\/-L.\_I- uuLc| aunt u'DLH. M1`. and Mrs. John Im.;11z1x11 at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Holt, whose I`en1`ai11s were in- terred in the Union cemetery, Ar1~ listen, on Friday, M:-.1y 11th. N1`. VVm1. Tague, who has spent the winter with his dvaughter, Mrs. C1`-ossley in Toronto, x'etu1`ned home last Tues~d`ay evening. He looks well and no doubt has been well cared for. D" we (in: A \r.. '1..|... \~:L,., u . uaucu LUI. V Our fniend, Mr. John Mitchell, of Alliston, is mentioned the likely Li.be1'a.l standard bearexz W'eI1, John had `been to date one of the "also rans, and in W. Simcoe he wil-1 follow his old course should he run. u.1' .U. 21111631 t F my unm AC) , HUXU. ' Pleased to report Mr. John Easton as being able to a,1most navigate around town alone. Hope he may be restored to his t`o1'1:1er good health. Tunn-u ..... .....L 2.. _1:_-;:-,, ,, vvvv - lltilllll. Fnom present indicatuions Whip Evans of the U.vI".0. will not re- quire a list. in the stoc-las as his ngers will hold the count of the U.l<`.0. alfter June 25th. \T1` nnrl \h-e Ink.-. 1'.....\....... ..l 11:-1' puxu Llau 1101116. .\I1's. \Valte1' ;\IiI1i-gyan 1 'I`o1`0nto are visitings pa~1`ent-s, Mr. and Mrs. ley, here. [7`r\r\(~r\rI L.-. ...\-..\..5 \r.. Hlb Ld,l'lH. Mr. Fred Nixon is doing some fancy painting for Mrs. Orrock in her palatial 11-ome. \T1'c \\7nlov- \HIHn-an nun .-.1..'I.1 -12 ';V1l'. DUB the selwic his farlh. `.\[ T3:- uua up: 1115. We undenstanvd George .VIcDoh`a.1d has ren-ted his house. \Tr T\Lnnv~n nnv nn1Ir ..:n........ :_ ---w-v-1 an V-LI Farmers say the Land works ne this spring. VVIJ. 1lhtJ1`:fannr1 rlnnvrrn u..n.....1.: TAFFETA RIBBONS About 300 _\l*-.11-(ls best qual- ity Ta_ffeta Ribbon, about 5 incllcs wide, in all the most \\'a11te(l shades, i11clu.di11g w11ite, sky and pink. Regu- lar 350, for .25 THORNTO_N Page Five and child of ` the 1'orme1" John Cross- *, M rs. in u-nll Devlin s Great Cut-Price Selling Event 200 _Va1'ds Linen Colorczgl Roller Toweling in a splen- did \\'0zu'i11g quality and a big 200 value. 150 Sir Hemjy hqfyton 'l'I..-_. .1_-_J. IV--- _ President Canadialn Nationai Reiilways VVi11 be held on L WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, at 1 pm. RECEPTION AND BANQUET T0_ ROLLER TOWELING LADIES HOSE " T11! RED _.v ` `V . .89 /`F .25 L` I\l`lll I \ \ GELlS l`i a noted :7 ee weeks `nd p1'om- be1"ore vhe Vancouver n1'na nF +1-unl -.u. um I.U1l()\VlI1g omcers were elected: Hon. Presidcnt-W. .-\. Bays, 1{C., M.I . President-~Roibert Aillinghzuil. 1st Vice~P1'es.---J. A. Lennox. 211d Vice-P1'es.-\V. I-I. Davis. 31-d Vice-.Pres.--G. L. Davis. Socreaa1`y--G. D. Bzmting. TrezLsure1'--I". R. .A\1'nvo1d. Delegates wt re appoimc-J In at.- rend the convcrlition to be held :1`. Crolling-wood on I<`i1'id`ay, 19th, as fol- Jaws: Jas. D1.11d2Ls, W. J. .-\sa_pn, Dhos. Dunn, VV. A. Murphy, 0. Whiiteside, Howard Banting, .-\.' Thompson. Hy. Downer, R. Lownie, Mor1'isaon, W. H. Davis, Rev. '1`. J. Dew, G. L. Davis, F. R. Arnold, N. Co.\=wox'ih, VV. J. Milrler, \V. Hiya,- ,<.:in.s'on, Alf. Eliphrick, Thos. ;\IcCaw, Lorne Duvidzson, Ed. Smith, .-\n(1_v .\Ii1lm', Norris Hopper, Geo. Ross, F. H. Robinson, H. J. Donnell, Jas. .\. Lennox, Isaac Jeunett, F[`l1)1\" Goodwin, Vernon Fletcher, Geo. Elliott, J.` J. Marks, Jas. Hand, \Vin1. Co1'xti5.pa.11, Chas. Denny. The two year old son of Fredl Hurst of Nottawasaga died on Aprill 21 from eating some poisonous tab- lets which he found while rummag- ing through a. bureau (Lru.we1'. VVhen the mother left the child he was sleeping: soundly in his cradile and when she returned some time later the boy was beyond human aid. (- I The Essa branch otf the Liberal- Conservzttive Association held its axfnuu.1 meeting i11 the Oxgzmge Hall, Ivy, on F1-id~ay last, and every part of me township was well represent- |>.d. The following nmnpru mm-o ll`JSh';\ CO.\'h'l<]l{\';\'l`l\'EH i READY FOR `THE F RAY n. LUWHSIIIP was W811 repm following officers ed 2 Starts Fri., May 18 : Men s and Young Men s' Suits, sizes 35 to 39, in Serges and Twceds, mostly 3-pi0ce, but some 2-piece. Regular Values up to $25.00, for only $12.00 `to old-time religion. At the meet- .......t,..- - -. campaign in _ ises to work miracle. . closes. Before I leave -you are going to see -the eyes of the blind opened on this stage, and the deaf will sit at the back of the building and hear, said the evan- gezlist before an audience oi`: 7000 on Sunday. nigiht. At Victoria where Dr. Price closed a campaign, m were healed of various ailments and these will come to Vancouver to testify. The evaiigelist stated that! his czunlpaign was one ev-angel-istic one and not a healing mission. He' did not know by what strange power God healed the sick, but he knew it was done, and those who had in-3 stant faith received instant healing. He could not tell when the first healing service would be held in Vancouver. As soon as you have faith we will hold it, he said. This is nothing else but a return `v javc Iv ccn-o ings of John VVesley the sick were cured in the same llliI`.0I]l101JS man- ner as at our ineetingzis. We are clo- ing the same work as Moody and General Booth, and I have notihin-g that they did not have, said Dr. Price. Th. Dntnn n.-\~..,i...\L.. 1.:.. ._.....i2___.- COTTON PLAIDS Cotton Plaids a11d Tweeds, 32 to 34 inches wide, splen- did for children s school dresses. A big special for this event, per yard 500 yards of English Gring- hams, 25 inches wide, in pretty colorings, plaid pat- te1'11s, offered in this great cut price sale at only 14 dozen pair Cl1i1d1'en s Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, sizes 7 to 10, a hard \\'eari11g hose for school chi1d1'e11. Very specially priced PLAID GINGHA1`/IS CHILDREN S HOSE Special Bargains in All Departments New Goods Added from Day to Day MEN'S SUITS I29 .19 .22 Dr. Price conducts his meetings throughout unassisted except foi- prayers offered by the local minis- ters. He is a forceful speaker with clear, ringing voice. ' DEVLIN S lxl.\il,`-'.!:`5 or the disease. I Deceased was born on .\Iarcl1 20, lS52, at the old homestead at Utopia. For many _veurs the farm- ed at Utopia and about ten years_ `ago retired, coming to live in Bar- rie. He used to help his son, who! was in the dairy business. deliver milk,'and for some time also took part in the running of the butcher store owned by his son. Mr. Bishop was a Methodist in religion. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Martha .\I. Bishop; three sons, David of Barrie; William, farming at Gren- fel. and Eitel. farming on the home- stead at Utopia; one daughter, Mary Jane, at home; two brothers, John of Utopia and Albert of Gremfel; three sisters, Mrs. James Campbell of Muskoka, Miss Esther Bishop of Grenfel and Mrs. W. Hubbard of Holly. The Fnnnvinl ilvnn l\D\ rn.......:_`. _n x1uny. The funeral was on Tuesday at`-_ ternoon from his late resirfence, 133 ` Collier St.. to Grenfel cemetery. The service, which was held at 1.30, was ' under the direction of Rev. H. E. Wellwood of Barrie and Rev. Rin- . toul of Angus. panexlus. Mrs. (Rev.) little son Mac : with her sister, of Angus. I J.-\.\lI<)S BISHOP James Bishop, an old and respect- ed citizen of Barrie, passed away on May 6th. While not in_ the best of health for some time, Mr. Bishop's death was quite unex-I pected and a shock to his many friends. Mr. Bishop developed pneumonia. about ten days previous to his death and his weakened con- dition was not able to stand the' 1`ava;.:es of the disease. Decensmi ma hm-n nn \`r....,.u. an Ltil, Jlfb`. uzuue, in Monitreal. 1 Mrs. Will Ste\wa1't, of `Regina, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Hobley, and other rel-atives. | Mr. and Rh-2 tvmm nl n--:.n=-I uuu. nuuxey, and otner rel-atives. M1`. and Mrs. White of O1`i:11ia.| spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. IIO -Connor, Brad`1`ord St., Mrs. Wh'Lte s lparents. -\r`h-u {Dnvv \ `r 1-\ 7-\..4.-r -- ' Dr. \V. Brown Boyd of C01(lwate1`l is on a vacation to England. Dur- ing his absence his practice will] be in charge of Dr. Doyle of Toronto. gunug LH1). ' -Miss Mary Goodzfellow left on Friday for the VVest, whe1'e she winll visit her brothers. Xiw: \T f\ !"nnnn.. 1 x.....1L`44.J r`-I vmu ner nromers. 1 Mrs. M. O Connor, Bradlford St,., left on Monday to visit her dzLugh- ter, Mrs. Battle, in .\Ion`t1`eaI. Mrs. VVH1 Rtmmm-+ nr Dm-=-m I By a vote of 105 to 13 the rate- payers of Sutton carried a money by-law for $29,000 for Hydro elec- tricity for the villlage. Mrs. E. B. Reid returned to To- ronto after visiting with Mrs. Alex.` Milne. * \r.. ....,a an... `-7,, .. -- ` J1 IXIXU. M1`. and Mrs. Harold U1'1',v re- turned on Friday from their wed- ding trip. .Mi_qq Rfgn-v (!`nnrH`n`I1n... 1-Pt ---- PERSONALS J. D. By1'nes and spent last week end ', .\I`rs. (Rev.) Rintoull BOYS SUITS Boys Suits, sizes 29, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 35, Gr.1'c_V, Green and Br0\\'11 Tweed Mixtures w0r`r11 0110-`rllird more. Of- fered in this g1'0' , sale at your choice `M $5.00 Ends Sat, May 26 TABLE DAMASK Bleached Table Damask, 56 inches wide, for everyday use or for 1*estau1'a11ts and boardillg houses. This is a splendid dull. Yard The Northern Advance LADIES COMBINATIONS \V0mc11 s Fine \Vhit0 Rib- bed C01nbi11ati011s, short sleeves, lace hrimmcd, in size 36 only. These are very special value. .59 SILK GLOVES Ladics` t\\'0-domc Silk Gloves, sizes 6 to 8 in wllite, and 6, (5-},- and 7~}- in black. Regular Value $1.00. On sale, per pair ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE ~ Limited number of tickets may be had from I-I. Robertson and Arthur E. Patterson. Tickets on sale Saturday, May 19th. . yv.':L`ll.`u mu ue present. 5 A quiet but pretty wedding took place at-the Presbyterian manse, Clrurchill, on Wednesday, May 9th, when Lillie, only da.ug1h*ter -of Mrs. E. A. Whitney, of Toronto, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Donald G. Sutherla.nd.l' second son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sutherland, Stroud, the Rev. Wal- lace Johnston officiating. The bride, wh-o was attended by Miss A-gnes Sutherland, sister of the groom, wore her travelling suit of navy senge emfbroiclered in gold and hat of (love grey sinlk and gold braid, and wore a. corsage bouquet of pink sweet uuulcu uL Lllt.` close 0]: me service. The May meeting of the W -on1en sI Institute was held at the home of] Mns. Geo. Hewison last ',I`hu-i's/day a.f- ternoon, zt goodly n1um.ber being in zuttemliance. T.he election of olcers for the comiiig year resulted in all the old ofllcers being z`e-elected. Much business was attended to. Miss Dora Ferris favored the ladies with an instriiinelittwl, which was lieartily enjoyed. An excel-lent paper _was given by Mrs. Hiarvey Hughes on "C`dI1`21(1ii1ll Poets, which sliowed much ca1'ei'ul pi'epa1`ation. A dilllllt) luncheon was served and :1 social, lml-f hour enjoyed by all. Nextl 'l`uesd>ay afternoon this society Willi gather in the Methodist basement for the pnib-lic meeting. I\I1's. T. J. Week of Alton is the speaker ex- pected to be present. }\ I'`lllil'-\l hllf nrnlfv nrnr'|rHnn- innlrl A iz1r5.:e congregation attended the Methodist church on Sunday evening and listened to an inspiring and'.up*I;iL`hting sex-n1io.n by Rev. J. S. Stevenson. Mr. A. E. Page olf Bar- rie saug a 5010 entitled Only Wait- ing." A duet was given by Rev. and Mrs. Stevenson. The owers which decorated the church beauti- fully for Mother's Day, were pre-, .sented to the elderly Ladies of the (!hureh at the close of the service.| I The 1\Tnv nine:-Hncr nf H-an K`.(T.nmn.-.v.-: Mr. G. E. Scudzun'01'e was cadled to his home in Chippawa last Sunday [on account of his fztthers illness. Mizg Phvliu Nlmnn nl-` m........4.. uuumu:.;e nus: 1uesuay. E Uu u.L:uuu1lL 01 ms Izunelws Illness. Miss Phylis Muantin qf Toronto lspent the week end with her pm`- |ents, .\n-. and Mrs. Alf. 1\Izu'tin,. 8th[ line. .\r.... 1\~r..,... xv..- nv-_-_ u M125. Ness, Mrs. Wegar and son Max and Wilda Ness of Toronto apent bhe week end with friends here. .\ 1nI\rvr\ ........`...__A1--A V " ` ` Uncles to our village. Rev. Berry is spending a. few weeks in St. Catharines. Leslie A1'mst1`ong is renewing ac- quaintances around Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wallace visited Mr. Andrew Wallace recently. i Mr. Keith Stevenson of Toronto is the guest o`~`l` his parents for a week. \r.. .....1 an... 1'..__..,1 'r\ . - I VWe all welcome Mrs. Wesley I n CK:l\- I M1`. and Mrs. E1ne1'a1 Dolmage of Huntsville were the guests olf Mrs. Dolnnage lznst Tuesday. EH1`. C. F}, .9`.r-Iirlnnvnra 'ur-J1: nn.H.u1 am .69 .79 Men s Made - to - Measure Suits a Specialty. A splen- did range of samples to choose fro1n. STROU1; Plain Snow VVhite Blozmhccl White Cotton, 35 inches wide, a good cotton for gen- eral use. Per yarcl 19c FINE SHIRTS M011 s and Boys Fine Shirts in good quality P01`- cnles, splendid patte1'11s, some of the smaller sizes with collars to 1na t(-h, sizes 12; to 16:} Your choice for Fine Swiss Duchesse Satin, 36 inches Wide, colors Sand, Pink, Silver, Rose, Laven- der and Reseda. Regular $2.50. Cut pric event. ...- ._ .. We sell the McCall Printed Patterns. They make your home sewing easy. SUMMER CORSETS Elastic `top \Vl1it0 Coutil Corsets with light boning, a splendid Su111n1e1' Corset for slight gures, sizes 20 to 27. Regular $1.50, for only ' A c10a1'ig` lot of WV0m0n s House Dresses, sizes 36 to 44, in C}1a1nb1.'ay and P01`- calos. J_`110y are not the lat- Cst styles, but they will give. splendid wear. Special at lpeas an-d lily of the valley. Mr. G. 'A. Sutherland acted as groonlsmvan. 'The groom's gift to the bride was la. neck`la.ce of pearls, to the br1des~ mwaaid a. onyx pendant and to the gI'ooms'm.an gold cuff links. Dm- mediately after the ceremony the wedding party motored to 'I`onont-0. where a. dainty wedding dinner was sewed at the Walker House. The happy couple then let by motor for Hamilton, Niagara Falls and a trip across the border. I i John Birnie, K.C., will shortly leave Collingwood, having sold his practice to Ewen .\lcEwe11 of To- ronto. .\ir. Birnie was town solici tor for Collingwood for many years and was made a K.C. in 1906. , uu an t'\Ul'. I At the LiberaI-Conser\'zLt.ive n1eet- ing held in the Orange Hall on Fri- day evening last the folllmving dele- gates were upvpoinvted to attend the ,c0nve11>tio11 in Ccllingwood 011 Satur- 'da_v, .\Ia._v 19th: \V. H. Davis, Rev. T. J. Dew, Frc-,(1 Arnold, Geo. Davis, iJ1'., Nomnan Coxworth; substitutes, Jos. .\Ic.Le1ma.uA( Wesley .\Ia1`tin, B. L. Banting. The same oicers were elected for another year, viz., Presi- dent, Robt. AlI`ingl1un1; Vice-P1'esi- dent. J'z1s. L(l]I1\0I\' Secretary, Geo. D. Ba.nrtix1:.:; T1'easu1'e1', Fred .-xrnold. SILK POPLIN Yard wide Silk Poplin, col- ors Sand, Grey, Purple, Re- seda, Black, Rose, Russian G1'e011a11(l Navy. Regular $1.50. Special, per yard Any di.1`ecto1' of the Orillia Agri- cultural Society who is absent from three successive meetings of the (lirectors will forfeit his seat. and another will be appointed in his ' place. DUCHESSE SATIN nucu: hue now 1s, are not Iavoraible. The secretary of the Ivy Band is kept busy these times answe1'inr;._', letters pert`ain,i11g` to e11ga`ge111enwts. The band already has three days booked within :1 month. The Ivy ox'ganiza,tion is znpparenly as popu- lar as ever. Ar Hun T :I..,.....v r1..-...-_...Ax:--- -r I uudl uuuvelllloll. The nlenrbers of the -\n-glican ohurch held :1 meeting on Monday evelxring and decided to hold a. gar- den party and cold meat supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lowrie on Friday, June 1st. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Robt. Coulter is not at all well. She went to Toronto to :1 specimlist last week and latest reports from the `Victoria .\Iemoria1 Hospital, where she now is, are not favorasble. The Sem'r-Itsurv nf the Tvv Dunn! {:- Hrs. T. J. Dew and Hrs. Thomp- son Jennett, delegates from the Ivy Wom1e11 s .-\uxiliar_v, were in Toron- to last wek atAtend`ing the W.A. an- nual convention. Tho ynoumhn.-.~ up 41... c-.. fauuuuu U11 Cl'll I1`0\V. 1 mun usL at tune or wrltmg. Mr. I. F. Lennox, whose ankle was broken three weeks ago, is progres- sing favorably. He is able t.o get around on c1'utches \h'r.` "I" Y nut and \r.... rnu__.._ . I `Mr. Stewart .\IcQ11a_v is 011 the sick list at time of writing. F. Lpnnnxx \vh,n' :1nL'1n uv-no WHITE CETON HOUSE DRESSES 1;-55` HUCK TOWELS 10 dozen Honnnod Huck Towels, made from long wearing cotton yarns, a very serviceable towel at a `low price. Each .98 .98 .98 IVY UUV. Two events of note took place here this week. First, the W.M.S. concert on Monday evening and Miss Shz1rpe s recital on Tue.sd:1y even- ing. Miss Sharpe must be a re- mztrkable teacher of the piano by the displwuy shown by her different pupils. You would be suI1pri.sed to see little tots lifhteid onto the music stool, being too small to assist them- selves perform. Miss Sharpe without doubt a wonidenful instruc- tor. Mr. and .\I1`S. Theo .\1c.\Ii1lun ct` Cookstown and Mr. Bla.ckmo:'e of Let'no_v assisted and no doubt they are A-1 in their different lines. It certainly was great sati.sf;1ctio:1 to parents to hear the advancement made by those who constitiite part of their families. We bespeak a still greater future for Miss Sha1:'pe and wish her the greatest success. XVESIGV Rrnnkg n: hnv-n nn .\I\ uct 311.35 DIl`d'l'pt`. An I-ri.shm'an fresh from the County Derry landed here on Sat- urday morning from Toronto and was on his way to work for Lorne Cha-pman near Egbert. He said he was glad to leave Ireland as things there are in a very unset-tiled state. He was :1 member of the police force in Derry and said his line was at all times in danger. Mr. T. M. Fletcher is certainly re- l)eg.inni11g fawning on an imiprovd scale. We saw a team of horses he tool: off the train here and they are one of the best in this locality. He also unloaded a thorougvhbred sow here on Thursday evening. Mr. Fletcher is a believer in what is worth doing is worth doing well. He has had his farnl rented for a short time and he is going at the job of working it himzsellf with a vengeance. The farnl is one oif the best in Sim- coe. .u.v:uA_y. \Ve were reminded of the fact by a. frieird that we had failed to mention that the pupils of Miss Sharpe at he1' recital presented her with two dozen beautiful American pink roses, the act showing the esteem in which she is held by those whose musical talents are advanced under the instruction received u11~ der Miss Sharpe. An T.ri.:hm-an Fraah hm... +1..` lllll. Soutlh Simcoe has made one of the best selecli-one for the local house in the penson of our esteezued and able friend, Mr. Eanl Roe. Roe is out to win and he will will. \Ve hope W . Simcoe may be able to se- cure as able :1 man as S. Simcoe has and no d`0llJbt it will try to do so. The bnrlv nl` Hm Infn M: Qnrv11I1oI auu uu uuwut 1L VV=l.l1 my to (140 The body of the late Mrs. Szumuel Armstrong, who died in Toronto, was buried beside that of her hus- band in the Union cemetery here 011 Saturday, May 1`2'th. The deceased lady was well ki1`own here y-eans ago. The late Mrs. A1m1st1'-ong was a cousin of the late M1`. Thomas Henrv. UU [D5111 Henry. wn Ladies Silk Hose, colors Gree11, Gold, Smoke, Cordo- van, Taupe, Palm Beach and VVhite. Regular $1.25, to clear at .75