Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jun 1923, p. 2

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"Page Two Barrie Metor Car- Company 0)." a W. c. CRAWFORD w. FIRTH Over Simmons & C0.'s Store -Ontario Repairing Phone 229`. Monday is election day and it will come out Wright. Junex making Girls are wearing their necks lower, but they won't get any more; out of a sundae. ` If a man's head is lled with wisdom he doesn't have to use his mouth as :1 safety valve. .\Ia`n_V are prepari11g- to leave 1'01 their sumuler c0tta._L."(=s, where they can he uncou1L'o1`Lab1e away from 1: rnnn lfilll `III: home. By looking wise and keeping his mouth shut, -many :1 man has been able to pass through life as the real thing. HUI \:v\.A Drury `Go roads, the) joy roads. w1`1u\l: _\Ull I;-vcx uuu.~ some people are will` money, but, when put position how generous 1 other people's money. The Drnry Gover11me11t has wasted` over $1,000,000 of the putbl-ic mo11e,v in the emp10_\'ment of 1a\Vye1's, judges, commissions and individual experts to do work that should have been pe111'orme(1 `by the ministers in chau1'ge of L1if1'e1`c-11( (lepzwtnlents. Vision you will suffer from Ipert`on`1n."Lnce p1'0c1'ast.inz1- tion. If your eyes smart or burn and refuse at times to -properly focus on near or dis- tant objects you should have them tested at once by an optometrist who is competent to prescriibe remedial lenses 1501` their peculiar sl1oi"tco1n; ings. Such a serv`ice you can get here at moderate cost. IF YOU do not enjoy clear - ( I`wo lives were siiuffed out with-l. in the last week in this vicinity as the result of motor car accidents. '9 are not saying who was to blame, the victims or the motorists, but there are too Inuny motoristsl, with liigh speed cars who think H163" must, cover the ground 21 little faster than their neigl1b01's. It is safe to say that n.'met;' per cent. 01' the motor czar accidents on coum._\'| l`Oil(.lS are caused by speeding. Thel v u I v 1.:-H rula ic urn:-t,h nhaprv-l The selection of J). H. Coleman, Reeve of Innisl, as County Treas- urer, will meet with the approvzill of most `people. Mr. C-olenmn is ufamiliar with every phase of County affairs and will nialie a W- )l`I.h_V suc- cessor to the late Treasurer, ;\Ir. Quinlan. As chairinzin of the Roadsl land Bridges Committee in County Council for the last four years, Mr. Coleman has deinonstrated his abil- ity as a man of sound judgment. -With the change in the personnel of the County Co-uncil every _\'e'.tr, Mr. Cole1nan will be able to render valu- `ztble assistance to the 1e:.:i;~:lz1to.;*s. He is `El, man 01' lilieuble disposition and high l(l.l'Z1lS, (iuzililies that are xessentiztl in such a. position. ` 1`Oil(.1S are CElLlSt (l U) bpt't.'\Hu5. ;uc: safety Iirst rule is \vo1'1.11 observ- ing by all car (1ri\'m's. You can t argue with 21. dead child or 11. dead? man, but you can be czineful to-day,' and every day. | `Have you ever noticed how tight Ps nnn.n1a urn uriih their 0\v]] The wealcness of Mr. claim that his `.\Ii11i.=:.te1' of .\g1'ic ture, the Hon. .\[a1111i11g Doherty, `\r\ ,...mnam1 urifh Hun EIIPPPSS its Drur` ttntre, the Hon. .\tan11t11g 1JUIlt.`ll_\, I: `to be credited with the sttccesstttl issue ot' the a_L:itatio11 for the re- moval of the British cattle enthargo, \\':ts demonstrated -by the fact that in order to make out a case the Premier found it necessary to stip- press two important items. He told of how Mr. Doherty had gone over- seas and interested prominent British pnbiic men in the subject, and it is possible that his activity in this direction may have had some et'1'ect. but while Mr. Drnry men- tioned that Mr. Dohert_v's proposed propar4anda was criticized in the Le:i;~:1atur(- as an improper interfer- enee in British politics, he did not add that this ctiticisni proved to be entirely justified, for it drew from -.`.lr. Lloyd George hintsett` such 11 rebuke as had never `before `been ad- ministered to El Canadian Minister 01' the Crown. It is plain, there- fore, that as far as the British tovernment was conce-med, -.\Ir. Do- hc-rt_\*'s visit was ili judged, and was calculated to do harm rather than good. Nor did Mr. Drury tell .his Orillia audience that in the end the detern1inin_; factor in brin:._:in}.; about the removal of the enrhar5.:o -wasa promise which Sir Robert Bordt-n had got front the British <.\'linister oi .\:.-;1'icttttt1re during the course of the war. \Vhen the British press and people learned that this prom- hurl moon given their interest, in I Gun D (1 u D I 1 u ftlltl DOODIQ lC{1l'I`l(. (l LHEIL tum plum- isw had timon givmi their intorost the etnhzirgo question was zwousotl, and there was it strnn_<.: which in the end prevailed, that the promise should be made good. This was chzu'acteristicn11y British, and in the face (if -such an example of `public good t`ait.h, the Premic-.1` of Ontario should be too big 21. man to tell a half truth in order to score :1 political point in the hope that his zmdience is not fami1i.'u' with the other half.---0i~il1ia. Packet. On Monday next. the electors of Omario will be `called on to elect 111 memlaers to the Legislature. There are three distinct groups to form :1 G~overnment,s, the Conserva- tives. headed by Hon. G. Howard Ferlzuson; the Liberals, headed by `Wellington Hay, and the U.F.O.. headed by Hon. E. C. Drury. Be- sides these three, Label` and Inde- pendents will have a small follow- nap: Iuc brides and politicians a1'e`jo'rity. every day co-unt just now. not be parent every t1011a.r spent by the ` Government on township they have expended $600 on unis: BARRIE S BEST LAUNDRY I10l.H:L`u uuw llhul with their into a public :'ous they are with n An!" D1`ury`s Agricul- \_.\..... ing. _During the last four years the U.F.O., he-q.ded by Hon. E. C. Drury, has been czurrying on without a ma- .-,...m. ;n fhn \Innsr=, That there has `has been carrying on wuuum it ma- jority .in the Mouse. That been staple govewnment is ap- parent to all. The U.F.O. secured the largest following of any of the [groups i11 1919 on the cry of extra- vagance o,f t.he previous governments. `Awfter the war things were disor- ganized and many were dissatised and welcomed :1 change of some kind. The Druury Governilient got 3. chance to make good, but what do nd um n+ tha rsnrl nf nearlv f0l1v1` heLL/lU\El' I1 [.\~-'ot' two 1: {gt admi1'(>1' dggone in 153 sheep an always 12 p.:`om0tio roads an he is an , Conservu . South Si 1s . _,,_,;t1on and 111, as- val 1 we uu ul. tin: Cuu UL u..u..,- ...\.. years. Instead of econonrizing, there never was a Government in Ontario that has been so ex-tr."-.va- gant. The ordinary expenditures have nearly doubled and the debt ot` the Province has more than doubled. The Drury Government claims that much of this increased debt and ex- penditures was the result 01` 11nder~ tal by the previous 3.rovernment. but the thousands OE dollars paid to 1E1\V}'(`,l`S and cqtuntissions for work that should have nheen done by the tui1ristet's theinsclves cannot be cl1a1'gecl to the previous govermuont. The public accounts show that the Dru::`_v Gorernnlcnt has levied direct taxation of $5,850,000 upon the counties ot` Ontario by reason ot` the Biggs` hi.:l1wa_v scheme. This means a tax of nearly one dollar on every acre of cleared land in Ontario. The nuinber or civil servants in the Province have been nearly douibled since 1919. .\l1t0ln()`hi1( S have been purchased -by the score for ministers and their assistants. Many who sttpaported the U.l-`.0. in 1919 have been badly disappointed and are now anxious to see a. staple govern- ment in power again. It is generally conceded that the `Conser\'ati\'e party will have the largest follow- ing, if not a clear majority, after the election. .\lan_V who have had liberal leanings in the past are sup- porting: the Conser\'ati\'es at this velcction because they want to see :1 afrain. Tlmre is governntent in stable _zo\'ernment no place for class Ontario. We want all classes repre- sented, farnwrs, nterchants. profes- sional and labor, but any one class: cannot legislate for all. et ll `has been Chairnmn of ' County -`_-'.UllL' 111 MM 3uuLL.uuLu.:, u_u-.uu and Yorksliire pigs. He has taken a keen interest in the pmotnotion of better stock, good and education. In religion an Anglican, in politics :1 Cotiservntive, being; Sect-eta'.'y oi thei Simcoe Conservative Associn-, tion Vice-President of the local .-\SSOCllti0Il. He is President of the Cooltstown Ag1'ict1lt11ral Society and an oflrcer in many of the local as- . local ledge .-\.I". & .-'\.v_\I., and a` nieniber ot` B211.'ie Lodge of Perfec- tion, Scottish Rite. Clover Hill L.O.L. and Cookstown R.B.P. Mr. Coleman started his munici- pal career in 1913, serving two` years as councillor, ve _\'ea1's as dep11t_\'-ree\'e and has been 1'eevc- oi lnnisl for the last {our _\'ears. He the Roads Bl`lilL7(`S Committee in the Council for the past five On .=.e\`ei`al occasions he has hiuncnlt` and .....,...`l on n('t>'nv- nun. He is :1 tnotnber of the `lTHE NE\\' (`01`.\"l'Y 'J`I`.E.~\Sl'l}lvl|{i1 ` .\Ir. D. Henry Coleman, who has [been appointed County Treasurer, was born in the year 1877 on the; fzmtn which he now occupies near C00l and which was occu- piml by his g1'um1l'a1he1'. In 1909_ I119 n1ux`1`ied Mi3s`.\Iuude (`-1`-.1I1zu11 01' ;C10\`e1` Hill, and there is a fzunily `of boy:~:. M1". Coleman is an `ad1ni1'01' of good stock and he has} Qgone for Shorthorns, Oxfordi I..1`m-W` ....,1 \'rn-I-:~1\h~n nwyu T-In hruc 1\.4ULll1l_\ puuuuu L111 ...., 1,... ...\. gyezlrs. .=.e\ e1`a1 hasi Bbeen pressed to offer himself as a! {candidate for me \Va1'den s chz1i1'.`\ lbut, always retired in favor of some` `other member. Had he remained ins a member he would doubtless be ithe Warden for 1924. \1\- r`n1nn1'|n E nnnninhnnni it LEM 31905.; `,lll(:` \V'd.l'llBll LUL 10.21. M1`. Coleman's appointment, is nopulm` among the nlembers of the County Council, and his know1ed_'.:n of the needs of the Cmmty will `wake him :1. valuable nlhcial. ` 1"m'1'.':e Penetang , Flos . . . Sunnidule Tiny . . . . . Vespra Innisl ..... \V. `.\vi11im~bu1`y. '1`ecumseI11 Adjalzt Bm->1(n1 ... ` I`.rz1(H'n:`d Tottenham C611i11g\voo(l I` 1-nnvn nra \J|L`L`llllllE` . . Stuynel` Tossorontio . Aliiston Nottzuvasaga. Essa. . . . . . . OriH.izL .\na1ana' '. ' Coldwater . . Vic. Harbor Pt. McNioo1 Orillia. 'Dwp. Medonte Oro . . . . . 'I`ay . . . . .. Matchedash Total Totals I [*}(`- l`l0.`a' FIG l'Rl-IS. 191.`) Total Phone 616. - Five Points; Laundry called for ' and delivered Prices reasonable VV0rkmanship guaranteed on all fun1iIv xvashimr Total (`Ont re Simcoc South Simcnc 'I'V,_ , ..~ \\'est Simcno . 1 East Shncoe Anderson Hartt Johnst on ...1011 434 81 )1` .. 144 31.. 32 p... 307 .. .. 203 390 160 h ... 11 1343 812 171 187 117 705 405 263 473 104 1240 1398 29 234 117 385 502 695 422 41 The J Nort11er11_ Advance .2773 04 11 1\Iu1'(1ock Sin1ps0n~ 920 214M 889 '44:`. 0"`? 11.. Barrie store hone 125 Allandale store phone 770. Anan Baker 1849 1097 209 114 215 25G 351 243 446 223 771 1085 649 579 .-H90 $77 tnog1I1f; ilu aupies 513.50 COIIIGII on bui `.1`z111a111 A11 is nay, 111331 years, \nrl ha 119:1-.. H I 4580 11 has Oxford He has! .4 `'11 mm! 3605 5063 A1 `cw :-_..-`_ Office and Showrooms, Wells Block, Owen S: J. W. MCCUTCHEON, Manager OOOOOQOOOOOGOOOOOOOO If I Telephone 78 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOQOQOOQOOOOOQOOOOOQOOOOO Barrie I`.\'Sl'R;\N(`E OX (_`0l'.\"l,`Y l}L'ILDl.\'(.`-S OF $l(i3,10() His Honor Judge Vance, at the County Council on Friday, present- ed :1 very cotnprehensive repozt on the insurance carried on the County buildings. With the late Tt1'eas111'e1', tJudge Vance was appointed a com- mittee to 1'e-adjt1st the insurance on all the buildings. This entailed much work on the part of His Honor ` `the .Iud5._:0 and the County is much indebted to him `for this work. The insurance on the. County _ Buildings now totals $163,100, as ` follows: Court House, $72,1_)t)0 on ; building and $,`.3,000 on contents; , House of Refuge, $47,000 on build- gting and $22,100 on contents; Gaol, r $12,500 on building and $1,500 on - contents; Children's Shelter, .$4,000 ) bniltlins, and $1,000 on contentss. ` the policies are dated from \ 1-1. 1023, and run for three 3 This was thought advisable F as it enables the T'I`88.Sll!`el` to keep better o\'e1'si:.;ht of same. It is the opinion of the connnittee that the t T1'easu1'e1' should the ordezed and em~ (1 poxvered to l-:ee1) this insurance ef- fective in the way in which the com- ntiittee h'.t\'e placed it. and to that elend it is` 1'eco1nn1en that the fol- l'1lowinL_: rules and re<.:ulations he `I adopted as 21, 'means of giving the 9` Treasurer the necessary autho1'it;\': d 4- -u . .x.- n ~nn- 'l`vnnL`l11`D1` `keep the dit`t`erent properties belong- `pcrt to _the June meeting each year . . J1 inewec" on the outside 111 red ztuuii 1 1 4 I Llcuaxuun nu. `\-\(`Z (1) That the County 'I`reasurer be he.t'el)y autltorizetl and ordered to ing to the County insured to the same extent and in the same way that the insurance has been effected in the within report and schedule. (2) That the T1'i1.SLll`(?l` shall re- the insurance that is in \t'orce, and at the January meeting he shall alsol report any suggestion he ltas and get the sanction of the Council. (3) That renewal receipts be at- tached to the proper policies each year and the policies n1:tt'ketl re- interim receipts and expired policies; the (l8Sll 0_\'0(l from time to time. (4) That :1 book he kept, to bel zt.pproVed of. giving complete -record n` in:H.1".1'nf'(-. of insu.:':1nce. (5) That the in.=u1':1nce policies be kept in order, that the Court` House `in one packer, House of Re-`. Gaol in z1m)the1','; fur_'e in another, Shelter in another and bonds in an-* other. ` mm \nx' AP Human vnlnf< mn\' he`. Cl]. .\ vote of thanks was Judgre Vance for the \'er_\' u report he presented and for in connection with the policies. i (IS) Any of these Ch21I1`__(C`(1 at any time cil. \ 1-nirn rd Hv.-nnk: `DIVISION ON GR.\N'l` TO .\'.\TlON.\l. .\'.\\'I'I`:\RIl'.\l `$1H,I;)l) .\t the Jann:11`y sessioii oi` the County Council in 1f1`32. :1 grant of was mzuio to the Nnon-.11 `.' at (}i'i1\'f`Iih1Ii`Sl. $5,000 was paid in 1922. and 95.000 to he paid in 192.`-:. with 1mm_\ new mom in the Council IhiS ,\'e:1r z`no1'e h21:~: 110011 consider:1hic- walk/of not pay- inr.-; the $:'>,|)fH) this _\'c-211'. \\r`hcn the i~`inzmc~ Commiltoo i)i'0li`_{hY in its mpoi-I i`E`(.`0l11iii0i1(iiI1_'_{ ihui the _`.,"i`I\l1i he paid, there was objection lakoii and :1 Vote on the qu<:~:Iion was C2111- od for. The motion to pay the grant cmri-i<--(1 by 30 to 143. , '1`hose voting: for were: Allan. Basselt, Boyd. vBrandon, Coleman, Coombs, Davis, `Devlin. Fisher \V., Goodeve, I-Ianly. Jackson, Knupp. Lambert, Lovoring, Moore, .\1'c.Du1'f, .\IcLezm, Patterson, Rankin. Robert- son, -Rowe, Sullivan, Taylor, 'Dhomp- son, \Va1-ker. Webb, \Viliizuns, Wil- son A. 1-1., Wilson J. Against,-~Ber!Z. Campbell, Carson, Coiiglilin, Denney, Fleming, Gooden, Jzwdine, Jebib, Jermey, Lumsden, Overend, Reynolds, Spicher, Steph- ens, Train. I I I Some rules of health : Drink `less --breathe more. Eat 1ess-chew _109 Elizabeth Street. more. Clothe 1ess-=b:Lthe more. : R` Ride less---wall: more. Sit 1ess-- ................ . OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dxg more. \V0r1`y 1ess-<\v0rk more. .. ...... 6 ....' `X ' ' ::----- Waste less gwe more. Write less ...,.,.1 nun)": I :-mu:-}1 1e.=.s----m`I1CtiC HA-_ 4.- Lanai omnonlunvo n-I fha.-I[',y`:". ED` BRYSON S Confectionery 1ess--give wrne I85: -1`ead more. Preach 1ess--practice 11]0l'. iook with Gas -- Clean, Cheap, Quick, Convenient See our stock of Gas Heaters Barrie C:a:sn.C9r?2Pan Md rl-`n1nv\`/\ n91 0 tendered! complete ad his work | insurance; rules n1z1_\' be` by the Coun- L .\.';1t,iom11 :, .000 hou {hi its .:','1'a11t lion 1 1 Fisher n, e. McDul`f, in. or, I`homp~ iums, 91l, pg, 1er, Lthe Water Heater Gas Stove :OOOOOOOO6000OOOOO0OOOO60000OO0OOOO~8000OOO0O60vOOOOO60: Points V l 9 Send 1 he Advance to alzsent members of thefamily- Ladies and Gents Tailoring Strictly tailor-nmdc clothes. made from the best material pm able, at the lowest pns.-eile prices. Cut and made in the 1` styles 01' the season in our own workshop by expert wor: SPECIAL .-XTTENTION \\'1LL BE PAID TO LA-DIES T.-\ILOR1.\'G. _.._. ..4..1.. 1-1-`I1 v1-c~`1 Alg We have opened up for 13115111093 and are now ready to take care of all orders. procur- latest workmen. ,_ __... T..-`-\ mm 1- AT\Y1'3LVv '1';\114Un.1.\ u. \ We will make up your own cloth in `any style you wish. Also all repairs and alterations done re-asonaably. A trial order will be appreciatetl \ 37 Dunlop Street. ECLOTI-IE5; Dry-Cleaned and Pressed THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLANT 1' OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Goods Called for and Delivered Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention If you have a pmblem of power or transporta- tion bring it tn us. There is a Fwd Gr an a&apia- "tien cf a Fwd feta? evwy purpasev Dyeing 7o ' NOTES AND COMMENTS . .` - .1,_ 1..-; r.~.... V-nnva ch

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