Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 May 1923, p. 7

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Plczlding guilty to manslaughter, A. J. Dunn, Toronto, slayer of Annie Fields, was sentenced to 15 years imprisonnlent. Dnmnu .\Iiniu1'm' nf Hip-hxvnvg W. . ll1l[J1`lS0l1lllI1[. Deputy Minister of Highways W. A. ).i:1cl.ean makes important an- uoiuicuvaents before annual meeting 01` Motor Truck Owners Association. > u.I'I`lYS2l\AV UL AVLULUY .Ll.`uUK UVVuL`.l'5 nztsuuxauuu. SATURDAY. Toronto Leafs win from Syracuse Stars, 4 to 2. rru. ... ;-\.-.nnl~n uncrnv-rnnzy nnnriitinn mars, 1 LO 2. _ Fears increase regarding condition of Prunlier Bouar Law. ruin-. ..|' Oh \.\ry.-uh. (`nun-n1 DH1 01 y1'en11e1' uuuar LEHV. Lake 01' the Woods Control Bill intro `.'1ced in Commons. .\'.nu Vm-1: nntl Phiinrlplnlmin win 1-\l1l`~`l'H:iJ.Il .L4uague guuws. Lineman electrucuted at Exeter when wires become crossed. II,-Hhsh Nliueinn -11 \/iucnnur nnr-he lH'.I'L`HlCUl.l ll) L,umu1uu:s. New York and Philzxdelphia win A111`31`iC'.!.I1 League games. Linmnnn (Alt-rIn'nm11(=r] nf T71x(=.?e1` x Wlltlll \\ l1'b'S UEUUHIB cruascu. Bz'iLish Mission at Moscow packs up ready to leave for Riga. Hm-nnvnl nl thzz raffle a-mhnrirn 11:15 up ruuuy LU .lBil\'B l.Ul' .l:tl=',i.l.. Removal of the cattle enmurgo has raised prices for Cu11zL(1i:m farmers. l`x'uuce will send 20,000 Iuore troops. to Ruhr and increase severi- u in, LUIS. seventy-six victims of re in coun- try schoolhouse at Uleve-laud, South U-urulilxu. Proms of the Tuckett Tobacco |Con1p21l)y for the last scal year at in 2212 29 E1iza.bet.h Street. L.um1uu1y $250,313. {Wu}-uwin AL`|),OJ.o. Ontario Bowling Association to hem aunuztl Loucllameut. in Hamilton this year. I (`.::=:;> nf <:nsr:n- lwm m`n\w>r< hanrzl \4UUll11UHb. Gc1'u1a11 Monarchists contemplate raid on Russia. to ovc1't1u'o\v soviet Government. 'l`h-mu. '1`nnnntn Hn1>c< nvnnn-ivnonlinrr 1 | HHS ) BU.l'. Case of sugar beet growers heard by Agricultuml Committee, House of (fnnnlnnnc I lJUV\. 1'I1UlUHL. Three Toronto boys cxpe1'iu1enting with cl1en1i..ls are severely injured in explosion. ,T:umnimu f`\:n- Inc: nf (`.:\nnrIinn mnr- Ill \:.\y1u1uu. Jamaica fear loss of Canadian mar- ket for sugmowiugg to repeal of anti- du1upi11g clauses. Steady sl1'v3zu11 of selected immi- grants from Old Country will ease 1'zu'm help situation in Ontario. Hnhv Mzn-I: whirr: wifsx m` I`m'm1fn lilflll llUl}_) .S1Ltl'Ll.llUl H1 UllLiLl'lU. Ruby Mark, white, wife 01' Toronto Chix:-uuzm, found lying in :1 room suf- 1'c`1'mg from escaping gas and effect ni (]H`_"Q ll; LIED. Convicted of mzmslaughter, Luigi Comte, of Toronto, u1'ivcr 01' motor truck which killed Benny Poster, sen- tenced to twu years in penitentiztry. Prunliuv I(in:v tmitamau Pu!-Iinnlnnf U.`HLZL`u LU L\`v'U _\'l':'dl'5 lll pLfI1ll.t5HLl2lJ'y. Preuiier King declares Parliament will not be bound by B.N.A. Act. wlien humrui rights are concerned, discuss- ing attitude of British Columbia Paper Coiupzmy toward employes. MONDAY. Philadelphia Athleucs score sixth straight win. . New York lengtliens lead in Na.- Lionzil League. CE~;`u1encezu1 declines nomination as Frc-11011 Senator. Tlnu-awful nu,-nn:l luv Qn'J(rv--1n\ un'n_ l`lt'llCll DCHill.Ul. Fl0\\'e:l'ul, owned by Seagraln, win- 11.-1` ul` King's Plate. First round of Continental Cricket Cup series is played. Lu-ufs win two ganies from Sy1'u-. cusu and are in third position. Innnense c1`0\'.'ds attend l{ing s Plate LLL Woodbine, Toronto. sir Ada-in Beck hints he may re- enter politics to protect Hydro. Uurzon or Baldwin leading names in London as successors to Law. Haniilion constable tackles man who 11:13 111111 c0v<:red with revolver. loreig11 captives in sluuitung urg- ing Lliu.L rcscue force be \viLl1d1'u\vn. nu l_\:urn--:l.n.-- `r\ll \i73v-\`nI\ Drs. Burns 1' v..b.. u.,,....., ... ,........... withdl Weston, Riversides and win opening O.A.L.A. senior 1 I J45. A. cutto, `well-lmown ' uvh..lr;_ in nun!-nl\nI\f rligm in `H L\.2i`.;L1L(). Umul left alone in house at Toron- Lu, plaiys with iiiutclies and sets build- ing illll``. ` Uiii1d1'cn's Memorial Hospital - murcud by 1.0.D.E., ill[Ol'l.llillly open- ed at. London. l2l..\u1: nu-. y-in nil `\|'rn1i1(.h-1 n Fznu CC 111. LOIIUUII. Blr.-:11: prairie of .\Ianilo!Ju :1 few yr.-urs uga now has uDDi.-U.1'iJ.l1CC of Old Ontawio settlenn.-11:, i-`.'cn1iux' Andrew Donal` Law re- .a_i;;:1s ollicu as head of British Govern- .nt=:nt owing to health. Both bcuchvs and other summer resoris do 1'u;u'ing lmsin-.53" on llrst ,;pri11g-like wr-.~ek-end. Police have lively chase after Ir- ving Soltz. clmrttgc-d with reckless dri\'in,=;', after Lorne McKee is thrown ix-gnu car and injured at Toronto. ` nu il\V1l. Mimico 1' games. :1 Toronto MonL1'ea.l. u in 111121) nu-n\n)'.uL)|\l L his . Int Brass which ha/s become discolor- ed should be rulbbed with boilling vinegar to which a. little water has been added. Qlinnm nF nivf hvnnri anvnnrl ru-n- UUBLI aw-ueu. Slices of nut broad, spread pre- ferra.b1y witlh sweet ('unsaI`ted) but- ter, make a. penfect z1cco111panimen~t for the we`11-b1'e\ve.d, 2f-rag1'an~t cup of tea. `H-` n uvh-a 1>ann.1: in con.-n nu l`1n Ltil. If a wire hook is sewn on the clothespin bag it can be hooked on the wash line and pushed along in front of you when you hang out n1 nfh on U1UlHE:`pl1l UZl`a clothes. T l' `vnn It ran v-nn clothes. It` your porcelain sink or bath tub gets :1 yellow n1zu`k from constant (lri-pping of water, the spot will dis- appear i-mmediately if rubbed with pumice stone. When buying enamel ware inquire as to the number of coats. The best variety of white enamel ware has `tliree coats. The cheaper ware has only one additional coznt and there- fore chips 1`ea.(l'ily. Hang np wool blankets without \\'rin:.:ing them. They n1ay take :1 little longer to dry, but will keep their slmpe much better. \Vhe11 the top dries, 1'eve1`se the blanket and the process will not be so lengthy. As you disc.o\-'e1' things tlmt need mending when ironing, why not put _them in a certziin section of the rack so they can be carried right to the mending basltet without further sorting. Mint qnnnn nnn hr: lcnnf f`m' n lmig Bull Dog Sole Leather SUl'LlIlg. Mint sauce can be kept for 1. long time in a tightly covered jar. To make it, (`hop :1 handful of fresh mint leaves, pouring on a quarter of :1 cupful or sugar and half a. cup- ful orf vilxegzar. f'I"hn 1\n:vQ- nhnP:- in #11:: urr\I'1(1 urn [U1 0/]. \"lllL`;. ,dl'. The best chefs in the world are particular about measuring the in- :;1'e.diems usetl-beca11se they knouw that the only way they will keep up :1 high and unii'onn1 stamlard is through almost scientic precision. To take the wrinkles out of a cloth suit and give it 11 fresh look. hang it over a line in the bd;thl`O0lll, close all doors and windows and turn on the hot water. Let it run until the room is lled with steam. Leave the clothes hanging in this vapor for two hours then open the room and let the ;:a1'111ents dry in the fresh air. You will be pleased at the renovation from this simple pro- not: (JESS. Steam Apple D11111.pii11gs-To make steamed apple dumplings pare, quar- ter and core :1 dozen good sized apples and place in :1 buttered pud- ding dish. Make a biscuit crust, roll tuhree-foiirtlis 01` an inch thick, put on the top of the apples, place in a steamer over a kettle of hot water and steam an hour and a halt`. Serve with a spice liquid an nnn A11spiceCake--Three eggs, one and one hall` cups sugar, one.ha1t' cup bu`t`!e1', or other shortening. one- half cup milk, one-hz1.11 cuvp warm water, uvo teas=poons baking powder. one-half teaspoon soda, one teu- spoon cloves, one teaspoon nutmeg, one teaspoon of cinn-a.1n-on, one cup- misins, one cup of Eng-lish walnuts, thre cups 0:!` our. Bake one hour in lnloderade oven. Plum Ro1i-~SifL one tens-poo111`u] of baking powd'e1' and one-half tea- spoonhll 01' szxlt into two cups of flour. Rub in two tzwlespoonfuls of bmtor, then add enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll out. sp1'ink1e with one cup Oaf chopped citron, one cup of seeded raisins and :1 half cup of walnut 11m1`s, dredge with cinnamon, roll up and steam for one-hall` hour. Serve hot with hard sz1uCe.' H111-L LU) lllULll-S `(LIB H1 Llllilll. 1)lLl.`:'|l well. Boil some Ilaxseed, then dip {L cloth in the solution and wipe L110 furs with this Ilgh) . This will make the furs look nearlty as bright as new. \Vl'D it lump of czunphor in a cloth {ind place it with the furs. Wrz1.p the furs in `:1 n0\\'sp;pe1' that is without holes or breaks, or in 21 paper lmg. Paste {the e(l_:es to- gether securely, or the fttrs ntzzy be placed loosely in -.1. box. T`]|ilI{,`,`S Other \'\"omcn Know Lace that is not too lmdly soiled can be cleaned with fine outnteul. Sill: stockings should be wasslted after each wearing to insure dur- n'hi'|Hv .\IZ1l`Shlll1lllO\V' Cal(e-Bez1t one~hzLlf cup of butter to a cream; gradually heat in one cupfnl of Sllf. .`dI', then the beaten _\'oll-:s of Lhree eggs. Sim t();.;e-llie1' one and one-half eupfnls of flour and `(L level tezL;~:poonl.'nl oil` baking powder, add to the first mi.\'- Iure alternately with one-half cup of milk and zx te-a.spoonl'ul of vanilla. il.'iil}', beat in the whites of two E*f{._ , S, l)ez1.1en dry. Bake in two- layer cake pans. Put 1.of;etliex' with chocolate icing and decorate with toasted 11ia1`slmmilo\\'s. Pamdise P\1d(ling Take one- quurter pound blanched almonds, one dozen ni:L1'sl11nullo\vs, one dozen candied elierries, one-half dozen ll1aC\l'0Ol1S. Cut these fine and stand aside in a cool place. To .1 pacliage of lemon jelly add a pint. of boiling waiter, and when cold set the dish ..a nnlrl unndnu and ...|\n On an mind \\d,lL'l, 'Lllll,l Wlllll UUJU DUI. LHU Lllbll in cold water and whip to consist- ency of whipped cream, then told in one cu-pful 01' vrhipped c1'ea,n1, the cut fruit and one-qna1`te1' cuxzaful of turn innto :1 square pan and set, it in :1 cold place to hardc-n. Se1'\'e in slices. Will serve twelve (\vI V13 nwn Hang the 1 several days, hezuting and that no mot! s tin (`nun 011 Ch zLu1u1_y. Lise 21 fork \\'hr;~.11 cremning butter and sugar, and the process will be h-a.s`t en ed. Q.-noun uvhh-nun/1 nu-nnnx run Man On. IS THE HIGHEST PRICED SOLE LEA- THER ON THE MARKET. GUARAN- TEED TO OUTWEAR ANY ORDINARY LEATHER. VVE USE IT `TO REPAIR YOUR HARD WORK SHOES OR FINE SHOES. ill I k:`l' Lu ability. 'l':n z Hilbllfllkfkl. Serve whipped cream on the to- mato bouillon. ; Don t expect low prices for vege- tables out of season. f`nI`i'nn c-hnnhl hn an-nnnr'l nnhv nun.-I- l'cl|)H;`.S (JUL ()1 EBEISUII. Coffee should be ground only mod- erately ne for the percomtoi`. l"u-\~ nnhnnu inqfnnrl nF r-innnunnn Uli|LU|_\r 1111!: LU! [H3 LJCLCUIHLUI. Try nutmeg instead of cinnamon in the apple sauce and see if you do not like the change. Buy medicines in small quantities, as some lose their strengm and others grow st1'o11ge1` through keep- ing. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Puck LHU lllfh UHL U1 LIIU bull LU] then give them a good shaking up to be sure moths are in them. Brus:- h `In?! r-r\\\\n nvnnn I`\r.I\ din furs out in the sun for w O-hnn :n'n.-\ fin.-an n nrnnl Furs with Cure `The Ontario Provincial Elections, 1923 For Fifteen Years the Only Up-to-Date Shoe Repairer in Barrie Notice of Sittings of Revising Omcers of the Municipalities herein- n,ft.er mentioned in the County of Simcoe. TAKE NOTICE that the Sittings of the Revising Ofcers for the pur- pose of hearing complaints or an- peals with regard to the Voters Lists to be used at the Election of Members of the Legislative Assen- bly for the Province of Ontario nmv pending will be held at the follow- ing times and places, namely: For all the Town of `I! J 1)I}I I4` .I.`l l' llvll LIIU J\J\\ll UL BARVRIE ON Z\IOND.\Y, the -1111 day of June, 1923, at 11 o'clock a.m., in the Court Room, B.'u'x*ie. Judge Vance will be Revising Omcer and his Clerk will be A. \V. Smith, 'I`0\vn Clerk, whose acldress is Ba1'1'ie, Ont. 1` ~.. .. VI` For all the J`o\\'nship of \'h}Sl 1L\ ON SATURDAY, the 2nd day of June, 1923, at 11 o'clock a.m., in the Court Room in the Court House, Barrie. Judge Vance will he Re- vising Oicer and his Clerk will be A. B. Coulis, Township Clerk, whose address is Barrie, Ont. For ull tho ,".l`0u'nship of l.\'.\'lSl`lL ON MONDAY, the 2`$th day of May, 1923, at 10.30 o'clock a.m.. in the O1`an:._,"e Hall, Stroud. Judge Wisnier will be Revising Ofllccr and his Clerk will be R. M. .`.lcConkey, I Township Clerk, whose address is Stroud, Ont. Amh 1MYn'n1.TT.D 'r`.\ 1611`. T\Y(\"l`I(.`lF. 1\1V1J 1`l.r1\J.'L'.I.J.un. 1.'\I\l_l nu11.uuu that any Voter who desires to coin- plain that his name or the name of any person entitled to he entered on the said List has been omitted from the swine or that the names at any persons who are not entitled to he voters have been entered thereon may not later than 011 or before the fourth day before the day fixed for the hearing of the appeals apply, dihgggin or appeal to have his name or tii"e""*-n:1`i11e 01 any other person. entered on or removed from the list. Axrh IFYTDTITWD 'r`.\1(1. Nn'I`I(`.Tn`. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such z1ppea1s_ must be by writ- ing in the prescribed form signed by the complainant in duplicate and rrivon in nu: r`.1m~k of the Revising by the cO11l`p1a111z1111. 111 u11p11L:uLu uuu given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer 01' left for 111111 at his place of business at his address as stated above. Ann vnnmurrre 'r`.\1{T<`. NOTICE znbove. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where more names than one are contained in the said notice all in the same polling; sub-division should be grouped t0_g'ethe1'. G. M. V.-\XCE. rn...:......... no` H... l.`,lnnHnn I1...-:1 I "DATED May, .A L1`0ll(1, UI1[. AND I<`UR 1`I-IER T_\I\'E NOTICE I`..+ .-nu. Vrnlnu uvhn An;-Inna fn nnrn_ Two Doors \Vcst of B011 Telo}>honc Office. LVETALETY 3 MAKE NO MISTAKE i .3 .% i TEE RED CROSS \ OF ONTARIO asks the generous people of Ontario to come to the help of an Ontario town. I people live in Cochrane : I E gmws , E%ii%i;`Nfg K until (now. I have had typhoid fever or are now sick. The town itself has gallantly cairied its burden The Red Cross askrgOntario for in order to run the Emergency Hospital with 20 nurses and 80 beds : Also to care for hundrcds of convalescents still urgently needing special food and care to restore them to 1 health. u. .\1. \ ;\.\un. Ch.ai1'mm1 of lhe Election Bu:\1'd 01' the Cmlmy 01' Simcoe. TED at Barrio this 7th day of .r...- A h 100`) (`la irupI'u(:l()rs. ..-.n -n - Please send your contribution to the Hon. Treasurer, Ontario Red Cross, 410 Sherbourne Street, Toronto. ADELAIDE M.PLUMPTRE (Thin ndvcrtiument in publiuhad gutiu ' by thin nowlpnpet) $75,@@0.00 COCHRANE BUILDS STRENGTH ' ill. D211 ! IL` A.D, 1923. {.3.4;0;0 780 .r....-... ._.~ President .. W. WHITBY Page Seven H. ELSTON Pressed Special---One Week Only . All-`Steel Sliding Couches, green denim covered Mattresses, com- plete, regular $14.00--g 75 foronly . . . . . Fe`*$`; 3:,**;,e,:-W A. E. SMITH Hats diallecl and Blocked uj-unju- FURNITURE! An up-to-date stock of CARPETS LINOLEUMS ETC. FURNITURE Repaired 60 Elizabeth S_treet. Closed E7\'01`_\,' \V sdz1_\' p Phone 441W. p.m. Dyed Felt Mattresses, $7.00 up News Topics or weex Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. , __ The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for Perusal by the Readers of Our Paper. comlnutee. _ Seven persons injured 111 acmdents in Toronto. Qhvumn nnnnln Xziliurl hv rnrnnn in \ TUESDAY. Anti-gambling bill goes to Senate committee. Qmmn nnvannc iniuvml in nnnirims 1n 101'0l11'.0. _ Sixteen people killed by tornado 1n Texan area. 1m+.-nu eaunm DnI\|'n\r hnu not in. '1'exzm Detroit Street Railway has net in- come of $1,000,000. Riv nnaarmrrpw-Q living frnm Paris to come 01 qu,uuu,uuu. Six passengers ying from Paris to London killed in crash. T)-his-I1 nu-nee 1-nu-nu-1] 1-nnlv nf A-`Inn- ` 1..ox1uon mueu xu crusn. British press regard reply of Mos- cow Sovict as unsatisfactory. Lords refuse to hear Government appeal in case of Art O'Brien. Nov 1 A Mnr-mmld, lute editor appezu m 0: AN . U`b1'1eu. Rev. J. A. Macdoxxald, lute editor of the Toronto Globe, is dead. . Q61! Aanxn non}: hum nrnuinnfinn nF_ Recommends Chiropractic for Billiousness or me '.l'01`0l1L0 move, 15 ucuu. Sir Adam Beck has nomiuzttion of- fers from eleven constituencies. Atlnncir. cfr\`)'li)D r-nncn r-nnei(h.I`nhID IOFS rrom exeven c(,*11sL1tl1euL'1es. Atlantic storms cause considerable delay in British mails to Calmdu. Hnrnn 9:.-r-N-nzn-v Hrir1m=.n1:m r uuxuy 111 .D1'1L15u uluub LU ud.uu.uu. 4 Home Sec1'etury B1'idgen1zu1 resigns ` oice over Irish deportatious case. ` l`.nrm-nun rlnnmmcprl hv 1.01-d C111`- '7'-OIIS IIUIU, WLHCL1 P1821588 .l`.lU1ll:Ll.. Control of Quebec Railway passes into hands of Shawinigan Powv" C0. nnnnaioinn dmmlnna tn gnnL:'(=. uzuue I lLll.U uuuus U1. auu.wuuE,u,u ruw-` \4Uo Opposition develops L0 gouge game of United States vesselmen on Great Lakes. 1.H-.c'mq1 nnnzlidata nlnnfn hv rm... Liberal candidate elected by clumation in Nicolet, Quebec, election. 1.`rnn~I-nnn_unnv Fhafhu n1 DEUCE OVEF LFISH (.1CDUL'|.d.LlUL| Uilhc. Germans depressed by Lord Cur- '.ou`s note, which pleases French. I (`.nnh-ni nf Chit-\hP_n Rnilwnv DDSSQS 1CLlOI1. Fourteen-year-old Chatham boy rescues four-year-old child from drownillg. 'l )nnuinn Gnxrind u-nnline in `nvzh (11'0`\\"Il1Il!:7. Russian Soviet replies to British ultimatum in conciliatory terms pro- posing conference. I-Invniltnn inv-v hl!1!1163R driver nf DOSlX1g COIIIEFBHCU. Hamilton jury blames driver of automobile for level crossing I!"d.g'(IY, In which Toronto mun was'kiiied. mm` z.o..A.mc=. +-..nm (\nnnv1 u Iunvn ` Mrs. Ashton, of 127 Ascot Ave.. Toronto, Under date of April, 1922, writes, that z1fte1'snffarin:.: nine years. she was made well by taking; adjustmm1`.s from 111 VVIHCI1 .l.0I'UIlI.U 111'd.l.l W'Ll.S xuueu. Ten students from Queen's leave for England, where they will try the art of book-selling to the English people. A '[`m'nntn inrv investigntimz death DBOp1. I A Toronto jury investigating death of colored boy killed by a motor truck recommends lining parents for allowing children to stray on to the streets. urvn\' Iran A v South Africa still favors conferring of titles. Yihuninuu r-On`-nu in f\I-in Tdnuvc nuvh or uues. Furious storm in Ohio blows down fty houses. }m'mnn Rlliidf! toll now reaches L1LL_Y UUUHU5 Ge1'u1a.n suicide toll now reaches |60,000 21 year. I Rnv I".-unnn Qt-1uinn1nI'n din: ngod iumuuu a year. Rev. Canon Scudaxuore dies, aged 70, at Chippawa. 1 Rqnlz Ant rnviqinn will n1'(`.r'nP,d this `IV, Lll. L/Hl,'_Jj_J'd.Wi,l.. 3 Bank Act revision will proceed this |sessi0n at Ottawa. T)nn(.in and T)vH-min u-HI nnrvnfinfn `I112/l.Ll.l;l'a' 111 (1lS1)LlLU. Sugar reners decline to let public in on cost gures. H-Amillnn rlc-font T.nmhtm1 Lrnlfvrs I L r BCSSIUH `(LL \JLLU.\`Vd.. , Russia. and Britzxiu will negotiate jmatu-rs in dispute. Rusrnr rpfinnr: rlrnnhnn tn Inf nuhliq" U11 CUSI. Ll5Ul'L`.`S. Hamilton dc.-[eat Lmnbton golfers `at I-lamilton, 9 to 6. W 1a.'Lon angler hooks 16-pound .pike with trout rod. Thatch innnukrv-nut: nd fnvrw nn Phone E11150 \VlI.Ll UCUUL l'U(.l. 1 , Dutch immigrants nd favor 011 l :Lau1bt0u county t -arms. y The widow of Vvzzz,-111:1`, the great ;musician, is living in poverty. ; A British syndicate have gained control or the Bugdad l'{ail\\'ay. `; Chinx.-se bandits are Lilliillg their `pris0n'ers l'u1'tl1cr into the hills. 1 Over a. million dollars aluiiizlgu caused by oods at llot Springs. 1 `J-`I){]PI'Q (F`.n1r r:h\ r-N1! xvill nnl Ui.Lll$L`u U_Y LLUUUS ill, LXUL Dp1'1lIE:35. Lezlnders (English) crew will not llvisit Toronto Exl1ibitio11 this year. 1 l`ux'ont0 ux1sel, G. W. Mason, `K.C., named 1'01` Welland 2].I'l)lt1'1LLl0l1. l Bishop Willikuns would defer union luutil one church can bc approaclxed. l T)v'xn'\' Hszv null Fol`;-rII<:n1\ nxlrlrnuc VULIUL Uni: UIlu1'U1l cu.u UL,` i11l]_J1'UiJ.Cl1t1u. D1'u1'_v, Hay and Ferguson address `electors in Halton, Bruce and Nipis- sing. Thu Fn1'nIc-rr.- in the `hnnrr rliulrirife ; Geo:-:.,'e Jay Gould, United States I nancier, dies in France. i Ted Ray fails to qualify at York- : shire $3,000 tounmmollt. ' Two tires occur at Thornhill. Mrs. 1` Isuhc.-Ila Cooper dies 1`r)n1 shock. Aid buing rushud to Danish stezun- tar ntrvnnlnl nfx` \'..xn. cnnoin .-.nn..+ I mug. The fa1'u1e1's in the poorer districts of Manitoba are decreasing Indebted- l1(>`.5-(Si, 36. , Decits zunounting to $336,000 for ithe last three years make problem H01` Mvsthodist Church in L'1na11c'mg its F,111issionm'y work. ' I rrunrnunmv ...-\. AIIJJ/AAA! 1 Top Gallant wins Newmarket. i Stakes. New York Iiillies defeat St. Louis, 4 to 1. Italian Pzlrliameut meets for brief .cnu.~i.\n I `nu L)\'JH5 xubuuu LU Uillllll b1LUil.ll1` er aground oft` Nova Scotia. coast. Dr. F. J. Couboy, Toronto, is pres- ident or the Ontario Dental Associa- mm. 11 Ivnnna o4..o.<.. o..,.....;...... 1v..'. !5L':i5lUll. Sovxwal zlnmndlnents to Bank Act .p1'op9sed. Tx`rnnr-n wing nnvi: (`Tun srntnrx frnm yyAupg.3cu.. F1':mce wins Davis Cup game from , DOI1l11l1`k. - I n..na.,.m-Q n.-mum. mm. 'r`m-.-mm Get Your Ciahes 1JL'HH1'L1'k\. Izztltimore Orioles blank Leafs, 3 to 0. Q. \- nu--nnnu in in nnfl in urn y-:1-nun Toronto nn, llakiilla, 0 LU U- Six persons injured in various ac- cidents in Toronto. Gr:-ace declzlres she will\nol. pay `repziratioxi to 'l`urks. Allyssiniztn slave trade is on the in- creuse since the war. 1"uu1' thousuncl candidates contest- Eing elections in Egypt. 'l`-n-yea1`-01(,l boy dies at Fort Wi1- i lium of sleeping sickness. George f'xnnnr-irxr rlio-u in T`rnnr-n \)|l(lH\'L'llUl gotizujons 01. tor nations. t"n-n-6 1.? LUL llLLLlU|l. Court of Appeals says it is legal to Ir:mspo1't. liquor for exportation autside of Ontario. Dricnnnr llrun-uhinrr flnnnnu no- Prenliex` Brackm: Lldjustment of 11021` I \T'1nHr\)\<| ..HllhHlU Ul. UllliLl'lU. Pris-.>ner Ilo111'is11i1ig dummy re- vulver makes daring escape from ;\'urth Bay cmn't1'00m. Du:-m1 : (hvn (".hnntnr T O T] I4`. 1.VUl'tH uuy UU|ll'Ll'UUHl. Qua-en s Own Chapter, I.O.D.E., ` -.lecur:1Le ;51'uv<~s of soldiers of earlier gexwmtioxl at Toronto. I A rtnu: lnxvinw in kofuynnn {hp ' 5L'H\`l'Ll.llUll U.l .LUl'ULllU- A cow, laying in between the trucks near Surnia, caused a locomo- Li\ 0 to leave the rails. O'111'ien, released under habeas ccrpus p1`oc0e(1iny.`s. is re-arrested on ' .1 change of seditious conspiracy. Aliza \}VinnifI'rarl 'T`hnnmr.x R A an-` ! CH1U'5l.' UL .SL'UlllUll UUll3]_Jll'Zl.L'y. Miss \Vim1ifrc:d Thomas, B.A., ap- ' pointed principal of National Train- ':H'_Y \\'Ul'K. 1`HL'[{SD.-\1'. GLeaned \VEDNESD;1Y. ellur \(s tun or Cuno will contix1ue_ne- on 1-eparatious with credi- on favors a`libe1'al ` C-zwy Earnl debts in ` The Northern Advance ing School and superintendent or Deaconess Work in the Methodist Church for Canada. FRIDAY. An earthquake occurred at Guaya- quil, Ecuador. Y1-iuh onnrfnm: rafnrn fn Rritain quu, mcuauor. _ _ Irish deportees return to Brxtam from Free State. 1n..n....m n::m;nonm~ nnnmm-1: frnln I.`.'0II1 BT68 nite. France eiiminates Denmark from Davis Cup series. Pninrmrn cnvc war-saints: frnm Ruhr uavxs uup senes. Poincare says receipts from Ruhr pay _`,'or occupations. ' M nnirnh;1 hrmmn hank rznded by Manitoba braucu bank raided by American motor bandiLs. nnn-"neg I.-.r Fnv nnmnr rlnvnlnn. Gloves C-leaned Aln8l`lC8.l1 nwwr Uuuuns. ~ Contracts let for power develop- ment at Des Quinze Rapids. Gemmny semis 58,000,000 gold marks to the United States. Allies fear Greece may rush to arms over reparations issue. T):nnn1-'0 rlathnzxtnd :11 $400,000 '38 I U.l'lllS UV61' 1'b'pd.I'illlU1lS ISSUE. Dzunage estimzxted at $400,000 was caused by re at Niagara Falls, N.Y. Premier Bonar Law returns to London looking somewhat improved. \L-`all-.unl171:1-nninnc IIPHV FlnlahP- 14UI1U.UH IUUKUIE`, SUiIlU`\Vll'd.l. uuyxuvcu. Wellulld Uk1'a.nians deny Bolshe- visul is taught in Crowland township schools. l.)I\-arlnlnhin I\IhI.:.x"inc nrn 311 can. DULIUUIS. Plziladelphia Athletics are in sec- ond place in the American League stem-;i.i11g. AH lntxarvmtinnnl gnnms nnsztnnned L'sUx'-:`..'ll. Ali 1uLernz1tiona1 games postponed on account of u111`2;vorable weather l_t:U1l'.iiLi0l1S. I rm. Vi:-Lvuuxnrl Anch-nliznu nrnlnrr '.UULl Jl|.l.Ul1S. l_ Joe Kirkwood, Aust1'alia11 golng star, is elixuinz-.1s:d from Yorltshire (`$3,000 Lotiniuuient. Cy Williams makes his four- ;tcenLn home run; while Babe jliutli makes his fifth. 1 !.`.xnn-\ .".r.\r1.)I-I\h1l)'nf nrnunnfc T37-cs- ;h.`.lL1l 1I1L1Kt S 111$ 1lLLll. I Fzencn Government presents Pre- mier lung with token of gratitude to ($411-.1d:L for war work. `..x....,\m nmum. Tm-nn+n r1inain11= m-.114 .:L 101' war worn. I-Inruld Porter, Toronto, dies in 1 ganxge as result of asphyxiation Euules from exhaust of motor. Tlnll Rrivon luv `lav Lrnlfor 9f 5 LULHUS LFUHI Cllitut UL 1LlULU1. Ball, driven by `lady golfer at St. Bruno link, near Montreal, struck a 11-year-old caddie, causing death. '1`-~.u1nc and Lnhnr (`.mmr'i1 nnll: fnr L1-K8211`-Ultl cauuie, Cuusllly, ut:2u.u. T"ides and Labor. Council calls for d1'1SLiC revision of existing regula- tions governing the driving of motor 0-.1I'<: \\'c do CV(`1`)'H1i1lg` in the line oi. (,`l<-;1ninf_}' and ])ycing'. All Work Done on the Premises Goods Called for and Dc1i\'c1'cd. Give Us a Trial.

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