i age Two years COI1I.I'lll)l1lC 1.0 [[19 lIlUI`t`LLSe. part,-nient, under colonization roads, the estimates last year called for $107,000. This year almost :1. mil- lion (llollars are wanted, the sum Dll1f. $857,000. Di.sal'fecte(l poiwtions 01' New Ontario will be given an excuse, if not :1 Valid reason, for SllI)~D0l`[lI)'; Governuient gandidmtes, who will be able to point to these inc1`ease(l e.\'pen(lit.ures colitemplzited ~-an(l by then probably under way. , The Hlgllwuys Dcpzu'tment., under i Mi`. Riggs, is also loolciug to in- l creased zulminislrutlive expunditures. _ which indicate lzL1`;:e1' cupilzll and )`C0nsLruotion S-})I1(llI1_LCS on the prov- "incial s_\'-steni, the ('Stivlllil1(3S C'dl1lI1,L' xllor :1 $20,000 salzu'y and expt-11305" In the Lands and Forests De- ' ,;i11c1'e'.1se over last yezu"s <-.-.~:Iin1z-.tv2s.' `` ;\1t0gethe1' these two road itt.-1115' gshow increases as follows I 1922 . . . . . . . . . . 33,420 1924 1,0.3>s,630 Increase .... . T I The Depzu`-tnlent, of shows an even g1'ez1te1' incr nstinmtes for the c111`r0n1 1 `increase is 5.110-\\'n as Iollm The total i11c1'e:1s<.-2 u\'01` the umounx voted 1:151 year in the main osti1uz1Lo.~: is shown at 21 glam,-e as follows : 1924 .. .. .`..$21i,090,77S.0L 11:-)'! .'T: .H 1:7 E` I o 1 I L.o;.;1s1:LIio11. . .\(hn. Justice `|1*):juc.ul.i0x1 .. N ` I mMi(-. Insti- Luliuns .-\:.,_-`1'icL11tu1's: .. `Cn1m1izuti0n, I 1 `\JlI'lA \..,.. I 1 1 etc. . . . . . Iluspimls etc \`l-,uhnnn<,|nr-n ljilllllh, l`Ul' (lovl. `.&ld;:s In-pl. L:uhur Pub. \Vm'1:.s`. `Col. R0zul.~;.. I Dapi. Public I-Ha-'hum\'u ILA-.;n. 1 uunn. I'}.`.'h\V1L_\'S. `.:1Ine:1n(1 l"is11vrios . .-\ I.tur-(:m1'l. i n...\,. unmu ` l'i1l 7! . _\I-inos R(~.I'unIl:s' :\1is(t0l1. LWCII. ' In its 1 culinn. bring; : o..l1.nI :1 il Bil I1 wr-.11-1 l`hm'< (?\'l`l'_\' 1l('.l.lU1l aulu H|U\l,'llll'lll To :L1'1`iv0 at suH'-1n:1:=t<-` must learn to control _\`mn' _\'mn' likes, your luubits and u a mu- _\nu K'V\`I In; that you drval 11-0 ouch day` l`hn `nnv rn Detailed 0'u"s and 1 (1-0 (`:l,Cll 11:1)` .' | The `my 01' girl who t'hI`f)l1g1\ un- Ii1'in_:: and (lete-.run`ined effort l)1'in_us every -u.bi1it.y and emotion under his ...- hr mmtrnl will have 1'aShim1-I1 :1 t`,\'L`,l`y ubiliiy and 8111011011 nuuwr nm or ll("l` control will have Iii`--. prcpuned for great deeds. Seem- in-gguly drab tasks come easy and work is :1 delight. Rally your forces. Find out what you can (lo. Train your body, edu- cutn your mind, discipline your :nl)ilil.io.s. T\r\ ...-mm mimru nnnh din 1'01` no k'U\ l.'l ll :L1`1ll0.`!I. .-nu nu.- mbilitius. Do some things each day for other reason th:1,t you would 1'uLhc1' lnol. do them. Tiglmvlnm the mmls. 1.....m nn imnnrlnnt task undtmo. `not. do Lhum. Ingmon we uuxur. L,\zLve no important tnslc and snlccesss is yours l)ocu11se you lmve learned sell` Inustc-1'y tlnough self discipline. ` Totals n.s`hi< BRICK OR BULK `.5. ;\lany 11:1 '43. task. l {I [S l)U.$'.l. r'.~`.(`J|:-ll,` IL l|l|"4lll.`3 on-n ru nn. And to 0-d`u(-nlc svlf is _2; out 01 yours(-11' your on In in an ordm'l.\' um] .~_\'.' lion. Did you on-1' uhss-rw-, -lr:Lim'd and =di.~'('ipli|1r-`.1 2ll'Ill_` l'(,` is no friction or lnsl nmlic ' at-.l.im1 and mo\'mn coun ..+ (...|r_......,...-\ \- D:-tailed :-'|nmn:\r_v The Big Jumps |'||v' 107,5 181.? 2-16, In ,n|.r,. . 9 1-I..,S 126,: U`)! YO["LL E.\'J'OY OUR .2-1u,u 50,: [.286 ` :1: ,.).)o ,3-10 $2,334,092.15 Show i ng u-nun in nr :03): 0203010; ELAKEVIEW F-ml-JEL co. 6 ` 00000000006 The Simcoe Marble Wmrks 20 Owen St. - Barrie, Ont. .l`wo blocks Casi of Clan-kson Hotel We cannot handle all the fuel, so We only the best. Leave your order with us for any quantity followmg : HARDWOOD-No. 1 body Maple, sawn and split to order. . TAMARACK~-VVe deliver it any Way you want it. BIRGI-I-Ou1* spe(=i;1l for re places a11cl1-a11ges. Try Our KINDLING for star ti11g your fire. It has +1. . ,.v.n..1.. FRENCH ICE CREAM LL J TJL J-LLQVSJLI-hi-I I .L\7l IJ LL11 [LAID J LIILI A-l.l \.1t .J.u A.1.\.\>/ the spark. MIXED WO0D--J11st the fuel for ]n'Cs011t use and April, The LAKEVIEW FUEL CO. Recommends Chiropractic for Billiousness (f`lmn. y 0 11 1' l\I'm'111nmntt now and 1L:1\'(3 it set, in tlu,-A Sp1f111g. Our stock is now well :1;sort- ed. Spociai good stock of imported granite. ' ..`.l Prices Right Er. W. J. EASTMAN -n1. ...,. A or7r7 f>i~oi5.' 131.} Y NUW ruwu MAKJE. CERTAIN ,I YOU GET A C/_3>.R AT THESE PRICLES Runabout 3405 Touring, 5445 Coupe $695 Sedan 5785 Chassis 8345 nm1-af'*"`'%-n `, BU'Y.VN0`W AND BA A K`? 1""I`-D"l"A\VY\1 OUR MO l"l.`O-Y;\LUE AND SERVICE Barrie store phone 125 Allandale store phone 770. ROBINSON & CLARKSON, PROPS. PHONE 962 L) .I. A-I.l..:..n.a.v P:1;1one 277 Build A Garage with the difference between the price of a Ford and that of any other car. 3 ' Barrie Motor Car C0. 60 Elizabeth Street. only handle quantity of the Barrie R. G. MANUEL Mgr. Phone 721 \Ve deliver m.1_\'\\'h01'0 in Town ED. BRYSON S Confectionery .-;AuI $:;:mo - nun (`,()H\'(`X`.l(`Il.l'l'. $3500 ---.\ n~\v homo, :3 z1cr0:~: of gzrmnud, see this om). $2l0()~-Brick house, ham. 5 1I.('l`l-`K, Zh2NnrthvrnA_;ha`ig:r`x acres. $5()(NL-Tho host 50 acre farm in Simeon county. . 7000--0ne of the lyest 100 acre fa1'n1s. A-1 buildings. :5 700 -.-\ : pn_vin:.: busi- ness propusiunn. Qvlvnninl` 1`rnnr~r1i<`9 Use it for dcsse1't to-day. Just Phone 125. III 4 19 Ann... V..- - Dunlap 41.. at Mulcustcr. Plmnu 2 ;l\\`. rvn nu _.-.._.,y- Machine Co. -<.\Ic.><.1em bficli, vnn Inn In. ID]. 1\ ID 1. tn Phone 1-13. Sixnger Sewing _... F.` :5` Lmu. l`I`n})r'1'Iir-.< V A1la11c1a1e ")""' \ "' 1 (Founded 1_845'_i)' ._ `z Published every Tum-`sday \m_orn.-\~. lng at the oice, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Subscription $1.50 per year in Canada and Great Britain, $2.00 In United States. Subscriptions payable in advance. Advertising rates` on application. Morrison & McKenzie, Publishers. Bxvyan says wealth is :1 disease, but doesn't tell how to catch it. If the people of Ontario are tired of .:r0u~p gave-1`11ment, as we believe they are. they will soon have an o,ppvorLunity to prove it. A large number `of tra\'eller visited Bamie (l111'ing't11e`1z1st xveelk or two. .-\`p-pare-ntly 111z1n1Ifuct11rer_s and wh01esale1's`ax*e out.-a,l`ter busi- ruhutcn L-irnnxr this: RWH'inE_ {Ina 'l1(HB5illlU um: uun.- ness strong this spring. A war \'E'tO1`i1!1 is in an .~\mericun jail charged with having been en-` gaged in t\\'enIy-0ne imitrimonial ventures. Now, did he 01' did one of his score 011` wives get jo.11ous " The `retirement of M1`. Ruxmy frovm the D1-ury lovernment on the eve of the I`1'o\'inci:1I election is but. another evidence of the h1'oz1k-up oil! the Drury group in the Le:.;isl:L1L11'e. Live stock are not allowed to run at large on the 1"ro\`inciz1l 11i:.:hw:1_vs. Even `hf :1 Loywnship has a by-lu.\v pe1*miItin:.: stock to run at 12u'g:o up- on the roads of the 111llI1'LCi.-p[L1i`t', it cannot supercede the st.-ut.utes of the r)..,u-hu no For the last ten _vem`s the farm- ers have been led to believe that 2111 that was required to bring (ipwu the price of 1nachine1`y was a. strong '30- presentntion of farmer members at Ottzuvn. There z1.1'e new 65 well paid niemlbers, supnorted byia council of agriculture also well paid. and yet machinery has gone higher. '\\'hat is the matter ?--Yo1`kton (Susk.) Y)vvn;-u On and after July 1st, when an zunendment to the Coroner's .\ct goes into effect in Ontario. it will` not be ne-.cess:L1',v for a jury called on an inquest t0.view the body of the person upon whom the inquest is held, when the Coroner. with the consent of the`C1`o\\ n _-\ttox`11e_v in xvritinz, directs that the \'iG.\\'i11;;' 01V [the body shall be dispensed \vi'.h. ` When the Conselwutive. Party left olllce. the debt of the Province was $97,000,000. Mr. Drury and his] associates held up their hands in` {holy horror. Give us 3. chunce."` they said. zmd we will show you" how to conduct pnhlic business; [ 3, et-o11o1nica1l.\'. 1`lwy got Ihe ch2u1cc.| |; 1`h pnhlic debt 01` the province 1'91 now .>'3.-13,000,000. Good way to: l 'u\\-A\l)iI\lA\ AA/\f\'\l\'I}\' THURSDAY, M.-\Y 10th, 1923 ,'.;'1IllL_\'. ' .\l)U115I1 pu.11u1.1.1;_'c I \\ um! roads in 0114` of the planks 111 then" 111'.1L1or111.'1dm. the \\ (-11, they 11u\'u been in oice 21 M2211` emmml , and 21 112111`. T11oy have z11)()1is11edY H. exp`, 1110 pl-a111<, not the pu11`0nu:.;e. No{m.0p0sE,5 t's,\\`:1' 1111111 Lwulwz 111e111be1`s 01' (1e- mmdiu., . > "' Iezxtnd c;111d1dz1tes 11a.ve been elev-.1t1'2(11 hmhwm. to 1110 bnnch, some 01 11111111 111 1110` 0- ' _ . _ |....8 111110 111019 01 p1'o1c-. 1f1'o111 the more f'.111`1.0u1d In` 111`11ded 01' their own [`o1l0\\'i11:.;.$t H 1`}m latrrsl. is A1`lhu1' '1`1';1hz1:111, .\I.] . t::_ewh1::] 1'01" l\'1r.-nlul, who i1i..-St W('1\"I`(.`C-.`i\ er_l :_1 Q1111-hc-c jud1ges11ip. by \vhi(.'.h fully nu 'T`h :\ u :1 x`-) \.u... ._. -...... `speech om- lrst minis1 3 Ontario. I B1'1lssoIs Post : imns:-nsic-211 rulo un the fuel prograin ror 1923-4 does not present EL very cheery outlook. For yours Lhe Dl1I`Ch:l.SiI]_.`.',` public 01' ed as to q1m`.':{';\', quantify and price of coal and the hroiu.-n promises and grmds, even at mpnotch prices, are fr(>:~:h in the memory of of pnopio. where and- it should be s0mevb0(1y's |1)1Isi1ws=,:~`. to clear the thing -up and 1u:11 n, jnh of it too. Why -should not the Dominion and :`.I'liHIlHZ`I1tS and the United States Cnn_';res.=. place this iuipnrlzml. mat.- tr-1` on 1: husis wlhat will 1'e-i11s1ato 6 Between strikes, icoxubinn:-3, international 'tzm5.:1es and ;the Province have been badly` `.1`ent-` faihirc in many cases to produce -the` thousands: Blame mmst rest `s01nf.'-` Prnvincizil i arhv 01]-tinm m(-thods whom `21 primn` izn-Iir*in was laid down for $0} or $7` in mu uml nu compilmcnt Inude oi`. During n-11 +11. |(( lllt lll uL2L.\vIu`,; ';tlm.=v \\'lm have it, and illstztnc-vs \\'}l<'l`t". it Hlvll` sz1v m:.<. /\`tto1'noy-Gom.-rul Rztnoy, 01' the Ontario Gnvernmen-t. intrmlucetl into the Ilousn LL hill to nu-(.~t, the case. No doubt it will pass. hm, strange to szuy. some of the Opposition members show signs of opposim: it. But the nteasuro will be a popular and u salutary one. and the electors of Ontario will 1'o(-knn with those who throw oh- stzwlcs in the way of it becomin:.; 1:t\'.'. llllll ._ .. in so lll:1ll_\' icllulns`. most of .2-:i:TT--j .- ` ` I k'mr.: at Milton on April 1-1.1.1 I. C. Drury, Premier of O11-`,I .'us very complimemary to thei 5 raxive 1ne.111vbe1`s in the 1-I0use.|` how the P1'omie1' put it :`I .The C011se1`\'uti\'e pu1'1_\'-~1l n ,.y zvnx' vhn Fnv1cLx1'&'4IVi\'a LS lll" 1Hl.'lllUU'I.\ Inn n|u.sn_v ' _u DC- -I)I7]f` or 1imitwl hu.s'inns.< ` ir:n<-ea, their smooth mn_L:ues and mtinz: ways are too often suc-I 11 in drzuvin-,2 money from ...1.,. 1.. .n it urul in an 1nnn\' ;`l'\ilH\l: \.lU\L`L1llll.ClLL `Abolish putx'm1u:4e" in n1-Ink: in Ihnir 111:1 i3Z{RmE s Essw LAUNDRY 2 znnt n the election c:1mpz1ign ofl Idberals denounced put- (me of the sins 0! whit-111 ..o:..,. (`inn-nv-nnnanf urn: 5 L'_"`-"f * f"m11'1l\`~.=`. 01 county 1 -I'0Vm(:1:I.1 W Sms ` '`h1 \vu._\'s. This would provide G"01`m.9` `V35 $4.300 21 mun for bui1din:.; ". roads in u. DC`!`11lZ1I1GI1L nuunm ` 1 '1 1-`(1e1' lam , the county won `em 1 H190 "`_-"`3"',ex1Iitle11 to a r(~1u1'n 01' $i;()I'J,( -3" b"1`5he_d`,t]1v expm1dimn=, and W1`. Jo 1 p'``'m`-`='* ' k0! proposes that this should be H -1 '3 x`- ~ ,._V . . . '4 m `IL bu11(l1u'.: more Cuuniy Pro hiqhwuy, drawn from thr` 1'<-m C or `"` 1" "l2:)3 n1ilr,-:<. 01' c.m1nl_\' hi;;hw:1y. `v-nm Hm mnrp. fniri ....x.: u.,. a-rmn nnn o-...- m 'I`h.~ L. ..-.n 1\l` Lon oflon suc- (1 .:u .1u1r\.~`. .\ lo1'm~y-(`.mu.-ml It ) u 01180 11 yrs f Um (1 ,nd of .9 rho I pi` I 1 \ll!\ ('1 of pa. nriul-Mi WI" history but not sou k`) were su fact is the mi 11 busines .*\t 3. '5 Railwuj 11" York I` 01 vice W 195` was; st: We countx-_\ 1 :11'_v 1. :01` $1,540, 1- that 01 been 51 <~-st Y0] was` history Irllu IDIALIH vI.n;;;;~ ...\-.... The movement behind the pro- motion of the Blue `Water Highway from VVindsor to Collixlgwwqod is` gaining 1n'o1'11e_ntu\m., Rqqentlty _ Jag. delegation from the` 111nn'idipa1ities interested waited mpon Hon. 1. C. Biggs and laud the p1'0~p0sit_i0n be- fore him.` Mayor .\1"1h,u1' of Culling- wood. was one of `the _nu1'nahe'1'-and came home entlulsetl with the idea. "FHA Yl11)l\ nr Hm m-nnnsod hisrhwav 1101118 911111115811 Wllu LHL`. Luca. The .plan ot`.the proposqd 11i_::11\vay is"~to' follow the" east shore of Lathe.` Huron. cross to the G(`01`_`.ZilI1 Buy f1'o111 Southampton to Owen Sound and thence lead on to Collingwood. Hr-re `it cont1nuunc'e of the 11ig11nvu.,\' by way ot` VV"usu.gu Beach on to Pene- t;m;: imd 1\Iid1und' is proposed. At, the latter point connection would be made with the C01(1\V.'.l101` 1'o:u1, which is to be improvetl and robuilt th1'our:h to 019111121. \Vc-re this sclwnle c-urriett through there woutd ' be :1. 101l1`1St route around the waters I`.' 1 ..x,-.. u...~nn -nut r".nm~;rinn 1'~tn\' nf I I 1 be 11. l0ll1 lST. l`()1lI` aruuuu lllc wauuis 0t` I.u.ke Huron and Georgian Bay of hetween two tuid three humlred miles. the S(}1l`H19N_\' terminal being on the IIHOI`I1{11i()Iti11 border at 11 point at which motorists enter Cau- ada from the United States and the x101`tlier13 at the entrance of the _L:re:1t Mnskoku. summer play :.:1'011nd. It is a large project, yet one that is not beymid the possibility of the 119211` t'utu1`e. Oa,1mnit,v howlers to the c0n!1`uI`,v, the 1-ailm-.u1s of this country are making plans for one of the heaviest traic and car-loading years in the of railroading. This (loos sound as though the country suffering from a. decline, which :11.\v:1_\`s known first hand by 1'z1ilI`ouds--the barometers of business conditions. \v n nunnfihtr ni` .fhc\ .`\n1nI-innn your eyes do not run the risk of 21. complete breaic down of the delicate eye- m11sc1es--hz1ve the exterior and interior of your ey<+1necha.nisn1 examined by our reliable opto- metrist. VVe W|i1`1 detemuine your visual acuity for near and far seeing. If you need bi- -focals we will suggest fused lenses that give the appearance of one Jens. Our moderaite prices will interest you. IF. you cannot depend upon 'l`Hl<] BLUE \\ .-\'l`l<]ll H|(iH\\';\Y ,__. \.._L:...I 41.,` nun, DUSIHBSS UUllll'lLlUllb- meeting of -the Railway Association held recently a report of car ser- was given. 111 the report it \\'21s;st:ued that the railways of the c0unl1'_v had authorized since Jz1nu-- 1922. an expenditure of `$l.5~10.000_.O00 for equipment and of this Slllll $4-10,000,000 had `been spent in 102'. to help the larg- . volume 01` 1`i'eight truiiic in the ; of the roads. s No surer indication of an era of l,p1`ospe1`ity is needed. \\'hen the l`21ilI`()21(iS are poor the rtonntry is 1 1imlvi':z0i1i:< 21 Sllllll.-D in t1'ad<- con- diiion.<. It lllls z1l\\'n_\`s been so, and pmbnlily will never vziry. 'l lw yo-ar . 1fi:3::l is going: l0 lie wli-u.t )`a `goocl 1`z1il1'ou.d _\'ear-1i1lich bet- ter than last _\'C`{ll`. And it is now uup 10 Ill: 1'-.1`ilmnds to l`n1'nish traits- .*por1uliox1 ellic-ioi1c~_\'. \\'ith the ex- _`pc,-mlilim- oi` i~.`.JI)4_r,nm,tv0n for con- strnciimi and Opt-`!`21tl()ll it lLDDL`Ll'S that tlw pr.-dil-ted onrnsli oi pros- perity will n1uleri21li7.e. .-`lmerican in New is called : l ': lHLUL LUV! l|l(lll| llI_h,Ix\Va_i-1 lib!) built at once , on (L I \\'hi(:]1 would enable the Slchine-1')`. and the most 13` and L%i'!`c-(trim mr-Ihods. "1 {lit-m)i11: up 11059 well 1 i , would nut be so great L" maintenance of the presr 1'n:1r].=. The z1nnuzLI cup ' -.-u ; wmlld lw only ufnont, 5,51! 0 ...:n .....I .. 1.nH` nn Nu; ' Ed) 5 IX `udir-ul policy. ;-hnnlrl l'.'..;Z5 ll1ll(r:< U1 (Il)llll|_\ I1I;..',uwu_). lHt'Il' `would then he $303U,000 for expen(li~i `turn the third yoax` and so on lill ' the wlmlo mlllirm haul hm-r1 SD(l1l .,I linm the cu11nl_\' \\'rml(l lwl. nm\'E(lw1 with main rozms. The z1(l\'anl,u:(- of. this plan W()ll1([ ht` ltlrzut the main highways \\'l)ll1(l all Hug 1:111:19 scale, Iwhiull use of mu- chine-1')`. ruosl. erronomlcul Ml`:-r2ti\ o The coal 01` ll: (ping tllese built rozuls ` < u: 1.: ....A. L. :n thn I \'\ Ulllll HI` U|Il_\ (I- mill and 21 hall` % l'n` tho p1'e. Iislnn bl.-1i0\'r:s lln lay is a .:re21t er . nu-...v ..-Hhnnf .7 \\'01ll(l HUI. Hf` bl) given it): III III!` present infvrtor capital ct1ru`ge 0111) $75,0t)(), 01' :1 on the 21350891110111. p1'vsm1t svstmll, .\It`. J0hn- . .'-((5 annual m1t- tstnn thv Int `lay extent twim: ttittowtl `iL\\'l)'\Vi1h()llt z1ccmnplishin:.: um - >thin:.: pr-rmanent, and without pm- ivttlilll: the people with the roads rc- lqutretl for pt`(?S(.`l1t day tmvel. \`{0l'l.l'> l{.\|.\'l`I .\l`il.l.l().`{ F0}! (.`(){'N"l`\' l{().\i).~'. ll _L(`l. UH \\ 111711` {to if p0.<.si`h1e. ' I)iHqll:!lili0(l ru... Dl'l1`.l\.II;I D IJIJIJI. lJrLUL1u1\A L ` I I LEM BROSJ Dhrmn (Hf: - T<`ivn priH rS`f V. xonld K Jll(l_L'(*!-, C1:-rks wt` l c~:1('u, C .\ILm'm-ys, l o1icv. .\I:1.,<.:islr:1tes; \I Iuwn over .1000. R<-Luruin',:. O and his Clerk for the ri(1im.:. E](`(!li())1S on eleventh (lay Immim1.\,i0n. l'o11in_s; 8 11.111. to 6 p..m. for 1'ui1w:L_vn1en and_ sailors days before. ` Ttniim-n nlnr-Hnnc-. (thnnr-rm w` ' HH._YS |)(;'lUl'l'. Bot-ore elections chance rziven to have name 1')la.ced Duo notice will be :..:ivt-n of hunk now on list and see nu.mL- is tllcn. V I.~:.c11s'si11g the question of ronrls` 111.1)`. _\11`. J. D. Johnston, ;\I.l .P., 111211 the time has come 1'01` `.11 ml ('11-.1114. in the county road I _. , _._ :.. u...a- hr. nruIIv\!I' )1 LU _vl.-an um: the whole sun of County 1 -1" 1 . u 4-." (`IlilvIl<.` H1 lllU lJUuu|_\ u Iiis plzm is that the C01] raise :1. million dollars by 5' On I-r,r\vv .1 .1u.nnn~uu 1 l`l{().*-`.l'ER[ l`Y \\'H() .\l.-\\.' \'0'I`l. \,... .\,... s~tuhj(.-rrts on April 12111, n:|IllI`:L1iZO(l since. Mules vs 2} yeurzs 0-1' a_L:e at time l'L'tLHu In .puuu,vUu ux` Inn, .\I1'. .Iohnst0n used 111'} we Pmvinciulj wn lh`1'('lnli11in_L1 Cr)1lnl_\ '[`horo :11 mm o-`m- u\'nnntH.. 0. R. Rusk:nQVph.D. r\`r\r'I1r\\l'I'\' Residence The No1'the1`n Advamce ;1_\`s ween so, uuuyshow mcrem '_vz11',\'. '1_'11c* >e ls callcda 'ear"~1nuch ' ' ' _ mac T D99 000,000 for Sh_WS " ution :Lppea1's|f`5`````tS_ [0 1)ros-1""`50 15 .1126. 1923 .__ $ 1924 I`:-um \'nlinL-; n n, ., ru. pl`0\'1(lG nIi1din:.; 0 nlun nu ||\.u in C:lI):H](L 2 pulling (in; 11 Ar-Inrul (liviv-'. |\'l. w riding. me lhm-0 i vrly lived, this privi] n h-nn.\ nu Hll1H`.'I'. l Al`| 4 ,' would be ;()I'J,U00 of ( 1'. :1 in 1 - u..,...:..,.:..1 i1 '|_\ nvuu, ru-:- his privilege. have moved -`hnericrux reporl ace iture nent 5000 ['x(: the\. 11 D c \ c W'orkm:mship gum'antecd5 Phone 616. Five Points1,, Laundry called for ., and delwerod 1 I. E Prices reasonable '1 1 I I I on all fznnilv washing \ uu_\ an (livi.L'.i1: will bol on list. I n1\lI I-un l |'lIl|lb`C. if your bl U \V II ; where Olcer Hun. V the and non! The expenditures of the Drury Government continue to increase, .'.zg.n-d. ._t1_ie.e'sgt;innate_ _a; tiaabled by Hon. ' Peter Snii-th, `Provincial Treasurer, are evidence of -the fact that econ- omy is no l0n:.e1' 2:. wm'king.; plank in the U.[`.O. `I):1d.t>1-OYII1. V ' `. . The tutu) a.mount.. which" the Legis._luture was asked to vote on the iiluin eisbiinzites in its (lying; hours .' an wr.'n`nn :n'13,fwhichfis u}_)()u1, t,\v() M10 1' Polls three the main eS[vlvI_l12ll(:`S 1,11, us (1) ins; nuuin is $3:7,6;t)'90j6.7:';, t-'wl\lc,h s_. and a hall` million dollars lll-()l'('. than was voted for the same S(`l`\'l(.'L`S on main ustiinates 1zist.1_\'en1`. in taco at` its \v:v.nIo11 (3Xll'il\"il_`4ull( (` of the past Iiscui year,` \'vlmu `pi'z1cLicull_\' nine million (lol1g1rs` was i1(1(10(i to the. prov-ince`s ordin:L'ry UX1)en(lilLll`(', th-is l'11rt'r.er increzise is now forc- sl1a.(lto-wetl for the currt-nt _\'e'.u'. And in:u~;m1ich us` the main ostilmitc-s do `not include items` under Stumlory [C.\'.p>11(lit1i1*o" uml inasmuch as cupi- tul expenditures for services and (le- pzumiieiits which will be most effec- tive vote ;:(>tt`m's, lll2l_V go to any un- :.v11ess2rl)1e limit, it is safe to predict that: next year's puihlic accounts will positively stagger this province. Signiiicant Inc|'c:1.s`es .-\lrezul;v it is uppziroiit where some ol` the 0:-;-tru money is to he spent~ and one need not be astute to gitess why. The iiicwase oi` approximate- ly two and a hull millions is made up almost entirely in three depart- ments ,alt.hough frfteen services, ms shown in the strmmary for two contrilbule to the increase. Tn fhn Lnnrlg nmd it I I 0I TO.\lETRIS'1` 38 Elizabeth St.,