVlnn1- `ulna nwrn-rind nn H11: UUFS. M1`. Black was ma1'1'ied on the, 19th of llarch. 1884, to Mary Len- nox of Ivy, z1nd`1eaVos two chi1d1'en to Inoum his loss, .\I1`5. Oswald` Black and \V. Lennox Black, his wife having pfedecc-zlsetl him mean`- l_\' ten _\'(`21 *. HVL I'\ 4` nl 6n,.1- ~r\`nnI\ nu fhnx H311 _\(`illS. The funeral 19th of June and was cbtlductod by his pastor, the Rev. J. S. S4tep11e11- son. who was azbly assisted by the Rev. .\Ir. Berry and the Rev. M1`. Cousins, as zulso by Rev. Mr. Sharp- tor, his former pastor, who came from Dresden to be present at the service. ~ Mr. Black was bunried in Strottd .\Iethodis't, cemetery, whm'e the Masonic Order took 011111-ge, the 'tn1e1 av1 being one of the largest that ever took place in this part of the county. took place on the` n) W. Crossland R. Wolfenden T`\.. `D nnnu~a 1J1 . .[\U;_'t:1: ......,-_. pr R. \V'01fenden ..... ...50 .15? 1-1. .-\. Goodwin . . . . . . ..5I'J 19! VV. Crossland ..... .25 23? 'E. W'i1`1iams ..... .25 22] B. _\Ia1'\\'0od .....' .25 18, Thos. Rogers .25 17! Cha.'~:. Lowe ..... 25 15 ; The Barrie Gun will slmoti at Orillia next VVe(1ne:~:duy for the: 1\:..o..:n+ Fun 5 ill. Ullulu uc. District Cup. 1:11: nan. L1V:1.\:G.=ToN-.u .\IIinesin::, on sun-i, (lay, June 17, 1923, to 311`. and' Mrs. W . N. Livingrston. :1, (laugh- . . lT)nhr.u~I'n XVinnifrn`I 1 Regular Shoot, 25 clay birds, June 20. I f`4...\....I...., Villiers Dnrvnu-o "(`.ood\vin T l\1Vvr-\ lIlUI'|ll(l5, JULIE` 1-3. Deceased had `been ill since last NO\`9Ill'bel` and for nine weeks prev- ious to his death had been conned to his bed. Mr. Flaherty was all his life a railroader and for the six years preceding this fatal illness, was the engineer on one of the regular passenger trains between Al- landalo and North Bay. His mil- way career started when he was a lad of fourteen years. First he was inesscilgor boy for the Nortllern and Northwestern R.R., then he Worked in the roundhouse, later he was :1 reman, and lastly he was promoted to the po;~:ition or engineer. The late Mr. l<`lahert_v had the distinc- tion of being the second oldest en- gineer and also the second em- ployee in the service at this term- inal. nn...-t.._,..1 mm. km... ..+ '1mm-n1.:iI 14U\VU ..... Scudamore IA` `-4 un U.\I`\l{IE GUN (.`l4I'B W. N. l41\'1llf5LUll. it (Roberta '\Vinnif1'e(1.) lllllllllt` . . . . . Extra Shunt. Chm: IEIIITHSE Musical Instruments, Small Instruments Sheet Music We Have `Only One Store ---Opposite Post Office J. G. KEENAN Entrance Crossland s Drug Store 7Il(H|lv t S1101 at B1'0k0i ~.: -2 , Jud). Deceascxl was Thornhi}I,l Ont., in 13031. he came 10 .\1la11(1a1e, since resided. he Miss Kathexine Coruly of C011ing- wood. who survives, with ve sons. John, Edwztrd, VVi11'rid, Richard and Leo, all at homo. Two brothers and three sisters are also left to mourn, .\lichaol and Patrick of Toronto, Miss Katherine of Toronto, Miss Mary of Battle Creolc, .\Iich., and Mrs. Bracken olf Toronto. {Flam 6`nnnu-nl I194-an `1n1r] nn "r\u\t`I\1l .1.) .50 .50 FRIDAY AND SATU DAY JUNE 22 - 23 BARGAINS But Special Bargains for Friday and Saturday in Sugar - Teas - Matches Campbell s Soups - { Etc. e Invite Your hlspectimn LIMITED announce their opening days The Northern Advance GIFTS T0 EVERY CHILD ACCOMPANEED BY AN ADULT : BRING THE KIDDIES All-`3. 1J1iLl.'l\U11 UL 1UlUlll.U. .I`hz- fmleral -was held on .\Iouda3' morning In St. Mary's church and (*e1x1eter\v` , . I 1 I)! 1\' IN ins Quinlz: . In:-.1 {LATE SESSION HELD 1 BY TOWN COUNCIL] I ' l:U:ll\l I. _\IcD0nz1 | Clapper . T11-7:-I: lO\V uuu 1)illLL`l'Xl. Roberts0n--I`urt1'i(lg0--'I`lml the request of L.O.L. No. -152 1'01` use of athletic grounds for celehrzttion on 121.11 of July be g1'anto(l. also that permission be g1'anlo(l to erect shreallxers, etc., they to assume all responsilbility. That (1. grant of $100 be given for the celebration. Dnhnr-f=nn_\1'i`|lov'_-'T`hnf {ha Tlnnn-ll -)1UU UU guru lU|' IIIB L'L`H`UI'illlUl|. Rohertson-Miller--That the Bomrd lof Works be asked to clean out the water table and grade up Welling- ton St. from Cltupperton to Bnyeltl. -D-'4vJ. _\. 1`-.\ and W. appearerl bL-1'()!`- the Cu nlluclczrl Hun! non-`.ni<::in Illnn. Inn in |.\lllllll|ll-,. I His \\'m'.=hip in :1 1'4-\\' \\'n1'1s I`u-- !fm`1`(`1l to Ihv loss sllsluinml by Ihc. (`()lH]l_\ and ommnmlity by Ihw p:x:<.<-l in:.: 01' Mr. Quinlan. Hluler him 1110} County \\'as frued of debt. He was never known to \\=nv1`k fm` his own personzll n(l\':111laL-;o. His life and chz11'uctm' was one we m.i:._:ht 2111 1'01-' low and pattern. 1'2nhorl=nn__T7nrh'irhrn l"h.-\ f Hm IH sln11di11:. 1-[is \\V Eferrod "- E.-1.I\II<`.S BLACK By the death on Sunday last or 311`. James Black, of the 10th cm`1~ \ ...,. 1| 'cess1ion, Innisl. Craigvule has 10.51`. one of her oldest and most esteem- rad citizens. 111'. Blue!` was Until of Novembear, Irish descent, Robert Black, this! c01111t`1`3. in its very As} :1. boy Jzmies attended what is now 1....m.m ..:- Trfnn-|I'Il'= qr-hnnilinucr-,. {UNI llnl .\Ii11e~z' ..l A uuln llllltldllull icipal .\:~:sncizu 1f1'nn nI' lhr: UL \\ U] mld SI. .- I\v\ 9+ |\.`, l.'Ull-Elu .7 I{0;~'.e St. Eztyfield St. -.. \Ir.1.' .`\HHH all UH -TL. r.-1'~B_\'1`ne--Thut request [nxtable be ;.~,m11ted. nun.` hr...-.~hl-rn "Fhnf |lI\\ H unble- uvcxu `WI. lU - .\IcI(in11on \\'0rl cons `I L` r Fun I\\ pkmlxllnnluu (\J nun: u, L July 12. I -D1'icke1'--'1hut, 1110 Board i = consider ]u_\`iu: :1 .'ide\\'z1II<% e 51. 1'mm St. `Vincent 1 m'k! M 0! i -\V2111'.\`i11 Known as 1.4('Ull':ll'llb :lLllUlH||u'Ir.'.:, and received a good common 'l'.hO0] education. He 11::-Ipod clear the farm now owned and ne- cuvpied by his brother Robert, as al- so the i':1rm on which he (lied. in early manhood he sx-.:'\'ed the town- ship as one of its councillors. and whvn the oice of Sec1'e1a1'_\'-Ti'u:.s- urer of the township \va.s (iiviried in 1809, Mr. Black wa appointed Trenstirer, which position he held until Ja11uzu`_\'. 1.02:}, when he was succeeded by his son, W. Lenuox Black. Inn n nwmhcm of vnnv`: \T1', Rlnok )H"'J. ill I I l(l_`q'L'? 1 HLIL lll loyal '1`x'uc.- Blue Lodge 1) Ld'l11iSSiOIl to hold a In .1. 10 \l11llUAl T Lllu s crmsidor _:; from Owen n nun . 10 the n-Thz1l I 31' g1".1di1\; '11 `n n \I1\ luplvtl h_\' the r.~ n .- 'zu1in u J6 on u 7 =>`in1(:o0 on i 1.'):2:`., . (`rm 0 1' 01' = R(`_Li.'\`li`)' 'Di\'i. of the County of Simcoo on -AI.. 11. Notice is hereby szivon that a B_V-]uw was passed by lzhe Council of the Corporation 01' I119 CO1ll1I_\' oi the Nth (1-.i_\'()i'J11m~.` 1u'ovidinL: for Um g1Iu1'an1eo- 111;: pziymenl by the Count_\' 0'1` Sim- I110 f_i`1)(`1lllIi`BS and coupons the Town of .\iid1:md to the zmiounl. oi` $5l},0lHJ.0() for the pur- pose 01' (`()I1SI1`HCiiI1).{ and I'uri1ishi11_: uh zulditioli to the I-Ii;:h School h11i1 in the said town, and that such 3y-luw was 1'ogis1ei'e in tho Oice for the RG_`_'.'iS1I'_V the 20111 (1:13: 01' June, 19`. .:~). .\n_\' motion to quash or set aside the : or any purl tl1oi'mi', m11: he made within three months ziifteri ohiu .~. .\..\.1.'m.o:nn nu` nniir-.~ I .\'()'l'I{ '19 x IICK. For :1 number of was enizagrerl in the nu: nu--xn nf I":-ni Notice is he1'e-by given mat a By-1 law was passed by the Council 01'. the C01`p0i'ati011 of the Count_\' OH Simcoe on the 14111 day 01? June,i ITIB3, pi'o\'i(1ing for the :.:'iia1`z1i11ee-] inc; pztymenl by the C0l11H)' of Sim-i cut) of the debentures and coupons! .r.o' 0-Ian "l`,....n AI` Innp-\(>nnnn.~hnn.. in. 'llL.`l_' UL LUV: UUIJLTJ lot the Town bl` luv` .....,....n ,.r llll.` :.ll|lUlll|L UL ized by Act of ;~:cmb1_\' entitled 1 1` n m....-.. n O` LHU .LU\VLl UL $14,000 of said pose of pu,\'in_; 0 {off the said tow: rr... .\ u` lll) unu .-\ ugum . 'Dhose pre.=ent: Brayor Little, Deputy-Ro(-\'(-s Pa.tLerson and Robert- son, Councillors` Coles, Bricker, Byrne, Lower. Miller, .\IcI\'innon, I arLrid;:o. Wallwin, Whitby, Gracey and M-.'u'sha]l. Iuncl I 1 I I I Hll` Slllll". 01' 2111) Hill ! LlH.'ll"U1, mftel` the l`n'. puhlir-ation 01` this uoticx: cmmot hr made 1xh(`1"1:1ftCl`. I.)utm! the 20th any 01' JIIIH . 192:}. J. '1`. Sixnpsnn. (,`nunt_V (Work. lHll.`| V to the holes. t`lC., on reel m. The Council will hold another inooting before the end of the month to wind up all messing business, as there will be no meetings during July and Augzust. 'l1hnan nrnet-*-nf: lravor Llttle.. ! `."n`.l\\'in -- \V'hit.hy -r That the l\\'z1ter and Li`-:ht Commission con- }sider the u(l\'isz1.bi1it_v of installing vo extra ligxhts on .\I;1r_v 91.. ex- tending 1'-rom the bay to Wellington! .<:+- , } a1't1`i(130-Rovbertson--ThzLt 1119' Board of works he asked to attend to the holes. etc., on Peel SI. rmm nmmnil win hnhl :mnH1m' Hil L'ilHJJUl Ul`! Hlil` Dated the 20th < I 1`0I' EL Ilu`ill`U:I UL _V\7cllD .u|. JJ|u\u| busliness of buy- ing giraiii at Craigvale. Being fond of social life. he joined the -Drzinge Order in December, 1870, and en- joyed the distinction of being its OF HI-Z(-'I.\"l'l{.\'I'l0.\' OI BY- l4.\\`.' 1175 HI-` I{l`I( .' l.\"l`I{.\'l'l( ).\' ()|" l'.Y-l..\ \\' 1 I76 .1 bulll 13 [UL Llllf [Ill 011'. the I10-.1tin:._" de \\'11 and $2.0(J0.0I) . 1:944` Ghuv nu. L t:l11lgLu_`.', llABHV;`l1L', sum is for the pur- nH' lhn (m..n....- mm J. t.'ucLlA|g. turn $1G,(r0. as the Leszislzxri n n " \ ni 1-nr 'lUH IH llll IIUKIKC nglzx ll1e1'0:\l'Iv1`. 1(]:1_\'0l'J11110. 19:22 .` I. '1`. Hinlpson, (`ounty (`lcrk. _ A:AuLA\ C ;\:' `.-\vt respecting 1:314: n :h.:xnn "u i.=.hem- to a111~ho1'- \,. U1 101.11 : nu-.4 OBITUARY