Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 May 1923, p. 4

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Page Four REPAIR BUSINESS SELLING OUT! lII`I'. -1. `III hirul |H l'. .x`, |\` Hn1muI`;Lll. lwlmv. Ii. imilh. ll. \`h `\ nuImn_\' n Dr. H. I ..|.`..-\ I`|'|` , Arcom, ba.s1\.; 1`. n. .\-.,,-.u.,` )it, .\Iich.; W. R. Gunn, Avon- , Ont.; J. L. I-Iar\'e_v, Ithz-.ca,. \V. C. Hodgvins, .\'e\-rrlzxle, ; D. J. LZLWSOII, Shoal Luke.` ; 1-`. \V'. Leslie, Dom';nic-u, 1.; R. Macdonuld, Shoal Lake, ; A. L. .\Ic.\ zL`I)b, Sxuitlxls I-`a11.-:. ; W. A. Ross, Wesion. 0111.; . Ride, \V';1l1u('c+.bI.11'_:, Ont.; O. C. Ger. Dc-t1`()it. .\I'1ch.; L. R. \\':1j;- 1'. Bmcc-b1~id: 0111.; C. Young. n..o- \ niuhnn .Tnhn'<, Oyving to ill health, CHAS. BROWN, Boot and Shoe Repairer, is forced to give up his business on Dunlop St., after 35 years in the business. ` I JUHUIL. .\1u.u., 14 LL Ice-bridge. nt.; .~\. Bishop. St. Joh .3. Browne, Bermtlda; IIu.\'tie1d, 311111.; R. 1* \nn|II':11' T! I" - Q ',H\h."\ nun. |m|Iulau'H_\ nlm':\ h_\' l\' livl \l1uL p.-wnl d:IlL\' In Percy Corbett was in Toronto and Lindsay this week. \t.. uni` \h-.- r` \InTr.~.n (L GI`f' in mnusay uus ween. Mr. and Mrs. C. .\ICLV .'.9.0 were in [Creemore on Sunday. ' Geo. Parker of Lindsay was in town over the week end. -Mr. Staplewn, Sr., has been ill in the hospital for some time. . Mr. and .\l1's. Har1`_\' .\l:lne have returned from New `01; Campbell Raikes has returned .from R..\l.C. at Kingston. : Jeff Bertram of Toronto spent the `;\verl: end with his 1110?`: ' `{ Mrs. J. G. Hubbert _ ' daughter in Collingwood this week. ' Miss .\lubel I~`inle_v was 1.u.:ie from Toronto over the xveek s;-uni. .\Ii.'~:s Ellen Dobson has been ,. .-. r.u- xl'::xL\.': in Tnrnnfn should emulate them. ` Canada s supreme task is to make her thousands of intmigrants good Canadian citizens. declared Dr. Simpson. We have people here speakinsr 07 different 1angt1a_:es.1 There are colonies in the \\'esI}T which are a menace to Canada. Their public school and the church of; God must always be emphasized in} the assimilation of the great Cosmo-1 politan multitude of l1llllll`_ l`Zll1 .S._ \V`il1 they defxratle us. or will we help Canada's future by elevating; them to our standa1'd:~: ? V I have no patience with those who yreaclt against church union. The` do not know what they are ta`.itin<: about. The only way to bring the people of Canada t0'_'?ll1F-I is by the federation of protestant` forces," asst-t't(-d the :~:peahet'. Elan)` interestin: facts com.-ernin:.; Can- ada's \\'t~nltl1, stnttts and people worr- related. Dr. S':mp.'~:on lld(}Zl\'()l`C`!`. ( I 1 LIED 1. spending \Iv: \\ \l|l| 111050 11111` 1111):: 111` 1111-51 111` 1110 11110 1\11'. 111111 .\11's. '1`n\\'11e=11ip 1111` 11011 village. .\1r. 411111 .\11`s. 1-`. .... .. `un 1-niu 1uIuun.~ 1... nour Szu'ni:1. !\lurriod~-~.\t the .\I(\th0di.=t pm`- .-:nnzu;-. 1Ii11.~:d:\lo. by tho Rm . J. l~`x',\'v, nn \\`u11u~.~`d:1_\'. April 18. 1922!, Miss Yolmn 1-Idwurds of \\',\'ebridge In Mr. 1-`rank I-Idwxlrds of Medonte. '0 mo nlousml to note that they will reside here. PERSONALS .\H`..*~`. .\I.\ll'L' VASEY 0 xvoamwr. Drvmmn of Tiny o\\ x-usiduxlts of our _\lll.i.E-Ii 3115) UH lu are maki vuthor. ..........n n \'m,\` are visitin_:: and M 1-. oI.\_~r Ililh Orillir I..un1 m d 21 n1 n. - land g the \\'n'.r`n (""T`I"l~` 1') 'll'3tVV' l(l'w'IL{Il lib` v.'n!l.~= in s'ti<~k_v lw.'ul=, nmi fmn, `the son witliout. 'l`h(- szit-l-:1-riinxg am--" of nunk and burning: Szmrlul wnnrl pervades the heavy ntmo<;ihr-re, and the ear is tortured by the wail of musicless instruments of reed and string, and the monotonous tumn. tump. tump of a skinny knuckle on a native drum. The dim light is `thrown by two long tallow candles which burn before and cast waver- ing rays upon, a hideous Joss. the grotesqueneas of which is accen- tuated and exaggerated by the mov- inp: Jhadows on its face. Before this .1033, which the cotton gztrhed coolies revere in their silence, is a latter of fruit and chicl humble offnrinpz. But the food offer- ing does not suffice to win the good graces of this terrible and mlstnro god. neither does the so-callorl music sufficiently influence it on behalf CHINESE GEIIER s'r. CHURCH RE-OPENED SUNDAY` CRO\VN :\'I"l`0R.\'EY COMI .-\Rl`}S \VlT.\'ESS TO .-\N.~\.\'L\S The neighlborhood of Vvaverley ` has had several regrettable episodes ` within the last ~l`ew years, and an- other was aired in the Midlaiid Police Court on`Monday, April 30. On that occasion several young men `of mpparently respectable lfllllllliel ]were accused of obstructing the highway and using obscene language to three ladies. The offence com- plained of is alleged to have taken a place on the night of April 1-1, when _ the ladies were going from one of the stores. Vlun .7 nnncnu fnr Hun {"1-nxun rn- t h e lot` Barrie acted [or me ucutiseu. In the course of his examination he the chief offeiuler. but who de- nied that he was a leader on the ui.:ht in question, Mr. Cotter asked the witness if he had ever read the Bible, and on be.in_-.: told that. he (the witness) 11ad heard of such a book, the Crown Attorney enquired if he had ever read of Ananias. In this instance the witness disclaim- ed any knowledge and was told by the .-\tto1'ney that he should be .thank.ful the Magistrate was not St. '1=a`ui, adding. that the witness had .-\.uanias `put to shame. nwm lsxefnrl fnr nncn three hours of one of the `boys who appeared to [[18 stores. The witnesses for the Crown re- lated the ci1'cun1sl.ances in detail, but they were pra.ctical1,\' all denied by the accused. though, in order to get away on a boat on Monday, one Inf the boys had pleaded guilty be- fore Mr. Cook the previous Sutur- day. "l`hn nnsn was in chm-::e of Oicor day. The case was in clmarge Rich of the Provincial Police. and Mr. J. R. Cotter was present in be- half of the Crown. Mr. J. R. Boys of Barrie acted for the ztcoused. I 1.. Hm. nnnv-an no` hi: nvnminnfinn Anamas `put Io snume. The case lasted for three hours and at its conclusion Mr. Cook ned three of the five boys $30 each and $3.65 costs, or three months in jail. _._\1id1nnr1 T`rm=. Press. (Oominued from rst page) kingdom may come and His will done on earth. In the evening the Rev. Dr. Simp- son took as his text Deut., 8-10, \Vhen thou hast eaten and art full,` thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which He has given thee. I urru.-. ..nn.-i 1-anrl hnw: nuonfinnn is $'6.h:) COSIS, Ur lllltfti uu `--`1\Iid1and Free Press. One of the largest Liberal execu- tive meetings held in Centre Simcoe C ifor many yezlrs took place in E1vm- vale on \Vednesda_\' last. .\=bout `fty 1 iwere present. the several munici- : t I l 1 ypalities being Well 1'ep1'esented. .~\ll Lpresent seemed eager for the fray! land it was decided to put up a ;candidate. A nominating conven- Hion will be heid soon. i \v~nnn(r tho nnmne mmninned in tion will be nem soon. Among the names mentioned ,connection with the nomination are- 1 J. T. Payette and `Wm. Beck of Pene-I `Lang. D1`. Simpson and D1`. Hart OH ' Barrie. I'.1.O.-L.-\BOl{ (`ON \'E.\"l`l()X , .-\ I,'.I .O.-L:Lbo1' Convemion Willi 'he held in Eiiiivale on SaIu1'd21_\'.| `.\In_\' 12. The Hon. E. C. D1':11'y will ,be in c11ar_::(+ of the 1119(*iiIIL{. which will `commence at one o'clock. `to show that national consciousness ;must be enlphasized if Ave are to itake the place we deserve. 1 .\'ov.'he1`e else is there to be found `a country like Canada. 130 sure `that Thou bless the Lord my God for the land He has yiven thee," `vconcludul Dr. 5imp.~:r>n. I JOSS SAFEGUARDS LINER IAIBER.-\LS \\'II.L NOMIX.-\T I1} of its mvh_1'm-ts, than-1 ore, that thvir wi.a'hr`.~; may be gratified and its evil designs be brought to cunfusaion, costumed suppliz-amt; for its mt-rvy dance before it, dos:-rihing with painted paper St.T1'9.m(`rH,i()n[_'(`UY'V(3H, dashes and abrupt swings, indicat- ing that before it can turn Mt):-he its wrath upon the ship in which they are about to sail, the god of the noun nnli windq mind fi()\.V ll thC about to nu, ma gun or me was nnd winds must flow :11] the difficult nvc-nut-3 dr-..'wrHu-d. Q.` 4-man-.-Hun hx Oh. hnlhxf AV Hun IHHICUH. V('HlH` G(`.. K`TlY)FG. So, ac-mrdimg W the lwliof of the (`hint-r;o= mt-mhv-r.v. of their crews, are thra (`,nn:uli:m l'n<-if-iv Flmpn-I-lacs" accorded sale passage across the glvuu u ICU. The good land here mentioned is Palestine," said Dr. Simpson. It was a land that did not lack any- thing. W l1ose stones are iron and out of whose hills thou mayest dig the brass. ~,_._.1._ 2 .. nhuilnv-In hlnqf Ii (1. l fray 1 mt ioned Ition u....+ nc=`.( Ur. Cliff Jamieson of Hun1i1`t;on spent the week end with his pzxrexrts ` here. hu 0 n :1 1\h-n 'l`x.'v~nv n n I` l'n n|H\' ' 118113. Dr. and Mrs. Tyrer and family were in`I3arrie on Sunday. Miss Elvira and Mr. Gzu'nei. Reid were in Barrie on Moutluy. Mrs. Comes of Toronto is visiitim; -`Mr. and Mrs. Moses 1~Iow:u'll1. ;\lr. Junws Rix of Cr0wn~ Hill spout. Sumluy at Donald l\lcl{:L_v s. Mr. W. 1*`. Junnieson h-us m()vo into his new house on Y0n_L:e .s'1rm~t.. `Ala n1\I\ nuncnn uvhn hue hum. .m1;o 1115 HOW nuuse U11 xUn_L'.l: hll'l.'l`l.. Mr. Ben Gunmn, who has been visiting in Midland, has returned to town. - {Jun \`r\To`.\uLn1 null YUP (`.'.I\".InsHVh own. Rev. M`cI~)we11 and Mr. C1l\':lI1:LLZh u.tt0n(1ed the l. 1`(=s.h_\`te1'_V Ineoting at B.'u`riu on TIICSU-1l_\ . llnc T\Inr-I.n.nn nnd. unn nntl ?\lI`u luv Ulaaa. Canadzr is similarly blest, de- clared the speaker. All that is true of I a1esline s `we-alth is also true! of Canada's. \Ve have here one of the best countries on earth and we do not know it. \V}1at Cmuula needs in .. nnnnnl consciousness. The L5ZlI'l`ll`. U11 ll|L`Sll'il_\`. Mrs. x\IucLez11L and-_ son and Mrs. Loith of Orilliu spout Sunday wnlh .\I1`. and Mrs. Archie Mu.<-1')(m:Lld. A par-L_v of men frunn the Ru;:;.:1(-s Truck Co. of 'l`0rm1t0 are spending 11. few days in town during the sh- ing season. \ \h- .I \V Nnrnvnod. of Hml lng Scasun. .\Ir. J. \V. Norlhwood, the People's State Bank, I)otrolt. is spending: :1 few days with his hm thor, Mr. G. E. Nortlnvnod. The young people of the l\Iet.hr)(1- ist cl11n'cl1 hold :1 social in the husv- menl. on 1`rid`:1y e\'enin;.: of Inst. week. A good time was l'(.`p0l`lC(1 by all. \T.. '| .Tnv-nhl Qhnvl rant] NI I` F` T` . 1 V x C i i uuumngs. The young` people of St. Mary's church, B:1I`l`i8. put. on zt concert. in Dean`s Hall on '\Vednesday evening of last week. After the concert the young people (`nj-oyed 3. cowpie of hours dancing. The I-Iillsdale athletic field on the outskirts of the village. reccnt1_\' pur- chased from .\I1'. Jasper Martin, is being speedily put in shape for base- ball. Mr. Charles Dennis has been hard at work on it with his tezmn for the past few days and as soon as sufc-.ient clay is drawn to put the diamond in good condition, tho boys will start practicing. We look for quite at number of good :;zt1nos . this summer. 1 VT`... 1 I r\ momim:-c nf Hm inr-nl golf weeli. M1`. and Mrs. Kenit have returlled home after spending three months in Toronto, where Mr. Kent has been in attendance at the PaI`1izLment Buildings. T`ha xrnunrvi nnnmln Of h I1l.l'V`S L) ullulue 1 ` 6 '!`l\n 1 x ! this 1 Two members of the local golf `lclub, ;\[gsrs. Northwood and Mc- Ewen, attended the spring opening ` of the .\Iid1and gollf course on Sat- '111`dz1,\' aflernoon of last week. The `day was ne, with the wind a trie {strong in the e:11'1_\ part of the after-, noon for ,::00(1 54011`. The local 1'e-i p1'o; h0\\'e\'e1', report ui sznod _zz1,1ne and fee] that tlmy 1113-! held the honor 01' the ]~Ii11: cIuh.! Tho C1115 house -. which is h<=:xnxil'u11_v ned up, was xhc scuxm of :1 p1'u11,\'\ urn`-in] pvrnnf Inmr in tho n1'wr1mnn."r bUlJl(ll CVCILL when the px 0nte1'tz1ine 1'.u1_\' n1embe1' present. Re and ;1 most : rvr\/\r\9 T`m-if'i'. For fnr1_v yr-m`:~' the (`Ima- (liun l m-ifiu .`1-:m1:sl1ips, l.l huva mp4-.r:ilcd on l.h- l zu'iflo wllhuul any serious xu-viclunt illlul prnvllcully no lm-H4 of llfv, nml lho (ll1l1w.~4n- ure (`Ull- fidnnt that this re-wml hues ln-on H(`l'll1'V'Il only by T*.'LHl)Il nf llmir evorci.~m) of the evil gulls. ltc-:qwcI- ful of lhe religious Iwllc-{:4 nml : funriua of ull itn pu.~s.~ the company ullnwu tlm Urll-nluls to practise lhvir rvliginus rile-.~a with all . cc`-.rem'my, nml the prlvjlvgutl unsi- dc.-ntnl (-nn Wl('l1 llw prmw-wlimra with nmusc-tl nml smiling; hut un- ; expressed uubclicf. HILLSDALE do it. wnzu uux1-.u1-.1 uvvu: is :1 national consciousness. l(n0w10(l::e 01' what Cz1nz1,dz1 is. and has, should be instilled in the ris- zynnnrnfinn. We enjoy meat` B\{:`llL 1'v.lll.`l Hi prc-:~:i mined .\ 1:11` . 1111131" H1 ll|l' il1l'.flllUUIl, prc-:~:i .\I1'.1 1:1_vl'ai1'. ` A large numbm` of 211:. as well as mvn, \\'m'e ex1'e;~'hx11e11ts were servoxl e11joy:U)lr:- u1`Le1'n0on \\'u.~: The No1.'t110n1 Aclvance CIILL` tho \Y` .St WC.-eli. rue Ma_\01- by |)_v~1;1w. 9 Will (-1)" That. 112l.\'i11_L`,' con. the 1'T- M'U`1"ten(1e1's suhlnittod for the construc- 1'e-g10n of a public 1a\':1t0r,\' wold re- 13 W00 11icomn1end that no action bf.` Hike!!- thnt Hmv nn-1` .._ p... d ntly 2u`tin, ms [1 put ition, ad ocal -ek. (1 after- 1 \ 1 I \ N |coUNc.11. A15PoINTs 1 CHIEF or POLICE (Continued from first page) on the road opposite 150 Essa St.` lo take care of the overow of water. Mr. Robertson has agreed Lo ll in and do the gmding. The said catch basin lo empty into the ditch in place of into sewer. I.nwm~.-.llvrne~-Tha.t the Clerk or into Lower---13yrne-~That be inslnlcted to write to the Hor- ticultural Society conveying tlw thanks of this Council for the gift of six waste cunlztinors`. and that the Society he asked to co-()p0mt(: with the Board 01' Works in pludmg of u-nun ingratitude. Canada has a historic background, beginning rst of all with the red- men, then the struggle between the French and the English, the war of 1812, the United Empire Loyalists. to whom we owe it great debt, and culminating in the Rush Bagot treaty by which was estzublislied such `relations between Canada and the 17.8. as do not exist between any other Cotl11'tl'iS to-day. Between `Canada and the U.S. there is a boundary line 4000 miles long _without a fortress or soldier to guard it.. Canada proved herself in 1914. Without waiting to be ask- ed she volunteered to send men to France. With a country like this ehnulrl lmvp :1 great national` szune. 1 :ul.e1'so11--7-Lnw(n'--- That. the qlwsl, of the Bell l`e1~cphmw ()0. gmmed under the supervision of I Bozxrd 04f Works. 1)n`h1n~lg-nll ;. ,l<`i,qhnr . [`|1;.[ I l ]5()1l.l`(l on W()l`liS. 1{olhc1*tso11-:~ rl<`isher That Hr. Ardugll be (.`ll;.{:l;.((!(l lo (lollno tho lino l)(`l/WL`(`ll tho town pr()pnrt.y and that of Mr. A. (2. Walker. upon (lu- \l[l(l(`,l`Ul1\'ill_L{ by Mr. Walker thut when said lino is (lellnerl he will (\l'(3(`,l. it Slllllithlu l'(-.ncLc and l)(::tl` all Cost. Of said l'0n(-.9. R()l)e1'tsm~~ -l<`islwr~ -'I`h:Ll Ihe lin- ance Conrmil.l<-u (tollsidor Hm ml- v`ls:ul)ility 0ll' l`ll1t(2Ull;_{ hy l)y-l:Lw sucll m;;11l:1t.l()n.'~'. as wiu (mwlllu the Coun- cil lo enter into an lU.fl`L`('lll(!lll. with all property owners who may lluvo an area. or may l1el`eu.l`llo1' (lm-sire to inslul any l.l"c`i.l. upon the streets, such agreelnent to relieve the town from any liwhility and that the Flu- ance Oommitteu be uutllorlzed to 1 consult our solicitor re said agree- ;|ment. n...v.n..l.....` 1u..nm~enn_-'I`hnt 1 00 ' ment. Rolbent s0n-~1`at.Lers0n-- That 1 0 0 copies of Auditors Report be print- n Reports 1 I The Fire and Police Committee , recoumlended tllut the tender of Buchanan & Son of $215.00 for two Dominion Royal Cord Tires be ac- cepted, Buchanan & Son to take old ~1iros and tulbes for $40.00. rm... Tinunnn nml !\guessn1e11L `llI'l`.i lulu Llmlca nun '.'l\):vvn The Finance and Assessment Committee : (1) Thzut having considoered the request of the Secretary of the V~ic- torian Order of Nurses for {L Lzrunt, reconlnlentletl that no action be taken and that Clerk notify the Sec1'etz11'y to that effect. (ox I`hzut ihr `Rnvs Council be Secretary to Lnzu enem. (2) Thzut the Boys Council lf_`.'l`:1I)lGd the use of the Police Court Chzunbers on the evenings of the second and t`01n`th .\l0n(lays of each lmonth for their Ineetings. _3) That no aclinn be taken in !tho matter of .\'ing :1 salary for the l .\lz1_\'01_'_ by l)_\'~l:u\'. 4 (\ rmmo h-n-inw r-nn. I'(>(1 th }:1ppoi11r:1n1o11t 041' Constable ';Chi(-`f of Police at :1 salary of ,pPx' annmn was con{'n`m>(I. --- . r. , v r- I. .. ... ` ll] 1, 1 surplus ` `*7 02.1 7 position.` {pun l'u H L Hntlul` Appoints Town Chief The Council went into Committee, 1' the \\'ho1o to discuss the I'vp()1`I f 1119 Fire and Police Cmnmittoe re Chief 01' Police. On rising the .....,.:..-...nn+ mo ("nn_:I:1hir1 CHSO 21$ ing 5:,ene1'z1tion. We enjoy great pvosperity, but do we realize that there must be e.\:Irz1ordinary good-1 N. nn thn nnrt of a people who; shoum be msuueu 111 mu ..a-l '|'lIU unnnau nn=....,, Hm-in-Iy will lw lwltl in (H~ulru| f\`lulhIHli:sl '|Illl'A'lI nu (\lulIla\_\` mun inpz, Mu) I-I, wlwn u 1'u1|'-.-u~uluIi\u frmn 'l`urnnlu will nI|n|1`u.~a:; llln In-an-I hm. tm >`.:nn|;u'. Muy III, lln-, \\'n|'k of HIM Hihlu Sm'ivl)' will In` llu` ..r ,. >4hnK'| aulnln-::.-a ;:i\-n in Illlll I llu-I all ..I a ,.'.-)-n.:.... I the loan $1,U-l().tiH. \\' um-..4 1 ISIIKLIG h'1H`l|'2 - A '1 01 1'()1IL'e. UH I n.nont n+ u Lvul-,1 v~\' Hum um... ., , ul` an 5110:`! prnlu-:sl:ml (~|n|n-hv.- of lhu: :S\'|'\`itto):$ of H .'| |.I-I mu >`l\ l`\'-SIX` l'I.v\li.\` .\ ' -ta 1 U . U u . l`llu1n `1`| .\1n' :n-\~ be e.\:Ii'z1oru1nzuy guuu-I mess on the part of people who are so Iblest. Let us not forget God in prosperity. The linsunctied ac- cumulation otf this world's goods is nnnmin has vl in}; ..n A muy I-I, um HI) In ;-,i\ ..I..n~..hn..- in f\|I`}I'}'I`|NH nl' lhv IHI '-- .-`I x . . | lllhl.-l N-ulrull GRA Dl.';\'l`l NG -'l`}.\'I*}R(,`lSl'IS OI" ` I ONT. VE'l`ERl.\';\l{Y ()()l:Ll*.`-GE,` |\`vl'I vurk Hm The spring _e.\zLrninations of the? Ontario Veterinary College, Guc1p?1,`& Ontario, were completgad on April 30, with the following results. mhr. llrnron nf D.n(~hpInr nI' \'FTPY`- BU, witn Lne Ioiiowlm; n:.suiLa. . The dr:;.;1'ee of Bachelor of Veter-`V inary Science was c0nK'<:r1'ed on .\iay` 1st at :1 special Convocation of the: University of Toronto an thirty-i three grzuliiules, as follows : : r` n uni.-pr vnntrpal. 0119.: E.` `three g`I`Zl(llli).IeS, as luuuwa . 1 C. D. Baker, Montreal, Que; Brown, Nnpinka, .\Ian.; A. Canlpbell, Inverness, N.S.; J. Coad. Arcola, Sas1<.; I-`. 15 Detroit, A more, I11: \- v . u n Ilrnlznu \'p\r. lllla `in we should have a. great national consciousness and thank God that we are Canadians. Our .\n1e1'ican: cousins have a great natio11z11 con-I sciousness, and in this, I think, we! emulate them. i f"r-nnrl-1': cnn1`K-`-HIP task is With country Lnie um` I

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